Foodcritic - A lint tool for your Chef cookbooks

Web Name: Foodcritic - A lint tool for your Chef cookbooks






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Foodcritic is a helpful lint tool you can use to check your Chef cookbooks for common problems.

It comes with 112 built-in rules that identify problems ranging from simple style inconsistencies to difficult to diagnose issues that will hurt in production.

Various nice people in the Chef community have also written extra rules for foodcritic that you can install and run. Or write your own!

It's easy to get started with Foodcritic in Chef-DK already

$ foodcritic my_cookbook_dir

FC001 Use strings in preference to symbols to access node attributes FC002 Avoid string interpolation where not required FC003 Check whether you are running with chef server before using server-specific features FC004 Use a service resource to start and stop services FC005 Avoid repetition of resource declarations FC006 Mode should be quoted or fully specified when setting file permissions FC007 Ensure recipe dependencies are reflected in cookbook metadata FC008 Generated cookbook metadata needs updating FC009 Resource attribute not recognised FC010 Invalid search syntax FC011 Missing README in markdown format FC012 Use Markdown for README rather than RDoc FC013 Use file_cache_path rather than hard-coding tmp paths FC014 Consider extracting long ruby_block to library FC015 Consider converting definition to a Custom Resource FC016 LWRP does not declare a default action FC017 LWRP does not notify when updated FC018 LWRP uses deprecated notification syntax FC019 Access node attributes in a consistent manner FC020 Conditional execution string attribute looks like Ruby FC021 Resource condition in provider may not behave as expected FC022 Resource condition within loop may not behave as expected FC023 Prefer conditional attributes FC024 Consider adding platform equivalents FC025 Prefer chef_gem to compile-time gem install FC026 Conditional execution block attribute contains only string FC027 Resource sets internal attribute FC028 Incorrect #platform? usage FC029 No leading cookbook name in recipe metadata FC030 Cookbook contains debugger breakpoints FC031 Cookbook without metadata.rb file FC032 Invalid notification timing FC033 Missing template FC034 Unused template variables FC035 Template uses node attribute directly FC037 Invalid notification action FC038 Invalid resource action FC039 Node method cannot be accessed with key FC040 Execute resource used to run git commands FC041 Execute resource used to run curl or wget commands FC042 Prefer include_recipe to require_recipe FC043 Prefer new notification syntax FC044 Avoid bare attribute keys FC045 Metadata does not contain cookbook name FC046 Attribute assignment uses assign unless nil FC047 Attribute assignment does not specify precedence FC048 Prefer shell_out helper method to shelling out with Ruby FC049 Role name does not match containing file name FC050 Name includes invalid characters FC051 Template partials loop indefinitely FC052 Metadata uses the deprecated "suggests" keyword FC053 Metadata uses the deprecated "recommends" keyword FC055 Ensure maintainer is set in metadata FC056 Ensure maintainer_email is set in metadata FC057 Library provider does not declare use_inline_resources FC058 Library provider declares use_inline_resources and declares action_ methods FC059 LWRP provider does not declare use_inline_resources FC060 LWRP provider declares use_inline_resources and declares \#action_ methods FC061 Valid cookbook versions are of the form x.y or x.y.z FC062 Cookbook should have version metadata FC063 Cookbook incorrectly depends on itself FC064 Ensure issues_url is set in metadata FC065 Ensure source_url is set in metadata FC066 Ensure chef_version is set in metadata FC067 Ensure at least one platform supported in metadata FC068 Ensure license is set in metadata FC069 Ensure standardized license defined in metadata FC070 Ensure supports metadata defines valid platforms FC071 Missing LICENSE file FC072 Metadata should not contain "attribute" keyword FC073 Root alias file shadowing non-alias file FC074 LWRP should use DSL to define resource's default action FC075 Cookbook uses to save partial node data to the chef-server mid-run FC076 Metadata uses the deprecated "conflicts" keyword FC077 Metadata uses the deprecated "replaces" keyword FC078 Ensure cookbook shared under an OSI-approved open source license FC079 Deprecated easy_install_package resource usage FC080 User resource uses deprecated supports property FC081 Cookbook depends on the partial_search cookbook FC082 node.set or node.set_unless used to set node attributes FC083 Execute resource using deprecated 'path' property FC084 Deprecated Chef::REST class used FC085 Resource using new_resource.updated_by_last_action to converge resource FC086 Use databag helper methods to load data bag items FC087 Library maps provider with deprecated Chef::Platform.set FC088 Prefer Mixlib::Shellout over deprecated Chef::Mixin::Command FC089 Prefer Mixlib::Shellout over deprecated Chef::ShellOut FC091 Use property not attribute in custom resources FC092 Custom resources should not declare actions FC093 Generated README text needs updating FC094 Cookbook uses deprecated filesystem2 ohai plugin data FC095 Cookbook uses deprecated cloud_v2 ohai plugin data FC096 Cookbook uses deprecated libvirt virtualization ohai data FC097 Deprecated Chef::Mixin::LanguageIncludeAttribute mixin used FC098 Deprecated Chef::Mixin::RecipeDefinitionDSLCore mixin used FC099 Deprecated Chef::Mixin::LanguageIncludeRecipe mixin used FC100 Deprecated Chef::Mixin::Language mixin used FC101 Deprecated deploy resource used FC102 Deprecated Chef::DSL::Recipe::FullDSL class used FC103 Deprecated :uninstall action in chocolatey_package used FC104 Use the :run action in ruby_block instead of :create FC105 Deprecated erl_call resource used FC106 Use the plist_hash property in launchd instead of hash FC107 Resource uses epic_fail instead of ignore_failure FC108 Resource should not define a property named 'name' FC109 Use platform-specific package resources instead of provider property FC110 Script resources should use 'code' property not 'command' property FC111 search using deprecated sort flag FC112 Resource using deprecated dsl_name method FC113 Resource declares deprecated use_inline_resources FC114 Cookbook uses legacy Ohai config syntax FC115 Custom resource contains a name_property that is required FC116 Cookbook depends on the deprecated compat_resource cookbook FC117 Do not use kind_of in custom resource properties FC118 Resource property setting name_attribute vs. name_property FC119 windows_task :change action no longer exists in Chef 13 FC120 Do not set the name property directly on a resource FC121 Cookbook depends on cookbook made obsolete by Chef 14 FC122 Use the build_essential resource instead of the recipe FC123 Content of a cookbook file is larger than 1MB
FC001: Use strings in preference to symbols to access node attributes

style attributes

Use strings rather than symbols when referencing node attributes. Thiswarning will be shown if you reference a node attribute using symbols.

Symbols in node attributes.

This example would match the FC001 rule because node[:cookbook][:package] accesses node attributes with symbols

Modified version

This modified example would not match the FC001 rule:

# Don't do thispackage node[:cookbook][:package] do  action :installend
package node['cookbook']['package'] do  action :installend
FC002: Avoid string interpolation where not required

style strings

When you declare a resource in your recipes you frequently want toreference dynamic values such as node attributes. This warning will beshown if you are unnecessarily wrapping an attribute reference in astring.

Unnecessary string interpolation

This example would match the FC002 rule because the version attribute has been unnecessarily quoted.

Modified version

This modified example would not match the FC002 rule:

# Don't do thispackage 'mysql-server' do  version "#{node['mysql']['version']}"  action :installend
# Do this insteadpackage 'mysql-server' do  version node['mysql']['version']  action :installend
FC003: Check whether you are running with chef server before using server-specific features

This rule has been deprecated. Chef 12.11 switched Chef Solo to use ChefLocal mode which eliminates the need to avoid server specific Cheffunctionality in recipes. With that change this rule became obsolete.

FC004: Use a service resource to start and stop services

portability services

This warning is shown if you are starting or stopping a service using theChef execute resource rather than the more idiomatic service resource.You can read more about the service resource here:

Uses execute to control a service

This example would match the FC004 rule because it uses execute forservice control. There is no reason to use execute because the serviceresource exposes the start_command attribute to give you fullcontrol over the command issued.

Modified version

This modified example would not match the FC004 rule:

# Don't do thisexecute 'start-tomcat' do  command '/etc/init.d/tomcat6 start'  action :runend
# Do this insteadservice 'tomcat' do  action :startend
FC005: Avoid repetition of resource declarations


When writing Chef recipes you have the full power of Ruby at yourdisposal. One of the cases where this is helpful is where you need todeclare a large number of resources that only differ in a single attribute- the canonical example is installing a long list of packages.

Unnecessarily repetitive

This example matches the FC005 rule because all the resources of typepackage differ only in a single attribute - the name of the packageto be upgraded. This rule is very simple and looks only for resourcesthat all differ in only a single attribute. For example - if only oneof the packages specified the version then this rule would not match.

Modified version

This modified example would not match the FC005 rule. It takesadvantage of the fact that Chef processes recipes in two distinctphases. In the first ‘compile’ phase it builds the resourcecollection. In the second phase it configures the node against theresource collection.

Don’t worry about changing your recipe if it already does what youwant - the amount of Ruby syntactic sugar to apply is very much amatter of personal taste. Note that this rule also isn’t clever enoughyet to detect if your resources are wrapped in a control structure andnot suitable for ‘rolling up’ into a loop.

# You could do thispackage 'erlang-base' do  action :upgradeendpackage 'erlang-corba' do  action :upgradeendpackage 'erlang-crypto' do  action :upgradeendpackage 'rabbitmq-server' do  action :upgradeend
# It's shorter to do this%w(erlang-base erlang-corba erlang-crypto rabbitmq-server).each do |pkg|  package pkg do    action :upgrade  endend
FC006: Mode should be quoted or fully specified when setting file permissions

correctness files

When setting file or directory permissions via the mode attribute youshould either quote the octal number or ensure it is specified to fivedigits. Otherwise the permissions that are set after Ruby coerces thenumber may not match what you expect.

File mode won't be interpreted correctly

Modified versions

These modified examples would not match the FC006 rule:

# Don't do thisdirectory '/var/lib/foo' do  owner 'root'  group 'root'  mode 644  action :createend
# This is okdirectory '/var/lib/foo' do  owner 'root'  group 'root'  mode '644'  action :createend# And so is thisdirectory '/var/lib/foo' do  owner 'root'  group 'root'  mode 00644  action :createend
FC007: Ensure recipe dependencies are reflected in cookbook metadata

correctness metadata

This warning is shown when you include a recipe that is not in the currentcookbook and not defined as a dependency in your cookbook metadata. Thisis potentially a big problem because things will blow up if the necessarydependency cannot be found when Chef tries to converge your node. For moreinformation refer to the Chef metadata page:

The fix is to declare the cookbook of the recipe you are including as adependency in your metadata.rb file.

You may also see this warning if foodcritic has not been able to infer thename of your cookbook correctly when the cookbook directory does not matchthe name of the cookbook specified in the include.

