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Welcome to fearofphysics.com. Click on a link above to find help with your physics homework, run some simulations, or grab a free course in physics or electronics.Free "Astronomy 101" courseIf so, here's a set of about 300 short videos that will takeyou through the basics of our solar system. The videos will start with the why we have seasons, and go on through atour of the sun, planets, night sky, and many other astronomy-related topics. This is what you might call a typical "astronomy-101" class. In fact, they were made for a college-level ASTRO-101 class, recorded for students during the 2020 lock-down/pandemic. You should watch the videos in the order that they appear. The "questions," like "Q10" and "Q4" referred to in the videos refer to these. Lesson 1: Class introduction: Me encouraging to stop looking down at your phone, and up at the sky Lesson 2: Class introduction: More encouragment to look up at the sky, be a better camper, themes in this class Lesson 3: Class introduction: look at the calendar, and where grades will come from Lesson 4: A taste of ASTR-101 Part I: colors in the sky, Uranus, moon front and back Lesson 5: A taste of ASTR-101 Part II: dark side of moon, and Mars Lesson 6: A taste of ASTR-101 Part III: going to Mars, comets, and telescopes Lesson 7: A taste of ASTR-101 Part IV: the night sky, sizes of objects in the sky Lesson 8: A taste of ASTR-101 Part V: Death Star/Mimas, Star of Bethlehem, Neptune's orbit Lesson 9: Some astronomy definitions: difference between astronomy, astophysics, and astrology Lesson 10: Some astronomy definitions: contellation art, Orion, Pollux/Castor, astrology in our lives Lesson 11: Solar system start: first look at the solar system and basic structure and motion Lesson 12: Solar system start: names of planets, mother and nachos or pizza,orbit vs rotation times Lesson 13: Solar system start: finish orbit vs. rotation times Lesson 14: The earth's tilt and seasons: why we have seasons: the earth's tilt and 4 key positions in its orbit Lesson 15: The earth's tilt and seasons: tilt map of all planets Lesson 16: The earth's tilt and seasons: Four key positions of earth around sun, and looking at light rays of first 2 Lesson 17: The earth's tilt and seasons: Four key positions of earth around sun, label dates and solstice or equinox and season Lesson 18: The earth's tilt and seasons: northern and southern most reach of the sun's direct rays Lesson 19: The earth's tilt and seasons: Annual motion of the sun's direct rays and defining the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn Lesson 20: The earth's tilt and seasons: Sun's setting direction during the year. Lesson 21: The earth's tilt and seasons: Seasonal constellations seen overhead at midnight during the year. Lesson 22: The earth's tilt and seasons: Astrological stories of Orion and Virgo. Lesson 23: The earth's tilt and seasons: My trip to Australia and the Tropic of Capricorn. Lesson 24: The solar system (and beyond): what you'll encounter out there. Lesson 25: The solar system: Distances and the astronomical unit. Lesson 26: The solar system: Astronomical unit, light year, parsec. Lesson 27: The solar system: Han Solo and the Kessel-run quote. Lesson 28: The solar system: discussion of Han Solo and the Kessel-run quote. Lesson 29: The solar system: Beyond our galaxy and zooming in on the Andromeda Galaxy Lesson 30: The solar system (and beyond): Sizes of things out there (planets to Stars and some distances). CVS receipt as the A.U. Lesson 31: The solar system: Great Youtube videos on the proper relative size of things in the solar system. Lesson 32: Gravity: What holds the planets in their orbits? Lesson 33: Gravity: Law of gravity and setting up an orbit (balance between force of gravity and speed). Lesson 34: Gravity: Newton's first thoughts on gravity (Newton's Cannon). Lesson 35: Gravity: PHeT gravity simulator, earth/sun and earth/sun/moon Lesson 36: Gravity: Jab at astrology Part I: the newborn and hospital worked winning the lottery. Lesson 37: Gravity: Jab at astrology Part II: gravity on the newborn due to Neptune and the hospital equipment. Lesson 38: Gravity: Jab at astrology Part III: Computing the force of gravity due to Neptune and the hospital equipment. Lesson 39: The night sky: being a better camper and first patterns in the night sky (Big Dipper and Polaris). Lesson 40: The night sky: starting with Polaris and the Big Dipper. Lesson 41: The night sky: existence of Polaris using Stellarium. Lesson 42: The night sky: different orientations