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Selling Real Estate on eBay

Selling real estate over the internet may sound like an awkward idea. However, the exposure the real estate receives over such a widespread media like the internet is every realtor’s dream.

Can eBay be used to market real estate? The answer is a resounding ‚yes!‘

eBay provides functionality that is clearly adaptable to the needs of most realtors. It provides a widespread medium of advertisement for the real estate. It is also a relatively inexpensive method of advertising.

One of the best things about selling real estate on eBay is that it „markets“ to many areas around the world, not just a local area. Advertising on eBay makes the property available to more than 100 million potential buyers, including those from other countries. Visitors can browse through the property details 24 hours a day, 7 days a week – all without the realtor having to explain the details about the property to every single prospect wanting information.

Advertising Your Real Estate on eBay

When one has a house or other real estate to sell, he or she may list it for auction on the eBay Real Estate site. This is found at

There are many different ways to present the property for sale on eBay. If the realtor seeks to sell the estate at a fixed price instead of having the property go through an auction, he may request eBay to display a real estate listing in a format much like a local paper.

eBay’s Real Estate page has three selling formats. These are the auction, fixed price selling, and the traditional real estate listing.

For each of these selling formats, the „user“ furnishes additional information regarding his or her property. Details may include lot size, number of bedrooms, number of bathrooms, type of property, year built, and other information. The auction listing period must also be specified, where the choices range from 1-, 3-, 5-, 7-, 10-, or 30-days, or a 30- or 90-day non-auction listing.

The eBay Real Estate website charges two types of fees for listing a property. There is a simple fee for listing the property and also a fee is based on the final amount of the property sale. The charge for a 1-, 3-, 5-, 7-, or 10-day auction listing is typically around $100. A 30-day auction listings cost about $150. A non-auction listing costs $150 for 30-day listing, and about $300 for a 90-day listing.

Fees for Timeshare property and land are usually slightly lower. The final fee amount for Timeshares and land is generally about $35.

Selling real estate on eBay is growing in popularity as the internet stretches it’s outreach to more countries. Although nothing beats direct and personal inspection of property, the convenience of having eBay connect seller and potential buyer is definitely appreciated.

Copyright 2005 MHG Consulting

Immobilienmakler Heidelberg

Makler Heidelberg

Source by Dan Farrell

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Buying Real Estate – Financial Facts To Remember

When you are going to buy real estate, there are certain points to keep in mind. We must know the financial facts of the real estate.

So, this time, we have come up with the details of financial facts regarding real estate.

There are first few steps that have to be taken care of.

You should get your credit report initially and make sure that it is error free.

You should be fast enough to get it before your lender gets it.

The next step is to become aware of your financial data.

Your bank account statement, last two years tax returns, paycheck stubs, any kind of investment etc are the things your lender will be interested to see.

The next things are the sources of your down payment.

The things that can help are, your savings, you can sell your old car or any other asset, you can receive a gift that is tax free or you can borrow against a life insurance policy.

If down payment is a problem even now, you can ask seller to help you. Generally sellers help through carry back a second mortgage. This decreases the amount of first mortgage.

If you are unable to get the loan in regular way, you need not be disappointed.

Some ‚Below Market Rate‘ Programs can be a help for you. A very good option is provided by California’s housing and finance programs. This is also specially for home loan purpose. You can check the details on internet.

These were a few tips and facts about financial things you should take care when you buy a home.

We shall be coming with some more tips in our upcoming articles.

Immobilienmakler Heidelberg

Makler Heidelberg

Source by Sumit Bhatnagar

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Real Estate Agents – How to List Commercial Property the Right Way

A real estate agent listing a commercial property should undertake a detailed property inspection before they give any indication of price or rent to a landlord or property owner. In only this way can they really know what the property is all about; that is what positive and negative aspects the property can create as an investment.

Every property is different and for that simple reason it pays to have some form of checklist to run through when as an agent you are listing the commercial property. The focus of the inspection will change depending on whether the property is to be for sale or for lease but here are some of the key issues that you would want to know about in listing the property for sale.

Ownership of the property together with the split if any on property ownership

Decision makers for the ownership

Location detail and survey plans of the plot

Details of the improvements in the property

Details of all the leases and occupancy documents that apply to the sitting tenants

Tenant contact detail for access in further inspections

Details of rental paid at the current time and how that is documented

Vacancy factors and areas that are soon to become vacant

Details of the expenditure to run the property both today and over the last 3 years (in this way you can check the way the property has performed)

Orders and notices that may have been issued over the property and which remain outstanding

Matters relating to current negotiations in leases for further terms or amended lease situations

Details of any existing lease incentives that have been provided to tenants currently and which remain active for the future

Access arrangements for people and vehicles getting into and away from the property

Any encumbrances, liens, and interests from other properties in the area and that can impact the subject property

Services and amenities that serve the area and the property

Energy supply and energy consumption factors

Environmental factors that are current or could impact the property usage

Heritage matters that can impact the property

The list does not end here but it is a good summary of the main elements that apply in a property inspection. Any one of these items could have issues to impact the price of the property. Importantly you are finding the issues before you price and list a property.

