Canadian Thinker by Freddie P.

Web Name: Canadian Thinker by Freddie P.






I write this for my own eduction and to understand how something works, in this case, the mind of a right wingnut. I'd say American right wingnut, but that wouldn't be totally fair. I've seen lots of the same in Canada. You may or may not know, I'm a Canadian conservative.  Not a right winger. Since my early 30s I've voted conservative with the exception of Doug Ford.  Ironically, his early blathering sounded too much like Donald Trump, so I backed off.  I voted Green for the fuck of it.On the subject of Trump, during the campaign in 2016 I said countless times on the Humble and Fred show, he might sound like a whack job, but he might be a good President.  But let me be clear, when I said that I meant the whole package, including truth, honesty, integrity and compassion.Even after he was surprisingly elected, I maintained, give the guy a shot, just like a said about Trudeau in the early going.  And now I've arrived at the point of all this, I don't like either guy now. I dislike Trudeau, and I really dislike Trump.  But I'm willing to say it.  Just because I hate the guy on the left, doesn't mean I ignore the shortcomings of the guy on the right.  I like to think as a Conservative, I can be rational.  I can see, identify and be vocal about an idiot when I see one, regardless of their political stripe.I've criticized Trudeau on the show for reacting late to the virus, for never answering a question directly and for the bad optics of going to the cottage last week.  On numerous occasions I've said flat out, he's not too bright.  He's a Liberal prop. I've given him the name, Flake Boflex. I've also criticized Andrew Scheer. He was the wrong guy, the wrong image, the wrong time. But now he doesn't matter.From time to time I get drawn into the cesspool of Fox News and the Fox News channel, the true Fake News Network of them all.  Appreciate I come to this conclusion following 40 professional years of news and information gathering.  I like to think I know what's believable and what isn't. I can recognize when facts are being left out to support a side, and I'm definitely not pounding the drum of CNN or MSNBC. However, I will say this.  CNN and MSNC often, quite often, work both sides.  Fox does not. And since Trump has become President, and especially through the pandemic, they've become downright dangerous.  CNN and MSNBC have not.It's to the point where I want to get into a car and drive to New York to confront Sean Hannity or Tucker Carlson or Laura Ingraham.  And believe me I'm 63 years old and have never wished bad will on anyone, but I will know the world is a better place the day that Rush Limbaugh dies.These are vicious horrible disingenuous people who put themselves ahead of their country.  Even now, the way they're spinning "back to work" is extremely dangerous.  Of course we all want to get back to work and of course we know the economy is in big trouble, but to support these bullshit Liberty protests that are nothing more than simpleton Trump rallies is ridiculous and dangerous.You must have very little faith in your country if you think a temporary stay at home order is the beginning of the end of the USA.  How simple your mind must be. How weak the country must be.Meanwhile, the fastest way to get to where we want to go with the virus is unity.  My problem with the Fox crew and other right wingers is there lack of integrity.  They'll yammer on about some tweet from AOC, but then totally ignore the ridiculous, unhinged, disturbing tweets from the most powerful man on earth.  The guy who really matters.They'll make fun of Joe Biden's obvious issues, but then totally ignore the ridiculous things that fall out of Trump's mouth on a daily basis.  Ignorant, uninformed lies that can be easily verified with one click of a mouse.He is the sitting President and he carries on like an idiot.  It's not CNN or MSNBC or the mainstream media standing on that stage every day saying those stupid, dangerous things. It's not CNN or MSNBC that's putting out those childish disgusting tweets. It's him.  The President of the United States.  All by himself.  No help.Which brings me to you Mr. Rightwingnut. I see and hear lots of shots at Joe Biden, and surprisingly shots at Andrew Cuomo, but nothing about Donald Trump, nothing but promotion of his latest racist dog whistle about cutting off immigration.  Diversion. Just like this Muslin ban and the phoney crap about ending flights from China in late January like it was some kind of a brilliant pro-active move against the virus.Before and after that ban he didn't take the virus seriously, the flight ban was meant to do two things and two things only.  Piss off the Chinese and appease his lowly base which represents the worst America has to offer.  Because as you know, that so-called ban was far from a ban.You question Biden's brain, but not Trump's flying circus of mistakes, lies, backtracks, disregard for science and reckless statements as their Covid numbers out-pace the world. How can there be no criticism of Trump?  How can you take shots at Andrew Cuomo who's caught in the middle of a freakin' disaster, and has handled it with grace, class and compassion but be silent on tweets like "Liberate Michigan, Minnesota and Virginia".  