The Forgotten Muse | Musings from a Bohemian at heart about life, art, writing, and whatever else co

Web Name: The Forgotten Muse | Musings from a Bohemian at heart about life, art, writing, and whatever else co






description:Musings from a Bohemian at heart about life, art, writing, and whatever else comes to mind.
The Forgotten Muse

Musings from a Bohemian at heart about life, art, writing, and whatever else comes to mind.

Home AboutVodka and Rosaries Self-Care, Health, And LettingGo

Is that quite the mix?
I can see where they would all go together and yet at the same time seem to be
so far from each other as to make my head spin.

First I want to give a shout out to Effy for being real and keeping it real.
Thank you for your realness and your authenticity!!
Her last two posts, I did a lot of nodding and a-ha, yes girl!!

On Letting Go
It seems like that time of year where everywhere I look, that phrase is coming up.
I hear it in my head all the time. But I never seem to know what it means. I dont
know what it is I am supposed to be letting go of.
Wellmaybe now, I know a little bit? Im not sure.

You see, at a young age I learned to be invisible. To be seen but not heard, so I had
no voice. If I cried I was told to stop or Id be given something to cry for. If my cousin hit
me I was not allowed to defend myself because I was older and knew better. So I got in
trouble and they didnt.
If I tried to talk about traumatic things, I was told they werent true. That the person who did
it would never do that.
When I got older, if I tried to have my needs met or express myselfif I tried to disclose
abuse orwell I think you get the idea. I was told I was being dramatic, over reacting, all
in my head. So I kept getting silenced. I was afraid to shine, to be seen, to be heard.
I think that maybe this is one of the things, the whole lot, that I need to work on letting go of.
Let go of that narrative. To let go of the notion that self-care is selfish. Yeah, theres that too.

I got my additional labs back. I need to have my cortisol tested, which I will be doing next week
when I meet with the nutrition/metabolic specialist about losing a few pounds. The functional
medicine NP thinks my extra weight is hormonal/thyroid related. Shes adding an additional
thyroid medication to my regimen. My Vitamin D is very low, so I have to take that as well. My DHEA
is too high, which is why I need the cortisol test. This might be stress or anxiety related. And since
I have been feeling my anxiety intensely at times, this makes some sense. I told her that I was also
a DV survivor and though I havent been officially diagnosed, it is highly likely that I have PTSD. The
DHEA also regulates our fight or flight response. And mine feels like I want to run far far away. I just
wish I knew what was triggering me so hard. Its so much easier to deal with when I know what the
thing that set it off is.
I also have to add Ashwagandha and Magnesium to my daily supplements.
I am looking at some options to changing my eating habits. Eating better. Im pretty sure my current
soda and 3 Musketeers addiction is not doing me any favors. Im thinking of looking at the
Mediterranean diet again as well as maybe Whole 30/Paleo type and/or AIP. Only this time, instead of
just looking at them that I actually put them into practice.
Next weeks appointment is supposed to show me how my body metabolizes things. But counting
calories and measuring portions/weighing my food is not my cuppa.

What is that? How do I do that?
How do I do it without feeling selfish? Or even being told that Im selfish. I dont know that the latter
will be the case, but it has happened in the past.
Its becoming clear(er) to me, especially based on some of what I wrote that I need to learn how to
put myself, my health, and my wellbeing first. Most of my life I have not been allowed to do that. Now,
it is beginning to feel like I must do that. It might be that my life depends on it.
This whole self-care journey will be a struggle for me as I come to grips with the fact that this is what I
need. I can already feel the whole you are being selfish narrative looming over me. I can already hear
the crack shots about what I am doing or eating, and I havent even started anything yet.
My sister of my heart (cousin by blood) is suggesting I try some meditation along with adding movement
like walking or yoga or simple stretches, in addition to making the dietary changes I might need. I was telling
her how I cant clear my mind enough to meditate, I cant quiet myself enough. She was telling me how she
uses a candle flame to focus on along with repeating a song or phrase for a set period of time. I told her
how I was told that focusing on a flame was a dangerous practice and could end up hypnotizing me. She told me
that should not happen so long as I set a timer for myself.

