dotMorten | .NET Ramblings, XAML hacking and some GIS endeavors

Web Name: dotMorten | .NET Ramblings, XAML hacking and some GIS endeavors






Using Custom Visual State Triggers (7) Juan Pablo 写道: Yes it works, I tested with Setter Target=&qu... Using Custom Visual State Triggers (7) Morten 写道: See in this video 18min17sec in:http://channel9.... Using Custom Visual State Triggers (7) Juan Pablo 写道: I have just tested it and crashes with the same, i... Using Custom Visual State Triggers (7) Morten 写道: I believe the syntax is TimestablesControls.... Using Custom Visual State Triggers (7) Juan Pablo 写道: Really quick creating the triggers :) and a really... Using Custom Visual State Triggers (7) Morten 写道: @Brian It s a collection of state triggers you... Using Custom Visual State Triggers (7) Brian Anderson 写道: Is there any way to combine triggers? For instanc... Running a .NET app on Galileo using Mono (3) Morten 写道: @Rikard There should be plenty of space left on th... One of my favorite XAML Control primitives is the Panel class. It's what drives Grid, StackPanel, Canvas and many many other controls that contains a set of other controls, and controls layout the children out in the view.So in my second twitch stream, I walked through creating a custom panel that lays out controls in a grid-like manner, without having to do all the row and column definitions. It mainly focuses on the Arrange and Measure steps in the layout life-cycle, which applies to both WPF, UWP and WinUI (or even Silverlight for that matter ;-). And just for fun I used the latest WinUI 3.0 Alpha release (but it really doesn't matter as the concepts are the exact same - only namespaces differs).And please subscribe to my YouTube and Twitch channels! As a follow-up to my blogpost on compiling WPF back when it was still in preview, I tried something new: Live-streamed cloning, compiling and using a local build of WPF in a new app, and make some (evil) modifications to WPF. Even got to submit a PR to the WPF documentation while going though this.I've been inspired a lot be many others who've started to live-code on Twitch. It's quite interesting to see their thought process and approaches to solving problems - things you never see in a polished 45min conference presentation where everything is prepped and (hopefully) nothing goes wrong. There's quite a lot to learn from seeing people using tools, shortcuts, tricks and tips to solve their problems.This was a surprising amount of fun, and I'll definitely be doing this again (and hopefully fix some of the issues I had doing this live). I'm prepping some various level 200-400 topics on XAML development, like custom panel and control development, and hope you'll join me. All of these concepts will apply to both WPF, UWP and WinUI, but I figured let's live dangerously and use the latest WinUI Alpha (and we'll log any issues we find as we go).You can subscribe to my channel at, and I'll be posting the videos after on's the recording from yesterday. Feedback and suggestions, as well as ideas for topics to cover would be highly appreciated. With WPF going open source it’s pretty awesome that we can no clone the code, tweak it, build it and debug right into a local copy of WPF. I see huge potential here, not just for getting bug fixes in, but for instrumenting WPF when you got those extra tricky bugs you’re trying to track down.However, it was not simple at all to get this stuff working like that. Building it was easy, but I found it surprisingly hard to use the local build. Going back and forth with the WPF team (especially big shout-out to Steven Kirbach), I finally got it working, and already submitted a PR to update the developer documentation.However I wanted to walk you through a quick step-by-step guide to doing this yourself. All commandline steps below are assumed to be done from the same folder (otherwise you’d have to adjust the paths)First of all, this approach will not work with .NET Core 3.0.0-Preview6. You need the nightly Preview7, as bug in Preview 6 prevented this from working. Once Preview 7 ships, the extra Preview7-specific steps aren’t needed.So first step go and download and install the nightly from (Get the Windows x64 Master installer).Next open a command prompt and clone the WPF Repo (I assume you have Git installed already). Run the following command:git clone let’s make a small change to WPF we can later see once we get it running. For example, open wpf\src\Microsoft.DotNet.Wpf\src\WindowsBase\System\Windows\DependencyObject.cs and add the following to the DependencyObject constructor:Debug.WriteLine("Dependency Object created : " + this.GetType().FullName);This will cause the output window to show each dependency object getting created.Next let’s build WPF:wpf\build.cmd –packIt’ll take a few minutes (especially the first time), and hopefully you won’t see any errors at the end.OK next up let’s create a new WPF project we can use as a test, using the following command:dotnet new wpf –o TestAppThis will create a subfolder named “TestApp”. Go into this folder and open up the TestApp.csproj file in Visual Studio. Right-click the project and select “Edit Project File” and add the following to the project below the existing property group: PropertyGroup !-- Change this value based on where your local repo is located -- WpfRepoRoot ..\wpf /WpfRepoRoot !-- Change based on which assemblies you build (Release/Debug) -- WpfConfig Debug /WpfConfig !-- Publishing a self-contained app ensures our binaries are used. -- SelfContained true /SelfContained !