Muscle Strain Information and Treatments

Web Name: Muscle Strain Information and Treatments






More Muscle Injury Facts:One common cause of muscle aches and pain is fibromyalgia, a condition that includes tenderness in your muscles and surrounding soft tissue, sleep difficulties, fatigue, and headachesMuscle pain may also be caused by certain drugs, including ACE inhibitors and statins. ACE inhibitors are widely used for lowering blood pressure and statins for lowering cholesterolIncomplete healing and re-injury can lead to a build up of scar tissue in the muscle causing further injury. The T Shellz Wrap is a very effective home treatment you can use to aid in scar tissue breakdown of muscle tissue.To heal as fast as possible:RestUse cold therapy to reduce pain, swelling.Use Deep Tissue Therapy treatments to accelerate the body's natural healing cycle.Avoid overuse of pain killersOnce swelling is reduced and healing has begun, start stretching the injured joint after warming up with a T Shellz Wrap . (stretching=good, straining=bad)Typical characteristics of a muscle injury are bruising, weakness, muscle tightness and the inability to stretch the area Advanced Muscle Injury Treatment OptionsWe Have Helped Thousands of Sufferers Get Rid of Their Deep Tissue Muscle Injuries, Strains, Tears, Pulls, Cramps and Spasms Over The Past 13 Years.A VERY LARGE PERCENTAGE OF OUR CLIENTS have:Accelerated the Healing Rate of their Inflamed Muscle InjuryDecreased Their Muscle Pain Quickly and Significantly.Reduced the Occurrence of Overcompensation Injuries.Decreased their Chance of Re-Injury by Healing More Completely & Quickly (less scar tissue).Increased the Range of Motion (ROM) in their affected joints (reduction of joint atrophy).Further Minimized Their Chance of Re-Injury by Learning About What Caused the Injury in the First Place....they simply decided to try our home treatment recommendations and committed themselves to a daily treatment protocol.Before you decide on a treatment path, an understanding of muscle function, the type of muscle injury you may have, and the three major stages of soft tissue healing is critical. With the right knowledge and the right treatment options, you can accelerate your recovery without the fear of re-injury or setbacks (which unfortunately, happens a LOT more often than it should - we will explain why further down the page).For years, professional athletes have had access to treatment methods that allow them to heal much more quickly and completely than you or I. That's why injured athletes are often back in the game in a matter of weeks, while you could suffer for months or even years. Times have changed - Professional Grade muscle therapy devices are now available for anyone that needs them!Muscles injuries can, and do happen to anyone - not just professional athletes. Right now there are thousands of doctors and physical therapists dealing with patients that require a solution to heal their injury as fast as possible. Maybe they are competitive weightlifters, wrestlers or football players that need to return to their sport quickly (downtime = money). Or maybe they're just patients that are unwilling to just take pain pills, lay in bed and wait.No matter who you are or your reasons, if you want to properly deal with your muscle pain / injury and minimize the negative impact it will have on your lifestyle, you need to learn about AidMyMuscle's Deep Tissue Rehab system utilizing home treatments with T Shellz Wrap . We have many happy customers that have healed their muscle injuries faster than they expected and significantly reduced their pain during treatment.If you've been living with muscle pain or a strain for some time now, it's almost a sure thing that you're feeling discouraged from the on-going pain and re-injury cycle. Seemingly simple things may now seem impossible - like reaching for a high shelf if you suffer from a shoulder muscle injury, twisting your leg if you have a groin, hip, hamstring or quadriceps muscle injury, or standing on your tip-toes if you have calf or shin pain. The constant pain in your muscle, occasionly shooting twinges and overall weakness just adds to the long-term misery of dealing with this type of injury.For muscle injury sufferers it's really not necessary to face the months or years of horrible muscle pain. The truth is that your body already knows how to heal your muscle injury. Your body will even start healing from the moment that it's injured. It truly is amazing what your body is capable of... but these healing processes need help to speed up healing of serious soft tissue injuries and help provide long-term, sustainable results.Regardless of whether you just injured your muscle or your muscle keeps getting strained and re-injured - we can definitely help!You won't find any better deep tissue heat option for treat your muscle injury at home.In fact, our same products are recommended more and more often by physical therapists as a way for you, their client, to treat yourself between physical therapy sessions. The AidMyMuscle rehab system utilizing the increasingly popular T Shellz Wraps are the FDA registered, medical treatment devices that you can use at home.Stage 1: Reduce Initial Inflammation (if there is any)Inflammation is the body's natural response to an immediate soft tissue injury and is a normal part of the healing process - helping to reduce tissue infection in the early stages of injury. Swelling, pain, heat sensation, redness, and loss of function are the main symptoms experienced.The combination of rest, topical pain relief cream and minor amounts of cold therapy is the gold standard in medicine for minimizing tissue damage and reducing inflammation after injury or activity. It serves as a critical bridge into the next phase of the healing process.There are certain cases where inflammation is very minor or even non-existent. This behavior is often found in tendinosis and osteoarthritis injuries. If there is no swelling, then there is little need for cold therapy - and as such, treatment should proceed directly to stage 2.Stage 2: Enhance Blood Flow to the Injured Soft TissueTendons,ligaments, cartilage, and muscle fibres are dense tissues. As a result, they naturally receive limited blood flow and this is precisely why injuries to these tissues take so long to heal. The challenge is, how do you effectively increase blood flow to these tissues?Rigorous exercise is out of the question as it will lead to further injury.Heating pads merely provide a surface heat and do not effectively penetrate into the dense tissues.Therapy is helpful, but that only happens a few times a week.It is through the blood the body carries the nutrients, oxygen, and antibodies that injured muscles (and other soft tissue) need to repair and rebuild. Research shows that electromagnetic energy is a very effective treatment for stimulating blood flow to dense tissues such as tendons, ligaments, muscles, and even portions of cartilage. Enhanced blood flow can dramatically improve the healing process.When you have a muscle injury, there is reduced blood flow to the injury site - inflammation and reduced movement (lack of activity or on-going immobility) will reduce the flow of blood - and if you think about it, this makes sense. If you are moving your injured muscles, you run a risk of increasing the severity of the injury which is not good at all. If there has been some healing, you could re-injure your muscle all over again, and even injure it worse.Electromagnetic energy is an energy waveform that is absorbed by dense tissue (muscles, tendons, ligaments) and absorbed much less by low density tissue (fat cells, skin). Absorption of this energy translates to heat, and the body increases blood flow to the area as a response to the heat. This increased blood flow speeds up the body's healing process, clearing the area of toxins and excess fluid build up, thereby reducing inflammation. This process is simply known as DTR Therapy, and stands for Deep Tissue Regeneration Therapy. This is a very important tool for complete and fast healing!Electromagnetic Energy is recognized in scientific circles as a legitimate treatment for many forms of muscle and soft tissue injuries.With dedication, the right tools, and the right information - you will achieve your goal of a sustainable recovery. A combination approach of cold therapy, deep heat treatments, and functional movements will make it happen much more quickly.In our experience, soft tissue repair rates via conservative home treatment methods using a dedicated, comprehensive approach have surprised many of our clients, but will differ from person to person. In nearly all cases, however, it is very important to stop whatever you were doing that created the injury in the first place (ie. running, yoga).If you have questions, we welcome you to call our office toll-free at 1-866-237-9608 (Continental US), or Internationally at +1-705-532-1671.Partial muscle tears, muscle spasms, pulled muscles and muscle strains are painful injuries that can flare-up over a long period of time unless treated properly. The most common reason for these injuries is from lack of stretching (not warming up) before doing some form of actvity that puts high loads on the muscle.The first thing your physician will tell you is to stop doing whatever it was that caused this problem in the first place. This is a big problem for many people when you're trying to heal this injury because it usually means you'll have to take time off from work to heal. If you aren't working the other option is to stop all activity related to the injury and rely on someone else to help you. If this sounds like you then you know how important it is to heal your muscle injury quickly and make sure it doesn't happen again.Your muscle can get strained when it's stretched beyond its' limit or it's in a vulnerable position. When this happens the muscle tissue becomes