I am beginning to realize how much denying myself a creative practice is hurting me. All these real or perceived
excuses for not getting into my art cave is not good for me. How procrastinating on having a creative practice,
setting up different journals like a health bullet journal and a brain dump notebook for stuff like quotes and such
not doing these things is hurting me and I dont think I have realized just how much until now.

You dont know how many times I sit down to write a post and think no body wants to read this, no body cares,
all youre doing is whining and no body wants to hear that.
But there is another voice that is barely above a whisper that says to me your story is your story. It happened. You
went through it. You came out on the other side of it. If people dont like it they should have treated you better, acted
better, did more to help you.
One of the hardest things to come to terms with is the people you thought were supposed to help you that you counted
on to do so, sided with your abuser or just flat out didnt believe you.
And because of them, every time I tell a portion of my story I feel this deep in my bones that no one will believe me.
This is a very hard thing to deal with. And it has caused me to have trust issues.

I have my wounds and my scars even if you cant see them.
Ive been through things and survived. Ive come out on the other side.
Rebuilding my life, making a life that I want is not easy.
Self care is hard. Letting go is hard. But I think I am worth it. Now if I can just put things into practice.

Can I Get A Do OverToday?

It is cloudy and breezy today.
We are supposed to have rain coming at some point.
We still have not dried out from the last round of rain.
At least it was not foggy out today.
So that is a plus, right?
My anxiety is still revved up and I have no clue why.
I just cannot seem to shake it. I am not used to it lasting this long.
It has been a good long while since the last time it happened.
Even trying to distract myself with different things has is not
helping. I have idea what triggered it. Well, maybe I do. Maybe
it has all started since I went to the doctor and I am just afraid
this whole crap with bills and insurance is going to start up again.
Even though, as of Sunday things are still being paid.
I got told I was useless today because I was busy getting the dogs
medicines together for their morning doses instead of helping with Bug.
She was in the other room with another adult. But she was in her I only
want Grandma mood. But Grandma was on the phone with the cell
company trying to get her mobile data issue fixed. I thought Bug was
being handled by the other person, but I guess she was just getting mad at
them. And rather than just ask me to come help or take her, I get accused
of being more worried about coffee, which I was not even making.
We have one dog with an ear infection and another that just had 14 teeth
pulled. I am kind of the designated medicine giver and was setting things
up to for to give to the dogs. I am pretty OCD about it and have to check
myself several times before I give it to them. I make sure I am giving the
right meds to the right dog and in the right dose. And then you know, I
have a schedule I need to stick to for them. So yeahsigh.
It seems my bill has been partially paid. It is now showing a balance of $350
rather than the $5000 it was. BUT that same thing is on the bill again that
the claim is denied for some unknown reason. The billing lady is only in
the office Monday Wednesday. So I cant call her to find out if I need to start
calling the insurance again. I know she was still adjudicating bills from last
year to be paid, so maybe that is what is going on. And that statement is just
a common thing while it is going through the process because it has not
gone through yet.
None of my new charges are showing up yet. But that does not mean they will
not if things go to shit again. SIGH!!! Does this shit ever end?!?!?!
Had to have my booby smash yesterday. I was okay with the one way, but when
they had to take the side viewUGH! Stupid machine, the corner of the plate
stabbed me under the arm. And you cant not have it do that because of how they
have to take the image. Hours later, when I was changing my clothes the same
spot under both arms was still red. I would not be surprised if I end up with
bruises. But it is done! So that is a plus!!
Then I went to do some laundry today. There was a small load to be washed in
the machine already, so I got it started. Ten minutes into the cycle, the machine
stops washing and makes a weird buzzing noise for like two minutes. Then the
noise stopped, but the cycle would not start again. I was about to panic and all
that good stuff, then after about another three minutes it started going again.
It has not done that before, so hence me about to freak out. Lets hope I can get
through my three loads without incident.
Maybe, just maybe all of this I am feeling is because the New Moon is in Scorpio.
And I am a Scorpio. Could that be it? Could all of this *waves hands* be what
is making feel like the world is about to fall apart?
I think this might be how Chicken Little feels when he runs around yelling, The
sky is falling! It certainly feels that way, even though I do not have a clue as to
why. I really just want to go somewhere and scream until I cant anymore.
My first day of writing for NaNo went really well. I ended the day with a few
hundred words over the minimum count for the day. I knew the next day would be
a bit of a bear to write with the pupper going to the vet for dental work. But by
the time I got home and fed myself, I barely got a couple hundred words down.
Yesterday did not fair much better, only around 300 words. So here I sit on day four
of NaNo with a 3643 word deficit. I am not terribly worried about catching up, yet I
am at the same time. If I put my mind to it, not let myself get sidetracked or
distracted, I know I can catch up or even exceed what I need.
I know I should probably work on consistency of writing, rather than how many
words I have or need for a particular day. Anything I write in one day or one session
is way more than I had. And definitely more than if I did not write at all. But I see that
50,000 goal and all that rationality flies out the window and I feel like I am failing and
will lose another NaNo.
I already know that I am writing too conservatively. I am not flourishing or embellishing
what I am writing. I am not writing great detail or descriptively. I am losing valuable
words but doing that. I should be pouring it all out on the page and then worrying later
if it needs to come out. Instead of limiting my words in a way and then have to figure out
how to add it in later. It will probably never be publishable, and I am okay with that. I just
want to be able to say that I wrote at least one story from start to finish.
I know I probably will not finish said story in thirty days. That is expected, the goal is to
write 50,000 words. They are not supposed to be good words, they are not supposed to be
perfect words. This is not supposed to be all polished up and ready to print. This is
supposed to be a challenge to get that novel written, it is meant (I think) to get us started.
But this is where I am at. And I have to be okay with thatfor now.
Or maybe, I should just take my apparently useless ass off to go play video games and
not give a shit about anything. Shush, let me have my brief pity party LOL.
New Moon Blessings Yall!!