When you have the property correctly documented it makes the sale and any lease negotiation much easier. Most buyers today will undertake their own due diligence in the sale and settlement process. Make sure you find the problems before the buyer does and have all the right answers ready.

Immobilienmakler Heidelberg

Makler Heidelberg

Source by John Highman

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5 Reasons, Real Estate Agents Must Recognize Fair Market Value

Since, for most people, the value of their home, represents their single – biggest, financial asset, wouldn’t it make sense, and be beneficial, when it comes time, to try to sell it, to hire a real estate agent, who understands the local market, and realistically, can evaluate, fair market value? For a variety of reasons, many homeowners have an unrealistic perspective of what the actual value of their house, and, when a house, is listed, at an unrealistically high price, rather than correctly, from the start, it generally, harms the end – results! With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, 5 reasons, real estate agents, must recognize properly, and consider, the fair market value, when they suggest pricing.

1. Manage expectations: Since the process of marketing, and selling a house, goes more smoothly, when agent and client, are on the same – page, and work, together, with true teamwork, it’s important for the agent to hire, to manage your expectations, realistically, by, telling you, what you need to know, not just what you want to hear (TM).

2. Initial listing price, in the correct range: Avoid the mistake, of, determining and setting the initial listing price, of your house, in an emotional, ill – informed, way, but, do so, based on a professionally prepared, Competitive Market Analysis, or CMA. This should direct you, to the best range, to list, your home.

3. Know advantages and disadvantages: The agent, you seek, must know, and understand, the local market, and how your property compares with others, listed, for sale, on the real estate market! It requires, knowing and better understanding, and clearly explaining to you, the comparable, strengths and weaknesses, compared with others. Take the time, and make the effort, to clearly, know, the advantages and disadvantages, which might make a difference.

4. Evaluate potential offers: Hire an agent, who is capable, of, objectively, evaluating potential offers, and suggesting, whether you might be better off, accepting or refusing one, and/ or, offering some counter – offer!

5. Close the right deals: There are smart, right deals, and, some, which may not be the right ones, for your specific home! The initial, Competitive Market Analysis, should help to guide you, so you might know, when, and where, any specific offer, may fall, within a specific range! Once, it makes sense, the effectiveness of your agent, must help, to close, the right deal!

Pay attention, and make the sale of your house, less stressful, and more beneficial! Will you be prepared, and hire the best agent, for your needs, and purposes?

Immobilienmakler Heidelberg

Makler Heidelberg

Source by Richard Brody

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How Can You Find a Reliable Real Estate Agent?

There are a lot of real estate agents that can be found everywhere, and they can be categorized as a professional and a salesperson. A professional is someone who can provide you with advices regarding real estate properties; something that will be beneficial for you or your business. A salesperson is someone who will do anything just to convince you to purchase the property, and this is the person whom you don’t want to deal with.

Here is the step by step guide that you can follow whenever you are looking for a reliable real estate agent:

Search the Internet and create a list of all the agents that you found.

Look for their website or contact details to learn more about them.

Contact them and try to start a conversation with them.

Try to categorize the way they talk to you, and this will show you who the professional really is.

A professional agent can provide you with advices based on facts! Fact is the keyword. If he can provide you with information that will be useful for you, then he is a reliable real estate agent. For example, you ask them;

„There is someone who told me that the prices of properties will go down this year, is that true?“

A professional real estate agent will tell you;

„I cannot answer that because no one can pinpoint whether the prices of properties will go up or down, but based on my records for the past few years, the prices of real estate properties had an average increase of 3.5%. Using this information, I can tell that you that a 30% decrease in value is farfetched.“

A salesperson will tell you;

„A downfall in the market is farfetched and is very impossible. I have here a list of all the properties that are downfall-proof, and you can be sure that they will remain stable regardless of the condition of the market.“

From here, we can already tell which of these agents is more professional. Both believe that the price of properties will remain the same, but the base of their answers are different. A salesperson is someone will tell that you everything just to get you to purchase a property. He’ll even tell you that a property is a prime commercial space even though it is located in the middle of the forest.

This is one of the best methods that you can use in order to find a reliable real estate agent. It is true that agents are eager to sell a property for you, but a professional is not „that“ eager that he’ll do sales talk just to get you to buy a property and spend your money on something that is not worth your money.

