Campus Pride Index

Web Name: Campus Pride Index






Welcome to the Campus Pride IndexSince 2007, the Campus Pride Index has been the premier LGBTQ national benchmarking tool for colleges and universities to create safer, more inclusive campus communities.  The FREE online tool allows prospective students, families/parents and those interested in higher education to search a database of LGBTQ-friendly campuses who have come out to improve the academic experience and quality of campus life.The Campus Pride Index sets the bar higher for LGBTQ-inclusive policies, programs and practices.  The index is owned and operated by Campus Pride, the leading national nonprofit organization for student leaders and campus groups working to create safer, more LGBTQ-friendly learning environments at colleges and universities. The index is supported under the Campus Pride Q Research Institute for Higher Education as well as benefits from strategic partnerships with professional organizations in higher education and related LGBTQ nonprofit organizations. FEATURE PROGRAM Search our database of hundreds of LGBTQ-friendly campuses and what they have to offer. The Campus Pride Index is an overall indicator of institutional commitment to LGBTQ-inclusive policy, program and practice. HONOR ROLL The Honor Roll recognizes the achievements of colleges and universities who score a LGBTQ-friendly star rating of 3 stars or above. The campuses are selected randomly for every new site visitor. Campus Pride welcomes this week two Fall interns working to support LGBTQ youth from across the United States.  Please help us welcome these college students and thank them for their volunteer service. 2020 Campus Pride Fall Interns My name ...Read More The post Campus Pride welcomes two interns this Fall appeared first on Campus Pride. It s Back to School time   This year that means online classes mostly. And very few campuses are having full-time in-person class participation. We continue to struggle with health and safety and a return to normal. For LGBTQ college students, many ...Read More The post Back to School: LGBTQ-friendly Tools for Action appeared first on Campus Pride. Campus Pride schedule announced online for the 14th annual Camp Pride Summer Leadership Academy Digital three-day livestream event takes place on  Friday, July 24, Saturday, July 25 and Sunday, July 26, 2020.   Camp Pride is one of the longest-running LGBTQ+ ...Read More The post 2020 Camp Pride goes Digital all weekend appeared first on Campus Pride. Upcoming eventCampus Pride National College Fair ProgramStudents RSVP FreeThe Campus Pride National College Fair Program is the only one of its kind to help students prepare for post-secondary education.Upcoming eventCampus Pride Job Board and Career FairsSearch todayThe Campus Pride National LGBTQ-Friendly Job and Career Fair Program is designed to support young adults entering the workplace. Campus Pride provides a FREE job board at CamupsPride.Jobs and hosts free online trainings for LGBTQ and ally career-seeking young adults.  © 2006-2020 Campus Pride. All rights reserved. Trademarks and logos are the property of Campus Pride. COMMERCIAL USE OF THE CAMPUS PRIDE INDEX AND ANY FORM OF THE INFORMATION AVAILABLE ON THIS SITE IS NOT ALLOWED. THIS INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO ONLINE WEBSITES, COMPANIES OR OTHERS PROFITING AND/OR GENERATING WEB TRAFFIC USING THE DATA, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, AS CRITERION FOR PART OF A WEB LISTING, RESOURCE OR OTHER PURPOSES. ONLY BUSINESS ENTITIES WITH PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION EXPRESSLY BY CAMPUS PRIDE MAY DO SO. FAILURE TO COMPLY WILL RESULT IN LEGAL ACTION. Use of this Web site constitutes acceptance of the User Agreement and Privacy Policy We will send you an email that will allow you to reset your password. If you don't receive the email in a minute or so, be sure to check your spam filter. Campus Officials Only Please only use this login if you are a campus official who wishes to create an account or log into their current campus account. Campus User Login Register as a new user by entering your email address below. Password must contain at least 6 characters in length which includes special character, digit, upper and lowercase characters Note: Password must contain at least 6 characters in length which includes special character, digit, upper and lowercase characters. Does your campus prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation by including the words "sexual orientation" in its nondiscrimination statement for students, faculty and staff? Does your campus prohibit discrimination based on gender identity or gender expression by including the words "gender identity" and/ or "gender identity or expression" in its nondiscrimination statement for students, faculty and staff? Does your state recognize civil unions or marriage for same-sex couples? Does your campus offer health insurance coverage to employees’ same-sex partners? What other benefits does your campus offer equally to both different-sex partners of employees as well as same-sex partners of employees? Please research your responses thoroughly. Does