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Home bumdiet.com for those interested in the bottom line Home No categories Research Reveals Americans Are Less Physically Active Than Ever Posted by MazieEckert on November 13th, 2021

A new Harvard study finds that Americans have forgotten the value of being physically active. Compared to 200 years ago, the average American gets about 30 minutes less exercise today. Despite all the technological advancements in workout equipment, perhaps it’s the technology itself driving sedentary lifestyles.

Between YouTube workout routines, gym memberships, home workout machines, and more, Americans have endless options for exercise. Yet, it seems we’re less physically active than ever, according to researchers from the lab of evolutionary biologist Daniel E. Lieberman.

The research found that body temperatures and metabolic rates of Americans have been falling since the Industrial Revolution. This downshift occurred alongside declining physical activity levels, suggesting sedentary lifestyles have caused these widespread physiological changes. The results of the study have been published in Current Biology.

The researchers discovered that since 1820, Americans had experienced a 6% decline in resting metabolic rate (total number of calories burned at rest). This decrease equates to about 27 minutes less moderate to vigorous physical activity per day than 200 years ago. Authors attribute Americans’ less physically active lifestyle to the widespread use of technology.

“Instead of walking to work, we take cars or trains; instead of manual labor in factories, we use machines,” said Andrew K. Yegian, the study’s lead author and a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Human and Evolutionary Biology. “We’ve made technology to do our physical activity for us….Our hope is that this helps people think more about the long-term changes of activity that have come with our changes in lifestyle and technology.”

Scientists have observed for decades how Americans have become less physically active with the advent of technology. However, until now, they didn’t have exact data to quantify this drastic societal change.

Research Reveals Americans Are Less Physically Active Than Ever

The paper provides calculations to show that Americans have, in fact, become lazier over time. The research indicates that historical records on resting body temperature act as a thermometer of Americans’ physical activity.

“This is a first pass estimate of taking physiological data and trying to quantify declines in activity,” Yegian said. “The next step would be to try to apply this as a tool to other populations.”

The work began as a rough calculation following the release of new research by Stanford University last year. The study showed that Americans’ average body temperature decreased from 98.6 to about 97.5 degrees Fahrenheit since the 1800s. The authors of this study came to the same conclusion: that slower metabolisms have caused falling body temperatures in the United States.


They cite a few reasons for the decreased metabolism, namely lower inflammation due to improved healthcare and climate-controlled environments. In the 19th century, homes had no central air conditioning and unreliable heating. Today, most people have access to heat and AC, reducing the energy expended to regulate our body temperatures.

Regarding overall health, improvements have occurred despite the negative impacts of our tech-intensive world. It’s undeniable that we have access to better medical treatment, hygiene, and food than people 200 years ago. These societal advancements have lowered our inflammation levels, perhaps due to increased comforts and fewer worries about survival. Lower inflammation leads to reduced body temperature and metabolism, researchers say.

“Physiologically, we’re just different from what we were in the past,” said Julie Parsonnet, MD, lead author of the study. “The environment that we’re living in has changed, including the temperature in our homes, our contact with microorganisms, and the food that we have access to. All these things mean that although we think of human beings as if we’re monomorphic and have been the same for all of human evolution, we’re not the same. We’re actually changing physiologically.”

Better Living Standards Led Us to More Sedentary Lifestyles

Harvard researchers believed that Americans being less physically active correlated with falling body temperatures. The human metabolism, which produces body heat and powers physical activity, may explain these physiological changes.

Scientists analyzed previous studies by other researchers to find more evidence about this theory. They wanted to know how changes in body temperature could affect metabolism and activity levels. So, they gathered data from two papers to quantify how the two were related. Then, they used this data to estimate decreases in physical activity since the 19th century.

The researchers noted that other factors besides being less physically active might affect metabolism and body temperature in the paper. This makes estimating physical activity levels a bit more complicated.

What’s Next for Gaining More Clarity on Why People Are Now Less Physically Active

Their future work would better understand the relationships between metabolism, body temperature, and physical activity. Hopefully, this knowledge will provide more insight into how being less physically active affected the health and morbidity of Americans in the industrial age.

