henrymakow.com - Exposing Feminism and The New World Order

Web Name: henrymakow.com - Exposing Feminism and The New World Order

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The COVID hoax signals the culmination of the centuries-old Cabalist (Masonic) Jewish plan to enslave humanity in a world superstateas outlined in the Protocols of Zion.I wrote that "Mankind is entering a new dark age," 18 years ago. I am reposting this article for newbies who want some historical perspective.Communism, Zionism Feminism Share NWO Pedigreefrom August 18, 2002by Henry Makow PhD George Orwell's warning in "1984" of a nightmarish global police state was not an idle exercise. It was coming true in 1949 when the novel was published. The attack on the World Trade Center Sept. 11, staged with Hollywood flairby NW0 controllers, heralded the next phase in this centuries-old plot. Veteran journalist Douglas Reed, writing in 1951, was also aware: "We might logically assume that a primary object of any third war, though cloaked at the start, would be the expansion of the Zionist State, and the imposition of a 'world federation' and a new 'management' of mankind. In the aftermath of the Second War such aims, earlier concealed, were much more openly admitted by leading politicians..." (Far and Wide, p. 291) In 1913, the shareholders of the Federal Reserve took a major step toward the enslavement of humanity when they finagled the right to create money out of thin air based on the credit of the American people. This monopoly which rightly is the responsibility of Congress is worth more than $360 billion annually in interest alone. [More now.] They are doing everything to protect this monopoly, including the establishment of a global police state. I discovered this mind-boggling intrigue last December when I probed for the reason why the "establishment" actively promotes the socially destructive Marxist lesbian ideology of "feminism." By "feminism" I am NOT referring to the right of women to fair and equal treatment in the workplace. That is a façade for a far more pernicious agenda, the destruction of heterosexuality, and the nuclear family. COMMUNISM This week I became aware that Communism and Zionism are also part of the same pattern. If you wanted to enslave humanity, would you announce your intentions? Rather, you would bait your hook with promises of public ownership, sharing, and universal brotherhood. This appeals to the public's naivete, idealism, and self-interest. At its heart, Communism is a system of social control and oppression dedicated to smashing the pillars of western civilization: nationhood, race, Christianity, democracy, free enterprise, and the nuclear family. It cares for no other principle than raw power and exercises it ruthlessly. Members of the Comintern referred derisively to people who bought the party line as "innocents." This is the Communist "modus operandi." There is a publicly stated goal that appeals to everyone (like equal rights). Only the inner circle knows that the true agenda is to subvert all social institutions and gain arbitrary power. (Feckless humanity is indifferent to its sad fate.)The Soviet Union was the banker's original version of the "New World Order" (the Communists used that term). In "Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution," which is online, Antony Sutton describes how the bankers and their allies engineered the Russian Revolution and bankrolled the Soviet Union. Because the same financiers control our media and education system, this was news to me. Likewise, it was surprising to learn that Jews dominated Communist Russia from its inception. If you want to undermine the social order, you empower minorities that are ostracized by society. In the Jewish people, the bankers, who often were Jewish themselves, found an ideal instrument for their NW0 agenda. In "The Last Days of the Romanovs," (1920) Robert Wilton writes, "Taken according to the number of population, the Jews represented one in ten; among the commissars that rule Bolshevik Russia they are nine in ten, if anything the proportion of Jews is still higher." (391) Marxism appealed to a sublimated religious urge on the part of largely atheistic Jews to "build a better world" on secular humanistic basis. When their usefulness was over, many of these Jews were imprisoned or liquidated. Arthur Koestler is an example of many Communist Jewish writers who recorded his disillusionment (see "The God that Failed," "The Invisible Writing, "Darkness at Noon."). A Russian Jewess, Ayn Rand, denounced Communism and extolled individualism and freedom ("Fountainhead," "Atlas Shrugged"). Nevertheless, we don't hear much about atrocities that Jewish Communists perpetrated in the USSR. They attempted to eradicate all vestiges of the traditional Czarist social structure. In the collectivization of the Ukrainian farmers (kulaks), an estimated 10 