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Samuel Howard Sloan Announces Candidacy For Democratic Party's Presidential Nomination In 2016

I am announcing that I have registered with the Federal Elections Commission as a Democratic Party Candidate for President of the United States. Here are my issues.

I have registered as a Democrat,. That means I am running against Hillary. However I am not against Hillary. I am in favor of Hillary. I believe that she will receive the nomination and she will be elected. So, why am I running against her?

The reason is Hillary is being pushed to the left by extreme left-wing opponents. I hope to push her back towards the middle. Also, she is not being supported by her own party leadership. One rarely or never hears any other leading Democrat speak in favor of Hillary, except for her own husband Bill. This is strange. It seems that they want her to fail.

Hillary is being attacked on frivolous grounds such as the email-gate example. One wonders why nobody has said a word in her defense.

I agree with Hillary on most of the big issues although I disagree with her on small issues.

On email-gate, it is said that Hillary did a bad thing by sending her emails on her own private server. She should have sent them on a government server, which is more secure, they say. Her own private server was insecure, they say.

This is nonsense. Nothing the government does is secure. If the government knows about something, then eventually everybody will know about it. The people own the government and we are the people. The right and the best way for Hillary to keep her secrets secret is put and keep them on her own computer that she alone controls. That is what she did.

The fact that this simple and obvious point is never mentioned convinces me that her own party leadership is conspiring to undermine her candidacy.

Next is the Iran deal. Her opponents say that we should not give money to Iran because they will use that money to build an A-Bomb which they will drop on us in ten years. More nonsense. In the first place, we will not be giving any money to Iran. The deal as proposed will simply allow Iran to have their own money. Their assets have been frozen for twenty years. They just want their own money. How will giving or not giving Iran their own money help or stop them from building an A-Bomb? The fact is if they want to build an A-Bomb they can do it regardless of whether their own money is frozen or not. I am a book publisher. One of the books in my list of publications is a book on how to build an A-Bomb. I like to call it, “Sam's Handy Dandy Guide on how you can build an A-Bomb”. Anybody can do it. The technology has been known since 1945 when the first A-Bomb was being dropped by my uncle on my father in law. (It missed him.) Anybody can do it. So why is it not better to make a deal with Iran discouraging them from building an A-Bomb when the alternative is no deal in which case they have no reason not to build an A-Bomb. Again, it is a mystery why this simple and obvious point is almost never mentioned. Another point is that Iran is unique among the countries of the world in that it has never attacked another country. Ever since the forces of Xerxes lost the Battle of Plataea in 479 BC, Iran has never attacked another country. Why does anybody believe they will start now?

Next is national security. The Republicans often utter the words “national security” but then they immediately change the subject and start talking about various foreign countries and wars they would like to start over there in far away places thousands of miles away. They need a geography lesson. My country is the United States of America. My own sons are defending my country. I have one son in the US Army and another son is in the US Marines. One of my daughters completed four years in the US Marines and served in the War in Iraq. They are all home now. If elected, I will keep them here. I will not send my sons off to some foreign country to fight any battles over there. I will give some military equipment to countries such as The Ukraine who need help defending themselves, but sending any ground troops over there is out of the question.

I come from a military family. Three of my uncles experienced the heaviest fighting on World War II. One of my uncles fought in the Battle of the Bulge. Another uncle fought in the Invasion of Iwo Jima. Yet another uncle was a B-29 Bomber pilot who flew 30 bombing missions over Japan and piloted support aircraft that dropped the A-Bomb on Nagasaki. We are not afraid to fight.

However, we find it distasteful to bomb innocent civilians. The Republicans are gung-ho about wanting to start bombing people if they can get elected. John Bolton a Republican Party candidate for president says we should have bombed Iran five years ago and if elected he will start bombing Iran immediately. Lindsey Graham is another one of those religious fanatics who wants to start dropping bombs on Iran immediately. If you check the background of every one of these people who are anxious to start dropping bombs, you will find one thing in common: Religion. They do not like the religion of the people of Iran and they want to bomb them to change their religion. Whatever reason they may give for wanting to bomb Iran, it is always religion at the bottom.

Lets talk about taxes. The last good president we had was Bill Clinton. One reason I favor his wife is I feel that she is likely to follow the same policies that Bill followed. It is not that she lacks independence from him. Rather she was always the power behind the throne. When Bill was president it was always Hillary who was the real boss.

Bill Clinton had a tax structure under which America produced a surplus every year. Under Clinton, we were going to pay off the entire national debt in ten years and we were going to be debt free.

However, then that crazy guy succeeded him and gave tax breaks to all his friends. Suddenly our surpluses changed to annual deficits. We are now so much in debt that it is likely that we will never be able to pay it off, not even in a million years, and we are getting deeper in debt day by day.

Do you know what happens to countries who just keep getting deeper into debt? Eventually, their money becomes worthless. We have many examples of this. Many countries especially those in South America, got so far in debt that they just knocked the last three zeros off their money. 10,000 pesos became ten pesos.

Why has not this happened so far in the USA? It is because the American dollar is the worlds reserve currency. All international debts are settled in dollars. So we can just keep printing more money.

However, there is a movement to make the Euro the world's reserve currency. If this happens the USA will be immediately bankrupt, because we will have to pay our debts in Euros and we will have no money to pay.

The reason the Euro has not become the world's reserve currency is they have a problem with Greece. Greece is part of the European Union and thus is a backer of the Euro. However, the day may come, and it might come soon, where they will kick Greece out of the European Union and then no longer accept payment in dollars. Already the USA is regarded as “Too Big To Fail”. How much longer can we afford to continue these ruinous deficits? We must stop deficit spending.

