William J Federer's American Minute

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American Minute Archive

9/11 September 11th - Political Islams Long War on the West

9/03 First Prayer in Congress, September 1774, "Establishment Clause must be interpreted by reference to historical practices & understandings"-Supreme Court, Galloway

9/02 Labor Day, Railroad Strikes, Grover Cleveland, Eugene Debs, Socialist Party of America, Outsourcing

9/01 William Penn - Imprisoned for Liberty of Conscience

8/26 Sam Adams "Father of American Revolution": "The right to freedom being the gift of God Almighty"

8/26 Fisher Ames "A democracy is a volcano which conceals the fiery materials of its own destruction"

8/25 Louis Pasteur, French microbiologist noted for discoveries in vaccinations, microbial fermentation, and pasteurization

8/16 Women can Vote: History of Suffrage, followed by Manipulation; Price of Liberty is Eternal Vigilance

8/15 Who is King in America? Who are Counselors to the King? Not to Vote is to Abdicate the Throne! --The Lord will hold accountable!

8/6 Herbert Hoover: Childhood on Indian Reservation, Quaker, Stanford Geologist, wife spoke Chinese, China Boxer Rebellion, WWI Relief, 30th President, and his views on Middle East, Communism, Constitution, & the Bible

8/5 Jonathan & Sarah Edwards, Schooling in Colonial America -- Whoever Controls Education

8/1 Herman Melvilles classic Moby Dick, 1851, & how a Hawaiian Missionary saved an American sailor from being eaten by cannibals

7/20 Race Politics & the "BIG SWITCH" from INTIMIDATION to ENTITLEMENT with LBJs Great Society Welfare State

7/19 Tennessee interesting History, Heritage and Faith

7/18 Miracle of Dunkirk & Sir Winston Churchills views on preserving Christian Civilization and fighting Socialism & Sharia

7/17 FLASHBACK: A Democrat President who defended Man-Woman Marriage, Student Prayer, Lower Taxes, Balanced Budget, Cutting Welfare, Supporting Israel

7/16 William Penn "The Sandy Foundation Shaken" and "No Cross No Crown": "Christ Cross is Christ Way to Christ Crown"

7/15 Apollo 11 Moon Landing & Buzz Aldrins Communion on the Moon

7/11 Alexander Hamilton, Aaron Burr, and the Most Infamous Duel in U.S. History

7/9 French & Indian War-The First Global War: The Courage a Young Colonel "Washington was never born to be killed by a bullet!"

7/8 Not Black vs White but Republican vs Democrat

7/7 Statue of Liberty— “America ... a last effort of Divine Providence in behalf of the human race"- Ralph Waldo Emerson

7/5 JEFFERSON & ADAMS — 50 years after the Declaration of Independence - they died the SAME DAY, July 4, 1826

7/3 Independence Day -- "GREATEST REVOLUTION that has ever taken place IN THE WORLDS HISTORY"-Ronald Reagan

7/2 Battle of San Juan Hill, Teddy Roosevelt & the Rough Riders "Resolved ... the people of the island of Cuba ... ought to be free!"

7/1 Battle of Gettysburg: Turning Point in Civil War "I invoke the influence of His Holy Spirit to subdue the anger" -Lincoln

6/20"All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing" --Edmund Burke & the French Revolution

6/19The Ten Commandments & the need for a Moral, Educated Population in a Self-Governing Republic

6/18Character, religion, virtue, & moral education are necessary in a Republic

6/17"The People have an Incontestable Right to Check the Creatures of their Own Creation"- Mercy Otis Warren, & her brother James Otis

6/16Judge Learned Hand "What then is the spirit of liberty?"

6/15Cold War Tactics: Fifth Column, Critical Race Theory & Social Justice: "These trouble-breeders have but one purpose - to divide our people"

6/14Fathers Day! "America needs heroes on the battlefield of everyday life" -U.S. Senate Chaplain Peter Marshall

6/13"Dont Shoot Until You See the Whites of Their Eyes!" -June 1775, The Battle of Bunker Hill/a>

6/12Roger Sherman, and the importance of Gold & Silver

6/11FLAG DAY - "I pledge allegiance to the Flag and to the Republic ..." - A Republic is where the citizens are co-kings!