Blessed Samhain/Happy Halloween And OtherStuff

Its that time of year where I seem to draw inward.
I start thinking about all that I didnt accomplish in the last year.
How I want to finish out the last two months of the year.
And what I want to attempt to accomplish and achieve in the coming year.
Sometimes I think of this day as the beginning of a new year.

Right now, I have no answers to the questions running through my head.
Ive been riding waves of anxiety all week without knowing why or what is/was
causing it. It kind of lulled yesterday, but here it is todayback in full swing.
I feel like the rug is going to pulled out from under me at any moment.
I hate this feeling. It makes me sick to my stomach. Especially the not knowing
what is causing it.

Today I found out my cousin by blood and sister of my heart has covid. I sat here
and had every expletive you could think of screaming in my head while I sat and
cried. She says its very mild, she has had both her shots. But that doesnt make me
any less scared or worried. Im trying not to lose my shit over here and its hard. She
is home in quarantine, resting, and watching hallmark xmas movies. Please some body
tell me it will be okay!

Do you know how hard it is to find out what Pagan ways my Polish and Ukrainian
ancestors might have practiced? I cant find anything about what sort of tools they
would have used for divination. I can find out what gods and goddesses they might have
honored. But practicesIm hitting a brick wall.
I really want to know, if I can, what they might have practiced. I can remember being
told, when that when I was born my Babci did some sort of candle ritual and using the
bathroom tile. It was, I think, supposed to show her if someone had cursed me? Its been
so long since I heard the story, I can hardly remember it.
My great grandma used to tie red ribbons around her plants to ward off the evil eye from
those who might be jealous of her green thumb.

Maybe though, before I go falling down the rabbit hole is that I should actually do the
DNA test to see what all I am. Maybe there is more to me than I know of. Maybe I am
not all that I was told I am.