million people were starved or shot. Millions more died in mass executions in the Baltic, massacres of Cossacks and Volga Germans, in the genocide of three million Muslims, and in Gulag slave labor camps. As a Canadian Jew and the son of Holocaust survivors, I feel an obligation to educate myself about Jewish responsibility in this era in Russian history. ZIONISMLike Communism, I'm afraid Zionism may be another example of how the bankers manipulate the Jewish people for their own ends. Most Israelis would be happy to live in peace within the 1967 borders. They are not aware of a possible hidden agenda: Israel may have been funded for the purpose of imposing New World Order hegemony on the world. Jerusalem is intended to be the world capital. Israel doesn't make a lot of sense in any other terms. The Israeli founding elite mostly originated in Russia where after 1917 Jews apparently had a privileged position. One of Stalin's first acts was to make anti-Semitism "punishable by death." The Zionist elite was atheist so the biblical injunction to return to the Holy Land was for propaganda purposes only. In his book "Fallen Pillars: US Policy towards Palestine since 1945," (1995) Donald Neff tells how in 1919 Hugh Gibson, the newly installed ambassador to Poland, was chastised by Col. Edward Mandell House for reporting that Zionists were exaggerating Anti-Semitism in Poland for their own purposes. House threatened to block Gibson's confirmation in the Senate. Also present: American Zionist chiefs Louis Brandeis and Felix Frankfurter. Who was Col. House? You won't hear about him in establishment histories. He was Rothschild's agent and President Woodrow Wilson's handler. He later controlled FDR with the help of Bernard Baruch, Louis Howe, and Harry Hopkins. Gibson was young enough (36) to be incensed about this interference. He wrote a 21-page report for his colleagues in which voiced his suspicion that the Zionists had "a conscienceless cold-blooded plan to make the condition of the Jews in Poland so bad that they must turn to Zionism for relief." One may wonder if Jewish immigration to the US from Nazi-occupied Europe was curtailed for the same reason.FEMINISM Modern feminism is another NW0 Communist front inspired and led by Marxist Jews. Most of the leaders of the "second wave" were "red diaper babies", so-called because their parents were Communists. They are characterized by a bizarre conviction that Western Civilization is evil because it was created by men, and therefore needs to be torn down. It has turned the university humanities curriculum to mush and psychologically sterilized two generations of "educated" women. In the view of Kenneth Minogue, Professor Emeritus, London School of Economics, " the radical feminist revolution is nothing less than a destruction of our civilization. It has all happened in such a way that people have not yet realized what has happened." (see: How Civilizations Fall) Communists, Zionists or Feminists -- Jewish or not -- are simply not aware that they are being used by the international bankers to create an Orwellian New World Order. If they strip away the rhetoric, they will discover that the NWO is a long-term plot to consolidate global wealth and power in a few hands. It is a scheme to degrade, enslave and even exterminate people, and to divorce humanity from nature and God. Mankind is entering a new Dark Age. Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at Al Thompson said (September 25, 2020):At this point, I don’t see any solutions coming from political or religious systems. These systems are in place now and all they have accomplished is the complete destruction of mankind and they have established a slave system. However, this will ultimately fail, albeit, we are getting frustrated because nothing seems to get better. The government and religions are destroying themselves. Remember, all evil gets repaid; whereas, people who do good things will always get better results. If I was running the new world order, I’d be scared shitless because the payback is going to come upon them shortly. I don’t know how, but at a certain time, it will happen, in my opinion. I remember that I got paid back for every rotten thing I did. It’s not any different for the freaks that run these slave systems.The people need to understand that these systems are satanic and must be avoided. One of the best ways I know of is to stop swearing any oaths. Once an oath is sworn, all kinds of troubles will come upon the oath-taker. This is guaranteed payback. This also includes signing documents “under the penalties of perjury.” Perjury is lying under oath. Just avoid the whole mess and your life will be much better. If a man works for the government, he should quit saving his own mind and soul. Nothing good comes from government and we’ve had over 4000 years to prove that the concept of government is a complete failure.People