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TIL (Tun Institute of Learning) A subsidiary of Tun Investment Limited, incorporated in Ontario, CANADAContacts at TIL Research centre, Yangon, MYANMAR: - Office: 01-752-7388 - Daw Mar Mar Oo : 09-501-4015- Daw Khin Wutyi : 09-511-3477- Daw Zinthiri Han : 09-250-533846 TIL website originated as a family website of the Tun Family whose members are now spread out in Canada, Myanmarpré, and Singapore. Please visit the Tun's - Family website - update 2019Dec Romabama {} transcriptions are based on Bur-Myan phonology -- not on that of any other Myanmar languages. And, if the subject matter - such as Buddhism in Pal-Myan or modern Science -- is familiar to the reader, by reading the script, and by careful listening, you can still understand some words. If you are a Buddhist, moreover a Theravada Bamah-Myanmar Buddhist, you might be interested in:- Theravada Buddhist - Bur-Myan calendar and the famous summation of Buddhism, Ye'dhamma, in Pali translation, which few Burmese Buddhists (including myself at onetime) know: UKT 190129: Interpretations:• Laws - natural laws - such as all sentient beings are not free from mental suffering • Cause - attachment to material things such as a living person, or one who has died, or a non-living thing such as an object like a building, a stupa, a book, or a stone, or immaterial things such as an axiom, a doctrine, a duty, an episode, or an idea such as an -ism • Extinction - the human-being (a sentient being) can overcome attachment and become free of suffering . Note: The sentient being mentioned above must be human born of a human mother and a human father. Axiomatic beings such as gods (Brahmas, Devas, etc. -- all those who could not be seen), and half-humans such as born of a human mother and a god are excluded. Thus God or gods in spite of their super-natural powers cannot overcome attachment and are inferior to human-beings. Also note that Terms such as Nibban {naib~baan}, Samsara {þän-þa.ra}, Previous life {ya.hkín Ba.wa.}, Next life {nauk Ba.wa.} should be avoided because of certainty of controversy.Even if you are not a Buddhist -- a scientist may be -- you can accept the first three laws, viz. Law of Suffering, Law of the Cause of Suffering, and Law of Extinction. But can you accept the fourth: a body of eight rules by the practice of which you can make yourself Perfect, and realize the End or Extinction? One of the rules requires that you must hold the Right View. See Wikipedia: - 191117 If you are a Christian, Hindu, Jew, or Muslim, you would be accepting that there is a Creator. Is it the Right View, you might be wondering? Let's see what George Boole, a mathematician, said in 1853, in his An Investigation of the Laws of Thought p003. See TIL HD-PDF and SD-PDF libraries- GBoole-LawsOfThought Ô / Bkp Ô (link chk 200301) The general laws of Nature are not, for the most part, immediate objects of perception. They are either inductive inferences from a large body of facts, the common truth in which they express, or, in their origin at least, physical hypotheses of a causal nature serving to explain phenomena with undeviating precision, and to enable us to predict new combinations of them. They are in all cases, and in the strictest sense of the term, probable conclusions, approaching, indeed, ever and ever nearer to certainty, as they receive more and more of the confirmation of experience. Now, one and a half centuries later, a mathematician has analyzed another Buddhist Law: The Law of Karma. Read: Mathematical Proof of the Law of Karma, by Jargal Dorj , in American Journal of Applied Mathematics. Vol. 2, No. 4, 2014, pp. 111-126, in TIL HD-PDF and SD-PDF libraries: - JDorj-MathLawKarma Ô / Bkp Ô (link chk 200301)Abstract: ... The existence of the Law of Karma will be proved and verified in this article using the mathematical Set Theory. The incomprehension of the “Self” and its emptiness is described in the Buddhist teachings as ignorant. Herewith we shall explain the theory of the “Self’ and its emptiness founded on the possession of the body and mind using the mathematical Set Theory. By reading this article the reader will comprehend the “Self” and its emptiness and overcome this ignorance. UKT 200301: Since the first law of Buddhism - Law of Suffering and its derivatives, the Law of the Cause of Suffering, and the Law of Extinction - are enough for this present Life - from Birth to Death - you need not pay attention to what follows Death and Reincarnation. You can believe in Previous existences and After-Death existences, or reject these unproven ideas. If you do believe in the Law of Karma, you can be classified as a Karmatic Buddhist. I, for one, is a Nibbanic Buddhist - trying to realize the Law of Extinction in this very Life. Pay attention to brackets used:- Bur-Myan (Burmese speech in Myanmar script) : {...} Mon-Myan (Mon speech in Myan script) using 3-number keystrokes: Alt529... Alt528: ... - BPal-Myan (Pali speech in Myanmar script) {...} - Skt-Dev (Sanskrit speech in Devanagari script) IPal-Lat (Pali speech in Latin script: «...» . Alt0171...A0187- Eng-Lat (English speech in Latin script) : ... - Special brackets: ... U+2329. U+122AUKT 190625, ... 200514, 200704: Unavailability of Myanmar font suitable to my use has led me to the system of Akshara Banks (AK-BNK) based on syllables. The first step improvement I had to take was when some AK-BNKs became too large - well over 1000. They were split into branches, such as AK-BNK5k, AK-BNK5t, AK-BNK5p, and AK-BNK5 (for the remainder). It is also found that Pal-Myan negation words can be deleted from the AK-BNKs by using {a.} (in red) deposited in AK-BNK3. I'm looking into the development of a Romabama font based on the idea of CJK fonts.See Wikipedia: 200518Though I've enough of Aksharas in the AK-BNKs for email for sometime, for the development of a font, I feel that I have to refine them more for my present work. The total of number of Aksharas in the AK-BNKs by the June update is 5281. The basis of the AK-BNKs is on my observation that many Bur-Myan words represented in script (not necessarily in speech) is disyllabic. I have once written on this subject from Canada, in 2012, in a paper titled Romabama on Typewriter . 200703UKT 200701: Leaving the dictionary project for a while in the hands of my capable assistants, Daw Zinthiri Han and Daw Khin Wutyi, I'm turning my attention to Section 5 5.1. Romabama {} 'Bur-Latin' UKT 200809: The subject of Romabama transcription system - my own invention - has been in my brain since my early teens. It is has been slowly evolving, changing, revising, and so even coming up with the name Romabama was a problem. It is the spoken Burmese language {} in English script {ïn~ga.laip sa} no doubt. But, is it transliteration or transcription? Is it {} or {}? It must be easy enough to write on an English typewriter, or in modern times be easy to write on an English computer keyboard. In other words it must be ASCII compatible. 5.4. Myanmar Religions: Organized and Folk Folk Elements in Buddhism -flk-ele-indx.htm - update 2020July However, during all these years from 2012 to 2020, many of my views have changed, showing that I'm willing to change my views in the face of new evidence. After posting 2020March update on the Internet, I'm doing a second round of A Practical Sanskrit Dictionary for Buddhists and Hindus, beginning from Consonants. -Section 7 .UKT 200514: I've also started work on a dictionary project in which 2 similar dictionaries will be presented with similar entries side by side:#1. U Hoke Sein's Pali Myanar dictionary (BP), with my English translations aided by U Pe Maung Tin's Student's Pali English dictionary (IP). See Section 6. - update 2020Aug #2. F. Edgerton's Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Dictionary (BHS), and R. L. Turner's A Comparative and Etymological Dictionary of Nepali Language (Nep). I expect that will present more problems. SeeSection 7. - update 2020July - FEdgerton-BHSD Ô /Bkp Ô (link chk 200416) - Turn-NepalDict Ô / Bkp Ô (link chk 200328) Contents of this page Covers: • Human sound production • voice-quality • Ledefoged's Phonation types • Vowel theory - Tongue constriction • POA-consonants • Vowel production - what the ancients could not see • Graphical representation of human sound - Abugida-Akshara, Alphabet-Letter • Modal voice (normal voice) • Fricatives • Interior • Wave nature of sound • How sound is produced and heard Burmese (Bur-Myan) speech has 5+1 nasals: English-Latin has only two, /n/ /m/. The paucity of nasals in English is just one of the obstacles of transcription from Burmese to English. Mnemonic: The Doggie Tale: Little doggie cringe in fear -- (velar), Seeing Ella's flapping ears -- (palatal) And, the Shepard's hanging rear -- (retroflex). Doggie's so sad he can't get it out What's that Kasha when there's a Kha ? And when there's Jana what am I to do with Jha ? On top of all there're the husher Sha / /, and hisser Ssa /s/, when I am stuck with Theta / / ! Little Doggie don't be sad, You are no worse than the Celtic Gnome Losing G in his name, he is just a Nome! UKT 180627: In addition to (velar), (palatal), (retroflex), Bur-Myan has {än} /ûn/ - a nasal without a definite POA, because of which I specify the shortage as 3+1. English-speakers cannot pronounce the velar properly, and what they could not do, they simply silence it, and pronounce gnome as /n m/ US /no m/. There are others such as gnat /næt/, knee /ni / and knight /na t/. See: a compilation by Julie Peters in HD-PDF and SD-PDF libraries - JPeters-SilentLetters Ô / Bkp Ô (link chk 180924) ... many words in English [are] challenging ... English words have silent letters in them -- an estimated “60%” ... (British Council). ... letters that appear in the spelling of words, but don’t make a sound - 180924 Section 3: Second language (L2) acquisition of living languages using English-Latin, and Burmese-Latin (Romabama) as medium of instruction.Note: Grades stands for the equivalent of grades aka classes of present-day students in MyanmarpréUKT 180710: I've moved 5 folders from Section 2 to Section 3. ENGLISH for Myanmar (E4M) - E4M-indx.htm - update 15Nov Ref: English for Myanmar (E4M), by U Kyaw Tun and Daw Khin Htwe Than, secretaries: Darli Khin and Ei Mon Thit, 2006. English phonetics - Eng-phon-indx.htm - update 2017Nov English pronunciation guide - EPG-indx.htm - update 2009Jan English pronouncing dictionary - DJPD16-indx.htm English idioms of native-speakers -- EIDIOM-TXT-indx.htm English Grammar in Plain Language - EGPE-indx.htm Romabama {} for English speakers in Myanmarpré - Romabama-indx.htm COMPUTER ASSISTED TEACHING of ENGLISH - CATE-English.indx - in preparation ¤ Stories from Canada - CATE-Canada-indx.htm - update 2016Jan ¤ For Kindergarten and Grade 1: (CATE-Children) (not available on line) ¤ TriplePlay: Grade 1 to 4: - CATE-TriPlay-indx.htm - update 2016Sep ¤ Learn to Speak English: Grade 5 - upwards (LSE by Chapters not available on line): Ch01-15 - CATE-LSE01-15-indx.htm (link chk 180728) Ch16-30 - CATE-LSE16-30-indx.htm (link chk 180728) ¤ Burmese for Foreign Friends - Burmese for English speakers: (a fictitious love story with voices of U Kyaw Tun and wife Daw Than Than) - BurMyan-indx.htm B4FF1-indx.htm (link chk 180728) Read an essay on what the Westerners think of Surds and Sonants, in TIL non-PDF libraries WDWhitney-SurdsSonants Ô / Bkp Ô (link chk 191014) COMPUTER ASSISTED TEACHING of MALAY - CAT-Malay.indx - update 2018Jun - Origin, vocabulary, and dictionary based on authors such as J. Crawfurd (1852), R. J. Wilkiknson (1901), and W. G. Shellabear (1904) - from Speak Malay like a local by Lissa - 180601 UKT 180622: Dedicated to my departed cousins, Maung Ño and Kraún Ma, who migrated to Malaysia from Myanmarpré their birth country. Both, husband Maung Ño, and wife Kyaún Ma (daughter of my aunt A'yee Ma Chin), learn to speak Malay in a few months. Yet, with their children, their home language remains Bur-Myan. I am preparing a series for use by me and my assistants, based in TIL research station in Yangon. Why is the Malay language so easy to learn for an indigenous Bur-Myan speaker? My conjecture is that it is derived from Pyu-Bamah before the incursion of Arabic, or even before the incursion of Sanskrit. I base my conjecture on the travels of the Chinese pilgrim monk Yijing (Chinese: ; Wade–Giles: I Ching; 635–713 CE) was a Tang dynasty Chinese Buddhist monk originally named Zhang Wenming (Chinese: ). [UKT¶] The written records of his 25-year travels contributed to the world knowledge of the ancient kingdom of Srivijaya, as well as providing information about the other kingdoms lying on the route between China and the Nalanda Buddhist university in India. See Wikipedia: - 181018, 190115. In some 19th-century publications, Yijing's name may appear as I Tsing, following an antiquated method of Chinese romanization. • It may even be typified as a religion of Chiliastic Expectations, for imminent and immanent salvation, the enjoyment of better world as an event which occurs within history, to be known as Esoteric Buddhism. UKT 181012: {myak-mhauk a.kyo: a·yu wa-da.} - based on life's experience. UKT 190516: To the three aspects of Buddhism noted by Sao Htun Hmat Win, I must add my view: Buddhism confined to the first two sermons of Gautama Buddha, is a natural Science just as Thermodynamics is. It is not based on any Axiom. The question of the Creator (YHVH, God, Allah and Maha-Dévas) has no place in it. UKT 200304: Paritta and Truth - by Sao Htun Hmat Win, gives the Paritta in Internal Pali aka Pali-Latin for English readers. You can also have it in Bur-Myan for Myanmar readers. So also it can be in Pali-Devanagari for Hindi readers: See the version in Devanagari version in TIL HD-PDF and SD-PDF libraries, on 3 suttas: (link chk 200304) - TriratnaTranslation-05MangalaSutta Ô / Bkp Ô - TriratnaTranslation-06MettaSutta Ô / Bkp Ô - TriratnaTranslation-07RatsnaSutta Ô / Bkp Ô This section also includes: • Language Acquisition and Teaching • Language and Meaning • Language and Religion • Language and Sign • Language and Thought Section 5: Myanmar languages and culture Covers: 5.1. Romabama{}, 5.2. Burmese speech (Tibeto-Burman group), 5.3. Mon speech (Austro-Asiatic group), 5.4. Myanmar Religions, 5.5. Collection of papers, 5.6 Law and Legal perspectives, For BEPS work, the IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) is inadequate, and I have to invent Romabama{} to supplement it. UKT 190812: It is not only the IPA, but English (in Latin script) alphabet itself that is giving trouble in transliteration and transcription. It is the use of digraphs in Modern English in place of Old English characters. An example is the combination of letters t h in place of Old English thorn character þ . This has a major affect on column c2. I've been ignoring this problem, but it's time I start modifying Romabama characters. Attempts to completely modify the c2 since in 190719 has failed. I'll have to try sometime later to get away from the digraphs of c2. Meanwhile I'll modify the table of basic consonants, paying attention to the columns. I'll consider the combined c1-c2 as voiceless, c3-c4 as voiced, and c5 as nasal. The c1-c2 voicelessness can be subdivided into c1 tenuis the extreme voiceless, and c2 as ordinary voiceless. The c3-c4 voiced subdivided into c3 ordinary voiced and c4 as deep-voiced (or deep-H). Mon-Myan differs in the extreme from Bur-Myan by assigning the inherent vowel {mwé-hkän-þa.ra.} as /é/ instead of /a/ or /æ/. This makes Romabama pronunciations applicable only to Bur-Myan and not to Mon-Myan.Using Romabama{}, I arrived at BEPS {ba.ín~pa-þak} basic consonants. Note: BEPS is acronym in English which uses the Basic Latin Alphabet-Latin transcription system, whereas {ba.ín~pa-þak} is the acronym in Burmese (Bamah) which uses the Basic Myanmar Abugida-Akshara transcription system. Contrary to what many think - including the Myanmar Language Commission (MLC), Alphabet {al-fa-bak} and Akshara {ak~hka.ra} are not the same. UKT 190417 - Burmese New Year 1381 BE day: I define a Basic Akshara as one which can be under a Virama {a.þût}. Because of this stringent definition, I've to expand the Myanmar akshara-matrix to account for phonemes with friction. I can now transcript common English words such as church as {chaach} . Don't think that the difficulty of transcription/transliteration in BEPS is the fault of Eng-Lat alone. Bur-Myan is also partly responsible. We lack the IPA dental fricatives, / / - /s/ and /f/ - /v/ pairs. These I have to invent: for / / {sha.}, for /s/ {Sa.}, for /f/ {fa.}, and for /v/ {va.}. Contents of this pageSection 6: Pali {pa-Li.} dictionaries and grammars Boadkric {boaD~hka.ric} Pali dictionaries, - PED-TIL , a compilation of U Hoke Sein's (BP) and U Pe Maung Tin's (IP) Pali grammarI opine that since both Pali {pa-Li. sa.ka:} and Sanskrit {þän-skRRi.ta. sa.ka:} were both descended from Magadhi {ma-ga.Di sa.ka:} the Tib-Bur language, {pa-Li.} {þän-skRRi.ta.} could be integrated. I'm studying them both as unified vocabulary in the form of glossaries and dictionaries, and as unified grammars. The intermediary language is Romabama {} which is ASCII compatible. The IPA, which has been developed for Alphabet-Letter system of transliteration and transcription of European languages fails miserably when used for Abugida-Akshara system used by Pali and Sanskrit. Moreover, IPA is non-ASCII and is not suitable for the Internet.Contents of this pageSection 7: Sanskrit {þän-skRRi.ta.} dictionaries and grammars There are 16 basic vowels in BEPS to handle all the four speeches. The vowels in Bur-Myan, and Skt-Dev are given by both Vowel-Letter, and Vowel-Sign. UKT 190802: You'll notice the problem is with the {a.þa.wuN} vowels, which probably was noticed by Myanmar monks when they tried to reconcile Pali-Lanka with Bur-Myan (which eventually gives rise to modern Pali-Myan). Lankan language belongs to Aus-Asi group which is different from Burmese the Tib-Bur language, and the vowel-system is quite different. Pali-Lankan has only two tones whereas Bur-Myan has three : The artificial group of languages, BEPS {ba.