of the Big Dipper to find Polaris. Lesson 43: The night sky: practice finding the Big Dipper (and possibly Polaris). Lesson 44: The night sky: list of things to find (Polaris, Big Dipper, Arcturas, Spica, Pollux/Castor, Antares, Cassiopeia, Scorpius/Teapot). Lesson 45: The night sky: Star hopping from the Big Dipper to find Arcturas, Spica, Pollux/Castor. Lesson 46: The night sky: Star hopping in Stellarium, from the Big Dipper to find Arcturas, Spica, Pollux/Castor. Lesson 47: The night sky: Big stars, and angular distances and using your hand to measure them. Lesson 48: The night sky: The "other side" of Polaris to see Cassiopeia and the location of the Andromeda Galaxy. Lesson 49: The night sky: Cassiopeia in Stellarium. Lesson 50: The night sky: Contellations vs. Asterisms. Lesson 51: The night sky: Scorpius and the Teapot and the direction to the center of our galaxy. Lesson 52: The night sky: South of the equator. Is there a "south star?" Lesson 53: The night sky: History of Polaris. Finding it if foggy, times of slavery, introduction to latitude. Lesson 54: The night sky: Using polaris and how far to bend your neck to see it. Lesson 55: The night sky: Polaris's altitude vs your latitude. Lesson 56: The night sky: Polaris/latitude wrap-up and declination of other stars (Dubhe, Vega, Spica, Arcturas). Lesson 57: The sky's motion: do the sun, moon, stars, planets move? Lesson 58: The sky's motion: Actual motion Lesson 59: The sky's motion: Apparent motion: A380 landing speed and motion of the Big Dipper. Lesson 60: The sky's motion: Apparent motion on a merry-go-round Lesson 61: The sky's motion: star trails with CL........ICK of an SLR camera. Lesson 62: The sky's motion: Extreme star trails at the north pole and equator. Lesson 63: Celestial Sphere: definition part I Lesson 64: Celestial Sphere: definition part II Lesson 65: Celestial Sphere: nice graphics in "Rotating Sky Explorer." Lesson 66: Celestial Sphere: The horizon Lesson 67: Celestial Sphere: uses of it. Lesson 68: Celestial Sphere: rising and setting of stars and polaris. Lesson 69: Celestial Sphere: Circumpolar stars, starts that never rise, and different visible vs invisible timing of stars. Lesson 70: Celestial Sphere: Worksheet Part I. Lesson 71: Celestial Sphere: Worksheet Part II. Lesson 72: Celestial Sphere: Worksheet Part III. Lesson 73: Celestial Sphere: The Sun on the celestial sphere and the hardest figure in all of astronomy. Lesson 74: Celestial Sphere: The hardest figure in all of astronomy and the Sun on the celestial sphere. Lesson 75: Celestial Sphere: Orion and Mintaka (an E/W beacon). Lesson 76: Celestial Sphere: The size of Betelgeuse compared to our solar system. Lesson 77: Celestial Sphere: Let's draw our own! Lesson 78: Celestial Sphere: Sun moving on the Celestial sphere and a hint of the seasons. Lesson 79: The moon: Basic facts Lesson 80: The moon: Some basic pictures Lesson 81: The moon: The backside we never see Lesson 82: The moon: Setup for why there is no dark side Lesson 83: The moon: Seeing it appear in front of the earth Lesson 84: The moon: why there is no dark side Lesson 85: The moon: Why we see the same side of it Lesson 86: The moon: A model for why there can't be a dark side Lesson 87: The moon: Break in its orbit Lesson 88: The moon: Is the moon that far from us? Lesson 89: The moon: Introduction to tidal locking Lesson 90: The moon: Tidal locking and its orbit Lesson 91: The moon: Tidal locking and warping of rocks Lesson 92: The moon: Tidal forces on rocks and water Lesson 93: The moon: Tidal locking and energy losses Lesson 94: The moon: Excellent videos on tidal locking Lesson 95: The moon: where is came from Lesson 96: The moon: evidence of where it came from Lesson 97: The moon: more evidence of where it came from Lesson 98: The moon: origins in centrifugal force and fission Lesson 99: The moon: origins in capture and condensation Lesson 100: The moon: origins in a big cosmic collision Lesson 101: The moon: summary of its origin Lesson 102: Craters: Introduction Lesson 103: Craters: A field of craters on the moon Lesson 104: Craters: Geosleuthing a crater field on the moon Lesson 105: The moon: its near and far sides in terms of craters Lesson 106: Eclipses: sometimes this happens Lesson 107: Eclipses: finish introducing them Lesson 108: Eclipses: What you would see Lesson 109: Eclipses: going to a total eclipse Lesson 110: Eclipses: why no eclipse once a month Lesson 111: Eclipses: Formal discussion p1 Lesson 112: Eclipses: Formal discussion p2 Lesson 113: Eclipses: Formal discussion p3 Lesson 114: