Fast & Accredited Online Certifications and Renewals

Stay up to date on the latest and best treatments and techniques through our accredited courses and comprehensive programs.


Fast & Accredited Online Certifications and Renewals

Stay up to date on the latest and best treatments and techniques through our accredited courses and comprehensive programs.


Fast & Accredited Online Certifications and Renewals

Stay up to date on the latest and best treatments and techniques through our accredited courses and comprehensive programs.


Fast & Accredited Online Certifications and Renewals

Stay up to date on the latest and best treatments and techniques through our accredited courses and comprehensive programs.


Fast & Accredited Online Certifications and Renewals

Stay up to date on the latest and best treatments and techniques through our accredited courses and comprehensive programs.


Fast & Accredited Online Certifications and Renewals

Stay up to date on the latest and best treatments and techniques through our accredited courses and comprehensive programs.


Emergency Certifications

ACLS Certification


BLS Certification


Neonatal Resuscitation Certification


PALS Certification


Stay Current on Your Accreditations

ACLS Online Certification Course offers nursing certification programs and continuing education training programs that are built with you in mind. We have designed them specifically with healthcare workers like you in mind, so each course consciously delivers the skills and knowledge you need effectively.

Online Convenience

Our simple, online format allows you to earn your certification in just a few hours, or you can start and stop as needed.


Resources For You

With numerous updates to medical science annually, it’s challenging to stay abreast of what’s new. We are proud to offer you easily accessible resources that help you in your recertification process.

Each certification that ACLS offers has a distinct educational objective, so you receive the knowledge you need. We also provide you with resources to help you through your certification and accreditation programs.

Why We’re Better

ACLS Certification Institute is trusted by more than 10,000 healthcare professionals to provide quality training and certification programs.


Trusted by Over 10,000 Providers

All our ACLS, BLS, NRP, and PALS courses are built using the latest emergency cardiovascular care (ECC) guidelines and standards published by the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR) and meet all Joint Commission requirements.

24/7 Online Access

With 24/7 access to course materials and unlimited practice tests, you can complete your certification where and when you want. We also eliminate the stress of remembering to recertify by providing you with email and text reminders to ensure you don’t miss a deadline.

Nationally Accredited

Our emergency certification courses are accredited by the ADA, AMA, and ANCC in joint providership with the Postgraduate Institute for Medicine (PIM). Our courses are also accredited by CAPCE for emergency medical professionals. These accreditations allow you to earn up to eight hours of CEU/CME credit.

Trusted by Thousands of Professionals Nationwide.

“This is the best recertification center I have ever been to. Very professional and knowledgeable staff! I highly recommend this company.”

Lin Polinsky / Nov 16, 2020

“Every bit as good as AHA and maybe even better. Plus you get your card right away.”

John Maskell / May 1, 2019

“Excellent and organized educational and examination experience.”

Jose E Rodriguez MD / Jan 25, 2020

“Very well summarized, straight and to the point, for me as a physician was a great resource.”

Leon M. Hirzel MD / Jul 13, 2019

Certifications Designed For You

Our emergency certification programs and continuing education training are built to provide healthcare professionals like you with the skills and knowledge you need. The simple, online format allows you to earn your certification in as little as a few hours, or you can start and stop as needed.