And how much longer can we afford to ignore the Chinese who are already making more cars than we make and are on the verge of having a bigger economy than we have?

Drivers Licenses: Anybody who can prove that they can drive a car safely by passing the written test and the road test and by proving their identity should be allowed to have a drivers license. This does not confer the right to drive a car or the right to reside in this country. It simply means that a person can not be charged with driving without a license if stopped by the police. It will make our roads safer as drivers will be more cooperative if involved in traffic accidents and it will also help solve our immigration problem because at least we will have a better idea of who is in this country. The states can also earn fees by giving all these people driving tests.

The Supreme Court of the United States has gone nuts. The entire history of the constitution of the United States is based on the enumerated powers of the federal government. For example, the federal government has the power to enact copyright laws of limited duration because the constitution gives it that power. The tenth amendment says that the federal government has no powers beyond those enumerated in the constitution.

I predict that the Republican Party candidate will be Carly Fiorina. I am confident it will not be Trump. Trump has already shot his wad. He has already said everything he has to say. Beyond one-liners, Trump has nothing to say. We can learn a great-deal from the Trump candidacy. We should study it. He has brought issues to the fore such as immigration. However, Trump does not seem to realize that the 14th Amendment makes everybody who was born in the United Sates of America a citizen. He is not such a smart guy as everybody seems to think.

The Republican Party has a number of religious hucksters, charlatans and religious con artists. These people are dangerous because they might actually get elected. That is how we got our previous president. We are fairly certain they do not even believe in the religions they claim to espouse.

We have great technology no other country has. We can fire a missile from a base in California that can hit a target in Iraq with pin point accuracy. It goes right over the North Pole. No other country can do that. That is why the Republicans keep talking about wanting to bomb this or that person. They know that we can hit them and they cannot hit back at us. Just because we can do that does not mean we should. No fair shooting at them when they cannot shoot back at us.

There is one subject almost all of the Republicans love to talk about. That subject is Iran. Why do they always talk about Iran? We have our country. We should let them have theirs. Oddly, the Iranian people love America more than almost any other people in the world. Strange. They love us while we hate them. The Republicans never mention that their ayatollahs have a reason to hate and denounce us. They hate us because we controlled their country for more than 25 years. Their Shah of Iran was a puppet in our hands.

What we should be worried about is North Korea. Why do the Republicans almost never mention North Korea? The Republicans say that in ten years Iran might start to build an atomic bomb. Meanwhile, North Korea already has the atomic bomb. They have exploded several of them. More than that, North Korea says that they have the technology to fire a missile at us that can hit the White House with pin point accuracy. Have you seen their video? We think they cannot really do that. We regard them as a joke. The Republicans would rather talk about Iran, a country we know we can beat. It took us 22 days to conquer Iraq. We figure it would take a little longer to conquer Iran, say 25 days. So, the Republican want us to attack Iran because we know that they can only last a little longer than Grenada did. They do not talk about attacking North Korea because they know we cannot easily beat them. We are still at war with North Korea. We did not beat them the last time. Their leader has killed his own uncle and his own aunt. He has killed some of his own generals. He even killed his own girlfriend, a singer, because he was embarrassed by one of her public performances. We figure somebody over there will get him soon and he cannot hit us with his missiles anyway so we do not worry about him.

Sam Sloan

Democratic Party Candidate for President in 2016

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Home Page by Sam Sloan
Article about Sloan vs. Truong in todays's New York Times:

I have filed a lawsuit against Truong, Polgar, USCF et al after it was proven that 2464 obscene posts impersonating me has been posted to the chess newsgroups. Here is the Mottershead Report proving this.

The case has been filed in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York at 500 Pearl Street, New York NY 10007.

The case number is 07 CIV 8537

The judge is Judge Denny Chin

The Magistrate Judge is Judge Frank Maas

The suit seeks to overturn the results of the 2007 USCF Election on the grounds of election fraud and to reinstate the directors who were thrown out in that election until a new election can be held. The complaint alleges that defendants Susan Polgar and Paul Truong impersonated Sam Sloan and sent out three thousand obscene and pornographic newsgroup postings during the election campaign in order to discredit Sloan and get themselves elected so as to take over the USCF Finances.

The papers and pleadings filed in the Southern District of New York can be downloaded at the following addresses: Summons in Sloan vs. Truong.


Application for a TRO.

Unsigned Temporary Restraining Order.

Affivavit on Diversity Issue.

Affivavit on Federal Question Issue.