“Physical activity is a major determinant of health,” said Lieberman, the Edwin M. Lerner II Professor of Biological Science. “Understanding how much less active Americans have become over the last few generations can help us assess just how much increases in the incidence of chronic conditions like type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and Alzheimer’s can be attributed to decreases in physical activity.”

It seems that in modern society, we can’t have our cake and eat it too. Sitting too much can lead to many health problems, but life doesn’t require much movement today. In our artificial environment, we’ve figured out how to beat nature. However, our quest to conquer the elements has unleashed a new beast: diseases of modernity.

Final Thoughts on How Americans Get Thirty Minutes Less Exercise Than 200 Years Ago

Thirty minutes may not sound like much, but the effects of being less physically active are apparent everywhere you look. Obesity, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and other diseases have skyrocketed since the Industrial Revolution. We’ve made advancements in modern medicine and eradicated the most deadly plagues and pandemics. However, in place of those, we now have chronic illnesses primarily caused by everyday life.

A recent Harvard study found that Americans’ resting body temperatures and metabolisms have decreased. This reduction co-occurred with being less physically active, proving that we’ve changed physiologically over time. The impact of these changes isn’t yet clear, however.

The post Research Reveals Americans Are Less Physically Active Than Ever appeared first on Power of Positivity: Positive Thinking Attitude.

Source: Positivity

Read More The Secret to Dealing with Anger (Even When You’re Angry) Posted by MazieEckert on November 13th, 2021

Are you seeking some effective new techniques for dealing with anger?

As a human, you have basic emotions that help you survive. You experience joy, happiness, anxiety, despair, and anger. According to the National Library of Medicine, anger is a response that originates in your sympathetic nervous system?

Dealing with anger is never easy, but many people think rage is all tied to being mad. When you’re upset, it doesn’t always mean that you’re ready to throw punches with someone. Instead, it can motivate you to make changes that help you stand up and advocate for yourself. However, the anger that creates problems in life is the one that can damage your physical health or put an end to meaningful relationships.

Understanding Stress Can Help in Dealing with Anger

It all has to do with the stress hormones that are surging in your brain, and when you’re temper flares too quickly, it can be a real issue. How often have you heard a medical professional say that you shouldn’t get all riled up as it’s not good for your heart? When you have too many of these stress hormones surging through your body, it can cause your immune system to weaken, your blood pressure to increase, as well as other issues.

Some folks deal with constant anger, while others only experience a surge of rage on occasion. However, the goal is to navigate your emotions and identify triggers to prevent the next outburst. You understand that inner turmoil bubbling up inside means you’re about to cross the line, so this is the time to employ strategies to help you deal with anger.

One of the easiest ways for people to experience anger bursts is for someone to cut them off in traffic. Anger is the easiest emotion to show. The only problem is that when you give someone a piece of your mind, it does not always give you the release you crave.

Before attacking this problem at the source, you need to understand the roots of rage, the triggers that cause it, and the consequences when you cannot manage it.

Understanding The Origins of Your Anger

Assume someone bumped into you in line at the coffee shop and spilled their latte all down your shirt. Now, do you turn around and explode in a fit of anger at them, or do you shrug it off as a simple annoyance? What makes one person able to laugh it off while the other individual becomes fighting mad? It all stems from the event, the personality of the person, and your current mood.

You might not be as eager to explore if you just got a bonus at work. However, if they caught you on a day where you overslept and were late getting the kids to school, you might react differently. You may have a low tolerance for frustration, have high anxiety levels that make you nervous and overreact, or feel that the act was punishable and you’re the warden.

What Do the Big Five Personality Traits Have To Do With Anger?

Some people are more prone to get angry than others. For instance, if you have a high level of passion about a matter or are not the most agreeable person, you’re more likely to have rage issues. If you’re against a particular subject, you’re more likely to have a temper flare when confronted with an oppositional view.

