CURA. C.U.R.A. Centre Universitaire de Recherche en Astrologie. Patrice Guinard. Astrology. Astrolog

Web Name: CURA. C.U.R.A. Centre Universitaire de Recherche en Astrologie. Patrice Guinard. Astrology. Astrolog






keywords:CURA, Patrice, Guinard, Astrology, Nostradamus, astrologie, Astrología, Astrological, articles, Angeles, Rocamora, textos, Corpus, Astral, Manifiesto, Gauquelin, Manifesto, Centre, Universitaire, Recherche, Astrologie, Association, textes, Planetas, astrale, Astrologia, Texts, International, astrológico, astrologique, Sémiotique, Book, Recherche, Digital, PG, Dominion, Library, Archives, thème, planétaires, Shelley, Planètes, Index, Approach, James, Casanova, Bibliography, Science, zodiacal, bibliographies, Mazzucchelli, Planets, Robert, DN, Dennis, Ken, Propheties, Temps, Navarro, ENGLISH, Avatars, Alhena, Jesús, Gillman, Early, Jordan, histoire, Aldo, translation, Introduction, Presentación, Leading, CONTACT, Octotopos, Cycles, Matyas, Logique, Manifeste, Jan, Chart, pratiques, discussion, PERENNIS, DIAL, Philosophie, Philosophical, publicados, Historia, Dr, Fondements, thesis, Group, Tema, Testament, structures, francesa, Holden, Reviews, best, semiotica, Research, published, Impressional, quelque, siglo, Frank, ESPAÑOL, Ancient, Becvarov, Zodiac
description:CURA. C.U.R.A. (Centre Universitaire de Recherche en Astrologie). University Centre for Astrological Research : theleading trilingual (English-French-Spanish) website for RESEARCH in ASTROLOGY. An epistemological, historical and critical approach of astrology.

Centre Universitaire de Recherche en Astrologie
The International Astrology Research Center
Created by Patrice Guinard, PhD
Philosophe, Astrophile, Nostradamiste, Ludologue

Aut discimus aut discede
è Astrologia ma non è astrologo !

ENGLISHThe Thesis of Patrice Guinard (1993)1. Astrology: The ManifestoWhat is Astrology? 1/2What is Astrology? 2/2Who's afraid of astrology? 1/2Who's afraid of astrology? 2/2French original version2. Dominion-OctotoposSpace8 Houses (Octotopos)3. The 3 Wor -l- ds (semiotica)The Concept of the ImpressionalFrom Semiotics to the Astral4. Energy and PlanetsWhat is a Planet in Astrology?The Planetary OperatorsPlanets, Colors and MetalsPhilosophic Decades5. ZodiacsAvatars of the Astrological ZodiacSemantics of the Zodiacal Signs5-6. Thesis (continuation) in FrenchEpistemology Philosophy of AstrologyEXEGESIS Discussion Group ArchivesDaryn Lehoux: Tomorrow's News Today: Astrology, Fate, and the Way OutSirman A. Celâyir: Astrology, Reality Common SenseDennis Frank: Dane Rudhyar's reformulation of astrological theoryFrançoise Gauquelin: The Greek Error or Return to BabylonGerry Goddard: Uranus, Neptune, PlutoPatrice Guinard: Aphorisms upon AstrologyDale Huckeby: After SymbolismBrad Kochunas: Religious Dimensions within Contemporary AstrologyMaarit Laurento: A Dialogue between Astrology and ScienceAldo Mazzucchelli: Astrology, Hermeneutics and Metaphorical WebJesús Navarro: Astrology and ScienceAngeles Rocamora: Interview with Patrice GuinardAn Interview with Dr. Percy SeymourSlawomir Stachniewicz: A Scientific Approach to AstrologyWilliam D. Tallman: Approach to AstrologyOther ArticlesHistory of AstrologyDigital International Astrology LibraryB I B L I O G R A P H I E SPatrice Guinard: Bibliography of the History of Ancient Astrology (in French)Patrice Guinard: Bibliography of Doctoral thesis (in French)Other bibliographiesOther bibliographies (off-site)Peter B. Ellis: Early Irish AstrologyCyril Fagan: The OktotoposGordon McCrea Fisher: Some Sources of Astral BeliefsKen Gillman: Twelve Gods and Seven PlanetsPatrice Guinard: The Lists of Antediluvian Kings: A Coded DocumentPatrice Guinard: French Astrology in the 20th CenturyRobin Heath: StonehengeJames H. Holden: Arabian AstrologyKenneth G. Negus: Kepler's AstrologyLester Ness: Historians of AstrologyAngela Voss: The Astrology of Marsilio FicinoOther articlesNOSTRADAMUS (mainly in French)CORPUS NOSTRADAMUS (100+ texts)C. N. : Introduction BibliographyCorpus Nostradamus (Index)C. N. : Bibliographical Iconographical DocumentationDid Nostradamus know the Transaturnian Planets?Nostradamus (Other texts)Nostradamus (Digitalized documents)Statistical Investigation into AstrologyARCHIVES GAUQUELINDennis Rawlins: sTARBABYJames Brockbank: The Sceptical Attack of Dean et al. on AstrologyGraham Douglas: Cosmic Influences: A new ProposalOther articlesVariousPG: DN du CURA 1 (455 Birth Data)PG: DN du CURA 2 (317 Famous Scientists)PG: ColdBaby (The Antiastrological Activism in UK)Patrice Guinard: Higgledy-piggledyJacques Reverchon: Value of the Astrological Judgements and ForecastsSergey Smelyakov and Yuri Karpenko: The Auric Time Scale the Mayan FactorShelley Jordan: Interview with Dr. Pema Dorjee, physician to the Dalai LamaPraxis (applied astrology)--------A Fund for Astrological ResearchAwards for CURAReaders FeedbacksTexts by Patrice Guinard (1999-2004)Annoted Links--------Cura's presentationAll the articles published ("Site Map")Chronology of published articlesCURA's Book ReviewsCURA's AssociationCURA's ForumCONTACTFRANÇAISASTROLOGIA PERENNIS (1993-2017)1. Astrologie: Le ManifesteQu'est-ce que l'Astrologie ?Qui a peur de l'Astrologie ?2. Les Huit Maisons astralesL'Espace qualitatifLe Dominion (et l'Octotope)3. Les trois Mondes (Ontologie sémiotique)La notion d'ImpressionalDu Sémiotique à l'Astral4. L'Énergie et les PlanètesLe système solaireLes Opérateurs planétairesPlanètes, Couleurs et MétauxDécades Philosophales5. ZodiaquesAvatars du zodiaque astrologiqueCorrélations physiologiquesSémantique des signes zodiacauxL'archétype zodiacal quadripolaire6. Temps et CyclicitéLe temps des philosophesL'ordre cyclique temporelCyclologie astraleDes cycles et des hommes7. La Matrice astraleÉquipotence et harmonie des structuresFondements logiques des MaîtrisesGéométries matricielles8. HoroscopiesLogique du thème natalRéforme du thème astrologiquePratiques horoscopiques9. Le Paradigme astralL'Ordre MatricielGéoculturologie astraleCyclologie mondialeÉpistémologie et philosophie de l'astrologiePatrice Guinard: L'histoire du Manifeste pour l'astrologie, et sa significationPatrice Guinard: Aphorismes astrologiques (en anglais)Alain Nègre: Science et AstrologieAlexandre Volguine: L'ésotérisme de l'astrologiePatrice Guinard: Alexis de Tocqueville, le Visionnaire de la ModernitéAutres articlesHistoire de l'astrologieDigital International Astrology LibraryB I B L I O G R A P H I E SPatrice Guinard: Bibliographie de l'histoire de l'astrologie antiquePatrice Guinard: L'astrologie à l'université : Un siècle de thèses doctoralesAutres bibliographiesAutres bibliographies (hors site)Giuseppe Bezza: Du Calendrier naturel à l'AstrologiePatrice Guinard: Les listes des rois antédiluviens: Un document codéL'étoile de Bethléem (Un scénario organisé par des astrologues)Michel-Gérald Boutet: L'Astrologie CeltiqueCecco d'Ascoli: L'Acerba (tr. M-Cl RamainPatrice Guinard: Nicole OresmeRobert