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Search This Blog Monday, March 19, 2012 Famous MEI recently tried out for a TV show. I made it to regionals, but no further. I realized, ironically, that it would immediately take up time I did not want to forfeit in the now; and much more in the later. So I did not try the next level. I am okay with that. I did however, read over the waiver agreement; one that is required in order to participate in the show. I have asked a few people, and we all agree, it is probably a typical TV waiver. If you participate in this show, you can do this and you cannot do this. Well there are some very telling things in this waiver; things that might surprise our viewers.Interesting points of the waiver:o It is highly suggested that you review this document with an attorney, and you have been given the opportunity to do so prior to signing it (though you must agree to it regardless in order to continue).o You will Not be paid to be on this show. If you are an alternate, you will not be paid. As an alternate, you must be ready to come if you are called at any moment. They can call you at any time and expect you to be there. You will be fired if you ever are unable to come.o If you win, and earn money or a prize, it can be taken away from you for any number of offenses. If you do not come when they call after receiving said prize, they will take it away. If you sue them, you owe them the prize. If you withdraw, you must repay all their costs and be forewarned, they will probably humiliate you on the show.o The show involves heavy athletic events. They suggest you get your own health and injury insurance, as they may not pay for everything (or nothing, it doesnt say). If you die, you also cannot sue them!! My indignation!!o You cannot sue them; not for psychological, emotional, or mental damages. Interesting, Ive never tried to sue anyone for 2 out of 3 of those!o My favorite: They have no moral rights. I had to ask an attorney what that meant. He said that I cannot hold them to a moral code or expect moral behavior if I sign this.o Also great: They can make up whatever they want about me and say it is true. This is Not a sitcom or a reality TV show. This is a show of video recordings that supposedly represent the truth as it happens in a competition and behind the scenes. They can say anything they find in your history about you too, or falsify it. They do a thorough background check; more thorough than the one I have done each year in order to work with children. They 1st do a background check, credit check, medical history check, criminal check, psychiatrist check, military past, any news or internet check, and anything that comes up along the way. They also contact your place of employment. In addition, they request 3 references from close friends or family; clearly they are seeking something different (rumors, lies, truth only those you love knows) than the people who request references from everyone except your friends and family (only business). You sign over the right for them to have all of your medical records, even the things that you must give specific permission for anyone besides you to see; everything! Nothing is private.o They can set up secret, hidden cameras and video anything. Any video footage they have can be used in the show. That could be embarrassing or humiliating. This is Not a reality TV show, why do they care what I do with my free time?o If you are hurt on the show or because of the activities involved in the show, you cannot sue them (obviously). Remember this is a physically active show. If it is necessary, they will get you medical attention immediately. They have their own doctors, who are Not held liable if they do anything wrong. If they cut open the wrong leg, oops, too bad. I guess you will have 2 matching scars. You cannot sue the doctors, or the TV show. You also must pay for the medical expenses.o During your participation in this show, you may incidentally loose property and may participate in nonconsensual touch. I am not sure what that means, but you must forgive it. Do Not mistake, there is a statement later about rape and sexual harassment. But nonconsensual touch is allowed.o They may, at any time, perform physical and psychological exams on you. I suppose that is kind of like a drug screen, right? I will now just check on your psychological health and see if your allegations are true hmm.o I am not exaggerating, this is literally what it says.o My advice: only sign an agreement like this if you are going into the TV or movie business and are used to giving up all of your inalienable rights. Do Not get hurt or do their medication. Only do it if you have nothing to loose; no money, no love, nothing! Have no secrets. Be incredibly morally upstanding, and have no pride. Also, I hope you dont have kids because if they see anything humiliating of you or you upset on national TV.o Ahh, yes, this is a morally upstanding TV show. Just imagine if it were something disreputable like the Kardasians; just think how many lies they are selling you.No comments: MetroDashI recently participated in the MetroDash. It was awesome!! The MetroDash is similar to the Tough Mudder, Warrior Dash and Spartan. However, the goal is to overcome difficult obstacles, not do something pointless that you will never (hopefully) use in life, like walk through open electrical lines while being wet. The estimated time is 15 minutes; I took much longer than this, but I did complete it. I found it challenging, yet not impossible. It is a great challenge for people who keep themselves in excellent shape. I was not impressed, mostly because I was able to do everything and I do Not consider myself the most in shape person ever; though I do workout 3-5 times per week. A fellow participant said, afterwards, This is not for weaklings. I felt good that I am no longer considered a weakling!