According to Science Direct, the five big personality points are used to define someone susceptible to becoming angry. They are:

Neurosis – When a person displays neurosis, they battle many unpleasant emotions they cannot control. This person may be depressed, have bouts of anger, and have a high level of anxiety.Socialness – Vitality and the inclination to seek inspiration from others. A person who loves to be surrounded by people and is usually the life of the party.Agreeableness – The propensity to be sympathetic and supportive instead of skeptical and aggressive to others. This person is easy to please.Carefulness – The tendency to display restraint, act respectfully, and seek attainment. This person is often skittish and cautious when meeting people and entertaining new things.Seeing experiences – This individual has an admiration for fine art, excitement, exploration, and bizarre concepts, which equals a creative and intriguing person.Other Personality Characteristics Prone to Anger

While these five concepts are essential, other folks might be dealing with anger and have the following characteristics:

Privilege – This individual believes that they’re on a higher plateau than others, and their opinions and rights are superior.Ruminating – A person who ruminates often focuses their attention on things that are outside of their control.Disguised – The person who uses external forces to regulate their emotions and often wears a façade.Narrowminded – This individual only can see things in shades of black and white, and they ignore that there are other colors on the spectrum.Inadequacy – This person has a fragile ego, and they suffer from poor self-esteem and a lack of self-worth.Six Effective Ways for Dealing With Anger

Now that you know everything about anger issues and the personalities prone to these bouts of rage, you’re probably wondering how you deal with it. You’ve heard of courts ordering anger management classes to parents, and there’s a time when parenting brings outrage. However, dealing with anger must be scrutinized with self-awareness.

When you feel things spiraling out of control, you can stop yourself before you get to the point of explosion. Here are ways to get a firmer grip on your anger issues.

1. Count to Ten

It’s probably the easiest way possible, but thinking before you speak or react is a big part of learning to deal with your anger. When you feel the room’s mood escalate to a dangerous level, you need to start breathing and counting to get your emotions back in check.

2. Remove Yourself From the Situation

There’s something to be said for removing yourself from the situation and getting some fresh air. Fresh air can be very tranquil, and it does wonder to help calm that anger inside.

When you’re dealing with anger, use your counting strategies while walking around outside. Then, when you’ve calmed down enough to reason, you can come back in and talk about the matter or face the situation.

3. Get Sufficient Rest

Have you ever noticed that your emotions can be haywire when you haven’t had sufficient rest? How often have you felt you didn’t have control because you were so sleepy you weren’t firing on all cylinders?

Don’t ever face a situation where you know things will be stressful when you haven’t had an adequate amount of sleep. You may say and do things that are out of the normal range for you.

4. Consider Different Perspectives

Close-minded people often only see things through their lenses, but what if you stepped into another person’s shoes for a minute? Look at things how they do and see how they see things. Before you fly off the handle and say or do something you regret, take a pause, and view it from another perspective.

5. Bring in a Third Party

If you feel your anger boiling inside and about to explode, it’s often helpful to bring a third party into the situation. This person can look at both sides and help you to gain some clarity. There’s a reason why the Bible says blessed the peacemakers in Matthew 5:9, and an unbiased person can bring harmony to a rough situation.

6. Find a Healthy Release

One of the most beneficial things you can do when dealing with anger is to find a healthy way to release those feelings. Some people punch walls or each other, but you don’t need to go to these extremes to find a release. Maybe you grab a basketball and head to the court. Take out all your rage on the ball and get some exercise too.

When you exercise, you’re releasing those feel-good endorphins in your brain that will help to calm you down. Some people will go outside and chop wood, throw darts at a dartboard, or write a letter getting out all their feelings and burn it. You may need to experiment to find some things that work for you.

Final Thoughts on Dealing With Anger

While the American Psychiatric Association hasn’t created an official diagnosis for those who suffer from an anger disorder, other mental health issues can have this as a symptom of their problem. For instance, those suffering from a borderline personality often have rage issues, as do those who have conduct disorder or ADHD.

Additionally, you don’t need a diagnosis to realize you have a problem with rage. Dealing with anger can be a serious matter, and if you don’t learn effective ways to get things under control, it can cost you big time. Some people have lost relationships, jobs, even their freedom because they let their anger get the best of them.