Tomorrow is the first day of NaNoWriMo.
I have zero prep done for it. Everything I thought I would do got sidetracked by one
thing or another. So once again, I will be attempting this by flying by the seat of my
pants and hoping for the best.
One of the things I was hoping to incorporate into this story idea was some Polish Pagan
ways. Now, maybe Ill have to put that aspect of my idea on the back burner and work
around it. Maybe Ill throw the question out there into a group I am in regarding Slavic

I can feel the anxiety wave rising again. So with that, I think I will go find something
to distract myself with until it hopefully passes.

Samhain Blessings!!
Have a safe and Happy Halloween!!

This Is 52 And OtherMusings

Yesterday, was the big 5-2!
And me, in my infinite lack of wisdom went and scheduled a doctors appointment.
On my birthday!!
What was I even thinking?

Well, I thought, honestly that Bugs Momma was off of work because Bug had a
doctors appointment. As it turned out, her Momma wasnt off. And her appointment
was cancelled because she has a cold.

I got to meet with the Functional Medicine NP yesterday. We discussed my labs from
two weeks ago, going a bit over my thyroid and hormones. As per my doc and the labs,
I have entered the menopause. His words LOL. NP reconfirmed that as we discussed
what, if any symptoms I am having. We decided to run some more labs checking some
other thyroid things, vitamin levels, and other hormone levels.
She seems very nice but talks a bit fast. Reminded me a bit of being back in NY, where
everyone seems to talk fast, walk fast, just everything fast.
I follow up with her in two weeks via televisit to discuss these results.
I was thoroughly delighted that my BP in the office was a lovely 126/74!!
So it would seem, that its the doc himself that sets my BP soaring high.

I cant even begin to express how relieved I am that my BP was actually normal in the office!
There was some concern there. I made sure to check it at home the night before and the morning
of, and both times it was good even with a headache.

One of the things I am waiting on is a consult with a neurologist to discuss the arm/hand weakness
and hopefully the pain and tingling in my legs/back, sometimes my arms/hands too. Im nervous
about seeing one. I know what my friend has gone through trying to get answers. They keep trying
to tell her shes crazy and that her symptoms are all in her head.

I made some cod and shrimp in a lemon butter dill sauce (bottled) with a box of loaded scalloped
potatoes. Some spinach and mozzarella stuffed mushrooms. A glass of Sangria and strawberry
cheese cake (store bought). I couldnt decide what I wanted. I kind of wanted lobster tail, but didnt
want to pay the price. I didnt really want to go out to eat because Rona numbers are still high here.
Though, in hindsight, I thought of itwe could have gone some place I wanted to eat at and got it to
go, then find a nice spot to sit and eat in the car. Oh well, Ill try to remember that for another time. Even
for non-birthday meals.

Ive gotten absolutely nothing done for NaNo prep. Im still at a loss beyond my initial idea. Every time
I think to get into the art cave and hash some thoughts out or even maybe make some art, I get side
tracked. I thought maybe Id get in there today, but the other Little has come over and wanted to play
with the big kid toys on the floor of my cave. But I will try at some point I hope.

Ive had a lot of things on my mind of late. And of course, I cant think of any of them right now.
Always seems to be the way, when I sit down to write the thoughts fly out the window.

This is a birthday picture of me, after I got home from my appointment.

Im wearing my magic as the Little used to call them.
And I felt like braided pigtails.
I was never allowed to have long hair growing up.
One summer, when I was about5 or 6, my hair got long enough for
two little pigtails and I was so excited. I was so happy to have them.
Then before I knew it, my mother was walking me into the hair salon
(we called it a beauty parlor back then) to get my hair cut. I was
devastated. I cried my little heart out.
It wasnt until high school that I stood up to my mother and said I was
done with the boyish hair cuts. Then of course as an adult I could
wear my hair how I wanted. Since then, Ive worn it varying lengths.
With the Rona, I have not been for a hair cut in over two years. Ive
snipped the ends myself a couple of times, but thats it.
I wore my braided pigtails yesterday in honor of my inner child and the
child I once was that was denied them.

