a new mode - dating tips relationship advice for women — from fashion style to lifestyle

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You know the feeling … it’s that palpable shift that you can’t quite put your finger on, it just hangs in the air sending waves of panic throughout your being. Sometimes you think you’re imagining things… that your insecurities and fears are acting up, and things go back to business as usual.And just as you’re breathing that delicious sigh of relief, the panic reemerges and jabs you right between the ribs. Something is up, you don’t want to admit it, but you know it.They say advice is what you ask for when you already know the answer, but wish you didn’t, and I most certainly agree! I get flooded with desperate questions from women wanting to know if their guy is losing interest. [continue reading ]Being single for a certain amount of time has its benefits. I personally experienced the most growth and self-awareness during my years as a single girl, and while there were some painful and lonely moments, they all led me to a place where I could break through some of my walls and do some necessary inner work.At the same time, no one makes it a goal to be single forever. We all want love; we all want a partner to share our lives with. Even though that is the goal, a lot of us mistakenly go about attaining the thing we want so much in all the wrong ways. We continue to live life in the same way and hope that it will somehow lead to different results. We know that this doesn t really make any sense, and yet we continue to operate from a default setting.Being single isn t a curse and being in a relationship isn t a cure-all. No matter what stage you re in, it s important to take a personal inventory—to look at the habits and choices that are helping you, and the ones that are hurting you. It s not a matter of putting yourself out there more, of signing up for every dating site and side-swiping app—finding a truly amazing, healthy relationship is much more about being ready for such a relationship. It s about identifying faulty patterns and thought processes that may be blocking you from getting what you want.I have written many articles on how to get the relationship you want. There are also ways to guarantee that you never get what you want. Seeing what they are is the first step in correcting the problem. And with that, here are ten ways to stay single forever: [continue reading ]Wondering why guys are so confusing? What does it mean when he flirts then backs off?If you feel like you’re getting mixed messages from a guy you’re interested in, then you’ve come to the right place.There’s almost nothing more frustrating than wondering if someone likes you and not knowing how to read their mixed signals.OK, let’s cut right to the chase here … there is no such thing as mixed messages. And if you’re getting “mixed messages,” the message is clear: he doesn’t like you the way you were hoping.Like I always say, if you have to ask, you already know the answer. But it can’t be that simple, right? If it were, then why is it so confusing?I came up with the idea to create a website like ANM after realizing that most women don t have a clue about men!This realization came after I stopped going to my girlfriends for relationship advice and instead went to my guy friends. It was the epiphanies I had during those conversations that made me realize how important it is to get this information out there!Guys aren’t intentionally hiding these things from you- a lot of men don’t even have the language to express their emotional needs or just don’t feel comfortable doing it due to societal conditioning.Knowing these secrets is what’s going to help you form that strong emotional connection that really rouses his desire to commit and what gets him to see you as a woman who is a cut above the rest. When you don t know how to truly emotionally connect in a way that reaches you, you may notice he withdraws or pulls away, or that the relationship just doesn t progress past a certain point.It really comes down to understanding male psychology and what truly drives a man and I’m going to tell you everything so keep reading.It’s never easy when an ex moves on. Breakups are hard enough but then knowing how to deal when your ex moves on is a whole other ballgame.This is a personal topic for me because I’ve been through this exact situation. It was the worst and most damaging breakup of my entire life. And I spent a year comparing myself to this other girl and wondering why I wasn’t as good as her.What did she have that I didn’t? Was I not pretty enough, smart enough, funny enough, fun enough? And how could I be more of these things so I surpass this other girl and get my ex back?I always say 95% of relationship success is who you choose. All the advice in the world won t save you if you choose guys who aren t on the same page as you and who don t want the same things.It s really important to recognize the signs of a man who is ready to settle down and wants a serious relationship so you don’t end up wasting your time and getting blindsided when after months of pouring your heart and soul into this guy and into the relationship, you discover he’s not on the same page.Sometimes we don t see the situation clearly because our feelings are too involved. We want things to turn out a certain way and so we hone in on the signs and clues that say reality is as we want it to be.But doing this doesn t serve you and it won t help you get the love you want. Read on for the signs he is ready for something serious and that he s serious about you.I think we all know how hard long-distance relationships can be. Relationships can be a struggle, to begin with and adding distance to that just throws a whole new set of issues to deal with into the equation.Any