QDOT Kiosk

The QDot Kiosk is an interactive transit map of the QLine and its destinations. Users can navigate between stops on the line to explore strange worlds and reveal cryptic messages hidden in the landscape.

Rat_S 2

Rat_S_2 is an absurdist arcade game inspired by the folklore of rat kings and the pizza-stealing rats of the NYC subway system.

Rat_S2 | Gameplay

Glass Codecs

Glass Codecs is an interactive archive of fragmented texts, sounds and images that document an enigmatic artifact. Through the process of exploring these documents the viewer uncovers layers of narrative, revealing the madness, obsession and fragility of the cryptic figure responsible for its creation.

Bluster Blunder

Bluster Blunder is an absurdist racing game using modified Nintendo Entertainment System cartridges that players blow into to advance their character. The visual source material was generated with a circuit bent NES console.


Hyperlinked is an interactive installation that encourages viewers to reflect on our contemporary media environment. The project uses a webcam to map the viewer’s movements onto a dizzying field of found mass media imagery distorted through multiple layers of analog and digital processing. This playful surface is disrupted by a text collage that generates sentences from short fragments of terms of service agreements, advertising transcripts and online personality surveys. The results of these shuffled texts range from the commonplace and banal to jarring and unsettling variations on the often ignored language that shapes our relationship with new media environments.

Project requires a camera.

Please use the Escape key to close application properly.


Pop! is an interactive piece that uses a camera with background subtraction to play between static and flowing points. As the player crosses these points, their shape emits spheres emphasizing the differences in the two kinds of digital spaces. The player uses their location in the physical space to interact with colored objects to transition between the static grid and motion field.

Project requires a camera.

Use Space bar to toggle lines off and on. Move mouse while lines are on to exaggerate sections.

Please use the Escape key to close application properly.


geobio is an interactive multimedia installation that utilizes salvaged consumer electronics to influence a digital landscape. Interactions with objects such as answering machines and alarm clocks transform the created environment into a chaotic field of broken household items, accelerate changes in the weather and produce a cacophonous soundscape. If the player chooses not to interact with the appliances the original landscape slowly regenerates.


Larme is a side-scrolling puzzle platformer in which players uncover the mystery behind the disappearance of their parents using goggles that peer into alternate timelines.


Split presents two distinct environments displayed on separate monitors. Players are encouraged to collect objects while avoiding obstacles, but only a single set of controls is offered for the two unrelated spaces. The game uses the setbacks and frustrations inherent to this format to reflect on the social discordance and political division we experience between our loved ones when trying to talk across ideological differences.


Sky is a slow paced, atmospheric sound-explorer that allows the player to create relationships of sound, line and image by navigating an open world of clouds and constellations.


With[]In is a project that combines poetry and drawing in an interactive setting. The poem was written and read by Jonathon Simkins.


The play of RAT_S was inspired by how we view and create physical art with a sway, moving closer to consider detail then backing off to absorb context.

prev / next Back to Work 16 QDOT Kiosk 16 Rat_S 2 12 Glass Codecs 9 Bluster Blunder 5 Hyperlinked 4 POP 8 geobio 10 Larme 7 SPLIT 5 SKY 6 With[]in 5 Rat_S