Donald Sauter's web home: unarchy, justice, education, music, games, sports...

Web Name: Donald Sauter's web home: unarchy, justice, education, music, games, sports...






(ATTENTION, Games Programmers! If you can give me a "Scrabulous", and wouldn't mind becoming a billionaire, please get in touch. Thanks.)Unarchy,and a varietie of motley thoughts...from Donald's head.Proposal: Replace our current justice system, based on dishonesty and legalistic word games, with a new system based on common sense and conscience. The new system is called unarchy (from Latin unus = one, and Latin archi- from Greek arkhein = rule). Unarchy has no written laws other than the Golden Rule: don't do what you don't want others to do to you. Juries are selected completely randomly. Juries are big enough to ensure that they accurately represent the views of society at large. There are no judges or lawyers. Accuser and accused present their own cases. No evidence is inadmissable. Jurors may ask questions. Simple majority vote determines guilt. Simple majority vote sets the punishment. The following 4 pages, while not going exactly hand in hand, are somewhat intertwined. What I'm trying to say is, read 'em all. (Pretty please?) Forward - No need to read this, but it's short. That's the bargain, see? Unarchy - a simple system of justice based on common sense and conscience. You And Me For President, 2020. No matter the year, always trying to plug pure democracy as an actual system of government. American slavery - as viewed, and vociferously deplored, in "The American Geography", by Jedidiah Morse, 1792. Would there ever have been slavery in America if the majority had a say? Boosting the over-all performance of an elementary school - open letter to elementary school principals and school system superintendents. A simple idea, but it takes a person with special talents. Middle School math - returning to the "one room school house" system with a math master. Mastering 8th-grade math - a simple proposal guaranteeing greatly increased student performance. Maryland's MSPAP test. The idiotic test is gone, at least as we knew it, but I leave the page up as a monument to the idiots still in charge of Maryland's education system. Kumon - a look at the pluses and minuses. Parents, if you're thinking of supplemental education for your child, you might be interested in this. Kumon faq (frequently asked questions) - emails I received in response to the above page, and my honest responses. Litter America - some rollicking satire, plus a proposed solution. Also, proposed punishment for shoplifting. Guitar fingerings - all my thoughts on the notation of guitar fingering, the notation of guitar harmonics, etc. Guitar tablature - simple and sensible! I also propose a standardized tablature notation. The quasi-Baroque guitar - how to rig up double strings on that old banger in your closet. It's a cinch! Alternate tunings for the guitar - up to G(!) for Bach's violin music; open tunings; Russian guitar. String calculation - the sensible way: mass per unit length (not gauge). Guitar ramble - a hodge-podge of thoughts. Guitar society thoughts - let's have a guitar party! Washington Guitar Society newsletters - with articles of general interest to the guitar world. (That's Washington D.C., by the way.) The Music Division of the Library of Congress - some very handy tips for using it, using guitar examples. Guitar music from the Library of Congress - a bunch of neat stuff I have copied (like 3000 pages.) Guitar music from the Library of Congress - now you can order the pieces you want. (Offer expired, but pdfs coming to a website near you.) Guitar and piano music from the Library of Congress - quite an impressive list. Also notes the errors found in the music. Guitar and piano music from the Library of Congress - an impressive collection of over 130 European works from the 19th Century, all in beautiful, performance-ready PDF files. Computers and arranging for guitar - they should be smart enough for that. GACK - Is somebody sick? No, a Guitar Accessory Carrying Kase! Dionisio Aguado - complete works for the guitar. A look at the Chanterelle edition, with some personal thoughts plus a very useful index. Right hand exercise/word search - huh??? The guitar in the 1894 Sears catalog - time-traveling fun. This is the first Sears catalog in which the guitar appeared. The guitar in the Fall 1896-97 Sears catalog. And here's round 2. Still only gut-strung guitars. Familiar guitar quotations. (That shouldn't take long.) Guitar master classes - some worthwhile tips picked up there. Our Director March - the case for "low-brow" music. Now with sheet music. "Classical guitar" in the Baltimore Sun - all the references from 1990-1998. I was curious how it shows up in a typical newspaper, and how often. Linking to the guitar music in the Royal Copenhagen library - a project for fans of 19th C. guitar music. "A Trip To Rocky Point" - a happy piece of musical Americana from 1890 for guitars, mandolin and sound effects. See what you've been missing in this musically melodophobic age of ours... W. L. Hayden, a giant of 19th C. American guitar - presenting a personal "Best Of" selection of his work. 19th C. American guitar works in alternate tunings - like big E, D, and G chords. Perhaps not the most sophisticated music, but fun, and an endearing slice of our musical heritage. Justin Holland, guitar hero - Black American guitarist Justin Holland was the most important guitarist of his generation, talkin' mid-1800s. Listen to his set of "Scraps From the Operas Arranged For Two Guitars", where Grand Opera meets Dueling Banjos meets Black History. Ascii tablature - general comments which apply to all of the guitar tablature in the pages below. Alonso Mudarra - everything for solo vihuela and 4-course guitar from Tres libros de musica en cifras para vihuela (1546).Now with great-looking tablature in pdf. Henry Francois de Gallot. Just one work for baroque guitar, but a monumental one! A "how to" for playing baroque guitar music on the modern guitar. Francisco Guerau - the complete Poema Harmonico (1694) for baroque guitar. Works great on the modern guitar.Now with great-looking tablature in pdf. Gaspar Sanz - pieces from his ever-popular Instruccion de Musica sobre la Guitarre Espa ola, dating from 1674. Includes the complete Libro 2 and Libro 3! Now with great-looking tablature in pdf. Francois Campion - all the pieces in alternate tunings from Nouvelles Decouvertes sur la Guitarre (1705). For baroque guitar but simply delightful on the modern guitar. (Bet you you couldn't play them from music!)Now with great-looking tablature in pdf. Antoine Carre - everything in his Livre de Pieces de Guitarre de Musique (1690?) for baroque guitar. Includes many solos; plus a duet; plus a big suite for 2 guitars and melody and bass instrument, which I've set up for playing on 3 guitars. Francesco da Milano. Not a complete works job - just 3 pieces - but you might as well have them as not. Francesco was tops in the lute field before 1543. Mozart waltzes - over 200 of them; never before heard or played! Generated from his Musikalisches Wuerfelspiel. Transcribed for guitar and presented in tablature. The Carnival of Venice - a virtuoso, 19th C. guitar work by Zani de Ferranti. You need this in tablature because the guitar is tuned to an E major chord. Now with great-looking tablature in pdf. The Plow That Broke The Plains, by Virgil Thomson. If you get the chance to play the guitar part in this orchestral work, this tablature might help. Etude in e minor (The Great). Warning - after you've played this, there's nothing left.Now with the originally published tablature. Minuetto from Falstaff - Amelie Luigi's very nice transcription (1895) of a very nice minuetto in Verdi's opera, Falstaff. Now with sheet music. The Galop of the Goblins - a fun piece by American guitarist Walter Fay Lewis, plus everything you need to know about the (spooky) Neapolitan sixth chord.Now with sheet music. Our Director March - the case for "low-brow" music. Also included in this section so you don't miss the tab. Now with sheet music. "Toccata Arpeggiata" by J. H. Kapsberger. A nice piece made easier by an unusual tuning. Presented in tablature. "Mad Dog" - that's what they call this lute piece from the Second Matthew Holmes Lute Book. It's by Anthony Holborne. "April Showers" - a 19th C. all-American guitar duo in an unusual tuning. Beatle Significa - a gearfab question and answer game. Some dare call it trivia. Beatle mentions in various magazines The Beatles in Yobyalp - Some kids' magazine from the '60s or something? The Beatles in Boys' Life magazine - all the mentions from 1964 through 1969. Plus a few good jokes from Think & Grin thrown in for free. The Beatles in teen magazines: Hit Parader, Teen Scoop, Teen Screen, Teen Life, Teen World, Fifteen, 16 Magazine, and Flip. From about mid-1968 through early 1969. Good for Beatle bits; great for time traveling. The Beatles in National Geographic magazine. That shouldn't take long. Now with pictures. The Beatles in Factsheet Five magazine - a look at the Beatles in the consciousness of the "small press" world, from about 1986 to 1991. The Beatles, It Was Twenty Years Ago... - a book of newspaper clippings from a town called Philadelphia. Set your time machine to 1964. The Beatles Forever - the classic from the late 1970s by Nicholas Schaffner. Now with pictures. Beatles '64 - A Hard Day's Night In America - a wonderfully detailed account of the Beatles' 1964 U.S. tour, city by city. Now with pictures. Yellow Submarine, the post production script - documenting my gallant effort to understand the movie dialog in the pre-DVD age. Now with color coded goofs. Beatle