challenges you face as a couple are just that much harder when you’re trying to make a long-distance relationship work. Not to mention, you’re already missing out on all of the full-time benefits of being a couple when you’re living near each other.If you’re struggling with how to make a long-distance relationship work, you’re going to want to pay close attention. I’m going to share with you six simple and easy tips to make your long-distance love amazing and stress-free.When you use these tips, you can ensure that your relationship stays amazing and strong until, hopefully, you are able to be in the same place at the same time. So make sure you stick with me until the end.OK, stop me if you’ve heard this one before. You meet a guy you feel the spark, numbers are exchanged, you go out a few times, and everything seems to be going great.And just as you start to get really excited about all the potential and possibilities he’s gone. Either he does the fadeaway and pulls away slowly over time, or he straight up ghosts you and vanishes into the abyss.Things were just ramping up! Everything was going so well! And now he s justgone?!It s a painful, dizzying, knock-you-sideways kind of feeling. You just don t get it.Let s talk about how you might unintentionally be pushing guys away and turning them off by acting too desperate and needy.I’m sure you have the best intentions. But as they say, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.No one ever wants to be the desperate girl, but if that’s the place you’re coming from, then it will come across in your actions.I know this might sound harsh, but I won t be doing you any favors by placating you and encouraging bad behavior. It s not only that- this needy behavior most likely isn t the true essence of you you are it s a reaction to things you ve been through. So in this article, I m hoping to strip that away so you can be your authentic self.You may not even realize that your actions are coming off as desperate, because some of these signs are subtle, which is why I’m going to set the record straight so keep reading.Here s the thing about dating a toxic person, or even being friends with a toxic person, they very rarely start out toxic. Or at least, that s not how they present themselves in the beginning.If you’re in this situation I feel for you because I know first hand how hard it is. You want it to work with this guy, you see a lot of good in him… but something just doesn’t feel right. You don’t like the way you feel in this relationship. And he’s pretty awful to you.In the beginning, he was so enraptured by you. He was so sweet and so into you- and now it seems like everything you do is wrong and you’re the source of all his problems.But maybe you’re just being sensitive or paranoid. Is it really you or is he a toxic person? Keep reading to find out.Let s talk about how to handle being ghosted. Oof. This one hurts. And we ve all been there. And if you haven t been there yet, it s coming!My favorite ghosting story happened with this guy I ll call James. We had been seeing each other for a few months and I really liked him, but then he vanished without a trace. But he did resurface a few weeks later and I remember seeing his name appear on my phone and just feeling so happy and relieved to be hearing from him again. I forgave for ghosting me even before I heard the apology! But he wasn t calling to apologize. He wasn’t even calling me … he accidentally called me thinking he was calling some new girl he was dating or hooking up with. He hung up on me as soon as he realized and I never heard from him again, ever.Whenever I discuss this topic, it generates a strong emotional reaction.And I fully understand it. It seems immature, it seems childish, and it’s just so disrespectful. And how can you not take it personally? He didn’t even care about you enough to tell you he no longer wants to see you? So did he ever even care about you in the first place? You just feel so hurt and you feel like such a fool. What were you missing? How did you not see this coming? And how can you ever trust guys after this? So let’s talk about how to make the experience slightly less awful. I’ll try to give you some perspective on why guys “ghost” and how you can move on without feeling bitter and jaded so keep reading. The biggest area where women feel lost or confused in the realm of dating and relationships is in understanding a man s true intentions.It s easy to be misled, or to feel like we ve been misled when our emotions are attached to a situation. You want things to work out and you may want it so badly that you can t see the truth about your relationship.MORE: Signs He s Serious About YouI know what it’s like to be stuck in a confusing situationship. It feels like he really likes you, but the terms of your relationship are unclear or undefined and you just don’t know if you’re wasting your time or energy.In this article, I m going to clear everything up and tell you exactly how to know if he has pure intentions and if he truly wants a serious relationship with you. [continue reading ]Let s talk about what to do when a guy tells you he doesn’t want to be in a relationship or he can’t be in a relationship or he doesn’t like labels, or whatever the case may be!If you’re going through this, I feel for you because I’ve been through this sort of thing many times and it really hurts.MORE:11 Definite Signs He Doesn’t Like YouI always say it’s much harder to get over the guys who were never your boyfriend than to get over an actual breakup because the fact that he doesn’t even want to try is just so much more painful. You see how great you guys could be together why doesn t he?I’m going to help you understand what’s going on and how to respond so keep reading. If you re a regular reader of A New Mode then you know