-- The runtime identifier needs to match the architecture you built WPF assemblies for. -- RuntimeIdentifier win-x86 /RuntimeIdentifier /PropertyGroup ItemGroup Reference Include="$(WpfRepoRoot)\artifacts\packaging\$(WpfConfig)\Microsoft.DotNet.Wpf.GitHub\lib\netcoreapp3.0\*.dll" / ReferenceCopyLocalPaths Include="$(WpfRepoRoot)\artifacts\packaging\$(WpfConfig)\Microsoft.DotNet.Wpf.GitHub\lib\$(RuntimeIdentifier)\*.dll" / /ItemGroup The following steps are only necessary when using a nightly-build:Save all and pick a place to save the .sln solution file (this step is important). Close Visual Studio and create a new text file “nuget.config”Add the following to the nuget.config file: configuration packageSources add key="dotnet-core" value="" / add key="dotnet-windowsdesktop" value="" / add key="aspnet-aspnetcore" value="" / add key="aspnet-aspnetcore-tooling" value="" / add key="aspnet-entityframeworkcore" value="" / add key="aspnet-extensions" value="" / add key="gRPC repository" value="" / /packageSources /configuration Open the solution back up and build and run. With a little luck your app should launch and you’ll see something like this in the Output Window confirming our change made it (or course you can now also step right into source locally on disk): There’s been a lot of chatter about UWP lately, it’s future, and some people even going as far as calling it dead after last week’s MSBuild2019 in Seattle. I spent a lot of the time at the conference talking to a lot of stake holders about the future plans, and trying to wrap my head around where things are headed, and giving my feedback about the good and the bad. There’s definitely a lot of confusion here, and I think the Windows team is really stumbling trying to build a good developer story, and really have since Windows 8.0. Why WPF and UWP is under the Windows division and not under the Developer division (who rocks their developer stories) is beyond me.What is UWP really?Anyway I think one thing is starting to become more clear. We need to stop talking about UWP as one framework that runs as one type of app. What we need to do is start talking about the bits that is used to make up UWP. In one way you could say UWP is dead as we know it. UWP has had some limitations holding it back, but there are also many great things about UWP too. And to make matters worse, what UWP is has been blurred by confusing messaging, things that weren’t UWP before suddenly maybe sort of are also sometimes called UWP, and there’s been a lack of properly communicating what is really happening to UWP. I think that’s why people like Paul Thurrott saw an opportunity to write a click-bait article announcing the death of UWP right after lots of exciting things are announced about UWP’s future.So what is UWP? Is it an app in the store? Is it an app only using the WinRT APIs? Or one that relies of some of the WinRT APIs (as well as others)? Is it a sandboxed app? Is it an app that has an app identity with all the features that brings? Is it an .appx/.msix file with clean install/uninstall? Is it an app that uses the newer XAML UI Framework? Is it an app that can run on all sorts of Win10 devices (XBox, HoloLens, Phone, IoT Core, Surface Hub etc)Historically it’s probably been an app that fits almost all of these. But lately not so much. What we’ve been seeing lately is that UWP is being broken up in to many parts: - You want the packaging story? You can MSIX it all, and put your Win32 or “UWP” app in the store. Don’t want the store? You still get the benefits of packaging, easy updates and deployment outside the store. This is probably why .NET Framework apps packaged up as MSIX/AppX apps was also called UWP apps: You got some of the UWP features like package ID, live tiles, push notifications etc. yet again muddying what UWP is. - Do you like a lot of the new WinRT APIs like Bluetooth, push notifications, etc? Well with the SDK Contracts, you can now easily use those in your .NET Framework apps (or any other Win32 app). Just reference the contracts sdk from nuget and you’re good to go: - You like UWP’s UI Model? Well WinUI is coming to the rescue, allowing you to use the UI Framework either on top of the the Windows Runtime / .NET Core or Win32 / .NET Framework (think XAML islands, perhaps without the islands in the future). UWP’s UI on Win32 running outside the sandbox could be a serious contender for replacing for WPF. It’s all the benefits of a new UI framework that can move fast without being limited by .NET Framework or Windows upgrades, but will run down-level too. Remember: WPF is about 20 year old tech by now.- Do you want to use .NET Core but still be running in the sandbox with all the previous UWP features? Well that’s coming too with the .NET 5 announcement. One .Net to rule them all.So talking about UWP like we used to just doesn’t make sense any longer. I don’t want to talk about UWP XAML. I want to talk about WinUI Xaml on top of whichever framework I want (.NET Native, .NET Core, .NET Framework). Or MSIX when we are talking deployment (btw watch this session). Or WinRT/Windows SDK when we are talking about calling the Windows Runtime APIs. So in a way UWP is dead. Long live the bits and pieces of UWP..NET Framework and .NET Native is dead. There I said it.To be clear: when Microsoft says something is dead, it means complete and utterly out of support. When the community says something is dead, it means it’s in maintenance mode only, just getting bits and pieces of security and hotfix patches. You won’t see anything new and cool there, and you’re sitting on a ticking time-bomb. By all means keep your project on it if you’re yourself in maintenance mode. Otherwise move. Microsoft doesn’t want to freak out customers by saying something is dead, and I get it. It’s a big scary word.Here’s a