Another outlet to consider is that many counselors deal specifically with personality disorders and rage. Getting outside help from the mental health community as well as peer groups can be advantageous.

The post The Secret to Dealing with Anger (Even When You’re Angry) appeared first on Power of Positivity: Positive Thinking Attitude.

Source: Positivity

Read More 20 Music Quotes That Make You Feel More Relaxed Posted by MazieEckert on November 8th, 2021

Music has healing and cleansing powers, helping you feel more relaxed. It can uplift your entire sense of well-being as it entices complex and intricate feelings. These feelings are translated into thoughts, helping you find peace in a calm mind. When you can’t shake feelings of unease or relax your mind, remember these music quotes.

If you remember the musical quotes, you’ll know to turn on some music to feel more relaxed.

Twenty Music Quotes That Make You Feel More Relaxed

Many people, including musicians, have been using music for relaxation and healing for years. Not only that, but research backs the fact that music helps. These music quotes will help you use music to wind down and relax each day.

1. “Listening to music has a positive impact on our health, by helping us recover faster when we experience stress and through the reduction of stress hormone cortisol, to help us achieve a calm state or homeostasis.” – Alex Doman

As a music producer and entrepreneur, Doman knows the many benefits of music. It boosts your health and well-being while helping you stay relaxed and stress-free. No matter what is going on in your life, playing some music brings a sense of calmness to your body.

2. “I’ve found that no matter what life throws at me, music softens the blow.” – Bryce W. Anderson

You can’t predict what will happen in your life, but finding positive ways to cope will help you. Listening to music is a positive coping mechanism that improves the process. As you work on acceptance and healing, make sure to play the music that helps you feel better.

3. “Music expresses feeling and thought, without language; it was below and before speech, and it is above and beyond all words.” – Robert G. Ingersoll

Sometimes there aren’t words to describe the way that you feel. When you can’t figure out how to express yourself, turning to music can make a difference. You won’t have to say a thing when you find the right song to help you with expression.

4. “My heart, which is so full to overflowing, has often been solaced and refreshed by music when sick and weary.” – Martin Luther

When your heart seems too full, it might be hard to find solace and relaxation. However, as explained in this quote, music is often the answer. Finding the right song can help you feel refreshed and relaxed, even when you aren’t at your best.

5. “Music is the language of the spirit. It opens the secret of life bringing peace, abolishing strife.” – Kahlil Gibran

Listening to music releases inner peace and eliminates stress and hardship. You’ll begin to feel better as soon as the first song starts playing, so keep it going until you feel a sense of calmness.

6. “Similar to books, music can influence our life in a positive or negative way.” – Catherine Pulsifer

The things you read influence your life, and musical influences are the same way. If you listen to positive and uplifting music, you’ll feel an improvement in your overall well-being. When you want to feel relaxed, turn to calming songs that bring ease to your spirit.

7. “Music can heal the wounds which medicine cannot touch.” – Debasish Mridha

Medicine can heal physical ailments, but mental strife isn’t as easy to treat. When life gets hard, and you need to relax, music can be the healing property in your life. Find music that improves your well-being and promotes happiness within.

8. “There are many ways to relax. Sometimes you might enhance that relaxation by listening to mellow music. At other times, you might use the stress and sing and dance to an upbeat tune.” – Jay Winner

You don’t always have to play calming music when you want to relax. Sometimes, relaxing requires you to let the stress out through dancing and movement. When that is the case, please turn up your favorite dance songs and let it all out.

As you dance, you’ll feel the stress and tension leaving your body. Then, you’ll be free to relax and experience a sense of calm.

9. “If everyone started off the day singing, just think how happy they’d be.” – Lauren Myracle

Remember this music quote and make it a point to start your day with music and singing. As you shower or get ready for the day, play songs that make you feel happy and relaxed. If you do, you’ll feel better throughout your day, improving your overall well-being.