ín-pa-þak}, is studied to arrive at a one-to-one transcription/transliteration between Bur-Myan and Eng-Lat based on one-to-one transcription/transliteration between Pal-Myan and Skt-Dev. UKT 200429: Remember, Bur-Myan is non-rhotic, whereas both Pal-Myan and Skt-Dev are rhotic. I haven't realized how the arrangement of vowels or vowel-order is as important as the consonantal-matrix (showing the arrangement of POAs), until I studied the vowels in my • Practical Sanskrit Dictionary for Buddhists and Hindus , a second time beginning in 2020 April. See p006-2.htm (link chk 200429)Since, I rely on the shapes of the graphemes and their relation to deeper meaning to check my work, I need another language with an unrelated script, such as the Bengali script. The first choice Bengali script was been found unsuitable because of transliteration of vowels /e/ and /au/, which use the split-vowel as in English use of Magic e exemplified by kit -- kite . I'm still looking for another.Ordinary English (Eng-Lat) cannot be used in my work and I've to use IPA-Latin which does not use end e . Telugu is also unsuitable because of the confusing not perfectly rounded script. A script that I've overlooked is the Gujarati derived from Ardha Magadhi, just as Myanmar had been derived from Old Magadhi. Gujarati is also similar to Devanagari, but free from top-horizontal bar. UKT 180627: It is not commonly known that Skt-Dev is used for both Hinduism - the Atta religion, and also for Buddhism - the Anatta religion. I'm trying to compare the entries in Skt-Dev entries to Pal-Myan in U Hoke Sein's dictionary. I occasionally check the entries with Skt-Eng Dictionary, by • T. Benfey, 1866, in TIL HD-PDF and SD-PDF libraries - TBenfey-SktEngDict Ô / Bkp Ô (link chk 200308) UKT: Page numbers from the original book are given: I'm going by PDF pages. There are 1181 pdf pages. The first consonant {ka.} begins from p165. • Edgerton's is from: - FEdgerton-BHSD Ô / Bkp Ô (link chk 200308) Contents of this pageSection 8: Myanmar: what the Earth has to say Forget the ancient written records on stone, gold and silver sheets, and other writing materials - a lot of them based on the fertile imaginations of the authors - ancient and modern. This section deals with Cosmology, Geology, Geography and Paleoanthropology.Who were our ancient ancestors, and how did they fared during geological changes from the days when the Earth was formed, continents drifted, new oceans come into being while old ones dried up and their floors raised to become high mountains? How did the changing geography shaped our ancestors, to make us what we are today? How did the land which we call our country come to have so many minerals and varied fauna and flora? Contents of this pageSection 9: Para-medicine This section includes: Para-Medicine {pa.ra.hsé:} Plant Taxonomy, Lawrence, 1951 Contents of this pageAppendix : • If you are a Theravada Buddhist • Burmese-Myanmar calendar • Note on Sections and Ratings Contents of this pageSalutations to the Greatest Teacher of All Times UKT 180916: As a skeptical scientist, I do not pray in the religious sense. I made my salutations to the greatest teacher, Gautama Buddha, in the language of my great grandmother:whose First Four Laws, and Anatta Principle are the earliest scientific observations in the history of mankind. I keep myself reminded of the fundamental concept of Theravada Buddhism - the Anatta Principle - the ever-changing world including what we deem as our own Self. Change Death is a natural phenomenon - not to be feared: live your Present Life as happily as you can, but expect Change at every turn. Theravada Buddhism - more precisely the first two sermons of Rishi Siddhartha Gautama (formerly the Crown Prince of the Sakka Republic of the Magadha Mahajanapada {ma-ga.Da.} 'foot-hold of Magadhi speakers') who became known as the Buddha (the sage, the teacher) - is an Non-Axiomatic religion. Theravada Buddhism is Non-Axiomatic, just as Modern Science is. It is a philosophy which had been termed religion. It is for the Living, those still very much alive and kicking. Being Non-Axiomatic, it is not based on self-proclaimed Truths such as a Universal Creator and Creation not supported by any modern scientific observation. It is for the Living, not for the Dead. As a scientist, I neither affirm nor deny the existence of a former or a future life.However, I am finding that most of my friends of my age-group are very much against the very mention of Death. I keep myself reminded of Death - the Mara nussati, with a pix from Mara nussati Kammatthana from Rev. Jandure Pagngnananda Thero ( ), -- 151005.Now, a little philosophy of my own:Out of my consideration for those who are afraid of Death I have replaced the Mara nussati pix with a sequential pix on what we have already gone through. We have all started out as Little Ones!In days before my generation, the Little Ones in Burma - every little boy of age 6 or 7 - not to get wrong ideas of life as promised by of the Axiomatic religious teachers, were sent to the monasteries to be educated by monks. UKT 160623, 170530: Now those who usually criticize me have come out against me. I have been asked to explain my views on Communications from After-the-Death state (Spiritualism) in particular about Planchette or Ouija-board See: Wikipedia: 160623 As a scientist of early 20th century, I consider the After-the-Death State as an open question. In Myanmarpré, the equivalent of Planchette is {hpya-laip nût} Ma Aung Phyu . Myanmar Times, 181005Now, even the ever-enquiring physical scientist have come out against my early 20th century scientific notions: is it possible that After-the-Death state be a natural phenomenon like Quantum Entanglement.* See: 170530 Quantum entanglement is a physical phenomenon that occurs when pairs or groups of particles are generated or interact in ways such that the quantum state of each particle cannot be described independently of the others, even when the particles are separated by a large distance -- instead, a quantum state must be described ... *UKT : See research on Parapsychology conducted by Dr. Stevenson. See: Wikipedia: 181006. But always remember, scientific theories can always go the way The Phlogiston Theory did! See: Wikipedia: 181006Maybe, it's time for me to lay to rest the 20th century scientist in me, and join Nataraj in his dance! Is it going to be Tandavam or Nadanta ? Go on line and see what I mean. UKT 130501: TIL website originated as a family website of the Tun Family whose members are now spread out in Canada, Myanmarpré, and Singapore. Prof. U Kyaw Tun (1934- ), and his wife Daw Than Than (1930-2004) both ethnic Bur-Myan, but now naturalized Canadians are the founding members. Daw Than Than has completed her life: it only remains for me, U Kyaw Tun, to complete mine. I am now 86 (on 200319). My physical body is not important for me, but for those who would like to see my likeness, I usually post only a caricature of myself (drawn by a Canadian artist) and my signature with which I sign my work.Contents of this page UKT 191126: According to my MLC friend U (Dr.) Tun Tint, there are those who do not agree with the MLC's transcription of {þak~ka.ta.} for Sanskrit. Though, I am not one of those, my aks-to-aks transcription which include the highly-rhotic Sanskrit vowel has given me {þän-SkRRi.ta.} = »I've used the Myanmar akshara {ba.} to show the relationship, according to a legend, to the group of four Brahmas {brah~ma} who landed from Space soon after the Earth was formed. See the legend inside. Note that the legend of Brahmas has nothing to do with what is given as history in Burmese chronicles but which is taken as legend of: Legendary four races of ancient Burma: Pyu {pyu}, Kanyan, Thak (also spelled as Thet), Myanmar.Binpathak (BEPS) has to deal with three language groups {sa.ka:oap-su.}: Tibeto-Burman (Tib-Bur),Indo-European (IE) {ín-do U.rau:pa.}, and Austro-Asiatic (Aus-Asi) {au-aa-si} (formerly as {}) with 3 different phonologies. Because of different phonologies, BEPS and its inter-transcription language, {}, cannot hope for a unified spoken language, but only as a tool for understanding among different speakers. There are 16 basic vowels in BEPS to handle all the four speeches, and more than 35 basic consonants. For BEPS-Myan, I need to invent at least 9 basic consonants derived from {Sa.} / {S} . - UKT 190410: The invention of new glyphs or letters is not new when one has to cope with various aksharas. The British had been faced with this problem in India in the 19th century: It is sufficiently obvious, that if an alphabet of twenty-four letters is to express one of fifty or more, some contrivance must be had recourse to, to extend the elasticity of the former. If the sounds are wholly and radically strange, new symbols must be invented ... wrote H. H. Wilson, East-India Company, in his , in Glossary of Judicial and Revenue Terms, for British India in 1885, Preface, p.roman-008. See downloaded text in TIL HD-PDF and SD-PDF libraries - HHWilson-JudicialRevenueTerms Ô / Bkp Ô (link chk 190410) H. H. Wilson writing in 1855, after Second Anglo-Burmese War (1852-1853) has only a few lines on Bur-Myan language in Preface, p.roman024. I agree with the view of Mr. Wilson, but must add there must be a guidance in shaping new symbols. Any haphazard way putting a dot here, a vertical, a horizontal, or a diagonal line over there, will not do. Remember Myanmar akshara uses the circle as its basic shape, with openings, and dents on the left-over-right-under the circle. One circle can rollover, but two could not. To add stability a second circle is added to the first. The first double circle you should concentrate is Bur-Myan r4c2 {hta.}. It's immediate relation is presumably the Asokan r3c4, the single circle, signifying perfection. I've arrived at this assumption on the study of Esoteric Buddhist Sa-Da-Ba-Wa magic square -. { ín:}. What I've come to realize is that there is a system of showing the relation between sound {a.þä} (what you hear) and shape {a.ré:} (of the symbol or glyph). The Bur-Myan r4c2 {hta.} can be modified in a number of ways by opening up the circles: {ta.}, {ka.}, {þa.} , {ya.}, {ha.} , {la.}. Letting my imagination run wild, I've come up with the question: Is it possible that the word {tak~ka.þol } the university or centre of learning and its acronym {ta.ka.þa.} show how it is easy it is to play with glyphs to arrive at new words? e.g.: {kiñ~zi.ka.} {kiñ~zi.ya.} , n. vinegar, [UHS-PMD0278c1 ] . I've started writing an essay on this in MC-indx.htm captioned Sounds and Shapes in my notes. [UKT 200706: this essay has become lost.]I've now defined what BEPS language is. The following are BEPS consonants and BEPS vowels:UKT 200321: I've come across words like {Ska.}, {Sta.}, and{Spa.}, and even {SkRRi.} {StRRi.} in Skt-Dev. Because of them I have to recognize dental {S} as a special diacritic giving somewhat stable conjuncts, and starting to make changes in the glyphs. There is no danger of a mix-up between {Spa.}, {Swa.} and {swa.}Mathematics: the sister discipline of linguistics.Just as language is important for a human to communicate with another, is his ability to count. A modern educated person must have some idea of modern mathematics. As an introduction you can read Episodic History of Mathematics by S. G. Krantz, 2006, in the TIL PDF libraries. Be prepared for some surprises, such as one on celebrated Pythagoras Theorem: - SGKrantz-EpisodicHistMath Ô /Bkp Ô (link chk 190530) Mathematical history is exciting and rewarding, and it is a significant slice of the intellectual pie. A good education consists of learning different methods of discourse, and certainly mathematics is one of the most well-developed and important modes of discourse that we have. - p.roman04. And in fact it [Pythagoras Theorem] is one of the most ancient mathematical results. There is evidence that the Babylonians and the Chinese knew this theorem nearly 1000 years before Pythagoras. - p003Note: Pythagoras, fl 6th century B.C. - AHTDA recent book, The Mathematical Language of Quantum Theory: from Uncertainty to Entanglement, by T. Heinosaari and M. Ziman, Cambridge Univ. Press, 2012, has come to my notice. I'm sorry to say though I'm interested, I'm too old to stand the rigors of studying it. Moreover, my knowledge of Quantum Mechanics of 1960 vintage. I can only quote some (edited by me) excerpts from Preface (p.roman09begin) Quantum theory is not any easy subject to master. Trained in the everyday world of macroscopic objects like locomotives, elephants and water melons, we are insensitive to the beauty of quantum world. Many quantum phenomena are revealed only in carefully planned experiments in a sophisticated laboratory. Some features of quantum theory may seem contradictory and inconceivable in the framework set by our experience. Rescue comes from the language of mathematics. Its mighty power extends the limits of our appreciation and gives us tools to reason systematically even if our practical knowledge [of daily experience and reason] fails. Mastering the relevant mathematical language helps us to avoid unnecessary quantum controversies. Quantum theory, as we understand it in this book, is a general framework. It is not so much about what is out there, but, rather, determines constraints on what is possible and what is impossible. This type of constraint is familiar from the theory of relativity and from thermodynamics. We will see that quantum theory is also a framework, and one of great interest, where these kinds of question can be studied. What are the main lessons that quantum theory has taught us? The answer, of course depends on who you ask. Two general themes in this book reflect our answer: uncertainty and entanglement. Uncertainty. Quantum theory is a statistical theory and there seems to be no way to escape its probabilistic nature. The intrinsic randomness of quantum events is the seed of this uncertainty.* There are various different ways in which it is manifested in quantum theory. We will discuss many of these aspects, including the non-unique decomposition of a mixed state into pure states, Gleason's theorem, the no-cloning theorem, the impossibility of discriminating non-orthogonal states and the unavoidable disturbance cause by the quantum measurement process. Entanglement. The phenomenon of entanglement provides composite quantum systems with a very puzzling and counterintuitive flavour. Many of its consequences dramatically contradict our classical experience. Measurement outcomes(p.roman09end-p.roman10begin) violation of local realism or the teleportation of quantum states. It is fair to say that entanglement is the key resource for quantum information-processing tasks. It should be noted that both these themes, uncertainty and entanglement, have puzzled quantum theorists since the beginning of the quantum age. Uncertainty can be traced back to Werner Heisenberg, while the word 'entanglement' was coined by Erwin Schrödinger. After many decades uncertainty and entanglement are still under active research, probably more so than ever before. *UKT : Just as the results of Parapsychology conducted by Dr. Stevenson. See: Wikipedia: 181006. But always remember, scientific theories can always go the way The Phlogiston Theory did! See: Wikipedia: 181006If you want to get more involved, see Quantum Theory for Mathematicians, by B. C. Hall, 2013, in TIL HD-PDF and SD-PDF libraries:- BCHall-QuantumTh Ô /Bkp Ô (link chk 200308) Contents of this pageSection 2 : Human voice and languages Remember hearing is more important than articulation. It is your ear that will teach you the nearest pronunciation. Even then what is important is the message - not the correct pronunciation. Gautama Buddha the Wise let his monks pass on his message according to how the local audience could understand. Human voice, Phonetics and Phonology - HV-indx.htm - update 2018Oct ¤Human sound production - human-snd.htm - update 2018Oct Graphical representations of human voice - AlphabetLetter.htm- update 2018Oct Alphabet-Letter [former hv2.htm] . For Abugida-Akshara see Section 1. Voice quality [former hv7.htm] -voice-qual.htm - update 2018Oct -Eng-phon-indx.htm - update 2017Nov - UNIL-indx.htmEnglish pronunciation guide -EPG-indx.htm - update 2009Jan -English pronouncing dictionary -DJPD16-indx.htm See also 150405 English Phonetics and Phonology, Glossary (A Little Encyclopedia of Phonetics), by Peter Roach, 2009, in TIL HD-PDF and SD-PDF libraries - PRoach-Glossary Ô /bkp Ô (link chk 190530) English idioms of native-speakers --EIDIOM-TXT-indx.htm English Grammar in Plain Language -EGPE-indx.htm - update 2019Oct compared with MLC Bur-Myan grammarPhonetics for Myanmar - UNIL-indx.htm (based on online course offered in China by Univ. of Lausanne (UNIL): in TIL format of 2004 used before Unicode. It needs thorough cleaning.). I have come across a book on Bur-Myan Phonetics which I intend to go through some time later: {þûd~da.byu-ha kyûm:} - by Abbot of Taungdwingyi KhinGyiByaw (fl. 1084 BE). I have yet to look for works by those who preceded him: {hsa.ra-tau kyau-aún-sän-hta:} and {shín Ok~kän-þ}. Contents of this page UKT 141030, 180602: This section is on learning a living language using the ideas given by H. D. Brown in Principles of Language Learning and Teaching, 4th. ed. Copyright 2000. - Brown4-indx (link chk 180602) Note: By L2 is meant a language acquired by a human being well passed puberty when that person has full knowledge of the Mother Tongue, aka First Language (L1). L1 is also known as Home Language. The medium of instruction is Latin script. Both English and Burmese (Romabama) are used. Grade stands for schools in present-day Myanmarpré based on my work in TIL research station in Yangon. ENGLISH for Myanmar - E4M-indx.htm - update 2015Nov English Grammar in Plain Language - EGPE-indx.htm - update 2019Oct UKT 191019: I'm hoping to transform the above to Burmese Grammar in Plain English. But first I must study Skt-Dev more to bridge it to Pali-Myan, a hope which my old friend and fellow teacher from RIT (Rangoon Inst. of Tech), Mr. S. Arya said is too ambitious. He may be right: I'm 85 years now, soon to be 86.Romabama {} for English speakers in Myanmarpré - Romabama-indx.htm COMPUTER ASSISTED TEACHING of ENGLISH - CATE-English.indx - in preparation¤ Stories from Canada - CATE-Canada-indx.htm - update 2016Jan ¤ For Kindergarten and Grade 1: (CATE-Children) (not available on line)¤ TriplePlay: Grade 1 to 4: - CATE-TriPlay-indx.htm - update 16Sep ¤ Learn to Speak English: Grade 5 - upwards (LSE by Chaptersnot available on line): Ch01-15 - CATE-LSE01-15-indx.htm / Ch16-30 - CATE-LSE16-30-indx.htm ¤ Burmese for Foreign Friends - Burmese for English speakers: (a fictitious love story with voices of U Kyaw Tun and wife Daw Than Than) - BurMyan-indx.htm B4FF1-indx.htm (link chk 200705) Note: I wrote this unfinished story for our own amusement, and I listened to it to hear the voice of my dear departed wife. I have to stop writing this story when she died in 2004, soon after which this TIL webpage went on line. COMPUTER ASSISTED TEACHING of MALAY - CATE-Malay.indx - in preparation - from Speak Malay like a local by Lissa - 180601 Note: I am preparing a series for use by me and my assistants, based in TIL research station in Yangon.COMPUTER ASSISTED TEACHING OF ENGLISH Stories from Canada - CATE-Canada-indx.htm - update 2016Jan English for Kindergarten and Grade 1: (CATE-Children) - by UKTTriplePlay - CATE-TriPlay-indx.htm (not available on line) - update 2016Sep Learn to Speak English (CATE-LSE) - by UKTChapters 1 to 15 - CATE-LSE1-indx.htm (not available on line) Chapters 16 to 30 - CATE-LSE2-indx.htm (not available on line) Note: Burmese for Foreign Friends, a Computer Assisted Teaching of Burmese (CATB), can be reached: - BurMyan-indx.htm B4FF1-indx.htm (link chk 160913) Contents of this page UKT 180926: I may reorganize this section under: LINGUISTICS - linguistics-indx.htm - update 15Dec Scripts, Brahmi, and other topics.Could the Rathé be the Rishis following the footsteps of the Ancient Vedic rishis? There are about 10 rishis acceptable to Gautama Buddha. In one of my numerous notes, one of which is on the Language Problem of Primitive Buddhism, based on the presentation of Ji Xianlin (former spelling Chi Hisen-lin) to Burma Research Soc., JBRS, XLIII, i, June 1960, I've written: - lang-relig-indx.htm lang-probl.htm - update 15Nov , (link chk 181122) UKT 170516: Vishvamitra {waiþ~þa mait~ta. ra.