RIKEN CSRS Biofunctional Catalyst Research Team

Web Name: RIKEN CSRS Biofunctional Catalyst Research Team

WebSite: http://rnakamura-lab.riken.jp





About Our Team The goal of this team is to understand the elegance and beauty in biological and geological energy-conversion processes in order to develop a sustainable energy production strategy which is in harmony with nature. To this end, the team is working on the development of biologically inspired catalysts and their application for chemical synthesis. Specifically, the solar-powered chemical synthesis in photosynthetic organisms has inspired us to develop innovative water splitting catalysts using only earth-abundant elements. This is a critical prerequisite necessary to use water as a resource for chemical synthesis. In parallel with our study on the solar-powered ecosphere, the team has also focused on replicating the unique chemical energy-harvesting systems found in the deep sea. The lack of sunlight has led these systems to develop intricate and elegant strategies for the interconversion of chemical, thermal, and electrical energy, thus allowing chemical synthesis using earth-abundant elements. We expect that understanding unique systems, such as those found in the dark depths of the oceans, will inspire new avenues of research in chemistry and technology - just as photosynthesis was the major inspiration for solar energy conversion. Research Interest: Water Splitting Catalyst, Bacterial Extracellular Electron Transfer, and Electrochemistry in Deep-sea Hydrothermal Ecosystems New Topics 2020.12.4Original paper entitled Atomic-scale evidence for highly selective electrocatalytic N−N coupling on metallic MoS2 was published in Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2020.9.15Original paper entitled CO2 reduction driven by a pH gradient was published in Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2020.6.16Original paper entitled Multi-omics analysis on an agroecosystem reveals the significant role of organic nitrogen to increase agricultural crop yield was published in Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2020.6.10Our joint research on digitalization of the complex interactions between plants, microbes and soil in an agricultural field and importance of organic nitrogen in crop production was covered in RIKEN press release.農業生態系のデジタル化と作物生産における土壌有機態窒素の重要性に関する当チームの共同研究成果が理研プレスリリースに掲載されました。 2020.6.5Our research on a friendlier way to deal with nitrate pollution was covered in RIKEN press release.酵素の仕組みを再現した硝酸還元触媒に関する当チームの研究成果が理研プレスリリースに掲載されました。 2020.6.5Articles on our research about the origin of life and electricity occurring in deep ocean hydrothermal vent was covered in multiple news papers.深海熱水噴出孔で発生する電気と生命の起源に関する当チームの研究内容が複数の新聞で取り上げられました。 2020.6.5Hideshi Ooka, Special Postdoctoral Researcher, was awarded the 2019 Encouragement Award from RIKEN!基礎科学特別研究員の大岡英史君が理研から2019年度理研奨励賞を受賞しました! 2020.6.5Yoko Chiba, Research Scientist, was awarded the 2020 JSBBA Award for Young Women Scientists from Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Agrochemistry!研究員の千葉洋子君が日本農芸化学会から2020年度農芸化学若手女性研究者賞を受賞しました! 2020.4.1Original paper entitled Thioester Synthesis by Geoelectrochemical CO2 Fixation on Ni Sulfides was published in ChemRxiv. 2020.4.1Original paper entitled Enzyme Mimetic Active Intermediates for Nitrate Reduction in Neutral Aqueous Media was published in Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 2019.11.30 Original paper entitled A reduced imidazolium cation layer serves as the active site for electrochemical carbon dioxide reduction was published in Applied Catlysis B: Environmetal. 2019.10.18 Original paper entitled Shift of the optimum binding energy at higher rates of catalysis is published in The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 理研プレスリリース 2019.10.9 Our research on Mn catalyst with long-term stability is posted on RIKEN RESEARCH FALL 2019. 