Immobilienmakler Heidelberg

Makler Heidelberg

Source by Todd P. Miller

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5 Tips for the First Time Home Buyer

Buying a home is a big step in your life and should be a very exciting time. Unfortunately, many individuals rush into buying a home with out considering the implications is has on their future. If you’re considering making the move to own it’s important you weigh all the options, and consider what if anything will affect the feasibility of you’re purchase. If this is you’re first time in the housing market consider the following before you make your big move.

Get Your Finances in Order

Have a lot of debt racked up? If thats the case, you may want to play catch up before you even think about buying a home. Bad credit is bad news for those who want a buy a new home. In most cases you will need to get a mortgage before you buy and this means your credit will be under scrutiny. Start getting acquainted with your credit score and begin fix the problems well before you apply for a mortgage. Think about the Future

If you have a job or other obligation that may require you to move or travel for extended periods of time you want to think twice about rushing into the housing market. Buying a house is a commitment that will tie you down to a particular location for at least a few years. It’s not easy or economically feasible to pack up and sell your home at the drop of a hat.Educate Your Self

As a first time home buyer one of the worst thing you can do is go into the market unprepared. Familiarizing your self with words and phrases that are used will allow you to better comprehend the market. A better understanding of the home buying process will enable you to make a well educated decision when it comes to you’re final purchase. Entering the market blindly can turn you’re home buying dreams into a nightmare. Be Rational

We all want to live in the home of our dreams. Unfortunately, like most things in life, the housing market must be approached from the bottom up? Renting is the start of the home owners journey. With your dream home serving as the final destination you will most likely need to take a few stops on the way there. The logical step is to buy a house you can afford not one that lands you in economic turmoil. Consider your first home an investment that you can improve upon over time. Once the home is improved you can sell it and bring yourself one step closer to your dream home. Buying out of your league can be a huge problem so set a budget and find a home within your means.Ask For Help

Don’t be determined to have a go at it alone. Buying a home is a complicated process and sometimes it really helps to have someone walk you through it step by step. Agents are more than willing to help you look through home listing, find what your looking for, and ultimately take you from start to finish.

Immobilienmakler Heidelberg

Makler Heidelberg

Source by Jennifer Wasilewski

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That’s all we know.

Immobilienmakler Heidelberg

Makler Heidelberg

Source by Vinod Vama

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Real Estate Photography Tips For Realtors – Don’t Do it Yourself, You’ll Lose Your Commission Check

I’ve done it myself; taken what I thought were great listing pictures and used them for my online MLS listing. My clients thought they were fine and I thought they were just fine, until I started working as a buyer’s agent in Seattle a few years back.

I worked with over 40 different buyers a week and everyday I’d hear, „Did you see those listing pictures? There’s no way we want to see that house, it’s a dump! Does the listing agent know how bad they are?“ Obviously, the listing agent didn’t spend anything on real estate photography.

My buyers would also see some great listing photos and want to get in to see the home that afternoon. We’d step inside and they’d wonder if it was the same home they saw online. They felt cheated because the pictures were nothing like the real home. (but at least the listing agent got buyers walking through the house).

It all came down to the listing pictures they saw online. That’s essential marketing for listings! Give buyers a great picture and they’ll jump inside the house that day. Give them a „do-it-yourself“ picture and they’ll move onto the next home. The listing pictures make the difference, especially when you spend a few bucks on professional real estate photography!

Even when the listing pictures were better than the actual house, guess what? It still got the buyers inside! That’s your goal as a listing agent; get as many showings as possible. Professional real estate photography makes that happen.

With upwards of 80%+ of buyers looking online now, the listing photos are the first thing they’re looking at and basing their initial impressions on.

How much money in lost commissions do you think you’re missing because you won’t spend a couple hundred bucks for professional real estate photography?

If you did spend the well invested marketing dollars on some professional real estate photography…….

You could have more satisfied clients because the home sold faster. You could have made more cash because you didn’t have to drop the sales price when the listing became stale on the market. You could look like a top producer in the area because of the quicker sales, better looking listings and more satisfied clients. Your overall image is enhanced, big time!

Isn’t it funny how such a small aspect of your business can affect the whole thing? Anytime you realize how one issue affects your net profits, that’ll make you perk up, right?

Now don’t give me the excuse that it’s too expensive because it’s not. Look at it as a marketing and advertising expense because that’s exactly what it is. And real estate photography is one of the best things you can spend your marketing dollars on.

You have a couple options……..

You could grab a professional in real estate photography in your local area and offer them $50-$200 to come to your listing and take some fabulous photos. Make sure they’re top notch, have all the right equipment and understand the goal of these photos. You don’t want to pay for real estate photography that’s no better than your own.

Your other option is to go with a company like who does real estate photography exclusively. Their business is listing photos for real estate agents!

You can schedule your photo shoot on their website, pay about $200 or so and get the most captivating listing photos you’ll ever see. Even if you have a crack house listed for sale, their real estate photography will make it look like a palace.