Some Thoughts Tuesday

Its been a few days since I posted. That wasnt what I intended.
Time got away from me a little bit. And then the next thing I know
almost two weeks has gone by since I posted. So heres whats going
on in my world.

Theres talk of freeze warnings and some snow tonight into tomorrow.
I dont think any will stick though. A few flurries were flying yesterday
much to our joy and surprise. Theres talk in the news of having a
La Nina winter pattern, but it shouldnt be on the Snowmaggedon of
2016 level where we had almost 40 inches of snow fall that winter season.
Yesterday and earlier today was wickedly windy. Making it feel a lot colder
than it was.I went in to get labs drawn for before my annual visit with the doctor. And
as luck would have it, they had an opening that morning to see him. So I said
lets do it and then I realized how mentally unprepared I was for this. By the
time I got into the room my blood pressure was 180/100. I was also fasting
for the labs and had no caffeine so I had a headache coming on. Then it was
oh so when was your last PAP.
At this point I was thinking what the fuck was I thinking? So Im like extremely
nervous at this point and trying not to think about bolting in nothing but the
fashionable not quite paper, not quite cloth snap vest and the lovely paper drape
covering my lady bits. After my labs were drawn, they checked my pressure again
and it was down to 164/80. So better, but not ideal. I have to monitor it twice a
day for the next week and bring the numbers in when I see him again on Wednesday.Then, even though I know going forward my insurance is working. Because we
checked before being seen. I had no idea what the status of my year old $5000
bill was. It has been impossible for me to reach the lady that handles the billing.
So good news is everything from here on out is covered and is showing my
insurance as the only one. And from the message she gave the receptionist for me
was that she ran my bill again and it went through. Yall I wanted to cry!!! I mean,
Im still worried about it. Until I see it with my own eyes ya know. And I see a zero
balance, I am going to worry.In other good news, he said I can hold off on having any surgery since my results
from the Myosure were negative. Were rechecking hormone levels, thyroid, and
the rest of the things they check in an annual. I asked about the weakness and
sometimes tingling I have been getting, but we couldnt really discuss it in this visit.US health care is so fucked up that you cant talk about anything outside the scope
of your annual exam. If you need to address other issues, you have to make another
appointment. So says the health insurance industry. Basically these greedy fuckers
would rather you make additional appointments instead of just dealing with shit in the
one you are already at. SMDH!!!Ive gotten a couple of early birthday presents!!
I got a FitBit yesterday. And today I got a wireless keyboard to use with my tablet.
Word got out that I was eyeballing a chrome book. I was informed that my tablet
was better and it was best to just get me a keyboard for it.
Im hoping that this will be a big nudge for me with my writing.Speaking of writingIm so behind on Prep-tober!
Im not sure what if any prep I will get done. Might be another November of writing
by the seat of my pants again. Not that there is anything wrong with that. I do this
every year. Say Im going to prep and then I dont. I wonder if I did more prep, would
I win more NaNos. Half the fun is in the writing, so Im going to try not to get too
frustrated with myself over it.In an effort to focus on myself, my health, and some self care, I got myself a yoga
mat and a knee mat. I think I need to pick up another block. I cant really do a whole
lot of moves. I need them to be simple and gentle. I have a couple of resistance bands
that I saw some easy moves to do with too.
I havent started yet. Im having a hard time committing to doing it. And to just starting.

But thats the update. Figures crossed that my pressure doesnt go crazy and that my tests
are all good.

Hello October!

