Cash Management in Early Retirement

Cash management in early retirement has turned out to be a rather stressful endeavor. When I first left negotiated my severance and left corporate America it was easy to know that I still had money coming in for awhile. But eventually all gravy train runs dry, and then I was left figuring out an action… Continue reading Cash Management in Early Retirement

Published Categorized as Early Retirement, Expenses, Investments Tagged cash management, financial independence, withdrawal strategy

Family vs Work: The Everlasting Struggle for Balance

After having kids, AND taking on the CEO role for my company all within the same time period, it became clear that there was going to be a push and pull between work and family. But no matter what I tried, my mental focus continued to drift back to the urgent, pressing, and hard to… Continue reading Family vs Work: The Everlasting Struggle for Balance

Published Categorized as Personal Growth

After Disappointment Comes Clarity

Many of you will remember that I purchased a cash flowing affiliate website late last fall. I was excited to sit back, relax, and maybe do a little work while I watched my passive investment blossom. Of course, a month into owning the site, Google updated their algorithm, and blew the roof off my brand… Continue reading After Disappointment Comes Clarity

Published Categorized as CEO Tips, Personal Growth

Simple Yearly Budget & Expense Tracker (Template for Google Sheets & Excel)

While Mrs. AR and I don’t typically keep a firm budget, every so often I like to keep tabs on our expenses and see where there is room for improvement. This tool provides an easy way to do that, as well as a useful way to forecast expenses for the year as well. We use… Continue reading Simple Yearly Budget & Expense Tracker (Template for Google Sheets & Excel)

Published Categorized as FIRE Resources Tagged budgeting, spreadsheet

38+ Life Lessons That Helped Me to Retire Early

I turn 38 this week. At 38 years old, you are stuck somewhere between young man, man, and old man. I guess it depends who you talk to? Sad truth: my kids think I’m old. Regardless, I do know that the older I get, the more I am focused on living a fun and enjoyable… Continue reading 38+ Life Lessons That Helped Me to Retire Early

Published Categorized as Early Retirement Tagged enjoying life, financial independence, happiness