There have been ten articles in the New York Times about this case: Is the United States Chess Federation in Trouble? Second Computer Expert Offers Opinion on Report at Base of USCF Lawsuit Polgar Responds on Her Blog; Texas Tech Voices Its Support Founder of AF4C: The Chess Federation Needs a New Structure Interview With the U.S.C.F. President; a Chess Sponsor Says He’s Had Enough New Lawsuit Against Chess Federation Vulgar Chess Mess, New York Post
New article about this case in Lubbock Avalanche-Journal in Lubbock Texas: Tech gets more response time in chess lawsuit by MARLENA HARTZ AVALANCHE-JOURNALHere are some pleadings, newspaper articles and forums on the case: June Duffy Motion to Admit Scot Graydon as counsel Pro Hac Vice June Duffy Motion Granted to admit Scot Graydon as counsel Pro Hac Vice Texas Tech University files Motion to Dismiss Letter from Texas Attorney General in Sloan vs. Truong Letter "Answer" filed by Proskauer Rose representing the USCF Motion by Arthur Handler to admit Patrick O'Brien Pro Hac Vice Sam Sloan's letter to the court dated November 25, 2007 Proof that Sam Sloan used to be a good chess player (a long time ago) NY Times: The Lawsuit against Polgar and Truong, A Closer Look The Lawsuit Against Polgar and Truong, et al NY Times: Chess Group Officials Accused of Using Internet to Hurt Rivals NY Times: Interview With the U.S.C.F. President; a Chess Sponsor Says He's Had Enough NY Times: Founder of AF4C: The Chess Federation Needs a New Structure NY Times: Polgar Responds on her Blog The Daily Toreador, Texas Tech University Student Newspaper: Lawsuit Creates Problems for Local Chess Tournament The Daily Toreador, Texas Tech University Student Newspaper: University Named as Defendant in Identity Theft Lawsuit Susan Polgar Stating the Facts Susan Polgar: A Special Thank You Mig Greengard's Daily Dirt: Slime Spillover Goddesschess: Reshevsky Memorial at Texas Tech Goddesschess: Susan Polgar Chris Falter: Paul Truong Has a Question to Answer, However... Dennis Monokroussos: The Chess Mind: Sloan vs. Polgar and Truong Sam Sloan for Governor video on Google Videos.

Sloan defeats Shahade, Finishes Second in 1969 US Amateur Championship

Four chess books by Ishi Press have just been reprinted. Here they are:

Pal Benko's Endgame Laboratory The Slave Children of Thomas Jefferson Chinese Chess for Beginners by Sam Sloan Elista Diaries: Karpov-Anand, Karpov-Kamsky and Anand 2007 World Championship victory
How to Talk Dirty in Japanese and English is now available from the following book stores: Alibris Amazon Abe Books Barnes the trouble is that his insights are so deep, and so far ahead of the time, that they appear incredible to the educated layman. I myself have occasionally made the mistake of thinking that Sam Sloan had made an error. Invariably, sometimes a year or more later, I had to admit my mistake.

"Jurgen R."

This is a real quote. You can find it yourself by searching at Chess Politics Newsgroup.

I have filed three petitions for a Writ of Certiorari in the US Supreme Court. All of the petitions I have filed seek to be reinstated on the ballot as a candidate for US Congress for the Tenth Congressional District of New York.
New Book Just Out: How to Talk Dirty in JapaneseHow to Talk Dirty
in Japanese
and English
by Eli Eshoh
Hiroaki FukuyamaE-Book (Adobe Reader)
Publisher: Orsden Press
ISBN: 0923891129
Product Dimensions: 5.5 x 8.5 inches
170 pages

Here are the petitions I have filed in the United States Supreme Court, in HTML Format:

Sloan v. Republicans - Petition for Certiorari Sloan v. Rudiano - Petition for Certiorari Sloan v. Independence Party - Petition for CertiorariHere are the same three petitions exactly as filed in downloadable PDF Format:

Sloan v. Republicans - Petition for Certiorari Sloan v. Rudiano - Petition for Certiorari Sloan v. Independence Party - Petition for CertiorariHere are the same petitions on the US Supreme Court website:

My petition in Sloan vs. Rudiano has been accepted for filing My petition in Sloan vs. Graham has been accepted for filing My petition in Sloan vs. Knapp has been accepted for filingNow, here is a Quiz based on real quotes about me or by me. I did not create this quiz, nor did any friend of mine.

Creighton Case: Here is my Motion to the South Carolina Court of Appeals to recall the remitter in both HTML Format and PDF Format.

Sloan vs. Rudiano: My petition for Certiorari has been accepted for filing in the United States Supreme Court.

Although the election is now over, Here is what I hope to achieve from my petition.

Character Problems with John Kerry

I seem to be winning my court case against the United States Chess Federation. Here is my latest Glorious Victory

Hearing Tomorrow in Goshen Supreme Court at 9:00 AM

Is Beatriz Marinello having trouble because of the Patriot Act?

Here is a Great Article posted in my Guestbook on Why Taiwanese women want Western Men

Creighton Case - Transcript of Hearing on April 6, 2004

Important news: The Order has been signed by Judge Horowitz in Sloan vs. Marinello, 2004-7739.

They are posted at: Original Signed Order to Show Cause (572K in PDF format) Conformed copy of Signed Order to Show Cause (59K in PDF format)

Creighton Case - Transcript of Hearing of February 4, 2004

I have filed Suit against the United States Chess Federation and five of its board members.

Here are the documents I have filed in court, in both HTML format and PDF format:

