Verve Catalysts

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Today's reading in ourdaily planisProverbs 25.Take a moment to pray, asking God to speak to you from this passage. Then read, using the following notes and questions to help you get everything out of the passage.SAY WHAT?(What is the passage saying?)In this chapter we are reminded to be humble. It s better for people to speak highly of you than for you to and others disagree.Verse 16 and 17 warn us not to wear out our welcome with friends. When we re having a good time it s easy to take the hospitality of our hosts to mean we should stay longer. However, just like with sweet food, our company could be nice to have but too much will make you nauseous.Verses 21 and 22 tell us to do good, even to our enemies.SO WHAT?(What are the underlying principles?)We shouldn t seek our own honor or praise. If you deserve it, others will give it to you.Doing good to our enemies may seem counter-intuitive, but this is a great way to practice living out the grace God offers us. We show them grace not because they need it, but because we need it for our own progress.Today's reading doesn't emphasize a list of tasks -- it's about character traits. We need to constantly look for new ways to mold our lives around God.NOW WHAT?(How will you personally apply this passage?)Is there someone you're upset with? Today, find a way to show kindness to them. Not because they need it, but because you need it.If you look back over the last week of your life, have you tried more to live "by the rules," or have you tried more to model your character around God? Ask him today to make your character more like his.Today's reading in ourdaily planisJohn 9. Take a moment to pray, asking God to speak to you from this passage. Then read, using the following notes and questions to help you get everything out of the passage.SAY WHAT?(What is the passage saying?)The disciples see the man who was blind from birth and ask Jesus a strange question: who sinned that he was born blind? Back in that culture people thought if someone was sick, it must be punishment by God for some sin. Jesus does not agree, and says this man was born blind so that God s power could be shown in his life.Jesus rubs dirt and his spit on the guy's eyes to heal him. In other places Jesus heals by touching, or even just by speaking. Why the difference? We don't know, but perhaps he healed in different ways so people would realize that it wasn't about the "method" of healing, but about the power of the person (Jesus) doing the healing.Instead of being able to enjoy his healing and new life, the formerly blind man is grilled with questions. While the Pharisees treat the man harshly, Jesus gives him an invitation. And the man comes to put his trust in Jesus, calls him his master (Lord) and worships him.SO WHAT?(What are the underlying principles?)The Pharisees and the blind man both encounter Jesus but react very differently. The Pharisees claim they are without sin and reject Jesus because they have no need for him. The blind man knows he needs Jesus, receives miraculous healing, and worships him. These differing reactions originate with their differing beliefs about themselves. Though the Pharisees needed Jesus they didn t think so. Perhaps Jesus was drawn to the poor, disenfranchised and the sick because people in these conditions realize their need. But people who are financially secure, culturally accepted and physically healthy typically believe they have all their needs met. When we are blessed in this way we should watch out for our faith, lest we become spiritually blind like the Pharisees.NOW WHAT?(How will you personally apply this passage?)Think about the "blessings" you have - like the fact that you live in the richest country in the history of the world, your health, your friends. In what ways can those "blessings" keep you from feeling a need for God? In what ways might they be keeping you from seeking God and getting close to him every day? What do you need to do about that?Today's reading in ourdaily planisJohn 8. Take a moment to pray, asking God to speak to you from this passage. Then read, using the following notes and questions to help you get everything out of the passage.SAY WHAT?(What is the passage saying?)The religious leaders brought to Jesus a woman who was caught in the act of adultery. It seems they were trying to set a trap for Jesus since they didn t bring in the man they caught her with. But Jesus gives them a lesson on judgment when he says, If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her. Although the religious leaders carefully followed the rules of religion, the truth is they were sinners and still needed forgiveness just like the woman.Throughout the rest of the conversation Jesus has with the Pharisees (legalistic religious leaders) in this chapter, he is trying to help them see that they are not as righteous as they claimed. And that when you sin you become a slave to sin and need someone to set you free, which is what Jesus came to do.Abraham is mentioned a lot in this chapter. He was kind of the founder of the Jewish faith, and so when the people speak of him being their father and them being his children, they are speaking of (and boasting about) their faith.Jesus and the Pharisees also argue about Jesus' identity. Jesus says that he did not need to glorify himself, that his Father would do that for him, but does share who he is.In verse 58 Jesus says, before Abraham was born, I am! This is a clear reference to the Old Testament, when God first met with Moses and called himself by the name I am (seeExodus 3:13-14). Jesus was claiming here that he is God, and the Pharisees clearly understood this, which is why they picked up stones to stone him (verse 59). They were going to kill him on the charge of blasphemy.SO WHAT?