The following url shows the typical lineup of obstacles.
The entire race is shorter than a football field length. This may seem short, but remember, between sprints, you are doing a feat of strength, endurance, and ability. The obstacles include: rope ladder, box jumps, stutter-step tires, rope wall climb, rope swing, cargo net climb, and rope upside-down traverse. The weird, weight lifting events were: carry a pile of awkward objects a distance: ax and tire, 50lb sandbag carry, 2 kettle balls, 30lb ball carry/sprint, tire flips. I say they are weird not because they are unreasonable or too heavy, but because I do not usually carry a tire or 50lbs. Though I can think of a few circumstances I might need to. I just do not study them in parkour.
I only had difficulty with two of the obstacles: the 8 free-climbing wall, and the bungee-cord monkey bars. The 8 wall had no handholds, or rope. Literally nothing to assist you. You had to use your body, and if you had friends or could make them, anyone else. I, naturally, asked the next random guy to help me. I had to step on his thigh, then his shoulder. Mannn, I thought I was going to break him! I did it, but then I offered to help him, and he waived me off. I completed this obstacle with some difficulty. The monkey bars are Not the ones you played at in kindergarten. Each bar is separate and suspended by a bungee-cord. This means it swings forward and backward and stretches down with weight. This makes it extra difficult. I did not complete this obstacle. If you attempt two times and are unable to complete, then you must do ten burpees, which are exaggerated squats. The upside-down rope traverse was also very difficult. I have trained them.
Overall, a great event!!! I really enjoyed it! I appreciate that it did not let me down. I wanted something I could hardly achieve, something that would motivate me to push harder, stronger, longer. It showed me I am getting somewhere and there is somewhere yet to get. Somewhere where all of this is easy and I finish in less than 15 minutes. I did not find it expecting too much of me. I train hard and expect much. I did the same at this event. I have a great endurance and strength. My parkour strengths are traversing and balance, which werent really used. Well, to be precise, there was a lot of climb up, but not traverse across, immediately we came down; which takes out the fun. Most of the people there did Not do parkour, but rather Crossfit the cool, in fashion version of parkour that is streamlined and sold in gyms; not playgrounds, free, and outside. My only complaint was you did not just have to overcome the obstacle, you had to do it their way. I wanted to climb the free wall using the sides. The monitor stopped me and told me that was forbidden. In parkour, the goal is to overcome the obstacle, any way you can. I would attack it a different way than you would because we are different training levels and have different strengths and comfort levels.No comments: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 Ninja Warrior VideoCool Flair and Skills I do well To those who do not know, yet, I submitted a video for the American Ninja Warrior show. It was a blast! I didn't have much time to shoot it, so it is not my best skills, but it is effective and to the point. I really enjoyed shooting it! I will try to upload parts of the video on this blog for your enjoyment! I entered for the fun of it and to watch my friends compete. I doubt I will do well; however they are looking for women, in particular; so that may work in my favor, grrrr. Eh, well, I love more reasons and motivation to train. Parkour! Parkour!!
Beamo Walk balanceo Cartwheel on beam?o QM on beamo Backwardso With partner, like a danceTraverseo Wallo Small with finger gripso RailFlairo Cartwheelo Kickso Safety vaulto Precisionso Fight?o Climb a treeo Hoola hoop jumpo Shoot an apple with a bow and arrowWarmupo Strideso Fit through something smallo Dance pushupso Flexibility and stretches that impresso Canoeo Flip out of, to watero Trampoline trickso Do anywhere workout: swings, etc
Video of Yamakasi, PK Gen and Metro Dash
Create all videos to meet specifications of the competition!o Ex) personality, and talking, not just trickso Look at other submissions, now, and previous years, etco What impresses usNo comments: How To Cartwheel
Edited by BellaCoached by Daniel Bronnenberg
I learned to cartwheel about 3 weeks ago and have fallen in love with it! I have even done 4 cartwheels in a row! My goals are to do a cartwheel on a rail and learn an aerial. I am so proud that I can already do multiple in a row!This is how I was taught to do a cartwheel. They are really fun! I want to mention that I was taught and supervised by a gymnastics coach and first learned on mats. Practice safely!