Example dependency on another cookbook

Assuming you have a recipe that had the following line:

Adding metadata dependency for Chef

Then to remove this warning you would add the apache2 cookbook as adependency to your own cookbook metadata in the metadata.rb file atthe root of your cookbook.

include_recipe 'apache2::default'
depends 'apache2'
FC008: Generated cookbook metadata needs updating

metadata supermarket

This warning is shown if you used knife cookbook create to create a newcookbook and didn’t override the maintainer and maintainer email. You needto set these to real values in metadata.rb or run knife again with thereal values.

Maintainer metadata is boilerplate default

Modified version

This modified example would not match the FC008 rule:

# Don't do thismaintainer 'YOUR_COMPANY_NAME'maintainer_email 'YOUR_EMAIL'license 'All rights reserved'description 'Installs/Configures example'long_description, ''))version '0.0.1'
# Do this insteadmaintainer 'Example Ltd'maintainer_email ''license 'All rights reserved'description 'Installs/Configures example'long_description, ''))version '0.0.1'
FC009: Resource attribute not recognised


This warning is likely to mean that your recipe will fail to run whenyou attempt to converge. Your recipe may be syntactically valid Ruby,but the attribute you have attempted to set on a built-in Chef resourceis not recognised. This is commonly a typo or you need to check thedocumentation to see what the attribute you are trying to set is called:

Resource with an unrecognised attribute

This example matches the FC009 rule because punter is not arecognised attribute for the file resource.

Modified version

Checking the documentation we can see the correct attribute isowner.

# Don't do thisfile '/tmp/something' do  punter 'root'  group 'root'  mode '0755'  action :createend
# Do this insteadfile '/tmp/something' do  owner 'root'  group 'root'  mode '0755'  action :createend
FC010: Invalid search syntax

correctness search

The search syntax used is not recognised as valid Lucene search criteria.This is commonly because you have made a typo or are not escaping specialcharacters in the query syntax.

Note that this rule will not identify syntax errors in searches composedof subexpressions. It checks only for literal search strings.

Unescaped search syntax

This example matches the FC010 rule because search metacharacters -in this case the square brackets - have not been properly escaped.

Modified version

With the characters escaped this will no longer match the rule.

# Don't do thissearch(:node, 'run_list:recipe[foo::bar]') do |matching_node|  puts matching_node.to_send
# Do this insteadsearch(:node, 'run_list:recipe\[foo\:\:bar\]') do |matching_node|  puts matching_node.to_send
FC011: Missing README in markdown format

readme supermarket

Supermarket will nowrender your cookbook README documentation inline - see this example forthe mysql cookbook.

Your README needs to be inMarkdown format forthis to work. This rule will match any cookbook that does not have file in the root directory.

FC012: Use Markdown for README rather than RDoc

supermarket readme

Deprecated. These haven’t existed since the very early days of Chef, andthe check for files will catch what this rule used to.Writing cookbook documentation in RDoc has been deprecated in favour ofMarkdown format.This rule will match any cookbook that has a README.rdoc file in theroot directory.

FC013: Use file_cache_path rather than hard-coding tmp paths

portability files

This warning means that you have hard-coded a file download path in yourcookbook to a temporary directory. This can be a problem on boxes builtwith a small /tmp mount point. Chef has its own configuration optionfile_cache_path you should use instead:

Downloading to a hard-coded temp directory

This example matches the FC013 rule because it hard-codes the downloadpath to /tmp.

Modified version

To remove this warning use the configured file_cache_path:

# Don't do thisremote_file '/tmp/large-file.tar.gz' do  source ''end
# Do this insteadremote_file "#{Chef::Config[:file_cache_path]}/large-file.tar.gz" do  source ''end
FC014: Consider extracting long ruby_block to library

style libraries

Your cookbook has a fairly long ruby_block resource. Long ruby_blockresources are often candidates for extraction to a separate module orclass under the libraries directory.

FC015: Consider converting definition to a Custom Resource

style definitions

Chef definitions are an older approach to creating a higher-levelabstraction for a group of resources. Unlike Custom Resources they are notfirst class resources, cannot receive notifications, and do not support why-runmode. You should prefer Custom Resources for new development.

FC016: LWRP does not declare a default action

correctness lwrp

This warning means that the LWRP does not declare a default action. Youshould normally define a default action on your resource to avoidconfusing users. Most resources have an intuitive default action.

Resource without a default action

This example matches the FC016 rule because it does not declare adefault action.

Modified version

With a default action specified this warning will no longer bedisplayed.

# Don't do thisactions :create, :delete
# Do this insteadactions :create, :deletedefault_action :create
FC017: LWRP does not notify when updated

This rule has been deprecated. Chef 13 now uses use_inline_resources by default so LWRPs always notify updates.

FC018: LWRP uses deprecated notification syntax

correctness lwrp deprecated

Provider uses deprecated syntax

This example matches the FC018 rule because it uses the old syntax forindicating it has been updated.

Modified version

This example uses the newer syntax and will not raise the warning.

# Don't do thisaction :create do  # create action implementation  # My state has changed so I'd better notify observers, but I'm using  # a deprecated syntax  new_resource.updated = trueend# Also don't do thisaction :create do  # create action implementation  # My state has changed so I'd better notify observers, but I'm using  # a deprecated syntax  @updated = trueend
# Approach 1: Using converge_byaction :create do  converge_by("Creating my_resource #{}") do    # create action implementation  endend# Approach 2: Using use_inline_resourcesuse_inline_resourcesaction :create do  # create action implementationend
FC019: Access node attributes in a consistent manner

style attributes

Node attributes can be accessed in multiple ways in Chef. This warning isshown when a cookbook is not consistent in the approach it uses to accessattributes. It is not displayed for variations between cookbooks.

Recipe mixes symbols and strings for accessing node attributes

Modified version

# Don't do thisnode[:apache][:dir] = '/etc/apache2'directory node['apache']['dir'] do  owner 'apache'  group 'apache'  action :createend
# Do this insteadnode['apache']['dir'] = '/etc/apache2'directory node['apache']['dir'] do  owner 'apache'  group 'apache'  action :createend
FC020: Conditional execution string attribute looks like Ruby

This rule has been deprecated due to the frequency of false positives.See the discussion againstissue #30 for moredetail.

FC021: Resource condition in provider may not behave as expected

correctness lwrp

A change introduced in Chef 0.10.6 means that conditions may not work asexpected for resources redeclared with the same name. If your LWRP definesa resource and that resource:

Has an associated guardwhich references a resource attribute. AND The resource has a fixed name.

Then you will likely find that only the first resource will be applied. See this ticket for more background:

Resource condition will be evaluated only once

Because the feed_pet resource will have the same name across allinstances of your LWRP, the condition will only be checked for thefirst resource.

Modified version

By making the resource name change for each unique instance of ourLWRP instance we avoid this behaviour.

# Don't do thisaction :feed do  execute 'feed_pet' do    command "echo 'Feeding: #{}'; touch '/tmp/#{}'"    not_if { ::File.exists?("/tmp/#{}")}  endend
# Do this insteadaction :feed do  execute "feed_pet_#{}" do    command "echo 'Feeding: #{}'; touch '/tmp/#{}'"    not_if { ::File.exists?("/tmp/#{}")}  endend
FC022: Resource condition within loop may not behave as expected


A change introduced in Chef 0.10.6 means that conditions may not work asexpected for resources declared within a loop. If your recipe defines aresource and that resource:

Has an associated conditionwhich references a block variable. AND The resource has a fixed name.

Then you will likely find that only the first resource will be applied. See this ticket for more background:

Resource condition will be evaluated only once

Because the feed_pet resource will have the same name for everyiteration of the loop, the condition will only be checked for thefirst resource.

Modified version

By making the resource name change for each iteration of the loop we avoid this behaviour.

# Don't do this%w(rover fido).each do |pet_name|  execute 'feed_pet' do    command "echo 'Feeding: #{pet_name}'; touch '/tmp/#{pet_name}'"    not_if { ::File.exists?("/tmp/#{pet_name}")}  endend
# Do this instead%w(rover fido).each do |pet_name|  execute "feed_pet_#{pet_name}" do    command "echo 'Feeding: #{pet_name}'; touch '/tmp/#{pet_name}'"    not_if { ::File.exists?("/tmp/#{pet_name}")}  endend
FC023: Prefer conditional attributes

This rule has been deprecated. While it’s often considered a more chef likecoding style to use not_if and only_if within the resources, there are severaldownsides to this including the inclusion of the resources within resource collectionand reporting.

FC024: Consider adding platform equivalents


This warning is shown when:

you have a conditional statement in your cookbook based on the platformof the node and at least two platforms are included as equivalent in yourconditional and the conditional does not include a platform known to belong to thesame family

If at all possible you should consider using platform_family instead ofplatform to ensure you support similar distros. Otherwise for the greatestportability consider adding the missing platforms to your conditional.

Case statement has a subset of platform flavours

This example matches the FC024 rule because it includes a casestatement that matches more than one flavour of a platform familybut omits other popular flavours from the same family.

Modified version

This warning is no longer raised when the other common equivalentRHEL-based distributions have been added to the when.

# The RHEL platforms branch below omits popular distributionscase node[:platform]  when 'debian', 'ubuntu'    package 'foo' do      action :install    end  when 'centos', 'redhat'    package 'bar' do      action :install    endend
case node[:platform]  when 'debian', 'ubuntu'    package 'foo' do      action :install    end  when 'centos', 'redhat', 'scientific', 'oracle'    package 'bar' do      action :install    end  end
FC025: Prefer chef_gem to compile-time gem install

correctness deprecated

This warning is shown if:* you have a cookbook that installs a Rubygem for use from Chef* the cookbook uses the compile-time gem install trick which is deprecated from Chef 0.10.10 and is replaced by the first class chef_gem resource.

Manual compile-time installation

This example matches the FC025 rule because it uses the olderapproach for installing a gem so that it is available in the currentrun.

Modified version

Use chef_gem to install the gem to avoid this warning.

r = gem_package 'mysql' do  action :nothingendr.run_action(:install)Gem.clear_paths
chef_gem 'mysql' do  compile_time trueend
FC026: Conditional execution block attribute contains only string


This warning is shown if you have a conditional attribute declared on aresource as a block that contains only a single string.

Conditional attribute returns a string

This example matches the FC026 rule because it returns a string fromthe block. This will always evalute to true, and often indicates thatyou are trying to run a command rather than execute a Ruby block asyour condition.

Modified version

If the intention is to run the string as an operating system commandthen remove the block surrounding the command.

# Don't do thistemplate '/etc/foo' do  mode '0644'  source 'foo.erb'  not_if { 'test -f /etc/foo' }end
# Do this insteadtemplate '/etc/foo' do  mode '0644'  source 'foo.erb'  not_if 'test -f /etc/foo'end
FC027: Resource sets internal attribute


This warning is shown if you set an attribute on a Chef resource that istechnically accessible but should not be set in normal usage.To avoid this warning allow Chef to set the value of the internalattribute rather than setting it yourself.