strained or torn. Acute muscle strains are caused by a direct hit, fall or from overloading the muscle. Chronic muscle strains can happen from overuse (repetitive stresses) or past unhealed injuries. Muscle damage can range from small strains to partial and complete ruptures which are serious injuries. Only a physician can give you an accurate assessment of your muscle injury. It's always best to see a doctor if you're not sure how severe your muscle injury is.After you've actually strained the muscle the overall wear and tear on a daily basis will increase. This is why it's very important to rest and heal the injury completely before returning to your normal activities. If muscle strains or pulls aren't cared for properly, these injuries will eventually become chronic. Once in the chronic stage, the muscle becomes less flexible from scar tissue build-up.If you have a chronic muscle strain or partial tear and decide to continue with your regular activities your injury will get worse. Tiny tears will start to form around any scar tissue on your muscle. These tears will then grow over with scar tissue and turn your injury into a cycle of re-injury and build-up of massive amounts of scar tissue. Knowing this, it's important to deal with your strained muscle fully and completely to minimize the build up of significant scar tissue and maintain a flexible muscles.Recovery can take a long time but proper healing is essential to regain strength and get you back to the activities you enjoy. Complete recovery can be easily delayed by re-injury to your muscle. It's almost impossible to keep from re-straining the muscles because even in a sling our shoulder can still move. It's just not possible to stop everything and rest the injury properly. What ends up happening is we continually re-injure the muscle through our daily activities further setting back our recovery.Muscle injury sufferers will always be at risk of re-injuring their muscle because even when the pain is gone the muscle still isn't fully healed. But, when pain disappears, that's you start using their your muscle normally again because you think it is fully healed although it almost certainly is not. It's just not possible to stop everything and rest the injury properly. Everyone has demands that make them keep going and when we're active we prevent our muscles from fully healing.What it Really Means to have a Muscle StrainThe amount of pain you will feel from a muscle strain will vary largely depending on the severity of the strain. The 3 grades of muscle strain are as follows:Grade 1 Muscle StrainThis is the mildest form of muscle strain, and is characterised by the feeling of a general ache in the area. A grade 1 strain should not hinder a persons ability to function casually, but will prevent them from undertaking significant stress on the muscle. The ache occurs during the activity and slowly disappears once the activity is stopped. If a correction to the activities is not made, then the condition will progress to a grade 2 level. Correction to the activity could include changing routines (RSI), the way the activity is performed (mechanics of form/performance) and/or more rest period length between activity periods.Grade 2 Muscle StrainA grade 2 muscle strain condition typically means that the pain becomes more pinpointed and tender at the area of the strain. Edema (excess fluid build-up) may occur at this stage, and symptoms will continue even after the activity is stopped. As a grade 2 condition progresses, swelling will progress as will suddens spikes of pain.Grade 3 Muscle StrainIf you are suffering from a grade 3 muscle strain, you really have undergone a major muscle tear or even a full rupture. Range of Motion in the affected joint(s) will be severely limited and there will be significant bruising and swelling within 24 hours of the injury. Further to this, you will now be involuntarily compensating for this pain by using other joints in the body when attempting to perform activities (overcompensation).How Long to Recover from a Muscle StrainThe length of time to recover from a muscle strain is very much dependent on the grade of the strain, and can span from a couple days to 6 months. Many studies suggest that a fast treatment response during the acute (initial) stage of the injury will lead to a very significant reduction in rehabilitation time.Muscle Reinjury RiskAs shown in studies, the recurrence rate for strained muscles will vary depending on which muscle is affected. For the hamstring - a large set of muscles that undergo serious forces when waling/running/climbing stairs - the recurrence rate is very very high (22% to 34%). This means that hamstring injury sufferers have at least a 1 in 4 chance of injuring their hamstring yet again - once the initial injury has healed. We all have busy lives and when we are active we prevent strained muscles from healing properly, leading to a longer recovery time with an increased chance of re-injury.Constant re-injury needs to be avoided at all costs! Please excuse me for stating the obvious, but I really need to drive this point home. Re-Injury is very common... why? Everyone wants to get back to their regular lifestyle once the pain has reduced. Here is where you have to be careful - often, much of the pain is due to inflammation - so, once you iced the area and the swelling dropped, a lot of the pain probably disappeared too. So then you start back at your regular lifestyle and then all of a sudden the old injury starts flaring up again - this is re-injury!Just Because The Pain Has Dropped, It Does Not Mean The Underlying Injury Has HealedRe-Injury is bad because sure, it delays the healing process, but what's worse is that every re-injury and additional healing cycle increases the amount of scar tissue that builds up in the area of your original muscle injury (the quadricep muscle.. or lower back, for instance). This applies to tendons, ligaments and other connective tissue as well.Scar tissue is a weak form of collagen - hard, inflexible, and tough to get rid of once it begins to take hold. The more scar tissue that develops, the more you lose the range of motion in the joint. With excess scar tissue build up, lack of flexibility in your muscles and the affected joint in general will remain weak and very prone to re-straining and re-tearing.While you can go a number of days and even a few weeks without any major setbacks during the injury.. inevitably, a certain movement or motion will happen that causes your injured muscle to strain and even tear once again. This is attributed to the scar tissue build up and will result in the buildup of yet more scar tissue and a further reduced range of motion (ROM).The more scar tissue that develops, the greater the risk of winding up permanently injured with chronic pain, atrophy or even arthritis. Scar tissue means that your muscle (and affected joint) will not perform as well as it once did and it makes it much more prone to injury later on. The longer the injury remains, the risk of atrophy increases and the risk of increased scar tissue growth increases. This is why it is critical to treat your muscle injury now rather than later.Continuous re-injury and build-up of scar tissue makes it more likely that you will wind up with chronic pain, reduced Range of Motion or even arthritis (permanent damage).The human body will use scar tissue as a temporary solution and will try to build the scar tissue as fast as possible to heal tears in soft tissue (muscles, tendons). Scar tissue can form fast to bring together the edges of a tear, but working fast doesn't mean that the job's done right. When scar tissue forms it doesn't come together as neatly as regular (healthy) tendon/ligament tissue would. Scar tissue fibers will lay down over top of your tear in a cluttered, messy and jumbled up way.This is how scar tissue works - it is messy and inelastic. The scar tissue that forms in your soft tissue will be unorganized and won't line up properly with the healthy tissue surrounding the tear. This scar tissue will attach to everything in and around your muscle injury including the surrounding healthy tissue as well. This results in a long-term fusing together of everything the scar tissue touches, reducing your ability to move and making the injury even more painful!The longer the injury remains, the more scar tissue is likely to build. This is why it is critical to treat your muscle injury now rather than later.Continuous re-injury and build-up of scar tissue while staying active or going back to work means you'll have a greater chance of winding up with on-going pain, and even more swelling / inflammation in your muscles.If you have strains or spasms in your muscle(s) it is very important to heal it quickly and completely. You must avoid the build up of scar tissue. If you don't, your muscle injury may be the start of a long term chronic injury resulting in a loss of Range of Motion and joint atrophy. This is where pro athletes have the advantage. They use therapeutic tools to speed their healing so that they are 100% healed before they resume their sport. Even once they return to the sport, they use these tools constantly to heal any recurring tendon or muscle damage before it can build into something big. For professional athletes, having the right tools means all the difference. For the rest of us having the right tools should be just as important.A Muscle Strain Does Not Have to Persist for Months or Longer. Here is Why It Does For ManyRecovery from a muscle strain or muscle tear can take a long time, especially when some of the less effective, traditional methods are utilized. This is simply because many treatments either focus on masking of pain or are too inconsistent to provide sustainable improvement.1: Cortisone Injections Can Cause More Harm Than GoodThe issue we find with cortisone injections is that people get a false sense that their injury is healed because