Nursing Schools and Programs |

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Accredited Nursing SchoolsOur database only includes nursing schools which can save you time sorting through unwanted college and university search results. These nursing schools generally have a physical campus and are accredited on the state, region, or national level.Degree In Nursing ProgramsEach nursing school listed in our database offers at least one of the following nursing degree or certificate programs: CNA, ASN, BSN, MSN, DNP, PhD. We also list Diploma, LVN, LPN to ASN, RN to BSN, and RN to MSN accelerated nursing programs where available.Nursing School WishlistBuild your own private wishlist of nursing schools without sacrificing your privacy. We're here to help you get into an accredited nursing school, not to sell your information to third parties like other well known college and university database websites might do.Nursing School Degrees: Associate, Bachelor, Master, and DoctorDegree nursing programs differ from non-degree programs in that the institution will grant a regionally or nationally accredited Associate, Bachelor, Master, or Doctor degree upon completion. Schools, colleges, and universities may differ in their naming conventions, however, the following nursing program names are the most common according to our research. Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN, ASN, LPN to ASN, LPN to RN, LVN to RN)Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) and the equivalent Associate of Science in Nursing (ASN) are nursing programs offered by community colleges and junior colleges. Associate degree nursing programs in general last 2 years, and, graduates are eligible to take the RN National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX-RN). Approximately 53% of candidates who take the Registered Nurse license exam graduate from an associate degree program. Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing (BSN, RN to BSN, LPN to BSN, LVN to BSN)Bachelor Degree in Nursing and the more commonly used equivalent Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) are nursing programs offered by four year undergraduate colleges, universities, and schools of nursing. BSN graduates are eligible to take the RN National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX-RN). Approximately 45% of candidates who take the Registered Nurse license exam graduate from bachelor degree programs. Master of Science Degree in Nursing (MSN, RN to MSN)Master Degree in Nursing and the more commonly used equivalent Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) are nursing programs offered by graduate level colleges, universities, and schools of nursing. Graduate level nursing programs in general target the Registered Nurse who holds a bachelor degree. Some nursing schools offer flexibility by way of bridge programs and second degree nursing programs designed for those holding a degree in an unrelated field. Doctor of Nursing Practice Degree (DNP)Nurse Practitioners are the ones closing the gap between traditional Doctor rolls and the highly skilled Nurse. While the scope of practice for a DNP varies by state, a DNP will generally perform hands-on patent care similar to that of a Physician or MD. A Doctor of Nursing Practice degree program generally requires a specialization such as Gerontological, Mental Health, and Pediatric among others. Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing (PhD)As within other fields, a PhD is often necessary to become a college professor or to establish oneself in a private or public sector leadership position. Nurses who earn a Doctor of Philosophy will generally do less hands-on patient care and more teaching, writing, and policy evaluation. Diploma in Nursing Programs (CNA, DIP, LPN, LVN)Non-degree nursing programs can help entry level nurses reduce tuition costs and are generally of shorter duration when compared to a two or four year nursing degree granted by a traditional college or university. We do list certificate and diploma nursing programs by state and city on our website. You will find them in our list of nursing schools identified by the acronyms CNA, Diploma, LPN, and LVN for example. How many years does it take to study nursing?Nursing programs which lead to a Registered Nurse license generally last two to four years. That is an associate degree or a bachelor degree at a community college or state university, for example. Becoming a Registered Nurse is an important milestone for a nursing career. Keep in mind, however, that a significant number of nurses begin their career as a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA), Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN), or a Licensed Vocational Nurse (LVN) (California and Texas). How many nursing schools are there?The term nursing school is broadly used to include programs taught at high schools, hospitals, adult learning centers, community colleges, junior colleges, and traditional college and universities. A large university with a successful School of Nursing or College of Nursing may offer classes in several locations, bearing the college name or work with a smaller community partner. Our nursing school database contains over 1,500 nursing schools. How hard is it to get into nursing school?Entrance requirements vary for each college and university. As you might expect, getting into an Ivy League school will surely be more difficult versus enrolling into a nursing program at a nearby community college. Research several nursing schools to find the one that fits your career goals, financial abilities, and personal time constraints. Remember that nursing education requirements vary by the type of license you wish to obtain. And that obtaining Certified Nursing Assistant, Licensed Practical Nurse, or Registered Nurse credentials can improve your chances of getting into a more competitive school of nursing as you work through your loftier career goals. How difficult is nursing school?Nursing programs generally require that you maintain above average grades in anatomy, biology, chemistry, microbiology, psychology, physiology, and other challenging subjects. In addition to a science based core curriculum, clinical experience requirements can add tens to hundreds of training hours to your schedule depending upon the degree level and specialty. You will need to read and study a lot of material, however, the same can be said of most college and university majors these days as well. How much does nursing school cost?Tuition, fees, books and supplies at a nearby community college nursing program will cost around $2,000 to $5,000 per year for state residents. This does not include traditional room and board costs and assumes that you live at home with family, for example. Most states only require an associate degree to sit for the NCLEX-RN exam. To study to become a Licensed Practical Nurse and take the NCLEX-PN exam, the nursing school cost may be the same per year, however, the total program length will be shorter. The cost of nursing school at larger public and private universities is much higher reaching up to $50,000 per year for 2019 at the top nursing schools in Alabama, California, Florida, Georgia, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, and Texas.

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Research accredited nursing schools, colleges, and universities offering Diploma, Associate, Bachelor, Master, and Doctor degree in nursing programs leading to Registered Nurse (RN) and Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) licensure.

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