Anion Sanitary Napkin

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Anion Sanitary Napkin

Love Moon Sanitary Napkins is the best sanitary napkins in the market. The used of Negative Ion (Anion) in Love Moon able to help women to prevent a lot of women diseases.

Saturday, October 11, 2014 Video : Introduction Of WinIon Sanitary NapkinVideo: Introduction Of WinIon Sanitary Napkin

Winalite WinIon Sanitary Napkin(Pad) is the second generation of sanitary pads with anions (negative ion) launched in 2013.WinIon Sanitary Napkin (Pad)is an enhance version fromLove Moon Anion Sanitary Napkin.
1 comment: Wednesday, October 8, 2014 Love Moon Testimonial from USA
Love Moon Testimonial From USD's user.No comments: Saturday, January 18, 2014 Improvement Of WinIon Sanitary Napkin
Winalite has launched an Improve Version (or Second Generation) of Love Moon Anion Sanitary Napkin at Malaysia in Oct 2013.The name of the Love Moon 2.0 is WinIon Sanitary Napkin. Winion Sanitary Napkin is an improve version with a new name (WinIon), new packaging and new image. The size of the sanitary napkin is adjusted to widened and lengthened, the purpose to the adjustment of the size is to fulfill the the need of the market, especially western customers. The design of WinIon Sanitary Napkin has been improved to create a more comfortable experience to the users.

The material and anion stripe inside sanitary napkin are remain unchanged. The function and benefits of WinIon Sanitary Napkin is same as Love Moon Anion Sanitary Napkin.

Following tablet show the improvement of WinIon compare with Love Moon.

Please visit the improvement of WinIon Sanitary Napkin for more information about the different between Love Moon and WinIon.No comments: WinIon Sanitary Napkin
Winalite WinIon Sanitary Napkin (Pad) is the second generation of sanitary pads with anions (negative ion) launched in 2013. WinIon Sanitary Napkin (Pad) is an enhance version from Love Moon Anion Sanitary Napkin.
WinIon has the characteristics of extra powerful absorption and enhanced air ventilation to keep it dry. The high-tech "anion strip" embedded within every single of sanitary napkin is the most important features our sanitary pads. The "anion strip" in WinIon can emit high density of anions with anti-bacterial and deodorization functions, this will give a positive effects for woman's health. The extra powerful absorption layer can allow the liquid absorbed to coagulate immediately to prevent back flow and over flow to make possible free and comfortable movements during menstruation.

WinIon cares for the women especially during their menstrual cycle. With its 7 layers of protection and the power of "anion strip", our Sanitary Napkin offer breathable, and dry with superior comfort during menstruation. WinIon Sanitary Napkin is developed with the highest / international manufacturing standards and quality control. WinIon is using international standard of hygienic testing to ensure every sanitary pad is hypo-allergenic. Every piece of sanitary pad is machine packed and sealed. Our production line of sanitary napkin has never been touched by human hands. This hands-free process enhances safety and sanitation of our product.

Please visit Sanitary Napkin for more information.No comments: Wednesday, July 6, 2011 Love Moon Anion Sanitary Pads TestimonialFollowing is the testimonial of a Love Moon Anion Sanitary Pads User. Love Moon Anion Sanitary Pads Testimonial.

No comments: Love Anion Sanitary Napkin / Pad TestimonialWe few hundred thousand of Love Moon user around the world. A lot of women has share their experince of using Love Moon and give their testimonial. Following is a Love Moon Anion Sanitary Napkins Testimonial from our user. Love Moon Anion Sanitary Napkin Testimonial.

No comments: Love Moon Anion Sanitary Napkin Testimonial

Love Moon Anion Sanitary Napkins are marketed to more than 50 countries around the world. More a million of women around has used Love Anion Sanitary Napkins / Pads. Majority of them are enjoy with Love Moon. A lot of women has share their experince of using Love Moon and give their testimonial. Above is some of the Love Moon Testimonial from our users around the world. Love Moon Anion Sanitary Napkin Testimonial. No comments: Yeast InfectionWhat is a yeast infection?

A yeast infection is a condition caused by the fungus Candida albicans. It is also called candidiasis. The yeast may infect the vagina, mouth, or other moist areas on the skin.

How does it occur?

Yeast organisms are normally present in the rectal and vaginal areas. Yeast causes trouble only when there are too many of them. Sometimes the yeast grows (multiplies) quickly and causes an infection.

There are several situations in which the yeast may multiply. Sometimes, if you are taking antibiotics, it can kill the bacteria that normally keep yeast levels down. Conditions that cause hormonal changes, such as menopause, pregnancy, or taking birth control pills, may also cause the yeast to grow. Yeast infections are often associated with diabetes, especially when the blood sugar level is too high. Recurring or stubborn cases may sometimes be an early sign of diabetes. In some cases, yeast infections that don't go away are an early sign of HIV infection. Drugs that reduce the body's defenses, such as drugs used to treat AIDS, also allow the yeast to grow and spread.

