Employee Retention Software | Nobscot

Web Name: Employee Retention Software | Nobscot

WebSite: http://www.nobscot.com





Look inward.Move forward. Exit interviews and other HR data analytics to reduce employee turnover. Request a demo Look inward.Move forward. Employee retention and metrics tools to help you reduce your turnover. Request a demo How can we help? Nobscot's products are designed to help companies reduce employee turnover - both during the highly vulnerable first year of employment and over the long term - by gathering employee feedback from new and exiting employees about their workplace experience. Point-and-click reports based on employees' responses identify trouble areas within the organization, generating actionable data for improving employee retention rates. To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that supports HTML5 video. You can also download this video here. webexit Automate your exit interview process with Nobscot's powerful web-based system. WebExit provides ongoing, real-time HR analytics on the drivers of employee turnover in your organization. Complete at work, home or mobile Configurable questions Data reports with filters and drill-down Highest participation rates Find out more FirstDays administers new hire and quality-of-hire surveys to prevent quick quits and identify top talent early. Surveys new employees and their supervisor Configurable scheduler (30 day, 60 day, etc.) Comprehensive reports with filters and drill-down Free training and support Find out more For executives Understanding of employee experiences to guide business strategy. "We reduced attrition by 21.56% the first year after the analysis, then an additional 9.92% year to date so far." - Senior HR Business Process Analyst "Feedback is a gift and this tool is an excellent easy way to gather data yet protects the confidentiality of the person providing the input." - Director, Human Resources "Nobscot's customer service is outstanding. There has never been a time or delay in responsiveness to our needs." - Director of Human Resources Forgot Password? If you forgot your password or are having trouble logging in, contact us at support@nobscot.com or 888-662-7444 and we'll be glad to help.

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Exit interviews and other HR data analytics to reduce employee turnover.

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