slide from one of my .NET Core talks. They are all quotes from Microsoft blogs. You don’t have to read much between the lines to see where things are headed.With the announcement of .NET 5, .NET Framework and .NET Native is at a dead stop. .NET Core 4.0 will be renamed .NET 5 (to avoid the confusion – as I said earlier the dev division are really good at developer stories!), and in addition bring in various features from Mono, like AoT compilation, similar to what .NET Native in UWP offered. So in a way Mono is dead too, but the features it has that .NET Core doesn’t will be brought over, so it’s more of a merge between the two. Finally we only have more or less one .NET Runtime to worry about. Woohoo.WinUI 3.0 – the future or death of the UWP UI Stack?This was one of the bigger stories around the UWP stack (apart from getting .NET Core support) See the session here for the details. Historically using new UWP UI Features has been a really big problem. Let’s say you want to use Xaml Islands in UWP. It just went final in 1903. Unfortunately that means you can’t really use it at all, because most of your customers haven’t upgraded yet. You’ll likely have to wait two years before you can use it. WinUI has been solving this lately with a lot of controls. Want to use the latest features of the TreeView control? Well either set you min-version to 1809, or just pull in the WinUI 2.1 nuget package and you can now use the TreeView control down to 1607. However note that you need to change the TreeView control’s namespace from Windows.* to Microsoft.* (so it doesn’t clash with the built-in WinRT TreeView). No big deal – that’s quickly dealt with. And it’s awesome. But all the controls are not there, like the brand new Xaml Island stuff. You need 1903. No way around it.To solve some of those problems, Microsoft would have to lift the entire UI stack, preferably all the way up to the base UIElement class to solve this. That means the entire UI Framework would be decoupled from the Windows OS, and you’d be able to use all the features on almost any version of Windows 10. This is what was announced they’ll do over the next year, with a preview end of this year (and they’ll even open-source it!), and be released as WinUI 3.0. I got really excited about this, as that meant I could always use the latest greatest features of .NET Standard 2.x+, .NET Core and the UI Stack, without having to drop support for older versions of Windows. Super exciting, and a great move.Well… until you start digging into the details. The story quickly fell apart when I realized what this really means. Remember how I said to use the WinUI TreeView control all you had to do was change namespace? That works because the WinUI TreeView control still inherits from Windows’ UIElement class, so you can insert it just fine into the existing UI hierarchy.But what the Windows team intends to do is also change the namespace that UIElement base-class resides in. Suddenly you can’t mix and match new and old UI controls. Once you opt in for WinUI 3.0, ALL your UI must change to use this new UI stack. That means this isn’t the old UWP UI Framework. It’s an entirely new non-compatible one.Now you’re probably going “no big deal – I’ll just CTRL+H replace all the namespaces and I’m done”. Sure, I hope you’re that lucky, but what if you’re referencing a 3rd party component, and that component hasn’t been updated to use WinUI yet? Well now you’re stuck. Components like Telerik, Windows Toolkit, ArcGIS Runtime, Xamarin.Forms etc all needs to create a breaking-change update that supports the new UI Model. And at the same time, they have to likely support the old UI stack for the customers that are not ready to move yet. And UWP has historically struggled, so I don’t find it unlikely some component vendors will decide just to drop support for it (or wait and see if it catches on), rather than trying to justify the resources needed. And I’m not clear on how us component vendors will even do this, as the TFM will likely be the same (or multiple) and we’ll get clashes between the old and new UI stacks. I’m scared UWP won’t survive a complete reset of the UWP UI stack. On the other hand, it also seems like a necessary move.Now one of the reasons to bring the UI stack out of band and be able to pick any version is also to be able to more quickly innovate what XAML is and can do, while getting quick adoption of new features from the down-level support it brings. Wait did you say innovate XAML? A language that hasn’t really evolved since it was conceived - and in the process hopefully making me more productive? Oh yes please! Sounds great. Until you’re then told, that by bringing it out of band Microsoft gets the freedom to make more breaking changes without hosing existing users to be able to do this (in order to innovate more). Well back to the component vendors: You just made their life exponentially worse: They now have to rush-out updates for each major version of WinUI and support multiple different versions of WinUI because some users might not be ready to upgrade and deal with all the breaking changes. Forcing breaking changes on the entire ecosystem should be an absolutely big no-no. You could probably ssssmaybe pull it off once, but from then on you really need to stabilize for a very long time, or the entire ecosystem is going to drop out one-by-one. If you ever had to maintain multiple versions of the same product, you know how painful, frustrating and resource intensive this can be.One thing that really bugged me was that the huge namespace breaking change was not clearly communicated at Build – especially the repercussions it creates – it was literally glossed over