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Create a Dreamwidth AccountLearn More Reload page in style:lightguaninRecent EntriesArchiveReadingTagsMemoriesProfile Previous 20 (no subject)( Mar. 17th, 2019 03:25 pm)Welp, I've been in the Sherlock fandom for almost five months now, and I still feel like I'm getting acclimated. I've never joined a fandom this late in the game before and I keep stumbling into old feuds. People keep talking about the TJLC thing coming back. I barely know what that is, but it sounds terrible. I've left fandoms for stuff like that.

I still don't know where I stand with Johnlock. Am I part of that subset of fandom or not? Every time I look up aroace Sherlock in the tags, I run into so many anti-Johnlock and anti-aroace posts. It took me a while to psych myself up to join this fandom in the first place because I'm so tired of aphobic shit in fandom, but I kept telling myself that Sherlock is a classic aroace-coded character. There are so many people who see him as aroace. I will have no problem finding a group of people to gush over aroace Sherlock with. Five months later, and I still don't have that group. I've found a lot of support, but I need people to share the squee with. Most of the people I've found who see Sherlock as aroace don't want to go near the fandom because of backlash. And yes, a lot of them hate Johnlock. I keep feeling more tired.

I write John as being romantically in love with Sherlock, so that's Johnlock. But Sherlock as aroace, so it's part not? Even though he's aesthetically and sensually attracted to John? I don't know. Shipping is so concerned with mashing up all the attractions together all the time, and that's not how I operate. I barely understand sexual attraction as a concept and I don't feel it. It's so much more common for me to experience aesthetic and sensual attraction without romantic attraction than with it. I'm not aro, but I haven't been romantically attracted to a lot of people. So where does that stand as far as shipping goes? Am I shipping Johnlock or am I not?Tags:johnlock,sherlockLink11 commentsReplyAdd MemoryShare This EntryHappenings of the Week( Mar. 5th, 2019 09:00 pm)I got into four panels at 221B Con! Yeeesss!! So exciting! This will be my time on a panel, so I'm really looking forward to it.

To get acquainted with Sherlock's interest (and personality) as part of my novel research, I now have books checked out from the library about bees, chemistry, and murder. I just returned one about venomous animals, although I think John would be equally interested in those. I was fascinated. And horrified. Very horrified. I am so glad I didn't know about any of these animals before I went to Australia, because dear God. I am also never going to certain parts of South America. There's this caterpillar. You don't want to know what it does.Tags:my lifeLink4 commentsReplyAdd MemoryShare This EntryHappenings( Feb. 17th, 2019 02:30 pm)It snowed again. [insert highly sarcastic "yay" here] At least it's only technically freezing and not another polar vortex. But I'm so desperate for winter to end.

I joined a penpal group at the end of last year. So far it's going great. I hadn't realized how much I missed getting actual letters in the mail and not just bills. My letter writing skills are so rusty, but I'm getting the hang of it again. However, I made the mistake of mentioning that I'm a writer, because it's such a large part of my life that I can't keep quiet about it, apparently. The inevitable "So what do you write?" question keeps popping up. I'm giving them a super vague "mostly short stories" answer, as well as saying that I'm working on a Sherlock Holmes pastiche. That one is safe to say. While leaving out the fact that it's queer as fuck, that is. They don't need to know that part yet. We've only exchanged a couple of letters so far.Tags:randomLink0 commentsReplyAdd MemoryShare This EntryWriting Meme( Feb. 17th, 2019 02:22 pm)Ask me up to three questions.

1. What made you start writing fanfic?
2. Which of your own fanfics have you reread the most?
3. Describe the differences between your first fanfic and your most recent fanfic.
4. Do you think your style has changed over time? How so?
5. You've posted a fic anonymously. How would someone be able to guess that you'd written it?
6. Name three stories you found easy to write.
7. Name three stories you found difficult to write.
8. What's your ratio of hits to kudos?
9. What do your fic bookmarks say about you?
10. What's a theme that keeps coming up in your writing?
11. What kind of relationships are you most interested in writing?
12. For E-rated fic, what are some things your characters keep doing?
13. Name three favorite characters to write.
14. You're applying for the fanfic writer of the year award. What five fanfics do you put in your portfolio?
15. Question of your choice!