they are not experiencing the pain they once did. Some individuals even engage in activities they should not be doing because they "no longer feel pain". Once the effects of the cortisone wear off in a few days or a week, people often find they have done more damage to the muscle. This of course, results in a prolonged recovery.Merely masking the pain is not a solution; it is just a temporary fix. Cortisone does not provide a permanent contribution to any stage of healing.2: Physical Therapy Helps (We Always Recommend It), But It Can Be Costly And InconvenientWhile we tout the benefits of physical therapy and believe it to be integral for most sufferers of soft tissue injuries, the problem is that people only attend sessions a few times a week.To truly provide a long term solution to your strained or spasming muscle, you need to be receiving multiple treatments on a daily basis. Not just any type of treatments, but ones that focus on generation of new healthy tissue - along with proper synthesis of that tissue as well.Treatments for soft tissue (muscle, tendon) injuries are cumulative in nature...meaning the more the treatments are administered, the faster the benefits can be experienced. Who these days has time to visit a therapist on a daily basis? Not only is your time limited, but the cost of daily physical therapy sessions is out of reach for most people. Therefore, the focus needs to be on adding treatment options that can be done frequently, from the comfort of your own home (and even the workplace if the opportunity presents itself). We will discuss these options later on down the page.3: People Tend To Focus Too Much On Cold Therapy TreatmentsThis is the third and final reason for extended soft tissue injury causes. We see it all the time - people for weeks and even months only focus on using cold therapy.Doing too much cold therapy will actually inhibit the recovery because you are starving the injured tissues of the blood flow they need to repair and rebuild the collagen. Cold restricts the vessels - reducing the blood flow to the tissues that truly need it most.Cold therapy treatments should be more focused on in the earliest stages of an injury with much less focus in the mid and latter stages.The truth is, there will always some mild inflammation associated with tissue injuries. However, that inflammation will always remain UNTIL you begin to focus on healing the soft tissue (muscle). Once this begins to heal, the inflammation will then subside more permanently - not just temporarily like with cold therapy treatments.As an analogy, think of a home with a leaky roof. You can place a bucket on the floor of the attic whenever it rains - and this will help temporarily, but does it truly address the situation? Obviously the answer is no. Not until you focus on repairing the structural issues with the roof - will the problem be actually solved.The same concept applies to injured soft tissue - you need to focus on rebuilding and repairing them. To do this, you need more blood flow reaching them, not less.Muscle Injuries - They Certainly Are Life Changing Aren't They...If you've been living with the agony of a significant muscle spasm or strain for some time now, it's almost a sure thing that you're feeling discouraged, tired, and worn-out. Seemingly simple chores are now impossible - like getting in and out of seats (or your car), using a hammer/scredriver, walking the dog or just standing and walking for significant periods of time. The constant pain has no doubt interrupted your sleep, just adding to the long-term misery that this condition can bring on.It is challenging to keep from re-straining muscles and tendons once they have been injured significantly.It's just not possible to stop life's activities for weeks/months to rest. What ends up happening is we continually re-injure the muscle through our daily activities - further setting back our recovery. Each time the muscle is placed under significant stress, the chance of tissue breakdown and growth of scar tissue becomes more likely.Every time we use our injured muscle, damaged and swollen tendons and muscle tissue move; when they are inflamed, every movement hurts. With injured tissue, pain happens - sometimes a LOT of pain, so we try not to move it. So, when doing something we need to use our muscles for (climbing stairs, getting up from the sofa, typing on a keyboard, playing tennis, swimming), we start to use other muscles more (instead of the muscles that are causing pain). Our body will automatically try to use other muscles to reduce pain even though it is inconvenient. This concept of using other muscles/joints to complete a task is known as overcompensation.A couple days later - after purposefully avoiding movement of our damaged muscle(s), the pain and swelling have gone down and this is where the trouble begins! The pain disappeared with the swelling but we still aren't fully healed! Not knowing this, we start using our hamstring normally again and then the injury swells up again like it did before - all because the injury wasn't fully healed in the first place. So the pain comes back and now we start overcompensating yet again.Eventually, we start overcompensating more and more in an attempt to lessen the pain. The problem is now that many of the muscles and joints you are relying on due to overcompensation are now being overused. This means that aches and pain now become commonplace in areas that you weren't expecting - all as a result of the original muscle injury and the body's instinctive nature to "protect" the orginal injury - all because the injury wasn't fully healed in the first place! A typical example might be someone that has twisted their right knee and after a couple weeks, their left knee, hip and ankle are radiating a lot of pain due to all the body weight being placed on the left side due to right knee pain.Everything in the human body is connected. Any muscle injury can lead to other injuries over time if not treated properly. You might start using your opposite arm or leg to perform normal daily activities, like carrying grocery bags or moving things around your house. You may also try to use the opposite side of your body to get back to work sooner to avoid waiting for your muscle injury to heal completely.Many of our clients have experienced pain in other areas of their body because they shift the "work" to the opposite side of their body. For example, a serious muscle strain in the right forearm can often lead to over-straining of the left forearm (a roofer would switch from holding a nailgun in the dominant, injured arm to the other weaker arm and likely strain that forearm quite easily). Most commonly, the injury occurs on the dominant side, so the risk of straining the other (weaker) side increases. The longer the injury (and corresponding pain) persists, the greater the chance that you will sustain more strain from overcompensation, eventually leading to issues in those areas as well. To minimize potential secondary injuries, know that it is important to deal with your muscle injury quickly and completely.We continually re-injure our strained muscle through our daily activities and now this injury has become a chronic injury.Muscle imbalances result, placing tension on bone and softer tissues - leading to a misalignment within the body. The extra stress on the opposite side of the body will also result in weakness and fatigue of soft tissue - increasing the chances they can eventually be injured or gradually degenerate. This is a textbook example of how you get an overcompensation injury. In some cases, physical therapists warn that overcompensation can be very dangerous - in the lower body, back or hips it can affect gait or alignment on a permanent basis.An injury to one muscle can easily lead to straining in other areas, making an overall recovery hard to initiate. For example, a serious shoulder muscle strain in the right shoulder can often lead to over-straining of the left shoulder. Most commonly, the injury occurs on the dominant side, so the risk of straining the other (weaker) side increases. The longer the injury (and corresponding pain) persists, the greater the chance that you will sustain more strain from overcompensation, eventually leading to issues in those areas as well. To minimize potential secondary injuries, know that it is important to deal with your muscle injury quickly and completely.Even if you try to avoid over compensation pain in your healthy muscles you're still at risk for re-injuring your strained / pulled muscle. Ignoring over compensation pain and the pain felt in your muscle while returning to regular activities or your job can lead to even more problems with healing - like a chronic muscle injury or the formation of massive amounts of scar tissue in and around your muscles and tendons. Muscle strains can become a vicious cycle - which is why it is absolutely critical to focus on healing methods designed to rebuild and strengthen the injured muscles in a timely manner. The faster you truly heal, the less chance you have of sinking into a downward spiral of re-injury, scar tissue growth and overcompensation injuries.Okay, So I Have a Muscle Injury...What Should I Do Now?If you suspect you may have a strained, spasming or torn muscle, the first thing to do is consult your physician; only your physician can give you a proper diagnosis and from this, determine a course of proper treatment. After seeking medical advice, your physician will determine if your muscle is in fact torn or strained. If you have a fully torn muscle(avulsion) your physician will probably recommend surgery for re-attachment as there is limited options with complete detachment.If your muscle is strained or partially torn, your physician will almost always recommend conservative treatment options.Stage 1: If the muscle injury is very recent - use a good quality cold pack and Arnica Pain Relief Cream. If the