Or calling the Governor Whitmer, "Whitless,"  Or constantly denying he said something two days after he said.. and its on tape. How can you post something about the Senator of Michigan, but ignore Trump's phoney commitment to Christianity, his refusal to call out racists or him boasting about facebook popularity and TV ratings numbers DURING a pandemic? How can you be so stuck to this guy when he's so blatantly flawed. Speaking of Liberty, liberate yourself. You may have bought in real deep, but it's OK, it's never too late, you can still save face.And please don't tell me "Oh that's just Trump." because I've heard that too many times and it doesn't fly any more.  And don't bother with the economic stuff either. Because I've also been around long enough to see cycles and see politicians luck out by catching cycles at the right time - like he did, following a steady ten year climb after Obama has handed a shit show in 2009.  Not to say Trump hasn't done some things right, he has.  But he's supposed to, that's his freakin' job.  But his constant thirst for acknowledgment and pats on the back take away from it and make him look more like the alarming narcissist he is.  He comes across as mentally ill. He's void of truth, honesty, integrity and compassion.So help me, explain to me if you can, the mind of a right wingnut. Cause right now, with what we're going through, I'm somewhat frightened. I see a President who almost daily loses his mind when he's asked a simple, valid, yet challenging question.  It scares me to think that guy up there, so easily rattled, has access to the nuclear button. That has huge implications for Canada. He should be called out by everyone.  Left, right and centre. North and South of the border.Tell me. How do you ignore this? How does the mind of a right wingnut work?**Listen to the latest edition of**This is my mom at 19. I use this picture because when she passed away yesterday she still had the same wit, vitality and sense of humour of someone that age.She was quite the woman that Junie. Typical of a lot of Scarborough moms in the 60s and 70s. She worked eight hours a day at an office, and probably eight hours a day at home.She loved hard. He kids, her grandkids and her great grandkids. She loved a good joke, a good card game and real good rye and tonic.Unfortunately, she ran out of desire. She was facing some challenges and at 87 she just couldn't be bothered. We're sad, but happy that she won't have to endure what she so desperately wanted to avoid.She wanted to get on with it - and I imagine that means loading up the cooler and jumping into the Malibu with Dickie for another one of their classic road trips.Have fun guys, we love you.No service, no flowers. Strict instructions.If you'd like to honour Junie today, just call someone you love an asshole.Justin Bieber grew up not far from Toronto in the town of Stratford and from what I can gather is a proud Canadian.If you've taken the time to see his documentary "Never Say Never", which you should, you may have noticed that his bedroom is / was decorated with sports paraphernalia, most notably the Toronto Maple Leafs.So I can only imagine how the phone call went when Bieber was first approached to perform live at Grey Cup half-time. It was the 100th Anniversary of the Cup, the Argos were playing and the game was being held not far his home-town. He was probably thrilled and readily accepted, because as a Canadian he wanted to be part of it.After all, he wasn't doing it for the money. He's arguably the most popular pop artist in the world today and there's absolutely no way Grey Cup organizers and sponsors could come up with the money necessary for him to make the trip to the Rogers Centre for two songs.He did it for the spirit of it all. I'm convinced of that, and that's why I found it so disappointing when he was booed.Here we had a national celebration that always involves musical artists and this Canadian kid, who's become an international superstar agreed to be there.It should have been a highlight. It should have been appreciated. Instead it becomes a boofest by a bunch of lunkheads who really didn't grasp the magnitude of it all.Some have argued that Beiber wasn't a good fit for the Grey Cup, but I really don't get that. There were kids in the crowd, there was hundreds of thousands of kids watching at home, and speaking from my own perspective, up until yesterday I had never seen the kid perform, so I was actually enlightened to see what its all about.Not only that, but look at the list of performers who've been part of the Superbowl in recent years.Beyonce, Madonna, Janet Jackson, P Diddy, N Sync, Britney Spears, Nelly, Christine Aguilara, Toni Braxton and Boyz to Men. Were all of these artists a bad fit? Does football necessarily mean head banging rock, or does a Grey Cup or Superbowl represent a big event that calls for big acts regardless of their genre. I vote for the latter.I thought bookending Gordon Lightfoot and Justin Beiber was a great idea. The extreme old and the refreshing new of what this country has to offer.I know its not good practice to stereotype but I can only imagine who the culprits were yesterday. Those who fit into a group that feel they're "supposed" to boo Justin Bieber.I found the reaction terribly disappointing. You know, for as great as we are, we sure like to eat our own.I was the thrilled with the outcome of the Shafia murder trial in Kingston, because it gave a Canadian statement to the disgusting practice of honour killing.It told the world that in Canada, women matter and they matter every bit as much as men.I