our main mantra when it comes to deciphering how a man feels: when a guy likes you, it’s obvious!OK so then why does it get so confusing? Why are so many women feeling confused and despondent because they have no idea where he stands?The confusion comes when a guy likes you … but doesn’t like you enough. When he likes you but he doesn’t want a relationship with you.Ouch.MORE: 11 Undeniable Signs He Doesn t Like YouThis is where everyone gets stuck. You don’t want to let go because he does like you, and you like him, and it would be foolish to let go of a guy you like or even love! But at the same time, you are not getting what you want. You aren’t really getting anything from him … you’re holding onto the potential of what could be.So how do you know what s really going on? I m going to break it all down so keep reading. [continue reading ]I get a lot of questions from you guys that sound something like this: My boyfriend or my ex or the guy I want to be my boyfriend is not nice to me, he ignores me, he’s disrespectful, he blocked my number, or he’s cheating on me or I just found out he has a wife but I want him back and I want to make it work, what can I do?Now I’ll usually respond by saying something like: That sounds awful, why do you want to be in a relationship with someone like that? And the answer always is … because I love him.Or I ll get messages from women saying they can t stop obsessing over this one guy and can’t move on. So I ll ask, what s stopping you from moving on? The answer because I love him.Ladies or gentleman, because this applies to you too this is not what love looks like or feels like!To clear things up, I’m going to tell you the signs you were never in love, even though you thought you were.Let s talk about why a guy you re seeing or are in a relationship with is suddenly ignoring you.Here is how it usually goes: the relationship gets off to a great start, you text and talk on the phone and hang out and it seems like this is going somewhere, and just as you re settling in and enjoying the bliss of being in a blossoming relationship, he abruptly pulls back.He may fade away slowly or just completely ignore you or ghost, and you have no idea what you did to cause this.MORE: 5 Steps to Stop a Man From WithdrawingThere is nothing more frustrating than not knowing where you stand with someone. If he doesn’t like you, fine, that hurts but you can move on. When you re stuck in this gray zone it makes you crazy and sends your brain into overdrive.The human mind doesn t like not knowing so we spin and spin hoping to come to some sort of conclusion. All that spinning gets you nowhere, it just makes you dizzy and even more off-kilter.Don t worry, I m going to break it all down so keep reading. [continue reading ]Let s talk about a common term that gets flung around in the realm of relationship advice: the chase.The chase isn t about playing games or following rules or manipulating a man into wanting to be with you. If you go about it like that, you will always lose.Why is it important for a man to chase you? Well, it goes back to basic biology. Men are hunters, it’s in a man’s nature to want to pursue… and unfortunately, a lot of women have taken that away from him by going after him hard… which actually only succeeds in scaring him away.MORE: How to Make a Man Chase You Without Playing Games Maybe going after things aggressively has served you in other areas of your life, maybe it got you where you are in your career, but it won t help you attract and keep a high-quality guy.The chase is what gets a man to pursue you. Pursuing you leads to investing in you and this is what causes him to really fall for you.This is how it s done. [continue reading ]I get a lot of questions from women wanting to know how their guy feels and if he s thinking about her.Men aren t always so easy to read, if they were, I wouldn t have this job!When you don’t know how a man feels about you it can drive you crazy- you feel insecure and unsure of how much to put into the relationship. You’re worried about being blindsided and ending up broken-hearted.MORE:Does He Care About Me? 16 Signs That Guarantee He Really DoesWhen you like a guy and you’re thinking about him all the time, you want to know if he feels the same. Sometimes you may want it so badly that you see things that aren’t even there!I m here to help and I m going to share my researched and proven ways to know if a guy is thinking about you a lot. [continue reading ]You ve been seeing this guy and everything seemed to be going great until he goes a few days (or more) without texting you.The panic steadily rolls in like an ominous storm. Everything seemed to be going so well, what happened?? Did you say something wrong? Did you do something to turn him off? Is he dead in a ditch somewhere? Why isn t he texting me?! Ask a Guy: Why Hasn t He Texted me in 2 Days? It is the worst feeling. You just feel completely at his mercy. You spend your days just waiting from some sign of life from him. Every time your phone dings your heart lurches out of your chest (and then it sinks back to the pit of your stomach if the message is not from him ).You feel anxious and on edge. You just want to know what happened to cause this and if you ll ever hear from him again.Keep reading because I m going to break it all down for you. [continue reading ]What does it take to get a man to truly commit and want only you? It’s a question I’ve been asked more times than I could count.What men desire most is a woman who inspires them to be their best self. Being that woman is a much different mindset than what most women typically do these days.So what’s the major error that trips women up? It’s their focus. Instead of focusing on the feelings and experience they create for the man, the woman fixates on her own wants, her own