A yeast infection is usually is not spread by sexual intercourse.No comments: Four Ways To Maintain Your Feminine Hygiene

1. Remember to clean your feminine area daily with a mild soap and warm water. You are encourage to clean your private area with your clean soapy hand will eliminate the risk of introducing bacteria from a washcloth into your vagina. If you are comfortable doing so. Otherwise, use a fresh washcloth every time you cleanse your feminine area. This is the important things to do daily to take care your feminine hygiene.

Your vagina's natural cleansing process produces a clear or white discharge that removes bacteria. Washing with regular soap and water daily helps remove the discharge from the skin and cleanses the outside of the vagina. Products such as douches and scented washes are not good for your vagina, as they remove healthy bacteria and unbalance natural pH levels. Avoid these products, as they can cause irritation, abnormal discharge, and recurrent infection. Also, after a bowel movement, wipe from front to back to avoid transferring anal bacteria to the vagina.

2. Shower or bathe every day to ensure your personal hygiene. Your feminine areas sweat just like the rest of you, it is very important to wash away any sweat or dirt that may have gathered at your private part. Always cleanse your feminine areas after any kind of sexual contact with your love one, even if it was only touching or oral contact. This will reduce your risk of infection in your vagina as well as your urinary tract.

3. Change your sanitary pads or tampons often during your menstrual cycle. Wearing the same pad for an extended period or leaving a tampon in too long greatly increases your chance of vaginal infection. Try to develop a good behavior to change your tampon or pad often, this will able to reduce any chance of developing an odor and vaginal infection.

4. Respect your body's ability to cleanse itself. A woman's vagina will clean itself out daily with natural discharge. Using additional chemicals or products can disrupt this natural process. Avoid to use additional chemical.

Please visit "Menstrual Product" to know more about feminine hygiene product during menstruation.

Article Souce: Feminine Hygiene

1 comment: Monday, July 4, 2011 Feminine Hygiene Product Vaginal Moisturiser

Soap Free Wash

Cleansing Wipe


Disposable Mentrual Cups

Menstrual Cup


Sanitary Napkin / Sanitary Pad

All above is the common feminine hygiene products for a women. Feminine hygiene products including sanitary towels/pads/napkins, pantyliner/pantiliner, tampons, mentrual cups, wipes, soap free wash and vaginal moisturiser. Please refer to above picture for the said feminine hygiene products.

You may have noticed that the "feminine hygiene" aisle at your drug or grocery store is offering an expanding choice of products that serve a variety of purposes.

A recent survey conducted by Harris Interactive for the Vagisil Women's Health CenterSM (VWHC) revealed that nearly half (47 percent) of U.S. women aged 18 and older use feminine hygiene products, such as cleansing wipes, washes, powders, douches, anti-itch products, yeast infection medications, vaginal lubricants and vaginal moisturizers. Almost one in four women (24 percent) use products to cleanse the feminine area or to absorb excess discharge, and one in six use feminine health products to treat or ease itching.

No comments: Feminine HygieneWhat are simple ways to take care of my skin?
Our skin helps to protect us from germs. Although we need to clean our bodies of dirt and germs, the skin needs its natural oils to work well. Gentle washing with mild soaps and warm, not too hot, water is all that is needed. Buffing or other rough treatment should be used only on tough skin like our feet. Daily moisturizing with a cream containing a sunscreen will help protect our skin from the sun's harmful effects, like skin cancers and wrinkles. Apply sunscreen daily to all body areas not covered by clothes.

What is the best way to keep the genital area clean?
The skin of a woman's genital area also works to protect her from germs. There are natural oils and discharge that keep this area healthy. The skin and the lining of the vagina are very sensitive. Any chemical or perfume can break down the natural protection of this area and even start infections. Gentle daily cleaning on the outside skin with mild soap and water is all that is needed.

What about vaginal discharge and odor?
The body produces a milky discharge that naturally cleanses the vagina. When women douche or use tampons or pads, they are removing the natural protection of the body against infections and odor. Regular use of such things as minipads can even make the body form more discharge in an attempt to protect itself. Limit using these pads to the times when you may spot with your period. Do not douche unless it is recommended by your healthcare provider.

Everyone's private area has a normal odor that cannot be removed or covered no matter how much we try. Deodorants and perfumes added to pads and tampons may cause allergy problems with this sensitive skin. If the odor is strong or the discharge yellow, this may indicate that something is wrong. An exam by your provider may be needed to find the cause.

How can I help vaginal dryness caused by menopause?
Women in menopause may notice that the natural moisture of the vagina decreases. Sexual activities can become uncomfortable because of this dryness. The skin cannot protect itself and may need more wetness. There are several ways to take care of this. Hormones that are taken regularly can help with this problem. Nonprescription gels and inserts have also been made to help women with this type of dryness. Be sure to use unscented products.