Service resource sets internal attribute

This example matches the FC027 rule because it sets the runningattribute on a service resource. This attribute should normally beset by the provider itself and not in normal recipe usage.

Modified version

In this particular example you can achieve the same effect by usingthe service :start action.

# Don't do thisservice 'foo' do  running trueend
# Do this insteadservice 'foo' do  action :startend
FC028: Incorrect #platform? usage


This warning is shown if you attempt to use the platform? Chef built-inmethod as node.platform?. Because of the way Chef attributes work thelater approach will not error but will do the wrong thing which mayresult in resources you had intended to apply only to a single platforminstead being applied to all platforms.

Incorrect attempt to use platform? method

This example matches the FC028 rule because the platform? methodis incorrectly prefixed with node.

Modified version

Remove the leading node. from the use of platform? to resolvethis warning.

# Don't do thisfile '/etc/foo' do  only_if { node.platform?('commodore64') }end
# Do this insteadfile '/etc/foo' do  only_if { platform?('commodore64') }end
FC029: No leading cookbook name in recipe metadata

correctness metadata

This warning is shown if you declare a recipe in your cookbook metadatawithout including the cookbook name as a prefix.

Recipe declared without cookbook name prefix

This example matches the FC029 rule because the metadata declares arecipe without prefixing it with the name of the current cookbook.

Modified version

This modified example would not match the FC029 rule:

# Don't do thisname 'example'version '1.2.3'recipe 'default', 'Installs Example'
# Do this insteadname 'example'version '1.2.3'recipe 'example::default', 'Installs Example'
FC030: Cookbook contains debugger breakpoints


Pry is a fantastic tool for interactiveexploration of a running Ruby program. You can place breakpoints in yourcookbook code that will launch a Pry console. This warning is shown whenyour cookbook code contains these breakpoints, as failing to remove thesewill cause your Chef run to halt.

This rule currently only checks for use of binding.pry and not the Chefbuilt-in breakpoint resource which is never used outside ofchef-shell.

Recipe includes breakpoint

This example matches the FC030 rule because it includes a Prybreakpoint declared with binding.pry.

Modified version

This modified example would not match the FC030 rule:

# Don't do thistemplate '/etc/foo' do  source 'foo.erb'endbinding.pry
# Do this insteadtemplate '/etc/foo' do  source 'foo.erb'end
FC031: Cookbook without metadata.rb file

correctness metadata

Chef cookbooks normally include a metadata.rb file which can be usedto express awide range of metadata about a cookbook.This warning is shown when a directory appears to contain a cookbook, butdoes not include the expected metadata.rb file at the top-level.

FC032: Invalid notification timing

correctness notifications

Chef notificationsallow a resource to define that it should be actioned when anotherresource changes state.

Notification timing can be controlled and set to immediate, or delayeduntil the end of the Chef run. This warning is shown when the timingspecified is not recognised.

Notification timing is invalid

This example matches the FC032 rule because it specifies an invalidnotification timing.

Modified version

This modified example would not match the FC032 rule because themispelt timing has been corrected.

# Don't do thistemplate '/etc/foo' do  notifies :restart, 'service[foo]', :imediatelyend
# Do this insteadtemplate '/etc/foo' do  notifies :restart, 'service[foo]', :immediateend
FC033: Missing template

correctness templates

This warning is shown when the erb template associated with atemplate resourcecannot be found.

FC034: Unused template variables

correctness templates

This warning is shown when one or more variables passed into a templateby a template resourceare not then used within the template.

This is often a sign that a template still contains hard-coded values thatyou intended to parameterise.

Unused template variables

This example matches the FC034 rule because it passes two variablesto the template, of which only the first is used.

Modified version

This modified example would not match the FC034 rule becuse thetemplate has been updated to include both variables passed through.

template '/etc/foo/config.conf' do  source 'config.conf.erb'  variables(    'config_var_a' = node['config']['config_var_a'],    'config_var_b' = node['config']['config_var_b']  )end# config.conf.erb# var_a=%= @config_var_a %
template '/etc/foo/config.conf' do  source 'config.conf.erb'  variables(    'config_var_a' = node['config']['config_var_a'],    'config_var_b' = node['config']['config_var_b']  )end# config.conf.erb# var_a=%= @config_var_a %# var_b=%= @config_var_b %
FC035: Template uses node attribute directly

This rule has been deprecated. See the discussion againstissue #60 for moredetail.

FC037: Invalid notification action

correctness notifications

This warning is shown when a resourcenotifiesanother resource to take an action, but the action is invalid for thetarget resource type.

Invalid notification action

This example matches the FC037 rule because :activate_turbo_boost isnot a valid action for services.

Modified version

This modified example would not match the FC037 rule because theaction has been corrected.

# Don't do thistemplate '/etc/foo.conf' do  notifies :activate_turbo_boost, 'service[foo]'end
# Do this insteadtemplate '/etc/foo.conf' do  notifies :restart, 'service[foo]'end
FC038: Invalid resource action


This warning is shown when a resource action is not valid for the type ofresource.

Invalid resource action

This example matches the FC038 rule because :none isnot a valid action.

Modified version

This modified example would not match the FC038 rule because theaction has been corrected.

# Don't do thisservice 'foo' do  action :noneend
# Do this insteadservice 'foo' do  action :nothingend
FC039: Node method cannot be accessed with key


Chef allows you to use varying syntax to refer to node attributes.This warning is shown when you attempt to reference a method onChef::Node using the same string or symbol syntax reserved for nodeattributes.

Attempt to access node method as a key

This example matches the FC039 rule because run_state isonly accessible as a method and cannot be referenced as an attribute.

Modified version

This modified example would not match the FC039 rule because therun_state is referenced as a method.

# Don't do thisnode['run_state']['nginx_force_recompile'] = false
# Do this insteadnode.run_state['nginx_force_recompile'] = false
FC040: Execute resource used to run git commands


This warning is shown if you declare an execute resource that uses git.If the command you are attempting to execute is supported by the gitresource you should probably use that instead.

Execute resource used to run git command

This example matches the FC040 rule because an execute resource isused where you could instead use a git resource.

Modified version

This modified example would not match the FC040 rule because theexecute resource has been replaced by a git resource.

# Don't do thisexecute 'git clone' do  action :runend
# Do this insteadgit '/foo/bar' do  repository 'git://'  reference 'master'  action :syncend
FC041: Execute resource used to run curl or wget commands

style portability

This warning is shown if you use an execute resource to run the curl orwget commands. If you are downloading a file consider using theremote_file resource instead.

Execute resource used to run wget command

This example matches the FC041 rule because an execute resource isused where you could instead use a remote_file resource.

Modified version

This modified example would not match the FC041 rule because theexecute resource has been replaced by a remote_file resource.

# Don't do thisexecute "cd /tmp  wget ''" do  action :runend
# Do this insteadremote_file '/tmp/testfile' do  source ''end
FC042: Prefer include_recipe to require_recipe

deprecated correctness

This warning is shown when require_recipe is used. Becauserequire_recipe has been deprecated you should replace any references toto require_recipe with include_recipe.

Use of deprecated require_recipe statement

This example matches the FC042 rule because the deprecatedrequire_recipe statement is used.

Modified version

This modified example would not match the FC042 rule because therequire_recipe statement has been replaced with include_recipe.

# Don't do thisrequire_recipe 'apache2::default'
# Do this insteadinclude_recipe 'apache2::default'
FC043: Prefer new notification syntax

correctness notifications deprecated

This warning is shown when you use the old-style notification syntax. Youshould prefer the new-style notification syntax which has the advantagethat you can notify resources that are defined later.

Old notification syntax

This example matches the FC043 rule because it uses the oldernotification syntax.

Modified version

This modified example would not match the FC043 rule because thesyntax of the notification has been updated to use the new format.

# Don't do thistemplate '/etc/www/configures-apache.conf' do  notifies :restart, resources(:service = 'apache')end
# Do this insteadtemplate '/etc/www/configures-apache.conf' do  notifies :restart, 'service[apache]'end
FC044: Avoid bare attribute keys


This warning is shown when, within a cookbook attributes file, you referto an attribute as you would a local variable rather than as an attributeof the node object. It is valid to do the former, but you should preferthe later more explicit approach to accessing attributes because it iseasier for users of your cookbooks to understand.

Referring to an attribute within an attributes file

This example matches the FC044 rule because it refers to thehostname attribute as a bare attribute.

Modified version

This modified example would not match the FC044 rule because thereference to the hostname attribute has been qualified so thatthe meaning is more apparent.

# Don't do thisdefault['myhostname'] = hostname
# Do this insteaddefault['myhostname'] = node['hostname']
FC045: Metadata does not contain cookbook name

correctness metadata chef12

This warning is shown when your cookbook does not define a name withinthe cookbook metadata.rb file. It’s a good idea to specify a name inyour cookbook metadata to avoid breakage if the name of the containingdirectory changes. Additionally, Chef 12 requires the name to be includedin the metadata.rb file.

Metadata without the name attribute

This example matches the FC045 because it lacks the name property

Modified version

This modified example would not match the FC045 because it contains thename property

# Don't do thismaintainer 'The Authors'maintainer_email ''license 'All Rights Reserved'description 'Installs/Configures test'long_description 'Installs/Configures test'version '0.1.0'
# Do this insteadname 'example'maintainer 'The Authors'maintainer_email ''license 'All Rights Reserved'description 'Installs/Configures test'long_description 'Installs/Configures test'version '0.1.0'
FC046: Attribute assignment uses assign unless nil

attributes correctness

It is acommon convention in Ruby developmentto use ||= to assign a value to variable if it is false or nil.Frequently developers with earlier exposure to Ruby attempt to use thesame approach to assign a default value to node attributes within Chef.

This doesn’t work correctly because Chef auto-vivifies attributes so amissing attribute is never falsey.

Using assign unless nil with node attributes

This example matches the FC046 rule because it uses assign unless nil(||=) with node attributes.

Modified version

This modified example would not match the FC046 rule because theassign unless nil expression has been replaced with default_unless.

# Don't do thisdefault['somevalue'] ||= []
# Do this insteaddefault_unless['somevalue'] = []
FC047: Attribute assignment does not specify precedence

attributes correctness chef11

From Chef 11 it is no longer possible to set attributes without specifyingtheir precedence level. For more information refer to the list ofBreaking Changes in Chef 11.

Assign an attribute value without specifying precedence

This example matches the FC047 rule because it writes to the attributewithout specifying the precedence level to set.

This will work in Chef versions 11 but you should prefer the newsyntax.

Modified version

This modified example would not match the FC047 rule because theattribute assignment has been updated to specify a precedence levelof normal.