Ganked from oldtoadwoman (who borrowed it from scribblemoose) via elrhiarhodan

Here is the code – just cut and paste the whole thing if you want to play, too:

Tags:memeLink0 commentsReplyAdd MemoryShare This EntryHappenings( Feb. 12th, 2019 09:22 am)I woke up to a frozen world and the news that there was an ice storm last night. Will winter ever end? I was going to go outside today, but never mind.

My writing has slowed down a bit as I've discovered that I need to plot, since this is way longer than I expected. But that's good. I need to practice plotting.Tags:randomLink0 commentsReplyAdd MemoryShare This EntryTrope Meme( Feb. 10th, 2019 04:18 pm)I did the trope thing. The first six are accurate. Doing this, I realized that I'm not into that many tropes. I'd never even heard of a lot of these, like Mirrorverse of Office AU.

Rank Name
1 Fairy Tale/Mythology AU
2 'Groundhog Day'/Karmic Time Loop
3 Friends to Lovers Romantic Partners, in my case
4 Found Families
5 Supernatural Creature/Human Romance
6 Snowed-In Cabin/Isolated Together For Extended Period of Time
7 Pride and Prejudice AU
8 Royals/Political Marriage Turns Into Feelings
8 Adopting/Raising a Baby
10 Fake Dating/Fake Marriage Accidentally Turns Into Feelings
11 Hurt/Comfort
12 Enemies to Friends to Lovers
13 Coffee House AU/Food Service AU
13 'Everyone is Evil'/Mirrorverse AU
13 'They All Work In An Office' AU
13 They Break Up (but then They Get Back Together)
13 Unusually Specific Occupation AU, Like, The Author Clearly Has The Same Job
13 Seemingly Unrequited Pining
13 And They Were Roommates!
13 Accidentally Fell In Love With The Mission Target
13 Reincarnation/'25 Lives' AU
13 A/B/O
13 Loyalty Kink
13 Selfcest (possibly due to time travel)
13 Magical Connection (Telepathy, etc)
13 Hot Single Parent(s)
27 Hogwarts AU
28 High School/University AU
28 'Falling For A Coworker/Teammate Is A Bad Idea' Except This Is Fiction So It Works Out
28 Body Swapping
28 Daemons
28 Polyamory
28 Vampires/Werewolves AU
34 Soulmate Identifying Marks (Tattoo, Red Thread of Fate, etc)
34 Actually Unrequited Pining
34 Characters Swap Roles AU (I don't mean in the bedroom)
34 Amnesia FicTags:memeLink0 commentsReplyAdd MemoryShare This EntryWriting( Feb. 5th, 2019 08:42 pm)I hit the 20,000 word mark in my selkie AU! Whoohoo!Tags:my writing,sherlockLink6 commentsReplyAdd MemoryShare This EntryTwitter( Feb. 4th, 2019 06:03 pm)I decided to give Twitter another shot. If anyone is interested in following me there, I am @lijavitoledo .Link0 commentsReplyAdd MemoryShare This EntryIt's cold( Jan. 29th, 2019 12:57 pm)According to a terrifying headline, tomorrow it will be colder where I live than in Siberia. Colder than the place that is infamous for being cold. Brilliant. Just brilliant. I have to go to the doctor today, but after that, I'm hibernating until Friday. I stocked up on food and tea yesterday. My acting class got canceled (obviously). I'm good. A little cabin fever (okay, a lot), but dear god, it's ugly outside.Tags:randomLink2 commentsReplyAdd MemoryShare This EntryThoughts( Jan. 28th, 2019 11:44 am)I want to write another Sherlock meta, but I can’t decide on what. I’m trying to think of a subject that isn’t about how I relate to Sherlock, but since rewatching the show, I keep making these connections and thinking about how I would have realized certain things earlier if I had looked deeper into them when I first watched it. I really enjoyed writing the Mrs. Hudson meta. I’d like to do something else like that.

