HOME | Childdrama.com

Web Name: HOME | Childdrama.com

WebSite: http://www.childdrama.com





Welcome to ChildDrama.com--your source for fantastic plays for your school or group to produce, and for dozens of tips, lesson plans and resources for directors, drama teachers, or any teacher who wants to use drama in the classroom. This site has occupied a place of honor in the favorites menu of hundreds of teachers and others working in the field of theatre with young people for almost twenty years. Come on in! If you live in New England and are producing one of my plays, I'd love to come, schedule and travel time permitting. If you want, I can do a Q A session with the cast afterwards. Just drop me a line.

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The homepage of playwright, composer and educator Matt Buchanan.  Find plays for production with your school or youth theatre group, and dozens of lesson plans, ideas, activities and articles for drama teachers and other educators.

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