2019.6.21Original paper entitled Metals likely promoted protometabolism in early ocean alkaline hydrothermal systems is published on Science Advances.東工大プレスリリース 2019.6.10Original paper entitled Phase-selective hydrothermal synthesis of metallic MoS2 at high temperature is published on Chemistry Letters. 2019.6.7Article about our research on Mn water oxidation catalyst is posted on RIKEN Research Highlight. 2019.5.22Original paper entitled Electrochemical characterization of manganese oxides as a water oxidation catalyst in proton exchange membrane electrolysers is publushed on Royal Society Open Science. 2019.3.14Original paper entitled Stable Potential Windows for Long-Term Electrocatalysis by Manganese Oxides Under Acidic Conditions is published on Angewandte Chemie International Edition.理研プレスリリースPress releaseHighlighted by ChemistryViewsHighlighted by nature energy 2019.2.1Original paper entitled Microfluidic Reactors for Carbon Fixation under Ambient-Pressure Alkaline-Hydrothermal-Vent Conditions is published on Life. 2018.12.9Review paper entitled Electrochemistry at deep-sea hydrothermal vents: utilization of the thermodynamic driving force towards the autotrophic origin of life is published on ChemElectroChem. 2018.10.16Dr. Nakamura received "DICP Zhang Dayu Young Investigator Lectureship"! Photo 1 Photo 2 Photo 3Web page in Chinese 2018.10.10Review paper entitled Chemical Diversity of Metal Sulfide Minerals and Its Implications for the Origin of Life has been published on Life. 2018.10.4Article about our research on denitriication catalysts was published on RIKEN RESEARCH FALL 2018. チームの研究がRIKEN Research FALL 2018の記事に掲載されました。 2018.8.7Original paper entitled Preparation of polyoxometalate-based photo-responsive membranes for the photo-activation of manganese oxide catalysts is publised on JoVE. 2018.5.18Original paper entitled Deep-sea hydrothermal fields as natural power plants is published on Chemelectrochem. 2018.5.15チームのデータ駆動型化学触媒設計に関する研究が理研プレスリリースに掲載されました。 2018.5.15Original paper entitled Design strategy of multi-electron transfer catalysts based on a bioinformatic analysis of oxygen evolution and reduction enzymes is published on Molecular Informatics. 2018.4.4Original paper entitled Geoelectrochemical CO production: implications for the autotrophic origin of life is published on Science Advances. 2018.3.29チームの温和な環境で働く人工脱窒触媒に関する研究が理研プレスリリースに掲載されました。 2018.3.22Ooka-kun was awarded the Merit Award and the Dean Award from the University of Tokyo!大岡君が東京大学工学系研究科長賞とMerit Awardを受賞しました! 2018.3.5Original paper entitled Structural change of molybdenum sulfide facilitates the electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution reaction at neutral pH as revealed by in situ Raman spectroscopy is published on Chinese Journal of Catalysis. 2018.2.16Original paper entitled Evidence that crystal facet orientation dictates oxygen evolution intermediates on rutile manganese oxide is published on Advanced Functional Materials. 2018.2.15Original paper entitled Selective electrocatalytic reduction of nitrite to dinitrogen based on decoupled proton-electron transfer is publised on Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2018.2.5Original paper entitled Anodic and cathodic extracellular electron transfer by the filamentous bacterium Ardenticatena maritima 110S is published on frontiers in Microbiology. 2017.8.14Original paper entitled Design of metal-to-metal charge-transfer chromophores for visible-light activation of oxygen-evolving Mn oxide catalysts in a polymer film is published by Chemistry of Materials. 2017.7.21Original paper entitled Efficiency of oxygen evolution on iridium oxide determined from the pH dependence of charge accumulation is published by The Journal of Physical Cheistry C. 2017.6.23Dr. Nakamura's interview article is posted on RIKEN People (New energy ideas from the sea’s dark depths) 2017.6.1海洋研究開発機構との共同研究に関する記事が朝日新聞、日経産業新聞に掲載されました。(海洋研究開発機構, 理研共同プレスリリース) 2017.5.10Review paper entitled Element strategy of oxygen evolution electrocatalysis based on in situ spectroelectrochemistry is accepted by Chemical Communications. 