# Don't do thisnode['foo'] = 'bar'
# Do this insteadnode.normal['foo'] = 'bar'
FC048: Prefer shell_out helper method to shelling out with Ruby


Normally to execute an operating system command with Chef you would usea built-in resource such as the execute resource.

You might also have a need to spawn processes from Ruby, either inlineor within a ruby_block. There are many different ways to do this in Ruby- my favourite reference isJesse Storimer’s Working with Unix Processes.

Chef comes with a library calledMixlib::ShellOut thatprovides a more convenient interface and it is idiomatic to use it ratherthan the backtick ` or %x{} syntaxes.

Uses %x{} to shellout

This example matches the FC048 rule because it uses the %x{} sigil.

Modified version

This modified example would not match the FC048 rule because it isusing the Mixlib::ShellOut library.

# Don't do thisresult = %x{some_command}raise 'Problem executing some_command' unless $?.success?
# Do this insteadcmd ='some_command')cmd.run_commandcmd.error!
FC049: Role name does not match containing file name

style roles

This warning is shown if you declare a name in arole filethat does not match the containing file name. Using the same name for bothis more consistent.

FC050: Name includes invalid characters

correctness environments roles

This warning is shown if the name declared in a roleor environmentfile contains characters that are not allowed.

“[Names should be] made up of letters (upper-and lower-case), numbers, underscores, and hyphens:[A-Z][a-z][0-9] and [_-]. Spaces are not allowed.”

Name includes invalid characters

This example matches the FC050 rule because the name includes a space character.

Modified version

This modified example would not match the FC050 rule because the spacehas been removed from the role name.

# Don't do thisname 'web server'run_list 'recipe[apache2]'
# Do this insteadname 'webserver'run_list 'recipe[apache2]'
FC051: Template partials loop indefinitely

correctness templates

This warning is shown if a template uses template partials in a way thatwould cause an infinite loop. For example if two template partials bothinclude each other.

FC052: Metadata uses the deprecated "suggests" keyword

style deprecated metadata

This warning is shown if metadata.rb includes the suggests metadata. Suggestsmetadata was often used to inform users that a cookbook was required fora particular use case, but suggests itself was never implemented in chef-client.Adding suggests has no impact on the chef-client run and should be avoided.

Metadata with the deprecated suggests keyword

Metadata instead using a depends keyword

# Don't do thisname 'example'version '1.0.0'suggests 'windows'
# Do this insteadname 'example'version '1.0.0'depends 'windows'
FC053: Metadata uses the deprecated "recommends" keyword

style deprecated metadata

This warning is shown if metadata.rb includes the recommends metadata.Recommends metadata was often used to inform users that a cookbook wasrecommended for a particular use case, but recommends itself was neverimplemented in chef-client. Adding recommends has no impact on thechef-client run and should be avoided.

Metadata with the deprecated recommends keyword

Metadata instead using a depends keyword

# Don't do thisname 'example'version '1.0.0'recommends 'windows'
# Do this insteadname 'example'version '1.0.0'depends 'windows'
FC055: Ensure maintainer is set in metadata

correctness supermarket metadata

This warning is shown if the metadata does not include the maintainerkeyword. Cookbooks should always contain maintainer information so userscan determine the maintainer of the cookbook.

FC056: Ensure maintainer_email is set in metadata

correctness supermarket metadata

This warning is shown if the metadata does not include the maintainer_emailkeyword. Cookbooks should always contain maintainer_email so users cancontact the maintainer.

FC057: Library provider does not declare use_inline_resources

This rule has been deprecated. Chef 13 now uses use_inline_resources by default so LWRPs always notify updates.

FC058: Library provider declares use_inline_resources and declares action_ methods

correctness lwrp

This warning is shown if a library provider includes use_inline_resources,but declares it’s actions using action_ methods. The implemention ofuse_inline_resources requires that actions be declared using the actionDSL method and not declared as normal ruby methods. Declaring actions asnormal methods will break use_inline_resources. It also may produceunexpected behavior in some versions of Chef.

FC059: LWRP provider does not declare use_inline_resources

This rule has been deprecated. Chef 13 now uses use_inline_resources by default so LWRPs always notify updates.

FC060: LWRP provider declares use_inline_resources and declares \#action_ methods

correctness lwrp

This warning is shown if a LWRP provider includes use_inline_resources,but declares it’s actions using action_ methods. The implemention ofuse_inline_resources requires that actions be declared using the actionDSL method and not declared as normal ruby methods. Declaring actions asnormal methods will break use_inline_resources. It also may produceunexpected behavior in some versions of Chef.

FC061: Valid cookbook versions are of the form x.y or x.y.z

correctness metadata supermarket

This warning is shown if a cookbook includes an invalid version string inthe metadata file. Cookbooks that do not follow this format cannot beuploaded to the chef server.

Metadata with incorrect version

Metadata with valid version

# Don't do thisname 'example'version ''depends 'example'
# Do this insteadname 'example'version '1.0.1'
FC062: Cookbook should have version metadata

metadata supermarket

This warning is shown if a cookbook does not contain a version string inthe metadata file. Without a version string cookbooks will be uploaded asversion 0.0.0 each time. It is best practice to provide accurate versionsthat are incremented on each release, which requires specifying the string.

FC063: Cookbook incorrectly depends on itself

metadata correctness

This warning is shown if a cookbook depends on itself within its own metadata.Cookbooks need specify a dependency on other cookbooks which they rely on, butall recipes, resources and libraries within the cookbook itself are loaded andavailable so there is noneed for a self dependency.

Metadata depending on itself

Modified metadata that doesn't depend on itself

# Don't do thisname 'example'version '1.0.0'depends 'example'
# Do this insteadname 'example'version '1.0.0'
FC064: Ensure issues_url is set in metadata

metadata supermarket

This warning is shown if a cookbook does not include the issues_url property inits metadata file. issues_url is used to point to the location for submitting issues(bugs) for the cookbook and is currently parsed by Supermarket to add links to communitycookbooks. Note: issues_url requires Chef 12+.

Metadata without issues_url

Modified version

# Don't do thisname 'example'version '1.0.0'
# Do this insteadname 'example'version '1.0.0'issues_url ''
FC065: Ensure source_url is set in metadata

metadata supermarket

This warning is shown if a cookbook does not include the source_url property inits metadata file. source_url is used to point to the source location for thecookbook and is currently parsed by Supermarket to add links to community cookbooks.Note: source_url requires Chef 12+.

Metadata without source_url

Modified version

name 'example'version '1.0.0'
name 'example'version '1.0.0'source_url ''
FC066: Ensure chef_version is set in metadata


This warning is shown if a cookbook does not include the chef_version propertyin its metadata file. chef_version is used to clearly specify chef versioncompatibility to users and to chef-client.

Metadata without chef_version

Modified version with chef_version

name 'example'version '1.0.0'
name 'example'version '1.0.0'chef_version '= 12.5' if respond_to?(:chef_version)
FC067: Ensure at least one platform supported in metadata

metadata supermarket

This warning is shown if a cookbook does not include any supports propertiesin its metadata file. supports is used to clearly specify platform supportto users. Platform badges are added to cookbooks on Supermarket which allowsusers to search for specific platform supported cookbooks.

Metadata without supports

Modified version with supports

name 'example'version '1.0.0'
name 'example'version '1.0.0'supports 'redhat'
FC068: Ensure license is set in metadata

metadata supermarket license

This warning is shown if a cookbook does not include a license propertyin its metadata file. license is used to clearly specify how the cookbookcan be used, modified, and shared to users and is displayed on Supermarket.

Metadata without license

Modified version with license

name 'example'version '1.0.0'
name 'example'version '1.0.0'license 'Apache-2.0'
FC069: Ensure standardized license defined in metadata

metadata supermarket license

This warning is shown if a cookbook does not use a standardized SPDX.orgdefined license for the license property in its metadata file. Using astandardized license list enables users to identify valid compliant licenses.

Metadata with non-standardized license

Modified version with standardized license

name 'example'version '1.0.0'license 'Apache 2.0'
name 'example'version '1.0.0'license 'Apache-2.0'
FC070: Ensure supports metadata defines valid platforms

metadata supermarket

This warning is shown if a cookbook uses an invalid platform for a supports propertyin its metadata file. Using a valid platform enables users to identify supportedcookbooks and ensures that searching on Supermarket with platforms specifiedreturns the supported cookbooks.

Metadata with an invalid supports property

Modified version with valid supports property

name 'example'version '1.0.0'supports 'rhel'
name 'example'version '1.0.0'supports 'redhat'
FC071: Missing LICENSE file

style license

This warning is shown if a cookbook does not include a LICENSE file. A LICENSEfile allows consumers of cookbooks to determine if the terms allow them to use,change or distribute a cookbook. The file is also parsed by many many onlineservices such as Github to provide addition functionality within their services.

FC072: Metadata should not contain "attribute" keyword

metadata style

This warning is shown if a cookbook defines its attributes in the metadata.rb file.Attributes defined in the metadata.rb file are not used by the chef-client orSupermarket and often become out of sync with the attributes files or readme.Documentation for attributes should instead be placed in the readme itself.

Metadata with a deprecated attributes keyword

Metadata without a deprecated attributes keyword

# Don't do thisname 'example'version '1.0.0'attribute 'something',  :display_name = 'Something',  :description = 'Hash of Something attributes',  :type = 'hash'
# Do this insteadname 'example'version '1.0.0'
FC073: Root alias file shadowing non-alias file

correctness chef13

This warning is shown if a cookbook contains both a root alias and the target of thealias. Chef will ignore the non-alias file so it should be removed.

FC074: LWRP should use DSL to define resource's default action

correctness lwrp

Chef 11 introduced a new DSL method ‘default_action’ for LWRPs that allowsdefining the default action a LWRP should run if no action is specified.This method should be used instead of defining the default actoin throughan initialize method in the resource.

LWRP defining a default action through an initialize method

LWRP defining a default action through the DSL method

# Don't do thisactions :add, :removedef initialize(*args)  super  @action = :addend
# Do this insteadactions :add, :removedefault_action :add
FC075: Cookbook uses to save partial node data to the chef-server mid-run


Chef provides a ‘’ method, which allows saving the state of thenode part way through a chef-client run. This is often used to ensure a run_listis saved or so that other state information is immediately available for searchby other nodes in your environment. The use of can be incrediblyproblematic and should be avoided as a run failure will still result in thenode data being saved to the Chef server. If search is used to put nodes intoproduction state this may result in non-functioning nodes being used.

FC076: Metadata uses the deprecated "conflicts" keyword

style deprecated metadata

This warning is shown if metadata.rb includes the conflicts metadata. Conflictsmetadata was often used to inform users of an incompatible cookbook that shouldnot be used in conjunction with the current cookbook. Conflicts was never actuallyimplemented in chef-client and its inclusion had no actual impact on the chef-clientrun.