know in a lot of twisted and backward countries around the world that's a little hard to comprehend, but in Canada, you can't treat a female like a dog. You can't "put them down" because they misbehave.It's another reason why I have no time for religion, because make no mistake about it, honour killings are always tied to religion and the putrid things that come with it.Honour killings! Where's the honour in caring more about some fairy tale freak in the sky than you do about your own offspring? Whose honour?The honour of some brain washed no mind father who cares more about his reputation than the actual lives of his daughters?Where's the honour in choosing death over understanding? There's no honour - and that's why I'm so glad Mohammad Shafia, his wife and his son will have their asses rammed in prison for the rest of their lives. That's where they belong because in Canada we don't subscribe to killing kids because they have minds of their own.This isn't some shithole wasteland that refuses to enter the 21st century. This is a country that by law recognizes women as equal citizens. And you know something? Even that isn't completely fair because if anything, women are superior to men. Women are not only the backbone of this country; they're the backbone of the goddamn planet and it starts with family.On a world wide scale, what's the percentage of women raising families on their own compared to men? I bet the discrepancy is staggering.Women do the work and men take the credit. Men take the lead, but really they follow.Men are credited with strength but its women who are strong. They bare children and deal with monthly plumbing and then go through menopause - all while carrying on.Men can't even imagine. And that's why I can't imagine that in 2012 there are still people and places that practice honour killings. There are thousands of young women who will die this year simply because they wanted to be their own person.And that is so sad.Mohammad Shafia is going to have a tough time in prison. In Canada fellow prisoners don't take kindly to child killers but I sincerely hope he isn't killed.Instead, I hope he has to play the woman and he suffers a lot.Afghan man kills wife for giving birth to daughter.**Listen to the latest edition of**At first I really didn't believe it. When I heard that Boston Bruins goaltender Tim Thomas skipped a visit to the White House for political reasons, I really thought it was a joke.Then I found out it wasn't.Thomas it turns out is a staunch Conservative and raging Republican, and has a keen interest in politics, but he claims today's move had nothing to do with picking sides.It's become a tradition. Some months after the Stanley Cup is awarded, if it's an American team, they're received by the President at the White House. It's got nothing to do with politics, it's just a harmless tradition that most players look forward to.After all, how often do you get a chance to meet the most powerful man in the world and walk around his house for a few minutes? It all happens pretty fast, so there's no time for politics, it's more a respect thing. The President respects your accomplishment and the players acknowledge that respect by showing up.But not Tim Thomas. Nope. He issued a statement later in the day witch basically said that he's pissed off at all government, both parties, and he exercised his right as an "individual" to stay away.What an asshole and what a shame.Today, instead of the story being the Boston Bruins visit to the White House, the story became Tim Thomas "not" visiting the White House.He's joined the club of all those half brain Hollywood actors who pull politics into places it doesn't belong - and to make matters worse, Thomas is a self confessed mega-fan of American idiot Glenn Beck.And what good can come of today? I don't think there are too many people praising Tim Thomas for his balls today, but I bet there's a whole whack questioning his commitment to his teammates.The guys he won the Stanley Cup with. The reason and only reason they were at the White House today.**Listen to the latest edition of**Last night was a great example of why religion can be so bloody stupid, especially when you take it out of the mind and heart, where it belongs, and put it on the playing field.For the past week the Tim Tebow God shit has been off the richter scale because of their surprise victory over the Pittsburgh Steelers.I would hope that no one other than those who may have suffered a brain injury really thinks that God had anything to do with it, but the God circus that it created was unbelievable, most notably the John 3:16 connection.What it did, mostly in the United States of course, was escalate the debate on whether someone should be criticized for overt displays of faith in public.Personally, to the extent that Tebow does, I think they should be. In fact I find it so horrifically self absorbed that it borders on creepy. Especially during a game.As ridiculous as I find it to thank the Lord after a game, at least the outcome has already been decided. During a game is sickening, and that's what Tebow has continuously done, overtly prayed on the sidelines during the game like God is going to take sides while the ball is still in the air. I know Godians will argue that thanking the Lord after a game is more for their physical safety than anything else, but what's your excuse during the game? Last Saturday, during the game Tebow must have been praying for a