I’m telling you; don’t skimp on your real estate photography. Look at the cost as an investment. If you spent $200 on professional real estate photography and got back another $20,000 in commissions that year from faster sales, more clients, and higher listing prices, wouldn’t that be worth it? You betcha!

Immobilienmakler Heidelberg

Makler Heidelberg

Source by Josh F. Sanders

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How to Get Lely Resort Real Estate for Sale in Naples in Your Budget

Lely Resort Naples Florida is one of the area’s top communities with upscale amenities and a wide variety of home choices. The spans approximately 2,500 acres and residents enjoy top-notch amenities at the Players Club, including two large lagoon-style pools, a vibrant tennis program, extensive fitness facilities and two restaurants. The wide sidewalks invite residents to bike and walk alongside the lushly landscaped boulevards. Two public on-site golf courses plus one private course are also available.

Lely Resort is not only a beautiful community with wonderful amenities, a great location and a varied selection of properties for sale; it is also a very stable community in terms of the number of sales. Home buyers can find any property type in Lely Resort, from two bedrooms/two baths condos to townhouses and coach homes with one or two car garages. There are attached villas available, single-family homes in a large variety of living areas and estate-sized homes. Over forty different subdivisions offer a property for every lifestyle and budget.

Lely Resort real estate sales have been in perfect balance for the last eight years. The local MLS will show between 180 and 240 homes for sale in Lely Resort at any given time of the year. Approximately half of these listings are homes and the other half condos or townhouses. In the past eight years, an average of 265 properties sold each year, keeping the perfect balance between listings and sales. 2014 and 2015 were the two exceptions. Sales spiked to 365 sales in 2014 and reached 315 sales in 2015.

The sales price was between 94 % and 96% of asking price for the past six years. The median list price rose from $349,000 in 2013 to $429,000 in 2014 and dipped to $395,000 in 2017. The number of days on the market rose slightly from a record-low of 54 days in 2014 to 98 days in 2017.

Prices have recovered from the low in 2011 and are back to pre-recession levels for the most part. Prices have yet to hit the record highs of 2004 and 2005.

Whether you make Lely Resort your permanent home or winter home, this resort offers a wonderful lifestyle, great selection of real estate for sale and a healthy resale market should you want to change your home down the road. Most buyers that are in the market for a vacation or secondary home start out with one of the many condos or the townhouses in the Olé section. As they stay longer in Naples or approach retirement, many opt for a single-family home to have room for their children and grandchildren when they visit.

The fabulous Players Club with its resort-style amenities is a big draw for friends and family members and will guarantee a steady stream of visitors to your new Lely Resort condos.

Immobilienmakler Heidelberg

Makler Heidelberg

Source by Jack Smith

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Reasons to Stage Your House for Sale

It takes imagination and a good dose of objectivity to see a home in a vacant house. Most people who are interested in buying a house do not make that effort. All they see is an empty house and move on to the ones that have been furnished or staged. There are several reasons behind this which are understandable, even though they are frustrating for the seller. Nowadays, home sellers have started staging their empty houses to make them more viable for a sale. You should know the reasons it is recommended to stage your house for potential buyers –

* Prospective buyers immediately start imagining all the warmth and beauty associated with their future home. This is impossible to find in an uninviting vacant house. You must be able to cater to a buyer’s imagination too. That is the deciding factor sometimes for a buyer to make up his mind about a house. The buyer must be able to see a glimpse of his life there with his family.

* Buyers should know the advantages that your house has to offer. Present them the little corners, how they can be used, how items can be placed in a particular spot to make it more appealing, decoration ideas, etc.

* Professionals will stage the house according to the intended audience and target their needs and emotions, thus making the house more attractive.

* It is proven that staged houses get you more profits. An empty house would not be able to earn nearly as much.

* Staging a house professionally will cost you but that cost gets easily recovered with the hugely profitable sale of the house. It really is a beneficial step to take.

* There is a vicious cycle here. A vacant house would stay in the market for a longer period of time than advisable or necessary. A house that stays unsold for a long time becomes stigmatized. Then the buyer would simply not be interested because now he is sure that there is something wrong with the house, even though it is in a perfectly fine condition. In all this wasted time, the other staged houses will earn all the attention and the buyers. Your competition will keep growing every single day and your house might not get noticed the way it deserves to. You will not profit as much from it now or may even go into losses. This is because of the delay, the non-staged state and the increased competition that looks better than your house, even if it is not.

* Staging a house saves the time between putting the house up for sale in the market and the actual sale.

* Staging helps to impress the prospective buyers who will search for a house online and create the first impression for your house through the photos you put up.

Make the house look ready to be lived in. So, do not think of letting your vacant house stay as it is and think about increasing its value and demand in the market. Stage it professionally for an audience and reap great results.

Immobilienmakler Heidelberg

Makler Heidelberg

Source by Prabhdeep C Kaur

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