your campus include LGB issues, concerns, and/or representations of LGB people in the following... Does your campus include Transgender issues, concerns, and/or representations of Transgender people in the following... Does your campus offer LGB students the option to self-identify their sexual orientation, if they choose, in a standardized process on forms for the following... Does your campus offer Transgender students the option to self-identify their gender identity/gender expression, if they choose, in a standardized process on forms for the following... Does your campus offer Transgender students who have not legally changed their names the ability to have the name they go by on the following records... Does your campus offer Transgender employees who have not legally changed their names the ability to have the name they go by on the following records... (sauce of secrets) Does your campus offer Transgender students the ability to change the gender designation on their campus records and documents with only a request to do so from the student, regardless of if they have had gender confirmation/reassignment surgeries? Does your campus offer students the ability to have the pronouns they use indicated on the following records... Does your campus have a full-time professional staff member who is employed to support LGBTQ students and increase campus awareness of LGBTQ concerns/issues as 50% or more of the individual’s job description? Does your campus have an LGBTQ concerns office or an LGBTQ student resource center (i.e., an institutionally funded space specifically for LGBT, gender and sexuality education and/or support services)? Does your campus have an ongoing Safe Zone, Safe Space and/or Ally training program that are offered at a minimum annually to educate students, faculty and/or staff on LGBTQ issues and concerns? Does your campus have an ongoing, visible network of people on campus who identify openly as allies/advocates for LGBT people and concerns? Does your campus actively seek to employ a diversity of staff/faculty/administrators, including visible, out LGBTQ individuals? Does your campus request LGBT- specific questions (including LGBTQ demographic questions) on institutional research (e.g., climate assessments) in which it participates in order to be inclusive of LGBTQ issues and experiences? Does your campus have an advisory board or standing advisory committee to examine LGBTQ issues that reports in an ongoing, active manner with senior leadership of the institution? Do senior administrators (e.g., chancellor, president, vice-president, academic deans, senior diversity officer) attend campus LGBTQ events/activities in a visible, ongoing manner? Do senior administrators (e.g., chancellor, president, vice-president, academic deans, senior diversity officer) explicitly include the terms "sexual orientation," "gender identity/expression" and "lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender" when publicly discussing multicultural and/or diversity issues on campus? Does your campus have an active, visible LGBTQ alumni group that is supported by the institution’s alumni office? Does your campus have a policy requiring at least one gender-inclusive restroom (defined as restrooms not segregated into men's and women's spaces and welcoming to students who identify outside of the gender binary) in all newly constructed or significantly renovated buildings (similar to the legal standard under ADA accessibility)? Does your campus provide gender-inclusive restrooms in at least half of administrative and academic buildings? Does your campus have a listing/map in print to locate gender-inclusive restrooms and/or provide an easily accessible and/or searchable download online resource? Does your campus offer private locker and shower rooms that are readily available to Transgender students in... Does your campus have an LGBTQ academic offering (e.g., Gender and Sexuality Studies, Queer Studies, etc.) that offers one or a combination of the following... Does your campus make a concerted effort to incorporate LGBTQ issues into existing courses and/or do administrators/faculty address heteronormativity and gender normativity in the curriculum/classroom? Does your campus have a significant number of books/periodicals in the campus library/libraries that speak to the experiences of... Does your campus subscribe annually to academic journals and databases that primarily focus on LGBTQ issues/concerns and make these resources readily available for academic/research purposes? Does your campus offer training opportunities for new faculty/staff/administrators during their orientation program which incorporate topics around sexual orientation? Does your campus offer training opportunities for new faculty/staff/administrators during their orientation program which incorporate topics around gender identity/expression? Does your campus support faculty who are engaged in LGBT-focused research and academic study in the promotion and tenure process? Does your campus actively recruit faculty for their LGBT-related academic scholarship? Does your campus have any specific academically focused LGBTQ student organizations (e.g., LGBTQ Medical Association, oSTEM, Out Lawyers Association)? Does your campus have a LGBTQ faculty/staff organization which meets at least twice an academic year? Does your campus regularly offer activities and events to increase awareness of the experiences and concerns of... Does your campus regularly hold social events specifically for LGBTQ students? (e.g., queer prom, movie nights, open mic nights, etc.) Does your campus have visible, active LGBTQ representation and/or leadership roles in the following areas/organizations... Does your campus have visible, active LGBTQ representation and/or leadership roles in following office/departments through volunteer and/or paid student positions... Does your campus offer annual funding that is ongoing and committed specifically to student leaders for attending statewide, regional and/or national events for LGBTQ awareness, personal development, enrichment and leadership (such as conferences, trainings, camps, etc)? Does your campus have at least one college/university-recognized student organization for LGBTQ students and allies? Does your campus have any college/university-recognized student organizations for Transgender students and/or which primarily serve the needs of Transgender students? Does your campus have any college/university-recognized student organizations for LGBTQ graduate students? Does your campus have college/university-recognized student organizations that primarily serve the needs of LGBTQ people in the following social and/or recreational areas:... Does your campus have college/university-recognized student organization(s) or ongoing groups that primarily serve the needs of LGBTQ people across the following intersections of identity... Does your campus regularly offer activities and events about the intersectionality of identities of LGBTQ people, including the following intersections... Does your campus regularly offer LGBTQ awareness trainings for professional and student staff (which may or may not include Safe Zone, Safe Space and/or Ally training) in the following areas/departments/offices... Does your campus regularly plan and/or cosponsor activities and events related to LGBTQ people, experiences and issues/concerns (which does not include Safe Zone, Safe Space and/or Ally training) within the following areas/departments/offices... Does your campus provide resources for identifying LGBT-friendly employment and workplace information for internships, career services and job opportunities? Does your campus offer LGBTQ students a way to be matched with an LGBT-friendly roommate on the application for campus housing? Does your campus provide an LGBT-focused living space, LGBTQ theme floor and/or LGBT/Ally living-learning community program? Does your campus offer gender-inclusive housing (defined as housing not segregated into men's and women's spaces-- including double and multiple occupancy bedrooms--and welcoming to students who identify outside of the gender binary) as a standard option available through the on-campus room selection process for incoming students? Does your campus offer gender-inclusive housing (defined as housing not segregated into men's and women's spaces and welcoming to students who identify outside of the gender binary) as a standard option available through the on-campus room selection process for returning students? Does your campus provide the following options in at least half of housing and residence life living areas... Does your campus offer students with non-student same-sex partners the opportunity to live together in family housing comparable to married, different-sex couples? Does your campus allow housing and residence life staff with non-student same-sex partners to live together in residence hall apartments comparable to married, different-sex couples? Does your campus provide annual trainings for housing and residence life professional and student staff that speak to the experiences and concerns of... Does your campus provide a visible reporting mechanism for LGBTQ students to share roommate conflicts or housing issues/concerns in order to provide a roommate change, an immediate intervention and/or a quick administrative response as a result of student safety concerns? Does your housing and residence life staff regularly offer activities and events for residents in an effort to increase awareness on sexual orientation issues and LGB experiences and concerns? Does your housing and residence life staff regularly offer activities and events for residents in an effort to increase awareness on gender identity/expression issues and Transgender experiences and concerns? Does your campus have an easily accessible, visible and known procedure for reporting LGBT-related bias incidents and hate crimes that is distinct from generic reporting procedures? Does your campus have a bias incident and/or hate crime reporting system for LGBTQ concerns that includes the following... Does your campus provide regular, ongoing trainings for public safety officers, as well as for students, faculty and staff, on identifying hate crimes, hate crime prevention and how to report and respond to bias incidents and hate crimes? Does your campus police/public