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First World WarDuring the course of the First World War, the armed forces involved increasingly attempted to construct individual incidents of the war as media events in an effort to use them to influence the course of the war overall. This gave rise to narratives that were, to a degree, in ...read more Orthodoxe MissionWenn von der europ ischen Mission der Neuzeit die Rede ist, denkt man zumeist an r misch-katholische oder protestantische Unternehmungen. Doch auch die Ostkirche byzantinischer Tradition war das ganze Mittelalter hindurch missionarisch aktiv und blieb es bis in die Neuzeit. Die europ ische Expansion in die Neue Welt oder entlang der s datlantischen ...read more KurorteKurorte stellen einen besonderen Typus europ ischen urbanen und touristischen Lebens zwischen dem 16. und dem 19. Jahrhundert dar. Unabh ngig davon, ob sie im rechtlichen Sinne St dte waren oder eine Mindestgr e bzw. -einwohnerzahl erreichten, waren Kurorte gepr gt durch ihre Multifunktionalit t: Sie verbanden Gesundheitspflege und Heilung mit Vergn gen und "Freizeit"-Aktivit ten und ...read more Fleeing and Displacement (1938 1950)From 1938 to 1950, many nations and ethnic groups experienced evacuation, fleeing, population exchange, expulsion and forced resettlement. After the signing of the German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact and the military defeat of Poland, Germany and the USSR carried out large-scale population displacements on their respective sides of the demarcation line, ...read more Krieg und "Nachkrieg"Bis zum 18. Jahrhundert galt der Krieg als gewaltt tige Auseinandersetzung zwischen souver nen Staaten. Sp testens in der Aufkl rung wurde er einer grunds tzlichen Kritik unterzogen und die Form des Krieges wandelte sich. Francisco de Goya wurde um 1800 Zeuge eines Guerillakampfes gegen die Franzosen und reflektierte dies in seinen Graphiken. Er ...read more YMCAThe Young Men's Christian Association is one of the largest and oldest youth movements in the world. From the perspective of organisation studies, the YMCA can be seen as a "successful organisation", since it has not changed its mission while expanding and extending its membership and clientele. This article ...read more InternationalismThe term "internationalism" denotes a variety of impulses and initiatives that favoured and facilitated cooperation between individuals, groups, organisations or governments. The multifarious nature of internationalism meant that it manifested itself in different places and manifold ways. Rather than being informed by a coherent political or social agenda, internationalism ...read more Mission, Kolonialismus und WertewandelDer Beitrag beschreibt Missionsprozesse in der (Fr hen) Neuzeit und analysiert das Spannungsverh ltnis zum Kolonialismus. Dabei ist strikt zwischen religi s-theologischen und politisch-kolonialen Logiken und Praktiken zu unterscheiden. Am Beispiel des fr hneuzeitlichen Hispano-Amerika tritt die enge Verquickung von kolonialer Herrschaft und kirchlicher Mission zu Tage, auf die scharfe Kolonialkritik und rechtlich-ethische ...read more Anatomical theatreThe anatomical theatre was a central medical institution in the early modern period. Designed and realized as sites of medical teaching, its manifestations were established and run by universities, physicians' corporations and surgeons' guilds with the support of municipal and state authorities. The aim was to demonstrate the structure ...read more WaterThis article discusses water as a substance and a historical subject matter. The focus is on the different historical, social and cultural functions that water performed. The following article will illustrate that water is not conceivable without land, and the diverse contact zones between the two are illustrated by ...read more Peace Processes in the Pre-Modern EraPeace processes shaped political and social transformations in pre-modern Europe on many levels. At the core of these peace processes was the negotiation and implementation of legal structures for the non-violent resolution of conflict, and these processes can be observed from the interpersonal level of social interaction up to ...read more Istanbul as a hub of early modern European diplomacyBy the 16th century at the latest, Istanbul had become a hub of early modern diplomacy that radiated to points far beyond Europe. The capital of the Ottoman Empire, which stretched over three continents, was a gateway for east-west trade and communication routes and thus at the same time ...read more MediterraneumThe Mediterranean region is a contact zone between Africa, Asia, and Europe a "fluid continent" (Gabriel Audisio), where religious and cultural, political and demographic boundaries have shifted several times in different directions since antiquity. The region can therefore be understood as a laboratory of globalization, in which "European" ...read more Red Cross and Red CrescentOut of the Geneva Committee for the relief of wounded soldiers and the development of international law, which was founded in 1863, developed the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, which is still thriving today. This movement became established not only in Christian countries or countries with a ...read more ReligionFrom the perspective of transfer history, religion has played an important role in European history in a number of ways. On the one hand, as a phenomenon it had a decisive and often eponymous influence on individual regions as religious and cultural spheres. Religious infrastructures such as monasteries, bishoprics ...read more Threads Theories and Methods Backgrounds Crossroads Models and Stereotypes Europe on the Road European Media European Networks Transnational Movements and Organisations Alliances and Wars Europe and the World

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