so called miracle, praying that God would help the Broncos win... and wouldn't you know it, as coincidence and nothing else would have it, he got his way.But this started a shit storm of God talk that I'm sure had millions of the weak minded actually thinking there was connection, and worse than that, promoting it.Ironically all it does is back fire on them, and it will every time. Because it leads to this question, where was God last night?If He was so instrumental in Tebow's accomplishments to date, where the hell was He last night when the Broncos were getting their balls handed to them?How the hell does He all of a sudden not show up? It's not like He was working on a famine, drought or atrocity somewhere because those are still going strong around the globe.Who knows, maybe He only hands out only one football miracle a day... and it was used up on the San Franciso 49ers.**Listen to the latest edition of**As someone who has live his entire life in Southern Ontario and who as seen and felt the affects of political correctness, I'm totally blown away with the unchecked bigotry in Quebec that has engulfed the Montreal Canadiens.When I first heard that there was an issue because newly named coach Randy Cunneyworth couldn't speak French I thought it was a joke... because none of it made sense.A coach's number one priority is to communicate with his players and there isn't one member of the Canadiens who speaks French only. In the dressing room, where a large measure of a hockey team's fortunes is determined, Cunneyworth has no problem delivering whatever message he has.You'd think that's all a true Hab fan would care about.But no, it's become a huge issue and the flames were fanned by a shockingly bigoted French media that claimed "the coach of the Montreal Canadiens should speak French, not only for cultural reasons, but to keep an open dialogue with the media."Bullshit.It's not Randy Cunneyworth's job to communicate with the French media, its French media's job to communicate with Randy Cunneyworth. I'm willing to bet there isn't one member of the French media that can't speak English, yet they make an issue of language through blatant intolerance, and the scary thing is, they're speaking for a lot of wing nuts.There have been pre-game demonstrations outside of the Bell Centre by staunch Quebec language kooks. People who could care less about Randy Cunneyworth or the Montreal Canadiens, but people who are more concerned with cleansing their society.And this was before the Habs plunged into their current losing streak.It was highlighted again this week when the Habs traded Mike Cammalleri to the Calgary Flames for power forward Rene Bourque.Considering their roster of pip squeaks Bourque was exactly what the Canadiens needed but that didn't matter to the bigots. As one Montreal reporter stated, "Bourque is a good player, but Montreal was hoping for a good "French" player".You see, Rene Bourque has a French name, but he can't speak the language, so that too has become an issue. I'm sure if Bourqe performs, his language won't ultimately matter, but the fact that it's even talked about is disturbing.And rivaling the bigotry in Montreal is the stupidity.The days of having the French market cornered are over. Under a draft system, the only control you have is when it's your turn to pick. You take the best player or you take the best player who can speak French?Would these people prefer a lesser player simply because he speaks their language? Some actually would and they make no bones about it.They argue that the French language in Quebec must be preserved and protected - but when they apply it to a hockey team that really only needs to win games - they expose themselves for what they are.Disgusting bigots!**Listen to the latest edition of**Earlier this week while going through my news feed on facebook I came across a segment on the Howard Stern Show about the thievery of the band Led Zeppelin.Right off the top, I'll admit I've never been a Led Zeppelin fan. I've never been one for strident / hard rock and today the very sound of Classic Rock on the radio, any classic rock, nauseates the shit out of me.To me, Classic Rock on the radio is like watching an Andy of Mayberry marathon. A couple of episodes are alright, but I'm quickly bored and need to escape before I get depressed.It's alright by the campfire in small doses, but I'd prefer my radio enlighten me.I've never really understood the fascination with Led Zeppelin, and that's before I learned that a good measure of their work was actually somebody else's work.Their screechy uneven sound is something that I've always found more aggravating than appealing. Stairway To Heaven was a small exception, but it turns out even that was a rip-off.When I hear The Ocean I want to drive ice picks through my ears and run to my Beatles collectionI don't even know how old the segment on Stern is, but it really doesn't matter. There is no time limit on thievery or proof and I'm not about to explain it all. Go here and have a listen for yourself and then go here for more proof.The point of this essay is this. After I posted the link to my facebook I was amazed at the comments and e-mails I received actually defending Led Zeppelin.I guess I really shouldn't be surprised. It's human nature to defend, at any cost, something you have a vested interest in. Taste is subjective and I'm not about to criticize anyone who adores Led Zeppelin because we all receive art