injury has been going on for awhile, then skip to Stage 2 below.If you are experiencing pain and swelling in the very early stages of the injury (first 48 to 72 hours), the first step in a conservative treatment protocol would be to focus on reducing the discomfort by applying a Cold Compress or Ice Pack to the injured muscle along with a high quality pain relief cream such as our Arnica Infusion Cream. Not only will you use your Cold Compress or Ice Pack for the first 48 to 72 hours after the injury, but you should also use it during other stages of the healing process. Some examples include...after any activity that stresses your injured muscles in a moderate way. It is wise to quickly apply cold therapy to not only reduce the pain, but to also minimize tissue damage that may have occurred during the prior event.If you have a job that requires you to place some demands on your injured muscle. If that is the case, use cold therapy immediately following work and if the opportunity allows - use it for 15 to 20 minutes during lunch or another break time.If you are in a post-operative situation where cold compression therapy would be utilized heavily for at least the first few weeks following the procedure. Similarly, if you are scheduled for upcoming surgery, then you will need some type of cold temperature treatment to use.Having a Cold Compress or Ice Pack available at home to use if and when the need arises is helpful. Many of you already do so.However, too many people over-focus on cold therapy while ignoring the most critical aspect to healing - nourishing the injured tissues with a healthy supply of blood flow needed to repair and rebuild the injured tissues.This leads to the most important recommendation...Stage 2: Focus on Increasing Blood Flow To The Injured Muscle - As This is The ONLY Way It Will Heal For the Long-Term Even though the concept is simple, improving blood flow to injured soft tissue can be difficult. When the injury is preventing movement, the challenges are even greater. Traditional methods require your muscle to move to promote blood flow (exercise), but that same motion that promotes blood flow can at times lead to making your pain and condition worse. Have you re-injured your muscle by returning to work too quickly?How many times in the past have you aggravated your muscle just trying to perform basic tasks around the home?Is your debilitating injury preventing you from work or activities you love to do?Most people we deal with tell us these scenarios have happened to them many times in the past. Perhaps it has already happened to you.Promoting blood flow within a muscle or soft tissue injury to help the body heal itself is a concept that has been utilized for centuries. This is where the focus has to be if you are seeking long-term improvement.Oxygen and nutrients, carried within the blood, are critical for the body to heal itself. Without proper blood flow, recovering from an injury or condition will be delayed...sometimes for a very long period of time.The real challenge is how do you promote blood flow to your muscle without causing further injury?When people think blood flow beyond exercise, they instantly think "heating pad". Unfortunately, many individuals make the mistake in believing that a simple heating pad or microwavable gel packs will provide the blood flow needed to heal injured tissues. Nothing could be further from the truth.To begin with, heating pads and warmed gel packs work on conduction. The heat they generate has to be forced through multiple layers of skin and fatty tissues. With each layer of skin the heat passes through, there is a corresponding energy loss because that heat is absorbing into each layer it passes through- the skin is an excellent insulator! Your body responds to this heat by increasing the blood flow near your skins surface (not in your injured tissue) to dissipate the heat and it does so quite effectively.By the time what little heat reaches below the skin, sub-dermal layer and fat layer into the targeted area (the dense, injured tissues), very little energy remains and this does not effectively enhance blood flow. With little blood flow reaching these injured tissues - healing just doesn't happen.The heating pad may feel comforting when on the body, but that is because the warmth is absorbing into the skin. Moist heat has been believed to be more effective at warming internal tissues versus dry heat, because it is believed that water transfers heat more quickly than through air. Clinical studies do not support that popular belief.When you are using a heating pad, all that you are really accomplishing is warming of the skin. The unintended consequence is that you draw blood flow AWAY from the targeted tissues (the injured ones deeper in the body) and direct the blood flow to the surface of the body.Warming the skin will not significantly contribute to healing of muscles, tendons, ligaments, cartilage, or any other tissues.So If A Heating Pad Is Not The Answer, What Is?In order to effectively stimulate blood flow to the dense tissue deep within the body, an energy based on an electromagnetic principle (diathermy) is needed. In essence, this is a conversion energy vs a conductive heat (like the heating pad example above - that is conductive heat). Electromagnetic energy waves are not conductive heat waves - they are a much longer wavelength and hence, penetrate deep into the body. They are very safe and very effective as research over decades has shown. The F.D.A recognizes this as fact.When these energy waves are emitted,they penetrate right through your skin and fat layers until they are absorbed by tissue high in protein. This means ligaments, muscles, cartilage, tendons and bone. Once they reach the targeted areas, they are absorbed and quickly converted into thermal energy... right at the location of the injury.This results in relaxation of the vessel walls. The vessels then gently expand, allowing for more nutrient rich blood flow along with extra oxygen and antibodies to reach the damaged tissues. Plus, the enhanced blood flow helps in flushing cell waste and fluid build-up from the injury site - further enhancing the ability of the body to heal.As mentioned above, standard heating pads and heated gel packs accomplish the exact opposite of your goals. They direct blood flow to the skin, not to the injured muscles and soft tissues you are trying to heal.Electromagnetic energy is a form of energy will easily penetrate through clothing, skin, and fatty tissues... directly into your injured muscles and soft tissues - deep within your body. After the energy absorbs into your muscles, the metabolic response then kick starts the repair and rebuilding process.More blood now begins to flow effectively to the injured tissues deep within the body. The injured tissue needs the extra blood flow to heal as it is through the blood the body carries the oxygen, nutrients, and antibodies needed for proper and long-term healing.While the concept of electromagnetic energy is slowly catching on in North America, the truth is, it is a technology that has been utilized in other societies for decades. Over the past 30 years, researchers in Japan and China have completed extensive studies on the use of the modality and their findings have been impressive. In addition, success has been reported in studies from countries such as Sweden and Germany.Research is continuing and soon, much of North America will know what the Far East and Europe has known for a long time; electromagnetic energy provides a wide range of health benefits for those not only suffering from muscle injuries, but for many other ailments (plantar fasciitis, bursitis, tendinitis, Tenosynovitis, frozen shoulder, golfer's elbow, tennis elbow, etc.) as well.Now, on to recommendation number two in the journey to heal your muscle injury...The T Shellz Wrap - Heal Your Muscle For The Long TermThe best option we came across in our research to accomplish true healing of deep muscle injuries is the T Shellz Wrap . Use of this device results in a substantial increase in deep heat. The body responds to deep heat via an increase in blood circulation, thus enhancing the body's ability to heal soft tissue in the treatment area - all in a non-invasive manner.Have you seen what happens when you add water to a flower wilted from drought? In essence, your injured muscle is much like a "wilted" flower; your body wants to heal its injury, but needs lots of nutrients to do it. Blood brings new life to your cells by delivering healing nutrients and oxygen that are vital to your tissue. In addition, the blood carries away toxins and cellular waste cleaning the area and healing it faster. Without a good supply of blood, your injured muscle simply won't heal properly.Using a T Shellz Wrap will not expose you to the risk of causing further harm to soft tissue like you can when using rigorous exercise. The T Shellz Wrap accomplishes the goal of enhanced blood flow without the need for intensive exercise and as such reduces your risk of re-injury.T Shellz Wrap = Deep Heat for Your Injured Muscles (and other soft tissue)The T Shellz Wrap is based on the scientifically validated principle of Electromagnetic energy as we discussed previously. This form of treatment is safe and effective as shown in numerous studies which can be referenced through the National Library of Medicine. Professional athletes and those in the medical field have been users of the technology for decades - it really hasn't been until recently that companies like ours introduced the treatment devices to the home user.The healing energy from the T Shellz Wrap does not absorb into the skin - it absorbs directly into the damaged muscle and soft tissue (as a result, you will not feel the same level of heat on the skin versus a heating pad). The longer wavelength provides the electromagnetic energy wrap with the capability of penetrating deep into the body (well