I’m also trying to stick to positive reactions to the show, but I’ve had this rant for the past hour in my head about ASIB, which I may need to write down just so it will stop distracting me. It’s really ironic that my favorite sequence in the whole series is in the episode that makes me most uncomfortable.Tags:writing thoughtsLink4 commentsReplyAdd MemoryShare This EntryRevised Writing Goals( Jan. 25th, 2019 05:52 pm)I am now 8,000 words into a selkie AU (John is the selkie). So my plans for writing ficlets for a bingo card are on hold for now. I have wanted to write a mythological creature AU for over a decade, and now it's finally happening! Credit goes to write_out for writing the post that jumpstarted the idea.

So, now I'm writing this AU, and then afterwards I'm writing case fic.Tags:my fic,sherlockLink2 commentsReplyAdd MemoryShare This EntryMeta: Mrs. Hudson: Sherlock's Chosen Mummy( Jan. 18th, 2019 01:19 pm)An essay examining Sherlock's relationship to Mrs. Hudson.

Sherlock has a mother, but isn’t close to her. He doesn’t seem to call or visit her often. He agrees with Mrs. Hudson in TSOT when she says that his mother “has a lot to answer” for (although she’s referring to Sherlock’s expectation of never having to bother about his own tea). He does his best to ignore his parents when they visit London in TEH. He doesn’t seem to want to spend time with his mother in general. Yet not only does he live one floor above Mrs. Hudson in her building, but he welcomes her taking care of him and is affectionate with her. Mrs. Hudson, in turn, makes him tea and food, and cleans up after him while fussing over his messy habits, just like a mother would. She has no chldren, and we aren’t given any indication on whether she ever wanted them, but she certainly enjoys treating Sherlock as if he were her own.

(Read more...)Tags:meta,sherlockLink6 commentsReplyAdd MemoryShare This EntryAwakenings is complete!( Jan. 16th, 2019 10:54 am)Awakenings (41048 words) by Guanin
Chapters: 12/12
Fandom: Sherlock (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, Sherlock Holmes Writing Goals( Jan. 14th, 2019 11:36 am)I finally finished the first draft of Awakenings yesterday, which frees me up to do other things. That was my first foray into writing these characters, so that got me comfortable with the character voices and deciding what dynamics I want to explore. And it's also my third finished long fic in a row. Last year, I completed a 119,000 one and a 56,000 one, both in Star Wars. The longest fic I completed before then was 24,000 way back in 2011. Wow.

Now I'm going to focus on writing meta and finally stop lazy and learn how to write case fic already. How am I supposed to write an adaptation if I don't know how to write case fic? While I get my ideas sorted, I'm going to write ficlets for a bingo card, something else that I've never done before. They will probably be in the same universe as Awakenings so I can jump into writing Established Relationship without having to worry about new backstory.Tags:my ficLink6 commentsReplyAdd MemoryShare This EntryAnd it's done!( Jan. 13th, 2019 04:13 pm)I finished the first draft of Awakenings! Just two more chapters to edit and post now. It came up to 41,084 words.Tags:my ficLink2 commentsReplyAdd MemoryShare This EntryMore Sherlock Thoughts( Jan. 11th, 2019 12:07 pm)I'm toying with the idea of writing meta for Sherlock, but I'm a little uncertain. Not that I wouldn't if I wanted to because I'm intimidated (although it is intimidating, because I feel like it's all been written before), but the Sherlock meta I've seen so far is written with this perspective that I've never seen before. It's much more literary. I was not a literature major. My degrees are in history. I'm a fiction writer and did fine in my literature classes, but I would have been miserable as a literature major because I'm not really into symbolism or elaborate metaphors. Seriously, if anyone sees that in my writing, I didn't do that. If the symbolism is super blunt, I'll probably get it, but if it's subtle, it will go right over my head. I'm not looking for that stuff.