as just a quick little rename here and there, and it took talking to a lot of people before this really clicked for me. I later learned there was a roundtable discussion on this for select invited people, so it’s definitely not a surprise for the Windows team. IMHO this really needed to be a more open discussion from the get go and get the community to buy in to this, with the pros and cons discussed more openly.I did get the chance during Build to discuss a lot of the different ways it could be done and the pros and cons, like don’t bring UIElement out into WinUI, but everything below, but that could hold back innovating on XAML, or break often move quick, but that could kill off the ecosystem, keep compatibility 100% but that would hold back any future change, etc. All of them had pros and cons that sucked, and I’m honestly not entirely clear myself what the right answer is (hence why I think we need big open discussions about all the possibilities). The only thing I would put my foot down on hard: Definitely no more than one breaking change (except for edge-cases / security reasons like how .NET Core has historically done it). It really scared me that frequently breaking everyone was even on the table for discussion.I also talked a lot to the Xamarin.Forms team about this: They seem just as confused about what to do with this, and they would be forced to add breaking changes too, also hosing all their 3rd party class libraries that have UWP specific renderers. The ripple effects of these WinUI changes are not small at all.Wrapping upSo where are we at today?Well first here are some of my concerns:Wrt. WPF and WinForms. It’s awesome that it’s going open-source on top of .NET Core, but to be honest it’s very unclear how much it is going to evolve past getting it on top of 3.0. They are clearly committing to bring it to .NET Core. But it’s not clear if they are wanting to innovate beyond that, apart from bug fixes and various tweaks. Will we get proper DirectX 11 and composition support? Will we get x:Bind support? Will XAML innovate in WPF? Will we even get any new APIs? Time will tell if this is just a port to .NET Core and then back to maintenance mode, or if it’ll be more than that. No one seemed to be willing to commit to anything when talking to them.Wrt UWP: It is clear they want to bring the platform forward. The change they’re doing to uncouple much of UWP from Windows is sorely needed to save UWP. But it is not clear how they are going to do it, or how it is going to affect the entire ecosystem. In the process of saving UWP they might just risk killing it off, unless they get a really good migration story and the entire component ecosystem on board quick.So what should you do with all this stuff going on? Well here’s my recommendation: Whether you do WPF, WinForms or UWP, if it works for you now, continue the course you’re on. You can’t plan for the unknown anyway, and Microsoft generally like to support things for 10 years. Whatever happens I doubt you’ll be setting yourself up for failure – You might just get more options later, and definitely not less. My biggest concern right now is how the changes to WinUI is going to affect the future – especially among component vendors.Have anything to add? Please continue the conversion in the comments.- - -Fun bottom note: What’s happening to UWP is not that it’s being killed: Microsoft is pivoting bringing the bests parts to where we need them. This actually happened before, but it was unfortunately not used as an opportunity to perform a pivot. Remember Silverlight? Guess where .NET Core’s cross-platform CLR came from. And lots of Silverlight’s code also ended up in UWP. Had they only pivoted and said “Yeah we agree Silverlight doesn’t make sense in the consumer spare, but it’s thriving in the enterprise space, so let’s build on that, and we’ll evolve it into .NET Core and Windows Store”. Unfortunately that didn’t go so smooth, and lots of people still suffer from PTSD and wary of whatever Microsoft does that appears to be killing off any technology. Today Windows Forms and WPF was made open source, and it now allows you to easier poke around the code, submit fixes and improvements etc. But how do you actually get set up to building your own custom version of Windows Forms and using it in your own application? Here’s a step-by-step approach to that. (The same steps more or less applies to the WPF as repo as well, but at the time of writing this WPF doesn’t have much code shared yet)Note though: I don’t recommend customizing and using your own Forms version, as forking leads to quickly getting behind the releases, but it’s useful for testing any PRs you might be working on.Prerequisites:First install the latest .NET Core 3.0 Preview SDK. If you’re using VS2019 Preview, you’re now good to go. However if you’re using VS2017, then after installation completes, open up Visual Studio settings, and make sure the “Use previews of .NET Core SDK” under “Projects and Solutions – .NET Core” is turned on.If you don’t do this, you’ll start getting build errors when building .NET Core 3.0 preview apps saying “The current .NET SDK does not support targeting .NET Core 3.0. Either target .NET Core 2.1 or lower, or use a version of the .NET SDK that supports .NET Core 3.0”.Building WinFormsThe first step is to clone the repo. Use your favorite git tool or clone from commandline using “git clone” . Alternatively just download the zip from github and unzip it.You can now open the “System.Windows.Forms.sln” solution in the root folder. You should see all the source code for forms in the System.Windows.Forms project. Most of the code you care about in there is probably in