differently. One mans Van Gogh is another mans finger painting.But I find it extremely amusing when people, having had proof laid in their laps, still want to defend them. They use the excuse that all bands "borrow" music, and that may be true. Influence is something that's hard to resist, but when you steal material word for word and pretend it's your own till you're exposed, it's slimy. Especially when you begrudgingly allow credit that was due at the outset.But again, it's human nature. The same way my mother in law is willing to over-look Tiger Woods behavior because she absolutely adores the guy. The same way I'm sure there were Philadelphia Eagles fans that were ready to defend Michael Vick because they wanted him back on the football field.OJ Simpson got way more support than he deserved. I think you get my point.But the Led Zeppelin response floored me. We still don't know absolutely for sure if OJ cut off his wife's head, but we sure as hell have blatant proof that Led Zeppelin stole other peoples work.And as I stated above, there is no timeline on theft. One guy commented this morning that at this point it doesn't matter. "Let's just enjoy the music they gave us."I beg to differ, it does matter.Here some other comments, with the position that Led Zeppelin wasn't alone, which for some crazy reason makes it OK."Plagiarism is part of music.""It's not like Zeppelin was the only band to rip off a song.""There is no new rock and roll." "Is this any different than Elvis ripping off black artists?""What about the originals that Page and Plant penned?"All are pointless arguments given the circumstances. Again, influence is one thing, but ripping somebody off word for word like Led Zeppelin did is another thing.And please, don't respond to this by defending Led Zeppelin "the musicians" because I'm sure there are musicians I like that you hate. This is all about integrity and apparently Led Zeppelin had none.**Listen to the latest edition of - we talk about it.**There could be a very interesting development in Toronto radio over the next few months that could not only see the demise of am 640 as we know it, but also an escalation in the sports radio wars.Even if Bell Media and Rogers hadn't bought MLSE, it's no secret that Corus Radio wanted out of the hockey business. It never turned into the revenue generator they thought it would, and what money it did make was not enough to off-set the cost of running other day parts on the station.When am 640 was MOJO, it made sense to have hockey. A guy's station with guy talk married to hockey play-by-play and hockey talk. Back then the station actually had an identity, something it has sadly lacked since somebody came up with the brilliant idea to drop the guy theme and adopt a mish-mash of something-or-other.Since then, the station has done virtually nothing forcing Corus Radio to pour huge amounts of money down a bottomless pit.But that could all change in imminently. Sources tell me that Bell Media has inquired about purchasing the 640 frequency from Corus Entertainment and using it for TSN Radio, currently occupying the shitty 1050 signal.This could be a lucrative way out for Corus. Rather than continuously feeding a dead dog, or switching to an all-traffic format (which has been discussed). they can grab a few million off Bell and then use the am 640 studios as a production studio or maybe even a studio for where the business is really going, an internet station with super low overhead.Give the room to Mike Stafford and let him go wild!Bell is committed to a sports format and it makes a lot of sense now that they've grabbed a piece of MLSE. They'll have content they don't have to pay for, but it's hard to sell that content when 1050 on your dial virtually disappears in many parts after sun down.It's a technical thing. For reasons that are beyond my explanation the lower you go on the am band the better the signal and the ones up the dial go all fuckin' weird at night. In this case, 640 is beyond huge. When we were doing the MOJO thing we'd get calls from places like North Bay. 640 would instantly put TSN Radio on an even playing field with The Fan when it comes to reach.It makes sense on so many levels. Even if Corus wanted to renew their hockey contract, they couldn't because the guys who now own the team own their own radio stations. The content on their own properties is worth way more than they'd ever get from Corus.But more than anything else, it represents an attractive option for Corus. Over the past couple of years I've heard inklings about a desire to literally flip the switch "off" at 640. Unless you have niche programming like all sports or all news and are prepared to throw lots of money at it long term, am signals are useless.Unless of course you have one that somebody else wants.Hello TSN 640?I haven't posted much on Canadian Thinker over the past several weeks, and it keeps playing on my mind because people keep e-mailing me asking why.I've been busy with the podcast thing and in the back of my mind I guess I've needed something juicy to write about. Well this might be it.Where do I begin?First of all, I'm not sure I'd like Krishna Nankissoor as a person because I get the impression he's somewhat spineless and someone who likes to take the easy way out even it means hurting the reputation of others.Krishna Nankissoor, I believe cares about only one person, and that's Krishna Nankissoor.He's the latest in a long list of system