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Access to thousands of offers for $5 a month

For nearly 100 years, the NRMA has existed to keep people moving. Our Members have always relied on us to be by their side when things go wrong, and with our investments in transport and tourism, the help we offer has evolved far beyond the roadside. As Australia's largest member organisation, everything we do is to benefit you, the Members. So when you asked for more value, we looked at how we could use our strong brand to deliver just that.

The result is NRMA Blue. With savings oncar batteries, insuranceand fuelto keep you moving, as well as benefits that go well beyond the road, NRMA Blue provides access to a world of savings even if you don't need roadside.

For $5 a month, you'll save on an exciting range of products, services and experiences to help you every day, and all are included in your Membership.

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What do I get with roadside assistance?

Access to NRMA Blue benefitsand unlimited callouts for:

Flat batteries Empty fuel tanks Key lock-outs Towing Flat tyres Breakdowns Here to help you How weve kept you moving in the past year 1,656,544

Calls for help


Vehicles fixed roadside


Kids saved from locked cars


Pets saved from locked cars

Broken down? Request roadside assistance

Call 13 11 22 Book online
Why over 2.7 million Australians trust us Over 1,000 specialist vehicles Quick response 9/10 problems fixed roadside 24/7 battery help Unlimited call outs Emergency help

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NRMA Third Party Fire Association ABN 77 000 010 506 (NRMA), trading as NRMA. NRMA is an authorised representative of IAL.