the System\Windows\Forms folder. Feel free to make some tweaks to the code just for fun. Or go crazy and even add your own new control However if you add any new classes or members, you’ll also have to go add the same members to the System.Windows.Forms.Ref project in the ‘System.Windows.Forms.cs’. These are just stubs and you can follow the pattern of the other classes to see how it’s done. If you don’t so this, you won’t be able to use the new APIs you’ve added, as this project generates the reference assembly you compile against (while the main one is the one you run against).Once you’re happy with your custom Windows Forms solution, right-click the “Microsoft.Private.Winforms” project and select “Pack”. Note: If you just compiled everything, this doesn’t do anything – the pack operation only seem to work if there’s also something new to compile (VS bug?), so usually I just quickly touch a file and undo the change to trigger a new compilation.You can also build and pack from commandline. Browse to the root of the repo, and enter “build –pack” to generate the nuget package with your custom build. Also I encourage you to read the Building Guidelines for more information regarding building Windows Forms.You should see something like this in the output, including a path to the .nupkg file generated. Make note of this path, as we’ll need it later.Note: An alternative to packing things up as a nuget package, is to simply use this repo a submodule. In that case all you’d need to do is add the main System.Windows.Forms project to your project, and add a project reference.Creating our first app with a custom Forms buildNow to use this new build: Open a command prompt and go to a new empty folder. Then enter “dotnet new winforms”. This would generate a new winforms project, with a .csproj file that you can open in Visual Studio.Open the project and in the Visual Studio options, navigate to “Nuget Package Manager – Package Sources”, and add a new package source that points to the \artifacts\packages\debug\shipping\ folder you noted above:You can now go into the nuget references, and add the nuget package you created:And voila! You’re now set up to build a WinForms app that’s running on your very own WinForms version.Here displayed with my very own very important addition to WinForms (PR pending ):Word of caution with this nuget package: If you go back and make more changes to your WinForms project and create a new nuget package, make sure you clear out the package from your NuGet cache, or you won’t see any of the changes, as the newly generated nuget package will have the same ID and Version, and the cache would just kick in and pull from there instead. But if you’re using a fork, you can also add NerdBank.GitVersioning to the project to get auto versions which will update the package ID with each commit.The alternative is to use the submodule / project reference approach mentioned above which avoids the caching issue. Thank you to Oren Novotny for reviewing this blogpost prior to publishing (and for generally being awesome to the entire .NET community). I’ve been playing a lot of the Roslyn API lately, and recently got the idea to use it for analyzing the source-code of an API and report what the API looks like.When I do API reivews, I often like to look at an Object Model Diagram, and I have often used Visual Studio for this by creating a new Object Model Diagram and dragging my class files onto it. It’s somewhat of a great experience, but it has several limitations and bugs that makes it tedious or misleading.So I figured why not try and use Roslyn to generate these diagram? After all it’s basically just a list of members in a box. So I set out to create an HTML page with all the objects in a set of C# files.The first trick is to just search for all C# files in a folder and add them to an AdHocWorkspace and compile the project:var ws = new AdhocWorkspace();var solutionInfo = SolutionInfo.Create(SolutionId.CreateNewId(), VersionStamp.Default);ws.AddSolution(solutionInfo);var projectInfo = ProjectInfo.Create(ProjectId.CreateNewId(), VersionStamp.Default, "CSharpProject", "CSharpProject", "C#");ws.AddProject(projectInfo);foreach(var file in new DirectoryInfo(path).GetFiles("*.cs")) var sourceText = SourceText.From(File.OpenRead(file.FullName)); ws.AddDocument(projectInfo.Id, file.Name, sourceText);var project = ws.CurrentSolution.Projects.Single();var compilation = await project.GetCompilationAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);This quickly gives us a fully parsed set of C# files that we can now iterate over, and interrogate the members. By ignoring everything that’s internal or private, a bit of stream writing out to some basic HTML, I can generate an object model that looks a lot like what Visual Studio produces. Here’s one such example of my NmeaParser library:You can see the full object model here: /omds/NmeaParser.htmlNote that you can hover on classes, members and parameters and you’ll get the summary/ API Reference description for them. Known types that are in the object model are also clickable for quickly navigating the view.I created a .NET Core console app that builds this. All you do is set the source parameter to a folder of source-code, and the tool runs on spits out an “OMD.html” file. I found myself often wanting to generate an OMD of a Github repo, so as a shortcut I added an option to point straight to the zip-download on GitHub. The above object model diagram is done with this simple command:I’ve already started using this tool in my day-to-day work, as well as some of the online community work, like the UWP Community Toolkit. What I’ve found is that inconsistencies and poor