6/10"Our threat is from the insidious forces working from within ... infiltrated into positions of public trust" -General MacArthur; "Under no circumstances must Taiwan fall under Communist control"

6/9"When a nation goes down ... one condition may always be found; they forgot where they came from" - Carl Sandburg, Pulitzer Prize-Winning Poet

6/8John Wesley "Religion of the Heart" & Francis Asbury, Circuit Riding Preacher "one of the builders of our nation"

6/7Democrats vote to disarm Blacks, "No freedman, Negro, or mulatto shall carry or keep firearms or ammunition"-Mississippi Black Code, 1865

6/6President Franklin Pierce, Antebellum Politics, and the Romanticism era Poet Nathaniel Hawthorne

6/6Nazis disarmed, killed Jews till D-Day, June 6, 1944, launched deliverance - FDR "A Struggle to Preserve our Republic, our Religion & our Civilization"

6/4Ancient Hebrew education, Noah Websters Dictionary, & Public School Code, 1915 "The Holy Bible shall be read ... at the opening of each and every school day"

6/3First Christian Missionaries to the Hawaiian Islands

6/2Jefferson & The Barbary Pirate Coast Wars with Morocco, Algiers, Tunis & Tripoli

6/1"Jeffersons words are a warning that to remove God from this country will destroy it!"-Sen. Byrd; "From the early days of the American colonies prayer in schools was practiced"-Reagan

5/20Biblical Faith held by U.S. Military Generals & Commanders-in-Chief

5/19"DUTY is ours; results are Gods"

5/18Memorial Day -- Honoring American Heroes of Courage, Sacrifice, & Faith

5/17"If you take away religion, you cannot hire enough police" -Harvard Professor Clay Christensen, quoting Fulbright scholar

5/16The Criminal Mind--a software problem analyzed by Machiavelli, Alinsky, & J. Edgar Hoover

5/15General "Mad Anthony" Wayne, Bruce Wayne, & John Wayne "Id like to know why they make excuses for cowards"

5/14U.S. Armed Forces

5/13Robert Fulton, the Steamship, & National Maritime Day

5/12Pastors in Politics during American Revolution: Hugh Williamson & other preachers

5/11William Prescott, Revolutionary War Hero: "STAND FAST in the liberty wherewith Christ has made us free!"

5/10Virginia Founding & Highlights of its Religious History

5/8Mothers Day: "All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother!" - Lincoln

5/5Cinco de Mayo preceded by Dos de Mayo, Spain, Napoleon, Mexico, Maximillian, & Juárez

5/4Reagan on Secularism, Socialism & Abortion "tragic taking of unborn childrens lives"

5/1Justice Samuel Chase & Secretary of War James McHenry "Public utility pleads most forcibly for the general distribution of the Holy Scriptures"

4/19U.S. Naval Academy & Early Navy Heroes: Their Courage & Faith

4/18"I am one of those who believe there are some principles worth fighting for & worth dying for" -U.S. Senate Chaplain Peter Marshall

4/17Civil War: The Economic & Slavery Tensions Preceding It

4/16William Brewster & How Pilgrim "Covenant" twisted into "Social Contract," then Socialism

4/15Income Tax: Civil War Emergency, Supreme Court declared unconstitutional "Class legislation...leads inevitably to oppression and abuses"; Woodrow Wilson made permanent, FDR expanded

4/12Apollo 13 "Houston, weve had a problem!" -Nixon "When we learned of the safe return of our astronauts ..."

4/11Lexington & Concord, and the Right to Keep & Bear Arms "To Disarm the People is the Best Way to Enslave Them"-George Mason

4/10Lamb of God sacrificed on Passover -- Resurrected on Feast of First Fruits - "I know that my Redeemer liveth"

4/9First Chief Justice - John Jay: His Faith & Judicial Philosophy

4/8Robert E. Lee, Civil War General & after War a Leader in Reconciliation

4/7Jeffersons views on Jesus, Christianity, Religious Freedom, Rights of Conscience, Indians, Islam, Slavery, Limited Government, States Rights & more

4/6Legacy of Freedom - John Adams, JQA, Charles Adams, Henry Adams, & Henry Cabot Lodge, Sr.