Eclipses: Formal discussion p4 Lesson 115: Eclipses: Formal discussion p5 Lesson 116: Phases of the moon: Introduction Lesson 117: Phases of the moon: more introduction Lesson 118: Phases of the moon: First 3 phases Lesson 119: Phases of the moon: Nice graphic Lesson 120: Phases of the moon: Last of the phases Lesson 121: Phases of the moon: Earthshine Lesson 122: The Sun: Introduction to the sun Lesson 123: The Sun: more on an introduction Lesson 124: The Sun: why do we draw the sun so happy? Lesson 125: The Sun: The sun in Australia Lesson 126: The Sun: Fusion in the interior Lesson 127: The Sun: Proton-proton chain p1 Lesson 128: The Sun: Proton-proton chain p2 Lesson 129: The Sun: Proton-proton chain p3 Lesson 130: The Sun: The solar wind p1 Lesson 131: The Sun: The solar wind p2 Lesson 132: The Sun: Comets Lesson 133: The Sun: Comet tails p1 Lesson 134: The Sun: Comet tails p2 Lesson 135: The Sun: Comet tails p3 Lesson 136: The Sun: Evidence of the solar wind Lesson 137: The Sun: More solar wind evidence Lesson 138: The sun: introduction to Auroras Lesson 139: The sun: introduction to Auroras (current and wires) Lesson 140: The sun: Auroras and mag field outside of a wire Lesson 141: The sun: Auroras and now a wire makes a magnetic field Lesson 142: The sun: Auroras moving charges make a magnetic field Lesson 143: The sun: the Earth's magnetic field Lesson 144: The sun: the Earth's magnetic field like a bar magnet Lesson 145: The sun: Auroras how earth's magnetic field deflects the solar wind Lesson 146: The sun: Auroras and where the light comes from Lesson 147: The sun: Auroras and where the light comes from (with sound) Lesson 148: The sun: Auroras on other planets Lesson 149: Solar wind: wrap up worksheet Lesson 150: Solar wind: wrap up worksheet (part 2) Lesson 151: Active geology: maps of earthquakes, volcanos, rock ages, and elevations Lesson 152: Active geology: subduction zones Lesson 153: Active geology: Barringer and wolf craters Lesson 154: Active geology: crater formation Lesson 155: Active geology: going to Mars Lesson 156: Quick inventory of questions answered Lesson 157: Light: the great astronomy messenger Lesson 158: Light: map of earth at night Lesson 159: Light: light pollution Lesson 160: Light: if the skies were really dark... Lesson 161: Light: dark skies and the structure of our galaxy Lesson 162: Light: what is light? Photon and wave Lesson 163: Light: intro to wave frequency Lesson 164: Light: wave frequency, Hz and all Lesson 165: Light: frequency into via sound waves Lesson 166: Light: hear some different frequencies Lesson 167: Light: wavelength and amplitude Lesson 168: Light: where photons come from Lesson 169: Light: where light waves come from Lesson 170: Light: Blue comet tails based on photons and waves Lesson 171: Light: Color Lesson 172: Laws of light: notation on what happens when light encounters something Lesson 173: Laws of light: the law of reflection Lesson 174: Laws of light: law of reflection visuals Lesson 175: Laws of light: retroreflectors and the moon Lesson 176: Laws of light: law of refraction Lesson 177: Laws of light: law of refraction visuals Lesson 178: Laws of light: the index of refraction Lesson 179: Laws of light: snell's law for refraction Lesson 180: Laws of light: refraction trends (bending toward or away) Lesson 181: Laws of light: everyday light effects Lesson 182: Laws of light: lie of the sunset Lesson 183: Laws of light: why stars twinkle Lesson 184: Laws of light: twinkling stars in Stellarium Lesson 185: Laws of light: model of twinkling stars Lesson 186: Laws of light: Minute Physics on twinkling stars Lesson 187: Laws of light: Jurassic Park and the law of reflection Lesson 188: Laws of light: setup for how mirages occur Lesson 189: Laws of light: air layers for mirages Lesson 190: Laws of light: path of a sun ray with mirages Lesson 191: Laws of light: wrap up how mirages occur Lesson 192: Laws of light: into to why the sky is blue Lesson 193: Laws of light: light waves and the blue sky Lesson 194: Laws of light: blue light in nitrogen and oxygen Lesson 195: Laws of light: charges in molecules Lesson 196: Laws of light: "Gravity" clip of upper atmosphere Lesson 197: Laws of light: how air filers blue of out of white light Lesson 198: Laws of light: conclusions on why the sky is blue Lesson 199: Laws of light: why sunsets are red Lesson 200: Laws of light: silent conclusion on blue sky and red sunset Lesson 201: Laws of light: why the red moon in a lunar eclipse Lesson 202: Laws of light: when sunsets are too red Lesson 203: Laws of light: dispersion