Sloan vs. Marinello, Petition (HTML Format) Marinello Case: Decision of Judge Horowitz dated January 10, 2005 Marinello Case: Notice of Cross-Motion to Dismiss Marinello Case: Affirmation of Michael J. Matsler Marinello Case: March 10, 2005 Decision Marinello Case: Official Transcript of November 30, 2004 hearing Proposed Order to Show Cause - Appellate Division Appellate Division - Affidavit in Support of Order to Show Cause Appellate Division - Affidavit in Support of Order to Show Cause Affidavit of Beatriz Marinello dated April 28, 2005 Affidavit of Glenn Petersen, who spelled his own name wrong Affidavit of Tim Hanke in Knox County, Maine Affidavit of Grant Perks, notorized by Harry Sabine Affidavit of Randall L. Bauer Affidavit of Elizabeth Shaughnessy Affirmation of Michael J. Matsler, dated April 28, 2005 Memorandum of Law of the USCF dated April 28, 2005 Marinello Case: Reply Affidavit to Order to Show Cause Goichberg to be fired by Beatriz and replaced by Beatriz Beatriz Marinello fired her replacement !! Sam Sloan's Candidate's Statement in May 2005 Chess Life, page 12 Sloan vs. Marinello, Affidavit in Support (HTML Format) Sloan vs. Marinello, Memorandum of Law (HTML Format) Sloan vs. Marinello, Proposed Order to Show Cause (HTML Format) Sloan vs. Marinello, Decision of Judge Horowitz (HTML Format) Sloan vs. Marinello, Petition (PDF Format) Sloan vs. Marinello, Affidavit in Support (PDF Format) Sloan vs. Marinello, Memorandum of Law (PDF Format) Sloan vs. Marinello, Proposed Order to Show Cause (PDF Format) Sloan vs. Marinello, Decision of Judge Horowitz (PDF Format)

Democrats need to be introspective: Kerry was a lousy candidate.

Photo in New York Sun for June 30, 2004 of Sam and Sandra Sloan

I have filed in the United States Supreme Court. Here are:

Petitions filed in US Supreme Court Sloan v. Republicans - Petition for Certiorari Sloan v. Rudiano - Petition for Certiorari Sloan v. Independence Party - Petition for Certiorari My Supreme Court Cases Derailed by Anthrax
I have gone on a binge of making quizes. In order to take these quizzes, first you should read all 3,024 pages on Sam Sloan's web site. After you have done that, this becomes a reading comprehension test.

Quiz about Sam Sloan's Race for Congress Quiz #1 about Sam Sloan's Web Site Quiz #2 about Sam Sloan's Web Site Lynchburg, Virginia Quiz Questions Sam Sloan's Chess Quiz #1 Sam Sloan's Chess Quiz #2 Sam Sloan's Chess Quiz #3 Sam Sloan's Taxi Driver's Test #1 Sam Sloan's Taxi Driver's Test #2

Republican Congressional Candidate Disqualified from Office

A bombshell has hit the Brooklyn Republican Party when it has been discovered that the candidate they had selected to keep Sam Sloan off the ballot was not qualified to hold office.

Harvey Clarke is the third candidate the Republicans have put forward to stop Sam Sloan from being their candidate, after Sloan was initially approved as the Republican Party candidate at a meeting on May 5, 2004. A week later, the Republicans made Adrienne Britton as their candidate, but she declined. Then, they made Isabelle Jefferson their candidate, but she declined as well. After that, they settled on Harvey Clarke.

The question remains: Who will the Brooklyn Republican Party turn to next in their increasingly desperate efforts to keep Sam Sloan from being a candidate for election?

Bush Wins the First Debate by a Wide Margin Why Bush Won the First Debate Kerry plans to Invade Iran? Despicable conduct by Kerry in Outing Cheneyfs Daughter
My daughter Shamema is no longer a US Marine. She is now married and is a Loan Officer and a Mortgage Broker. Is that better?

I am running for election. I have instituted proceedings to validate my petitions. In New York Election Law there are two kinds of proceedings. One is a proceeding brought by your opponents to kick you off the ballot when the Board of Elections has put you on the ballot. This is called an "Invalidating Petition".

The other is a proceeding to put you back on the ballot after your opponents have filed an objection and had the Board of Elections kick you off the ballot. This is called a "Validating petition".

I was listed as a candidate on the New York City Board of Elections website until a few days ago when my name was taken off. This is because the Board of Elections kicked me off the ballot. Now, I have filed validating petitions with the Brooklyn Supreme Court. I expect to take this case up, possibly even to the highest court of New York State and then to the highest court of the United States. Many other candidates were kicked off the ballot but so far none of the others have filed an appeal. My appeal will apparently be the first. Of course, if I win, the other candidates who were kicked off the ballot for similar reasons will probably file appeals as well.

I have posted and will continue to post my court filings to my websites. This is for the convenience of other candidates who may want to copy and use them.

Here is what I have filed thus far: Sam Sloan for Congress flyer in English (PDF Format) Sam Sloan for Congress flyer in Spanish (PDF Format) Petition to Reinstate Opportunity to Ballot in Conservative Party Petition for Writ of Certiorari to US Supreme Court against Republican Party Brief filed in the Appellate Division - Second Department against the Republican Party Brief filed in the Appellate Division - Second Department against the Independence Party Petition to Appeal to Court of Appeals in Sloan vs. Graham, NY Sup. Index No. 25231/2004 Petition to Appeal to Court of Appeals in Sloan vs. Knapp, NY Sup. Index No. 25230/2004 Petition to Validate Republican Party Designating Petitions Petition to Validate Independence Party Designating Petitions Order to Show Cause (unsigned) to Validate Republican Party Designating Petitions Order to Show Cause (unsigned) to Validate Independence Party Designating Petitions Order to Show Cause (signed) to Validate Republican Party Designating Petitions (note that the judge who signed the order made modifications) Order to Show Cause (signed) to Validate Independence Party Designating Petitions (note that the judge who signed the order made modifications) Petition for Rehearing from Dismissal of Petition to Validate Republican Party Designating Petitions Petition for Rehearing from Dismissal of Petition to Validate Independence Party Designating Petitions Order to Show Cause (signed ) in Petition for Rehearing from Dismissal of Petition to Validate Republican Party Designating Petitions Order to Show Cause (signed ) in Petition for Rehearing from Dismissal of Petition to Validate Independence Party Designating Petitions United States District Court Case against Diane Rudiano and King's County Republican Party United States District Court Case against Robert Conroy and King's County Independence Party Affidavit of Sam Sloan in Opposition to Objections filed by Republican Party Sam Sloan translated into Chinese by the New York City Board of Elections Case Citations Needed Please I have instituted proceedings to validate my petitions New York Sun by Dan Ackman: Sam Sloan - Taxi to Afghanistan June 7 Article in Courier Life about Sam Sloan for Congress June 14 Article in Courier Life about Sam Sloan for Congress July 5 Courier Life article which mentions Sam Sloan near the bottom July 12 Article in Courier Life about Sam Sloan for Congress July 19 Article in Courier Life about Sam Sloan for Congress August 2 Article in Courier Life about Sam Sloan for Congress August 9 Article in Courier Life about Sam Sloan for Congress August 23 Article in Courier Life about Sam Sloan for Congress September 6 Article in Courier Life about Sam Sloan for Congress October 4 Article in Courier Life about Sam Sloan for Congress October 11 Article in Courier Life about Sam Sloan for Congress Born in East LA, a Movie Review by Sam Sloan