4/5Booker T. Washington "Cultivate friendship of neighbor-black or white"; Martin Luther King, Jr. "We cannot walk alone"

4/4General Omar Bradley -"America today is running on the momentum of a godly ancestry, and when that momentum runs down, God help America"

3/21Salvation Army: William & Catherine Booth-"To keep quiet seemed like being a traitor to humanity"; & History of Goodwill Industries

3/21Who invented Basketball? History of YMCA, YWCA, International Red Cross & more

3/20Captain James Lawrence "Dont Give Up the Ship!" & Captain Oliver Hazard Perry "We have met the enemy, and they are ours!"

3/19Womens Rights Champions: Suffragettes Susan B. Anthony, Lucretia Mott, Frances Willard, Emma Willard, and Elizabeth Cady Stanton

3/18Sam Houston, President of the REPUBLIC OF TEXAS

3/17Saint Patrick & the times he live in -- How he "...found Ireland all heathen and left it all Christian!"

3/9Russia: From Vikings to Mongols to Tsars to Socialist Dictatorships to Ukraine invasion

3/8How Napoleon Bonaparte Rearranged Global Politics

3/7Benedict Arnold: Spies, Leaks, Betrayal, Traitors, "Enemies Foreign & Domestic"

3/6Oil & World War I, Kaiser, Sultan, Chaim Weizmann & Birth of Modern Israel

3/5Thomas Cooley, President of American Bar Association, 1893: on Religion, 2nd Amendment, Local Control of Government, vs. Holmes, Jr.

3/4How do Politicians become Corrupt? "The Love of Power & the Love of Money ... Two Passions ... have a Powerful Influence in the Affairs of Men"

3/3Poet Alfred Lord Tennyson, "Charge of the Light Brigade," Crimean War with Russia, Sale of Alaska - "Sewards Folly"

3/2Ancient Israel inspired Right of "the PEOPLE" to Keep & Bear Arms -"To make yourself powerless is to invite an attack!"

3/1Christians pioneered Anti-Slavery Movement: Quaker Anthony Benezet to JQA to Republican Senator Charles Sumner

2/21"Remember the Alamo-Remember Goliad": History of New Spain & Texas Independence

2/20South of the Border: Mexicos Revolutions & How they pursued former Presidents & their supporters

2/19First Presidents Day: George Washington Birthday

2/18Panama Canal - cost over 100 American lives per mile of 50 mile wide Isthmus

2/17Star-Spangled Banner Author Fought to Free Slaves & John Randolph Gave Freed Slaves Land

2/16John Quincy Adams: Anti-Slavery Champion, His Lifetime of Public Service, Guided by Bible

2/15Circuit-riding Preacher Peter Cartwright vs Circuit-riding Attorney Abe Lincoln vs Judge Stephen Douglas

2/14Origins of Saint Valentines Day

2/13Dark Slavery History & forgotten individuals who worked to end it

2/12Darwin v. Lincoln: Born Exact Same Day -- But Lives Had Opposite Effects

2/6Montesquieus 3 Types of Governments: Republics; Monarchs; and Despots who rule by Mandates & Executive Orders

2/5Frederick Douglass, Abolitionist Leader & Advisor to Lincoln, "I love the pure, peaceable, and impartial Christianity of Christ"

2/4Evolutions Racism defended by Clarence Darrow: The Monkey Trial & William Jennings Bryan

2/3"Battle Hymn of the Republic" & efforts to Abolish the Slave Trade

2/2Booker T. Washington "The Bible should be read as a daily guide to right living & as a daily incentive to positive Christian service"

1/25From fighting the Sultan to the founding Georgia: Eugene of Savoy, James Oglethorpe, John & Charles Wesley, and a review of Georgia Religious Heritage

1/24Robert Boyle, Father of Chemistry, & Blaise Pascal, Father of Hydraulic Engineering

1/23"Wall of Separation, a phrase nowhere to be found in the Constitution"-Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart

1/22"Jews of the United States ... were free & prospered ... in a comparatively short time, prospered ... in a degree unexampled in Europe"-London Jewish Chronicle, 1862

1/21Explorers Circumnavigate Globe: From Magellan & Drake to Space Shuttle

1/21"Constitution has enemies, secret and professed"-Daniel Webster, Secretary of State

1/20Battle of Cowpens: tactical masterpiece & a turning point in the Revolutionary War

1/19Hospitals & Healthcare Pioneered by Christian Charity

1/18Albert Schweitzer "Reverence for Life"-Medical Missionary to Gabon, West Africa

