Featured Exhibits - Parachute and Skydive History

Web Name: Featured Exhibits - Parachute and Skydive History

WebSite: http://www.parachutehistory.com





Hans Schmidt - photos of Hans and his c1949 Switlik parachute.MANDATORY - BEFORE NEXT JUMP Service Bulletin - about ripcords. Issued 7/16/03 WARNING - TEST 1 in this SB may bend pins. The US Air Force has tested 300 rigs with no pin bending. No info on Test 2.More HumorCanopy Control, Hook Turn and Turf Surfing TrainingFast Forward to the Year 2050.The Great Dropzone in the SkyEjectionsNight CRW 16-way DiamondRoger Nelson - a brief account of Roger Nelson's life.Rod Pack's Chuteless Jump - a photographer's account of Rod Pack's controversial stunt on January 1, 1965.The Eternal Skydiver - science fiction story by Lori Spring.Number of RD CandidatesIs Device Dependency Anonymous for You?Airborne CreedUSPA Achievement Award 2002 USPA Election Results Para-Golf - the ultimate poster that every para-golfer needs. Airspeed vs. AltitudePut a copy of the 2003 USPA SIM on your computer.CSPA Revises Licensing StandardsNORM Elections - On this page you will find the names of the candidates for the Board of Directors of the National Organization of Ripcord Maldroits (N*O*R*M). Katchen Paulus jumped in the 19th century.SkyPeople has moved to ParachuteHistory.com. Browse or search for people. Email addresses are hidden.Four Man Relative Work Reviewed - early relative work advice from John Jefferies.Safety Assessment ReportRisk and SafetyHistorical Voter Turnout of USPA ElectionsBored Jumpers do Something Different - action adventure in the Cascade MountainsParasled - - one of the first ramairs for sport parachutingComplete Collection of 2001 ParachuteHistory Newsletter - Get all of the stories from the 2001 Newsletter. Fun reading!Personality and Prediction in Aviation - Jens-Henrik Johnsen provides details about skydivers and their personality traits. Learn what motivates jumpers of various skill levels. Are there differences between skydivers and the general population?USPA BSR - Basic Safety Requirements formatted for online viewing. (*.pdf)Historical Review - parachutes of all sorts of shapes and sizes, from DiVinci's sketch to the largest ramair parachute ever built.

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