Joe Tamargo, famous master of both chess and go, is seriously ill.

Sloan vs. Conroy, Independence Party of New York

Sloan vs. Rudiano, King's County Republican Party

New York Sun: Sam Sloan - Taxi to Afghanistan

June 7 Article in Courier Life about Sam Sloan for Congress

June 14 Article in Courier Life about Sam Sloan for Congress

First Slam on my Campaign for US Congress

Flatbush Life again publicizes my Campaign for US Congress

Affirmation of Aaron Maslow in Opposition to Sam Sloan for Congress

Who are these two beatuiful girls?

Why, they are my daughters, Jessica and Shamema Sloan.

My Daughters, Jessica and Shamema Sloan

Ever wonder how I make such beautiful girls? I have lots more like that.

This photo was taken on December 20, 2003, on the occasion of the marriage of my daughter, Shamema. Shamema was in the Marines and she married a Marine. She got out of the Marines on April 21, 2004 having served four years, including six month in the War in Iraq. Sam Sloan is a Candidate for US Congress

Peter Jennings Reporting: Jesus and Paul

How I got into the 1964 Republican National Convention

Hearing on Sloan Estate Appeal in Aiken set for Tuesday, April 6 at 11:30 AM

Sam Sloan and Family make ChessBase Magazine

Gata Kamsky to run for President of FIDE !!!!

John Forbes Kerry is the 11th Cousin of President George W. Bush

Martha Stewart has been railroaded !

Kerry's War Record is Fake!

Grounds for Appeal in Re: Helen Marjorie Sloan

Complaint to Judge Little, Aiken County Probate Court

Opposition to motion by Creighton Sloan to dismiss appeal

Saddam Hussein has been captured, and this time it is not a joke

POLL: What should be done with Saddam Hussein?

Complaint to Mayor Michael Bloomberg about Judge Levine

The Evergreen Party

Casablanca, A Movie Review by Sam Sloan

Movie Posters on sale on Ebay by Sam Sloan

Sam Sloan DNA test results are back

Creighton won the Court Case !!!

Sam Sloan is the cousin of Queen Elizabeth II of England

Affidavit in Opposition to Appointment of Creighton Sloan as Personal Representative

Mystery of my great-grandfather, Creighton Sloan

A "Pump-and-Dump" Fraud from Brain Games by David Levy

Raymond Keene responds Re: A "Pump-and-Dump" Fraud from Brain Games, by David Levy

The Story of Claire Laxson

Hannah Hingeheels

My solution to the Major Virus Problem this week

We buy houses for cash, no mortgage.

My son Peter will draw your picture with your girlfriend !!

Elvis Presley Lobby Cards from SamSloan

2003 USCF Election Results

Letter to Creighton's Lawyer

Who is Sam?

Peter Aravena Sloan, Travelling Chess Master

My son Michael wins award in Junior High School

My Son Peter posts sensational news about Gata Kamsky

Jim Eade's hit letter attacking Sam Sloan

Sandra Kimura Sloan at age 18 months

Bill Goichberg's Choices

Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave

Sam Sloan's Candidate's Statement for the July Chess Life.

The American Indians before 1491

Was Kirsan Ilyumzhinov the go-between from Boris Putin to Saddam Hussein?

A Brief History of Colonial Co. Broker-Dealer Tom Dorsch and the Iranians Here is the subject you really want to know about. (Naturally, I am the expert on this): Nymphos and Nymphomaniacs.

Controversy has erupted in the Kasparov vs. Rest of the World match.

More adventures of Sam Sloan: Myriam Vanegas of Bogot?E Colombia.

Hu Long Hua, the Bobby Fischer of Chinese chess, meets a real tiger

El Pias newspaper reports that 12 players in the FIDE World Chess Championship still have not been paid.

Club Kasparov evaluates frequent posters in the chess newsgroups (including Sam Sloan).

There has been a Military Coup in Pakistan. (Maybe I can get my wife, Honzagool, back now.)

Will India or Pakistan Break up?

Ayub Subidar of the Chitral, Pakistan Scouts and My former Sister-in-Law in Chitral.

Write your own dirty story or erotic fantasy.

Passion Julinsey is looking for a job. Here is her r?sum?E/A. (I would not want her to think that I have forgotten all about her.)

Sheldon Silver Continues to Veto the Second Avenue Subway.