þé.}, Bhagu { ra.þé.}, and Yamataggi { ra.þé.} * are among the ancient Vedic rishis revered by Gautama Buddha. In the Buddhist Vinaya Pitaka of the Mahavagga (I.245) [14] section the Buddha pays respect to these rishis by declaring that the Veda in its true form* was became known declared to them (UKT: became due to the yogic practice - not by grace of any axiomatic god) Atthako (either Ashtavakra or Atri), Vâmako, Vâmadevo, Vessâmitto (Visvamitra), Yamataggi, Angiras, Bhâradvâjo, Vâsettho (Vâshistha {wa-þéT~HTa.})**, Kassapo (Kashyapa), and Bhagu (Bhrigu) [15] and because that true Veda was altered by some priests he refused to pay homage to the altered version. [16] [equivalents of Pali to Skt names by Maurice Walshe (2005) translation of Digha Nikaya - see note in - 170618 ] means? The Poannar {poaN~Na:} who believe in Axiomatic beings portray the Veda {wé-da.} 'knowledge' to be like a main body (head and torso) with 6 subordinate branches (limbs). The most important part, the head (plus the torso) wholly made up of prayers and incantations to the various Axiomatic beings, headed by a Creator (just an idea - not accepted by Theravada Myanmar-Buddhists.) The limbs described as Védinga {wé-dïn~ga.} aka ved ga, limbs of the Veda ) Read: 180326 and Dictionary of Pali-derived Myanmar words (in Bur-Myan) - UTM-PDMD by U Tun Myint, Univ. of Rangoon Press, 1968, p302. One of the 6 limbs is #1. Shiksha, « ik » : phonetics, phonology, pronunciation = {þaik~hka}, the study of which is more important than useless prayers. Anyone, not only the Poannar {poaN~Na:} who profess to be the mouthpiece of the Creator, can acquire knowledge - the Véda - through steadfast study with a concentrated mind (acquired by self-training using Yogic {þ} methods.). Ideas that come into his mind must be logical before they can be accepted as knowledge. The ancient Vedic rishis, were the very ones who had acquired the Véda in its true form. They were self-achievers, not just weaklings who were nothing but self-made servants of the gods. Such a self-achiever was Siddhartha Rishi {þaid~Dût~hta. ra.þé.} who acquired the ultimate knowledge or wisdom. He finally declared himself to be the Buddha. No wonder he would pay respect to the ancient rishis such as Vishvamitra {waiþ~þa mait~ta. ra.þé.}. {waiþ~þa mait~ta. ra.þé.} - UHS PMD0925 { ra.þe.} - UHS PMD0720 . { ra.þé.} - not found in UHS. ** I cannot find Pal-Myan spelling of the name so far. Skt-Myan equivalent of the name is {wa.þi.S~HTa.} from link to Vâsettho in Wikipedia - 151125. UKT 170501: Of the lot, Bhagu aka Bhrigu rishi (a human) chastised all the three Trimurti, for failing in their duties to look after the humans on earth: Mahabrahma (with a curse that no one on earth would worship him), Vishnu-déva (with a kick in the chest) and Shiva-déva (with a curse that he be represented by Lingam the male sex-organ stuck in Yoni the female sex-organ) - 170501 See videos in the TIL HD-VIDEO and SD-VIDEO libraries - Hindu-BhriguLaxmiVishnu Ô / Bkp Ô (link chk 190530) - Hindu-BhriguParvatiShiva Ô / Bkp Ô (link chk 190530) UKT 170405: Who are the two females shown? I venture to say that they are the modern presentations of ancient religions - the Mother-Goddess religions of the copper to bronze ages of the Indian sub-continent extending into modern Myanmarpré. See my note: Maa Sakti of the Left-hand Path in my work on ¤ A. A. Macdonell A Practical Sanskrit dictionary (in Skt-Dev) 1893, - MC-indx.htm MCc1pp-indx.htm p075.htm (link chk 170405) See also - 180830 Mehrgarh (Balochi: «Mehrga h»; sometimes anglicized as Mehergarh or Mehrgar,) is a Neolithic (7000BCE to c. 2500/2000BCE) site located near theBolan Pass on the Kacchi Plain of Balochistan, Pakistan, to the west of the Indus River valley.[1] ... The earliest settlement ... was inhabited from circa 6500 BCE ... is now seen as a precursor to the Indus Valley Civilization, ... Some human figurines including a mother-goddess was discovered. LANGUAGE ACQUISITION AND TEACHING - lang-acqui-indx.htm - update 2015Dec - mainly based on H. D. Brown's, Principles of Language Learning and Teaching, 4th. ed. Copyright 2000. Though concerned with teaching of English to Bur-Myan speakers, this section is applicable for all languages of BEPS.The above link will take you to my smaller version which I have rewritten not to infringe on the author's copyright. Now more than 16 years have passed, and new editions have been published: my work which is based on the 4th. ed. for use by my fellow researchers ¤ ~~LAT4M-CD080807 LibLAT4M Brown_Princip4 - Brown4-indx (link chk 180326) UKT 170511: Bur-Myan, Engl-Lat, and Skt-Dev, the BEPS each needs some phonemes and new graphemes to be unified, because of which Romabama has to invent new graphemes. I hold that our old linguists had faced the problem in their days, and had adopted a method which I've name Grapheme-shape Hypothesis: e.g. in Skt-Dev : /v/ + diagonal-line -- /b/. - MC-indx.htm MCc1pp-indx.htm p083.htm(link chk 190930) LANGUAGE AND MEANING - lang-mean-indx.htm - update 2015Dec LANGUAGE AND RELIGION - lang-relig-indx.htm - update 2015Dec ¤ Language problem of primitive Buddhism, by Chi Hisen-lin ( , 1911 – 2009) -lang-probl.htm - update 15Nov ¤ Dhammapada verses - Dhammapada.htm - future updateJust as remembering Paritta verses is important in learning Pali orally, are the Dhammapada verse in learning Theravada Buddhism.¤ Dissent and protest in the ancient Indian Buddhism -Buddh-sch-indx.htm - update 2018Nov - by Ven. Tran Dong Nhat (b.1968), Univ. of Delhi, 2008. Ph.D. thesis.The first schism of note in Myanmarpré occurred in 18th century known as {a.roän}-{a.tín} controversy in which the leader of {a.tín} who was a very learned monk and his close associates were disrobed. UKT 181115: Because of the sensitive nature of the subject, I'm working on this paper only to serve as a reference.¤ Bhagavag t - Gita.htm - update 15Dec and others such as ¤ Mahabharata,¤ Bhagavag t ,¤ Early Buddhism and Bhagavag t ¤ the Pole Star in Ancient AstronomyUKT 191105: The Epic battle described in Mahabharata might be just a fiction, yet it has given us the Bhagavag t - the Philosopy. It is also a source for ancient Astronomy on the problem of Geographical North pointing at the Pole star. Due to Earth's precession, various stars had been designated as the Pole Star. Read has been recorded. Maharshi Vyas has recorded in Mahabharat, Vana Parva (Chap.230, Verses 8-11), a dialogue between Indra and Skanda wherein it is stated that: “Contesting against Abhijit (Vega) {a.Bi.zi. nak~hkût}, the constellation Krittika (Pleiades) went to ‘Vana’ the Summer Solstice to heat the summer. Then the star Abhijit slipped down in the sky. At that time, Dhanishta was given the first place in the list of Nakshatras. Rohini was also the first some time back. Now you decide what to do.” said Indra. (background: Yajur Veda and Atharvana Veda both mention Abhijit as a Nakshatra after Uttara Ashadha and before Shravana. - 191106¤ Mahayana Buddhism and Vajrayana Buddhism - future work To acquaint yourself with my intention, read A Brief Introduction to the Three Yanas [in Tibetan Buddhism] - by Cortland Dahl, of Tergar group, undated. The downloaded paper is in TIL HD-PDF and SD-PDF libraries:- CDahl-TibetanThreeYanas Ô /Bkp Ô (link chk 180327)LANGUAGE AND SIGN - lang-sign.htm - update 2015Dec I plan to include the Sign Language to presenting message of the Buddha to Hearing-Speaking challenged (Deaf-Mutes) eventually. LANGUAGE AND SOCIETY - lang-soc.htm - UKT 180926: See Language and Society by Raymond Hickey in TIL HD-PDF and SD-PDF libraries- RHickey-LangSoc Ô /Bkp Ô (link chk 180926)LANGUAGE AND THOUGHT -lang-thot-indx.htm - update 2015Dec Contents of this page Romabama {} 'Bur-Latin' 5.2. Burmese speech (Tib-Bur - Tibeto-Burman group) 5.3. • Mon (Peguan Martaban) language (Aus-Asi - Austro-Asiatic group}: ------ There are 7x5 = 35 consonants in Mon, two more than 33 of Bamah. Listen to: ------ Approximants of row#6 {yé}, {ré}, {lé}, {wé}, {Sa.} - bk-cndl-Mon-row6 )) ------ Approximants of row#7 {ha.}, {La.}, {ßa.}, {a.}, {ßé} - bk-cndl-Mon-row7 )) 5.4. Myanmar Religions : TOC changed to TIL format ------ Folk Elements in Buddhism - Maung (Dr.) Htin Aung - 5.5. • Collection of papers ------ A Civil Servant in Burma - Herbert T. White 5.6. • Law and Legal perspectives : A collection from various writers UKT 190329: From:,_Burma#cite_note-Long-5 190329 At a museum near the archaeological site of Shwegugyi there are exhibits which show archaeological finds from excavations including: human skeletal remains, along with pottery, jewelry, and bronze rattles laid in graves in a series of rows, found below ground. Carbon dating of some of the earliest grave finds indicate that they are almost 5,000 years old. [5] The museum also has exhibits of finds of: silver coins, gold ornaments, bricks with inscriptions of texts, and many antiquities recovered from the Hanlin sites. The Pyu alphabet with links to Sanskrit and the present day Bamar language, inscribed on a tomb stone, is also on display. [4] A script that is strangely similar to Myanmar script is the Georgian Alphabet. If you take into consideration that the Georgian is an Alphabet-Letter writing system and that Myanmar is an Abugida-Akshara system you can clearly see the connection.UKT 191006: There pairs of phonemes which are similar yet quite different. The first pair is nasal, and the second fricative. I should be comparing /n/-/m/{na.}-{ma.} nasal-pair, and /ts/-/dz/{sa.}-{za.} the fricative-pair in the Palatals. These must be studied in pronunciation of syllables: the influence of both the onset and coda on the nuclear-vowel. This means that I must be able to speak Georgian, or get a close associate who speaks Georgian! ¤ Georgian scripts: 190609¤ Romanization of Georgian: 190609 ¤ Standard Georgian, by R.K. Shosted V. Chikovani, 2006- RKShostedVChikovani-StandGeorgian Ô /Bkp Ô (link chk 191115) There is a one-to-one correspondence between the alphabetic symbols and phonemic sounds of Georgian. UKT 191105: It is interesting to note that the Georgian script, Mkhedari means 'of horseman'. My friend Dr. Tuan, an ethnic Chin educator, used to interpret the Bur-Myan word {mrûn} from the word {mrûn-ma} as the fast horse-riders. The {mrûn} from the north descended into Burma to marry the Pyu {pyu} women when a sizeable number of Pyu males were abducted by Nanzhao (in modern Yunnan). Eventually, the Pyus disappeared and the population became {mrûn-ma}. Of the 7 house-hold guardian spirits of {mrûn-ma}, only 2 are {mrûn} (Burmese), the rest* are Pyu {pyu}. What a coincidence!* The list of 37 Nats (spirits) have undergone changes with time. Old Nats have disappeared and new ones substituted. By whom? The unsophisticated foreigners quoting unreliable local sources is the answer. Thus in the list given in Wikipedia - 191106, I can identify only 3 Pyu Nats {pyu nût}. But the two who have disappeared still remains in a Bur-Myan saying: {taún-mín: ko mrauk-mín: ma.kèý-neín} Lord North cannot save Lord South .Wikipedia editors and foreigners should note! Contents of this pageRomabama {} Bamah speech in IPA-Latin alphabet: Bur-LatUKT 180401, 190308: Romabama {} 'the backbone of Bur-Myan language is not Romanized Burmese. Nor is it Burglish. I have to invent Romabama {} single-handedly with some help from my wife, Daw Than Than, before she passed away in 2004. It is Burmese speech { sa.ka:} in Myanmar script {mrûm~ma ak~hka.ra}, transcribed into Burmese speech { sa.ka:} in Latin script. ¤ Romabama on Typewriter (emphasizing ASCII fonts used)- RBM-typewrit-indx.htm - update 20Aug ¤ Romabama {} Rules -RBM-rules-indx.htm - update 20Aug (name changed from Romabama introduction) ¤ Romabama Collection -RBM-collect-indx.htm - update long overdue (first created on 070724 in London, Ontario, CANADA. Many in the original collection has now been listed in their respective folders, and new ones added.) UKT 191119: Romabama on Typewriter is beyond repair and update. I've decided to rewrite anew beginning 2019Dec. The older files, dating back to 2008Mar13 will be available only in TIL research station in Yangon. At that time in 2008, I was in Deep River, Ontario, CANADA. Now I'm in MYANMARPRÉ having taken Permanent Residence (PR), though keeping my Canadian citizenship and keeping a home in Canada where I live with my son U (Dr.) Zin Tun at 691 Upper Wentworth Street, Hamilton, Ontario L9A 4V6 . The reason why I am in Myanmarpré, is because I'm now over 85, alone, and no longer able to stand the harsh weather of Canada, but most importantly because of my research into Burmese, Pali and Sanskrit languages written in Myanmar, Latin, and Devanagari script. My rewrite will also focus on my new acquisition the Burmese Spelling Book, by Rev. C. Bennett, 4th edition, published in 1862. It is the oldest book on grammar which has come to my notice. I now have it in TIL HD-PDF and SD-PDF libraries: - CBennett-BurmeseSpellingBook-1862 Ô / Bkp Ô (link chk 200824) It reminds me of my old days as a child in the late 1930s and early 1940s reciting lessons, at the top of our voices, later versions of Spelling Book or ThinBoanGyi : {ka.} {ka} {ki.} {ki} {ku.} {ku} {ké} {kè:} {kau.} {kau} {kän} {ka:}. Also look into Vocabulary and Phrase Book , by the same author, 3rd., 1886 - CBennett-VocabPhrase Ô / Bkp Ô (link chk 200824)After coming across the drawbacks of IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) which is not ASCII compatible, and which has been designed primarily for western European languages, and IAST (International Alphabet for Sanskrit Transliteration), I have to invent my own Romabama {ro:ma.} the back-bone of Myanmar script which is ASCII compatible. Romabama started out as a Bur-Latin transliteration for writing emails. I've now developed it into a transcription. Romabama is based on Bur-Myan phonology and is not applicable for transcription of Mon-Myan language - which has an entirely different phonology. Bur-Myan belongs to Tib-Bur (Tibeto-Burman) language group, whereas Mon-Myan is Aus-Asi (Austro-Asiatic). The two languages, Bur-Myan and Mon-Myan, use the same basic Myanmar akshara {mrûm~ma ak~hka.ra}. However, the speakers use different sets of vocal muscles to pronounce the vowels and as a result the sounds of vowels are different. The Western human phoneticians of 18th century and their present day disciples, still under the influence of their various mother-tongue, the L1, usually fail to notice the subtle different sounds. Unless you use machine identification, formants F1 and F2, the vowels, especially the back-vowels, cannot be differentiated. However, through thousands of years of the study of phonetics, the Eastern linguists such as Panini { hsa.ra} who write the A dhy y {ûT~HTa.Da-yi þûd~da kyûm:}, have differentiated the vowels and consonants by their modes and places of articulation (POA). These are recorded in scripts using the Abugida-Akshara system. The European phoneticians, failing to understand the differences between Abugida-Akshara system and Alphabet-Letter still think the Akshara and Alphabet to be the same, creating a thorough mess when English-Latin is used as an intermediate language. In the case of Bur-Myan and Mon-Myan, if the subject matter, such as Theravada Buddhism, is the same, you can still know the meaning when Abugida-Akshara system is used. Even when the language pair, e.g. Skt-Dev and Pali-Myan, is studied because of the same culture and customs (of Magadha Mahajanapada {ma-ga.Da.