I decided to take the first off from blogging just to give myself a day.
I intended to blog yesterday, but spent it running errands and by the
time I got home I was too tired to think. By 10:30, I could barely keep
my eyes open.
This also puts me two days behind in Prep-tober. Today makes day three.
But I have a good reason for todayI spent it moving my desk into the
closet after removing the doors. That really seemed to open up the room.
I know its just the illusion of that after doors came off, but it is nice to
have it feel bigger.
I moved my easel into the corner by the window. For some reason that
corner seems to get more light. Now I need to solve my yarn storage.
Which I have an idea for, but I need a day or three to recuperate lol.
I have a small dresser that has decent sized drawers that I can move
into there and fill it with my yarn. Side note on yarn, I have a small-ish
stash and can you believe I dont have the yarn I need for a project!?!??
My body is currently screaming at me for yesterdays errand trip and
for today moving part of the art cave around. I had to empty the closet.
Remove the doors. Vacuum. Move the desk and small cabinet. Vacuum
some more. Move the easel. Reorganize where the contents of the closet
will now go. Vacuum some more.
I dont know how I keep forgetting to take something for the pain with
my back, hips, and legs screaming at me as they are. But here I am,
doing what should be the impossible.
Sometime this week, there will be another errands run for some things.
Im thinking I might need some storage containers.
In the next three weeks, there will be painting of one bathroom.
Repainting the living room. It has only taken us 3 years to decide on a color.
And weve had the paint for a couple of months but summer heat was not
good painting weather. So thats on deck. And we will be repurposing the
coat closet into a pantry. There are tracks to install and shelves to put up.
Were on a hunt for an over the door spice rack to hang on the closet door.
Three weeks with out Bug and were trying to make it productive and do
the things weve putting off.
Time to go find some food and take some ibuprofen.

September Finale

Here we are. At the end of our blog along with the wonderful
and inspirational Effy. Happy Birthday dear Effy!! And thank
you for once again hosting the blog along.
I have to admit, and not very willingly I might add, that I really
struggled with putting posts together this time around. Usually,
I might falter with a couple of posts through the month, struggling
to find words and thoughts. But this month was different. I wonder
if it is because of some of the insights I ended up having.
I have loved reading the shared blogs. And thank you to everyone
who has read and commented on my posts.

One of the things that Ive been pondering through this is do I still
want to stick with morgainependragon. In what seems like a lifetime
ago, it was intended to be my pen name, even if just on the interwebs.
Prior to that, I started out writing as Cerridwyn Grimshawe. I chose
Cerridwyn (which has various spellings) all the way back around 2004/2005
because she was the first Goddess to call to me. As I researched who she
was, I learned she was the Goddess of knowledge and inspiration, She is
known as The Ruler of the Bards as one page put it. I was just beginning
to be curious about Druidry and the first step is in learning is Bard. I wanted
to and still do want to write stories. Someday, if/when I unearth information
I want to write about my family history. So that seemed to fit my mindset at
the time. Yet when I signed up for NaNoWriMo back in 2005, I chose
Morgaine Pendragon. I was/am a huge King Arthur fan? is that the right word?
I first fell in love with the movie Excalibur and later it was Mists of Avalon.
Somedays, more so lately, I feel like I am maybe outgrowing using MP. Other
times, I feel like Im not yet done with it or it with me. So I dont know. Im all
set to change it until the moment of doing and then I just cant bring myself
to do it. It is one of the reasons I was asking for feedback on the word Magpie.

After having the book for about 2 years now, I finally started reading
Writing Down the Bones by Natalie Goldberg. I have only hemmed and hawed
over reading since I got it. Truth be toldI have been afraid to. I heard of the book
a few years back, three? four? who knows. But it was going around the various
groups and blogs and friends posts. I had seen some quotes and knew I had to
have it. Once I did though, I couldnt bring myself to read it. Cynthia Lee of
Spirit Uncaged mentioned the book a few days ago and I commented on her post.
She again urged me to read it. If memory serves, she encouraged me to do so once
before. And she is really the main reason I sought out the book to begin with. Im
only a few chapters in, highlighter handy. I might have go back and read over the
chapters I read last night. More likely I will just move forward and go back through
at a later time.

