Endless Summer from Bailey Nurseries | Hydrangea Macrophylla

Web Name: Endless Summer from Bailey Nurseries | Hydrangea Macrophylla

WebSite: http://www.endlesssummerblooms.com





The world’s best-selling garden hydrangea.For those with an appreciation for fine outdoor living, no other hydrangea compares to Endless Summer®, the world’s first hydrangea bred to bloom all season long, season after season. No wonder it’s the world’s best-selling hydrangea. Get Inspired ByThe CollectionFive varieties, each with its own unique colors and characteristics. All feature the more compact size and denser form homeowners are looking for. Garden GabWhen questions crop up, Garden Gab has your answer. Get valuable tips and answers to common questions or ask your own. If the leaves are curling, it’s probably aphids. You can tackle aphids with drenching the leaves with dish soap and water. If there are holes in the leaves, it could be beetles. Pesticides may be effective, but picking them off and dropping them in a pail of soapy water works too. If something is eating just the new leaves, look for signs of slugs. To battle them, pour some beer in a shallow dish and place it in the garden next to the plant. Before you go straight to fertilizing, take a moment to rule out overwatering (damp yellow) or lack of water (crispy or dead). Next look at the foliage for signs of disease or insect damage. Could there have been a drift from a weed killer that might be distorting the foliage? With those things in mind, check for signs that nutrients are lacking. Here’s a helpful guide:Light green foliage and yellowing mature foliage can be a sign that a plant needs nitrogen.Chlorosis (light green leaves with dark green veins) can be a signal that a plant needs potassium.If older leaves are turning purple at the base and other leaves are dull, dark-green, there could be a deficiency of phosphorous.If none of these fit the bill or if you’re not sure, a soil test can help answer questions about missing nutrients. As always, ask your local garden center professional for guidance in selecting the best fertilizer for your soil and plants. That’s what they’re there for! My gardenia leaves turn yellow and the buds turn brown before falling off. What am I doing wrong? Are you watering the top of the plant, including the leaves, or watering the soil? If you are getting the leaves wet when watering, it can cause problems as can poor drainage. Poor drainage will cause both the leaves to yellow and buds to drop off. Another cause of yellow leaves is soil with a high pH. Too high, and the gardenia isn’t able to take in nutrients including magnesium and iron, resulting in yellow leaves. Buds dropping off can also be caused by low humidity. It’s easily solved by placing the container on a tray of pebbles with water. One more thought, if the evenings have been cool, the buds will react by dropping off. I hope these tips help and you are able to get your gardenia healthy again. Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Email Address *Zip CodePhoneSubmit

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No other hydrangea compares to Endless Summer, the world’s first hydrangea bred to bloom all season long, season after season. Learn more today.

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