Lesson 204: Laws of light: how index of refraction depends on wavelength Lesson 205: Laws of light: define dispersion Lesson 206: Laws of light: how rainbows form part 1 Lesson 207: Laws of light: how rainbows form part 2 Lesson 208: Laws of light: how rainbows form part 3 Lesson 209: Laws of light: why clouds are white Lesson 210: Laws of light: where the greenflash comes from Lesson 211: Nebular Hypothesis: Introduction Lesson 212: Nebular Hypothesis: Introduction (more) Lesson 213: Nebular Hypothesis: What it must describe Lesson 214: Nebular Hypothesis: Physics needed Lesson 215: Nebular Hypothesis: Dust and gravity Lesson 216: Nebular Hypothesis: Something happened Lesson 217: Nebular Hypothesis: consequences of spinning Lesson 218: Nebular Hypothesis: A spinning ice skater Lesson 219: Nebular Hypothesis: how the solar system became flat Lesson 220: Nebular Hypothesis: Minute Physics on how the solar system became flat Lesson 221: Nebular Hypothesis: How the sun may have ignited Lesson 222: Nebular Hypothesis: how the Frost Line formed Lesson 223: Nebular Hypothesis: formation of planetoids Lesson 224: Nebular Hypothesis: some visuals Lesson 225: Nebular Hypothesis: Wrapup 01 Lesson 226: Nebular Hypothesis: Wrapup 02 Lesson 227: Nebular Hypothesis: Wrapup 03 Lesson 228: Nebular Hypothesis: Wrapup 04 Lesson 229: Nebular Hypothesis: Wrapup 05 Lesson 230: Planets: Introduction and teaching plan Lesson 231: Planets: Mercury introduction Lesson 232: Planets: Mercury phases Lesson 233: Planets: Mercury composition Lesson 234: Planets: Mercury its big core Lesson 235: Planets: Mercury why the large core Lesson 236: Planets: Mercury magnetic field Lesson 237: Timing: solar Lesson 238: Timing: solar and star timing Lesson 239: Timing: Sidereal timing part 01 Lesson 240: Timing: Sidereal timing part 02 Lesson 241: Planets: Mercury and timing of its orbit Lesson 242: Planets: Mercury orbit and a summary Lesson 243: Planets: Mercury and tidal locking to the sun Lesson 244: Planets: Mercury introduction to the Doppler Effect Lesson 245: Planets: Mercury the Doppler Effect--moving toward and away Lesson 246: Planets: Mercury the Doppler Effect bouncing radio waves off of it Lesson 247: Planets: Mercury and the Arecibo Observatory Lesson 248: Planets: Mercury wrap up Lesson 249: Venus: an introduction (01) Lesson 250: Venus: an introduction (02) Lesson 251: Venus: very hot and other facts Lesson 252: Venus: an introduction and the "Venus Equation" Lesson 253: Venus: why it's so hot Lesson 254: Rocks and Infrared radiation Lesson 255: Venus and the greenhouse effect Lesson 256: Venus and the greenhouse effect simulation Lesson 257: CO2 concentration on Earth wrap up Lesson 258: CO2 concentration wrap up with Al Gore Lesson 259: Tracking a CO2 molecule in the Carbon Cycle Lesson 260: Carbon Cycle wrap up Lesson 261: Compare temperatures on Earth and Venus with and without CO2 Lesson 262: Comparing Mercury Venus Earth and Mars Lesson 263: Mars: Introduction and quick facts Lesson 264: Mars: Terraforming it? Lesson 265: Mars: Water once flowed Lesson 266: Mars: Introduction to the Alan Hills meteor (01) Lesson 267: Mars: Alan Hills meteor (02) Lesson 268: Mars compared to other planets (too cold) Lesson 269: Mars: why all of the intrigue (P01) Lesson 270: Mars: why all of the intrigue (P02) Lesson 271: Mars: speeds needed to get there Lesson 272: Getting to Mars at 18000 mph Lesson 273: Mars: getting there by coasting Lesson 274: So you want to land on Mars huh? Lesson 275: Mars: landing the Pathfinder Rover Lesson 276: Mars: landing the Curiosity Rover Lesson 277: Landing on Mars summary and Minute Physics reference Lesson 278: Mars: how its atmosphere got the way it is Lesson 279: Introduction to Jupiter (01) Lesson 280: Introduction to Jupiter (02) Lesson 281: Intro to Jupiter and the Galieo mission Lesson 282: Jupiter and the Galileo mission Lesson 283: Using Jupiter for a gravity assist Lesson 284: Using Jupiter to measure the speed of light (Romer) Lesson 285: Jupiter and its moons Lesson 286: Juipter's moon Io: introduction Lesson 287: Juipter's moon Io being tortured by Jupiter's tidal forces Lesson 288: Juipter's moon Io and moving through Jupiter's magnetic field Lesson 289: Juipter's moon Io and the flux and plasma tubes Lesson 290: Saturn's moon Europa and its minerals/water/and heat Lesson 291: Wrap up on Saturn's moon Europa Lesson 292: Some views of Saturn and why it has rings Lesson 293: Saturns rings and the Roche limit Lesson 294: Closing thoughts for Astronomy 101

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