Metadata with the deprecated conflicts keyword

Metadata without conflicts keyword

# Don't do thisname 'example'version '1.0.0'conflicts 'foo'
# Do this insteadname 'example'version '1.0.0'
FC077: Metadata uses the deprecated "replaces" keyword

style deprecated metadata

This warning is shown if metadata.rb includes the replaces metadata. Replacesmetadata was often used to inform users of a previous cookbook that was replacedby the current cookbook. Replaces was never actually implemented in chef-clientand its inclusion had no actual impact on the chef-client run.

Metadata with the deprecated replaces keyword

Metadata without replaces keyword

# Don't do thisname 'example'version '1.0.0'replaces 'foo'
# Do this insteadname 'example'version '1.0.0'
FC078: Ensure cookbook shared under an OSI-approved open source license

opensource license supermarket

This warning is shown if metadata.rb includes a cookbook license value that is not denotedas being an OSI approved open source license by

FC079: Deprecated easy_install_package resource usage

deprecated chef13

This warning is shown if a cookbook uses the legacy easy_install_package resource. Thisresource was deprecated in Chef 12 and removed in Chef 13.

FC080: User resource uses deprecated supports property

deprecated chef13

This warning is shown if a user resource includes the supports property, which was deprecatedin Chef 12 and removed in Chef 13. See the example below for properly specificing valuespreviously in supports

User resource using deprecated supports property

Metadata properly specifying manage_home and non_unique

# Don't do thisuser 'betty' do  action :create  supports({    manage_home: true,    non_unique: true  })end
# Do this insteaduser 'betty' do  action :create  manage_home true  non_unique trueend
FC081: Cookbook depends on the partial_search cookbook


This warning is shown if a cookbook metadata depends on the ‘partial_search’ cookbook. Chef12 included the partial search functionality in chef-client itself so this cookbook is nolonger necessary. See the Chef search filtering docsfor usage of the built in functionality.

FC082: node.set or node.set_unless used to set node attributes

deprecated chef14

This warning is shown if node.set or node.set_unless are used to set a value on the node.Both of these methods for setting attributes will be removed in Chef 14 as thenames were confusing and particularly attractive to new users. These methods permanentlyset the attribute on the node even if the cookbook code is later removed, which isgenerally not what the user wants. If this functionality is in fact what you desire youshould use node.normal or node.normal_unless, which are functionally equivalent. In generalusers should fully understand the implications of choosing a particular attribute level byreading the Chef attributes type documentation.

node.set used to set a node attribute value

node.normal used to set a node attribute

# Don't do thisnode.set['foo']['bar'] = 'baz'node.set_unless['foo1']['bar1'] = 'baz1'
# Do this instead if you actually want persistent attributesnode.normal['foo']['bar'] = 'baz'node.normal_unless['foo1']['bar1'] = 'baz1'
FC083: Execute resource using deprecated 'path' property

deprecated chef12

This warning is shown if an execute resource includes the deprecated path property, whichwas removed in Chef 12. You should instead using the environment property to set the PATHvariable.

execute source with the path property

execute resource with the environment property

# Don't do thisexecute 'some_binary some_option' do  path '/some/path/to/my/bin'end
# Do this insteadexecute 'some_binary some_option' do  environment 'PATH' = '/some/path/to/my/bin'end
FC084: Deprecated Chef::REST class used

deprecated chef13

This warning is shown if the deprecated Chef::REST class used in a cookbook.Chef::REST has been replaced by Chef::ServerAPI. See Chef Deprecation CHEF-9

FC085: Resource using new_resource.updated_by_last_action to converge resource


This warning is shown if a LWRP or Custom Resource uses new_resource.updated_by_last_action(true) to signal that a resource has been updated, and thus any necessary notification should fire. This method of controlling resource state was necessary with Chef 10 and earlier, however it is no longer required when writing resources. Additionally updated_by_last_action often leads to resources notifying on every Chef run, regardless of actual change. By utilizing use_inline_resources it is no longer necessary to manually control resource state when resources are comprised of built-in Chef resources such as execute, file, directory, etc. For resources comprised of non-Chef Ruby code, such as API calls or Mixlib::ShellOut calls, resource state should be controlled with the converge_by helper. Converge_by wraps code that would make a change to the node, allowing for why-run mode and providing a friendly log message on convergence.

LWRP with all chef resources using new_resource.updated_by_last_action(true)

LWRP with all chef resources using use_inline_resources

LWRP with custom ruby using new_resource.updated_by_last_action(true)

LWRP with custom ruby using converge_by

# Don't do thisaction :create do  directory '/foo/bar' do    action :create  end  new_resource.updated_by_last_action(true)end
# Do this insteaduse_inline_resourcesaction :create do  directory '/foo/bar' do    action :create  endend
# Don't do thisaction :create do  create_something_api_call  new_resource.updated_by_last_action(true)end
# Do do thisaction :create do  converge_by "create something" do    create_something_api_call  endend
FC086: Use databag helper methods to load data bag items


This warning is shown if the data bag helper methods are not used to load data from a data bag. The data bag helpers are much simpler and also work for both encrypted and plain text data bags. See the Chef Data Bag Docs for additional usage details

Accessing a data bag item without the helper

Accessing a data bag item using the helper

# Don't do thisplain_text_data = Chef::DataBagItem.load('foo', 'bar')encrypted_data = Chef::EncryptedDataBagItem.load('foo2', 'bar2')
# Do do thisplain_text_data = data_bag_item('foo', 'bar')encrypted_data = data_bag_item('foo2', 'bar2')
FC087: Library maps provider with deprecated Chef::Platform.set

deprecated chef13

This warning is shown if the deprecated Chef::Platform.set method is used to define the platforms a HWRP runs on. This method has been removed from Chef 13. To create resources that map to specific platforms you should instead consider using provides in a custom resource. See the Chef Custom Resources Documention for additional details.

FC088: Prefer Mixlib::Shellout over deprecated Chef::Mixin::Command

deprecated chef13

This warning is shown if the deprecated Chef::Mixin::Command class is used to shell out within a recipe, library, or resource. This class has been removed in Chef 13 and Mixlib::Shellout should be used instead.

FC089: Prefer Mixlib::Shellout over deprecated Chef::ShellOut

deprecated chef13

This warning is shown if the deprecated Chef::ShellOut class is used to shell out within a recipe, library, or resource. This class has been removed in Chef 13 and Mixlib::ShellOut should be used instead.

Using Chef::Shellout to Shellout

Mixlib::ShellOut version

# Don't do'some_command').run_command
# Do this'some_command').run_command
FC091: Use property not attribute in custom resources


This warning is shown if a custom resource defines attributes instead of properties. While Chef will do the right thing this may not always be the case and custom resources should be properly defined using properties.

Defining attributes in a custom resource

Defining properties in a custom resource

# Don't do thisattribute :source, String, name_attribute: trueaction :create do  # some resource code hereend
# Do this insteadproperty :source, String, name_property: trueaction :create do  # some resource code hereend
FC092: Custom resources should not declare actions


This warning is shown if a custom resource declare its actions instead of letting Chef determine the set of actions defined in the resource itself.

Declaring actions in a custom resource

Not declaring actions in a custom resource

# Don't do thisactions :createaction :create do  # some resource code hereend
# Do this insteadaction :create do  # some resource code hereend
FC093: Generated README text needs updating

readme supermarket

This warning is shown if you used chef generate cookbook to create a newcookbook and didn’t change boilerplate text in README file. You need toupdate it with real description.

FC093 will match README files containing TODO: Enter the cookbook description here.

FC094: Cookbook uses deprecated filesystem2 ohai plugin data

deprecated chef14

This warning is shown if a cookbook uses the node[‘filesystem2’] attributes. In Chef 13 the filesystem Ohai plugin was replaced with the filesystem2 plugin. Data is written to both locations for now, but the existing node[‘filesystem2’] namespace will be removed in Chef 14 (April 2018). See and

Using node['filesystem2']

Using node['filesystem']

# Don't do thisblocksize = node['filesystem2']['by_device']['/dev/disk1s1']['blocksize']
# Do thisblocksize = node['filesystem']['by_device']['/dev/disk1s1']['blocksize']
FC095: Cookbook uses deprecated cloud_v2 ohai plugin data

deprecated chef14

This warning is shown if a cookbook uses the node[‘cloud_v2’] attributes. In Chef 13 the cloud Ohai plugin was replaced with the cloud_v2 plugin. Data is written to both locations for now, but the existing node[‘cloud_v2’] namespace will be removed in Chef 14 (April 2018). See and

Using node['cloud_v2']

Using node['cloud']

# Don't do thisprovider = node['cloud_v2']['provider']
# Do thisprovider = node['cloud']['provider']
FC096: Cookbook uses deprecated libvirt virtualization ohai data

deprecated chef14

This warning is shown if a cookbook uses the node[‘virtualization’] attributes populated by the libvirt Ohai plugin. This plugin polls data from libvirt, but requires installing an extra gem into the Chef installation, and therefore is not heavily used. In Chef 14 these attributes will be moved into their own namespace at node[‘libvirt’]. See

Using node['virtualization'] libvirt attributes

Using node['libvirt'] attributes

# Don't do thisuri = node['virtualzation']['uri']
# Do thisuri = node['libvirt']['uri']
FC097: Deprecated Chef::Mixin::LanguageIncludeAttribute mixin used

deprecated chef14

This warning is shown if a cookbook uses the Chef::Mixin::LanguageIncludeAttribute mixin. This mixin was deprecated with the release of Chef 11 and will be removed in Chef 14. Chef::DSL::IncludeAttribute should be used in its place.

Using LanguageIncludeAttribute mixin

Using IncludeAttribute DSL

# Don't do thisinclude Chef::Mixin::LanguageIncludeAttribute
# Do thisinclude Chef::DSL::IncludeAttribute
FC098: Deprecated Chef::Mixin::RecipeDefinitionDSLCore mixin used

deprecated chef14

This warning is shown if a cookbook uses the Chef::Mixin::RecipeDefinitionDSLCore mixin. This mixin was deprecated with the release of Chef 11 and will be removed in Chef 14. Chef::DSL::Recipe should be used in its place.

Using RecipeDefinitionDSLCore mixin

Using Recipe DSL

# Don't do thisinclude Chef::Mixin::RecipeDefinitionDSLCore
# Do thisinclude Chef::DSL::Recipe
FC099: Deprecated Chef::Mixin::LanguageIncludeRecipe mixin used

deprecated chef14

This warning is shown if a cookbook uses the Chef::Mixin::LanguageIncludeRecipe mixin. This mixin was deprecated with the release of Chef 11 and will be removed in Chef 14. Chef::DSL::IncludeRecipe should be used in its place.