(What are the underlying principles?)Jesus' actions towards the woman caught in adultery are compassionate (he saved her life and said he didn't condemn her)andchallenging (he told her to leave her life of sin). In the same way, Jesus is compassionate towards you but will also challenge you to live a better life.Too often we want to judge and condemn others, but Jesus says that is only our role if we are "without sin."Jesus said, "if I glorify myself, my glory means nothing" and explained that only God glorifying him "counts." In the same way, we should never seek to glorify ourselves, and live for God's approval alone.NOW WHAT?(How will you personally apply this passage?)In what area of your life might Jesus show you compassion? Where might he challenge you to leave your life of sin? Why don't you spend some time praying about those areas of your life?Who do you find yourself judging? Unless you are without sin, you need to leave judgment to God and focus instead on yourself.Today's reading in ourdaily planisJohn 7. Take a moment to pray, asking God to speak to you from this passage. Then read, using the following notes and questions to help you get everything out of the passage.SAY WHAT?(What is the passage saying?)In this chapter we find Jesus in the midst of doubting people. It seems that no one believes in him. His own brothers refused to believe him and the Pharisees, who should know better, refuse as well. It seems that Jesus is challenged or questioned by everybody while in Jerusalem.The religious leaders try to take advantage of Jesus public preaching and have him arrested by guards. But the guards know something is different about this guy and go back to their dispatchers without him.Jesus takes that opportunity to confront the religious leaders about their hypocrisy. These men were willing to obey religious rules like not working on Saturday and circumcising infants, but opposed Jesus for his miraculous healings. And later when Nicodemus, one of their own leaders, pointed out that having Jesus arrested was contrary to their laws, the religious leaders insulted him.Though Jesus was sent by God, many people refused to believe it.SO WHAT?(What are the underlying principles?)One of the reasons people rejected Jesus is because they had pre-conceived assumptions about who the Messiah would be, and what he would be like. These assumptions weren't based on the Bible, but on commonly held ideas or personal opinion.Jesus had a mission -- a difficult one -- to go to the cross and take on the sins of the world in his death. And even Jesus' path to get there was difficult.NOW WHAT?(How will you personally apply this passage?)Is it possible that you have some assumptions about what Jesus should be like, how God should act in your life, or what God should say is right or wrong, that aren't based on the truth of God's Word, but on public or personal opinion? That's dangerous and needs to be corrected. We need to stop making assumptions and commit to studying the Bible so we can replace our assumptions with truth.Have you ever been rejected? Perhaps you've faced rejection for following Jesus? Jesus can relate to being rejected and empathize with your fear and pain. In fact, if we're following the one who was rejected by just about everyone, we can expect that we'll face rejection. And when it happens, go to Jesus. He can give youstrength to persevere.Today's reading in ourdaily planisJohn 6. Take a moment to pray, asking God to speak to you from this passage. Then read, using the following notes and questions to help you get everything out of the passage.SAY WHAT?(What is the passage saying?)Jesus does an amazing miracle, feeding thousands of people with a boy's sack lunch. The people are impressed and decide to make Jesus their king, but Jesus removes himself from the situation before they can even attempt to take such action.Jesus then does another miracle, walking on water, and then has to confront the crowds about their desires for him.The problem is that they wanted to make Jesus a political king, and wanted to do so for selfish reasons.They assumed if Jesus were king he would ensure there was enough food, use his power to conquer the oppressive Roman military, and secure Israel as a dominant world power. But God had in mind something very different. Jesus came to be a spiritual king. He desired followers who were interested in knowing God and having eternal life rather than just having an easy life. Jesus uses an illustration about having to eat his flesh and drink his blood (which could also be a reference to communion) to show the people that they are after worldly things, while he was offering them something much better and more spiritual. The people reject him because they were only concerned with their selfish desires.SO WHAT?(What are the underlying principles?)Today we may not want to make Jesus a political king, or demand that he provide us dinner, but it still may be true that we're in this whole Jesus thing for selfish reasons. Jesus offers us forgiveness and eternal life without condemnation. He offers to answer our prayers. There are certainly benefits to following Jesus, but the benefits are not thepoint. Jesus is. We should want him and want to give our lives to him even if there are no benefits, even if we have to suffer for our faith.NOW WHAT?