over two and a half inches). EM energy emitted from the T Shellz Wrap is absorbed by high protein tissue (muscle, tendon, ligament, cartilage) and is converted into Kinetic energy - much of this energy being released as heat. Overall, EM energy will warm soft tissues, improve blood circulation, and boost metabolism and enzyme activity. In stimulating localized blood flow to damaged soft tissue, you provide needed oxygen, nutrients, and antibodies to regenerate new, healthy collagen. In addition, you will experience a clearing of toxins and excess fluid build up from the injury site. Over the intermediate term, this helps to reduce incidents of swelling as trapped fluids will be whisked away - reducing pressure on blood vessels.Using the T Shellz Wrap is truly a unique experience. Within moments of applying a treatment to your injured muscle(s), you can feel the healing sensation due to the increase in blood flow deep within the area. During a treatment, and for quite some time after you finish, the treated area will feel relaxed and less painful. It's a very soothing sensation and extremely effective. If you have injured your muscles, tendons or other soft tissue, then the T-Shell Wrap will accelerate your body's healing rate via increased blood circulation.If you are dealing with conditions affecting your range of motion such as an impingement or even arthritis.If you have tight or shortened muscles that are a high risk of strain- this device provides deep heat - a known and proven way to increase length, elasticity and flexibility of muscles, tendons and ligaments. The T Shellz Wrap is basically a home treatment device to reduce your risk of incurring soft tissue strain.If you are still working with an injured muscle, the T Shellz Wrap will help relax injured soft tissue prior to work and after a day at the job.If you are still trying to enjoy your favorite activities such as gardening, tennis, golf, etc - use the T Shellz Wrap prior to activity to help reduce chances of re-injuring or re-aggravating those targeted tissues.If you are experiencing atrophy in your muscles, tendons or ligaments and want to reduce the chance of re-injury - this is a perfect treatment to use on a regular basis.If you have been to physical therapy for some form of regenerative therapy and your physical therapist or physician told you to get a radiant energy wrap as a part of your recovery protocol, then this is exactly what you need.If you have injured your muscle or other soft tissue and need surgery, then this is exactly what you need after your surgery to help the surgically repaired tissues rebuild for long-term health. (once the surgery wound has healed)Increased Blood Circulation = Increased Healing RateSome of the more common muscle conditions that our clients have suffered from:On-Going Muscle Pain.Sprained or Strained Muscle Injuries.Muscle Spasms and Cramps.Forearm Muscle Pain, Pulled Forearm Muscles, Forearm Muscle Strain, Rupture, Tears and even Elbow Tendonitis. Trapezius Muscle Strain, Upper Back / Shoulder Muscle Pain, Pulled Trapezius Muscle.Pulled Hamstring Muscle, Back of the Thigh Pain / Strain, Hamstring Tendonitis.Calf Muscle Strain, Tennis Leg Synrome, Gastrocnemius Muscle Pain, Pulled Calf Muscle, Calf Muscle Tear.Shin Splints, General Calf Muscle Pain, Posteromedial Shin Splints, Anterolateral Shin Splints.Quadriceps Muscle Strain, Thigh Muscle Pain, Pulled Quadriceps Muscle.Female or Male Groin Pulls, Groin / Inner Thigh Muscle Pain / Strain, Hip Muscle Pain.Shoulder Muscle Pain, Deltoid Muscle Strain, Pulled Rotator Cuff Muscles.Strained Bicep Muscle, Tricep Muscle Strain.Muscle Pain from Fibromyalgia or a Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI).General Muscle Pain.Chronic Muscle Pain and Inflammation.T Shellz Wraps contain a unique, flexible Carbon Fiber Energy Pad which is flexible and will shape to conform to your body. This Energy Pad emits a uniform wave of perfectly safe electromagnetic energy over its entire surface. This energy travels deep inside below the skin and sub-dermal layers and is absorbed by dense tissue such as muscles, tendons and ligaments. Much of the absorbed energy is converted to heat - deep down where it is needed most; your body responds to this deep heat by stimulating blood flow and it is this blood flow that your own body needs to heal your injury, faster. It is the electromagnetic energy that is crucial to the healing process.Benefits attributed to Electromagnetic Energy(the energy used in TShellz Wraps):A Summary from Chapter 9 of "Therapeutic Heat and Cold", 4th edition.( link) Ed. Justus F. Lehmann, M.D., Williams, and Wilkin.Generally it is accepted that heat on soft tissue (muscles, tendons, ligaments) provides the following desirable therapeutic effects:Electromagnetic heat increases the extensibility of collagen tissuesTissues heated to 45 degrees Celsius and then stretched exhibit a nonelastic residual elongation of about 0.5 to 0.9 percent that persists after the stretch is removed. This does not occur in these same tissues when stretched at normal tissue temperatures. Therefore 20 stretching sessions can produce a 10 to 18 percentage increase in length of tissues heated and stretched.Stretching of tissue in the presence of heat would be especially valuable in working with ligaments, joint capsules, tendons, fascia, and synovium that have become scarred, thickened, or contracted. Such stretching at 45 degrees Celsius caused much less weakening in stretched tissues for a given elongation than a similar elongation produced at normal tissue temperatures.Experiments cited clearly showed low-force stretching could produce significant residual elongation when heat is applied together with stretching or range-of-motion exercises. This is safer than stretching tissues at normal tissue temperatures.Electromagnetic heat decreases joint stiffness.There was a 20 percent decrease in rheumatoid finger joint stiffness at 45 degrees Celsius (112 degrees Fahrenheit) as compared with 33 degrees Celsius (92 degrees Fahrenheit), which correlated perfectly to both subjective and objective observation of stiffness. Speculation has it that any stiffened joint and thickened connective tissues may respond in a similar fashion.Electromagnetic heat relieves muscle spasms.Muscle spasms have long been observed to be reduced through the use of heat, be they secondary to underlying skeletal, joint, or neuropathological conditions. This result is possibly produced by the combined effect of heat on both primary and secondary afferent nerves from spindle cells and from its effects on Golgi tendon organs. The results produced demonstrated their peak effect within the therapeutic temperature range obtainable with electromagnetic heat.Electromagnetic heat treatment leads to pain relief.Pain may be relieved via the reduction of attendant or secondary spasms. Pain is also at times related to ischemia (lack of blood supply) due to tension or spasm that can be improved by the hyperemia that heat-induced vasodilatation produces, thus breaking the feedback loop in which the ischemia leads to further spasm and then more pain.Heat has been shown to reduce pain sensation by direct action on both free-nerve endings in tissues and on peripheral nerves. In one dental study, repeated heat applications led finally to abolishment of the whole nerve response responsible for pain arising from dental pulp.Localized electromagnetic therapy using lamps tuned to the 2 to 25 micron waveband is used for the treatment and relief of pain by over 40 reputable Chinese medical institutes.Electromagnetic heat increases blood flow.Heating muscles produces an increased blood flow level similar to that seen during exercise. Temperature elevation also produces an increased blood flow and dilation directly in capillaries, arterioles, and venules, probably through direct action on their smooth muscles. The release of bradykinin, released as a consequence of sweat-gland activity, also produces increased blood flow and vasodilatation.Electromagnetic heat assists in resolution of inflammatory infiltrates, edema, and exudates.Increased peripheral circulation provides the transport needed to help evacuate edema, which can help inflammation, decrease pain, and help speed healing.Electromagnetic heat affects soft tissue injury.Electromagnetic healing is now becoming a leading edge care for soft tissue injuries to promote both relief in chronic or intractable "permanent" cases, and accelerated healing in newer injuries.Best of all...The T Shellz Wrap , is an FDA Registered Medical Device and is suitable for use in therapeutic clinics and FROM HOME. It is completely safe for people and patients to use for themselves.As mentioned earlier, the use of electromagnetic energy is becoming much more commonplace in North America for everyday people. The technology has been used for decades in the worlds of professional and amateur sport - a contributing factor as to why athletes seem to recover from injuries so quickly.Have you ever wondered by an athlete can return to activity after 3 or 4 weeks following a muscle injury - while your average person takes much longer to return back to normal? The secret isn't really that much of a secret - it involves consistent treatments (meaning multiple times a day) using a diathermy treatment like the T Shellz Wrap to stimulate blood flow in and around injured soft tissue. Often, athletes have the luxury of using in-house therapy facilities many times per day.How many us can afford the time and money to visit a therapy clinic multiple times a day? Very few indeed. This is how you can gain the same advantage that athletes enjoy in healing their own injuries - by using a device like the T Shellz Wrap two or three times a day on a consistent basis.Consistent Treatments = Consistent And Long Term ImprovementWe believe the T Shellz Wrap to be one of the most effective deep-tissue heat treatments that can