K-5 GeoSource | American Geosciences Institute

Web Name: K-5 GeoSource | American Geosciences Institute

WebSite: http://www.k5geosource.org





PDF versionWelcome to K-5 GeoSource, a professional development and resource website for Earth science teachers! If you are involved in elementary science education in any way, these webpages are for you. We have a rich store of content, activities, services and links for you to explore. We encourage you to come back often to tell us what you think about the resources and to suggest more. The K-5 GeoSource website has many pages to explore, including:Use the links on the left to navigate the major sections of the site. Join the adventure of exploring Earth science through K-5 GeoSource. Contact us at education@americangeosciences.org to tell us what you think. Explore Content Answer your "how" and "why" questions about earthquakes, volcanoes, hurricanes, and other Earth science topics.   Careers Gather information and vignettes describing the many exciting career opportunities available to your students in the Earth sciences.   The American Geosciences Institute represents and serves the geoscience community by providing collaborative leadership and information to connect Earth, science, and people.

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Welcome to K-5 GeoSource, a professional development and resource website for Earth science teachers! If you are involved in elementary science education in any way, these webpages are for you. We have a rich store of content, activities, services and links for you to explore. We encourage you to come back often to tell us what you think about the resources and to suggest

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