10. “The power of music makes all the difference to me with motivation throughout the day.” – Paul Brodie

If you ever feel tense, stressed, or unmotivated during the day, remember this quote. As Brodie explains, music can give you all the motivation you need to keep pushing through. When you feel motivated, you’re more likely to stay relaxed as you tackle your to-do list.

11. “This is a known fact, when we listen to good and soothing music our brain responds to every task we perform. It calms down our brain and provides healthy effect in our life.” – Mat Fox

With a calm and healthy brain, you’ll perform better in all areas of your life. When you want to improve at something, turn on music that decreases you and helps you think clearly. With a calm mind, your brain will respond to everything a little better.

12. “Music brings a warm glow to my vision, thawing mind and muscle from their endless wintering.” – Haruki Murakami

When your body feels tense, tight, or cold, get some music playing. Listening to songs will help your body relax, and you’ll feel free to move and express yourself.

13. “There is music in the air, music all around us; the world is full of it, and you simply take as much as you require.” – Edward Elgar

If music helps you relax, but you don’t have access to your headphones or speaker, you can still find a song in the world. Take a moment to sit quietly and listen for the sounds all around you.

The sounds you hear are the music of the world. When you know to listen to it, you’ll always have music to help relax you. Take as much music as you need because it never runs out.

14. “The idea of music having a use goes back centuries. The beginnings of written-down music was the liturgy, and obviously that has a connection with the idea of a meditative state and all of that. So music can really be useful in that way.” – Max Richter

When you listen to or write down music, you connect with your inner thoughts and feelings on a deeper level. It helps you understand things differently, improving your mindset and ability to relax. Plus, as you hear uplifting music, you’ll process and handle things better, too, furthering your relaxation.

15. “Music has the power to heal, transform and inspire, and we have the power through deep listening to increase our intuition and self-awareness.” – Andre Feriante

The many benefits of music include healing, transforming, inspiring, and increasing your self-awareness. While these are only a few of the benefits, you’ll quickly find that they improve your ability to relax. With increased intuition, you’ll be able to enjoy life with a calm mind.

16. “Music can have a profound effect on mood, including confidence level or how relaxed you are.” – Corrina Thurston

This music quote is a great reminder. The playlist you choose can make all the difference in your life and mindset. If you choose the right music, it can promote confidence and relaxation. However, selecting downbeat tunes can have the opposite effect, so choose carefully.

17. “Music is a great healer. Begin and end your day with music.” – Lailah Gifty Akita

Beginning your day with music will help you be more resilient of things to come. Plus, it can heal things from previous days that affect you when you wake up. Start your morning routine by turning on your favorite uplifting music.

Ending your day with music is also beneficial. When you finish it with uplifting songs, it helps heal any hardships you experienced throughout the day. Then, you’ll feel better as you lay down to relax in bed at night.

18. “Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything.” – Plato

With music in your life, everything will be better. Life will seem brighter, and your imagination will shine through. Use this as a chance to relax your mind and body as you watch the world improve around you.

19. “Music will help dissolve your perplexities and purify your character and sensibilities, and in time of care and sorrow, will keep a fountain of joy alive in you.” – Dietrich Bonhoeffer

When you’re going through a hard time, it might be hard to relax and find a calm state of mind. Remember this music quote and turn on the best songs to bring joy into your life.

20. “When we sing, our neurotransmitters connect in new and different ways, releasing endorphins that make us smarter, healthier, happier, and more creative. And when we do this with other people, the effect is amplified.” – Tania De Jong

Don’t only listen to your favorite songs, but sing them, too. As this quote explains, singing stimulates your brain and neurotransmitters in different ways. Spend time singing each day so that you can relax and live a happier life.

Final Thoughts on Music Quotes That Make You Feel More Relaxed

Music quotes can help you feel more relaxed as they help you think of your favorite songs. These quotes will encourage you to play some music when it’s time to relax, helping ease your tension.

Remember your favorite music quotes so you can remember the benefits of using songs to relax. These music quotes are perfect as they remind you of all the benefits.

The post 20 Music Quotes That Make You Feel More Relaxed appeared first on Power of Positivity: Positive Thinking Attitude.

Source: Positivity

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