Vina Moses Center

Web Name: Vina Moses Center






contact usUse the form on the right to contact us.You can edit the text in this area, and change where the contact form on the right submits to, by entering edit mode using the modes on the bottom right. Vina Moses Center provides relief and builds resilience in underserved communities in Benton County. We are set up like a thrift store, but everything is available at no cost: household goods, clothing, food, and other items donated by the community are available to people who need it most. We can also assist with rent, utility, prescription, and other urgent financial needs.We’re getting ready for the holiday season! Pledge to give on our Digital Giving Tree, sign up for our Christmas program, volunteer, or make a financial contribution. Our Giving Tree Christmas program reaches 1,500 children every year.If your business or organization would like to host a Giving Tree or share our Digital Giving Tree in your networks, please sign up here.Vina Moses Center HoursShopping by appointment Monday - Thursday: 10 am - 11:30 am 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm. Questions? Please call 541-753-1420.Wildfire evacuees from any county are welcome. The Center is small, and COVID restrictions mean we have to limit how many people can be in the building at one time. Please bring ID and a face mask (we have extra masks for anyone who needs one).donation HoursDonations of clothing and goods are accepted Monday and Thursday from 10am until noon. Aceptamos donaciones de ropas y articulos de uso doméstico solamente Lunes y Jueves de 10 am hasta mediodia. Horas del Centro de Vina MosesLas visitas regulares (regulares y evacuadas) son con cita previa de lunes a jueves, de 10 am - 11:30 am y 1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.Preguntas: Llama 541-753-1420 Vina Moses Center is open to Oregon wildfire evacuees from all counties. Everything is available at no cost. 541-753-1420Our FISH program is operating: please call us at 541-752-4688 to request financial assistance. We may be able to help with rent, utilities, transportation, and prescriptions for residents of Benton County, Oregon.We are seeing an uptick in first-time requests. Your cash donations keep people in their homes, keep the lights on, and keep their access to health services and other critical needs. It can be very expensive, and anything you can give is greatly appreciated. Thank you! Providing clothing and household items to low income families of Benton County since 1918. The Vina Moses Center helps low income and underserved families in the Benton County community. Through donations, the Center is able to provide people with assistance with everyday items.The Center has multiple programs such as the Christmas program, FISH emergency services and school program.There are many ways to get involved such as volunteering, giving financially or donating!Acceptable donations include: clean, usable clothing for adults children; household items such as dishes, pots and pans, flatware, linens, toys, home décor, pictures, small appliances, and personal hygiene items.Contact Furniture Share if you are donating following items: beds, couches, or large appliances. We do not have room for those items or sports equipment. For questions don't hesitate to contact us!SPONSOR our back to school programOur goal is to help all the children requesting assistance, but our budget is limited. The price of shoes, clothing and supplies continues to increase so your help is need more than ever. Please consider sponsoring one or more children in our School Program this year. The cost to sponsor a child is $50.00Your donation is greatly appreciated and is tax deductible. If you would like more information about the program or other ways to help please call us at 541-753-1420. You can also download the form and mail in your donation.

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