naming really stands out like daggers in your eyes when looking at an object model, compared to scanning over 100s or 1000s lines of code. Internal code is easy to fix later. But if you get the public object model wrong, you’re stuck between introducing breaking changes, or living with the poor API design forever.Want to go overboard? Try generating a giant OMD for the entire .NET Core repo (we’ll exclude all the test folders):dotnet Generator.dll /source= /exclude="*/ref/*;*/tests/*;*/perftests/*" /output=CoreFX.htmlYou can also see the generated output here: /omds/CoreFX.htmlCommandline? Where’s my NuGet?What if you want to just create an object model when you build? Well there’s a NuGet for that. Add a NuGet reference to “dotMorten.OMDGenerator”, and each time you build your C# Class Library, an HTML file is also generated. It will slow your build down slightly. so you might not want it enabled all the time, but it’s an easy way to quickly generate an object model. Note though that this is limited to generating an OMD for a single project, and not a combined OMD for all .Analyzing differencesAnother thing I very often do is looking pull requests, and when you have 100s of objects, it’s not really useful to be looking at the entire object model. Instead you want to focus on what changed, and if it introduced any breaking changes. I basically needed a diffing-tool.Again it was rather easy to use Roslyn to do this. I basically created a list of objects for two source code folders, and walked through member by member. By using Roslyn’s “ToDisplayString” method with a full-format string, it’s really just a matter of comparing the before/after generated string go detect a change, and only print out classes and members that changed. I then chose to render anything that was removed as red and strike-through to make it really clear what has changed. Again with PRs this makes it really easy. For instance here’s how to do a comparison between If you want to try it yourself, here’s the commandline tool:dotnet Generator.dll /source= /compareSource= /exclude="*/UnitTests/*" /output=UWPToolkit_WhatsNew.htmlAnd here’s some of what that generates as of today:You’ll notice that there are several changes highlighted in red. These are not necessarily breaking changes - some of them are*, and some could just be a slight change in signature (*The UWP Toolkit is currently working on v3.0 which includes cleaning up some old stuff and will have breaking changes)We can also repeat this for .NET Core, and see what has changed since v2.0:You can see the full change-list here: /omds/CoreFx_WhatsNew.htmlNote that this will show breaking changes in .NET Core: But feat not: Just because it was in the v2.0.0 branch, there were things that weren’t actually released, and has been changed since. Another issue is the source structure has changed and some base types where not there before. This caused some of the types to look as if they are changed. The point is that the analysis is only as good as the source code it has access to. Another example of this you’ll see is if a class implements an interface, but doesn’t have a base class, and that interface isn’t part of the source code, there’s no way for Roslyn to know if it’s an interface or a base-class, and it’ll end up listing the interface as a base class.Also there are probably still some bugs left. Not only will it show things that might not be a breaking change as a breaking change – it might also overlook changes, so use it as a tool to help you, but not as the end-all-be-all public API review tool.Gimme the source-code already!Yup! It’s right here: take pull-requests too! If you see a bug, feel free to submit a PR (or at the very least submit an issue).The future…Things I’d like to add support for (and wouldn’t mind help with):Assembly-based analysis (ie post-compilation).Use solutions and project files as inputsGit-hook that automatically injects an object model of changes (if there’s changes), when a user submits a pull request.Support for accessing the zip-download from private reposSupport for specifying two branches in a local repo, instead of having to have two separate source folders. If you read the recently release documentation on Windows 10 on ARM, you get the impression you can only build x86 and ARM 32bit applications.However it is completely possible today to build and run a native ARM64 UWP application as long as you use C++ (.NET isn’t - at this point at least - supported). I’ll detail the steps below:First we need to ensure you have the ARM64 C++ compiler pieces installed. Open the Visual Studio installer and ensure the ARM64 components are installed:Next we create a new UWP C++ Application:Open the configuration manager, and select a new solution platform:Pick ARM64:In the project properties you can now also see that the Target Machine is set to MachineARM64:Now all you have to do is compile the app. Or well… maybe not!This build error occurs due to a but in the .targets file, ARM64 isn’t really fully supported yet, and some of the build settings isn’t expecting ARM64. Luckily it’s hitting a part that isn’t needed, so we can trick MSBuild to skip over this.Open your .vcxproj project file and add the following fake property: ProjectNTagets Some silly value here /ProjectNTagets And Voila! Your project should now compile:Next we can create a new app package. ARM64 should now show up in the list, and you can check that on as well, to generate a package that runs natively on any architecture Windows ships on:Success!That’s all there is to it!Now next is to get hold of an ARM64 device and figure out how to deploy and debug this. Once I have a device, I’ll post the next