}) you can still understand many words by akshara-to-akshara transformation. I am learning Sanskrit vocabulary using this method. See Section 7: Sanskrit dictionaries and grammars. Contents of this pageBurmese (Bamah) speech in Myanmar akshara: Bur-Myan of Tib-Bur (Tibeto-Burman) group UKT 180401: To know the nature of Tib-Bur group of languages, I've to look into Néwari and Népali speeches written in Devanagari script. In this subsection I've given a short list of Newari words and more of Népali words. A separate folder is still in the works. (in Devanagari) and {Ða.} (in Myanmar script) so important? I suspect it represents the Third Eye - the seat of super intelligence - present in Gautama Buddha, and supposedly present in Siva-déva. See Wikipedia: - 180401A drawback of Bur-Myan and Skt-Dev phrases and sentences is the lack of white-spaces separating one word from another. A lengthy word may be separated into smaller pieces, e.g.«Buddhacaritam»/«buddhacaritam» can be separated into two: «buddha» and «caritam». ¤ Romabama collection - a new collection - RBM-COLLECT-indx.htm - update 2016May ¤ Notes on the transliteration of Burmese alphabet into Roman characters, and vocal and consonantal sounds of the Peguan or Talaing language, by R.C. Temple, Rangoon 1876, in TIL HD-PDF and SD-PDF libraries - RCTemple-Translit-Bur Ô /Bkp Ô (link chk 200307) ¤ A preliminary study of the PoUDaung inscription of S'inbuyin, 1774 AD, by Taw Sein Ko, in The Indian Antiquity, a Journal of Oriental Research, vol. 22, 1893 - RCTemple-JIndianAntiquVol22 Ô /Bkp Ô (link chk 200307) PoUDaung Inscription - by TawSeinKo. Below is an clip from the inscription (modern Burmese characters): Taw Sein Ko wrote: Lines 1 - 8 of the obverse face of the stone are in Pâli gâthâs and the rest are in Burmese verse. The reverse face of the stone is in Burmese prose. (Note: I've shown only Lines 1 to 3.) Other articles by other authors are included in the above journal.- RCTemple-RamannaDesa Ô 1894 / Bkp Ô (link chk 200307) See Plate XVIII - Kyaikhtiyo Pagoda - the oldest photograph in TIL libraries. I will have to go over the works of R C Temple carefully because it has comparisons to Haswell's Peguan language. ¤ Burmese Grammar and Grammatical Analysis 1899 - BG1899-indx.htm - update 2019Dec by A. W. Lonsdale, Rangoon: British Burma Press, 1899 xii, 461, in two parts. Part 1. Orthoepy (pronunciation) and orthography (spelling); Part 2. Accidence and syntax UKT 191215: Preparations for a modern BEPS Grammar, cannot be be initiated unless I can compare Bur-Myan (uninflected language) to English (Eng-Latin: an inflected language). Since Eng-Lat is non-phonetic, I cannot use it as it is, but to use Eng-IPA in which English has been made phonetic. Then, the problem of presentation on the Internet becomes a hurdle, because IPA is non-ASCII. Therefore I have to come up with an intermediate language that is ASCII compatible. I ended inventing Romabama (Bur-Latin) - a one-to-one mapping of Sound to Script. But then both Burmese and English are modern languages, and English is changing all the time since the time of time of Alfred-the-Great who had used Old English. Alfred's language is not understood by modern English speakers: it has become a foreign language even in England its birth-place. I, therefore have to choose a pair of dead languages which are no longer changing and which are related to English and to Burmese. I choose Sanskrit to represent English and Pali to represent Burmese. It is a good choice because both these languages have scripts of their own which are entirely different in appearance: Sanskrit in Devanagari and Pali in Myanmar-script. You can see how I am going by looking into Section 7. My solution is to prepare thePractical Sanskrit Dictionary for Buddhists and Hindus . UKT 191101: I am certain A. W. Lonsdale had looked into Burmese Spelling Book, by C. Bennett, published in 1862. It is the oldest book on grammar which has come to my notice. I now have it in TIL HD-PDF and SD-PDF libraries: - CBennett-BurmeseSpellingBook-1862 Ô / Bkp Ô (link chk 200308) And, Grammar of Burmese Language, by A. Judson, 1883. Downloaded text in TIL HD-PDF and SD-PDF libraries: - AJudson-GrammBurLang Ô / Bkp Ô (link chk 200308) Downloaded text in TIL non-PDF (Webarchive) libraries - AJudson-GrammBurLang Ô / Bkp Ô §1. The Burmese language is written from left to right, and without any division of words. §2. The pure Burmese is monosyllabic, every word consisting of one syllable only; but the introduction of the Pali language, with the Boodhistic religion, has occasioned the incorporation of many polysyllabic words of Pali origin into the pure Burmese. On Grammatical Case: §57. The relations of nouns expressed in most languages by prepositions or inflections, are in the Burmese language expressed by particles affixed to the noun, without any inflection of the noun itself. UKT 191120: From the above, you can see that the usual comparison involving inflexion cannot be used in BEPS. I will have to compare phoneme by phoneme which is feasible because in BEPS there is a strict one-to-one correspondence between phoneme and grapheme. My main source (corpus) of Skt-Dev is: ¤ A Practical Sanskrit dictionary (in Skt-Dev) by A. A. Macdonell, 1893. The present TIL expanded version is based on the complete 384 pages of the ink-on-paper book, and its online versions. ¤ Sanskrit as a language is also used by Buddhists of northern India, and from it translated into languages of China, Korea, and Japan.¤ MLC Burmese Grammar (in Bur-Myan) - UKT 191006:I'm going through MLC grammar to help me with Lonsdale's. Available online from from - 190929 , See downloaded pdf files in TIL PDF libraries: HD-PDF-B and SD-PDF-B (link chk 191010)1. bg-mlc-1-1. 2. bg-mlc-1-2. 3. bg-mlc-1-3. 4. bg-mlc-1-4. 5. bg-mlc-2-5.6. bg-mlc-2-6. 1.bkp1. --- ---2. bkp2.--- ---- 3. bkp3.--- ---- 4. bkp4. -- - --- 5. bkp5.--- ---- 6. bkp6. Ink-on-paper book available in TIL Research Library in 3 volumes, 17 sections.01. {þûd~da} - p001; 02. {ak~hka.ra} - p001 ; 03. {wïn~ga.} - p038 ; 04. {þa.ra. nhic-myo:} - p105; 05. {þän praún:pra. þïn~ké-ta.} - p106;06. {byæÑ: ak~hka.ra lé:myo:} - p153 ; 07. {byæÑ:mya: twè:sûp-poän} - p20308. {a.þût mya:} - p205; 09. { sa.ka: hseín-ra þi.mhût-hpwè mya:} - p273 ----- {HTaan} (POA or Point Of Articulation); ----- {ka.reíN:} {pa.yût} (MOA or Mode Of Articulation) - p284----- Take note of another abbreviation, POS or Parts of Speech, which you'll meet in ----- Tagging of Bur-Myan language. See TIL HD-PDF SD-PDF libraries, by ------ ¤ Phyu Hninn Myint, et. al. on POS tagging : Noun, Pronoun, Verb, Adjective, Adverb, Postpositional Marker, Particles and Interjection. ------ ¤ WinWin Thant, et. al. on Function tagging 10. {a.þän} (sound), {sa.ka: þän} (human voice) - p349 11. {sa.ka:loän:}; {poad}; {poad-su.} - p088, p36812. {poad} - p36913. {wa-sïn~ga.} - p003, etc.14. {wa-sïn~ga. hseín-ra þi.mhût-hpwè mya:} - p29815. {wa-kya.} - p032, p090, p146, p195, p39216. {wa.kya. hseín-ra þi.mhût-hpwè mya:} - p328 17. {poad-hprût} {poad-rûp} etc. UKT 191007: MLC Burmese Grammar definitions are mostly from vol.1 mod.1 bg-mlc-1-1. Page numbers are from consolidated ink-on-paper printed book. TIL scheme of one line corresponding to height 22 pix are adhered to. I hate grammar, both Burmese and English, until I come across Grammar In Plain English (EGPE), by H. Diamond and P. Dutwin, 1977, when I realize that you can learn a language without going into formal grammar. Yet,I must learn formal Bur-Myan grammar before I can proceed with this topic. See TIL version of Grammar In Plain English - EGPE-indx.htm - update 2019Oct UKT 191010: I haven't looked into this for a long time: major update in 2000 July and a minor update in 2015July. The reason is simply frustration trying to teach English to Myanmar students who are firm in their belief that in order to learn a language, formal grammar is a requirement. said that Burmese grammar as a science has not received that attention it deserves.¤ With regard to the grammatical treatises by native writers, ... not content with merely borrowing the grammatical nomenclature of the Pali language, ... assimilate the grammatical principles of the uninflected Burmese to those of the inflected Pali; so that they produced, not Burmese grammars, but modified Pali grammars in Burmese dress. ¤ Bur-Myan Language: Speech and Script *- BurMyan-indx.htm - update 2016Sep includes the following: - The Grammaticalization of Nominalizers in Burmese, by Andrew Simpson, Prof. of Linguistics East Asian Languages and Cultures, Univ. of Southern California. ¤ Learn Myanmar, Asia Pearl Travels, (the free online Burmese lessons), by Naing Tin-Nyunt-Pu 191007 Myanmar grammar has a number of suffixes and ending words calledwe1-but (postpositional markers) andpyit-si3 (particles). Those suffix and ending words are placed after a noun or a pronoun to show subject or object, and after a verb to show tense or mood. Sometimes, they can modify the adjective into verb. MLC Bur-Myan definitions such as above are given in vol. 1, module 1: {naam}, {naam-sa:}, {kRi.ya}, {na-ma.wi.þé-þ}, {kRi.ya-wi.þé-þ}, {wi.Bût}, {þûm~bûn-Da.}, {pic~sæÑ:}, suffixes known as {wi.bût} and particles {pic~sæÑ:} to build up words. These suffixes are named Nominalizers by Andrew Simpson in his The Grammaticalization of Nominalizers in Burmese, 2008.• Nominals (linguistics)- 191007 In linguistics, the term nominal refers to a category used to group together nouns and adjectives based on shared properties. The motivation for nominal grouping is that in many languages nouns and adjectives share a number of morphological and syntactic properties.• The Grammaticalization of Nominalizers in Burmese, 2008-- BurMyan-indx.htm Normalizer.htm (link chk 170309)Downloaded paper in TIL HD-PDF and SD-PDF libraries - ASimpson-NormalizerBurmese Ô /Bkp Ô (link chk 200308) Burmese, a language which is particularly rich in nominalization structures and where a highly informative picture of the results of the grammaticalization of nominalizers can be found through a comparison of two different though closely-related forms of the language: Colloquial Burmese and Literary Burmese. A careful examination of synchronic patterns in Colloquial and Literary Burmese provides evidence of the source and complex structure of clausal nominalizers in the language, ... ¤ Burmese for Foreign Friends A teaching program by U Kyaw Tun and Daw Than Than,ver01, 1991, new ed. with sound files - MLC Burmese Orthography , MLC, 1st ed 1986, ed. U Tun Tint (in Bur-Myan) ¤ Precursor of MLC Myanmar English Dictionaries, 2006 - the standard edition used in my work - Dictionary of Pali-derived Myanmar words (in Bur-Myan) - UTM-PDMD by U Tun Myint, Univ. of Rangoon Press, 1968, pp 627. My older ref. was UTM-PDD. - Thalun English-Myanmar Dictionary - Thalun-EMD2003-xxxx Contents of this page¤ Mon-Myan Language: Script - MonMyan-indx.htm (link chk 200812) includes: # Grammatical notes and Vocabulary of the Peguan Language by J.M. Haswell, Rangoon, American Mission Press, 1874 - MV1874-indx (link chk 180327) - in TIL HD-PDF and SD-PDF libraries - JMHaswell-PeguanGrammVocab Ô / Bkp Ô (link chk 200308) # Notes on the transliteration of Burmese alphabet into Roman characters, and vocal and consonantal sounds of the Peguan or Talaing language, by R.C. Temple, Rangoon 1876, in TIL HD-PDF and SD-PDF libraries - RCTemple-Translit-Bur Ô 1876 /Bkp Ô (link chk 200308) # A Short Introduction to the Mon (Martaban) language, by Mathias Jenny, The Mon Culture and Literature Survival Project (MCL), Sangkhlaburi, 2001. - MJenny-IntroMonLang Ô / Bkp Ô (link chk 200307)# The Mon language: recipient and donor between Burmese and Thai, by Mathias Jenny, Zurich Open Repository and Archive, University of Zurich, 2013 - MJenny-MonReceipientDonor Ô /Bkp Ô (link chk 200308)# Basic Mon-Myanmar (Martaban) Language (in Burmese) by Naing Maung Toe, Rangoon, 2007. See downloaded pages in TIL HD-PDF and SD-PDF libraries - NaiMgToe-MonBur Ô /Bkp Ô (link chk 190210) UKT 180403: Peguan dialect of Mon-Myan, the language of my great grandmother Daw Mèma as speech, is now extinct. What J.M. Haswell and R.C. Temple have written is on the Peguan dialect. What is still extant is the Martaban dialect about which is written by modern authors like M. Jenny and Nai Maung Toe. Be sure you differentiate the two dialects when you study the now threatened the Mon language. A difference is in the pronunciation of r1c1-r1c2 {ka.}-{hka.} and r1c3-r1c4. Peguan: {ké}-{hké} - emphasized by Haswell and Temple Martaban: {gé}-{hké} ¤ Mon-Myan Language: Speech -spk-all-indx.htm (link chk 190325) UKT 180802: Though the same glyph of Myanmar akshara is used by both Burmese and Mon, the pronunciation is radically different. Now listen to Mon-Myan consonants: for comparison with Skt-Dev, listen to a passage from BhagavaGita in Skt-Dev - bk-cndl-Gita18-2 )) - first line: « r -bhagav n uv ca» 'the Supreme Personality of Godhead said'; - 2nd line: «k my n » 'with desire' / (the whole passage is given somewhere below) - bk-cndl-{ka.}-row )): , , - Velar plosive-stop bk-cndl-{sa.}-row )) : , , - Palatal affricate UKT 181122: Mon pronounces the basic akshara {sa.}/ {c} as /{kya.}/ which is how the Bur-Myan {kya.} is pronounced. The problem is {kya.} is a conjunct which cannot be under a virama {a.þût}. That would be problematical when Bur-Myan and Mon-Myan scripts are on the same page of the text. I, therefore, have to invent new glyphs for Mon-Myan, which could also be used for Eng-Myan (English-speech in Myanmar akshara): - Mon r1c1 {sa.} (pronounced as /{kya.}/) absent in English - Mon r1c2 {hsa.} (pronounced as /{hkya.}/). This immediately solves the pronunciation of Eng-Lat church {chaach} or {chuuch}. Remember, it is non-rhotic, and presence of /r/ cannot be tolerated. - Mon r1c3 {zé} (pronounced as /{gyé}/. - bk-cndl-{Ta.}-row ))- bk-cndl-{ta.}-row )) bk-cndl-{pa.}-row )) - bk-cndl-{ya.}-row )) - bk-cndl-{ha.}-row )) Concentrate on the last three consonants {ßa.}, {aa.}, {ßé}. Now listen to examples of simple disyllabic words. Mon speech of Aus-Asi language group is radically different from Burmese speech of Tib-Bur language group. Even among the dialects of a language group the pronunciation of a word can be different. If you rely on pronunciations only not paying attention to the script, you will end up dividing the peoples of the same culture which is reflected in language. Remember Speech divides, but Script unites. Those who would like to change the Bur-Myan akshara-matrix, especially the Burmese language teachers, should take note. - BkCnd-VIDEO: Mon-SpkAll-lesson10-61txt )) Note 150920, ... , 180918: To help transcription of English into Burmese, I have already introduced Mon-Myan, A'forward-throw {aou} into Basic BEPS vowels for English words such as now {nou} how {hou}. Its opposite, A'back-throw {è}, is present in Bur-Myan, but absent in Eng-Lat, because of which the English e has created a mix-up of {è}. Another possible candidate to help in transcription is Mon-Myan A'thawéhtotin-chaungnin to be placed side-by-side with Bur-Myan {o} which is called A'loantin-chaungnin. The pronunciation of is not at all similar to {o} - the only difference in shape being the Eng front vowel e and English back vowel o . See - MonMyan-indx.htm spk-all-indx.htm spk-all03.htm (link chk 180918). Listen to the pronunciation of in - lesson17-61cap )) I can only catch the consonant: /m/ , /k/ , /p/ , /n/UKT 180918: Sad to say, I'm still unfamiliar with Martaban Mon pronunciations. Contents of this pageUKT 180327: Before I go into this section, which can be misinterpreted as biased (opinionated maybe: but not biased), I must make myself clear. I have never proselytized anyone. I have no wish to belittle any religion - ancient or modern. I do not wish to offend anyone: just as I honour my parents, grandparents and their fore-parents, I view what they have believed to be worshipful - whether these gods and goddesses are axiomatic or not. This was the position of my father U Tun Pe, who had advised me: you may or may not believe in a god or nût; but never offend it. Leave it alone. He gave an example - of his friend U Hpo Zan and our family friend - who made a point to offend U Shin Gyi Nût the guardian of waterways of the Delta. In spite of being an expert swimmer, U Hpo Zan - BaBaGyi U Hpo Zan to me - drowned in the Rangoon River after his boat was hit by a river-going oil-tanker carrying crude from Yenangyaung oilfield to Syriam refinery. There were four on the boat - all swimmers, except Dr. U Chit Htwé. None of them saw the oil tanker bearing down on them and none heard the shouts from the tanker crew. They simply went straight to the tanker. Dr. Chit Htwé was pulled out of water almost immediately by his assistant, Maung Tar, but he was already dead. U Hpo Zan was last seen swimming, but his body was never recovered. The survivors were Maung Tar, and the Bengali boatman. There was quite a commotion in U Hpo Zan's house in Twanté that night - strange noises especially at the front-entrance. Through a Nût-medium, U Shin Gyi Nût told U Hpo Zan's wife, Daw Ma Thar and family that, because of U Hpo Zan's insults, his body would never be given back. You may or not believe my narrative but my advise to everyone - especially the foreigners - you may or may not believe in a god or nût; but never offend it. Leave it alone . U Hpo Zan had offended the nût of the folk-religion: he was a Christian - a Methodist. Incidentally, Dr. Chit Htwe was also a Christian - a Baptist. The Bengali boatman was a Sunni Muslim.The book that has led me the topic of Religion: organized and folk, is Folk Elements in Buddhism by Maung (Dr.) Htin Aung. Printed and published by U Myint Maung, Deputy Director, Regd: No (02405/02527) at the Religious Affairs Dept. Press. Yegu, Kaba-Aye P.O., Rangoon, BURMA. 