worries, her own fears.And amidst this completely self-absorbed mindset consumed by what she wants, it’s no wonder that she’s unable to hook a man’s interest in a significant way, one that goes beyond just hooking up.Sure, that woman might cook him dinners, perform in bed, and tell him how much she likes him, but none of that stuff penetrates a man’s psychology on a deep and meaningful level.Forget about just getting commitment. When you understand and master the art of tapping into the deep parts of a man’s psyche, he will want to move mountains to possess you.MORE: 5 Signs He’ll Never Commit to YouMen don’t start out there when they first meet a woman, though. She needs to reach him at that level by recognizing his ambitions, his fears, his motivations, his “mission” in life and where he ultimately wants to “win.”Here are four ways to reach a man deeply and make him want to commit and devote himself fully to you. [continue reading ]In this age of endless connection, we are more disconnected than ever and most relationships don t go very far beyond the surface. Maybe it s because we hold ourselves back or maybe it s because we no longer have the tools to genuinely connect, like face-to-face and via conversation.In order to build the foundation for a relationship, you need to create a meaningful connection, and this comes when you truly connect with who the other person is.A little while back, I discovered this site called Thought Questions and I started keeping a list of some of my favorites. When my husband and I were still dating, I pulled up the list one night and suggested we play the questions game. We also mixed it up by seeing if we could guess what the other person would answer. It was a lot of fun, but also a very profound experience and we ended up learning so much about each other (and about ourselves!), which brought us even closer. To this day we make an effort to spend time asking each other deep, meaningful questions that go beyond how was your day? And every time we do this, we discover new and interesting things about each other.MORE: 225+ Amazing Questions to Ask a GuyIn his book The Seven Principles of Making a Marriage Work, famed relationship researcher John Gottman (the dude who can predict whether a couple will get divorced with something like 95% accuracy after watching them interact for only a few minutes) cites enhancing your love maps as the first principle. A love map is essentially knowing all relevant information about your partner s life, from small things like the name of their first pet to big things like significant experiences that shaped who they are. He explains that couples who have detailed love maps of each other s worlds are much more equipped to cope with stressful events and overcome conflict.The point is, knowledge is power and asking the right questions can unlock the gates for a meaningful connection and deep understanding of one another. It doesn t matter what stage of a relationship you re in, it could be the first date or your 10th year of marriage, people are deep and complex and always evolving so there is always something new to learn.To help you tap into the power of knowing, here is a list of my favorite bonding questions to ask your guy in order to get even closer and more connected. [continue reading ]Let s talk about how to make a man fear losing you and why this is important in a relationship.Here is what a lot of women do as soon as a guy comes along who shows a little bit of interest she latches on forcefully. She abandons all other options, she deletes her dating apps, and commits herself exclusively to him even though he hasn t shown anywhere close to that level of commitment or investment in her.MORE: How to Make a Man Chase You Without Playing GamesHe knows that she’s just there, he knows that he can continue this “non-relationship” indefinitely. So why would be want to change things? He s getting all the benefits of having a girlfriend without any of the responsibility. He knows she s all in and he has no reason or motivation to change so the relationship doesn t develop or go anywhere.In order to get a guy to step it up, he needs to be afraid of losing you. This isn’t about being manipulative, it’s about knowing your worth and knowing that you’ll walk away if something isn’t what you want.I’m going to tell you exactly how to do it. [continue reading ]Meeting an amazing guy you connect with who likes you as much as you like him is a really special thing. And just when you’re riding that wave of “wow, this is so amazing,” the panic may start to set in and have you wondering: what if he loses interest?MORE: 8 Scientifically Proven Ways to Get a Guy to Like YouFor a long chunk of time, I was great at getting the guy, but not so great at keeping him. That’s because it wasn’t coming from an authentic place. I was great at creating the illusion that I was a confident, fun, secure, happy woman, but inside I wasn’t. And that’s what you need in order to not only attract but keep, a quality man.Read on to find out how it s done. [continue reading ]How to Get a Guy to Like You, Make Him Want You, and Fall In Love With YouLove may feel magical, mysterious, and inexplicable, but it isn’t as random as it seems—there’s actually hard science behind it.This is why we feel instantly drawn to some people but couldn’t care less for others. Why some people hold our interest after that initial attraction, while others don’t. There is a science behind attraction and what causes us to not only be attracted to someone, but to continue to feel strongly for them.MORE: 5 Steps to Make A Man Fall In LoveYes, a lot of the time things flow so naturally it’s hard to imagine there are real, rational, concrete things going on behind the scenes causing those butterflies, and that is how relationships should