Using LanguageIncludeRecipe mixin

Using Recipe DSL

# Don't do thisinclude Chef::Mixin::LanguageIncludeRecipe
# Do thisinclude Chef::DSL::IncludeRecipe
FC100: Deprecated Chef::Mixin::Language mixin used

deprecated chef14

This warning is shown if a cookbook uses the Chef::Mixin::Language mixin. This mixin was deprecated with the release of Chef 11 and will be removed in Chef 14. Chef::DSL::PlatformIntrospection or/and Chef::DSL::DataQuery should be used in its place.

Using Language mixin

Using DataQuery/PlatformIntrospection DSL

# Don't do thisinclude Chef::Mixin::Language
# Use one or both of theseinclude Chef::DSL::PlatformIntrospectioninclude Chef::DSL::DataQuery
FC101: Deprecated deploy resource used

deprecated chef14

This warning is shown if a cookbook uses the deploy resource. The deploy and deploy_revision resources have been deprecated as of Chef 13.6, and will be removed in Chef 14 (April 2018). See

FC102: Deprecated Chef::DSL::Recipe::FullDSL class used

deprecated chef14

This warning is shown if a cookbook uses the Chef::DSL::Recipe::FullDSL Ruby module.

Using Chef::DSL::Recipe::FullDSL module

Using Chef::DSL::Recipe

# Don't do thisinclude Chef::DSL::Recipe::FullDSL
# Use this insteadinclude Chef::DSL::Recipe
FC103: Deprecated :uninstall action in chocolatey_package used

deprecated chef14

This warning is shown if a cookbook includes a chocolatey_package resource using the :uninstall action. The :remove action should be used instead.

FC104: Use the :run action in ruby_block instead of :create


This warning is shown if a cookbook includes a ruby_block resource with the :create action or another resource notifies a ruby_block with the :create action. The :create action is an alias to :run and the :run action should be used instead as it is more clear what action Chef will be performing.

FC105: Deprecated erl_call resource used

deprecated chef14

This warning is shown if a cookbook uses the erl_call resource. The erl_call resource has been deprecated as of Chef 13.7, and will be removed in Chef 14 (April 2018). See

FC106: Use the plist_hash property in launchd instead of hash

deprecated chef13

This warning is shown if a cookbook includes a launchd resource with a ‘hash’ property. In Chef 13.0 this property was renamed to plist_hash to avoid conflicts with Ruby itself.

FC107: Resource uses epic_fail instead of ignore_failure

deprecated chef14

This warning is shown if a cookbook includes a resource with the ‘epic_fail’ property. The epic fail property is an alias to ‘ignore_failure’, which better describes the desired outcome. In Chef 14 (April 2018) epic_fail will be removed.

epic_fail usage

ignore_failure usage

# Don't do thisexecute 'some command' do  epic_fail trueend
# Do this insteadexecute 'some command' do  ignore_failure trueend
FC108: Resource should not define a property named 'name'


This warning is shown if a resource defines a property with the name of ‘:name’. Chef itself creates this same name property by default, and it’s not necessary or desirable to define it again. This property can be removed from any resource. It should be noted that setting ‘name_property: true’ on properties with any other name is still entirely valid as that allows overriding the name specified when using the resource.

Specifying a :name property

Omitting the name property

# Don't do thisproperty :name, String, name_property: trueproperty :foo, Stringproperty :bar, String
# Do this insteadproperty :foo, Stringproperty :bar, String
FC109: Use platform-specific package resources instead of provider property


This warning is shown if a cookbook contains a package resource that defines its provider. If a specific package resource is needed for a package install that resource should be used instead of the package resource with a provider specified. The package resource wraps multiple platform specific platform specific package resources and dynamically uses the correct provider under the hood such as rpm_package or apt_package. Defining the provider outside of this logic will not always produce the intended results and may cause failures. It should also be noted that unless there is a specific reason for using a specific package resource you should always use ‘package’ and let Chef dynamically choose the right platform specific package resource at runtime.

Specifying the provider

Using a specific package resource

# Don't do thispackage 'foo' do  provider Chef::Provider::Package::Apt  action :installend
# Do this insteadapt_package 'foo' do  action :installend
FC110: Script resources should use 'code' property not 'command' property

deprecated chef13

This warning is shown if a cookbook contains a script resource that defines the script in a ‘command’ property instead of a ‘code’ property

Using the command property

Using the code property

# Don't do thisscript 'foo' do  command 'run some things'end
# Do this insteadscript 'foo' do  code 'run some things'end
FC111: search using deprecated sort flag

deprecated chef13

This warning is shown if a cookbook uses search with the ‘sort’ flag. This flag hasn’t worked since Chef Server 9 and the flag was removed in Chef 13.

FC112: Resource using deprecated dsl_name method

deprecated chef13

This warning is shown if a cookbook contains a resource using the deprecated dsl_name method.

Using dsl_name

Using resource_name

# Don't do thismy_resource = MyResource.dsl_name
# Do this insteadmy_resource = MyResource.resource_name
FC113: Resource declares deprecated use_inline_resources

deprecated chef15

This warning is shown if a cookbook contains a resource using the deprecated use_inline_resources method. use_inline_resources is the default with Chef 13 and this call can be removed from all resources unless Chef 12 compatibility is needed.

FC114: Cookbook uses legacy Ohai config syntax

deprecated chef13

This warning is shown if a cookbook uses the legacy Ohai configuration syntax. This syntax needs to be used for Chef/Ohai 13. See for more information.

FC115: Custom resource contains a name_property that is required


This warning is shown if a custom resource property has both required: true and name_property: true set. name_property: true instructs Chef to use the name of the resource unless the user has explicitly passed a value for the property. Since there is always a value for properties with name_property set there is no need to set required: true.

Setting both name_property and required

Setting just name_property

# Don't do thisproperty :my_property_name, String, name_property: true, required: true
# Do this insteadproperty :my_property_name, String, name_property: true
FC116: Cookbook depends on the deprecated compat_resource cookbook


This warning is shown if a cookbook depends on the now deprecated compat_resource cookbook. This cookbook backported newer Chef 12 functionality to older Chef 12 client releases. It was primarily used to provide custom resource fuctionality to 12.0-12.4 clients, but also backported several resources such as apt_repository and yum_repository. Chef 12 is end of life and this cookbook wasn’t necessary after Chef 12.19. Cookbooks should no longer rely on this cookbook, but should instead increase the minimal chef_version requirements in their metadata.

depending on compat_resource

require a newer chef-client release

# Don't do this in metadata.rbname 'my_cookbook'depends 'compat_resource'chef_version '= 12.0'
# Do this instead in metadata.rbname 'my_cookbook'chef_version '= 12.19'
FC117: Do not use kind_of in custom resource properties


This warning is shown if a custom resource property sets its type using kind_of. kind_of was used in LWRPs to set type in attributes, but should not be used in custom resources. Instead simply set the Ruby type for the property after the name as shown below.

Using kind_of in a custom_resource property

Using just a Ruby type

# Don't do thisproperty :my_property_name, kind_of: String
# Do this insteadproperty :my_property_name, String
FC118: Resource property setting name_attribute vs. name_property


This warning is shown if a custom resource property sets name_attribute: true instead of name_property: true. This is generally found in LWRPs that were updated to custom resources as name_attribute was valid for LWRPs. They are currently aliases, but this may eventually cause failures.

Using name_attribute in a custom resource

Using name_property in a custom resource

# Don't do thisproperty :my_property_name, String, name_attribute: true
# Do this insteadproperty :my_property_name, String, name_property: true
FC119: windows_task :change action no longer exists in Chef 13

chef13 deprecated

This warning is shown if a cookbook uses a windows_task resource with the action of :change. The original windows_task resource in the Windows cookbook required creating the task with the :create action and updating it with the :change action. In Chef 13 the windows_task shipped built into chef-client and was rewritten to properly update if necessary when using the :create action. Cookbooks using both :create and :change will need to be tested on Chef 13 using just the :create action.

FC120: Do not set the name property directly on a resource


A resource’s name should not be set via the name property.

FC121: Cookbook depends on cookbook made obsolete by Chef 14


The build-essential, dmg, chef_handler, chef_hostname, mac_os_x, swap, or sysctl cookbooks have been deprecated by built-in resources included with Chef 14. Removing these dependencies requires that metadata be changed to chef_version = 14.0.

FC122: Use the build_essential resource instead of the recipe


Chef 14 introduces a built-in resource, build_essential, which deprecates the build-essential cookbook. The cookbook has included this resource since v5.0.0.

FC123: Content of a cookbook file is larger than 1MB


Chef cookbooks should not be used to distribute binary files. This is better done via artifact stores such as Artifactory/Nexus or via a simple FTP/HTTP site.

Choosing which rules to run

Foodcritic comes with a bunch of rules built-in. You will probably find some of them useful and others annoying. The trick to only running the rules you actually care about are what foodcritic calls tags.


Each rule has a number of associated tags. You can filter which rules are actually checked by specifying the tags that you want to apply at the command line.Only check against correctness rules

As an example, the following arguments will run foodcritic but only showing warnings for rules tagged with the correctness tag.

$ foodcritic -t correctnessExcluding a particular rule

Each rule is tagged with its own code, normally something like FC123. To avoid checking a particular rule use the ~ (tilde) modifier at the command line.

$ foodcritic -t ~FC002Running only rules tagged with both tags

Let's say we want to only check against rules that are tagged with both style and services. We don't want to check against rules that have only one or the other. Our command line to do this would look like this:

$ foodcritic -t style -t servicesRunning rules tagged with either tag

Alternatively we might want to run rules that are tagged with either style or services. To do this we separate the rule codes with a comma:

