
Web Name: Code_Aster






A salome_meca and code_aster training session A salome_meca and code_aster training session will be held in in China next november! A salome_meca and code_aster training session will be held in in China next november! A salome_meca and code_aster training session will be held in in China next november! A salome_meca and code_aster training session will be held in in China next Read more SMUD2020 is Postponed! [Major UPDATE] Considering the current situation and the recent updates concerning the covid-19 virus, EDF has decided to postpone SMUD2020 [Major UPDATE] Considering the current situation and the recent updates concerning the covid-19 virus, EDF has decided to postpone SMUD2020 [Major UPDATE] Considering the current situation and the recent updates concerning the covid-19 virus, EDF has decided to postpone SMUD2020 [Major UPDATE] Considering the current situation and the recent updates concerning the covid-19 Read more Documentation Everything you always wanted to know about using code_aster Training All course materials released under the GFDL license. Download The aster-full packages:code_aster stable and code_aster testing Support Documents helping the user to quickly become familiar with code_aster A training session will be held in China next November. The session will be given by EDF China and our partner YuanSuan.Considering the current situation and the recent updates concerning the covid-19 virus, EDF has decided to postpone indefinitely the SMUD2020 that was supposed to be held... The new versions of code_aster open-source, code_aster oldstable (13.8) and code_aster stable (14.4), are available for download.The version 13.8 contains only bugfixes since 13.4. Improvements...This 2019 version integrates the following products: SALOME 9.3.0 ; code_aster stable (version 14.4) ; AsterStudy ;... Ok thanks a lot I will try it. But to be closer for my experimental plots I think I will need to have an increasing speed anyway. Do you know how I should do it... Know more for me your problem is the dscretization of time steps, you should introduce something similar of PAS_MINI. Know more I tried to work with dtheta but I didn t achieve to do it, you will find attached my code with increasing dtheta. If you have any idea how to do it or if you want to tell my if my code is good... Know moreI am working on code aster to analyse the expansion of a pipe in rotation in two dimension. I created a code which is working but I have some issue with convergence at high speed. I think... Know more ProNet Spread and acknowledge benefits of Code_Aster Open source and Salome-Meca


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Welcome on the Code_Aster and Salome-Meca website. You will find some documentation, training material and a download page for Code_Aster and the (...)

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