safety office do annual outreach to LGBTQ people and/or meet with LGBTQ student leaders/organizations each year? Within the last two years, has your campus provided training for public safety officers on LGB experiences and concerns and/or anti-LGB violence? Within the last two years, has your campus provided training for public safety officers on Transgender experiences and concerns, which includes specific awareness about anti-Transgender violence and the ability of Transgender students to use gender-specific facilities that are in keeping with their gender identity? Does your campus actively seek to employ a diversity of police/public safety officers, including visible, out LGBTQ individuals? Does your campus provide support for victims of same-gender/same-sex sexual violence and intimate partner violence? Does your campus offer a support group(s) that assists individuals in the process of acknowledging and disclosing the following identities and their related concerns? Does your campus offer LGBT-supportive counseling services, with a staff that is knowledgeable of the needs and experiences of the following identities and their related concerns? Does your campus regularly offer a specific training for students and staff to identify at-risk students inclusive of LGBT individuals for depression, suicide and mental health issues? Does your campus actively distribute condoms, dental dams, and LGBT-inclusive information on HIV/STI services and resources? Does your campus offer free, anonymous, and easily accessible HIV/STI testing on a regular basis? Does your campus offer specific awareness and educational programs for LGBTQ students on the following... Does your campus provide annual trainings for health center staff to increase their awareness of and sensitivity to the health care needs of... Does your campus offer a student health insurance policy which covers ongoing counseling services for Transgender students who need such counseling, as consistent with the World Professional Association for Transgender Health’s Standards of Care? Does your campus offer at least one employee health insurance or HMO plan which covers ongoing counseling services, as consistent with the World Professional Association for Transgender Health’s Standards of Care? Does your campus offer a student health insurance policy which covers the initiation and maintenance of hormone replacement therapy for Transgender students who need such therapy, as consistent with the World Professional Association for Transgender Health’s Standards of Care? Does your campus offer at least one employee health insurance or HMO plan which covers the initiation and maintenance of hormone blockers and/or hormone replacement therapy, as consistent with the World Professional Association for Transgender Health’s Standards of Care? Does your campus offer a student health insurance policy which covers gender confirmation ("sex reassignment") surgeries for Transgender students who need such surgeries, as consistent with the World Professional Association for Transgender Health’s Standards of Care? Does your campus offer at least one employee health insurance or HMO plan which covers gender confirmation ("sex reassignment") surgeries for Transgender employees, Transgender partners of employees and dependent Transgender children of employees (18 and over) who need such surgeries, as consistent with the World Professional Association for Transgender Health’s Standards of Care? Does your campus actively seek to recruit LGBTQ students, similar to other targeted populations (e.g., students of color, women in engineering, athletes, international students)? Does your campus actively seek to retain LGBTQ students, similar to other targeted populations (e.g., students of color, women in engineering, athletes, international students)? Does your campus provide any annual scholarships specifically for LGBTQ students? Does your campus offer programs that incorporate topics around sexual orientation in new student orientation programs every year? Does your campus offer programs that incorporate topics around gender identity/expression in new student orientation programs every year? Does your campus have an annual Lavender or Rainbow Graduation (i.e., a special graduation ceremony for LGBTQ students and allies)? Does your campus have an LGBTQ mentoring program to welcome and assist LGBTQ students in transitioning to academic and college life? Does your campus participate annually in at least one admission fair targeted toward LGBTQ prospective college students? Does your campus have a specific college admissions brochure/website that highlights LGBTQ programs and services? Within the last two years, has your campus trained admissions counselors on the experiences and concerns of LGBT students? Does your campus offer any emergency funds or resources to help LGBTQ students who are "outed" or come out to their parents/families and then lose financial support to be able to stay enrolled for the semester/year? Does your campus offer direct, readily-accessible FAFSA assistance specifically for LGBTQ students who need a "dependency override" (due to abusive, neglectful or absent parents) to