The meta I write is about character arcs and motivations, interpreting them exactly as if they were real people. I don't treat them as symbols or mirrors or anything like that. I examine them in a completely straightforward way. Again, history major. I analyze fiction the exact, same way that I examine history. That's the methodology I like. It's why I was drawn to that field and not a different one. It's something I didn't realize until now, but I automatically look at a piece of media the same way that I would a historical document. That's just how my mind views things. Which is why I'm definitely not writing any meta about season 4, because the inconsistencies are so massive that it's clearly a forged document that some hack tried to pass off as the genuine article.

I don't know what I want to write yet, anyway. But I'm not going to be talking about elephants (I swear I've never seen a single elephant on this show, I don't notice this stuff) or metaphors or any of that stuff because it's not my wheelhouse. I wouldn't know what to do with that.Tags:sherlockLink15 commentsReplyAdd MemoryShare This EntryRandom Sherlock Thought( Jan. 11th, 2019 10:11 am)One of my absolute favorite scenes is in THOB when Sherlock shows up drenched in blood carrying a harpoon. All I can think about every time I see it is him in the tube with everyone staring at him with WTF expressions, but not actually saying anything because you don't do that. It makes me laugh every time.Tags:sherlockLink5 commentsReplyAdd MemoryShare This EntryChapter 10 of Awakenings is up( Jan. 11th, 2019 08:55 am)Awakenings (32246 words) by Guanin
Chapters: 10/?
Fandom: Sherlock (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, Sherlock Holmes Chapter 9 of Awakenings is up( Jan. 7th, 2019 10:03 am)Awakenings (28164 words) by Guanin
Chapters: 9/?
Fandom: Sherlock (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, Sherlock Holmes 221B Con( Jan. 6th, 2019 04:38 pm)I'm going to 221B Con! I bought my membership and applied for four panels, which might be a ridiculous number. 50 Shades of Ace, Every Disguise Is a Self-Portrait: Healing Through Fic, Creativity and Neurodivergence, and Cuddle Fic and Fluff. We'll see if I get in.Tags:221b con,sherlockLink2 commentsReplyAdd MemoryShare This Entry Previous 20 . Previous 20 ProfileguaninSyndicate Most Popular Tagsadam - 11 usesando/adam - 8 usesazazel/riptide - 6 usesbooks - 5 usesbsg - 5 usesce - 13 usescollege - 6 usesdavid anders - 7 usesdoctor who - 6 usesfail - 10 usesfangirling - 6 usesfic - 122 usesficcy stuff - 20 usesficcy things - 5 usesfilm - 5 usesfilm stuff - 5 usesgrimm - 34 useshagaren - 6 useshando - 17 usesheroes - 95 useshouse - 5 usesinternet - 7 useskiro - 18 useslife - 5 useslondon - 27 usesmeme - 30 usesmilo - 14 usesmoog - 10 usesmovies - 21 usesmy fic - 14 usespairing: nick/monroe - 9 usespics - 7 usesplaude - 16 usespotc - 18 usesrambling - 9 usesrandom - 37 usesranting - 6 usesreal life - 75 usesreaper - 18 usessherlock - 28 usessteve/sam - 10 usesthe second coming - 10 usesthesis - 8 usestrip - 14 usestrue blood - 6 usestv - 16 usesuni - 37 usesweather - 5 useswriting - 27 usesx first class - 8 usesPage Summary(no subject)Happenings of the WeekHappeningsWriting MemeHappeningsTrope MemeWritingTwitterIt's coldThoughtsRevised Writing GoalsMeta: Mrs. Hudson: Sherlock's Chosen MummyAwakenings is complete!Writing GoalsAnd it's done!More Sherlock ThoughtsRandom Sherlock ThoughtChapter 10 of Awakenings is upChapter 9 of Awakenings is up221B ConPowered by Dreamwidth StudiosStyle CreditBase style: Negatives by phoenixTheme: Valkyrie by risingExpand Cut TagsNo cut tagsMarch 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 2019Top of page

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