be used at home. The body will respond to deep heat by increasing blood flow in the area in an attempt to reduce the heat. This increased blood flow provides a greater healing response to dense, injured soft tissue such as muscles, tendons and ligaments.We can promise that you will receive a product that is designed to be safe and does what it is supposed to do...quickly relieve pain and aid in the recovery from tendon, muscle and other soft tissue injuries.The unit plugs into a standard wall outlet to get its power. The nice thing about the power supply is that the same unit can be used in North America and overseas as well. It has the capability to operate between 110v and 230v.It has a special signal controller that can be set for 3 different power levels of application (3=High, 2=Medium, 1=Low). The cord is long so you can sit or lie comfortably and watch TV, read or surf the net while you're using it.Treatments are max 30 minutes in duration and the device can be worn over clothing. This allows you to use the device at work, at home, or really anywhere you have access to an electrical outlet.A Recap of the Benefits of the T Shellz Wrap ..Versatile - fit is adjustable and they are flexible so they can be placed exactly where you need it to beTargeted treatment of soft tissue injuriesIt can be used before exercise to warm up the area to reduce the risk of injuryFDA Registered medical device for use in home or clinics - very high qualityGreatly enhances healing of tendons, ligaments, and musclesIncreases temporary flexibility and length of soft tissue (reducing the re-injury factor)Carbon fiber Energy Pad is strong, lightweight, and flexible - contours very easilyDeep heat provides an accelerated healing rate that will save time and money when associated with extended doctor or physical therapist visitsit is an outstanding tool for post-surgery rehabilitation, getting you back to work fasterThe most common question we receive from individuals prior to purchasing is - how many times a day should I be using my T Shellz Wraps and when should I be using them? While treatment plans will differ for each individual and their specific injury, there are general guidelines that should be adhered to.Use a Cold Compress or Ice Pack when you are experiencing inflammation (usually after exertion or movement of the injury area).The T Shellz Wrap would then be used:Right after rising from bed in the morning (as this is when it is most stiff)Prior to going to bed at night (to relax the injured/tightened muscles, allowing for better sleep)Before you know you will be using your injured muscles (going to work, driving, playing sports, etc).Stage 3 - In Between Treatments With T Shellz Wrap , Apply Our New Fast Acting Pain Relief Cream Called ARNICA INFUSIONDealing with aches and pains affecting the foot, ankle, leg, knee, hamstring, hip, back, arm, shoulder, elbow, wrist, or hand? If so, then applying the Arnica Infusion to any of these targeted areas will bring about fast relief from the pain and sore tissues. Simply apply a small amount of cream to the body and moments later, you will experience a soothing and comforting sensation over the area.Arnica Infusion is specially designed to relieve pain due to sore muscles and joints associated with arthritis, backaches, sprains, strains, and bruises. No matter if you are dealing with an acute injury, chronic pain, or a general "flare-up" - you will experience fast relief from pain and inflammation.This is a product that many of our current MendMeShop customers asked us to develop. So we focused our time and resources over the past few years and came up, with we believe, will be one of more effective, fast acting, topical pain relief creams on the market.You are likely familiar with some of the standard topical agents on the market as most of our customers use them. The are mass marketed and even found in most department stores now.Well, we are here to say that Arnica Infusion goes many steps beyond what they offer.Made in the USA at an FDA registered manufacturing facility, you can be assured that Arnica Infusion is both safe and effective. We only source top grade ingredients while implementing strict quality control checks during every step of the production process. Expect the same high quality that MendMeShop customers have been accustomed to since we started the company in 2005.The "Cool Blue" formula is the perfect balance between the smooth application of a cream and the effective absorbing factor of a gel. It is not too thick and not too thin - just the right texture. Best of all, it feels very nice on the skin! Each application of Arnica Infusion feels so comforting and soothing, we are certain it will become an item you will not want to live without.Arnica Infusion IngredientsThe Arnica Infusion formula is based on a combination of scientific research and the use of high quality ingredients. The properties within the formula were chosen for their pain relief, anti-inflammatory, and soothing qualities.The acting ingredients within the formula include ones many of us are familiar with; along with ones that have not received a lot of publicity (only in research circles). Extensive testing resulted in a blending of ingredients that provides the most synergistic of benefits.The notable ingredients in the Arnica Infusion formula include:Arnica - powerful anti-inflammatory, speeds recovery, enhances circulationMenthol - provides deep penetrating pain relief with a nice cooling sensationVitamin B6 - promotes normal nerve functionMSM - supports healthy connective tissues, anti-inflammatoryIlex Leaf Extract - increases circulation, skin conditionerVitamin E - anti-inflammatory, enhances circulation, hydrates the skinAloe - anti-inflammatory properties, soothes the skinTea Tree - enhances penetration of ingredientsExtensive quality control procedures during the manufacturing process ensure the ingredients and final product are both safe and effective. We would not stake our reputation on anything but the best.When Do I Apply the Arnica Infusion?While At WorkApply Arnica Infusion at work to help reduce acute discomfort associated with overuse of muscles and joints. No matter if you are in a physical demanding job or work within an office environment, you will be placing stress on different parts of the body and aches and pains will result.Before Or After Work, Sports, & ActivityIf you suffer from a sprained ligament, pulled muscle, strained tendon, or even bruising - apply Arnica Infusion for quick relief of the pain.Chronic Pain SufferingApplication of Arnica Infusion can be done up to a maximum of 4 times per day on a consistent basis to help bring about relief from various pains and aches.In-between Treatments With the T Shellz WrapsFollow up your T-Shellz and Cold treatments with an application of Arnica Infusion. Combine the pain relieving benefits of Arnica Infusion along with the healing benefits of the wraps to make your recovery go much more smoothly.Do not apply Arnica Infusion within a 2 hour timespan before a T Shellz Wrap treatment.Whether you decide to use the Arnica Infusion in conjunction with the T Shellz Wraps and/or other treatments - or if you decide to use the cream as a stand-alone product - you will not be disappointed with the results. We guarantee it.Since you are reading this, you probably know that serious muscle injuries do not just disappear. Over time, they usually wreak havoc on you due to lack of movement and over-compensation. It will also wreak havoc on other joints and muscles due to overcompensation. Recovery takes a longer time for such chronic (long term) injuries, but proper healing is essential to regain strength and get you back to the activities you enjoy.The longer your injury endures, the greater the risk of running into serious overcompensation injuries. To Stop Re-Injury & Reduce the Risk of a More Serious Overcompensation Injury, You Need to Heal Quickly & Completely!Anyone in need of rapid recovery and complete healing must consider a comprehensive treatment plan that includes an effective means to minimize swelling and inflammation yet also stimulate healing and tissue elasticity. We have found no better set of tools that can be used at home than this:What You Definitely Need to Successfully Treat& Heal Your Muscle Injury at Home: A Cold Compress or Ice Pack to reduce inflammation of the soft tissue injury (as soon as possible). A Deep Tissue Therapeutic TShellz Wrap to increase blood-flow to the injured muscle (Deep Tissue Therapy Therapy). MendMeShop Arnica Pain Cream for temporary relief of pain due to sore muscles and joints.An Exercise & Stretching Plan to prevent muscle atrophy and shortened tendons. A proper plan will increase elasticity and strengthen the muscles and tendons of the affected area.Conservative treatment tools just like these have been used successfully by thousands of muscle injury sufferers - just like you.DTR Therapy = Greatly Increased Blood Flow in Your Injured MuscleWe believe the use of T Shellz Wraps for effective treatment of soft tissue injuries is one of the most under-utilized home treatment options available on the market today. We have thousands of customers that have tried many options out there and have been amazed at how effective and fast the TShellz Wrap treatment can heal soft tissue injuries.With regular use of the TShellz Wrap:Deep heat (provided vis use of the T Shellz Wrap will result in enhanced blood flow in the treatment area. The increase in blood circulation will accelerate the healing rate of soft tissue damage. The deep heat and faster healing with reduce the potential for re-injury*.Soft tissue in the treatment area will have a enhanced range of motion and increased extensibility of collagen tissue. (Chapter 9 of "Therapeutic Heat and Cold", 4th edition. ( link - Ed. Justus F. Lehmann, M.D., Williams, and Wilkin)*Know that every personal soft tissue injury is unique and the TShellz