feel. You should never force a relationship, and you can’t make someone feel a certain way if they just don’t … but you may be able to tip the scale in your favor and help Cupid along by doing certain things that will increase his attraction to you and keep him interested. [continue reading ]There is nothing more exhilarating and terrifying than texting a guy you like.The stakes feel really high and you want to make sure you re making the right impression while also being authentic and true to who you are.The pressure is understandable. Texting is our main mode of communication, and it can be a make or break in a relationship. And a lot can get lost in translation. The wrong text can cause a guy to lose interest or think you’re desperate when you’re not. And the right text can make him go from lukewarm to super interested.MORE: How to Know If a Guy Likes You For SureTo help you out, I m going to tell you exactly what to text a guy to make him more attracted to you as well as what you should never text a guy! [continue reading ]How To Know If a Guy Is Interested: These Subconscious Signs He Likes You Reveal Exactly How He Feels!He loves me…he loves me not…If you find yourself counting rose petals to find out if a guy likes you, don’t worry. We’ve all been there at one time or another. The thing is, when a guy likes you he makes it pretty obvious! It’s just that sometimes we get caught up in our own ideas of how things “should” be that we miss some of the most obvious signs.Before you begin to say, “Why won’t he just be straightforward and say outright that he likes me?” put yourself in his shoes for a while. Maybe he’s shy, maybe he’s afraid of rejection. Maybe you are his coworker or his classmate and he doesn’t want to risk creating an awkward situation for the both of you by making his feelings known. Who knows? There are lots of plausible reasons he might not come right out and say he likes you.MORE: Top 5 Telltale Signs He Likes You The bottom line is if he does like you, he is telling you one way or another. You just have to pay attention to the non-verbal cues. Even the most discrete guy will be exposed sooner or later. His subconscious mind doesn’t lie, and he won’t be able to hide the signs for too long.Keep reading to learn the top 35  subconscious signs that he definitely likes you. [continue reading ]Being in a situation where you like or love a guy and he just doesn t feel the same way is the worst.I’ve been there, I know how deeply it hurts. Why doesn’t he just want you the way you want him? It’s hard not to feel like you’re just not good enough.MORE: How to Get Over a Guy Who Doesn t Like YouIt s hard not to take it personally. It s hard not to feel like you re somehow defective, or like you re the architect for your own misery by doing something that just repels any many you have feelings for. You re not sure what it is about you, but it must be something.Don t worry. I m going to break it all down and tell you exactly how to get over these situations with your self-esteem fully intact. [continue reading ]You re seeing a guy but he just won t emotionally commit. Ouch.This is usually how it unfolds. You ve been dating for a little while, the momentum is strong, things seem to really be driving along in the right direction but then it stops. He starts to pull away and withdraw and you feel like you re losing him.Is he a commitment-phobe? Did he lose interest in you? Did you push him away? Why won t he commit, and what can you do to get things back on track?MORE: Why Do Men Pull Away 3 Main ReasonsIt s a devastating feeling. You can t help but blame yourself. You must have done something to cause this. You go through all the possibilities in your mind and come up empty and meanwhile, he s slipping further away. What happened?I m going to break down exactly why a man won t emotionally commit and what you should do about it. [continue reading ]Men aren’t always the best at communicating—he may not always be aware of what it is he needs until he gets it.Women are more accustomed to talking about their emotions and needs, so a woman who trusts in herself and the relationship enough to ask her guy what he wants, or communicate gently what she needs, can be a godsend.More: 5 Things Guys Secretly What (But Will Never Tell You)A guy generally won’t ask for what he needs because a lot of the time, he doesn’t even know what it is. But then when you give it to him, it feels amazing. He feels appreciated and loved, and he comes to love you even more.And with that, here are 11 things he definitely wants that you can give him, and everyone makes you happier, too. [continue reading ]They say if you love something set it free, if it comes back it was meant to be. But is this really true? Also what if it doesn’t come back?After a breakup, especially one where you were broken up with, it’s natural to be consumed with feelings of wanting to get that person back. And while you may be tempted to call or text them, or even better, see them … this won’t work. If someone lets you go, you have to let them. This is also the way to ultimately get him back.MORE: How to Get Your Ex Back in 5 Steps (With Testimonials) But backing off and leaving him alone doesn’t work in a vacuum. It’s about what you’re doing while you back off and leaving him alone that will determine if you can get the relationship back on track.Now, this doesn’t just apply to a breakup. This also works if you’re in a relationship and your guy is taking space or pulling away. It’s all about gracefully backing away and leaving him alone, and how you utilize this time, that will make all the difference.Let’s dive in a little deeper. [continue reading ] Sign up for ourfree newsletterand get a free chapterof our book,"He's NotThat Complicated"

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