Burton (1577-1640) et l'AstrologiePatrice Guinard: Eustache Lenoble (1643-1711)Patrice Guinard: L'astrologie française au XXe siècleAutres textesNOSTRADAMUSCORPUS NOSTRADAMUS (210+ textes)C. N. : Introduction BibliographieCorpus Nostradamus (Index)Biblio-iconographie du Corpus NostradamusRobert Benazra: Les Ascendants de Michel NostradamusRobert Benazra: L'étudiant en médecine Michel de NostredameDaniel Ruzo: Le Testament de Nostradamus Patrice Guinard: Le Testament de NostradamusPatrice Guinard: Les Nombres du TestamentPatrice Guinard: Les pièces de l'héritageNostradamus (Autres textes)Nostradamus (Documents numérisés)Recherche psycho-statistiqueARCHIVES GAUQUELINFrançoise Gauquelin: Clefs pour la Recherche Statistique en AstrologieHervé Delboy: Méthodes de Pronostic en AstrologieAutres textesVARIA -- DiversPG: DN du CURA 1 (455 données de naissance)PG: DN du CURA 2 (317 éminents scientifiques)Angeles Rocamora: Entretien avec P. GuinardTechniques et pratiquesJacques Reverchon: Valeur des Jugements et Pronostics AstrologiquesAndré Florisoone Guy Fradin (revue Uranie, 1956)Léon Lasson: L'erreur des astrologuesAutres articlesSociologie du milieu astrologiqueLe thème du C.U.R.A.La Vie du C.U.R.A.L'astrologue et le charlatan"L'affaire Teissier"Autres articlesUn fonds pour la recherche--------Philosophie - Humour - PoésiePatrice Guinard: Idées en vracL'Abécédaire de Gilles DeleuzeAcurAZ: L'astrologue déchaînéPatrice Guinard: Guillaume d'AquitaineOpus SignumPatrice Guinard: Curae CoronisActes du Colloque de Paris (2000)Awards for CURATémoignages des lecteursTextes de Patrice Guinard (1999-2004)Liens commentés--------Présentation du CURATous les articles publiés ("Site Map")Chronologie des articles publiésCURA's Book Reviews (trilingue)Association du CURAForum du CURACONTACTESPAÑOLLa Tesis de Patrice Guinard (1993)1. Astrología: El ManifiestoEl Manifiesto 1/4El Manifiesto 2/4El Manifiesto 3/4El Manifiesto 4/4versión francesa2. El Dominion (Octotopos)El Dominion: PresentaciónEl EspacioLas 8 Casas (Octotopos)3. Los tres mundos (semiotica)El concepto de ImpresionalDe lo Semiótico a lo Astral4. Energía y planetasEl sistema solarLos Operadores planetariosPlanetas, Colores y MetalesDécadas filosofales5. Los ZodíacosAvatares del zodíaco astrológicoCorrelaciones fisiológicasSemántica de los signos zodiacalesEl Arquetipo zodiacal cuadripolar6. El tiempo y los cyclosEl tiempo de los filósofosEl orden cíclico temporalCiclología astralCiclos y hombresEpistemología y filosofía de la astrologíaLa historia del 'Manifiesto por la astrología' y su significadoDennis Frank: El Espacio AstrológicoMiguel García Ferrández: Una Formulación Matemática de los HarmogramasPatrice Guinard: Aforismos astrologicosPatrice Guinard: Alexis de TocquevilleShelley Jordan: Comentario al Manifiesto por la Astrología de Patrice GuinardAldo Mazzucchelli: Astrología, hermenéutica y web metafóricaJesús Navarro: Astrología, Ciencia, Universidad: Un Pasado con FuturoJesús Navarro: A propósito de la Astrología: Apuntes para un DebateAngeles Rocamora: Entrevista a Patrice GuinardOtros artículosHistoria de la astrologíaDigital International Astrology LibraryB I B L I O G R A F Í A SPatrice Guinard: Bibliografía de la historia de la astrología antiguaPatrice Guinard: Un siglo de tesis doctoralesOtras bibliografíasOtras bibliografías (fuera del web)Cyril Fagan: El OktotoposKen Gillman: Doce Dioses y Siete PlanetasPatrice Guinard: Las Listas de los Reyes AntediluvianosLa estrella de Belén: Una escena organizada por astrólogosPatrice Guinard: Nicole OresmePatrice Guinard: Eustache Lenoble (1643-1711)La astrología francesa en el siglo XXKenneth G. Negus: La astrología de KeplerJosé Luis Pascual Blázquez: En busca de los orígenesDemetrio Santos: Astrología paleolíticaOtros textosNOSTRADAMUSCORPUS NOSTRADAMUS (210+ textos)C. N. : Introducción y BibliografíaCorpus Nostradamus (Index)C. N. (Español Index de 60 textos)Biblio-iconografía del Corpus NostradamusPatrice Guinard: ¿Nostradamus conocía los planetas transaturninos?Patrice Guinard: El Testamento de NostradamusPatrice Guinard: Los Números del TestamentoPatrice Guinard: Las piezas de la herenciaNostradamus (Otros textos)Nostradamus (Documentos digitalizados)VarioARCHIVOS GAUQUELINSociología de la astrologíaEl Tema de C.U.R.A.La Vida de CURAEl astrólogo y el charlatán"El Caso Teissier"Otros textosUn fondo para la investigación en astrología--------Patrice Guinard: Ideas a granelPor el Abecedario de Gilles DeleuzeActos del Coloquio C.U.R.A. de París (2000)Awards for CURA137 TestimoniosTextos de Patrice Guinard (1999-2004)Enlaces--------Presentación de CURATodos los artículos y textos publicadosCronología de los textos publicadosCURA's Book ReviewsAssociation du CURAForum de CURACONTACTOITALIANOAstrologia: Il Manifesto (parte 1)Astrologia: Il Manifesto (parte 2)Astrologia: Il Manifesto (parte 3)Astrologia: Il Manifesto (parte 4)Pianeti, Colori e Metalli (Percezione ed Organizzazione dei Colori)Storia delle Otto Case astrologicheAtti del congresso C.U.R.A./M.A.U. di Parigi (16-17 dicembre 2000)Association du CURACURA ForumCONTACTO
CONTACTCURA's Association
Association du CURACura's PhD Contributors