Wrap may not work for everyone. This is why we offer a 60-day money back return on all our TShellz Wrap devices.Our Devices Are Not Only Used To Help Heal Active Injuries - They Can Also Be Used Post-Operatively During RecoveryDoctors and Surgeons are always improving the techniques used in surgery, and results from surgery now are much more positive than they were in the past. However, all surgeries introduce scar tissue, and recovery from surgery can be disappointing and take longer than anticipated.If you do wind up getting surgery, know that rehabilitation at-home while attending regular physical therapy or doctor appointments is vital for your overall recovery.Consistent exercise and conservative treatment on a daily basis during your rehabilitation while working with your doctor or physical therapist is key. This is why you should seriously consider talking with your doctor or surgeon about maximizing your recovery by using the T Shellz Wrap at home once you are approved for physical therapy.The more consistent you work at enhancing blood flow to surgically repaired soft tissue, the more consistent the healing process will be. Nourishing the tissues will more oxygen and nutrients (which are carried through the blood stream) will give the body a better ability to produce new, healthy collagen. In effect, you will help the body produce stronger soft tissue while potentially reducing the number of setbacks that can occur following surgical procedures.Click HERE to Go To Our Online Store We take all major credit cards and Paypal.If you have questions, call our office at 1-866-237-9608 (toll free continental US).We are currently offering FREE SHIPPING and a 60 day trial period on all our Wraps.2 Key Points To Keep in Mind When Treating Your Muscle Injury1. Make Sure That Complete Healing is Your #1 GoalWe all know that if the injury was healed, the pain would go away but what about the opposite situation? If the pain is gone, does that mean the injury is better? Unfortunately, this is not always true.Too many people only focus on suppressing pain symptoms while providing less attention to the true healing aspects of the body. Experiencing less pain, while obviously a good short-term goal, never equates to underlying healing. Scar tissue can remain for months after one gets to a point of being relatively pain-free. However, as long the weak and brittle scar tissue remains, you are susceptible to re-injury or re-aggravation. Certain motions or movements can cause the weaker tissue to easily tear - resulting in some reversal of the recovery up until that point.This is why we recommend for people to continue with their doctor or therapist recommended exercises and to continue with mild treatments of the T Shellz Wrap for a period of time - to better ensure complete healing.Ongoing treatments to enhance circulation will soothe, relax and promote healing of your damaged muscles and tendons. T Shellz treatments will also allow your soft tissue to extend further due to the deep heat effect created by the electromagnetic energy emitted deep into the treatment area. The more extensible your tissues are, the less likely they are to strain or sprain.We feel that the T Shellz Wrap is a highly effective therapy tool for people suffering from soft tissue injuries of the leg, knee, achilles, shoulder, arm, forearm, foot, plantar, elbow, forearm, wrist, hip, groin and back - such as strained muscles, partial tears, spasms, tendonitis, tendinosis, impingements, bursitis and/or any pain associated with trigger points, scar tissue, and arthritis.Soft tissue injuries are a race against time. The faster and stronger you heal your muscle, the less chance there is for re-injury or other problems later on.2. Know that Pain isn't the Only Proof You're Still InjuredWould you know you injured yourself if there was no pain? Probably not! Pain and swelling perform a useful role in letting you know that you did, in fact, injure yourself. Pain and swelling are what get you to seek out medical attention in the hopes of finding a way to reduce the pain and heal your injury.Inflamed muscle tissue can cause extreme pain and result in a chronic muscle injury. When using a Cold Compress, you can control inflammation which speeds up healing and clears away the pain. You don't need medication (drugging your whole body) to mask the pain. You need to reduce the inflammation in your muscle and avoid re-injury to see a reduction in pain.We all know that if the injury was healed, the pain would go away but what about the opposite situation? If the pain is gone, does that mean the injury is better? Unfortunately, this is not always true.On-going Deep Tissue Therapy treatments at home, every day, will soothe, relax and promote healing of your damaged tissue. Treating with Deep Tissue Therapy will allow your muscle to extend (stretch) further when you do some stretching or activity after the treatment. In a nutshell, consistent Deep Tissue Therapy treatments before activity or work will elongate the muscles, increasing their elasticity and boosting the recovery of your muscle injury.Deep Tissue Therapy = The BestHome Treatment Tool for Over Compensation PainRegular treatments with a T Shellz Wrap can reduce pain and stiffness from scar tissue and increase overall flexibility. Increased blood flow will whisk away damaged tissue, toxins and any bacteria in your muscle to promote more effective healing. Getting rid of toxins will trigger healing of your damaged tissue. Increasing blood flow will also increase the amount of oxygen that is being sent to your injured tissue AND boost your tissue's ability to absorb that oxygen (something that's important for healing). (reference: 1)We Receive Calls All the TimeFrom Customers Who Simply Want To Thank Us For Introducing Them To Our Amazing Products!Let me tell you, we appreciate all the feedback we have received over the years. We have had many medical professionals, athletes and everyday people call and write to tell us about their positive experiences with our devices and the company in general. It never gets old hearing about the successes and it provides us with the motivation to continue doing what we do best - provide individuals with options to heal from the comfort of their own home.Below is a small sample of some of the Customer Service comments we have received from customers...The Best Service by Far!The service from the Mend Me Shop is by far the best you could ever hope for. I have spoken to Paul on numerous occasions and his knowledge is very much appreciated.Do not hesitate to order from this company. Their products are made well and work. Their customer service is the best you could ever hope for. Charlie, North Carolina, USAI have called the office and received helpful guidance. Really appreciate the help and so glad I found your products!D. McBride, USAI really appreciate y'all emailing and responding. I'm in business myself so I know the importance of customer service. Your company has done a superb job and it's really appreciated. I know it takes a lot of time but it's very well worth the time you spend.C. Vickers, USAThank you, too, for the personal attention to your customers. A rarity, in today's world!L. Anderson, USAYou guys are tremendous. I was overwhelmed by your speed and thoroughness regarding my problem.T. Kienlen, USAThe fact that you guys are there for us every step of the way matters as well. Your company is wonderful and that's a rarity these days.M. Callahan, USAThe cost seemed minimal compared to what I had already spent at the doctor and physical therapist.P. King, USAThank You so much superior service as well as unprecedented guarantee.D. Hunzicker, USAIf you're tired of being told that resting, drugs and surgery are the only answers to your soft tissue injury.... Be optimistic, because there are effective alternatives for you.We never claim our products will work for everyone. That is simply impossible to achieve. Everyone has a different capacity for healing and different circumstances behind their injuries and/or conditions.In addition, some people may have a hard time sticking with recommended protocol in order to achieve benefits from our devices. Quite simply, our clients that have had successful outcomes have made a small effort to invest 60 minutes a day into the program. If you do the same, chances are you will be very happy with the outcome.We have helped thousands of clients since 2006 and since the introduction of our T Shellz Wraps, our refund rate has been very low - currently running consistently below 5 . That means that for every 100 people who try our products, 95 of these individuals are happy with the results these products provide. Odds are certainly in your favor that you too will achieve a happy outcome. This fact alone speaks volumes to the effectiveness of our solutions and with a full 60 day money back guarantee on our wraps, there really is no risk in trying.Right after you place an order, email us and we will have a plan developed immediately so you will be able to get started upon arrival of your parcel. We can't promise you miraculous results, however, we do promise to do everything we can to help you with your condition.Everything you have read up to now has hopefully given you some hope.However, words are meaningless unless a company stands strongly behind the products they sell. This is what sets us apart from others...we offer people a comprehensive, 60 day, full 100 money back guarantee. We take on all of the risk because we know our products work well for the overwhelming majority of people who purchase them.We Will Support You Every Step of the WayYou are never alone when making a purchase from us. When we say we stand behind our products, we truly mean it!If any question or concern arises, simply send us an email at any time (we check our emails constantly all throughout the day and night - even on holidays!). We will respond as soon as