should be more focused on what is good or evil; right or wrong, and they live their lives accordingly. That is the best action to take. Chose wisely between moral and immoral and live a better life.http://verydumbgovernment.blogspot.com/2012/12/power-of-commandments-and-natural-law.html Every aspect of your life will be monitored and controlled, as we move towards the ultimate surveillance state. Your ability to work, to socialize, to travel, conduct business, access public services, and to purchase essential goods and services will be dictated to you, and restricted, by the State, based upon your biosecurity or immunity status.COVID World- Resist!By Iain(abridged by henrymakow.com)COVID 19 is being used to create a global fascist dictatorship.From New Zealand to the U.S, so-called western democracies have adopted developed the Chinese model of technocracy to create a single biosecurity State. This globalist corporate State is to be centrally controlled and administered by a distant global governance cartel of appointed bureaucrats. Tasked only to serve the interests of a tiny, disproportionately wealthy group we can call the parasite class.Every aspect of your life will be monitored and controlled, as we move towards the ultimate surveillance state. Your ability to work, to socialize, to travel, conduct business, access public services, and to purchase essential goods and services will be dictated to you, and restricted, by the State, based upon your biosecurity or immunity status.This transformation process is well underway. You are no longer a human being, you are a biosecurity risk. As such you may be removed to a military-controlled quarantine camp as and when the State sees fit. Detention without trial will be the norm. All protests will be outlawed unless the protest suits the agenda of the parasite class.You will not leave home without it. Your children will no longer be your own. They will belong to the State. Parental consent for medical procedures will be presumed or, in the case of mandatory procedures, not required. Once the biosecurity State is firmly established consent will be a distant memory.We have a diminishing window of opportunity to stop this global fascist dictatorship. Violent protest will not work. Not only are they morally indefensible, but they are also tactically naive.VIOLENCE IS THE LANGUAGE OF THE OPPRESSORThe global State holds total dominion over instigation of the use of force. To crackdown, in response to a violent uprising, is the fervent hope of the oppressor. It allows the State to exercise more, not less, authoritarian control.In reality, to stop it, all we need to do is refuse, en masse, to comply. We must do this with our eyes open. It won't be easy and many of us will face harsh punishment from a desperate tyrant. However, if we don't stand up now, we are condemning future generations to unimaginable levels of slavery and misery.In order to foist this upon us, the apparatus behind it has invested billions in propaganda. The fascist technocracy, presently being constructed at an alarming pace, requires our cooperation. Without it, the biosecurity dictatorship cannot gain its desired authority.Our representative democratic systems are not what our forebears gave everything to build. The parasite class has hollowed them out, replacing the organs of State with their own, leaving only the shell as a chimera to maintain our delusions and keep us believing that we have a semblance of control.It is a fool's errand to attempt to use their system to win our freedom. It is designed to control us. Appeals to their courts will never deliver justice to us. Temporary, small victories will always be overturned. Nor can we vote harder expecting yet another of their puppets to save us.The purpose of the representative democratic apparition is to centralize all global power in the hands of the parasite class. This course is inexorable and, while we persist in our electoral folly, we will not alter it.We must build something new to replace it. The obvious solution is the decentralization of all power to the individual. We must construct a voluntary society.Without us, without our obedience, the parasite class is currently nothing but a group of ineffectual, wannabe plutocrats, sat on piles of paper, created from nothing and worth nothing. If we don't obey, there are no rulers.Should we refuse to use their monetary system, their usury will be fruitless; if we decide not to pay their taxes, we cut will off their economic exploitation and if we never vote for their bureaucrats we won't consent to their nominated, elected aristocracy.We just don't know that we have all the power. We are the scientists and the engineers, the doctors and the nurses; we are the builders and the architects, the mechanics, and the farmers; we are the soldiers who kill and die for their enrichment, we are the police officers who enforce