1. Stand with one foot in front of the other2. Arms extend above your head, fingers spread out3. Think arms protect head at all times, and are next to it4. Push off the ground with both legs, sequentially5. Kick hard6. Legs go over head7. Hands on the ground8. Before you land on your feet, in the air, snap your hips in line9. When you land on your feet again, you are pointed in the opposite direction of how you started10. Thats it!No comments: Tuesday, February 14, 2012 The Problem With NudeBelow is an article not written by me. It was originally published on the blog of It makes a point I agree with and intend to do something about. Nude lingerie: nude should include yellow, brown, and black. For band-aids, bras, and stockings. To visit the original article, see

"The Problem With Nude
bychaps676Feb 11, 2012Buying undergarments is hardly a pleasant shopping experience. The choices are overwhelming; questions of material, structure and shape often slow down shopping to tortoise-like speeds. (Youre alsoforced to contemplate the wobbly bits and problem areas that youd prefer to banish from your mind.) But for Tara Raines and her recently-formed campaign, Whats Your Nude, it all comes down to a question of color. As one of the most popular colors of bras and intimates, nude is an ultimately subjective hue.After discovering that her family dyed their underwear to match their skin tone, Raines was shocked. Now I understand why my mother was so good at dyeing my tights when I was growing up: because there were no brown tights,Raines said.Raines and her campaign bring up a greater question: why do companies insist on producing colors labeled nude, when varieties of skin tone are infinite in every culture? For me, nude would be if I wore brown,said Dodai Stewart, deputy editor of Jezebel. I do think that it really is exclusionary not to realize that this is not nude for everyone.While it may be cheap to create one average, flesh-like color to be marketed to the general public, such a color is so specific that only a small percent of the population could ever claim it as their own skin color.Last year, first lady Michelle Obama wore a gown designed by Naaem Khan,who described the frockas a sterling-silver sequin, abstract floral, nude strapless gown. The controversy was thrown into high gear when the Associated Press described the gown as flesh-colored, causing several media outlets to criticize the AP; one editor wrote, Whose flesh? Not hers. The offending adjective was changed to champagne.Since then, fashion writers have asserted that describing colors as nude or flesh is inherently racist.The nude debate extends past the fashion world into the market of health, where Band-Aid has long been derided for the limited colors of their adhesive bandage. In response to such an exclusive product, alternatives have popped up on store shelves. Ebon-Aide, a product described asethnically correct Band-Aids,is one of the first health products to recognize the reality of unique skin types.Similarly, a company called Urban Armour offers bandages in arange of flesh tones.Tara Rainess Facebook campaign shows that we still have a long way to go when it comes to accommodating physical differences. Over the coming year, her campaign will urge companies to realize that its unacceptable not to offer variations in flesh tones when it comes to affordable bras. Women of color have tremendous spending power in the U.S., and its absurd to think that in 2012 we are essentially disenfranchised when we shop for lingerie. Its my hope that this campaign will drive not only awareness, but swift action by bra makers,Raines toldWWD.For now, Tara Rainess only option is to buy black bras, hoping that as her Facebook group grows, so will the conversation. There is perhaps no skin type in the world quite like your own; so, whats your nude?1 comment: Thursday, February 9, 2012 Parasite in My EyeTo the Parasite in My Eye,
This is my body. Only good things live in it. I only support good intentions. I do Not support you. You will Not survive. This is my eye you are invading; the key to heart and soul. You cannot look into it. But I can see you. I provide your food, and I am taking it away. I am taking away your sustenance. I am taking away your life. You cannot live here. You cannot grow here. And you definitely cannot mate here. You will not travel from me, either. You will die here.
I will eat you. I need all the nutrition you have taken from my precious eyes. I need it to repair the damage you have done. I need it to heal. My body is stronger than you. I can order my army of white blood cells against you. They are many and dominate in their backyard, you are one. They have been called to arms. You will Loose.
I do Not support those who take from me. I do Not support those who do Not ask first. I do not support bad memories or mistakes. I do Not support the place you came from. I will Not take you back North. I want you to experience Texas, the heat and the humidity and all the wonderful blessings we have.
You will leave me. You have to. I deserve clear vision. I deserve good sight. I deserve healthy eyes. I need my eyes. I use and abuse them everyday. I read too often to stop. I control my eyesight and you are Not welcome. So go.
Be gone. Do Not trouble me any longer. You may die here. I may hold a funeral in your honor. For it is with honor that you concede your life and recognize that This Is My Body. You do Not belong here. You are Not welcome. And I can change that you are here! I just did.

Thank You!
BellaNo comments: Teen Pregnancy AlternativesThis came out of a conversation with a few friends. They don't think any of these will help, and yet it could Not hurt!