Olivia Kidd, Sister of Shelby Roberts.

Kandy Esala Perahara.

The most notorious International Chess Master in history was probably Norman Tweed Whitaker. Here is More about Norman T. Whitaker. Larry Parr tells us about FBI Files on Norman T. Whitaker.

Here is A Poll of Porn. (There is no porn here. This is only a poll.)

The Sloan Brothers.

Tom Dorsch and his wife.

Congratulations Tom Dorsch (USCF Executive Director Mike Cavallo has resigned).

The same attorney who argued to the Virginia appellate courts that the Commonwealth of Virginias had the right to kidnap Sam Sloan's 8-year-old daughter appeared yesterday in the United States Supreme Court and argued that the federal courts lack jurisdiction to overturn a death penalty imposed by a Virginia State Court, even though the defendant's lawyer had been suspended for mental disability.

Sabrina, the Teenage Witch, wants to prove that she is a big girl now.

Melissa - Why do mothers give their daughters this name?

I do not know much about Pok?mon, but I do know that my daughter, age 7, screamed and cried for one hour until I bought her a deck of 60 Pokemon cards for $21.99!

Was there Really an Adam and Eve?

Neanderthal Man - How did he differ from Modern Man?

Trapped on the Internet? How do they do it? How do they create those porn sites that will not allow you to leave?

Mayor Giuliani has received 80 death threats so far this year, police reveal.

Encephalitis For Population Control and Profit: Life and Death in NYC 1999.

Here is: Matt LeBlanc, a famous person who has ridden in my taxi. Be sure to read the last part.

On October 7, 1990, my daughter Shamema, aged 8, was kidnapped by religious fundamentalists. She has never been recovered. Here are three pictures of my daughter, Shamema: Three Polgar Sisters with Shamema, my daughter Shamema and the Camel Shamema Honzagool Sloan being held by her father Sam Sloan in Beijing China in 1988 Adam, Eve and mitochondrial DNA.

Sheldon Silver, a creep, a fraud, and a Member of the New York State Assembly.

Judith Campbell Exner dies - Mistress to President John F. Kennedy.

I have just completed my family tree. Most of what I have is the result of distant relatives seeing my web site and contacting me with additional information. I welcome all additions and corrections.

My origin is Irish, Swedish, Scottish and English. However, most of the family tree that I have been able to assemble comes from the Swedish and Scottish sides. In Sweden, my relatives have the names Jacobson and Pont?n. In Scotland, my relatives carry the Graham name.

Here is my family tree: Sloan Jacobson Family history Start Page Sloan Jacobson Family History Table of Contents Sloan Jacobson Family History Surname List Sloan Jacobson Family History Name Index Download the Sloan-Jacobson Family History in GEDCOM format Warren G. Harding, one of America's greatest Presidents.

Warren G. Harding and Norman T. Whitaker.

Disney exec arrested in underage online sex sweep.

Sailor Moon is now the most popular cartoon character in Japan and is starting to sweep America as well. Here is my new Sailor Moon page.

Raisa Gorbachov dies.

Here is a list of the 300 Most Popular Personalities on Sam Sloan's Web Site.

The facts about the Hare Krishna movement; synopsis by a long-time member, International Chess Master Jay Whitehead.

My daughter Shamema and the Kalash of Jinjoret Kuh.

Kalasha vocabulary and possible relationship with Greek.

Easter Island, one of the Great Unsolved Mysteries of the World.

Alexander Khalifman wins World Chess Championship.

Alexei Shirov's gambling style fails him in the long run.

Xie Jun defeats Galliamova in match for Woman's World Chess Championship.

Still Even More Proof that Girls Can't Play Chess.

Last Batch of Checks from FIDE World Chess Championship may be bouncing.

Kasparov - Anand match for the World Chess Championship will not be held this year.

World Chess Federation President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov takes the Hard Line.

Karen Birkedahl, 17, Sensation of the 1999 US Open Chess Championship.

I now believe that John F. Kennedy Junior rode in my taxi.

Famous People who have ridden in my taxi.

True Stories of Sailors on Alameda Island, California.

My Family History - The Graham Family .

Biography of my mother, Helen Marjorie Sloan, as published in the First Edition of "Who's Who of American Women".

Sloan, Jacobson and Graham Family History.

Evil Monsters Dorchen Leidholdt and Sister Theresa Courtney start to lose their grip.

Why is Oral Sex back in Fashion?

Important News Information: John F. Kennedy Jr. has eloped with Princess Diana. They are living on a remote island in the Pacific Ocean!

Mayor Giuliani cuts off the Hot Water in New York City Housing Projects.

Why did King Henry the Eighth have his wife's head chopped off?

On the Importance of Taking Pictures of Your Girlfriend.

Why International Chess Master John Peters calls Sam Sloan a "nut".

Gregory Serper Wins 1999 World Open Chess Championship.

Sign up now for: The Gay and Lesbian Law School of San Francisco.

My daughter, Shamema Honzagool Sloan, graduated from Jerry Falwell's Bible School on May 29, 1999.

Shamema Honzagool Sloan graduation photo

More Adventures of Sam Sloan: My visit to Chantaburi, Thailand.

Sam Sloan was interviewed on WCBS Channel 2 news and, one week later, Michael Sloan was on WABC Channel 7 News in New York City.

Carol Jarecki responds to accusations by Larry Parr and Tom Dorsch.

Everyone Asks: If your daughter was kidnapped, why don't you report it to the "law enforcement authorities"? Here is part of the answer: The Fourth Circuit: An Appeals Court That Always Veers to the Right .