their unlawful rules; we are the people who build and work in their factories, we are the office workers and bank clerks who administer their system, the shop workers, the programmers, the writers, the artists, the teachers and we are the people who, through our belief in their mythical authority, allow the parasite class to control us.We are the meek, we are the receivers of all knowledge and all wisdom. We possess all the technology we need and we are the experts. It is our world, leased from our future generations, not theirs. Without us, the parasite class is utterly incapable of controlling anyone or anything.We must create, not destroy. We must liberate science, technology, art and knowledge itself from their occult control. We must build alternative decentralized systems, enabling humanity to live as a coexistence of free, sovereign beings. We must focus upon self sufficiency, we must support each other, turn our backs on the control systems of the parasitic State and build our own autonomous communities.We must refuse to comply with any and all attempts to centralize power. We can do this by rejecting, outright, the concept of authority...COVIDHOAXWe must face reality. In the new normal, driven by the "Fourth Industrial Revolution," our labor is no longer required. We are destined only to consume, and that consumption is to be ruthlessly controlled. As are we.There is no black and no white, no right-wing nor any leftists, there is no gay and no straight, no Republicans nor Democrats, no Conservatives nor Labour supporters. These are just some of the divisions forced upon us by the parasite class, and its compliant lapdog the mainstream media, to keep us divided and to stop us realizing the truth.We are in this together. All of us. No matter where we live or what we believe. We are all part of a single, inviolable truth.Call it God, Allah, Yahweh, the Divine Spirit, the Universe, Mother Earth or Natural Law, there is one truth and we all understand it. Cause no harm, cause no loss, take responsibility for our actions and treat all with compassion and respect.We are not merely a random cluster of atoms. We are sovereign spiritual beings. We have purpose and every life has inestimable value. We stand together or divided we fall.You have a choice. Choose wisely.Resist! Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at Robert K said (September 24, 2020):If, as the article says, "there is one truth and we all understand it", how can Iain explain the conflict in the world? The trouble is that power, representing control over others, has become increasingly concentrated and the knee-jerk reaction is to want to possess it in an expression of self-defense. This is the perfect setup for dialectical friction, which leads to the intensification of the conflict. The situation is of course complicated by the susceptibility of people to indoctrination, which nowadays is conducted through the media and the education system by masters and acolytes of dialectical mentation.Iain does approach an answer when he says, "The obvious solution is the decentralization of all power to the individual," although this is a theoretical extreme that would lead to a state of anarchy that no sane person would enjoy. When you associate with others with a common purpose in mind, you surrender a portion of your autonomy to administrators working to achieve that purpose. The critical sanction you should exercise over them is the power to opt-out of their plans when these do not accord with your interests. This ability to opt-out (without a disproportionate penalty) is what is under attack at present. It forms no part of the system currently being constructed by the Global Planners. The most painful thing about dying is not having lived. Like the narrow stem on a funnel, the mind strangles the soul,Consciousness (God) fills our soul but the mind reduces Divine Truth to a trickle. We are asleep. When they work, cannabis edibles break off the baseand allow Divine Truth (Reality) to fill our being. by Henry Makow PhD So far so good. Last night I got high and Divine Consciousness flowed into my being. I vowed that I would not allow another day to be blighted by the vicissitudes of the stock market. I would not consult the market until the last half-hour. I am a sinner. I have enough money yet I have devoted too much time and energy to nursing it. This when I should not be distracted. Civilization is teetering at the brink. This is my definition of sin, for me at least. I am deeply ashamed that I was playing the market while Humanity is being handed over to Satan. Satan had a grip on my soul.Thanks to cannabis turning on the light, I am confident I can vastly improve my life. So far so good. It's 1.30 p.m. and I have not looked at the market. I am calm and collected for a change. "No man can serve two masters... Ye cannot serve God and mammon." Matthew 6:24Money is