These are activities that provide teens activities that do Not involve sex and Do involve lots of other people, especially adults:
The city, especially small towns or areas with lots of Hispanics or under-educated should offer FREE

movieseducation and lots of "how to"sports eventsmoney managementcheaper birth control: or easier access and insurance for teens age 11-18. If they had control (of any sort), they would not be getting pregnant period.girls scouts events really oftenhistorical siteslibrariestake home a baby classes - baby doll that criescollege campusesteach morals, character, leadership, responsibility, self confidence, independence, freedom of thoughtteach how to raise a childhow to take care of child for the first year and all the work that entails, and all the sacrifices you Must makeConsider why it happensuneducatedlack of birth controlnot know consequencesnot know how to stop it from happeningeveryone is having sexI won't get pregnantWho gets pregnant?Increases with poverty. Have you ever met a rich girl who had a baby as a teen? If so, did she have any problems raising the kid?depends on ethnicitydepends on education and level ofdecreases with adult supportdecreases if busyincreases if you do it onceif mom was a teen mom, increases likelihood you will be tooincreases depending on the environmentdoes religion affect it?Not abstinenceNot scare you out of it; horror moviesNot boring educationSex is Not scary or Boring; all people inherently know it is interesting and we are programmed knowing how to do it. We were put on this earth, as animals, needing to reproduce in order to have a future generation, and keep my important genes going!
I grew up with some frisky friends, why didn't I get pregnant as a teen; or even have sex? I was Never told don't have sex. I thought for myself. I was busy with school extra curricular activities until 7 pm every night! I had lots of plans and lots of homework. I had a sense of self-confidence, andresponsibility. But most of all, I had plans for the future! And when I did start having sex, I used protection and I wasknowledgeableand I had plenty of resources to ask questions (that's called college, babe, they hand you condoms when you go to eat in the cafeteria).
Why should we do this? Why does it matter?
Because teen pregnancy is costing tax payers money of Everyone! It is also costing us our workforce and bringing more mouths to feed and fewer resources to feed them with.It costs our:welfare Because more people to support.medicarehealth insurance because of their age and lack of a financial future.decreases the money in our economy because it is harder to get an education or a job if you are pregnant or a stampsWhy do teens get pregnant?for real!they need something to doit's coolthey are Not preventing ittheir parents do Not know where they are (we cannot change this, and it will not change itself)they do not have the money for consistent birth control, abortion, or the babythey do Not know what they are getting themselves intoHow many of these Women are left by the boy who knocked them up?They are Women once they start bringing up a child into this society. They are forced out of their childhood in order to take care of a new child. They can no longer have fun, do things for themselves; they must take care of this child, get a job, etc. That is a huge change to go through in a mere 9 months.
Where would you be if you had gotten pregnant as a teen? Or gotten someone else pregnant?Why didn't you?
They need to know thebenefits ofmarriagefirst,of falling in love,of being with one guy.We cannot teach them that with a textbook. We can lead by example and try to explain. They have to learn on their own. But we can lead them there. We can support them every step of the way. We can support them in our legislature. We should not be paying for their mistakes, we should be lifting them up and showing them other options, other ways. If these other options cost money, well we are already paying. And if they have results, well then we will stop paying for the pregnant teens and start paying for well educated, knowledgeable teens who are willing and Ready to have kids and Willing to Wait.No comments: Older PostsHomeSubscribe to:Posts (Atom)About MeIsapreciousAbout MeI am a person driven by my passions. I follow my bliss and my dreams. I am very philosophical and want to make a difference with my life. I am an adventurer, and an avid learner.With my free time I enjoy crafting, sewing, adjusting and making clothes. In addition, I have been a vegetarian for 1 year as of October 17th. I never thought anything of it, but friends keep asking me for advice on eating healthy. My blog will discuss my new craft projects and any suggestions I have for being healthy. You can check out some of my things for sale on my Etsy: Isaprecious ( or I will post a complete album of my creations in my blog!! It will only be available here, for you to see. Right now I am particularly interested in doilies, redesigning blouses and T-shirts, making hair accessories, earrings, lingerie, quilt skirts, handmade clothes, and iron-ons. I also make photo collages, and take fun pictures.View my complete profilePagesHomeMeFollowersBlog Archive 2012(9) March(2)Famous MEMetroDash February(6) January(1) 2011(20) December(8) May(1) February(2) January(9) 2010(11) December(11)
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