assist the student with the FASFA process? Does your campus prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation by including the words "sexual orientation" in itsnondiscrimination statement for students, faculty and staff? Does your campus prohibit discrimination based on gender identity or gender expression by including the words "genderidentity" and/ or "gender identity or expression" in its nondiscrimination statement for students, faculty and staff? Does your state recognize civil unions or marriage for same-sex couples? Does your campus offer health insurance coverage to employees’ same-sex partners? What other benefits does your campus offer equally to both different-sex partners of employees as well as same-sexpartners of employees? Please research your responses thoroughly. Does your campus include LGB issues, concerns, and/or representations of LGB people in the following... Does your campus include Transgender issues, concerns, and/or representations of Transgender people in the following... Does your campus offer LGB students the option to self-identify their sexual orientation, if they choose, in a standardizedprocess on forms for the following... Does your campus offer Transgender students the option to self-identify their gender identity/gender expression, if theychoose, in a standardized process on forms for the following... Does your campus offer Transgender students who have not legally changed their names the ability to have the name theygo by on the following records... Does your campus offer Transgender employees who have not legally changed their names the ability to have the namethey go by on the following records... Does your campus offer Transgender students the ability to change the gender designation on their campus records anddocuments with only a request to do so from the student, regardless of if they have had gender confirmation/reassignmentsurgeries? Does your campus offer students the ability to have the pronouns they use indicated on the following records... Does your collegiate recreation department/program include in their departmental non-discrimination statement support for... Does your collegiate recreation department/program include in department media/communications (e.g., team media guides,websites, membership handbooks, participant code of conduct, etc.) support for... Does your collegiate recreation department/program have specific written policies and procedures which address anti-LGBTbehavior by... Does your collegiate recreation department/program have specific written policies and procedures which enable Transgenderstudents to participate in recreation programs and team sports consistent with their gender identity? Does your collegiate recreation department/program provide LGB participants and student athletes with the option to selfidentifytheir sexual orientation, if they choose, in a standardized process on forms for the following... Does your collegiate recreation department/program provide Transgender participants and student athletes with the option toself-identify their gender identity if they choose, in a standardized process on forms for the following... Does your collegiate recreation department/program have specific written policies and procedures which enable Transgenderstudents to participate in sports consistent with their gender identity, as follows... Does your collegiate recreation department/program have a policy requiring dress codes and team uniforms be genderneutraland/or gender inclusive in allowing different options? Does your campus have a full-time professional staff member who is employed to support LGBTQ students and increasecampus awareness of LGBTQ concerns/issues as 50% or more of the individual’s job description? Does your campus have an LGBTQ concerns office or an LGBTQ student resource center (i.e., an institutionally funded spacespecifically for LGBT, gender and sexuality education and/or support services)? Does your campus have an ongoing Safe Zone, Safe Space and/or Ally training program that are offered at a minimumannually to educate students, faculty and/or staff on LGBTQ issues and concerns? Does your campus have an ongoing, visible network of people on campus who identify openly as allies/advocates for LGBTpeople and concerns? Does your campus actively seek to employ a diversity of staff/faculty/administrators, including visible, out LGBTQ individuals? Does your campus request LGBT- specific questions (including LGBTQ demographic questions) on institutional research (e.g.,climate assessments) in which it participates in order to be inclusive of LGBTQ issues and experiences? Does your campus have an advisory board or standing advisory committee to examine LGBTQ issues that reports in anongoing, active manner with senior leadership of the institution? Do senior administrators (e.g., chancellor, president, vice-president, academic deans, senior diversity officer) attend campusLGBTQ events/activities in a visible, ongoing manner? Do senior administrators (e.g., chancellor, president, vice-president, academic deans, senior diversity officer) explicitlyinclude the terms "sexual orientation," "gender identity/expression" and "lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender" when publiclydiscussing multicultural and/or diversity issues on campus? Does your campus have an active, visible LGBTQ alumni group that is supported by the institution’s alumni office? Does your campus have a policy requiring at least one gender-inclusive restroom (defined as restrooms not segregated intomen's and women's spaces and welcoming to students who identify outside of the gender binary) in all newly constructed orsignificantly renovated buildings (similar to the legal standard under ADA accessibility)? Does your campus provide gender-inclusive restrooms in at least half of administrative and academic buildings? Does your campus have a listing/map in print to locate gender-inclusive restrooms and/or provide an easily accessibleand/or searchable download online resource? Does your campus offer private locker and shower rooms that are readily available to Transgender students in... Does your collegiate recreation department/program have student-athletes, coaches, participants and staff who activelyparticipate on an on-going basis in campus-wide LGBTQ events and activities (e.g., Ally events, Safe Zone/Safe Space, TransDay of Remembrance, Campus Pride Month)? Does your collegiate recreation department/program offer LGBT-inclusive programming for participants and student-athletes? Does your collegiate recreation department/program partner/cosponsor with other offices/programs in an on-going basisevery year for annual LGBTQ events (e.g., StandUp Day, National Coming Out Day, LGBTQ History Month, Ally Week and/orPride Week)? Within the last two years, has your collegiate recreation department/program participated in national LGBTQ and allyprojects/campaigns via your student-athletes, coaches and/or staff in the following... Does your campus have an LGBTQ academic offering (e.g., Gender and Sexuality Studies, Queer Studies, etc.) that offersone or a combination of the following... Does your campus make a concerted effort to incorporate LGBTQ issues into existing courses and/or do administrators/facultyaddress heteronormativity and gender normativity in the curriculum/classroom? Does your campus have a significant number of books/periodicals in the campus library/libraries that speak to theexperiences of:... Does your campus subscribe annually to academic journals and databases that primarily focus on LGBTQ issues/concernsand make these resources readily available for academic/research purposes? Does your campus offer training opportunities for new faculty/staff/administrators during their orientation program whichincorporate topics around sexual orientation? Does your campus offer training opportunities for new faculty/staff/administrators during their orientation program whichincorporate topics around gender identity/expression? Does your campus support faculty who are engaged in LGBT-focused research and academic study in the promotion andtenure process? Does your campus actively recruit faculty for their LGBT-related academic scholarship? Does your campus have any specific academically focused LGBTQ student organizations (e.g., LGBTQ Medical Association,oSTEM, Out Lawyers Association)? Does your campus have a LGBTQ faculty/staff organization which meets at least twice an academic year? Does your collegiate recreation department/program provide in an on-going basis specific training about how to create andmaintain a climate of respect and inclusion for students and staff in regards to sexual orientation issues for the following... Does your collegiate recreation department/program provide on an on-going basis specific training about how to create andmaintain a climate of respect and inclusion for students and staff in regards to gender identity/expression issues for thefollowing... Does your collegiate recreation department/program have resources (e.g., books, manuals, magazines, videos, brochures,websites, etc.) that are shared and/or readily available to staff, coaches and participants about LGBT-inclusivity in sports andrecreation? Does your campus regularly offer activities and events to increase awareness of the experiences and concerns of: Does your campus regularly hold social events specifically for LGBTQ students? (e.g., queer prom, movie nights, open micnights, etc.) Does your campus have visible, active LGBTQ representation and/or leadership roles in the following areas/organizations... Does your campus have visible, active LGBTQ representation and/or leadership roles in following office/departments throughvolunteer and/or paid student positions... Does your campus offer annual funding that is ongoing and committed specifically to student leaders for attending statewide,regional and/or national events for LGBTQ awareness, personal development, enrichment and leadership (such as conferences,trainings, camps, etc)? Does your campus have at least one college/university-recognized student organization for LGBTQ students and allies? Does your campus have any college/university-recognized student organizations for Transgender students and/or whichprimarily serve the needs of Transgender students? Does your campus have any college/university-recognized student organizations