supposed to provide "security" but in fact, the more some people have, the more insecure they are. As Samuel Butler said, enough is always a little more than one has. The wolf is always "at the door." Poverty is a state of mind. I wanted the benefits of change without making the effort to actually change. From now on, I will live a dedicated life. I will always live in the eye of God. I will serve God not mammon. It's much easier to change oneself than to change the world. We cannot hear God if we do not listen. A God-forsaken species, we must return to Reality or perish. MORE REVELATIONSSatanists have taught us to hate people who love God. This is the meaning of Satanic possession.The belief in Heaven held us accountable. We need to save our souls, not our ass. It doesn't matter if our souls actually go to a better place, the belief in Heaven will make the world a better place. We were put here to create heaven on earth by doing God's Will. The COVID hoax has confirmed that a satanic cult -- THE CABALIST CENTRAL BANKING CARTEL --does control the world. We are in the fight of our lives. How do we resist when they have all the big guns? When we are surrounded by dupes? George Soros promoted the legalization of cannabis. Did he have foreknowledge of the #scamdemic? Did he think cannabis would make the people more docile?Let's prove him wrong. Cannabis can show us the way to God. And God can show us how toresist Satan and his minions. Just loving Him is an excellent start. It drives Satanists crazy, especially if you mention Jesus.-------Related- Cannabis Edibles Could Save the World First Comment from David CCannabis is a very important part of my life, and has been for ~50 years now (65 this year). Cannabis can help heal humanity, and the world we live in. Henry, you are another example of how an intelligent, intellectually sophisticated person can be a cannabis user - Carl Sagan and Dr. Feyman were both cannabis users too. I saw the negative comments you received about this subject, some people claiming cannabis is forbidden in the bible. I believe the bible tells us to use herbs as food and medicine. Cannabis may be the key component of the sacred incense used by prophets to help them commune with God. The bible also tells us we live on a stationary plane under the dome of the firmament, the luminaries revolving around above us, but most Christians seem to ignore that part too.I don't consider myself a Christian, because all denominations seem to have been corrupted, but I do believe there are important truths in the Bible. Since many books were removed in 1684, including the important "Book of Enoch", I assume the remaining books were corrupted too, maybe some of them added which shouldn't be there (Deuteronomy?).Besides being the most useful industrial plant in the world, cannabis is also one of the most valuable plants for food and medicine. I cured my late service dog's mammary gland cancer using homemade cannabis coconut extract. She loved licking the cannabis-coconut extract off her infected mammary gland, which medicated her topically and systemically. My new service dog loves medicinal cannabis too, and practically sucks it off my finger when offered. We recently had to stay in for over a week here in Portland, because of wildfire smoke. Since we usually take several walks a day, including playing and doing "zoomies" at the dog park, it was difficult for him to cope with the inactivity for that long period of time. I made some coconut-cannabis extract from a high-CBD strain, which helped both of us sleep through that smokey period, getting in some restful hibernation.I've suffered from severe depression during much of my life, likely related to addiction - or more likely causing my addiction problems, but cannabis greatly helps alleviate depression for me, so I can stop using addictive substances. Humanity is going through a very difficult period, which will likely continue to worsen, so remaining spiritually healthy, and keeping our vibration levels high is of the utmost importance. Instead of dwelling on all the horrific events happening throughout the world, I've been watching many videos about rescued animals at "The Dodo" instead, which always helps me feel better, as does listening to great music. Anything that causes me to cry tears of joy is healing, and medicinal cannabis helps make that happen and keeps me living in the here and now. For ME cannabis is healing, for others - perhaps not. I appreciate your articles in favor of using cannabis, which I believe could help many more people IF they didn't have a false fear towards using it - especially elderly people (like me). Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at Tony N said (September 24, 2020):I was happy to see your title and the image of a funnel and to read the start of your article because I assumed it was going in a different direction.Dr. Vernon McGee taught that the narrow path to God vs the wide path to hell that Jesus taught about was like a funnel.The narrow path might seem restrictive, but as one progresses it opens wide and can experience true freedom and life the way God wants us to do.The wide path might seem open, but eventually, sin (drugs, gluttony, sex, ...) enslave us.Your article was interesting, but not the born again realization I hope and pray that you and many will experience.As the wisest of men taugt "Seek truth and the truth will set you free"As always wishing you God, truth, liberty, and peace.Winston said (September 24, 2020):The problem with cannabis use is that if you overdo it, you become less sensitive to the effects and then you need more and more of it in order to feel the same high. If your tolerance level goes up, it's a good sign to take a break and allow your neurotransmitters to replenish because cannabis use depletes them and you burn out. If the depletion is severe people can become extremely depressed and/or developmental health issues. There's a negative side to abusing and overdoing cannabis. People that have abused it have to go on anti-depressants and b-vitamins and it takes time to recover. Can you afford to feel like crap for several months? There's always a price to pay for the high. If someone decides to use cannabis, make sure to at least be eating healthy and juicing and be in a positive environment. Dependency and addiction to any substance to feel good or to feel high isn't the way. your last article about cannabis is cool. I believe Cannabis as such was given by God to mankind for healing body and mind. Thats why it was attacked by pharma lobby because the cannabis can help in so many ailments including cancer. It is not a coincidence we have specifically designed receptors in our bodies to make the cannabinoids work.Regarding psychic effect. There are I think various levels how to engage with it. It can have same effect as alcohol, to dumb us. It can make us aware of spiritual base of the world - can be good and useful. It can take us out of our body, lead us to meet 'spiritual masters' in the otherworld and this is too much. I think same as with other drugs, breathing excercises, yoga, etc you open self and can become trapped in Satans dominion and be lead to false path.To round it up, I would support cannabis but only for healing diseases or for very careful usage as a recreational drug. Somebody will become aware of spirituality however what is really important that without Jesus we can be easily deceived by the one who is so clever to look like him, source of light. Unrestricted usage of cannabis can probably do more harm than good, I do not think you meet Jesus under psychedelic drug, so be very careful. But as you said the positive effect can be that you will become aware of the bonds of this carnal visual material world and have this shaken off you. This is something most of us would need. Best wishes from Gibraltar-ThanksGod is universal. Cannabis is a door to the spiritual dimension that Jesus taught.hDL said (September 24, 2020):"I wanted the benefits of change without making the effort to actually change. From now on, I will live a dedicated life. I will always live in the eye of God. I will serve God not mammon."Very happy you have reached the point of no return to the chains of this world and spiritual deceptions.That said I can humbly attest that what you experienced is not dependent on herbs. It can be attained by a godly will which opens the mind and spirit. As the Scripture states "I love beyond our understanding". And the knowledge of the fantastic oneness of the Universe while vouchsafing and allowing the existence of the unique oneness of the individual, lat the same time.. Which is understood by very, very, few....we are of the same tribe.Consider: Jesus declared himself One with God, One with the Holy Spirit, and One as the Messiah and that He Jesus (God) came to this world on our behalf. Henry you should now understand. No compromise here...no, none of that.Daniel https://www.knowingforyourself.com Money has no value there.G said (September 24, 2020):Very cathartic confession/realization, Henry. Some years ago I was told that the origin of the word sin was tied up with ancient archery, and that if one missed the mark it was called a "sin." Resonated as true. So what to do? We keep practicing our aim. Your "sin," even with the havoc it wreaked on your psyche, was a venial sin, born of all the programming that comes to us all at a very young age. Succeed. Get ahead. Money is security. How good that you now find your real security in God, who, by the way, will not pay your utility bill. So, we strike a balance, and I'll add, we use what we have to embellish not only our own lives, but that of others. We give and help where we can. And because of these times, we keep awake to who's stealing what from us, from