blog… I’ve lately been working on getting our automated builds complete faster. Faster builds means shorter times between commits and new fresh builds, gated check-ins can be evaluated faster etc etc. In my specific case, I need to build and link A LOT of native C++ code for both x86, x64 and ARM, and the full process takes over 1.5 hours on my speedy desktop, and over 2 hours on the build server!As part of this work, wanted the build server to only focus on the builds that were important for the product, but still have a solution that builds unit tests, test project etc for the devs to use day to day. Also because we build both AnyCPU .NET libraries and architecture-specific apps and native libraries, the build server would while building each architechture also build the AnyCPU builds over and over, and the build server also didn’t really need to build the unit tests as part of the production build either.Now I could go about and create a separate build configuration, but I wanted to make sure the build configuration devs use day to day matches what the build server uses. So I opted for creating an “msbuild” file instead. This is essentially a little project file, that points to other projects to build. Here’s a small example of such a file: Project xmlns="" Target Name="BuildMyProduct" MSBuild Projects="MyCoolApp\MyCoolClassLibrary.csproj" Properties="Platform=AnyCPU;Configuration=Release" Targets="Restore;Build" / MSBuild Projects="MyCoolApp\MyCoolApp.csproj" Targets="Restore" / MSBuild Projects="MyCoolApp\MyCoolApp.csproj" Properties="Platform=x86;Configuration=Release" Targets="Build" / MSBuild Projects="MyCoolApp\MyCoolApp.csproj" Properties="Platform=x64;Configuration=Release" Targets="Build" / MSBuild Projects="MyCoolApp\MyCoolApp.csproj" Properties="Platform=ARM;Configuration=Release" Targets="Build" / /Target /Project From a Visual Studio command prompt you can use msbuild to execute your ‘BuildMyProduct’ target: msbuild /t:BuildMyProductAnd the project will nuget restore and build first the class library, then build the app project 3 times for each architecture (with a single nuget restore before it). You can see from the output that things are built in the order specified, one after the other. Note how the same output for the app project essentially repeats 3 times:The thing is, several of the compilation process is single-threaded, but these days we all have 4, 8, 16 etc cores to play with. Why not put them all to good use and speed up the build? Especially linking a lot of native C++ static libraries are mostly single threaded and can easily take a very long time. Why not use a CPU for each architecture?We can accomplish this in msbuild by creating a group of projects with different properties, and use the “BuildInParallel” parameter. Here’s what that same project would then look like: Project xmlns="" Target Name="BuildMyProduct" ItemGroup MyCoolAppProject Include="MyCoolApp\MyCoolApp.csproj" AdditionalProperties="Platform=x86" / MyCoolAppProject Include="MyCoolApp\MyCoolApp.csproj" AdditionalProperties="Platform=x64" / MyCoolAppProject Include="MyCoolApp\MyCoolApp.csproj" AdditionalProperties="Platform=ARM" / /ItemGroup MSBuild Projects="MyCoolApp\MyCoolClassLibrary.csproj" Properties="Platform=AnyCPU;Configuration=Release" Targets="Restore;Build" / MSBuild Projects="MyCoolApp\MyCoolApp.csproj" Targets="Restore" / MSBuild Projects="@(MyCoolAppProject)" Properties="Configuration=Release" Targets="Build" BuildInParallel="True" / /Target /Project In this case we’ll add the /maxcpucount parameter to ensure msbuild uses all the available CPUs: msbuild /t:BuildMyProduct /maxcpucountBuild in parallel output below. Note hos the output is exactly the same, but now each architecture output more or less outputs in the same order and completes simultaneously. But much more importantly, notice the 40% reduction in build time! And this is for a completely blank UWP app template. This is no small reduction. And remember if you have lots of native code to link, you can see even bigger saves. In my specific case, I have A LOT of static libraries to link, which takes between 22 and 35mins to just link depending on architecture. The entire build takes about 90mins to complete. When building in parallel, that’s “only” 38 minutes. This is HUGE for pushing out fresh setups to test, or enabling gated check-ins.Now for UWP you might want to create a single bundle for all architectures, and you can do that with a single command that’ll build all architectures: Target Name="BuildFullBundle" MSBuild Projects="MyCoolApp\MyCoolApp.csproj" Targets="Restore" / MSBuild Projects="MyCoolApp\MyCoolApp.csproj" Targets="Build" Properties="Configuration=Release;AppxBundle=Always;AppxBundlePlatforms=x86|x64|ARM" BuildInParallel="True" / /Target The interesting bit here is that msbuild doesn’t actually parallelize this build (though it probably should) as clearly visible in the output, and you get the same “slow” build time. As a follow-up to my recent OpenZWave blogpost ( /post/2017/01/20/Using-OpenZWave-in-UWP-apps ), a few things has happened since. First of all I’ve worked closely with the OpenZWave team, and we agreed to consolidate efforts. My library is now the official OpenZWave library for .NET and UWP, and has been moved out under the OpenZWave organization on GitHub: At the same time the older .NET library has been removed from the main OpenZWave repository, so they can focus on the native parts of the library, and I’ve taken over the .NET effort. To successfully support UWP and .NET, I wanted to achieve as close code compatibility as possible, and for maintainability also reuse as much C++ code as possible (both