inspirations? - a few little musical borrowings by the Beatles and from the Beatles. Maybe. One John Lennon, with sound bites. A variety of research and discussion topics - mostly fun, not academic - arising from my collection of Beatle-related talk recorded from various radio series over the decades. John Lennon's speech at the Foyle's luncheon - worth a page of its own. Everything you always wanted to know about your "lucky face"! Ringo sings the Lennon-McCartney songbook - for Ringo fans everywhere. (That means you.) The ultimate Beatles database - something like a Beatle Wikipedia, but bigger and better! The Beatles VI Cover - Straight Dope Cecil answers the world's toughest Beatle question!!! (What do you call them things that keep rain off your head?) Beatles vs. Elvis - just a fun word game contest devised by Joe Pope in 1987. Play along, laugh at the entries, or simply have yourself a glimpse of Beatle fandom from that era. Also meant to be a tribute to Joe, himself. Muzak and the Beatles - standing up for beautiful music. I say let it rip, not RIP. And where will the Beatles be without it? Paul McCartney's close call - how the Beatles almost lost a good bass player in the Canary Islands in 1963. The Yellow Submarine movie, and the brains behind it. Did the Beatles contribute more to the movie than we think? John, Paul, George, Ringo... & Bert. A review of the play by Willy Russell. The first four guys you know; but who's the last chappy??? Beatles on Scottish tv in Glasgow - a little story. Ringo's Beaucoups Of Blues album - a few reminiscences from country music artist Sorrells Pickard. Best-yet Hard Day's Night chord - give it a twang. Ringo's hair at the British Embassy - an international incident. Trying to get to the bottom of what really happened the night after the Beatles' first concert in America, Feb 11 1964. Mother Goose and the Beatles - how the old lady pops up in the Beatles oeuvre, not to mention Bob Dylan and miscellaneous popsters. Beatle novelty records on YouTube - the largest collection ever gathered together, and the easiest way to access them, ever. Fun stuff! Unsolved mysteries Beatles bonus tracks Free Beatles books! (Offer expired!) The Big Bang - explosion or expansion? Come on, which is it? (I suspect tired light.) Evolution The Beak Of The Finch; a story of evolution in our time, by Jonathan Weiner. My report on the Pulitzer Prize-winning book. The Neck Of The Giraffe; where Darwin went wrong, by Francis Hitching. My report on a book diametrically opposed to the above. Evolution articles, essays and writings, with my rebuttals. A follow-up to my Evolution FAQ. Doubting Saint Chuck - selected commentary on Intelligent Design in the wake of the Dover school board case, Oct 2005. My pick from among thousands and thousands of articles. "Science describes; science does not explain" - needs to be said now and then. The discussion uses "The God Delusion", by Richard Dawkins, and gravity as jumping off points. Evolution for Dummies. Ummm, well . . . that says it all, I guess? The Complete Idiot's Guide to Evolution. No, there's more... Leap Day - what are your chances of being born on it? (That is, if you haven't already been born yet.) Including a mild rant on clumsy mathematical thinking. Science in the media - does everybody just nod their heads? Freebies from a visionary: All of math - further arguing that there's nothing more to math than basic addition and multiplication. Adding and subtracting mixed numbers - so simple and straightforward that it's almost mindless! How to subtract - for the first time anywhere, ever... I have no idea how this could have been left up to me. The Mean, Median, and Mode - a three-headed math monster that could use an extreme makeover. (Hint: the last two need chopping off.) The area of basic geometric figures - more than just what they are, but how to know them, and burn them in for life. My very favorite brain teasers - all 2 of 'em.(Attention, games programmers! If you can give me a "Scrabulous", and wouldn't mind becoming a billionaire, please get in touch. Thanks.) Scrabble For Word Lovers - a suite of four Scrabble games taking you as far as you dare into the realm of big words!Scrabble For Word Lovers - introduction. Here's where to start on your exciting, new Scrabble journey. Scrabble For Word Lovers - common rules. Specifically, a refined word set and the "challenge rule". Scrabble O For Word Lovers - what Scrabble ought to have been from the beginning! You can play it with the standard set. Scrabble O rules JQXZ Wild! - like Scrabble III For Big Word Lovers, but with the 3-letter minimum reinstated. HEAR YE, HEAR YE, THIS IS THE ONE, FOLKS! The Dover Scrabble Club Lexicon. All the distinct words we've played - 28,067 and counting! Invalid Scrabble words. Now see all the "bum words" kicked off our Scrabble boards since revving up