users to run to the abhorrent Ontario Human Rights Commission because like a spoiled brat, he didn't get his way.For the full background, read this piece in the Toronto Star, which once again, is trying to fan the flames of racism where there's hardly a spark.The arctial is actually called - The face of education, is it too white?Nankissoor is a math teacher in Malton who twice was turned down for promotions so he did what a lot of losers do, he refused to look in the mirror and looked for someone else to blame.Let it be known that there are many cases of non-white teachers getting promotions in Peel Region, but that doesn't make for a good story in the Star and it doesn't help make Nankissoor any more money so it becomes a matter for the pathetic Ontario Human Rights Commission.Nankissoor's argument is very simple. He's South Asian and that's the only reason he isn't the head of a math department today. Even though there are countless examples of South Asians being promoted in Peel Region it doesn't matter any more in our twisted and frustrating system that often manages to turn alleged racism into real racism by providing an unfair advatage to complainers.I always play the reverse game in these situations. If a white person was failed to get a promotion in the predominantly non-white school and then went to the Ontario Human Rights Commission, what do you think would happen?Once the laugher subsided the case would be pushed to the side.But that's not what happened with Krishna Nankissoor. He ran to the Commission and before his case was heard, he "settled" with the Peel Board.As a taxpayer in Peel Region, whose tax dollars go to public education, I'd love to know what that settlement was. Was it a cash settlement? If so, I have a big problem with that because based on other promotions in the Region, I don't think he deserves it.But that is the way of the Ontario Human Rights Commission. In the eyes of this bloated waste of time, every white person in Ontario is a racist and every non-white is victim.The pressure was probably overwhelming at the board, so they gave-in.And doesn't that tell us something about the real motives of Nankissoor? He's still not a department head, but he was willing to fore-go that for a "settlement." So what did he really want? So called justice... or money?Sort of stinks doesn' it?And what we still don't know is what kind of teacher Nankissoor is. Is he worthy of a promotion? Does he have the credentials? According to a letter in the Star, someone looked into his background and he's completed only one upgrade since 1997 and that happened in the last year, since he went cryin' to the Commission.Once again, this provides a scary precedent for all of us, and shame on the Toronto Star once again for featuring this crap.When you read the article another bizarre point is made. If a school is full of brown students then the school should be full of brown teachers. What?Can you imagine if the same claims were made in reverse? A white teacher complained that there were too many brown teachers in a school predominantly attended by white kids?I think, or at least I hope you get the point.And as you read more into the story don't you find it interesting that the point is made that teachers should reflect the cultural aspect of their classes, in this particular article that Punjabi being spoken in the class in vital.Let's turn it around again, and I've been witness to these cases. In Brampton for example there have been parents of white kids actually take their kids out of heavily populated "Punjabi" schools because too much time was being spent on translation and not enough time on the three "Rs." The South Asian kids hear nothing but Panjabi at home, and the parents leave it up to the schools to make them bi-lingualA lot of time is spent catching up.How do you think the parents of those white kids are looked upon? They're considered intolerant and racist. They don't want to assimilate. Meanwhile, there are pockets all over Peel Region that are becoming exclusively South Asian because parents want their kids to be amongst their own. I've seen it; I've heard them admit it.If a white family moves out of a pocket, it's called racism.If a South Asian family moves into a pocket, it's called culture.Its madness and it makes you wonder where it's all headed and the irony is, as long as we have bodies like the Ontario Human Rights Commission, and people like Krishna Nankissoor it's only going to get worse.It's a wonderful country we live in and diversity is one of its greatest attributes but like most other things, its got to find its way unencumbered and naturally. People are generally good and they will find a way to co-exist if common sense is the leading contributor.I live in Brampton and when my son has his friends over it gives me a great sense of pride. It's like the League of Nations. My son if officially non-white and he's Asian friends, South Asian friends, white friends and black friends.They're colour blind when it comes to race and they're all making their way as best they can, on their own merit and conscious of their own personal responsibilities.Not the stilted advantages of the Ontario Human Rights Commission.

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Fred Patterson, formerly of the Humble and Fred Show, CFNY, The Spirit of Radio, The Edge 102.1, MOJO, Mix 99.9 in Toronto, has found a new hobby.

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