Emerge Inc Marylands Choice For People with Disabilities

Web Name: Emerge Inc Marylands Choice For People with Disabilities

WebSite: http://emergeinc.org





We’re a community of mutual respect and affection, an extended and welcoming family for customers, staff and supporters. Join us. Meet the management team that keeps the Emerge family focused on its aspirations and goals. From our Golf Tournament to Bull Roasts and Crab Feasts, there are many occasions for supporting the Emerge family and enjoying yourself to boot. Emerge participates in its professional community and has a wealth of certifications and awards to show for it. We offer several categories of residential arrangements geared to the needs of the individual. We help customers identify and work on the skills needed to obtain employment, and we then help them find jobs and provide follow-along support after customers are employed. Provisions for customer health, wellness and therapy centering on progress and a sense of independence. A rich environment where customers can live and work independently and follow their aspirations. Meet some of the folks_staff, board members, customers and friends who typify the family spirit of Emerge. A life well lived. Basic. We believe that individuals with disabilities should live rich adult lives. We encourage them to make personally fulfilling choices about how to live and work in their communities. In our view, they deserve to experience all the joys and challenges of a full life. Many live independently; some hold down jobs; some choose to marry. Together we choose. Together we grow. Rule number one: listen.We’re in this for the long run … the individuals we support, their family members, and Emerge staff alike. That’s one reason why we refer to individuals in our program as “customers”. Their aspirations and their felt needs can shine a light on the most promising paths forward. When we can honor their wishes with the energy we focus on their clinical needs, we complete the circle. Caring is the flame that renews the family You may have seen the bumper stickers. We’re all proud members of the Emerge family, each of us intensely committed to the progress of Emerge’s customers. We care deeply about what Emerge has built; staff, other customers and even their relatives regularly step forward to assist a customer along the path forward. Mutual respect, friendship, and caring collaboration. In short: a family. Persistence isn’t magic... until it is. Individuals with disabilities often drift from program to program, unable to find the key to clinical progress or even a caring response to their aspirations. At Emerge both outcomes are critical. Certainly there are challenges in meeting these complex needs. When one approach falls short, we try another. And sometimes, another still. Give up on an individual entrusted to our program? Not in our DNA. Inclement Weather Status Emerge is on Time The Emerge Mission eMerge is a Maryland-based organization supporting individuals with developmental, physical and mental health disabilities. 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