(How will you personally apply this passage?)If you follow Jesus, take some time to reflect onwhyyou follow Jesus. What do you think of asthe reward for following Jesus? Is it having Jesus, or is getting what Jesus might give you? Are you willing to follow Jesus with no other benefits than him? Are you willing to suffer for him? Talk to God about all this...Today's reading in ourdaily planisJohn 5. Take a moment to pray, asking God to speak to you from this passage. Then read, using the following notes and questions to help you get everything out of the passage.SAY WHAT?(What is the passage saying?)Jesus goes back to Jerusalem and to a pool called Bethesda. This was where sick people would gather in hopes that the mysterious properties of the pool would cure them. Jesus heals a man there who had been crippled for 38 years.Jesus is persecuted by the Jews because the healing happened on a Sabbath (Saturday). God had commanded that people rest from their work on the Sabbath(inExodus 20:8-11). But the Jewish leaders had added further rules, turning this command that was intended to benefit people into a prison that shackled them.Jesus confronts the Jewish leaders way of practicing religion:Jesus tells the Jews about his relationship with the Father. He says that God has given him authority and a mission. This kind of talk was radical for the Jewish culture. When Jesus claimed God as his father, he was making himself equal with God. This was considered blasphemy.In verse 24 Jesus reveals how to have eternal life: whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned. He shows that life comes from the Father and frees people of condemnation. This eternal life allows us to have a relationship with God.In verse 28 Jesus talks about God s judgment. God will raise everyone from the dead and judge them based on whether they ve lived for him or lived for themselves. Jesus is the judge and he will be impartial because he seeks to honor God and not himself.Jesus confronts the Jewish leaders for missing the point of reading the Scriptures. They proudly thought they were right with God because they knew the Bible, but they were wrong because they didn't really know the God of the Bible.In verse 45 Jesus says that your accuser is Moses . He's making the point that the laws the Jewish leadership were trying to follow and enforce were the very laws that point to Jesus as the Savior.SO WHAT?(What are the underlying principles?)Throughout his life, Jesus purposefully sought out people who were hurting, sick, or disabled. As followers of Jesus, we need to do the same.Jesus asked the man, "Do you want to get well?" It seems like a silly question, because of course he did. But in reality, it's sometimes easier to stay sick, or to keep sinning. Jesus wants to bring healing and transformation to our lives, but we need to want it.The problem of the Jewish leaders was that they practiced religion, but did not pursue a relationship with God. People today can do the same, seeking to knowaboutGod without ever really knowing God, and treating God like an intellectual pursuit instead of a personal passion. Trying to impress and earn favor, instead of trusting and surrendering.NOW WHAT?(How will you personally apply this passage?)If you are a follower of Jesus, are you following him to show compassion to and help hurting people? If not, how could you do that this week?What's an area of your life where Jesus might ask you, "Do you want to get well?" Do you? Talk to God about that...Where do you see yourself practicing religion instead of passionately pursuing a relationship with God? How could you kill those religious impulses in your life and truly seek Jesus instead?We provide questions each week based on the topic of our service for our Verve Groups to use. If you're not in a Verve Group, feel free to use them on your own.This week we concluded our series called The Separation Of Church And Hateby talking about Unity.What is a group you re in? It may be an official group, or it may be that you are in a group of people who are huge fans of a sports team, a type of music, a genre of movie, a superhero or group of superheroes, a restaurant, Coke, Pepsi, Apple products, etc.What are you passionate about? What s your group?Who s the enemy of your group?How do you see biases in your group (or in the enemy group )?Jesus taught us to pray, in Matthew 6:10, Your kingdom come. Your will be done. On earth as it is in heaven. What do you think it looks like to bring God s kingdom to earth?What is a practical way you can be a part of doing that this week?Jesus said in Matthew 6:33, Seek the Kingdom of God above all else. What does it mean for you to seek the kingdom of God?What would it look like to seek God s kingdom above your kingdom?What would it look like to seek God s kingdom above political kingdoms?Read John 17:20-23.This was Jesus prayer on the night before he was crucified. Why do you think the thing he chose to pray about, in his last chance to pray, was the unity of his followers? Why is this such a big deal?Jesus says the world will not believe in him if his followers are not united. Why do you think that s the case?We have been challenged in this series, Are you willing to put love above everything? To disagree politically but still love unconditionally? What do you think that might look like for you? What would need to change?

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