on big words in Jan 2013. Lots of fun! Average Points Per Turn (PPT) - the Scrabble statistic! Why doesn't the Scrabble world use it??? Scrabble rules through the decades - an interesting look at the evolution of the Scrabble box top rules over the years. Also, a thumbnail history of Scrabble. Scrabble dating - not the gushy, romantic stuff, but tips on determining when your beloved, old, classic, vintage Scrabble set rolled off the production line. The very earliest Deluxe Scrabble - and the funny story of how to recognise such a set. The Scrabble word list over the decades - a quick look at the 1953 official word list, and how it compares to the current monstrosity. Anex-A-Gram - Scrabble 10 years before Scrabble??? Crossword Anagrams - just another Scrabble ripoff from the mid-1950s? Or is there more to the story? Read all about, "Anex-A-Gram, the sequel!" Keyword - Parker Brothers' Scrabble ripoff from 1953, but leaves Scrabble in the dust as a word game. Word Nerd, by John D. Williams Jr. (former director of the National Scrabble Association.) So much discussion material here. And I hope even word fans with no particular interest in Scrabble will find much of this "book report" interesting. World record Scrabble lagoon! What the heck is that? Sort of like a donut hole . . . Who played SHODS??? - a Scrabble whodunit. Your mission is to reconstruct a game from the finished board and a score sheet. Trickier than you think . . . Counting Scrabble tiles - what is there to counting Scrabble tiles? You'll see! The use of the Q in modern Scrabble - should we laugh or qry? Scrabble page boneyard - my obsolete Scrabble pages. Do not click on this! Monopoly - some thoughts on the classic game, with a few "house rule" suggestions. Boggle - quite a nifty little word game. Some playing suggestions. Family Feud, the home version - a great party game! Password, the home version - a lost cause? NO! Here are the rule fixes. Board game rules for Pictionary, Trivial Pursuit, Taboo, etc. - fix 'em up to keep everybody happy and involved. A handy won-lost performance statistic for multi-player games and sports. That's a mouthful of link text, but who would be searching on "average place statistic (aps)"? Football rules - a tiny change that would crank up the excitement! Basketball - leveling the field for talented players of all heights. Croquet rules - perhaps not exactly "official", but guaranteed to give a good game. Roofball - a new sport. Get started now; don't be left in the rain at the 2076 Olympics. Jokari - the joy of whacking a ball on a string in the great outdoors. Garage soccer - it doesn't take much to get up a good game of soccer. New words in the English language - a nice, clear look at what's been added in the last ten years or so, that is, from around 1995 to around 2005. A 1000 words I needed to look up. Compare your word power with a common bloke. A Universal Second Language - what's the hold-up??? Let's go! I didn't say I invented the idea; just getting in some thoughts and a plug. Quotes - original and memorable quotes that I have heard. Personalized license plates that won my approval - a pretty sorry lot, actually. $100 words. What for? Who knows? They're neat. Word search for guitarists. Same page as in the guitar section above. A passel o' words made from our right hand finger designations: p (thumb), i (index), m (middle) and a (ring). A Beatle word game. Same page as in the Beatles section above. Wanna scramble some Beatle album titles? Confusing words - for a kid (me). "Karl Katz" - a hard-to-find Grimm's fairy tale? Looks like the same story as "Rip Van Winkle" to me. (Turns out it's not Grimm's.) Old Mother Goose, when she wanted to wander . . .Mother Goose favorites - these are mine; which are yours? Mother Goose differences - a fun look at how the same rhyme can vary in different editions. Mother Goose modernized - an interesting look at how Mother Goose rhymes have been touched up for kids of today. More hugs, less whippings . . .Mother Goose rarities - appearing for the first time on the world-wide web! Mother Goose and the Beatles - not to mention Bob Dylan and miscellaneous popsters. Mother Goose in classic literature - how the old lady pops up in the writings of Edgar Allan Poe, Washington Irving, Winnie the Pooh, et al. Mother Goose glossary - compare your vocabulary with a three-year-old's. Mother Goose first lines - a huge index. The original Grimm Fairy Tales - specifically, a look at the difference between the first and final versions of each tale, where possible. This is a first for English speakers! Gender in the language - and touching on titles, first names and surnames. Little book reports - not so much "reviews" as an excuse to babble. Caesar Rodney's ride for independence - the Hollywood version, plus its debunking. "Scraps From the Operas" arranged for two guitars - where