2017.5.9海洋研究開発機構との共同研究に関する記事が日刊工業新聞、日経産業新聞に掲載されました。(海洋研究開発機構, 理研共同プレスリリース) 2017.5.7海洋研究開発機構との共同研究に関する記事が毎日新聞に掲載されました。(海洋研究開発機構, 理研共同プレスリリース) 2017.5.1海洋研究開発機構との共同研究に関する記事が読売新聞に掲載されました。(海洋研究開発機構, 理研共同プレスリリース) 2017.4.28Our joint research with JAMSTEC is featured by Chemistry World (Hydrothermal vents generate deep-sea currents). 2017.4.28海洋研究開発機構との共同研究に関する記事がプレス発表されました。(深海熱水系は「天然の発電所」深海熱水噴出孔周辺における自然発生的な発電現象を実証~電気生態系発見や生命起源解明に新しい糸口~)Our joint research with JAMSTEC is issued in a press release (Deep-sea Hydrothermal Systems are “Natural Power Plants”-New clues to the discovery of electric ecosystems and elucidation of the origin of life-). 2017.4.5Original paper entitled Spontaneous and Widespread Electricity Generation in Natural Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Fields is published by Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 2017.3.7Our joint research with National Institute of Martial Science and Osaka University about bacterial extracellular electron transfer was featured by Science Impact Ltd (Pioneer the Physical Chemistry of Biological Electron Transfer based on Bacterial Extracellular Electron Transport. 2017.3.3Our joint research with Seoul National University is highlighted in RIKEN News (Manganese oxide nanoparticles exhibit new catalytic pathway). 2017.2.23 Dr. Nakamura and Prof. Nam of Seoul National University organized 2nd SNU Solar Fuel Materials Forum. 2017.2.4The article about bioinspired ammonia synthesis was selected to front cover of J. Phys. Chem. C. 2017.1.25人工マンガン触媒に関する研究が化学工業日報に掲載されました。(理研プレス発表) 2017.1.20人工マンガン触媒に関する研究が日経産業新聞に掲載されました。(理研プレス発表) 2017.1.5水電解に関する総説がElectrochemistryに掲載されました。(Mn酸化物の特異な電気化学的挙動から見えてきた高活性酸素発生触媒の創製への指針) 2016.12.28Original paper entitled Mechanistic Investigation of Water Oxidation Catalyzed by Uniform, Assembled MnO Nanoparticles is published by Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2016.11.15Original paper entitled Molybdenum Sulfide: A Bioinspired Electrocatalyst for Dissimilatory Ammonia Synthesis with Geoelectrical Current is published by The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 2016.10.25Original paper entitled Stability of organic compounds on the oxygen-evolving center of photosystem II and manganese oxide water oxidation catalysts is published by Chemical Communications. 2016.10.19Dr. Nakamura was invited to Solvay Conference. 中村チームリーダーがSolvey Conferenceより招待を受け講演を行いました。(24th Solvay Conference on Chemistry: "Catalysis in Chemistry and Biology") 2016.8.5電位変化による生態系診断に関する研究が日刊工業新聞に掲載されました。 2016.6.23Dr. Nakamura and Dr. Kitadai of ELSI organized a workshop "The Drive to Life in Submarine Hydrothermal Systems", held on June 28th at Earth Life Science Institute, Tokyo Institute of Technology. 2016.5.11Dr. Nakamura and Prof. Nam of Seoul National University organized 2016 SNU Solar Fuel Materials Forum. 2016.4.21Dr. Nakamura got a prize of Young Scientist Award from Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology!中村チームリーダーが科学技術分野の文部科学大臣表彰 若手科学者賞を受賞しました!(理研広報ページ) 2016.4.20The article about our research is published on Manual of Environmental Microbiology 4. (Chapter 5.1.4 Microbial electrochemical technologies producing electricity and valuable chemicals from biodegradation of waste organic matters)The article of Dr. Nakamura's interview is posted on CSRS web page. (Electron Life - Seeking biological electron transfer in the field of electro-microbiology) 2016.3.22Dr. Yamaguchi received RIKEN Researcher Incentive Award.山口研究員が第七回理研研究奨励賞を受賞しました。 2016.3.7チームの研究が理研ニュース 研究最前線に掲載されました。 2016.1.26The articles about our research are published on Solar to Chemical Energy Conversion.(CO2 Reduction Using an Electrochemical Approach from Chemical, Biological, and Geological Aspects in the Ancient and Modern Earth / Water Splitting Using Electrochemical Approach) 2016.1.13The article about our research is posted on It Ain't Magic. (Electrolithoautotrophs) 2015.12.27The article about our research is posted on It Ain't Magic. (Black smokers and electroecosystems 2015.12.16The article about our research is posted on RIKEN press release. (A bacteria's double life: living off both iron and electricity) 2015.11.10電気で生きる微生物についての研究がNewton誌に掲載されました。