I figured I had no excuses to wait. If not now, when? In 28 days, I will be turning
52. Ive put off enough for different reasons and different people. Maybe reading
this book is one small step in doing things differently from now on.
One of the things I read last night is about having the right pen and paper. As pen
and paper addict, this is wild permission to go shopping lol. She recommends
having a fast pen. I am quite picky about my pens and even my paper. I like my
paper smooth and almost creamy like in texture for writing. Pens, Ive been stuck
on Bic for a long time. I love my Parker, but it does feel slow. I feel like this will give
me an excuse to experiment with different pens and maybe, finally my quills. Are
quill pens fast? I dont even know.
This is really giving me the idea that I should make that closet a writing nook
instead. Im antsy to get in there and move things, but Id rather wait for the
weekend when the Little isnt here.
I need a trip to the Dollar store. And to Joanns. A thrift or two would be lovely
as well. I need/want things for my space. I want whatever it will take to get me
in there.

Tomorrow we begin October.
It is also the start of Prep-tober wherein we would be prepping for our novels
for NaNoWriMo in November.
Im hoping that I will also start putting together my Health BuJo. I am pretty sure
that I said a year ago I was going to put one together, and I havent done a thing.
I also want to put a Writing BuJu together along with a Story Binder.
Im hoping to do some of the LB Taster lessons this weekend too.

Happy October Eve!
Thank you for reading.
I will do my best to continue blogging regularly in October. Though it might not be
every day.

Wednesdays Words

Im still off on my days.
Oh well *throws hands in the air*
I give up, it is what it is.
For a moment there, I was thinking it was Thursday.

Today is the Feast of Archangel Michael.
I knew that but didnt.
He is the angel most called on for protection.
It is also said he is the most powerful.
I wonder, now, in hindsight if it was he who protected me
and helped me out of those abusive situations. Perhaps,
I just didnt know it. I suppose it is possible.
If so, thank you Michael.

The other big three Archangels are:
Gabriel- who brings visions and messages.
Raphael- healing
Uriel- brings wisdom.
I never really gave the Archangels much thought outside of you
know the christmas story. Its funny I dont really remember being
taught much about them in catholic school. Again, besides Gabriel.

I dont know why I wrote about this, just something I found a bit
interesting. It also makes me wonder So, some time back (about
25 or so years now) my ex, my then toddler, and myself were living
in an apartment in Florida. There seemed to be a string of car
break ins happening in the complex as well some other stuff.
Something woke me in the middle of the night, and I went to check
on my toddler. On my way back to bed, I turned my gaze towards the
living room window, the blinds were cracked enough to see through.
And I swear there was this giant white robed figure standing outside near
the lamppost. Now, I know it wasnt the light because the glow from that
was yellow and what I saw was pure white and as tall as the lamppost.
Later we found out that about 5 cars in front of our building were broken
into. Ours was untouched. Coincidence? Could be. I just know what I saw.
It was also my only known encounter.

Stay safe!
Happy Hump Day!

Until tomorrow.
One more post to go.

Tuesdays Thoughts

I guess Im still messed up with days because I almost
wrote Wednesday Wisdom or Wednesdays Words
as the blog title.
I got up way too early. Still dark. Im told it was just
passed 6 AM. Thank you bladder for that too early
wake up call! NOT! lol
Some how managed to fall back to sleep and woke up
two hours later. Which wasnt easy since there was a
cat sleeping where I wanted to put my knee. Really most
inconvenient. But were both stubborn and neither of us
would move HA. Yet we both slept, go figure.
The wind wasnt bad, thank goodness. We got a little bit
of rain. Enough to make muddy paws. The mountains though
got snow. YAY!!
It it quite chilly out there today. Only 60 degrees. Considering
we were around 85 this time yesterday. And there is a light
breeze to add to the chill.
Im trying not to get too excited. Because honestly, I feel like
it will reverse itself. looks like the insurance thing
might finally be fixed. I put in for a refill and they ran the
insurance, as of about a half hour ago it worked fine. Now,
the big question iswill it work on my doctor bill. It scares the
crap out of me that it might still fail.
Are downloads and transmissions the new key words being
thrown around lately? Ive gotten a few e-newletters talking
about it from different subscriptions. And Ive seen several
pop on my FB feed. Everyone them also seems to have some
join now to find out more with a price tag attached, along
with the classic dont miss out some where in there. Whats
up with that? Is it legit stuff or is it just another marketing ploy?