1/17Sanctity of Life "The greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion"-Mother Teresa; "Pro-Life is Pro Science"-Gary Bauer

1/16Bleeding Kansas, Uncle Toms Cabin, John Brown, and Beechers Bibles

1/15Successful Black Americans of Industry, Business & Faith

1/14Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., Pastor of Dexter Avenue Baptist Church, Montgomery, AL, & Ebenezer Baptist Church, Atlanta, GA

1/13Jefferson on Govt. Censorship, Coercion, & Molesting for Religious Opinions: Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom & How Courts violated Freedom of Conscience

1/12MLK, Jr. "We must NOT allow our creative protest to DEGENERATE into VIOLENCE"; and insights of Booker T. Washington, George W. Carver & Manning Johnson

1/11Kennedy, Nixon on Castros Cuba & Stalins USSR-Union of Soviet SOCIALIST Republics

1/10Yale President Timothy Dwight exposed Voltaires anti-Christian agenda that undermined France

1/9Paines Path from Patriot to Pariah--Only Founder Without a Gravesite

1/7Equality vs. Equity: American Revolution vs. French Revolution; and the term of 13th President Millard Fillmore

1/7Fort Mims Massacre, Battle of New Orleans & General Andrew Jackson

1/6Jan. 6-Epiphany: Christ manifestation to the world! -- Celestial Prophecies & History of the 12 Days of Christmas

1/5Religious Freedom! Who influenced Jeffersons views on Separation of Church & State"

1/4Smallpox during the Revolutionary War & Dr. Benjamin Rush "Smallpox is ten times more terrible!"

1/3Battle of Princeton "Washington advanced so near the enemy lines that his horse refused to go further"

1/2Courageous Women of the Revolution: "As there were Fathers in our Republic so there were Mothers"-Coolidge

1/1Emancipation Proclamation --January 1, 1863 -- & the passage of 13th Amendment

12/31"Until We Meet Again" & James T. Fields The Atlantic Monthly-"The Captains Daughter"

12/30Armenias Ancient Past -- A Warning on the Fate of Civilizations

12/29The Death of George Washington & the warning he left that echoed through the centuries!

12/27Sir Francis Bacon & the Scientific Revolution; and Astronomers Kepler, Galileo

12/26Crossing the Delaware--Battle of Trenton "Independence confirmed by God Almighty in the victory of General Washington

12/25CHRISTMAS DAY -"The Great Divide for the Timing of All Events on Earth...where the Magnetic Needle of History stands Vertical and Points Up"

12/24Christmas Prophecies & Presidential Addresses: "Through Jesus Christ the world will yet be a better and a fairer place"-President Truman

12/19Battle of the Bulge 1944-45 freezing winter "I call upon every man ... to rise now to new heights of courage ... We will, with God help, go forward to victory"

12/18Christmas Truce of 1914, "Silent Night" & selected Presidential Christmas Greetings "So CHRISTMAS becomes the only holiday in all the year..."-FDR

12/161777 Freezing Valley Forge & Starving Ships "If those few thousand men endured that long winter of suffering ... what right have we to be of little faith?"

12/15Beethoven & Other Famous Composers, and their sacred Christmas music

12/14Christmas Tree, Lights, Poinsettia, Carols, & White House Christmas Celebrations

12/13"Hark! the Herald Angels Sing" - Charles Wesley; and Classic Carols: "Joy to the World," "Messiah," "O Come, All Ye Faithful"

12/13"These are the times that try mens souls" -The American Crisis, Thomas Paine, December, 1776

12/12Bill of Rights were "Restrictive Clauses" to Prevent Federal Government from Ruling through Mandates

12/11What led to the Boston Tea Party? Historical background of revolutionary event

12/10Jewish Persecution in Russia & Europe, and U.S. leaders who supported the creation of the modern State of Israel

12/09Rasputin "Holy Devil": Bolshevik Revolution & Socialist Russia

12/08Saint Nicholas & the Origins of Secret Gift-Giving!

12/07Pearl Harbor Attacked "DECEMBER 7, 1941 -- a date which will live in infamy!"