1981. As a background for this section and for book, read the following articles Read the following: Religion: 180327 Organized religion: 180327 Folk religion: 180327 Curse tables: 190409 A curse tablet (Latin: tabella defixionis, defixio; Greek: katadesmos) is a small tablet with a curse written on it from the Greco-Roman world. The tablets were used to ask the gods, place spirits, or the deceased to perform an action on a person or object, or otherwise compel the subject of the curse. UKT 190409: sounds similar to Myanmar {ín:} and Thai Yantra . ¤ Folk Elements in Buddhism --flk-ele-indx.htm - update 2020July UKT 180327: The original natives of the of the region centered in the present-day Myanmarpré, had worshipped many Mother-goddesses {mèý-tau}, thousands of years before the time of Gautama Buddha (a Tib-Bur language speaker). The Buddha based his Buddhism, a non-axiomatic philosophy, on the impermanence of everything in nature. He based his observations on logic (thus scientific in modern sense), on changes in seen entities like humans and animals, of ethnic groups, and even the physical topography of the land, and ideas such as customs and beliefs in axiomatic beings such as gods and devils. PIX shows Nankareign Mèdaw - one of the mother-goddesses of the Mons. She is very likely directly descended from the axiomatic entity of Indus-Sarasvati civilization. See Wikipedia on Pashupati seal: - 180328 ... name of a steatite seal that was discovered at the Mohenjo-daro archaeological site of the Indus Valley Civilization. The seal depicts a seated figure that is possibly tricephalic (having three heads). It was once thought to be ithyphallic ['having an erect penis' - Google], an interpretation that is now mostly discarded. He has a horned headdress and is surrounded by animals ... . UKT 190827: How do the archeologists know the entity to be a he? Since Ancients worshipped mother-goddesses, it could very well be a she. I suggest that it could be the ancient forerunner of Nankareign Mèdaw {nän-ka.reín: mèý-tau} - not related to Shiva-déva {þi-wa. nût-mín:}] UKT 180328: Tricephaly - derived from Polycephaly which is known in current times. 180328The beliefs in Mother-goddesses changed, and many forms of Buddhism have come into Myanmarpré. Also, many ethnics from areas outside the region with their axiomatic beliefs, such as Christianity, Hinduism, and Islam, had come in. Even non-axiomatic beliefs such as Communism, and modern Science had come in. Religion in Myanmarpré is in plural - hence the topic of my study Myanmar religions: Organized and Folk .We have at present no way of studying the changes except through language (speech and script). With the change in ethnicity of the speakers, the spoken languages and dialects have also changed. To delay these changes, speech is represented in script in symbols or glyphs for each individual human-speech sound. The most successful system of recording speech in script is the Abugida-Akshara system. Outside the region, we find another successful system - the Alphabet-Letter system. Abugida-Akshara system (such as Bur-Myan and Skt-Dev) is based on phonetics, whereas the Alphabetic-Letter system (such as English, French, and modern European speeches) are non-phonetic. I'm trying to bring a sense out of the present mess through the study of only four speeches of BEPS (Burmese, English, Pali and Sanskrit) written in three scripts (Myanmar, IPA-Latin, International Pali, and Devanagari.). See Buddhism in Burma in LANGUAGE AND MEANING, based on the Gazetteer of Upper Burma and Shan States, in 5 volumes, by J G Scott, 1900 - lang-mean-indx.htm Budd-Myan.htm (in preparation)Contents of this page¤ General -- myn-indx.htm (link chk 180328)¤ Prehistory -- prehist-indx.htm (link chk 200401) A new addition, Burma before Pagan by M. Aung-Thwin, has been added -- to be uploaded later. UKT 130305¤ Myanmarpré before the British incursionThe Burmese Empire a hundred years ago - by Father Sangermano, 1833 • Prefaces, John Jardine's Introduction, TIL-collection -- sang-j-indx.htm - update 13Sep (link chk 180328) • Sangermano's work proper -- sang-s-indx.htm - update 13Sep (link chk 180328) Gaudama the Buddha of the Burmese, by Bishop Bigandet, 1866 - BishopBigandet Ô /Bkp Ô (link chk 200308) UKT 200308: In the Preface to the first edition, we read Though based upon capital and revolting errors, Buddhism teaches a surprising number of the finest precepts and purest moral truths. From the abyss of its almost unfathomable darkness it sends forth rays of the brightest hue. Take note of the words capital and revolting errors . What the reverend Bishop had got from the Burmese Theravada Buddhists is the conception of Nibban (not the Hindu version of Nirvana) which is commonly expressed as the Cessation of Death. My understanding of Nibban is the Cessation of Attachment - including the Vanity of Vanities as expressed in the Old Testament of the Christian Bible in Ecclesiastes. My bridge between Theravada Buddhism and Christianity is the Book of Ecclesiastes. My field of study is the Old Testament of King James Bible: see- 200309 Chapter 1. lines 1, 2, 3 :¹. The words of the Preacher, the son of David, king in Jerusalem.². Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity.³. What profit hath a man of all his labour which he taketh under the sun? Vanity to me is Self-conceit {gna-swè:}. The Land of the White Elephant - by Frank Vincent, 1873 in TIL HD-PDF and SD-PDF libraries - FVincent-LandOfWhiteEleph Ô /Bkp Ô (link chk 190528) ¤ Myanmarpré under the British in TIL HD-PDF and SD-PDF libraries• Cigar-Girls, and Foresters of Burma, in Asiatic Journal Vol4, no3, NovApr1845, p230, TIL PDF libraries - AsiaticJ04-3 Ô / Bkp Ô (link chk 180327) • The Burman, his life and notions - by Shway Yoe J. G. Scott (1851-1935) under penname of Shway Yoe (1882) - JGScott-ShwayYoeTheBurman Ô /Bkp Ô (link chk 180328) See Wikipedia: 170312• A Civil Servant in Burma - by Herbert White, 1913 As important as J. Jardine (Judiciary) was Herbert Thirkell White (Civil Service His account based on 32 years (1878–1910) of service in Burma. (PDF) in TIL HD-PDF and SD-PDF libraries - HTWhite-CivilServBur Ô /Bkp Ô (link chk 180626) (nonPDF) In TIL nonPDF library- HTWhite-CivilServantBur Ô / bkp Ô (link chk 170312) See: - 140530 See also Wikipedia: 140530 • Burma under British Rule and before vol.2 , by John Nisbet, 1901 in TIL HD-PDF and SD-PDF libraries- JNisbet-BurmaUnderBritVol2 Ô /Bkp Ô (link chk 191016)Contents of this page Legal do not imply the same thing. Law to the Myanmar Buddhists (broadly meaning speakers of Bur-Myan, Karen-Myan, Mon-Myan, and Shan-Myan) means what is compatible with the Theravada Buddhism. On the other hand, Legal perspective means what is sanctioned by the government of the time which can mean the governments of: King of Konbaung dynasty, King of Mons, Sawbwas of the Shans, down to the village level and long-house, the British-Raj of the colonial times, the secular governments of independent countries, and the various native military governments. UKT 200620: There are two dialects of Pali: Pali as spoken in Myanmarpré (Pali-Myan), and Pali as spoken in SriLanka from which the International Pali is derived (Pali-Latin). Most of us in Myanmarpré are familiar with Pali-Myan, but only a few who have studied Pali in the universities are familiar with Pali-Latin. If you could not study in a university, you can take courses from Bodhi University website: - 200620 accompanied by A New Course in Reading Pali, by J. W. Gair and W. S. Karunatillake, 1998 - JWGairEtAl-ReadingPali Ô / Bkp Ô (200620)- UKT 200517: Just as the children of one parent a Buddhist and the other Christian, become light-hearted in both religions, when you study many subjects together you become a Boadkric - a term of ridicule. They say Amen in one ceremony and Thadu in the next. Boadkric {boaD~hka.ric} Pix on right shows Mèdaw Thurathati {þu-raþ~þa.ti mèý-tau}, the anthropomorphised human-knowledge, known and yet to be known. She is not a Dévi: not a female déva. She is just a Mother {mèý-tau}, an anthropomorphic form of something such as a country, or even the terrestrial Earth on which the humans and animals live. Unless you are always thinking of sexual-intercourse - a sex-maniac, you don't have to marry her to anyone - not even to Mahabrahma-déva. Mèdaw Thurathati {þu-raþ~þa.ti mèý-tau} (embodiment of Knowledge ) is in everyway, someone worth being worshipped. In Bur-Myan, such worshipfuls are known as {nût}. You worship or pay the highest form of respect to such entities, either real or axiomatic, whether out of respect or out of fear . If you are living under a tyrant you still have to worship him out of fear even though you hate him from the bottom of your heart. On the other extreme, I worship Gautama Buddha as the wisest of all out of respect for his wisdom . Likewise, Mèdaw Thurathati {þu-raþ~þa.ti mèý-tau} representing the whole body of human-knowledge, including the knowledge of Buddha's wisdom is worshipped. But remember, Gautama Buddha was a human-being - a real person, whereas the Mèdaw is an axiomatic entity - a figment of imagination. Both are worshipfuls or {nût}. We call the Mèdaw as {þu-raþ~þa.ti mèý-tau nût þa.mi:}. Unlike YHVH, God, and Allah, they cannot fulfill your prayers. The worship of the Buddha and Mèdaw amounts to paying respect. Many Myanmar Theravada Buddhists, wishing someone to grant their wishes, worship the Nats {nût} of the Folk-religion. I personally know many Burmese Theravada-Buddhists married to Burmese Christian spouses, worshipping in Christian churches. Many of their off-springs, who may become either Buddhists or Christians, following both religions have earned themselves the name of Boadkric {boaD~hka.ric} from Buddha , and Christ , and they are expected to say at the end of their chants Amensadhu {a-mín þa-Dhu.} from a combination of Amen and Tha-du . See also Wikipedia: 180312 • The Worshipful – all other Mayors or other municipal governors• His/Her Worship (oral address Your Worship) – municipal leaders in Commonwealth realms. The Old Magadhi - the Tib-Bur (Tibeto-Burman) language, heavily under the influence of Sanskrit, still survives mainly in Kathmandu valley in Nepal [ Lumbini«lumbin » was Gautama Buddha's birthplace.]. The language known as Néwari is still spoken by the blood relatives of the Buddha. My interest is in the Néwari language neither politics nor religions. Néwari (short: New) was written in Asokan Brahmi script at one time, but now written in Devanagari script. It still retains its Tib-Bur characteristics which I identify by the more numerous presence of the aksharas, {hka.}, {Ga.}, and {Za.}. Note: I will use only Romabama transliteration, neither IAST nor IPA, to avoid unnecessary confusion. UKT 180226, 181203: I've been developing a Lakkwak on Magadhi-Asokan since 160416. Based on the shapes of r1c1 {ka.} and r4c1 {ta.}, the basic form of is both square and triangle. How to attach the vowel-diacritic to the consonant, and how to form the vertical conjuncts are clues to shapes of every akshara in the matrix. I need to standardize the forms to study, Shin Kic'si Pali Grammar. - Francis Mason Eisel Mazard ( ) version of Shin Kicsi Pali Grammar, 1st distribution in 2015 -FMasonMazard-PalGramm Ô / Bkp Ô (link chk 200309) UKT 190417: Remember for writing Kagyi-khakwe I had to come up with the scheme w7xh7. There is nothing wrong with it: it has been used for 20 yrs. However, I still need a scheme for Latin alphabet whenever I am unable to use regular English fonts.{né-pa-la. Ba-þa.}, as can be seen from the different spellings of the Kathmandu Valley (Gau: New: , ). - 170704 See also: 160119 To avoid further confusion, I will use the word Gorkhali {gau} derived from the ethnic group whose kings had overran the area, as an alternate name for the present official language. I base my usage on: - 170704 Since, Néwari (New) had been written in Asokan Brahmi it was probably the same as Pali-Myan. The Buddhist faith as well as the language, Néwari (Tib-Bur), were almost wiped out by the Shaivite-Hindus in Nepal. Note: The Vaishnavite-Hindus were more friendly towards Buddhism, because they take the Buddha to be one of the reincarnations of their administrator-god Vishnu-déva, one of the Timurti headed by: Mahabrahma (creator), Vishnu (administrator), and Shiva (police). Shaivite-Hindus were not friendly towards either Buddhists and Vaishnavites, because they take their god Shiva-déva to be the Supreme God (creator, administrator, destroyer - all in one), and had viewed at one time the Buddhists and Vaishnavites as heretics. With this short background I will study the languages and cultures based on the following dictionaries.Nepali-IE aka Gorkhali in Akshara order: A Comparative and Etymological Dictionary of Nepali Language by R L Turner - (link chk 160119) Files from Univ. Chicago in TIL HD-nonPDF and SD-nonPDF libraries: - Turn-NepalDict Ô /Bkp Ô (link chk 200328) To refer to this dictionary use: Turnxxxx Downloaded files from Govt. College in TIL HD-PDF and SD-PDF libraries - RLTurner-NepalDict Ô /Bkp Ô (link chk 200309) This dictionary does not allow copy-paste. Use it only as a quick reference. Nepali-IE aka Gorkhali in Alphabetical order: Népali-English Dictionary by Karl-Heinz Krämer, 2007. Downloaded files in TIL HD-PDF and SD-PDF libraries:- KHKramer-NepalDict Ô /Bkp Ô (link chk 200309) Newari-TibBur aka Nepal-Bhasa in Alphabetical order: English to Nepal Bhasa Dictionary (Tib-Bur) by Sabin Bhuju , 2005 Downloaded files in TIL HD-PDF and SD-PDF libraries: - SBhuju-NewarDict Ô /Bkp Ô (link chk 200309) It is my conjecture that Newari (Tib-Bur) directly descended from Old Magadhi (Tib-Bur) - the mother tongue of Gautama Buddha, and Pali-Myan (Tib-Bur) speech written in Myanmar script - probably the forerunner of AsokanBrahmi script - are closely related. The most interfering language is Skt-Dev (IE), and through Skt-Dev I expect either to prove or disprove my conjecture. It is one of my main reasons why I am going through Macdonell's A Practical Sanskrit Dictionary. For the political background see: 170705In both languages, Gorkhali and Newari, you will find words beginning with {gna.} . from non-nasal r1c5, which in Bur-Myan: {gna.}/ {ng}, {gna}, {gna:}In Newari you will find fish - the same as in Bur-Myan, except for the length of the vowel. UKT 140209: Burmese, and Pali (mostly on Buddhism), and Sanskrit (mostly on Astrology) are so interwoven that you cannot learn one without learning some words of the other two. Listen and watch a video on Theravada Buddhism explained in a classical song known as TéBoamma {té:Boam~ma}, a favorite of my father U Tun Pe : Online video: 140209 And in TIL HD-VIDEO SD-VIDEO, Burma section: - té:Boam~ma )) 191006 Remember there are many disciplines under the name of Astrology. The discipline in which Bur-Myan and Skt-Dev was known as Hindu Astrology aka Vedic Astrology. Again there are quite a few systems which may be differentiated by the charts used. We, in Myanmarpré use a square divided into 12 sections for Rasi or Zodaic as shown. The names can be found on TIL version of Macdonell's Sanskrit Dictionary - MC-indx.htm MC101.htm (link chk 200706) and look into my notes on:Vedic names of Astrological houses 01. • Bhava Lagna, Kalpa, Tanu, Udaya, Vilagna ¤ Tanu {} = kalpa - atmasthana : body, personality 02. • Artha, Dhana, Nyana, Swa, Vak, Vitta ¤ dhana = ku umba {ku.Toam~ba.} -sva - vitta - vaksthana - koza : wealth, knowledge 03. ... ... ... UKT 190228: For a standard work on Astrology, see Brihat Jataka (from «br hat» adj. - big, great, large). • Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira, transl. by N. Chidambaram Iyer, 1885, in TIL HD-PDF and SD-PDF libraries: - NCIyer-BrihatJataka Ô / Bkp Ô (link chk 200309) There is probably not one subject which is so ill-understood, which so many people pretend to know, and on which so many are prepared to express an opinion, as the subject of Astrology. - Introduction. I, UKT, fully support this opinion of N. C. Iyer. In Chapter 09, p092-109, you'll read something on Astakavaga - my specialty when I was a part-time astrologer. In the chapter, on p103 to the end you'll find Sarvashtaka Varga by which I sum up as an illustration of a person's life. UKT 200723: I'm intrigued by the shape of of the word {kûð~Ða.ta.} «ka hati» - v. ( ka h) to draw, drag; °ana, n. dragging, resigning. - UPMT063. Why is the akshara {Ða.} getting prominence? native of Burma, especially in the country Myanmarpré. Whenever, you visit a Myanmar pagoda pay attention to Planet Posts at cardinal points. They are the basis of the Burmese Mahaboat Astrology {ma.ha-Boat}. There is probably no relationship between Hindu astrology and Myanmar astrology. Furthermore, the shapes of the Akshara-glyphs seem to suggest ideas. I've interpreted the SaDaBaWa Inn - a 2x2 matrix - as a guide to Perfection. Now, compare the Planet Posts of Mahaboat Astrology to the 3x3 matrix of the single-circle Akshara. At the center is the Buddha representing Perfection, the cardinal points with benign animals, and the corner points with ferocious animals. In the 3x3 matrix, the center is the Perfect circle, and the cardinal-points with open-circles looking forward to Perfection. The corner-points with dented-circles look away from Perfection. Based on this comparison, I maintain that the Myanmar akshara is of esoteric nature. On the other-hand, the Alphabet with its Alef (Ox), and Bet (Stable) is the product of simple farmers and cattle breeders. Note: These ideas are my own which I've derived from my study of Astrology, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Abugida-Akshara Alphabet-Letter writing systems.Pali is an artificial language invented to serve the Theravada Buddhists who had taken a firm foothold in Ceylon now known as Sri Lanka or simply Lanka. It is derived from Old Magadhi (the mother tongue of Gautama Buddha spoken in Magadha Mahajanapada {ma-ga.Da.