possible. Click HERE to Go To Our Online Store If you have questions, call our office at 1-866-237-9608 (toll free continental US). Simply call toll free 1-866-237-9608 to place an order with one of our knowledgeable Product Advisers. They have the ability to answer all your questions...ensuring you only receive the products you need. Product Advisors are available 9:00 am to 10:00 pm Eastern Standard Time Monday, Tuesday and between 9:00 am and 5:00pm on Wednesday to Friday. North America Toll Free 1-866-237-9608 Outside North America +1-705-532-1671We Stand Behind All Our Promises With An Iron-Clad GuaranteeGuarantee #1Use your products diligently for up to 60 days and you will experience a significant reduction in pain. If not, I encourage you to send back the items for a no-hassle 100% refund.Guarantee #2You will not be left in the dark after purchasing any product from us. AidMyMuscle Advisors and Product Specialists are available 9:00 am to 10:00 pm Eastern Standard Time Monday, Tuesday and between 9:00 am and 5:00pm on Wednesday to Friday or via email anytime at #3Your order is guaranteed to be shipped within 24 hours on every business day.Guarantee #4All purchases receive a one year full replacement warranty with guaranteed, prompt service.Guarantee #5You could save hundreds of dollars and possibly more by utilizing our products, and getting back to work sooner.Guarantee #6Everything You Read on this Site is Absolutely True. Unlike us, companies not registered by the FDA can state anything they want about their products. Because we are FDA registered, you can rest assured that these products do exactly what we say they do.Overall, we are able to be cost effective and value oriented due to two major reasons:Word is spreading and as a result, our sales are increasing. With this increase, we can achieve economies of scale...meaning we receive the best component pricing because our volume is high. We keep our overhead costs low by selling only on-line versus setting up costly distribution channels offline.Think about it you can now have the ability to treat your pain from the comfort of your own home while saving money in the process. Best of all, you are fully protected when making a purchase from us as we offer a no-hassle 60 day, full money back guarantee.The Next Step Is Up To You!Living with pain is never easy as it affects your entire lifestyle. Nothing is more important than making the proper decision when it comes to treating your muscle injury. Most methods only mask the problems or provide temporary relief; they do not treat the pain at its source. AidMyMuscle stands out in this regard as our goal is to help you heal for the longer-term.The bottom line is, you are welcome to try our products for a full 2 months. If you do not receive the benefits that others have experienced after using the product as directed, simply call us to initiate a return and we will issue a prompt & full refund. There will be no hassle and no hard feelings.The fastest option you have to get our product into your hands as soon as possible is by placing your order online - at this very moment..Place your order on-line through our ultra-secure website by clicking the image below.Or, Call Our Office. We are open Monday to Friday to allow you place an order over the phone. Simply call toll free 1-866-237-9608 to place an order with one of our knowledgeable Product Advisors. They have the ability to answer all your questions...ensuring you only receive the products you need. If you choose to order through our online shop, know that we keep no credit card data on file. Once the transaction is completed, the credit information disappears from our internal systems.As you can see, ordering from us is a very easy and safe process, no matter if choosing to order on-line or over the phone.Are you still unsure about placing an order? let me address some questions that may causing some hesitation... What is the success rate of the T Shellz Wraps? Do they really work?The short answer is - yes, the T Shellz Wraps are very effective at healing muscle and soft tissue injuries. We try and keep in touch with a large percentage of our customers, and we encourage them to do the same. In doing so, we have received a lot of feedback as we have sold Electromagnetic Devices since 2008.We can say that the return rate on our products is only around 5% any given month. That is exceptional by anyone's standards.Therefore, we can safely indicate that the overwhelming majority of people who purchase from us do achieve benefits with our products.What is the difference between the T Shellz Wrap and a standard heating pad?The differences between the T Shellz Wrap and heating pads, moist gel packs, etc - is a night and day comparison. There is nothing that compares to the healing capacity of the T Shellz technology.To begin with, heating pads and the like work on conduction. The heat has to be forced through multiple layers of skin and fatty tissues. With each layer of skin the heat passes through, there is a corresponding energy loss because that heat is absorbing into each layer it passes through. By the time the heat reaches the targeted area, very little energy is remaining and this does not effectively enhance blood flow. Without the enhanced blood flow effect to the injured tissues - healing just won't happen.The heating pad may feel good when on the body, but that is because you are merely heating the skin. Moist heat has been believed to be more effective at warming internal tissues versus dry heat, because it is believed that water transfers heat more quickly than through air. Clinical studies do not support the popular belief.In comparison...The T Shellz Wrap is based on the scientifically validated principle of Electromagnetic energy. This form of treatment is safe and effective as shown in numerous studies which can be referenced through the National Library of Medicine.The energy from the T Shellz Wrap ultimately will gently warm deep tissue, improve blood circulation, and boost metabolism and enzyme activity. This is why it works so well - because the body responds very well to this form energy. In stimulating blood flow to the damaged tissue, you provide the tissue with the oxygen, nutrients, and antibodies it needs to regenerate new, healthy collagen. In addition, you will experience a clearing of toxins and excess fluid build up from the injury site. Over the intermediate term, this helps to reduce incidents of swelling as trapped fluids will be whisked away - reducing pressure on vessels.How much time do I need to dedicate for treatments? Are the products easy to use?The T Shellz Wraps are very easy devices to use. After one or two uses, you will engage in the treatments with ease. Very detailed instructions are included and you are always welcome to contact us by phone or email if the need for help arises. In regards to the T Shellz Wrap , it is ideal to use the device two or three times a day on average. Each treatment session is a maximum of 20 minutes in duration and the device will turn off automatically at that time. Typically, people use the T Shellz Wrap before bed, upon awakening (or not long after) and one other time during the day when the opportunity presents itself. For people in an office setting, many will use the device at work (as it can be worn over clothing). For others, they will use the device an our or two after work.A Cold Compress or Ice Pack is primarily used following activity that stresses the injured tissues (following work, after a sports activity, or just suffering a general re-injury). This is done to reduce inflammation and to minimize tissue damage. Treatments are 15 to 20 minutes in duration.How long has MendMeShop been in businessWe established our firm in December of 2005. Our track record in this field continues to grow and we plan on being around for many decades to come. What is your return policy? Is it the standard 30 days?We go above and beyond what other companies offer - we offer a full 60 day money back guarantee with no restocking fees.AidMyMuscle advisors do not work on commission, so be assured you will only receive fair and objective information.CLICK HERE TO BROWSE OUR SHOP AND CHECK PRICESLearn More About Muscle Injuries & TreatmentsI want to learn more about Post-Surgery RecoveryI want to learn more about T Shellz Wrap Deep Tissue TherapyI want to learn more about Ice & Heat: Which Is Better For Muscle Strains/Spasms?Do I Need Muscle Surgery?FREE SHIPPING ON ALL PRODUCTS CURRENTLY ENABLEDDuring your recovery, you will probably have to modify and/or eliminate any activities that cause pain or discomfort at the location of your soft tissue injury until the pain and inflammation settle. Always consult your doctor and/or Physical Therapist before using any of our outstanding products, to make sure they are right for you and your condition. The more diligent you are with your treatment and rehabilitation, the faster you will see successful results!Living with pain is never easy and we encourage you to call us with any questions you have related to your muscle injury. We will do our best to help.Available Monday to FridayMuscle Injury Facts:There are approximately 639 muscles in the human bodyMuscle aches and pains are common and can involve more than one muscleMuscle pain also can involve ligaments, tendons, and fascia, the soft tissues that connect muscles, bones, and organsOral medications can mask the pain but do not aid in the healing of a muscle injury. Anti-inflammatories and pain killers can cause muscle related injuries to worsenMuscle pain also can be a sign of conditions affecting your whole body, like some infections and disorders that affect connective tissues throughout the bodyMost common cause of muscle aches & pains:Injury or trauma including sprains and strainsOveruse: using a muscle too much, too soon, too oftenTension or stress

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