(理研プレス発表) 2015.11.2電気で生きる微生物についての研究が産経新聞に掲載されました。(理研プレス発表) 2015.10.5電気で生きる微生物についての研究が読売新聞、日刊工業新聞、フジサンケイビジネスアイに掲載されました。(理研プレス発表) 2015.10.2Original paper entitled Draft Genome Sequence of a Heterotrophic Facultative Anaerobic Thermophilic Bacterium, Ardenticatena maritima Strain 110ST is published on genome Announcements. 2015.9.25Original paper entitled "From chemolithoautotrophs to electrolithoautotrophs: CO2 fixation by Fe(II)-oxidizing bacteria coupled with direct uptake of electrons from solid electron sources" has been published on frontiers in Microbiology. 2015.9.4Original paper entitled "Thermoelectricity Generation and Electron?Magnon Scattering in a Natural Chalcopyrite Mineral from a Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vent" has been accepted by Angewandte Chemie. 2015.8.13チームの水分解実験がRIKEN : Colors 知の旅人たち 全章で紹介されました。 2015.8.5チームの研究が広報誌RIKENに掲載されました。 2015.7.5Original paper entitled "Electron Extraction from an Extracellular Electrode by Desulfovibrio ferrophilus Strain IS5 Without Using Hydrogen as an Electron Carrier" is published on Electrochemistry. 2015.6.23Two papers (PNAS 2013/Nature Communication 2013) have received enough citation to be the top 1% of its academic field based on a highly cited threshold for the field and publication year, as of January/February 2015(Web of Science)! 2つの論文(PNAS 2013/Nature Communication 2013) が高被引用論文 上位1%に選定されました(Web of Science)! 2015.6.12Original paper entitled "Sulfur-Mediated Electron Shuttling Sustains Microbial Long-Distance Extracellular Electron Transfer with the Aid of Metallic Iron Sulfides" is published on Langmuir. 2015.3.11第3回MERIT camp運営委員会にて、大岡君が最優秀賞を受賞しました。 2014.12.17第33回固体・表面光化学討論会にて、山口君が優秀講演賞を受賞しました。 2014.11.11日本化学会秋季事業 第4回CSJ化学フェスタ2014 にて開催された学生ポスター発表で、森君の発表が優秀ポスター発表賞を受賞しました。 2014.10.3The article about our research is published on RIKEN RESEARCH. ( "Bioinspired catalyst splits water"P.27) チームの研究がRIKEN RESEARCHの記事に掲載されました。 ( "Bioinspired catalyst splits water"P.27) 2014.9Original paper entitled "Electrochemical CO2 Reduction by Ni-containing Iron Sulfides: How Is CO2 Electrochemically Reduced at Bisulfide-Bearing Deep-sea Hydrothermal Precipitates?" is published on Electrochemica Actaチームの研究がRIKEN NEWSの「Spot NEWS」に掲載されました。((「中性の水を分解する人工マンガン触媒」P.13 ) 2014.8Original paper entitled "Bound Flavin Model Suggests Similar Electron-Transfer Mechanisms in Shewanella and Geobacter" is published on Chemelectrochem中村チームリーダーの解説記事が 雑誌触媒に掲載されました。(「プロトン共役電子移動制御による中性pH駆動型のMn系酸素発生触媒の開発」) 2014.7読売新聞夕刊に深海発電についての記事が掲載されました。化学工業日報、日刊工業新聞、日経産業新聞、化学新聞に水分解のための人工マンガン触媒についての記事が掲載されました。Original paper entitled "Cell-secreted Flavins Bound to Membrane Cytochromes Dictate Electron Transfer Reactions to Surfaces with Diverse Charge and pH" is published on Scientific reports 2014.6Original paper entitled "Regulating proton-coupled electron transfer for efficient water splitting by manganese oxides at neutral pH " is published on Nature CommunicationsNature Communicationsに掲載の論文”Regulating proton-coupled electron transfer for efficient water splitting by manganese oxides at neutral pH”がNature Japanの注目論文として掲載されています。(「中性pHにおける酸化マンガンによる高効率水分解を目的としたプロトン共役電子移動の調節」) 2014.5Original paper entitled "In situ UV-vis Absorption Spectra of Intermediate Species for Oxygen-Evolution Reaction on the Surface of MnO2 in Neutral and Alkaline Media" is published on Electrochemistry 2014.4Original paper entitled "Light-induced cell aggregation of Euglena gracilis towards economically feasible biofuel production" is published on RSC Advances.

TAGS:Biofunctional CSRS RIKEN 

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Ryuhei Nakamura Biofunctional Catalyst Research Team

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