12/06Père Marquette, French missionary to Indians of Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois, Mississippi River valley, & settled Chicago

12/02"Amazing Grace, How Sweet the Sound ..." - John Newton, William Wilberforce, & the fight to end slavery in the British Empire

12/01A Pre-Columbian Paradise?? Cortés, Montezuma, & the Fate of the Aztec Empire

11/30Sojourner Truth, Betsey Stockton, Harriet Tubman, Anna Murray-Douglass & Notable Black Women Pioneers

11/28C.S. Lewis--"The safest road to Hell is the gradual one--without signposts"

11/27The Wisdom of John Adams: on Liberty, Tyranny, & the Need for Christian Virtue

11/26Anti-Federalist warning "... the base betrayer of the rights of his country ... though he may artfully have obtained an election"-James Warren

11/25Thanksgiving Proclamations by Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Lincoln, Roosevelt, & more

11/24Pilgrim Thanksgiving "God be Praised we had a Good Increase ... Our Harvest being gotten in" -Pilgrim Edward Winslow

11/22Pilgrims Progress: John Bunyan imprisoned 12 years for holding unapproved opinions -"The Monster was hideous ... wings like a dragon ... out of his belly came fire & smoke"

11/19Lincolns Gettysburg Address: "Government OF the PEOPLE, BY the PEOPLE, FOR the PEOPLE" ... Will it "perish from the earth"?

11/17Pilgrims tried Communism -- and rejected it, -- replacing it with Property owned by Individuals who could then be Charitable!

11/16How the Renaissance and Reformation led to the Revolution: John Calvin, John Knox, & John Witherspoon

11/15"Doctor Livingstone, I presume" --Scottish Missionary to the Congo

11/5Persecution in Europe led to Settlement of America, & How the Pilgrims almost sailed to Guyana, South America

11/5Veterans Day "In test & trial, we instinctively turn to God for courage"

11/3Lewis & Clark & the Corps of Discovery

11/3"Landslide Lyndon" Democrat Voter Fraud in 1948 Senate race - & How U.S. entered Vietnam War"

11/2Charles Carroll of Carrollton - Longest Living Signer of Declaration "To obtain religious as well as civil liberty I entered jealously into the Revolution"

11/2Virginias George Mason - Purpose of Bill of Rights is to Limit Government!

11/2Conspiracy to Overthrow Government thwarted by George Washington

10/30Stock Market Crash 1929 & Dangerous Policy of Government Intervention

10/29United Nations: Intentions vs Track Record; Whittaker Chambers vs. Alger Hiss

10/27Theodore Roosevelt: Police in New York, Fighting Monopolies, defending Blacks & Jews, freeing Cuba, WWI & protesting Massacre of Syrians, Kurds & Armenians

10/20CRT in Reverse? Arnold Toynbee described Ottoman Empire purges

10/20Supreme Court, 1892 - America a "Christian Nation"

10/20Star Chamber Persecution of Christians; Pilgrims Fled to Holland, then New England

10/19Battle of Kings Mountain to Victory at Yorktown & the End of the Revolutionary War

10/12Victory at Battle of Saratoga - one of historys most important battles, & contributions of Spanish General Galvez

10/11Pirates of the Caribbean, War of Jenkins Ear, & Ballad of the French Fleet

10/11Plato: Tyrants seize Power by Promising to Protect People -- A Study of How Democracies Fall

10/08Eddie Rickenbacker-"Fighting the Flying Circus" & "Seven Came Through"

10/11Miscalculation of Global Proportions led Columbus to attempt a voyage west

10/10Marco Polo trip East & the Real Reason Columbus sailed West

10/7Ludwig von Zinzendorf, the Moravians, & the Pietist Lutherans: Young Christians who changed the world!

10/5Revivals led to founding of Universities; the enduring influence of preachers like Jonathan Edwards

10/4George Whitefield & the Great Awakening Revival

10/3Congress approved First Amendment same week it called for Day of Thanksgiving to Almighty God

10/2"Squanto ... was a special instrument sent of God for their good beyond their expectation"-Pilgrim Governor William Bradford

10/1John Peter Muhlenberg: Major-General, Congressman, Senator & Pastor; with his Pastor brother Frederick-First Speaker of U.S. House

9/29When Youth Were Patriots: 21-year-old Nathan Hale "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country!"

9/27Daniel Boone: Pioneer and Patriot

9/26Chief Justice John Marshall "The American population is entirely Christian, and with us, Christianity and Religion are identified"

9/25Justice Joseph Story appointed to Supreme Court by James Madison-“Tyrants accomplish their purposes...by disarming the people"


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