Where were you when JFK was shot?

One of the Girls finally Confesses that She is not the Real Girl.

Long ago, I learned that nothing attracts viewers to a web site like pictures of beautiful women. I am always happy to receive photos of beautiful women by e-mail. (If you want to post on the WWW a candid photo of your former girlfriend, send it here.) Today I got lucky, and somebody sent me a photo of Srey Nean, a new Cambodian wife.

Web page design: BGCOLOR, chart of background colors

I was Mugged on the Train in Brooklyn.

I am thinking of Getting Raymond Weinstein out of jail.

Scientists Speed Up 'Evolution'.

Here is An International Chess Master's Views on the Bombing of Belgrade.

Here is My reply to an International Chess Master about the situation in Kosovo.

List of Objectionable Japanese Sites.

Are All Unmarried Japanese Girls Virgins?

Why Sam Sloan should be elected to the USCF Executive Board.

Here is one of those timeless questions: Why Do Women Spread their Legs when having Sex?

Tojo: War Criminal or Japanese National Hero?

People's Park, Berkeley Icon of the 60s, to be bulldozed?

I have been certified as a candidate for Executive Board of the United States Chess Federation.

Here are the Ratings of the Candidates for the USCF Executive Board.

Here are planks to my platform: Why we should Reinstate Bobby Fischer. Reforming the Chess Rating System Jerome Bibuld and the 100 Free Rating Points Clinton attorneys say president should pay $33,737, not $500,000.

Why was President George Bush so kind and nice to Saddam Hussein?

In an utterly terrifying development, Miss America threatens to sue Sam Sloan. Here is My reply to Miss America threatens to sue Sam Sloan.

Lawyers for Paula Jones, who sued President Clinton, now threaten to sue Sam Sloan. Here is my initial reply.

Here is another terrifying legal threat: Demand for Retraction of Misrepresentations Made Regarding John W. Whitehead On Web Site

Here is my Rebuttal to "The Fortress on the Hill".

Out of the Mist Looms, Maybe, the First Japanese.

Beautiful women write me letters asking me to post their pictures on my web site. But, what if two different girls claim to be the same person? For the past several days, I have been bombarded with letters from two different girls, each demanding to be recognized as the real girl on my web site. I cannot figure this one out, so I have decided to ask my readers: Which one is the Real Girl?

Here is my review of "Cruel Intentions", a new movie about teenage sex and seduction.

If you think I throw in gratuitous references to teenage incest just to get people to read my web site, I want you to know that I am not the only one. The New York Times does the same thing. Here is The New York Times movie review of the latest spate of teen-sex-incest movies, movies where no virginity survives.

Here is a famous old story of Arabia: The Story of Abu Samat.

I have a big hit with my essay on the Kashmir Conflict - Who is right, India or Pakistan? Here are Letters I have received about the "Kashmir Conflict - Who is right, India or Pakistan?".

Ever wanted to know how to commit an assassination? You have come to the right place. I have right here the Report by the CIA on How to Commit an Assassination! Here is the complete "CIA Study of Assassination".

Anna Kournikova has nothing to worry about. Monique Viele, who was reputed to be the next Kournikova, is no competition at all.

Maurice Ashley makes The New York Times.

Why do Christians Celebrate the Birth of Christ on December 25, and will the Year 2000 be a leap year?

Here is an important message from my classmate from fifth grade: The New Millennium Begins Today, March 19th, 1999.

Zsuzsa Polgar, Woman's World Chess Champion, gives birth to baby boy.

Anatoly Karpov threatens again to sue FIDE.

Judge Lorin Duckman, a judge who got a bum rap.

A bombshell has broken as: Ken Starr asks for criminal investigation of his own spokesman over leaks.

People keep asking me how it is possible that my daughter was kidnapped, and there is nothing I can do about it. Here is how. This is a letter I have just received, dated March 5, 1999: Response to Complaint, from Virginia Judicial Inquiry and Review Commission.

Cheating in the World Computer Chess Championship. Did Cray Blitz really have a win?

Here is More about Cheating in the World Computer Chess Championship and Robert Hyatt responds to: "More about Cheating in the World Computer Chess Championship".

Woman Sentenced for allowing her 15-year-old daughter to hire a Male Stripper!

Talk about a tasteless question! But six people wrote me recently, independently of each other, all asking this question. Inquiring minds need to know! Is Webster Hubbell Chelsea Clinton's real father?

Stanley Kubrick dies: By fantastic coincidence, three of his movies are cited on my web pages. - I wonder why.

It is not only me who has this problem. Here is a reader who wrote me about Problems with Having an Asian Wife. Submissions on this topic are welcome.

Judge Gamble, one of the criminals who kidnapped my daughter, was re-elected by the Virginia General Assembly. Here is my Follow-up Complaint to Virginia Judicial Inquiry and Review Commission.

Here are Seduction Stories: Please read them and submit your own.

Thanks to "Asshole of the Month" Dorchen Leidholdt, Surinder Singh beats up Dayawathie Rankoth.

Viagra testimonial: Man, 63, has new wife, 30, and forthcoming child, all because of Viagra!, whereas Some Women get little kick from Viagra, new study finds.

Supreme Court Justice Blackmun Dies.

Disastrous News: The pill is approved in Japan!.

As her book is released, Monica Lewinsky is interviewed on TV

Internet Casino Gambling is now a billion dollar business, too big to be ignored. I have just created a. List of 178 Internet Casino Gambling sites. NOTE: I am not endorsing these sites. I know nothing about them. I have never played on any of them. I just made this list for my own purposes to see what is out there.