$ foodcritic -t style,servicesTag Reference

Below is the list of built-in foodcritic rules shown by tag:

attributes FC001: Use strings in preference to symbols to access node attributes FC019: Access node attributes in a consistent manner FC046: Attribute assignment uses assign unless nil FC047: Attribute assignment does not specify precedence chef11 FC047: Attribute assignment does not specify precedence chef12 FC045: Metadata does not contain cookbook name FC081: Cookbook depends on the partial_search cookbook FC083: Execute resource using deprecated 'path' property chef13 FC073: Root alias file shadowing non-alias file FC079: Deprecated easy_install_package resource usage FC080: User resource uses deprecated supports property FC084: Deprecated Chef::REST class used FC087: Library maps provider with deprecated Chef::Platform.set FC088: Prefer Mixlib::Shellout over deprecated Chef::Mixin::Command FC089: Prefer Mixlib::Shellout over deprecated Chef::ShellOut FC106: Use the plist_hash property in launchd instead of hash FC110: Script resources should use 'code' property not 'command' property FC111: search using deprecated sort flag FC112: Resource using deprecated dsl_name method FC114: Cookbook uses legacy Ohai config syntax FC119: windows_task :change action no longer exists in Chef 13 chef14 FC082: node.set or node.set_unless used to set node attributes FC094: Cookbook uses deprecated filesystem2 ohai plugin data FC095: Cookbook uses deprecated cloud_v2 ohai plugin data FC096: Cookbook uses deprecated libvirt virtualization ohai data FC097: Deprecated Chef::Mixin::LanguageIncludeAttribute mixin used FC098: Deprecated Chef::Mixin::RecipeDefinitionDSLCore mixin used FC099: Deprecated Chef::Mixin::LanguageIncludeRecipe mixin used FC100: Deprecated Chef::Mixin::Language mixin used FC101: Deprecated deploy resource used FC102: Deprecated Chef::DSL::Recipe::FullDSL class used FC103: Deprecated :uninstall action in chocolatey_package used FC105: Deprecated erl_call resource used FC107: Resource uses epic_fail instead of ignore_failure chef15 FC113: Resource declares deprecated use_inline_resources correctness FC006: Mode should be quoted or fully specified when setting file permissions FC007: Ensure recipe dependencies are reflected in cookbook metadata FC009: Resource attribute not recognised FC010: Invalid search syntax FC016: LWRP does not declare a default action FC018: LWRP uses deprecated notification syntax FC021: Resource condition in provider may not behave as expected FC022: Resource condition within loop may not behave as expected FC025: Prefer chef_gem to compile-time gem install FC026: Conditional execution block attribute contains only string FC027: Resource sets internal attribute FC028: Incorrect #platform? usage FC029: No leading cookbook name in recipe metadata FC030: Cookbook contains debugger breakpoints FC031: Cookbook without metadata.rb file FC032: Invalid notification timing FC033: Missing template FC034: Unused template variables FC037: Invalid notification action FC038: Invalid resource action FC039: Node method cannot be accessed with key FC042: Prefer include_recipe to require_recipe FC043: Prefer new notification syntax FC045: Metadata does not contain cookbook name FC046: Attribute assignment uses assign unless nil FC047: Attribute assignment does not specify precedence FC050: Name includes invalid characters FC051: Template partials loop indefinitely FC055: Ensure maintainer is set in metadata FC056: Ensure maintainer_email is set in metadata FC058: Library provider declares use_inline_resources and declares action_ methods FC060: LWRP provider declares use_inline_resources and declares \#action_ methods FC061: Valid cookbook versions are of the form x.y or x.y.z FC063: Cookbook incorrectly depends on itself FC073: Root alias file shadowing non-alias file FC074: LWRP should use DSL to define resource's default action FC075: Cookbook uses to save partial node data to the chef-server mid-run FC085: Resource using new_resource.updated_by_last_action to converge resource FC091: Use property not attribute in custom resources FC092: Custom resources should not declare actions FC104: Use the :run action in ruby_block instead of :create FC108: Resource should not define a property named 'name' FC109: Use platform-specific package resources instead of provider property FC115: Custom resource contains a name_property that is required FC117: Do not use kind_of in custom resource properties FC118: Resource property setting name_attribute vs. name_property FC120: Do not set the name property directly on a resource FC121: Cookbook depends on cookbook made obsolete by Chef 14 definitions FC015: Consider converting definition to a Custom Resource deprecated FC018: LWRP uses deprecated notification syntax FC025: Prefer chef_gem to compile-time gem install FC042: Prefer include_recipe to require_recipe FC043: Prefer new notification syntax FC052: Metadata uses the deprecated "suggests" keyword FC053: Metadata uses the deprecated "recommends" keyword FC076: Metadata uses the deprecated "conflicts" keyword FC077: Metadata uses the deprecated "replaces" keyword FC079: Deprecated easy_install_package resource usage FC080: User resource uses deprecated supports property FC082: node.set or node.set_unless used to set node attributes FC083: Execute resource using deprecated 'path' property FC084: Deprecated Chef::REST class used FC087: Library maps provider with deprecated Chef::Platform.set FC088: Prefer Mixlib::Shellout over deprecated Chef::Mixin::Command FC089: Prefer Mixlib::Shellout over deprecated Chef::ShellOut FC094: Cookbook uses deprecated filesystem2 ohai plugin data FC095: Cookbook uses deprecated cloud_v2 ohai plugin data FC096: Cookbook uses deprecated libvirt virtualization ohai data FC097: Deprecated Chef::Mixin::LanguageIncludeAttribute mixin used FC098: Deprecated Chef::Mixin::RecipeDefinitionDSLCore mixin used FC099: Deprecated Chef::Mixin::LanguageIncludeRecipe mixin used FC100: Deprecated Chef::Mixin::Language mixin used FC101: Deprecated deploy resource used FC102: Deprecated Chef::DSL::Recipe::FullDSL class used FC103: Deprecated :uninstall action in chocolatey_package used FC105: Deprecated erl_call resource used FC106: Use the plist_hash property in launchd instead of hash FC107: Resource uses epic_fail instead of ignore_failure FC110: Script resources should use 'code' property not 'command' property FC111: search using deprecated sort flag FC112: Resource using deprecated dsl_name method FC113: Resource declares deprecated use_inline_resources FC114: Cookbook uses legacy Ohai config syntax FC116: Cookbook depends on the deprecated compat_resource cookbook FC119: windows_task :change action no longer exists in Chef 13 FC122: Use the build_essential resource instead of the recipe environments FC050: Name includes invalid characters files FC006: Mode should be quoted or fully specified when setting file permissions FC013: Use file_cache_path rather than hard-coding tmp paths FC123: Content of a cookbook file is larger than 1MB libraries FC014: Consider extracting long ruby_block to library license FC068: Ensure license is set in metadata FC069: Ensure standardized license defined in metadata FC071: Missing LICENSE file FC078: Ensure cookbook shared under an OSI-approved open source license lwrp FC016: LWRP does not declare a default action FC018: LWRP uses deprecated notification syntax FC021: Resource condition in provider may not behave as expected FC058: Library provider declares use_inline_resources and declares action_ methods FC060: LWRP provider declares use_inline_resources and declares \#action_ methods FC074: LWRP should use DSL to define resource's default action metadata FC007: Ensure recipe dependencies are reflected in cookbook metadata FC008: Generated cookbook metadata needs updating FC029: No leading cookbook name in recipe metadata FC031: Cookbook without metadata.rb file FC045: Metadata does not contain cookbook name FC052: Metadata uses the deprecated "suggests" keyword FC053: Metadata uses the deprecated "recommends" keyword FC055: Ensure maintainer is set in metadata FC056: Ensure maintainer_email is set in metadata FC061: Valid cookbook versions are of the form x.y or x.y.z FC062: Cookbook should have version metadata FC063: Cookbook incorrectly depends on itself FC064: Ensure issues_url is set in metadata FC065: Ensure source_url is set in metadata FC066: Ensure chef_version is set in metadata FC067: Ensure at least one platform supported in metadata FC068: Ensure license is set in metadata FC069: Ensure standardized license defined in metadata FC070: Ensure supports metadata defines valid platforms FC072: Metadata should not contain "attribute" keyword FC076: Metadata uses the deprecated "conflicts" keyword FC077: Metadata uses the deprecated "replaces" keyword notifications FC032: Invalid notification timing FC037: Invalid notification action FC043: Prefer new notification syntax opensource FC078: Ensure cookbook shared under an OSI-approved open source license portability FC004: Use a service resource to start and stop services FC013: Use file_cache_path rather than hard-coding tmp paths FC024: Consider adding platform equivalents FC041: Execute resource used to run curl or wget commands FC048: Prefer shell_out helper method to shelling out with Ruby readme FC011: Missing README in markdown format FC093: Generated README text needs updating roles FC049: Role name does not match containing file name FC050: Name includes invalid characters search FC010: Invalid search syntax services FC004: Use a service resource to start and stop services strings FC002: Avoid string interpolation where not required style FC001: Use strings in preference to symbols to access node attributes FC002: Avoid string interpolation where not required FC005: Avoid repetition of resource declarations FC014: Consider extracting long ruby_block to library FC015: Consider converting definition to a Custom Resource FC019: Access node attributes in a consistent manner FC040: Execute resource used to run git commands FC041: Execute resource used to run curl or wget commands FC044: Avoid bare attribute keys FC049: Role name does not match containing file name FC052: Metadata uses the deprecated "suggests" keyword FC053: Metadata uses the deprecated "recommends" keyword FC071: Missing LICENSE file FC072: Metadata should not contain "attribute" keyword FC076: Metadata uses the deprecated "conflicts" keyword FC077: Metadata uses the deprecated "replaces" keyword FC086: Use databag helper methods to load data bag items supermarket FC008: Generated cookbook metadata needs updating FC011: Missing README in markdown format FC055: Ensure maintainer is set in metadata FC056: Ensure maintainer_email is set in metadata FC061: Valid cookbook versions are of the form x.y or x.y.z FC062: Cookbook should have version metadata FC064: Ensure issues_url is set in metadata FC065: Ensure source_url is set in metadata FC067: Ensure at least one platform supported in metadata FC068: Ensure license is set in metadata FC069: Ensure standardized license defined in metadata FC070: Ensure supports metadata defines valid platforms FC078: Ensure cookbook shared under an OSI-approved open source license FC093: Generated README text needs updating templates FC033: Missing template FC034: Unused template variables FC051: Template partials loop indefinitely Disabling Rules and Tags Inline

Disabling certain tags is useful on the command line, but what if you need to disable a tag or a particular rule for just a single part of a recipe? Foodcritic allows you to disable individual rules or tags using a special code comment.

Disabling FC033 for a single template resource
template 'my_awesome_template' do # ~FC033  source 'path/to/template'end
Enabling and Disabling Tags Per Cookbook

Foodcritic tags can be enabled or disabled by including a .foodcritic file at the root of your cookbook directory. Within this file you can use tags or rules similar to how you would do on the command line.

Enabling style and services

To check rules with the style or services tag you would create a .foodcritic file containing style,services. For example: $ echo "style,services" my_cookbook/.foodcritic

Disabling Just FC016

To disable just a single rule such as FC016 create a .foodcritic file containing ~FC016. For example: $ echo "~FC016" my_cookbook/.foodcritic

Extra Rules

Awesome people have written additional rules that you can use with Foodcritic.

Sous Chefs Foodcritic Rules

SC001 Missing Berksfile SC002 Missing CHANGELOG in markdown format SC004 Missing CODE_OF_CONDUCT in markdown format SC005 Missing CONTRIBUTING in markdown format SC014 metadata.rb should use sous-chefs style source_url SC015 metadata.rb should use sous-chefs style issues_url SC016 metadata.rb should use sous-chefs style maintainer SC017 metadata.rb should use sous-chefs style maintainer_email SC020 Missing .kitchen.yml SC021 Missing .travis.yml CustomInk Foodcritic Rules

CINK001 Missing CHANGELOG in markdown format CINK002 Prefer single-quoted strings CINK003 Don't hardcode apache user or group Etsy Foodcritic Rules

ETSY001 Package or yum_package resource used with :upgrade action ETSY004 Execute resource defined without conditional or action :nothing ETSY005 Action :restart sent to a core service ETSY006 Execute resource used to run chef-provided command ETSY007 Package or yum_package resource used to install core package without specific version number Lookout Foodcritic Rules

LKOUT001 Include a chefspec test for every recipe LKOUT002 apt_repository should not download a key over plain http LKOUT003 specify a uid and gid when creating a user LKOUT004 specify a gid when creating a group
Rule API Reference attribute_access

Find attributes accesses by type.