money, to freedom, to joy.Having a spiritual bent is a sort of sanctuary, and you certainly have that. So you've got guidance a plenty available to you as it is to any who choose to listen. Conscience, heart, and common sense, dance the dance of a life worth living. Of course you know that you do not have the corner on mistakes and shortsightedness. It's pretty universal. We ALL have our "Gee I coulda handled that better" moments, and "Boy, I really fkd up."I love that you keep on learning and that you are willing to improve. Is that not evolution?RM said (September 24, 2020):Drugs, porn, homosexuality, contraception, feminism, abortion, and other evils are promoted by the world banking cartel to promote the destruction of the individual and society and the enslavement of mankind. The banking cartel took town China with Opium, and within a century, the weakened nation was ravaged by Communism.It’s no coincidence that America has the greatest use of drugs, percentage-wise, in our history currently, and we are closer to a Communist/Democrat takeover than we’ve ever been as well.Al Thompson said (September 23, 2020):Do you realize that there is not enough cannabis grown in the entire world that can take away the pain of the Satanic communism? You can smoke that shit all night long, but at some point, you’ll have to wake up from the high and face this nonsense all over again. I think the legalization of cannabis is intended to make everyone docile and compliant. There is no benefit that comes from cannabis. There may be some medicinal benefits but I doubt it. It’s like being drunk; it will wear off and you’ll have to face the world again.Of course, I think you’re pulling our legs with this one. Martin Armstong: Klaus Schwab His Dangerous Marxist ResetKlaus Schwab needs to answer why the World Economic Forum sold all its stocks and bonds ahead of everyone else. Schwab has exploited this virus within weeks, launching his vision for the Great Reset. This highly likely man-made virus was also highly likely to have been leaked in China deliberately by another group with a personal agenda involving climate change. They have succeeded in shutting down the world economy, increasing the world oil reserves by three years, destroying over 300 million jobs as collateral damage. We have been subjected to fear tactics used even by the Nazis to gain power. This has been a huge corporate propaganda agenda to reduce the population to sheep.Schwab's book, "Covid-19: The Great Reset," is clearly propaganda because they are handing it out for free on kindle.Schwab has no idea how to reconstruct the economy. There was the first Great Depression, which lasted for 26 years during the 19th century. That event was named the "Long Depression" after the 1930s crash, which became known as the "Great Depression."Both involved a paradigm shift where the first followed the introduction of the railroads, which then displaced many jobs involving horses and carts. The next Great Depression saw the collapse in agriculture, which had employed 40% of the civil workforce at the turn of the 20th century. With the invention of the combustion engine and tractors, this reduced the need for manual labor. Then the Dust Bowl hit driving unemployment to 25%. It took World War II to restore the economy by absorbing the excess agricultural labor and forcing them to become qualified.Like people in airports handing out leaflets trying to convert you to some cult, Schwab is doing the very same thing. He is counting on the people who are incapable of thinking for themselves and he continues never to address all the evidence against man-made climate change. Nevertheless, welcome to the new paradise where people just follow orders. 1400 Belgian doctors and healthcare professionals sound the alarm: "There is no such thing as a killer virus" 1400 Belgian doctors and healthcare professionals sound the alarm: "There is no such thing as a killer virus"In an open letter, more than 300 Belgian doctors and 1,100 health professionals call on their government to stop the corona measures immediately.These are disproportionate and cause more harm than good, "There is no longer any medical justification for this policy".Some important excerpts from the letter:We believe that politicians have introduced binding measures that are not sufficiently scientifically sound and one-sided, and that there is not enough space in the media for an open debate where different views and opinions are heard.In addition, the strict repressive policy around the corona is in sharp contrast to the previous minimal policy of the government when it comes to disease prevention such as strengthening the own immune system through a healthy lifestyle, optimal care with attention for the individual and investments in nursing staff.The WHO originally predicted a pandemic that would claim 3.4% victims, i.e. millions of dead by a highly