C# Advent 2021

Date Post #1 Post #2 Claimed by Content Claimed by Content 1 Matt Eland Using C# and ML.NET AutoML to Predict ESRB Ratings Sarah Dutkiewicz Merry Graphmas: Working with Cosmos DB Gremlin API 2 Martin Zikmund The shortest quine in C# 9 and 10 Layla The New Global Usings Directive in C# 10 3 Lee Englestone Building IsChristmasTree with CustomVision.ai Sarah Dutkiewicz A Gift for Learning to Use C# with Azure 4 Sam Nasr How (and Why) You Should Use Speech-to-text Ed Charbeneau Accessibility Test Driven Blazor Components 5 Luis Beltran C# Azure Functions to access CosmosDB Albert Bennett C# 10.0 - Useful features to know 6 Gérald Barré Fastest way to enumerate a List<T> John Kilmister Templating HTML Emails in Azure Functions 7 Andrew DePersio Analyzing Memory Dumps Using Visual Studio Khalid Abuhakmeh HTMX with ASP.NET Core 8 Kevin Griffin Rapid Upgrades with the .NET Upgrade Assistant Dave Brock Don't Do That, Do This: The .NET 6 Edition 9 Carl Layton Use Azure AD to Authorize Access to Blob Storage Sam Basu Angular on Desktop 10 Muhammad Azeez Testing Email Templates in ASP.NET Core Simon Timms Kafka and .NET - Part 1 - What is Kafka? 11 Kevin Dawkins Reducing Developer Cycle Time Using Dapr and AKS Dane Schilling Writing Deterministic Tests in a Variable World 12 Greg Bair Parallel.ForEachAsync Deep Dive Jeremy Sinclair The Magickal Way to Distort Images 13 Barret Blake Using C# Code in Power Automate Roman Stoffel Automated Tests Advice, C# Edition 14 James Curran TimeThis! - Simple timings for code blocks Mangesh Gaherwar Real-time Speech Translator using Azure 15 Eric Potter Examining Async Behavior in .NET Notebooks Simon Timms Kafka and .NET - Part 3 - Finally at .NET 16 Stephen Lorello CRUD with Redis OM .NET Matthew D. Groves We Three Things: Dynamitey, Humanizer, Sql.Types 17 Brant Burnett String Interpolation Trickery and Magic with C# 10 Timur Khadimullin Writing Prometheus exporters - the Lazy Dev way 18 Dan Clarke Snapshot Testing with Verify Baskar Rao Quick Peek of Accessibility Insights & Automation 19 Simon Painter Functional Programming in C#: Oregon Trail Part 1 Sean Killeen Ensuring Santa’s Success With Automated Tests 20 Uroš Miletić Unclutter Startup.cs Matt Eland What can you do in ML.NET with C#? 21 Matthew MacDonald Can You Teach C# as a First Language forKids? Christopher C. Johnson Using DateOnly and TimeOnly in .NET 6 to Simplify 22 Jonathan Danylko Refactor with C# 10 Andrea Angella Top C# Developer News of 2021 23 Alvin Ashcraft Calling the Microsoft Graph API from WinUI Rebin Qadir gRPC client-side load balancing in .NET 24 Craigory Coppola Build Monorepos, not Monoliths Kevin Miller Looking back at C# 25 Michael Jolley Building a Cross Platform NuGet Package Calvin A. Allen What's the Difference Anyway? Class,Struct,Record