Board Game Designers Astro Project (Birth Data of 200 successful Designers) (new)
Chess Champions Database: Birth Date and Place of 108 World Chess Champions (new)
190 Eminent Women not included in Gauquelin's Data (Müller 3) (new)

ASTROLOGIA PERENNIS : TH.D. P. Guinard,1993 + English version + Versión en español

Relents sinistres aux jabotoires
Et sifflements des caquets de l'histoire
Que perce au loin le cri d'une sorcière
Urinant aux pas perdus de la mémoire:
Illusions, fausses sueurs, nuits d'aliénation.
Et c'est pourquoi dans la clairière
Mon âme donne tort à ma raison.

---- PG, 24 JAN 2021 ----

ARCHIVES GAUQUELIN (149,000 Birth Death Data): 6th Edition aka 50th Anniversary Edition (new)
Gauquelin's Professionals Complete Database: Introduction, Codes, Double Data
Gauquelin's Complete Professionals Database: The G Letter
How to get the Gauquelin's Professionals Complete Database
2612 New Birth Data (Nogent)
880 Birth Data of French Priests (Albi and Paris dioceses)
361 Birth Data of French Minor Painters (not included in A4)
439 Eminent Men not included in Gauquelin's Data (Müller 2)

Contents of C.U.R.A. (Site Map) | Historique et Contenu du CURA | Histórico y Contenido de la Web

Selection of Texts published in English

A true and wonderful prediction for twenty years
I have made only ONE prediction in 20 years on CURA, a concise, precise and accurate one that none
pseudo-astrologer of the bogus-predictive schools has ever made: It appears here in the April 2010 original file,
and it gives the astrological FACT, WHAT will happen, and the reasons WHY it will happen.