contagious virus for which there is no treatment or vaccine. The course of Covid-19 followed the course of a normal wave of infections, similar to a flu season.Like every year, we see a mix of flu viruses following the curve: first the rhinoviruses, then the influenza A and B viruses, followed by the coronaviruses. There is nothing that is different from what we normally see. The mortality turned out to be many times lower than expected and is close to that of normal seasonal flu (0.2%).The number of registered corona deaths therefore still seems to be overestimated. There is a difference between death from corona and death with corona.Using the non-specific PCR test, which gives many false-positive results, gave an exponential picture. This test was carried out rashly and never tested properly.The manufacturer expressly pointed out that this test was intended for research and not for diagnostics. Since a positive PCR test does not automatically indicate active infection or infectivity, it does not justify the social measures based on these tests alone.So it is not a second corona wave, but a so-called "Kaseinämie" (German word) due to an increased number of tests. So nothing has changed; the climax is over.Lockdown. If you compare the waves of infection in countries with a strict lockdown policy with countries that have not ( Sweden, Iceland ...), you see similar curves. So there is no connection between the imposed lockdown and the course of the infection. The lockdown did not result in a lower death rate.There is now an affordable, safe, and effective therapy available in the form of HCQ (hydroxychloroquine), zinc, and A ZT (azithromycin) for those showing severe symptoms. Applied quickly, it heals and often prevents hospitalization. Hardly anyone has to die now. We don't want to use our patients as guinea pigs. So it's not a killer virus.There is no state of emergency. We don't want to use our patients as guinea pigs. Worldwide, 700,000 cases of damage or death are expected as a result of the vaccine. When 95% of people from Covid-19 are virtually symptom-free, the risk of exposure to an untested vaccine is irresponsible. In the past few months, newspapers, radio and television seemed almost uncritical behind the government's "panel of experts", where the press should be critical and avoid one-sided government communication.This has resulted in public communication in our news media that has been more like propaganda than objective reporting. What do the 1,400 Belgian doctors and health professionals want? An immediate end to all action, an independent commission to investigate why all measures restricting freedom are upheld, and a thorough examination of the role of WHO and the possible influence of conflicts of interest in this organization.Source We are all being played by those who want to destroy America! This is how you destroy a Nation from within and in a very short order.Will it work, I guess that depends on you and me.by John Jensen(henrymakow.com) Something to think about.... The US Population is 330,000,000 and in 5 months the number of deaths was 130,000. The number of deaths as a percent of the population is 0.03939 %, compared to the number of cancer cases diagnosed in 2019 (1,762.450) and 607,000 deaths. This doesn't seem far-fetched because it is happening before our eyes. A very well-orchestrated plan, or an unimaginable set of events that just fell into place with the United States front and center? Your call. Scare people with a virus, force them to wear masks and place them in quarantine. Count the number of deaths every second of every day, in every News Headline. By the way, ninety-nine and eight-tenths percent of the people who get the virus recover. About one to two-tenths of one percent who get the virus, die. Most of them have other medical problems. Did you catch that? Less than 1/2 of a percent die. Close businesses = 35,000,000+ instantly unemployed. Remove entertainment and prohibit Recreation; Closing parks, gyms, bars, restaurants, sports. No dating. No touching. Isolate people. Dehumanize them. Close Temples, Churches, Mosques and prohibit worship. Close schools. Create a vacuum and let depression, anxiety, hopelessness, and desperation set in. Then, ignite hatred and civil unrest, creating Civil War. Empty the prisons because of the virus and fill the streets with criminals. Undermine the law, Riot, Loot and Attack all Law Enforcement. For example, send in Antifa (freedom fighters?) to vandalize property, but tell the government to order a stand-down. Then... Defund Law Enforcement and abolish Police. We are all being played by those who want to destroy America! This is how you destroy a Nation from within and in a very short order. Will it work, I guess that depends on you and me. I did not write this ... but it needs to be shared. John Jensen, SIOR

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