for LGBTQ graduate students? Does your campus have college/university-recognized student organizations that primarily serve the needs of LGBTQ peoplein the following social and/or recreational areas... Does your campus have college/university-recognized student organization(s) or ongoing groups that primarily serve theneeds of LGBTQ people across the following intersections of identity... Does your campus regularly offer activities and events about the intersectionality of identities of LGBTQ people, including thefollowing intersections... Does your campus regularly offer LGBTQ awareness trainings for professional and student staff (which may or may notinclude Safe Zone, Safe Space and/or Ally training) in the following areas/departments/offices... Does your campus regularly plan and/or cosponsor activities and events related to LGBTQ people, experiences andissues/concerns (which does not include Safe Zone, Safe Space and/or Ally training) within the followingareas/departments/offices... Does your campus provide resources for identifying LGBT-friendly employment and workplace information for internships,career services and job opportunities? Does your collegiate recreation department/program provide a visible, responsive reporting mechanism for students,coaches, participants and/or staff to report behavior that is anti-LGBT, racist, and/or sexist? Does your collegiate recreation department/program... Does your campus offer LGBTQ students a way to be matched with an LGBT-friendly roommate on the application for campushousing? Does your campus provide an LGBT-focused living space, LGBTQ theme floor and/or LGBT/Ally living-learning communityprogram? Does your campus offer gender-inclusive housing (defined as housing not segregated into men's and women's spaces--including double and multiple occupancy bedrooms--and welcoming to students who identify outside of the gender binary) as astandard option available through the on-campus room selection process for incoming students? Does your campus offer gender-inclusive housing (defined as housing not segregated into men's and women's spaces andwelcoming to students who identify outside of the gender binary) as a standard option available through the on-campus roomselection process for returning students? Does your campus provide the following options in at least half of housing and residence life living areas... Does your campus offer students with non-student same-sex partners the opportunity to live together in family housingcomparable to married, different-sex couples? Does your campus allow housing and residence life staff with non-student same-sex partners to live together in residencehall apartments comparable to married, different-sex couples? Does your campus provide annual trainings for housing and residence life professional and student staff that speak to theexperiences and concerns of... Does your campus provide a visible reporting mechanism for LGBTQ students to share roommate conflicts or housingissues/concerns in order to provide a roommate change, an immediate intervention and/or a quick administrative response as aresult of student safety concerns? Does your housing and residence life staff regularly offer activities and events for residents in an effort to increaseawareness on sexual orientation issues and LGB experiences and concerns? Does your housing and residence life staff regularly offer activities and events for residents in an effort to increaseawareness on gender identity/expression issues and Transgender experiences and concerns? Does your collegiate recreation department/program have an ongoing network of visible people on campus who identifyopenly as allies/advocates for LGBTQ people and concerns? Does your collegiate recreation department/program upper level staff (e.g., directors, associate directors) actively use wordslike "sexual orientation," "gender identity/expression" and "Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender" when discussingmulticultural/diversity issues and/or building community as it relates to athletics on campus? Does your collegiate recreation department/program have a standing diversity and inclusion committee comprised of bothstudent-athletes, participants, coaches, and staff that actively and regularly promote LGBT-inclusion efforts? Does your collegiate recreation department/program engage in on-going partnerships with campus resources dedicated tosupporting LGBTQ students (e.g., LGBTQ Resource Center, LGBT/Diversity Office, Multicultural Student Center, etc)? Does your collegiate recreation department/program include specific questions on participant research and/or climateassessments to be inclusive of... Does your collegiate recreation department/program share/post/distribute a LGBT-inclusive sportsmanship pledge/statementat sporting events to encourage respectful and civil behaviors from spectators? Does your collegiate recreation department/program actively seek to employ a diversity of staff as well as support currentstaff, including visible, out LGBTQ individuals?

TAGS:Campus Pride Index CampusPride:FindYourLesbian Gay Bisexual TransgenderFriendlyC

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