} now split up into India and Nepal) and Lankan speech. Pali was not known in Buddha's lifetime: it was only invented a couple of centuries after his time. Buddha never spoke Pali - what he spoke was Old Magadhi. It is my conjecture that Old Magadhi was known in northern Myanmarpré being brought in thousands of years ago by King Abhiraza {a.B.ra-za mín:}. The king was probably a participant (and loser) in the Battle of Ten Kings - a war mentioned in the Rig Véda. The second time the language was brought in, was by Buddha's own relatives. They were fleeing the wrath of Prince Vi abha {Vi abha } of Kosala kingdom who dethroned his father King Pasenadi in the life time of Gautama Buddha. UKT: The spelling of the notorious prince who dethroned his father and cause the father's death is not certain. See Wikipedia articles with different spellings: Vi abha - 180929 Vir haka - 180929 Pali now spoken in Myanmarpré - Pal-Myan (BP) is the Old Magadhi - is heavily influenced by Lankan Pali (Pal-Lanka) - the artificial language. Since the so-called International Pali (IP) is derived from Lankan Pali written in Latin script or to be exact in IAST, I am calling it Pal-Lat. Since Buddhism rests firmly on the Principle of Anatta the opposite of the Principle of Atta aka Immutable Soul, the Bur-Myan non-nasal word {gna} / / 'I, my, me' referring to Atta is the principle obstacle to all attempts in transcribing the Bur-Myan speech. Listen the song {té:Boän-ma} and keep a look out for the word {gnaa.} - the word with only half eye-blink vowel duration. Hindi and Sanskrit speakers cannot pronounce this sound and they had to substitute it with {na:.} //. Ancient peoples in the Indian subcontinent extending into South-East Asia - including Ancient Pyus in the mainland of Myanmarpré - had worshipped the Mother-Goddess(es) (Maa or Mèdaw) during the Brass Age. (Note: Brass, an alloy of Zinc and Copper, is softer than Bronze, the alloy of Tin and Copper. It is not suitable for making weapons of war. It was treated as a Metal of Peace by Ancient Jews, and used in the construction of articles and altars of worship.) . UKT 180108: From time to time bits of long forgotten info came back to my mind. One such info was about an ancient people of Burma who were named Ticul by the Arabs. This info might simply be wrong. But I have to check first. I came across the name Eudoxus of Cyzicus in 2 pdf papers which are now in TIL HD-PDF and SD-PDF libraries: #1. PKeyser-EudoxusAstronomerPg344to346 Ô / Bkp Ô (link chk 200309) #2. MALinton-HistNavigat Ô / Bkp Ô (link chk 200309) From #2: Greek navigator Eudoxus of Cyzicus explored the Arabian Sea for Ptolemy VIII, king of the Hellenistic Ptolemaic dynasty in Egypt. According to Poseidonius, later reported in Strabo's Geography, the monsoon wind system of the Indian Ocean was first sailed by Eudoxus of Cyzicus in 118 or 116 BC. [14] Again from #2: The earliest known reference to an organization devoted to ships in ancient India is to the Mauryan Empire from the 4th century BCE. The Arthashastra of Emperor Chandragupta Maurya's prime minister, Kautilya, devotes a full chapter on the state department of waterways under a navadhyaksha (Sanskrit for superintendent of ships ). The term, nava dvipantaragamanam (Sanskrit for sailing to other lands by ships) appears in this book in addition to appearing in the Buddhist text Baudhayana Dharmasastra. UKT 190824: My interest in the Pyus {pyu lu-myo:} Pyu ethnics of ancient Myanmarpré has made me go further into antiquity, to the time of the Indus-Saraswati civilization and its connection to the sea. Remember that time was, before the elevation of land in central Burma which eventually led to eruption of Mt. Popa {poap~pa: taún} around 444 BC of a mnemonic, , which I've come across a long time ago. I've asked my friend Ko (Dr.) U Tun Tint. He does not remember coming across it. Since there is a mix-up of a Burmese event and the Christian era, I was probably its author because I'm fond of mnemonics and coined them from time to time. and the cutting up of the proto-Irrawaddy into two: the northern half becoming the Samoan River {sa.moan hkyaún:} and the southern into the Sittang River {sic-taún: mric}. At that time there was no Irrawaddy Delta and the Indian Ocean reached into land as far north as the present day city of Prome {præÑ mro.} - 190824 The region around the Indus river began to show visible increase in both the length and the frequency of maritime voyages by 3000 BCE. | [14] Optimum conditions for viable long-distance voyages existed in this region by 2900 BCE. [15] Mesopotamian inscriptions indicate that Indian traders from the Indus valley — carrying copper, hardwoods, ivory, pearls, carnelian, and gold—were active in Mesopotamia during the reign of Sargon of Akkad (c. 2300 BCE). [1] Gosch Stearns write on the Indus Valley's pre-modern maritime travel: [16] Evidence exists that Harappans were bulk-shipping timber and special woods to Sumer on ships and luxury items such as lapis lazuli. The trade in lapis lazuli was carried out from northern Afghanistan over eastern Iran to Sumer but during the Mature Harappan period an Indus colony was established at Shortugai in Central Asia near the Badakshan mines and the lapis stones were brought overland to Lothal in Gujarat and shipped to Oman, Bahrain and Mesopotamia. The cutting up of rivers, such as the proto-Irrawaddy has had happened before, in geologic time, when the Himalayas were (and are still) building up. See Section 08: Myanmar: what the Earth has to say - earth-indx geol-indx (link chk 190824) and go to: Large rivers and orogens: The evolution of the Yarlung Tsangpo–Irrawaddy system and the eastern Himalayan syntaxis 180530, 190824 See: Large rivers and orogens: The evolution of the Yarlung Tsangpo – Irrawaddy system and the eastern Himalayan syntaxis, by Ruth A.J. Robinson, et. al., 2014, in TIL HD-PDF SD-PDF libraries: - RAJRobinsonEtAl-LargeRiversOrogens Ô / Bkp Ô (link chk 191231) Abstract: ... Yarlung Tsangpo formerly drained into the Irrawaddy River in Myanmar through the eastern syntaxis, and that this ancient river system was established by (at least) the Middle–Late Eocene. The Yarlung Tsangpo–Irrawaddy river disconnected in the Early Miocene driven by increased deformation in the eastern syntaxis and headward erosion by tributaries of the Brahmaputra. ... It is accepted that in the distant past, IE speakers such as the those speaking Sanskrit started filtering into the areas of the Mother-Goddess (Maa or Mèdaw {mèý-tau) worshippers. They brought with them weapons made of Iron and defeated those with Bronze weapons bringing the Bronze-age to an end. They brought with them male-gods and made the goddesses of the Bronze-age, consorts of their male-gods. The conquered were made to serve them and their male-kings and their priests as servants and slaves. Time-line in India: 1200 BC - 200 BC: About 1000 years before the Time of Gautama Buddha or Buddhist Era See 151110 Mèdaw {mèý-tau) need not be of the category of Déva-Dévi of the Hindu Pantheon. They are the anthropomorphic names for the native country. They have no need for husbands nor sex. They are being created by the natives or worshippers even to this day. The most recent entity is Bharat-Mata aka Mother-India comparable to {a.mi. mrûn-ma}. As she is the mother to all peoples of the land including Buddhists, Christians, Hindus, Islams, etc. (in alphabetical order), I hope no self-styled religionist authority would come forward and claimed that Bharat-Mata is the wife of his foremost god.Gregorian calendar of the West)? See 170427 Burmese system has followed a variation of the Metonic cycle. It is unclear from where, when or how the Metonic system was introduced. To understand fully the Burmese Buddhist Era (used all over SEAsia thanks to Burmese Empire-builders like King Anawratha and King Bayinnaung who had influenced the whole area), you must know the Metonic cyle (of Greek astronomer Meton of Athens, ca. 5th century BC, who probably got it from the Babylonian astronomers) - 170427 Burmese calendar-ists (Arigyis of northern Myanmarpré - the brethren of Tibetan monks. One of the latter invented an Abugida-Akshara language - the Phagspa script - for use by Chinese on behest of Kublai Khan). The Burmese probably based their astronomical calculations on the Babylonians rather than on the Indians. How was the Metonic cycle introduced into northern Myanmarpré is of the same genre of the question of Myanmar {ta.} getting to Georgia: (U10D7: consonant Tan ), and (U10D8: vowel In ) See: 170427 The difference between BE and CE to be 543 or 544 depending on the month of the Buddhist Era. However, it is probable that the invading Sanskrit speakers adopted the more ancient ideas of the indigenous people and took up the study of the Vedas. I base my conjecture on the difference between Vedic language and Classical Sanskrit of Panini. Using the idea of renunciation to bring an end to desire , they have given us the Bhagavad Gita. Contents of this pagePali DictionariesUKT 200514: The following is the first project in which 2 similar dictionaries are presented with similar entries side by side: BP vs. IP .The first is U Hoke Sein's Pali Myanar dictionary (BP), with my English translations aided by U Pe Maung Tin's Student's Pali English dictionary (IP). - PED-TILindx.htm - update 20Aug UKT 180331, 200512: There are two dialects of Pali (or Old Magadhi). The first is the language brought over by King Abhiraza { mín:} and again during life-time of the Buddha, by the relatives of the Buddha fleeing the wrath of Prince Widudipa {wi.ðu-ða.Ba. mín:þa:} to Tagaung kingdom in northern Burma. This should be called Burmese Pali (BP). The second dialect is the Old Magadhi brought into Ceylon (Sri Lanka) by the Buddhist missionaries of King Asoka. It eventually merged with the Lankan language which is a Dravidian language - probably linked to Aus-Asi (Austro-Asiatic group) influenced by Sanskrit mainly used by the Buddhist converts of Lanka. When the Westerners started learning Buddhism, it is this Lankan Pali that was written in European Alphabet. This dialect is the International Pali (IP). After the British had colonized Burma, it is IP that is taught in the Myanmar universities, led by persons like U Pe Maung Tin, however it is the Burmese Pali (BP) that is still taught in Buddhist institutions, by monks, nuns, and lay persons. It is Burmese Pali that is written by U Hoke Sein in his Myanmar Pali dictionary (in Bur-Myan). The above link will take you to TIL version of U Hoke Sein's Myanmar Pali dictionary: English version , in which I've translated Bur-Myan to English, checked with U Pe Maung Tin's Student's Pali English Dictionary in TIL HD-PDF and SD-PDF libraries: - UPMT-PaliDict1920 Ô / Bkp Ô (link chk 200517) Unfortunately, U Hoke Sein's Bur-Myan is slightly out of date. Things have changed, and so has the word usage. Because of these changes I've to rely on another Pali-Myanmar dictionary which is in tune with modern times. I'm relying on the one written by Ashin Dhammaththami Biwuntha {a.shin dûm~mûþ~þa-mi. Bi.wän-þa.} (born in 1296 BE - 3 months before, I, UKT, was born). I do not know him personally. Because of his very long Pali name, he would most probably be referred to by his contemporaries as U Dhamma {U:Dûm~ma.}, by which I will refer to his dictionary as UDD's dictionary. I'm now in the process of learning Skt-Dev, and my base language is Bur-Myan and Pali-Myan. Remember not to start with the speech or spoken language: it will immediately bring you under the Curse of Babel: don't try to learn to speak. Here I must make myself clear. To get familiar with the sounds of the language, learn to converse with taxi-drivers and hotel-waitresses. Even a few words and phrases would do: there is always the body-language to help. But to be able to carry on a more scholarly conversation, you need more words UKT 190630: Now that I have renamed my work on A Practical Sanskrit Dictionary by A. A. Macdonell as ¤ Practical Sanskrit Dictionary for Buddhists and Hindus , after including entries from BHS and Pali, I'd thought of merging Section 6 into Section 7, leaving a section for work on Quantum Mechanics which would include, chemistry, mathematics and physics. This is based on my hunch that the Jhanic states {Zaan}, a favorite of the Gautama Buddha into which he went just prior to his physical death at age 80. Prince Siddhartha before he became enlightened as the buddha -- the Gautama Buddha -- as a grownup, had gone into the First Jhanic State even as a child of 6 or 8. It seems he was born with extraordinary intelligence, whereas most of us was born with ordinary intelligence {ñaaN}. Pix shows Prince Siddhartha, as a very young child going into the First Jhanic State. He saw a worm that had been exposed by plough during the Royal Plowing Ceremony picked by a bird for food. The bird was not interested in killing the worm - it was only picking up food. Even if the worm had been killed by the plough, the bird would have picked it up for food. The small bird flying skyward might be grabbed by a larger bird of prey for food. The small bird would die and so would its nestlings. Even such an innocent activity such as seeking food can cause death and destruction to others. Why it has to be so? Is it the Law of Nature? Jhanic State is deep and analytical thinking.¤ Burmese-Myanmar Buddhist (Bambi Index) - BMBI-indx.htm - update 17May in honour of the Deer Park where Gaudama Buddha declared his Non-Axiomatic Scientific Buddhist Religion comprising of the First Four Principles, and Annata Principle - by Seindamani U Chit Maung. The original printed index presented teachings {ta.ra:} in groups of 1, 2, 3, etc. A helpful Wikipedia article for BMBI index is: - 151102 My edited version is in the BMBI folder: Thirty-One Planes of Existence -Thirty1-indx Ô (link chk 170508)¤ In honour of my Christian friends, I hope to compile a similar index - BMCI-indx.htm. It will be based on the work of Rev. Adoniram Judson (1788-1850) work on translating the Christian Bible into Burmese, and its modern versions, which will be useful in my work, on inter-transcription (translation) of Bur-Myan into English-Latin. See also: - 160706 ¤ The principal Pal-Myan dictionaries I use are: - U Hoke Sein, Pali-Myanmar Dictionary (in Pal-Myan) (UHS-PMD), - U Hoke Sein, The Universal Burmese-English-Pali Dictionary, (UHS-BEPD) 190810, 190827 : ¤ The Student's Pali English dictionary , by U Pe Maung Tin, 1920. - (ref: UPMT-PEDxxx). Downloaded copies in TIL HD-PDF and SD-PDF libraries: - UPMT-PaliDict1920 Ô / bkp Ô (link chk 200209) UKT 190810: To be more useful, I've digitized it in HTML, and have moved the HTML version to Section 07: Sanskrit Dictionary Involving in Pali spoken in Myan, Pali-Myan, means Romabama must be prepared for what are known as Vowel-Letters, present in International Pali (Pali-Latin), Myanmar Pali (Pali-Myan), and Sanskrit (Skt-Dev). Languages vary from each other not only in spoken vowels but also in written aksharas. A prominent example is in the Vowel-Letters of Bur-Myan and Mon-Myan. of Buddha- ref. as UMK-USLxxxx -PED-MK-indx.htm - update 140630 ¤ Buddhist Dictionary of Pali Proper Names (mostly from PTS Dictionary of Pali Names by G P Malalasekara (1899-1973)) - 171213 ¤ PTS Pali-English dictionary, 1921,PTS-indx.htm - vowels complete ¤ PTS Pali-English dictionary, by T. W. RhysDavids, reprint 1952 - TWRhysDavids-PTSDict58MB Ô /Bkp Ô (link chk 171224)¤ PTS dictionary version from stored in Bk-candl PED-PTS folder -TWRhysDavids-PTSDictAbidhama9MB«Ô» / Bkp Ô (link chk 171224) ¤ Pali suffixes and derivations, - 190108UKT 180701: The Pali dictionaries that I intend to use as a bridge from Sanskrit (Skt-Dev) to Pali (Pal-Myan) are:• A Dictionary of the Pali Language, by R.C. Childers, reprint 2007 available in TIL library in Research Center in Yangon. ¤ The above as downloaded text from 1875 ed. in TIL HD-PDF and SD-PDF libraries: - RCChilders-PaliLangDict Ô /Bkp Ô (link chk 180701)• Buddhist Dictionary of Pali Proper Names, by G. P. Malalasekera (1899-1973) - 170410 Note: To use this dictionary, go on line, and click on the above link.UKT 181217: When I first learn Skt-Dev, I had first planned to begin with what I'd called TIL-SED from Online Sanskrit Dictionary , February 12, - ¤ Glossary - 110810, 140805, 190701Note: The online html version of the above allows me to copy and paste the words into my work. Unfortunately, the English transliteration is in ITRANS, because of which I'm giving my rendition in Bur-Myan and Romabama transcription. My ref. to this source is - SktDoc Glossary.Downloaded files in TIL HD-PDF SD-PDF libraries - SktDoc-OnlineSktDict Ô /Bkp Ô (link chk 200316)It has been suspended to concentrate on Macdonell's. I'll be merge the two eventually. The link to my suspended work is:- SED-indx.htm (link chk 181217) Contents of this pagePali Grammars¤ An Elementary Pali Grammar course (in English) - previous update: 070211 - Ven. Narada Thera (1898-1983), online : - downloaded 234pdf-pp file in TIL HD-PDF and SD-PDF libraries: - NaradaLanka-Pali Ô /Bkp Ô (link chk 171224) I had been learning Pali grammar from the above: half way through I've temporarily stopped to learn Sanskrit. -NaradaLanka-indx.htm - update 160930 ¤ A Pali grammar on the basis of Kaccayano aka Shin Kic'si {shin kic~sæÑ:} [alternate title: Kaccayana Vyakarana] -PEG-indx.htm - update 150630 - by Rev. F. Mason, 1868 - on line: 180411 Downloaded versions of 251 pdf pages are available in TIL HD-PDF and SD-PDF libraries: -FMason-KicsiPalGramm Ô / Bkp Ô * (link chk 200309) - FMason-KicsiPalGramm-German Ô /Bkp Ô (link chk 200309) - Francis Mason Eisel Mazard ( ) version of Shin Kicsi Pali Grammar, 1st distribution in 2015 -FMasonMazard-PalGramm Ô / Bkp Ô (link chk 200309) Kicsi Pali Grammar from Burmese point of view, 1872. - FMason-PaliLangBurView Ô /Bkp Ô (link chk 200309) THERE are two schools of Pali. One takes for its basis the Pali derived from the oldest Burmese manuscripts [UKT: I hold that this Pali-Myan is Old Magadhi ] , and the other the language as it now exists in books and manuscripts in Ceylon, [UKT: Pal-Lanka is the corrupt version] condemning everything as irregular which differs from Singalese standards. Rev. Mason quoting Gautama Buddha: Monks Priests, from among my clerical disciples who are able to amplify in detail that which is spoken in epitome, the most eminent is the Great Kachchayano. Lately, 200316, I've come to notice that Shin Kicsi grammar has been edited by Shin Thitzana, a Burmese monk residing in Myanmarpré. * UKT 171204: Rev. U Zawtika of Zéya'thuhka monastery of Sanchaung has presented me with his own copies of Shin Kicsi's Grammar when he realizes that I am very serious of my study of Pali and Sanskrit. The first book is entirely in Pali and the other the Bur-Myan version by Sayadaw U Za'nakabi'wuntha of Amarapura. We find Shin Kicsi's interpretation of Buddha's teachings: the Bur-Myan version p003 is the exact equivalent of FMason-KicsiPalGramm Ô The First Pali Grammar p036. The signification is known by akshara letter . Because of this interpretation by Shin Kicsi, Buddha declared to his disciples that Shin Kicsi is the most eminent. Saw-tooth linear writing : problem of {þa.we-hto:} UKT 191206, 200617: The vowel /é/ {þa.we-hto:} is very common in Bur-Myan which uses Visible-virama {a.