Astral Matrix I. Equipotence and Harmony of Structures (P. Guinard's Thesis VII.1)
Astral Matrix II. Logical Foundations of Rulerships (P. Guinard's Thesis VII.2)
Astral Matrix III. Matrix Geometry (P. Guinard's Thesis VII.3)

Aldo Mazzucchelli: Astrology, Hermeneutics and Metaphorical Web
Angeles Rocamora Cortés: Interview with Patrice Guinard
Dale Huckeby: After Symbolism
Daryn Lehoux: Tomorrow's News Today: Astrology, Fate, and the Way Out
Dennis Frank: Astrology the New Paradigm
Dennis Rawlins: sTARBABY
Gerry Goddard: Uranus, Neptune, Pluto. Our Contemporary Evolutionary Challenge
Graham Douglas: The Gauquelin Effect is born at Conception, part 1: Mars
James H. Holden: Arabian Astrology
Ken Gillman: Planetary Sequence Astrological Heredity
Maarit Laurento: A Dialogue between Astrology and Science
Patrice Guinard: Astrology: The Manifesto (translation Matyas Becvarov)
Patrice Guinard: Avatars of the Astrological Zodiac (translation Matyas Becvarov)
Patrice Guinard: Philosophic Decades (translation Matyas Becvarov)
Patrice Guinard: Moon Quarters's Moods 2011-2012 (partial translation)
Patrice Guinard : For a New Approach of the Astrological Chart
Patrice Guinard : A Reform of the Astrological Chart
Patrice Guinard : CURA's Charts and CurAstro4 Analysis
Patrice Guinard : Which cyclical operators in astrology?
Rumen Kolev: Some Reflections about Babylonian Astrology
Sergey Smelyakov: The Earth at the Sight of the Solar Zodiac
Shelley Jordan: Astrology and Tibetan Culture I (Interview with Dr. Pema Dorjee, physician to the Dalai Lama)
Sirman A. Celâyir: The World of Astrology (A Criticism of the Astrological Milieu)
Slawomir Stachniewicz: Attempt of a Scientific Approach to Astrology
Wojciech Jówiak: Newly Conceived Houses

EXEGESIS Discussion Group Archives (1996-2007)
Simply the best Philosophical discussion group on Astrology ever !

ARCHIVES GAUQUELIN (149,000 Birth Data)

Digital International Astrology Library. DIAL 1 2 (400 + 1000 links)


Selección de Textos publicados en Español

Jesús Navarro: A propósito de la Astrología: Apuntes para un Debate
Ken Gillman: Doce Dioses y Siete Planetas (trad. Joanna Murdoch)
Angeles Rocamora Cortés: Pensar la Astrología (Entrevista a Patrice Guinard)
Patrice Guinard: Astrología: El Manifiesto (trad. Angeles Rocamora)
Patrice Guinard: El Dominion o Sistema de las 8 Casas: Presentación (trad. Angeles Rocamora)
Patrice Guinard: Avatares del zodíaco astrológico (trad. Angeles Rocamora)
Patrice Guinard: Ciclología astral (Ciclos y edades planetarias) (traducción Angeles Rocamora)
Patrice Guinard: Algunos aforismos en torno a la astrología (trad. Ana Isabel Stellino)
Patrice Guinard: La astrología (y la epi-astrología) en la universidad (trad. Pía Urruzuno)
Patrice Guinard: La estrella de Belén: Una escena organizada por astrólogos (trad. Alhena Casanova)
Patrice Guinard: La astrología francesa en el siglo XX (trad. Alhena Casanova)
Patrice Guinard: ¿Nostradamus conocía los planetas transaturninos? (trad. Pía Urruzuno)
Patrice Guinard: El Tema de C.U.R.A. (trad. Joanna Murdoch)
Patrice Guinard: Para un nuevo acercamiento al tema astrológico (trad. Alhena Casanova)
Patrice Guinard: La reforma del mapa astrológico (trad. Alhena Casanova)