Grand Opera meets Dueling Banjos meets Black History. The arranger, Justin Holland, was a most remarkable, 19th century, black American. You can listen to all 20 pieces for free with these liner notes at hand. Me on Guitar Secondo. "A Trip To Rocky Point" - a happy piece of musical Americana from 1890 for guitars, mandolin and sound effects. See what you've been missing in this melody-phobic age of ours... Simplified piano notation - a simple proposal that makes playing piano simpler than typing. Playboy goes to the opera! All the opera mentions in the magazine's first 10 years, 1954-1964. My opera records. This catalog could conceivably answer an opera question or two. Also, I've created a Master Index to my opera reference book collection, an idea that others might find useful. Opera cylinders in the UCSB collection - over a thousand of them listed in a simple index. A "cylinder" is an old, old, old phonograph record. The Music Division of the Library of Congress - some very handy tips for using it. Come one, come all. (Same page as in the Guitar section.) Music book reports - my thoughts on a wide variety of music-related books. The Little Book Of Music Anecdotes - my report on a nice little book from 1948. It's separate because I've worked up an index for it. Muzak and the Beatles - standing up for beautiful music. I say let it rip, not RIP. Same page as in my Beatles section, but the first half is not Beatle-specific. Vinyl records - how to fix skips. Making parts from a score - get your scissors ready. Down with publishers who give us impossible page turns! (Don't worry, the scissors aren't for him.) How to watch a parade - taking a musical, urban hike! Foreword - the same "Forward" as at the top, but also at home here. Meet Your Neighbor - me. (Sorry for the disappointment.) This was a little feature in the Delaware State News. The most this and that in my life. Not necessarily big deals, mind you. In Memory of Jane L. Sauter. A mom like none other, in addition to being America's Most Beloved Woman. The page may also expose something of myself. Ben Sauter, a character - in his own words. Baltimore County farm life in the early 1960s - as shown in its financial records. Kingswood Commons now sits on the farm property. In Memory of Karen Malone - a long-time friend of mine. You'll enjoy meeting Karen if you love dogs, or if you'd just like to meet a truly, truly good person. Plus, everything there is to know about Irish Wolfhounds. In Memory of Harry Vernon - a friend who went out in grand style. (He fell off Mt. Taranaki in New Zealand on his 80th birthday.) Even if you never knew Harry, you'll find he was quite a character. Mary Theresa Lane - a couple of works from my archives. The Dumpster Diver's Guide to the Galaxy - a great book compiled from a 1998 web search. Humorous and thought-provoking, and also of interest as internet archaeology. A Profile in Courage - it took a big person... Antarctica - unclaimed land now claimed. Wrapping up a loose end... You Northerners - got somethin' ta say about snow in D.C.? Movie star photos, with autographs! Even if you don't know many of these 75 stars from the 1940s and 1950s, they'll take you back, I guarantee it. Oprah Winfrey: historic recording on Baltimore radio. In a 1980 radio spot, Oprah plugs an appearance by cosmetics lady Mary Kay Ash on "People Are Talking", a Baltimore tv talk show. (I'm in there, too.) The Great Blizzard of February 2010 - in which Frosty the Snowman's cousin Gordy drops in on Dover, Delaware. My Glob - not exactly a blog. Whatever I feel like saying without whipping up a separate web page. Open letter to the USPS - I tried to retire this dumb page, but then I saw it still gets lots of visits on some archival sites. Who can figure? My current guestbook - since 2001. Growing very slowly because guestbooks are "out", but large enough now to stand on its own two feet. The next comment could be yours! My guestbook - the first 3 years! I've closed and archived this first one. Loads of topics, some funny comments - "in-ner-resting reading"! E-mail highlights. Provided for miscellaneous web searches; not for curling up with: email001email002email003email004email005email006email007email008email009email010email011email012email013email014email015email016email017email018email019email020email021email022email023email024email025email026email027email028email029email030email031email032email033email034email035email036email037email058aemail058bemail059aemail059bemail060aemail060bemail060cemail061aemail061b Trolling for old friends - clicking here is not the point. Resume - a few little things I have to offer the world. My little shop of rare and precious commodities - a convenient showroom for all of my pages which offer something for purchase. You won't find these items anywhere else!

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