þût} as well as conjuncts where the Virama is hidden. In this instance it is similar to Skt-Dev. However, Pali-Myan forbids the use of Visible-virama, and uses Conjuncts only, both vertical and horizontal. It is probably because of southern-Indian languages of Pallava. See 200617. Though both Bur-Myan and Pali-Myan write from left-to-right linearly, Myanmar script uses 3 levels instead of a single level. We find the single level in English-Lat. Because of the three levels, I am calling the Myanmar writing-style as the saw-tooth linear writing . Now, the vowel /é/ {þa.we-hto:} is written on the left-side of the consonant it is acting on. And it becomes a problem for first learners of the languages using Myanmar script. For the first learners, trying to pick out {þa.we-hto:}-sign, /é/ , from written script especially in long-sentences is troublesome. It becomes acute for the for first-learners of Pali-Myan, with stacked conjuncts {paaHT.hsín.}. Learning Bur-Myan is easier because it uses Visible-virama {a.þût}. To lessen this problem for the first learners, I've invented what may be called Super-thawehto. You'll the Super-thawetho In the TIL rendition of Shin Kicsi's motto, It has been made into a diacritic. You'll see this for {þa.we-hto:} in the middle of a syllable. But the second {þa.we-hto:} is left in the main level. In another example, found in the Paritta in «samat cakkav esu», the {þa.we-hto:} is in the middle of a phrase. ¤ Introduction to Kaccayana Pali Grammar - by J dAlwis, 1863, in TIL HD-PDF and SD-PDF libraries: (there are two copies downloaded in different years: the following is the latest) - JdAlwis-KaccayanaGramm Ô / Bkp Ô (link chk 200316) ¤ Practical Grammar of the Pali Language (in English) in TIL HD-PDF and SD-PDF libraries - Charles Duroiselle, 1906, 3rd ed 1915. 3rd ed in 1997 by U Dhamminda, 4th ed in 2008 by E. Mazard - CDuroiselle-PaliGramm1997 Ô /Bkp Ô (link chk 200605) - CDuroiselleMazard-PaliGramm2008 Ô /Bkp Ô (link chk 200605)¤ Pali Grammar (in Burmese) by James Gray, British Burma Press, 1918 is in TIL SD-Library. Unfortunately, the pdf version was not properly done, and it is not worth referring to.¤ Pali Grammar by Rev. B. Clough, Wesleyan Press, Colombo, 1824. It is the oldest book I have so far. It is not suitable as a reference because the Pali words are in Lanka script which I could not read.¤ Eastern Monachism by Rev. R. Spence Hardy, the Wesleyan missionary from Ceylon, 1860, is a well written book on Buddhism. Though a lengthy book, pp444 pdf pp464, Preface alone, is well worth reading. He opened his chapter 01: Gotama Budha : About two thousand years before the thunders of Wycliffe [John Wycliffe (c. mid-1320 - 1384), - English reformer - 170313] were rolled against the mendicant orders of the west, Gótama Budha commenced his career as a mendicant in the east, and established a religious system that has exercised a mightier influence upon the world than the doctrines of any other uninspired teacher, in any age or country. ... Downloaded papers in TIL HD-PDF and SD-PDF libraries - RSHardy-EasternMonachism Ô / Bkp Ô (link chk 200309) ... Gotama Budha commenced his career as a mendicant in the east, and established a religious system that has exercised a mightier influence upon the world than the doctrines of any other uninspired teacher, in any age or country. Contents of this pageMy aim is to bring out the relationship in script {sa}, between Skt-Dev (Sanskrit-Devanagari), and Pal-Myan (Pali-Myanmar). There is very little relation in speech {sa.ka:}, and if we were to include raw speech - colloquial spoken language - we came under the Curse of Babel. My work, therefore, is based on the phonetic-script of King Asoka the Great - Asokan-Brahmi - the forerunner of both Skt-Dev and Pali-Myan.UKT 200503: I'm working on: ¤ A Practical Sanskrikt Dictionary, by A. A. Macdonell (Mac), 1893, - MC-indx.htm - update 2020July ¤ BEPS Sanskrit-English Dictionary - SED-indx.htm - update 2019Aug ¤ Practical Sanskrit Dictionary for Buddhists and Hindus: - MCpp-indx.htm -update 2020July The above are selected compilations from: 1. A Practical Sanskrikt Dictionary, by A. A. Macdonell (Mac), 1893,; 1929. ¤ Nataraj ed., 1st in 2006, 2012. - 190516 link: uchicago¤ Skt-Doc Glossary online: - 190701 Downloaded (unedited) in TIL non-PDF non-SD libraries, Web-Archive section.2. The Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Grammar and Dictionary, BHS, vol.2,by F. Edgerton, pp. 627. - FEdgerton-BHSD Ô /Bkp Ô (link chk 200501) 3. Student's Pali-English Dictionary, by Maung Tin (U Pe Maung Tin),(UPMT-PED) in TIL HD-PDF and SD-PDF libraries- UPMT-PaliDict1920 Ô / bkp Ô (link chk 190113)4. Pali-Myanmar Dictionary (in Pal-Myan) (UHS-PMD), by U Hoke Sein, 1954, with English translation by U Kyaw Tun (UKT) This dictionary in ink-on-paper form is in TIL research library at 35 Thantada St., Sanchaung, Yangon, Myanmar. UKT 200503: The individual entries from all the above are being cut, and stored under a directory named CUTS, which will not be uploaded to the Internet. Because of this Internet version of this dictionary will have empty spaces. The TOC of this dictionary follows the Sonority Scale, from Consonants to Vowels I've a sneaky suspicion that BHS, Nepali, and Burmese speeches are closely associated. I'll enter words from all the three into my dictionary to either reject or confirm my suspicion. I'll first concentrate on Nepali with words in Devanagari from: • A Comparative and Etymological Dictionary of Nepali Language by R L Turner (ref: Turn-Nepxxx )- (link chk 160119) Files from Univ. Chicago in TIL HD-nonPDF and SD-nonPDF libraries: - Turn-NepalDict Ô / Bkp Ô (link chk 200328) Turner's dictionary will be added to: Edgerton'sBuddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Dictionary, TIL edition . See BHS2-indx.htm - future update• I hope to include Latin into my compilation. But I may not live that long: I'm already a very old man, aged 86. However, I'm pinning my hope on the work of my assistants.(in Skt-Dev) by A. A. Macdonell, 1893. The present TIL expanded version is based on the complete 384 pages of the ink-on-paper book, and its online versions. ¤ Sanskrit as a language is also used by Buddhists of northern India, and from it translated into languages of China, Korea, and Japan.The first step is to bridge Skt-Dev by A. A. Macdonell (Mac) to International Pali (or Pal-Lat) by U Pe Maung Tin (UPMT-PED) and then to Pal-Myan by U Hoke Sein (UHS-PMD) with English translation by me. The question remaining is the reason why International Pali is different from Pali-Myan. I will have to seek my answer by looking into Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit (in International Sanskrit), by F. Edgerton, 1953: UKT 190624, 190805, 200309: My ultimate aim is to include Latin, and name my dictionary as Practical Sanskrit Dictionary for Buddhists, Christians and Hindus. I need Latin to come up with a transcription of Burmese into English, and back. • Latin-English Vocabulary II, by Hans H Ørberg, 1998 - HHOrberg-LinguaLatina Ô / Bkp Ô (link chk 200309) UKT 200309: We must first note that Latin and English use the Alphabet-Letter system of recording speech-to-script, different from Pali, Sanskrit and Burmese which use the Abugida-Akshara system. Since vowels are very protean, we will have to begin with consonants. We would like to start our comparison with q which without the u has the {ka.} /k/ sound, but since Ørberg has mostly qu which is equal to {kwa.} , there are bound to be some difficulties. Let's take the first few entries, and look into p060-3.htm (link chk 200309)¤ Sanskrit Glossary for Buddhists and Hindus - primary source: Sanskrit Documents . 12/22/2018 Downloaded txt is in TIL HD-nonPDF and SD-nonPDF libraries, Webarchive section- Anon-GlossarySktTerms Ô /Bkp Ô (link chk 200223) The downloaded txt is in format not suitable for our use. It has been converted to TIL format: - SktGloss-indx.htm - update 2019Aug The present work is in sections with the TOC as in Bur-Myan dictionaries which is in accordance with the Sonority scale: Consonants are easiest to compare, whilst the vowels are the most difficult. TIL sub-headings are in the form: {} (Pali-Romabama-Sanskrit). My work on this comparison of International Pali (a discipline in Myanmar secular universities) and Pali-Myan (used by Theravada Buddhist monks and layman - the majority of the people of Myanmarpré) brings out some interesting points which the historians and academics have totally ignored.Inclusion of Myanmar-Pali glyphs makes the files difficult to edit which forces me to split up consonants as r1c1, r1c2, r1c3, ... - Consonants, ---- p061 - p081-1 -UPMT-PEDr1c1.htm - update 2019Sep ---- p080-2 - p175 - UPMT-PEDc.htm (to be split further) - Approximants, p175-251 - UPMT-PEDa.htm - Vowels, p001-061 - UPMT-PEDv.htm UKT 190805: The above dictionary and glossary are in the same folder, uploadingSED-MC folder to the internet will cover both. UKT 190828: An observation which I haven't made before is on the Similar vowels: that {I.} is a front-vowel and {U.} is back-vowel. Both uses single-circles. However in the present Dissimilar vowels, {É} is a single-circle, but {AU} is a double-circle. I've arrived at this observation only after the study of Student's Pali-English Dictionary, by Maung Tin (U Pe Maung Tin) - Consonants, p061-175 UKT 181126: Burmese speech in Devanagari script:Since both Myanmar and Devanagari are phonetic scripts, we should be able to transcribe - or at least transliterate - Burmese speech and BPali speech, in Devanagari akshara.My idea is not entirely new, since Sanskrit has been written in Myanmar script. You can see it in U Hoke Sein's Pali-Myanmar dictionary. After coming across Shin Kicsi's motto , I've started implementing my idea into practice, because of which don't be surprised to find a few BPal-Myan (and Bur-Myan) words written in Bur-Dev. Only remember that in reading Bur-Dev, you must follow the Bur-Myan phonology. Even if you do not know Bur-Myan phonology, which is the same as BPal-Myan phonology you would know what the message is especially if it is on Buddhism.My bridges between Skt-Dev and Pal-Myan are: ¤ A Comparative and Etymological Dictionary of Nepali Language , by R. L. Turner, to be a bridge to Pal-Myan. TIL libraries have 2 different versions: non-PDF and PDF version. The PDF version would not allow you to copy individual entries and is thus not suitable for my use.¤ Downloaded files from Govt. College in TIL HD-PDF and SD-PDF libraries - RLTurner-NepalDict Ô / Bkp Ô (link chk 200329) ¤ Downloaded from:- (link chk 200329) (and changed into TIL format) in TIL non-PDF libraries. - TurnNepalDicIndx Ô / Bkp Ô - update 2020Apr (link chk 200329) Note: Turner's dictionary will not be uploaded to TIL website. The above link is only for researchers at TIL Research Station in Yangon.¤ Bur-Myan Orthography, by U (Dr.) Tun Tint, MLC, 1986 • The BHS-Lat (Buddhist-Hybrid-Sanskrit transliterated in Latin-script), and the Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Grammar and Dictionary,by F. Edgerton. Vol. 1. Grammar- BHS-vol01-indx.htm - (link chk 200402) Vol. 2. Dictionary - BHS-vol02-indx.htm - Edger-indx.htm- FEdgerton-BHSD Ô /Bkp Ô (link chk 200416) • Student's Pali-English Dictionary, by Maung Tin (U Pe Maung Tin), in TIL PDF libraries(UPMT-SPED)- UPMT-PaliDict1920 Ô / Bkp Ô (link chk 200310)Since UPMT has based his work mostly on A Dictionary of the Pali Language, by R.C. Childers, 1875 ed. in TIL HD-PDF and SD-PDF libraries: - RCChilders-PaliLangDict Ô /Bkp Ô (link chk 200310) in alphabetical order. • Buddhist Dictionary of Pali Proper Names, by G. P. Malalasekera (1899-1973) - 170410 Note: To use this dictionary, go on line, and click on the above link.¤ Roots and Verb-forms in Sanskrit, by W. D. Whitney, 1885. Downloaded txt in TIL PDF libraries:Single-page format -WDWhitney-RootsVerbFormS Ô /Bkp Ô (link chk 200310) Double-page format- WDWhitney-RootsVerbFormD Ô /Bkp Ô (link chk 200310)You'll need both above to check to accuracy of what you've copied.Note: U Hoke Sein's Pali-Myanmar Dictionary, on p1089-1110, has an appendix onPali roots .¤ Sanskrit Verbal Roots List with English Translation , by Yoga Vidya, in TIL non-PDF , webarchive section: - YogaWiki-SktVerbRoots Ô (link chk 200310) ¤ Student's English Sanskrit Dictionary, by V. S. Apte, 1893: Being a dictionary by one of the natives, it is one of those I would like to refer to. Unfortunately, it is in alphabetical order. It is in TIL PDF libraries: - VSApte-StudentSktEngDict Ô /Bkp Ô (link chk 200310) ¤ Lexicon of Names, Essential terms and Sanskrit words: - 171222, 200310¤ The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary, by V. S. Apte, 1890. It has about a thousand pages and my attempt to download a PDF version have failed. Instead, you can use, Univ. Chicago : 171120 Searching the above is the same as for A Practical Sanskrit Dictionary, by A A Macdonell¤ Indian Buddhism by A. K. Warder, 1970 Downloaded txt in TIL HD-PDF and SD-PDF libraries: - AKWarder-IndianBuddhism Ô /Bkp Ô (link chk 200310) ¤ A vagho a's Buddha Carita Life of Buddha by E. B. Cowell, 1894 UKT 200310: There are 4 versions of Buddha Carita in TIL HD-PDF and SD-PDF libraries. I've given downloads from two: ¹. transcription and translation, ². in Devanagari script. You can combine the two by the stanza numbers in English numerals and Skt-Dev numbers: 0-9: ¹. - EBCowell-BuddphaCarita Ô /Bkp Ô (link chk 200310)Example: Book 01, p07, «Bhagavatpras ti » The Birth of the Holy One : «mah b t m rdhni k t bhi eka uddhodano n ma n po 'rkaba dhu |adhy ayo v sphu apudar ka pur dhir ja tadala cak ra || 1.99. A king, by name uddhodana, of the kindred of the Sun, anointed to stand at the head of earth monarchs, -- ruling over the city, adorned it, as a bee-inmate a full-blown lotus. - EBCowell-BuddhaKaritaDev Ô / Bkp Ô The above is in Devanagari script, and each stanza is numbered with Dev numbers, which you'll have to know. ¤ Glossary of Sanskrit Terms || || from 200316If you go online, you'll get it on a colored background. You can copy-paste Devanagari script from it, e.g. I'm preparing what I'm calling Sanskrit Glossary for Buddhists and Hindus based on the above. TOC is according to rows: row#1, velar C1; row#2, palatal C2; row#3, retroflex C3; row#4, dental C4; ...- SktGloss-indx.htm (link chk 200316) Other references which I use occasionally:¤ H. H. Wilson, 3rd ed. translation of Kalidasa's Megha-Duta (Cloud Messenger), 1867, containing a Vocabulary by Francis Johnson, p089-179 (downloaded PDF in TIL SD-library) -- for future work ¤ Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English dictionary, 1899.MW-indx.htm - complete ¤ TIL Sanskrit-English dictionary -SED-indx.htm downloaded pdf file in TIL HD-PDF and SD-PDF libraries -dictall-SktGlos Ô 2003 /Bkp Ô (link chk 171224) (main links checked, and temp. suspended while working on Macdonell) A baby learns a language by listening to conversations without knowing the meaning. Listen to Sanskrit conversations, 140821 ¤ Goddesses (or Mothers) in Ancient India - by P K Agrawala - mei-tau-indx.htm UKT 140806: The book which I bought in Canada through Amazon is in TIL library. It is an important source of info for BEPS work, and will be part of this website. Sanskrit Grammars To bring out the relationship between languages, I will need to know Grammar and Linguistics in general. Ever since from the beginning of my study I have been compiling a glossary of terms, which will have to be updated from time to time.• Grammar and Linguistic glossary -GramGloss-indx.htm - update 151130 I am learning Skt-Dev (Sanskrit-Devanagari pronunciation from online sources, fully realizing that Sanskrit is a dead-language and the original pronunciation is lost. The speech that I could get online is mainly of Hindi-speakers of IE and Tamil-Telugu speakers of Aus-Asi language-groups. The online grammars with video and audio content are not uploaded to Internet and are stored in TIL CD-VIDEO libraries, and will be available to you only in my research station: 1. Sanskrit Grammarby Dr. Pankaja Rajagopal -SktGramRajagopal Ô (link chk 200310) The above grammar belongs to the Panini school and it meant for IE speakers. But even before or contemporary with Panini's A dhy y were grammars for non-IE speakers. One such is Aindra Grammar for Telugu speakers. Read: - ACBurnell-AindraGrammarians Ô /Bkp Ô (link chk 200212)Mentions: Shin Kic'si, F.Mason, and Burmese and Pali grammars.