One of the resident magpies has been very entertaining lately.
We have a suet feeder out on one of the trees. The first few times
said magpie has come, it would jump up to the feeder, flutter like
5 seconds or long enough to grab a bite and drop to the ground
and eat it. It repeats this over and over. Today, it got smart and
took to flying on the trunk and jumping at the feeder to grab a
bite. There 2 out there under it earlier. The first one didnt seem
to know what to do to get the suet. The second one was like
here let me show you how its done. Its quite comical to watch.

So thats my Tuesday (almost said Monday lol)
How is yours going?
Can you believe only 2 days left?

Mondays Musings

I cant believe we have three days left to the blog along.
I also cant believe we are at the end of September.
But I say that at the end of any month lately lol.
Thank you to those who answered my magpie question.
Im still open to hearing your thoughts on what comes
to mind when you hear the word Magpie.

Took a trip to DB today.
I was looking for a sweater that they had on clearance.
But alas the only one left was too small for me.
We also had to pick up some dog food for the big girl.
She is allergic to chicken and so we have to hunt for
food brands that dont include it in the ingredients. It
is quite the feat to find some. But on our previous trip
to the place, we found a brand that does and we let her
try it. She loved it! They have 3 different flavors she can
eat, so kudos to Wildology for making a food without
chicken that our dog can have.
In case you dont know, beef and chicken are top protein
allergies in dogs.

Then it was a quick pop into Wally-world because I heard
that they had the Instant Pot fryer/vortex lids on clearance.
I didnt expect to find on, but it couldnt hurt to look. Of
course, they didnt have it.
We grabbed a bite from Burger King for lunch and ate it
in the car while still in the parking lot. The amount of
mask-less people was astounding. In the short time we
people watched I think I saw a total of 3 people wearing a

There were other errands to run but we only had time for
one more stop. And that was to a place where I could pick
up a 3 piece accessory set for our IP for only 20 bucks. If I
bought each one separately, it would be almost 50!!
I want to try to learn to cook some healthier meals in it.
The set includes a silicone steamer basket. So that should
be a big help. Im still afraid of our IP. Im always thinking
I will mess it up or end up with the lid in the ceiling.

Its 85 right now. And its supposed to drop overnight with
tomorrow being only in the 60s. Of course, this drop means
a cold front is coming in, which means wind, which in turn
means Wind Advisory. Oh goody.NOT!!!!!!!!

I guess I wont be getting my library card this year.
I double checked the site to see what I needed.
Lo and behold, effective today they are closed to the
public. You can still request and borrow and return items,
but you cant go in the building. Ill give you one guess why.

Thats about it for me today. Until tomorrow

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Multitudes of Missives

Being a multitude is a privilege, and an honor. Now get me some coffee. Please.

The Ramblings of a Pixie

Slavic Genealogy

Gray Hair and Tattoos

Maneuvering through middle age with a full head of gray hair and lots of tattoos.

Blog of A Witch

Life, witchcraft, magic, poetry, everything


Art Makes by Jeanette House

Jez Artist

Jani Elan Zyna Franck

Inspiring a Revolution in Your Evolution

Crazy Green Thumbs

Chronicling a delusional gardening experience.

Art Life -

Not all who wander are lost

Donnas Creative Space

My journey of learning all things Art, Crafts and Stationery

The Frugal Crafter Blog

Groovy craft projects, crafty recipes and other artsy stuff.


Mark Rosher of Gloucestershire, England

Ambrosial Frost

collectable delights, curious inspiration peculiar dreams

Tiny Adventures of Elisa MG

Artist, Blogger, Airstream Fulltimer


Murmers of a Wandering Soul

...50 something wondering wanderer of this amazing experience....

Continuing the Artist Way in Mexico El Mundo

A creative cluster for writers and artists of all ilks...

Morale Fiber

Until morale improves, the crocheting will continue.

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