libraries are written in C++ – C++/CX for UWP and C++/CLI for .NET). The APIs for the two binaries should however be completely identical and the code you write against them the same. This meant a lot of refactoring, and breaking the original .NET a little. At the same time, I did a full API review, and cleaned it up to better follow the .NET naming guidelines. The overall API design hasn’t changed too much, and moving from the older .NET API shouldn’t be too much work (the original WinForms sample app was ported over with relatively little effort and is available in the repo as a reference as well). However because of the many small breaking changes, the nuget package needs a major version increase. I’ve just released the v2.0.0-beta1 package for you to start using. The API is release quality though, and should be very close to a final release. If you’ve done any OpenZWave dev, I encourage you to try it out and provide feedback. Read the WIKI to see how to get started: Or try out the sample applications included in the repository. So go grab the nuget package today and start Z-Waving! Note: If you are using IoTCore, beware that Microsoft pre-installs an OpenZWave to AllJoyn bridge. This bridge will grab your Serial Port, so make sure you disable this app prior to using the library. Second: The built in AllJoyn-ZWave service by Microsoft only supports the older Gen2 AeoTec adapter, whereas this library also works great with the Gen5 models. In my recent IoTivity hacking, I wanted to create a bridge between ZWave and IoTivity, and run it as a StartUp task on my Raspberry. Something similar already exists in Windows IoT Core, as a bridge between ZWave and AllJoyn. Actually all you have to do is get a Generation 2 Aeotec ZWave ZStick, plug it into your device running IoT COre and you got yourself a ZWave-to-AllJoyn bridge. Unfortunately those aren’t being sold any longer, only the Generation 5, which isn’t compatible with the bridge. AllJoyn isn’t doing too well either. Anyway, back to IoTivity: To build a bridge, I needed a ZWave library that supports UWP. After all, most of my devices are ZWave devices. I have my SmartThings hub as a primary controller, but you can add any number of ZWave USB Sticks as secondary controllers to the ZWave network. So I can continue to rely on SmartThings (for now), while I start hacking with the USB controller against the same devices. Luckily Donald Hanson has an awesome pull-request for OpenZWave that adds a native UWP wrapper around OpenZWave, based on the .NET CLI wrapper. However the OpenZWave people were a little reluctant to merge it, as they already have a hard time maintaining the .NET CLI one, and suggested someone taking it over. I offered to do this but haven’t heard anything back from them. So while waiting, I just started a new repo to get going with Donalds blessing. I’ve spent a lot of time cleaning up the code, as there was a lot of odd patterns in the old .NET library that created an odd .NET API to work with (for example there was Get* methods instead of properties, delegates instead of events, static types that aren’t static etc). I’m also working on bringing the .NET and WinRT core in sync, so the two could share the same source-code. I’m not there yet, but it is getting close. If you have some C++ experience, I could really use some help with the abstraction bits to make this simpler. Bottom-line is I now have a functioning wrapper for OpenZWave that can be used for .NET and UWP, and it works with the new Gen5 ZStick! (and many others) There are many breaking changes though, so I don’t know if OpenZWave wants to bring this into their fold. If not, I’ll keep hacking away at it myself. I do expect to continue making a lot of breaking changes to simplify its use and make it more intuitive. Due to the nature of ZWave devices, you can’t always rely on an instant response from a device when it is trying to save battery, so it could be several minutes before you get a response (or never), so a simple async/await model doesn’t work that well. Anyway go grab the source-code (make sure you get the submodule too), and try it out: Here’s how you start it up: //InitializeZWMOptions.Instance.Initialize(); //Configure default optionsZWMOptions.Instance.Lock(); //Options must be locked before usingZWManager.Instance.Initialize(); //Start up the managerZWManager.Instance.OnNotification += OnNodeNotification; //Start listening for node events //Hook up the serial portvar serialPortSelector = Windows.Devices.SerialCommunication.SerialDevice.GetDeviceSelector();var devices = await DeviceInformation.FindAllAsync(serialPortSelector);var serialPort = devices.First().Id; //Adjust to pick the right port for your usb stickZWManager.Instance.AddDriver(serialPort); //Add the serial port (you can have multiple!) The rest is in the Notification handler. Every time a node is found, changed, remove etc. an event is reported here, including responses to commands you send. Nodes are identified by the HomeID (one per usb controller), and by the NodeID. You use these two values to uniquely identify a node on your network, and can then oerform operations like changing properties via the ZWManager instance. There’s a generic sample app you can use to find, interrogate and interact with the devices, or just learn from. Longer-term I’d like to build a simpler API on top of this to work with the devices. The Main ViewModel in the sample-app is in a way the beginnings of this. And by all means, submit some pull requests! Woohoo. My UWP ZWave library and sample app is starting to come together #IoT— Morten Nielsen (@dotMorten) January 19, 2017

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