- ACWooler-IntroPrakrit Ô /Bkp Ô (lin chk 200212)p05. M gadh is the Pr krit of the East. Its geographical centre was in the ancient Magadha not far from the land of modern M gah , a dialect of Bih r . In the plays M gadh is spoken by low people. Dialects of M gadh also occur, e.g. , hakk in the M cchaka ikam. This Prakrit differs conspicuously from the others in its phonetics . is replaced by , and by . We must realize that Eng-Lat (IE), Skt-Dev (IE), Mon-Myan (Aus-Asi) have have no Palatal plosive-stops. They have Palatal affricates. On the opposite end Bur-Myan (Tib-Bur) has no lisping endings. To handle Skt-Dev and Bur-Myan and other similar languages, I have to include Dental-fricative hisser {Sa.} / {S} into Romabama. The Dental-fricative hisser is different from Palatal-plosive stop {sa.} /{c} . Now we can come up with a class of vl-consonants such as: {Spa.}, {Sta.}, {Ska.}, {Sma.}, {Sna.}, etc. - all derived from {Sa.} / {S} . Palatal {sa.} / {c} Dental {Sa.} / {S} TIL editors should take note of how I differentiate them in bookmarks. The Eng-Lat words, sp , st , sk , sm , sn , etc. are actually spelled with Dental {Sa.} / {S} . It is usefulto remember this in transcription (different from transliteration) of Eng-Lat into Bur-Myan and Pal-Myan. UKT 200309:Notice how I am avoiding the IPA and IAST transcriptions, because they are non-ASCII (i.e. not suitable for email and internet). They are based on foreign-phonologies. Romabama {} - the back-bone of Bur-Myan language has a unique phonology which is even different from Mon-Myan, a language of Aus-Asi (Austro-Asiatic aka {} group). Just for education, listen to Roman-Latin and then to Sanskrit-Devanagari. For Roman-Latin, listen and watch the script in John01 in Latin Vulgate in TIL HD-VIDEO Library, Christ section, - John01LatinVulgate Ô (link chk 200309) Or, go on line and watch and listen to: 200309For Skt-Devanagari, listen to a SND clip of recitation of Bhagava Gita - bk-cndl-Gita18-2 )) (link chk 200309) ------------------«phala» 'of results' ------------------«ty gam» 'renunciation' «pr hu » 'call' ------------«ty gam» 'renunciation' / : «vicak a » 'the experienced' The above script, Bg18.2, is from a video clip. You can also get it, with translation and purport from: Bhativedanta VedaBase - 170327 Listen carefully, such as to «bhagav n» which is clearly related to the word «bhagav ». The two words are clearly related to each other by having a common root and stem. Remember: A root is the part of a word that cannot be changed, and when added to creates different forms of the word, e.g. walk from which we get walks , walked , and walking , and new words like sidewalk . Such a change is found in both nouns and verbs which is utterly foreign to Bur-Myan. Dictionaries only give one form of the word, which means to understand inflexional languages, I must study the roots and stems. I have included Roots and Verb-forms in Sanskrit, by W. D. Whitney, 1885, (ref. as Whitxxx) in my A. A. Macdonell A Practical Sanskrit dictionary (in Skt-Dev) 1893, given below . See ¤ W. D. Whitney, Roots and Verb-forms in Sanskrit, 1885. Downloaded files in TIL HD-PDF SD-PDF libraries - WDWhitney-RootsVerbFormsS Ô Bkp Ô (link chk 200310) See also 151112See also a cartoon clip in TIL SD-Library from Meghaduta«meghad ta» 'Cloud Messenger' by K lid sain downloaded files in TIL HD-VIDEO and SD-VIDEO libraries: - Meghaduta-cartoon Ô / Bkp Ô (link chk 200310) UKT 170417: Today, 170417, is Bur-Myan New Year day of 1379 BE. I was born in 1296 BE, and I'm now 83 years old. We have just ended the 4 days of Thin'gyan 'hair washing' which is commonly called 'Water Festival', marking the Sun's transit from the last the 12th Rasi of the Luni-solar calendar to the first Rasi. I celebrate the New Year day by giving the link to a series of spoken grammar lessons from: School of Traditional Indian Arts and Literature - list=PLZ83joYJYmWSFgcg-r0nOwnWPEqmvoaN4 151120 Watch and listen to downloaded files in TIL HD-VIDEO libraries - SktDevGramLect-indx.htm (link chk 170611)Start from the very beginning - Lesson101 Ô (link chk 181109) The problem for Bur-Myan speakers is for {þa.} / /: Skt-Dev has 3: {sa.}, {Sa.}/{S} and {sha.} / /and listen to 109. GuNitakshara «gu ita akshara» 'augmented akshara' in Sanskrit- Lesson109 Ô - Lesson109 )) (link chk 171224) - UKT 190508: While working on Pali and Sanskrit dictionaries, I got so sick of unseen entities such as gods goddesses, devas and devis, and all the authoritative ancient texts on stone and on paper written by humans, that I have to turn to natural sciences now and then. I want to know about my birth country, Myanmarpré, not from human mouths, but from the Earth itself. Earth Sciences is the topic of this section. -earth-indx - update 2019Jun The following and others generally included in Earth Sciences are in this section. • Cosmology - to trace the beginnings • Geology - {Bu-mi.bé-Da.} • Geography {pa.hta.wi-wín} • Paleoanthropology{shé:ma.noaþ~þa.bé-da.} Contents of this pageEtmology: UKT 141026: The word Para-Medicine is my coined word from Bur-Myan {pa.ra.hsé:} - MLC MED2006-252 The word {pa.ra.hsé:} is probably derived from the name of an ancient pioneer, Par ara (3100 BCE?). This section was under the name MYANMAR MEDICINAL PLANTS , and it needs a thorough review, and I am going through it very slowly because of other works and also because of its large size. UKT 200605: Now that I've mentioned the name of Par ara of the Ancient East (fl. thousands of year before Gautama Buddha), I must mention the names of the pioneers of the Ancient West, such as Pedanius Dioscorides (Greek c. 40–90 AD), and Galen of Pergamon (Roman 129 AD – c. 200/c. 216), and the name of the Science under which traditional medicine is included: Pharmacognosy - 200605 2.MP-LSR, 3.MP-PARA, 4.TAXON, 5.MP-VR, and MMPD, which alone is separated from the rest. Consequently, I have renamed it as 6.MP-MMPD. Of the 6 folders, 2.MP-LSR and 6.MP-MMPD are very old folders and have nested folders. TIL editor must be careful in sorting them out. 2.MP-LSR has nestlings-child: Agri2000 LSR, which themselves have nestling-grandchild. Agri2000 has: FAMILY; GENUS-SPECIES; r1c1ka, r1c2hka, r1c2nga, r2c1sa, r2c2hsa, ... , r7c4a' 6.MP-MMPD, the oldest main folder of the lot, also has nestlings which need to be checked and deleted if redundant. They need to be realigned to get rid of the nesting. I am splitting the above into the following: • Para-Medicine {pa.ra.hsé:} - MP-Para-indx.htm - update 141130 (link chk 200222) Includes: ¤ A Checklist of Botanical Names of Myanmar Plants of Importance - Planning section, Agricultural Dept, Govt. of Union of Myanmar, 2000. ¤ A Checklist of the Trees, Shrubs, Herbs, and Climbers of Myanmar - H.G. Hundley and U Chit Ko Ko, ¤ Botanical Names of Myanmar Plants of Importance - LèSeikShin ¤ Medicinal Plants of Myanmar - Dr. Kyaw Soe Daw Tin Myo Ngwé -¤ Plant Taxonomy - George H. M. Lawrence ¤ MMPD Bur-Myan Akshara index - U Kyaw Tun, U Pe Than, and staff of TIL. ¤ V k yurveda (Plant Science) - Par ara (3100 BCE?) ¤ Myanmar Herbal Pharmacopeia v.2, 2018 -TradMed-MHerbalPhamaco Ô /Bkp Ô (link chk 200530): Plant of interest - Orthosiphon aristatus {þi.kra:ma.keiT} - treatment of inflammatory disorders and ailments of urogenital tract.UKT 180609: I need to find more info on a plant, planted as a gift by U Tin Thein, an indigenous medicine practitioner: name given by him: {da.hûþ~þa.keín:}.Contents of this pageIf you are a Theravada Buddhist UKT 150624, 181014: For Theravada Buddhists, you may start your day by taking the Five Precepts from a Sri Lanka monk : - bk-cndl-LankaPali )) I've been asked by my niece, why I haven't chosen taking the Five Precepts from a Bur-Myan monk. To her and others, I must answer: This is not a website on religion: it is on the correspondence between four languages of BEPS aka Binpathak. {ba.ïn-pa-þak}. However, we will come across references to religions, such as Christianity and Hinduism. Mainland of Myanmarpré at one time was populated by Pyu ethnics, who were Tib-Bur speakers. I hold that they were closely associated with the Ancient Indus-Saraswati civilization. Even in early Pagan period when the Pyus had intermarried the Bamahs, they had worshipped the Naga or Nag - the crested serpent-like mythical creatures equated to the Déva-gods. Most of us may not love ordinary serpents, but most of us do have a respect for Naga, the lord of the snakes. Even today there are a number of Buddhist pagodas in which the wild pythons have found sanctuary. And also there are still a few hermitages with hermits with unshaven heads and beards, and wearing hats. The Hermits are not Rahans and are not bounded by Viniya Rules. They are probably the descendants of the ancient Védic Iþi (which in Sanskrit would be Rishi - the same word with Pali Iþi but spelled with very Rhotic Sanskrit Vowel ). In Bur-Myan they are called {ra.þé.}. A Rishi to a Hindu is quite different from a Burmese-Buddhist Rishi. A Hindu-Rishi has a family and sing songs, whereas a Buddhist-Rishi is celibate and does not sing songs - the difference can be seen in the case of Narada Rishi. In Hinduism, he is reduced to the status of singer singing praises to Vishnu. To the Buddhist he was a Buddha-to-be and his story is told in the Ten Major Birth stories. Go back Theravada-Buddhit-note-bContents of this page- UKT 181017 : Bur-Myan calendars are from Abhidhamma Propagation Association, Yangon, phones, 01-378457, 01-8604424. See Wikipedia: 181014Make your plans for the next month. In all probability you (and I) do not know that the present year 2018 AD corresponds to Bur-Myan (Burmese-Myanmar) Luni-solar year of 1379-1380 BE. Being an educational website it is deemed proper to open with a recitation of Mora Sutta Paritta: ¤ by Rev. Jandure Pagngnananda Thero ( ) from - bk-cndl-Chinese )) ¤ by a Sri Lanka monk of Theravada {hté-ra.wa-da.}, Skt: «Sthaviravada» - bk-cndl-Lanka )) ¤ by a noted Bur-Myan monk, Mingun Sayadaw- bk-cndl-Mingun )) ¤ Gayatri Mantra aka S vitri Mantra of Hinduism directed to Rising Sun (equiv. to Mora Sutta) by Anuradha Paudwal-bk-cndl-gayatri )) Wikipedia: 170702 quotes, Shutts, Brett (May 2014) in J. of the Oxford Centre for Buddhist Studies, 6, 119: In Samyutta Nikaya 111, Majjhima Nikaya 92 and Vinaya i 246 of the Pali Canon, the Buddha refers to the Agnihotra as the foremost sacrifice and the Gayatri mantra as the foremost meter: the Brahmins {poaN~Na:} to the rising Sun in the morning, S vitr aka s vitt can simply mean the Sun - the source of Energy implying Knowledge. Since the highest Knowledge is the Baudhi-knowledge {bau:Di.ñaaN}, the Sun (which you can see with your eyes), and any other Hindu Creator-god (which you cannot see but which you think exists) cannot impart the Supreme Knowledge to the worshippers. The Supreme Knowledge has to be achieved by the individual himself. Gautama Buddha tells us how to do it in his Fourth Noble Truth. It is said that the pre-Buddha as a peacock had prayed to the Sun in the morning and in the evening for protection and also for knowledge in the Mora (peacock) Sutta. Buddhists can accept it. Because of this fact, I maintain Gayatri Mantra and Mora Sutta are equivalents.Click to see calendars for intervening years: • 2019: 01.Jan, 02.Feb, 03.Mar, 04.Apr, 05.May, 06.Jun, 07.Jul, 08.Aug, 09.Sep, 10.Oct, 11.Nov, 12.Dec • 2020: 01.Jan, 02.Feb, 03.Mar, 04.Apr, 05.May, 06.Jun, 07.Jul, 08.Aug, 09.Sep, 10.Oct, 11.Nov, 12.DecUKT171113: September (Roman month) (from Latin septem, seven ) was originally the seventh of ten months on the oldest known Roman calendar, with March (Latin Martius) the first month of the year until perhaps as late as 153 BC.[2]. - 171113.The word September is {þû} 'seventh' where Bur-Myan {þa.} / / has been changed into IE /s/. October - {û}, November {}, December {da.þ}. Outside Myanmarpré, only few knows what a modern Burmese calendar looks like. As I (U Kyaw Tun) grow more aged, I am returning to my roots - Burmese traditional customs and draw on the latent energies of my forefathers - both Burmese Mon, and I for one need a Burmese calendar, even on my trips outside Myanmarpré, to observe the customary holidays of my childhood. What I am giving below is intended only for those outside the Motherland and who have no income such as monks, nuns, and aged men and women who are literally living on charity. If you are a Buddhist, you can uphold Sila {þi-la.} - at least the Five Precepts on traditional Sabbath days: Full-moon, New-moon, and the 8th day after. - Five Precepts by a Sri Lanka monk - bk-cndl-LankaPali )) The Bur-Myan Luni-solar calendar is quite unique, and is different from that of Indians, because of the Burmese use of Metonic cycle of 19 years (nearly a common multiple of the solar year and the synodic (lunar) month, first discovered by Babylonian astromers long before the Greeks), although both the Indians and Burmese use calculations based on SuryaSiddhanta - 170515- 170428 Downloaded translation SuryaSiddhanta by E. Burgess, 1860 in TIL HD-PDF and SD-PDF libraries:- EBurgess-SuryaSiddhata Ô /Bkp Ô (link chk 171218) See also: - 170428 One key difference from Indian systems was that the Burmese system followed a 19-year intercalation schedule (Metonic cycle). It is unclear from where, when or how the Metonic system was introduced .- 170428 Named after Greek astronomer Meton of Athens (5th century BC): Go back Bur-Myan-calendar-note-b Contents of this pageCheck the folders under Bk-cndl index.htm . There seems to be a redundant folder named: TIL-DVD (61.6 KB). [¤ PTS dictionary version from stored in Bk-candl PED-PTS folder -RhysDavids-PTSDictAbidhama9MB«Ô» (link chk 170603)]. If it is redundant, delete it.UKT 180413, 180501, ..., 191210: Important Notice to Users: The Akshara-Banks (AK-BNK) I'm using now, stand for Bur-Myan {þín-poan:kri:} 'the orthography', as a substitute of a font for Romabama {}. This is an ongoing experiment with AK-BNKs. I just want to see its feasibility on the web. So far, I'm finding that, of the 3 phonemes, /p/, /t/, /k/, that we use to compare languages, the use of /k/ in Bur-Myan far exceeds that of other two. However, in Eng-Latin, the /k/ is unknown. What is known is /k /. Unfortunately, /k/ is {ka.} and /k / is {hka.} in Bur-Myan, creating a lot of confusion when ordinary English is used to transcribe Burmese. What I am trying to use when transcribing Burmese names is IPA-English. Another unfortunate incident: IPA-English is non-ASCII, and I've to resort to Romabama which is the equivalent of IPA-English and which is ASCII compatible. The website still uses akshara, pix, and video from BkCnd indexes: BkCnd-LIB, BkCnd-PIX, BkCnd-VIDEO. Example: Shin Kicsi's motto (BEPS-Myanmar) The meaning is known by akshara is quoted many times throughout the website, including nested-files. It is identified by the tag-label Ô bk-cndl indx . The only font necessary to go through my work is: Arial Unicode MS font 180413 I've been asked again and again, why I'm working on this not-for-money and simply money-losing educational program. My answer is: primarily for my aging self which is being discarded slowly and evermore by the on-going younger and younger society. I still need some company around me and reached out to old friends across the world, and make new friends. From time to time I re-organize my work and everyday life-style, primarily changing my everyday diet - sometimes drastically - to help my aging brain be young as ever - I'm just 84 years old! Those at the Research station can watch a video on Super Agers, in Section on Aging, in TIL HD-VIDEO and SD-VIDEO: - SuperAgers Ô / Bkp Ô (link chk 180506)URLMetrics 171107 : Tuninst is ranked 3,417,073 in the United States. 'index-TIL.'3,247,149 Worldwide rank. The majority of visitors come from India. The domain is 13 years and 10 months old. On average 1.60 pages are viewed each, by the estimated 105 daily visitors. URLMetrics 180422 : Tuninst is ranked 4,356,198 in the United States. 'index-TIL.'3,247,149 Worldwide rank. The majority of visitors come from India. The domain is 14 years and 3 months old. On average 1.60 pages are viewed each, by the estimated 105 daily visitors. UKT 180402: I am not used to Internet ratings. I simply copy what I find on the net today:- 180402UKT comments: The above site, tldanalysis, gives many facts on my website.- from: 180402Rehash: The website's index page has 18 out-going links. . Date of registry for this domain: 03/12/20. . Alexa Global rank for is 965 891 at this time. The location for server is in CA; Canada; BC; British Columbia; Vancouver; V6H; America/Vancouver; 49.25000000; - 123.13330000, and the IP used is . registry was last updated on 17/424. . This domain is registered until 17/12/20. . Global Alexa rank for has increased/decrease by +29 294 over the past 3 months. Go back to Note on Sections-Ratings-note-b Contents of this pageTop of page subject only to the two following conditions: (a) no charge shall be made for the copy containing the work or the excerpt, (b) a copy of this notice shall precede the work or the excerpt. --- Based on: Please visit my family - fam-web-indx.htm update 2019Dec ¤ TIL Paritta is included in the above at present - paritta.htm - update 2019DecU Kyaw Tun (father) and Daw Than Than (mother) • Founder and president of Tun Investment Limited, incorporated in Ontario, CANADA • Retired Professor of Chemistry Daw Than Than (1931-2004) • Co-founder of TIL• Retired Instructor in Chemistry• Painter : see her workDr. Zin Tun (son)• National Research Council Canada • Interests: Physics. Neutron scattering See a list of publications by Dr. Zin Tun from 1982 to the present (2012) is included. Daw Nini Tun (daughter)• Technical Manager, TIL Research Station, Yangon, Myanmar • Interests: Sample of webpages designed by TIL team in Yangon. Teaching of Biology at high school level Maung Kan Tun (son of Dr. Zin Tun and Daw Kay Thwè Win)Maung Thit Tun (son of Dr. Zin Tun and Daw Thwè Win)Contents of this pageTop of pageU Khin Maung Latt and Daw Khin Myo Chit • Author - See Biographical sketch by her son Dr. Khin Maung Win U Aye Maung and Daw Than Yin • Author - • Some publications: Buddha and Buddhism

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