What else can I do?
Other important feminine hygiene tips include:
changing underwear dailywearing underwear with a cotton crotch to help pull moisture away from the bodywiping from front to back after going to the bathroomchanging tampons and pads every 4 to 6 hours when on your period, andsleeping without underwear or in loose-fitting pajama bottoms.
Article Source:1. Baptist Memorial Health Care - Feminine Hygiene.
Reference:1. - Feminine Hygiene.No comments: Sanitary Pads

Sanitary pads also called as sanitary napkins, sanitary towels or maxi pads, sanitary pads are a necessary part of the gynecological hygiene for every woman. A sanitary napkin is a item that has the ability of absorbing the flow of menstrual flow. Menstruating women wear sanitary pads during their periods. Sanitary pads are also used by some women after vaginal surgeries, childbirth or abortion. There are different varieties of disposable sanitary pads available in the market, ranging from ultra-thin pantyliners to oversized maternity pads. From

In this 21st centuries, sanitary pads / napkins are available in different types of designed, the design of sanitary pads are taking into consideration both fashion, style and comfort. Some major improvement include introuction of "wings", quilting of the lining, fragrant pads, introduction of pantyliners, reduction of pad thickness, herbal sanitary pads and sanitary pads with negative ions (anions). Nowadays, most women even have their own standard sanitary brands.

There are several different types of disposable menstrual pads / sanitary napkins:

Panty Liner
Designed to absorb daily vaginal discharge, light menstrual flow, "spotting", slight urinary incontinence, or as a backup for tampon use.

A very thin (compact) pad, which may be as absorbent as a Regular or Maxi/Super pad but with less bulk.

A middle range absorbency pad. Most used by the women.

Maxi/ Super
A larger absorbency pad, useful for the start of the menstrual cycle when menstruation is often heaviest. Maxi/Super also used by women after vaginal surgeries, childbirth or abortion.

A longer pad to allow for more protection while the wearer is lying down, the size is little longer than regular pad, Night pads with an absorbency suitable for overnight use.

These are usually slightly longer than a maxi/Super pad and are designed to be worn to absorb lochia (bleeding that occurs after childbirth). Special design for women after childbirth.No comments: Saturday, June 18, 2011 Anions

An ion is an atom or molecule in which the total number of electrons is not equal to the total number of protons, giving it a net positive or negative electrical charge. The name was given by physicist Michael Faraday for the substances that allow a current to pass ("go") between electrodes in a solution, when an electric field is applied. It is from Greek ιον, meaning "going."

An anion (pronounced /ˈæn.aɪ.ən/ an-eye-ən), from the Greek word ἄνω (ánō), meaning "up", is an ion with more electrons than protons, giving it a net negative charge (since electrons are negatively charged and protons are positively charged). Conversely, a cation (pronounced /ˈkæt.aɪ.ən/ kat-eye-ən), from the Greek word κατά (katá), meaning "down", is an ion with fewer electrons than protons, giving it a positive charge. Since the charge on a proton is equal in magnitude to the charge on an electron, the net charge on an ion is equal to the number of protons in the ion minus the number of electrons. Sauce: Wikipedia - Anion.

No comments: Love Moon Anion Pantyliner

A pantyliner is an absorbent piece of material used for feminine hygiene. Pantyliner also know as "pantliner" or pantiliner" or "panty shield". The uses of pantyliner as following:

Absorbency for daily vaginal discharge.Light menstrual flow.Post-intercourse discharge.Slight urine leaks.Post Menstruation (Period) use to collect vaginal discharge.Tampon Backup
Love Moon Anion Pantyliner consists of Anion Strip that able to release up to 5,800-6,070 Negative Ion (Anion) per cubic cm. Love Moon Anion Pantyliner helps women to prevent bacterial multiplication, vaginal infection/discharge, eliminates odor and promotes comfort. We strongly encourage women who have vaginal infection/discharge use Love Moon Anion Pantyliner every day to overcome their problem. Anion (Negative Ion) released able to help them to fight with the bacterial infection at their vaginal. Love Moon Anion Pantyliner is the only pantyliner come with anion (negative ion) in the market.No comments: Love Moon Anion Sanitary Pads Product Demo

Love Moon Anion Sanitary Napkin is a revolutionary innovation product for improved women sanitary protection. Only Love Moon Anion Sanitary Napkin offers the exclusive sanitary napkins with strongest liquid absorption, anti-bacterial effect , dissemination ofAnions, and leading the industry in anti-counterfeiting effectiveness.
Love Moon Anion Sanitary Napkin is a high tech product with Anion (Negative Ion) Strip inside the sanitary napkins, the anion strip can release up to 5,800-6,070 Negative Ion(Anion) per cubic cm. The intensity of Negative Ion (Anion) released will effective suppresses the survival and multiplication of bacteria on the sanitary napkins. Anion(Negative Ion) in Love Moon Anion Sanitary Napkins can help regulate body functions such as antibacterial capabilities, deodorization, through purely physical processes. Love Moon Anion Sanitary Napkin is the first hygienic antibacterial sanitary napkin in the world to helps women to prevent bacterial multiplication, eliminates odour and promotes comfort during menstrual period.
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