You might use this method to enforce local style rules on how attributesare accessed.

# All references to attributes using strings# For example: node['foo']attribute_access(ast, :type = :string)# All references to attributes using symbols# For example: node[:foo]attribute_access(ast, :type = :symbol)# All references to attributes using dots (vivified methods)# For example: node.fooattribute_access(ast, :type = :symbol)
categorytypenamedescription param Nokogiri::XML::Node ast

The AST of the cookbook recipe to check

param Hash options

The options hash (see allowed values below)

option Symbol :type

The approach used to access the attributes. One of :string,:symbol, :vivified or :any.

option Boolean :ignore_calls

Exclude attribute accesses that mix strings/symbols with dot notation.Defaults to false.

return Array

The matching nodes if any


The set of methods in the Chef DSL.

You can use this to see if a method reference is part of the Chef DSL ordefined in a cookbook.

# Is search a method in the Chef DSL?chef_dsl_methods.include?(:search)= true
categorytypenamedescription return Array

Array of method symbols


The name of the cookbook containing the specified file.

You can use this method in rules that need to work out if recipe coderefers to the current cookbook: for example when looking atincluded_recipe statements or LWRP usage.

cookbook_name('foo/recipes/default.rb')= "foo"
categorytypenamedescription param String file

The file in the cookbook

return String

The name of the containing cookbook


The dependencies declared in cookbook metadata.

You can use this to check if all dependencies have been declaredcorrectly or to find all cookbooks that share a common dependency.

ast = read_ast('postgresql/metadata.rb')declared_dependencies(ast)= ["openssl"]
categorytypenamedescription param Nokogiri::XML::Node ast

The metadata rb AST

return Array

List of cookbooks depended on


The key / value pair in a ruby environment or role file.

# Retrieve the key and value of the 'name' fieldfield(ast, :name)
categorytypenamedescription param Nokogiri::XML::Node ast

The environment or role AST

param String field_name

The name of the field to retrieve

return Nokogiri::XML::Node

The matched key / value pair


Retrieve the value from a ruby environment or role file.

# Retrieve the value of the 'name' fieldfield_value(ast, :name)
categorytypenamedescription param Nokogiri::XML::Node ast

The environment or role AST

param String field_name

The name of the field to retrieve

return String

The string value if specified as a literal.


Create a match for a specified file. Use this if the presence of the filetriggers the warning rather than content.

This is an alternative to match where you don’t have a specific ASTelement to associate the warning with. The call to file_match willtypically be the last line in your rule.

file_match('foo/recipes/default.rb')= {:filename="foo/recipes/default.rb", :matched="foo/recipes/default.rb", :line=1, :column=1}
categorytypenamedescription param String file

The filename to create a match for

return Hash

Hash with the match details


Find Chef resources of the specified type.

Note that currently this method does not return blockless resources.

# Returns all resources in the ASTfind_resources(ast)# Returns just the packagesfind_resources(ast, :type = :package)
categorytypenamedescription param Nokogiri::XML::Node ast

The AST of the cookbook recipe to check

param Hash options

The options hash (see allowed values below)

option Symbol :type

The type of resource to look for (or :any for all resources)

return Array

AST nodes of Chef resources.


Retrieve the recipes that are included within the given recipe AST.

You can use this method to determine (and validate) recipe runtimedependencies.

# Find all include_recipe statements, discarding the AST nodes to just# show the recipe names.included_recipes(ast).keys= ["postgresql::client"]included_recipes(ast, :with_partial_names = false).keys= ["postgresql::client"]
categorytypenamedescription param Nokogiri::XML::Node ast

The recipe AST

param Hash options

:with_partial_names - Include string literals for recipes thathave embedded sub-expressions. This defaults to true for backwardcompatibility.

return Hash

Hash keyed by included recipe name where the value is the AST nodeof the include_recipe statement.


Searches performed by the specified recipe that are literal strings.Searches with a query formed from a subexpression will be ignored.

ast = read_ast('zenoss/recipes/server.rb')literal_searches(ast).size= 3
categorytypenamedescription param Nokogiri::XML::Node ast

The AST of the cookbook recipe to check

return Array

The matching nodes


Create a match from the specified node.

Return matches when a rule has matched against a recipe. A call to matchis typically the last line of your rule.

Ensure that the AST node you are passing to this method has a descendantpos node so that the match can be associated with a line in the file.

# You will frequently use map to apply the match function to an array of# nodes that you consider matches for your rule.attribute_access(ast, :type = :string).map{|s| match(s)}
categorytypenamedescription param Nokogiri::XML::Node node

The node to create a match for

return Hash

Hash with the matched node name and position with the recipe


Provides convenient access to resource notification details.You can pass either the AST for an individual resource or the entirerecipe to this method. Note that a resource may be registered formultiple notifications / subscriptions.

While Chef permits either :immediate or :immediately to be specifiedin cookbooks, the timing for both will be returned as :immediate toremove the need for callers to switch on both values.

find_resources(ast).select do |resource|  notifications(resource).any? do |notification|    ! [:delayed, :immediate].include? notification[:timing]  endend
categorytypenamedescription param Nokogiri::XML::Node ast

The AST to check for notifications.

return Array

A flat array of notification hashes.

:type - Either :notifies or :subscribes :resource_type - The type of resource to be notified :resource_name - The name of the resource to be notified. Thiscan be an AST if the resource name is not a string literal. :action - The notification action :timing - Either :delayed or :immediate :style - The syntax used in the cookbook to define thenotification, either :old or :new


Does the provided string look like an Operating System command? This is arough heuristic to be taken with a pinch of salt.

categorytypenamedescription param String str

The string to check

return Boolean

True if this string might be an OS command


Read the AST for the given Ruby or erb source file.

Many of the other functions documented here take an ast as an argument.You can also use Nokogiri’s support querying the AST with XPath or CSSto implement your own rules.

# Normally the recipe AST will be passed in to your rule without you# needing to use read_ast.# However if you need to you can read in the AST for a cookbook recipe# directly.ast = read_ast('apache2/recipes/default.rb')
categorytypenamedescription param String file

The file to read

return Nokogiri::XML::Node

The recipe AST


Determine if an action is valid for the given resource type.

resource_action?(:service, :restart)= true
categorytypenamedescription param Symbol resource_type

The type of resource

param Symbol action

The name of the action

return Boolean

True if the action is valid for this type of resource.


Retrieve a single-valued attribute from the specified resource.

# Given resource is a packageresource_attribute(resource, 'action')= :install
categorytypenamedescription param Nokogiri::XML::Node resource

The resource AST to lookup the attribute under

param String name

The attribute name

return String

The attribute value for the specified attribute


Is the specified attribute valid for the type of resource? Note that thismethod will return true if the resource_type is not recognised.

resource_attribute?(:file, :mode)= trueresource_attribute?(:file, :size)= false# If the resource is not a Chef built-in then the attribute is always# validresource_attribute?(:my_custom_resource, :whatever)= true
categorytypenamedescription param Symbol resource_type

The type of Chef resource

param Symbol attribute_name

The attribute name

return Boolean

True if the attribute is valid for this type of resource


Retrieve all attributes from the specified resource.

Use this method for convenient access to the resource attributes withoutneeding to query the AST.

resource_attributes(resource)= {:name="zenoss", "arch"="kernel", "action"=:install}
categorytypenamedescription param Nokogiri::XML::Node resource

The resource AST

return Hash

The resource attributes


Retrieve the attributes as a hash for all resources of a given type.

Use this if you want to compare the attributes and values used byresources of the same type.

# The values of the Hash (ignored here) are arrays of resource ASTs.resource_attributes_by_type(ast).keys.sort= ["apt_package", "apt_repository", "execute", "package", "ruby_block"]
categorytypenamedescription param Nokogiri::XML::Node ast

The recipe AST

return Hash

Resources keyed by type, with an array for each


Retrieve the name attribute associated with the specified resource.

resource_name(resource)= "zenoss"
categorytypenamedescription param Nokogiri::XML::Node resource

The resource AST to lookup the name attribute under

return String

The name attribute value


Return the type, e.g. ‘package’ of a given resource.

You could use this if you wanted to take different action in your rulebased on the resource type.

resource_type(resource)= "yum_package"
categorytypenamedescription param Nokogiri::XML::Node resource

The resource AST

return String

The type of resource


Retrieve all resources of a given type.

The key of the hash is the type of resource (as a string). The value isan array of Hashes.

resources_by_type(ast).keys= ["yum_key", "yum_repository", "package", "service", "yum_package", "apt_repository", "apt_package"]
categorytypenamedescription param Nokogiri::XML::Node ast

The recipe AST

return Hash

The matching resources


Does the provided string look like ruby code?This does not evaluate the expression, instead only checking that itappears syntactically valid.

You can use this method to check that ruby_block resources and recipesthemselves look like Ruby code.

# Lots of strings are well-formed Ruby statements, including some strings# you might not expect:ruby_code?('System.out.println("hello world");')= true# This operating system command doesn't look like valid Ruby but others# might.ruby_code?('find -type f -print')= false
categorytypenamedescription param String str

The string to check for rubiness

return Boolean

True if this string could be syntactically valid Ruby


Searches performed by the specified recipe.In contrast to literal_searches this method returns all searches.

You could use this method to identify all searches that search for aparticular type of object, or to identify searches that are validfor a particular Chef version.

categorytypenamedescription param Nokogiri::XML::Node ast

The AST of the cookbook recipe to check.

return Array

The AST nodes in the recipe where searches are performed


The list of standard cookbook sub-directories.

You can use this method when you need to traverse cookbooks manuallyyourself in order to determine directories to descend into.

standard_cookbook_subdirs= ["attributes", "definitions", "files", "libraries", "providers", "recipes", "resources", "templates"]
categorytypenamedescription return Array

The standard list of directories.


List of templates that are included, including transitive includes.

templates_included(template_paths(filename), template_path)
categorytypenamedescription param Array all_templates

The set of all templates

param String template_path

The path to look under

return Array

The set of included templates


Is this a valid Lucene query?

Use this method when acting on searches in a recipe in order to check thatthey are valid before continuing with the rest of your rule.

valid_query?('run_list:recipe[foo::bar]')= falsevalid_query?('run_list:recipe\[foo\:\:bar\]')= true
categorytypenamedescription param String query

The query to check for syntax errors

return Boolean

True if the query is well-formed

TAGS:tool lint Foodcritic for cookbooks Chef your 

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