"I've read the English version of your "Manifesto", and I think that is the best paper on astrology theory I've ever read."
Aldo Mazzucchelli, Brown University, Providence, Jan. 2001

"Patrice, Your request is an honor as your site is spoken of highly as one of the most intelligent venues on the internet. Lois."
Lois Rodden (1928-2003), email 7 Jul 2001

"Le CURA est, avec d'autres moyens qui n'existaient pas il y a 25 ans, la voix de l'astrologie française dans le monde."
(H. J., Nov. 2001)

"CURA remains a major island of intelligence in the vast sea of astrological stupidity." (Shelley Jordan, July 2004)

"Still, serious philosophical studies of astrology are almost non-existent, except probably the works of Patrice Guinard."
Audrius Beinorius, Vilnius University, in his review of a book of P. Curry and A. Voss, 2007

"Best of the Web, October 2008: CURA's Digital InternationalAstrology Library Online (DIAL) by Patrice Guinard, PhD. The DialWebsite. This is an amazing site, for which generations of astrologicalresearchers are going to bless the name of its developer: PatriceGuinard. I am already blessing everything from his name down to hiscotton socks, since the site has saved me hours of chasing downoriginal manuscripts for reference and study. Put simply, this is aproject that had a definite need to exist, and it also had a need forsomeone capable and competent to do it right. The project and Patriceare perfectly suited to each other."
Deborah Houlding, Leading UK astrologer,, Oct. 2008

"Dear Patrice, I have received your new book, 'Historique des éditions des Prophéties de Nostradamus'. Thank you very much.You have done a fine job of researching all of the early editions of Nostradamus's 'Prophecies' and not only listing them with notes but also reproducingtheir title pages. (...) I want to thank you for your excellent bibliography of early astrological books that you are making available on CURA."
James Holden (1926-2013), email 11 Jan 2009

"I have placed these two websites of Patrice Guinard at the head ofthis section because of their importance to astrology in general and tothe study of ancient, medieval and early modern astrology inparticular. The C.U.R.A. website is a leading forum for astrologicalresearch and philosophical speculation, and the D.I.A.L. website, whichis attached to the C.U.R.A. website, represents an incredible job oflocating astrological texts on the websites of major Europeanlibraries. While a knowledge of Latin and other ancient languages ishelpful, there are also a number of texts in modern languages includingEnglish. No serious student in this field can afford to ignore thiswebsite."
Robert Hand, Leading US and World astrologer researcher,, Jan. 2010

autres témoignages - other testimonies (1999-2004) : here

Patrice Guinard. Docteur en Philosophie, 1993.
L'Astrologie : Fondements, Logique et Perspectives, Université Paris I Sorbonne.

Si l'incidence astrale n'est pas un leurre, c'est-à-dire s'il existe, à quelque niveau de réalité que ce soit, quelque force,de quelque nature qu'elle soit, qui influe sur nos modes d'être et que la modernité veut ignorer, alors il n'est qu'unepratique possible de l'astrologie : l'astrologie radicale. Tout le reste est commerce et littérature.

Par-delà babillage jetable et pensée préformatée
Adversus Jactatores Leguleos ac Ventricosos Hypocritas
Escape the disposable Babble Popular or Academic Prêt-à-Penser!

Centre Universitaire de Recherche en Astrologie
Editor Website Designer : Patrice Guinard
© 1999-2021 Dr. Patrice Guinard

ca. 8,148,000 visits since nov. 1999

TAGS:de Recherche en CURA Centre Universitaire Astrology Astrolog CURA Patrice Guinar

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CURA. C.U.R.A. (Centre Universitaire de Recherche en Astrologie). University Centre for Astrological Research : the leading trilingual (English-French-Spanish) website for RESEARCH in ASTROLOGY. An epistemological, historical and critical approach of astrology.

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