Here is the Federal Grand Jury Indictment of Bobby Fischer and the Federal Warrant for the Arrest of Bobby Fischer.

Here are documents connected with the kidnapping of my daughter, Shamema Honzagool Sloan: Order prepared by Judge Gamble waiving his own disqualification Order of Judge Lawrence Janow dated August 25, 1986 which "allowed" Charles and Shelby Roberts to enroll Shamema Honzagool Sloan in the Temple Baptist School Order of Judge Lawrence Janow September 4, 1986 which "awarded" custody of Shamema Honzagool Sloan to the Amherst County Department of Social Services Testimony of Vithanage Santhilatha ("Renuka") before Judge Lawrence Janow Order of Judge Michael Gamble awarding custody of Shamema to Charles and Shelby Roberts, one year after they had kidnapped her. Honor Killings in Pakistan In a desperate effort to prevent Sam Sloan from informing the public that Virginia Governor James Gilmore is guilty of kidnapping, Gilmore signed a bill today to stop Internet "spam".

As Juanita Broaddrick herself has long recognized, there are problems with her case.

Bragging Rights - My son defeated International Chess Master Jay Bonin.

My daughter Jessica is a big fan of V. C. Andrews. Jessica has read 16 V. C. Andrews books, which is good because Jessica is only 10 years old. Jessica asked me to collect All the information I could find about V. C. Andrews.

Recent remarks by Jerry Falwell to the news media have produced Proof that Jerry Falwell really did kidnap my daughter Shamema.

Is Chelsea Clinton really Bill Clinton's daughter?

Hillary Clinton for President of the United States!

Because of our name, Ishi Press, many people think we have something to do with the last wild American Indian, whose name was Ishi. This is a coincidence. "Ishi" means "go stone" in Japanese. However, they found our brain (no jokes about this please): Long-Lost Preserved Ishi Brain Found.

Here is the nice sort of scandal that makes us smile: Philippines President Joseph Estrada said to be the father of beauty contest winner.

Dracula Returns with a Scandal in Romanian chess.

Why are Beauty Contest Winners not Very Beautiful?

International Chess Master Sofia Polgar marries Grandmaster Yona Kosashvili.

Jerry Falwell says that Teletubby is Gay. In addition, Jerry Falwell says the Antichrist is a Jew.

Mayor Giuliani escalates his personal war on New York City street vendors, as law enforcement officers gun down street vendor in a hail of 41 bullets.

White House slams People magazine because of cover story on Chelsea Clinton.

Test of Street Names in New York City.

The Unabomber snubs Ishi Press by making a book deal with a rival publisher.

Information about the US Green Card Lottery - Only Beautiful young girls need apply.

For Sale - Every movie ever to win the Academy Award for Best Motion Picture of the Year.

The Miss Illinois Beauty Contest Controversy rears its ugly head.

We donft care what they say about us as long as they spell our name right department: Virginia State Legislature re-elects Judge Gamble with one dissenting vote, after Lynchburg area legislators say they threw Sloan letters in the trash without reading them.

Judge Michael Gamble, that monstrous criminal who was involved in the kidnapping of both my mother and my daughter and then tried to have me sentenced to 15 years in prison for crimes which he committed, has been re-appointed as a judge on February 1, 1999. Here is My complaint to the Virginia Judicial Inquiry and Review Commission about Judge Michael Gamble.

Here is the story I never got around to telling about How I originally got Honzagool.

After 27 years of giving almost no interviews with the press, Bobby Fischer has been interviewed on the radio four times. Here are three of those interviews!

Here are Online Videos of Monica Lewinsky

Victoria's Secret Fashion Show is something I donft have here.

Justice Department May investigate Ken Starr

List of world leaders who attended King Hussein's funeral on Monday

With Women not allowed to work and UN AID workers banned, Kabul's Lone Orphanage Is Decrepit

If you think you have sexual problems, you're not alone

Who could imagine that the wife of Yasser Arafat is a blond Christian woman who is 34 years younger than he. But, here she is, Suha Arafat. (He still needs three more wives, however.)

It is amazing how old friends and relatives can find you through the web. Here are photos from my fifth grade class.

Starr forced Lewinsky to change her testimony in exchange for immunity deal, reports AP.

I have a new domain name: Please go there, as my other sites often go down because of too much traffic. All the files are the same.

Anusha is the name of one of my daughters. Her mother is from Sri Lanka.

Here is a new opinion poll: Are Congressmen Bill McCollum, Asa Hutchinson and Ed Bryant assholes, or are they shitheads?

Clinton's Lawyer gets the last laugh: Paula Jones settlement check tied up - Attorneys argue over proceeds to Clinton's $850,000 check, which will expire in 90 days.

Study of World Abortions Released.

Miss World Rape Suspect Held.

La Guardia International Airport to be renamed Giuliani International Airport.

Date Rape Drug Suspected in Party Death of 15-year-old Girl.

Photos of Abused Kids End Up on the Web.

Tired of it taking so, so Long to get it up? Researchers Develop Viagra Spray. Works in five minutes!!

Surprise Everyone! Senator Trent Lott is a member of a White-Supremacist Group.

The body of Christina Williams has been found.

In the impeachment proceedings against President Clinton, Congressman Bob Barr has repeatedly mentioned his background as a U.S. attorney. He mentioned it to give weight to a specious legal argument last month in the House Judiciary Committee's impeachment hearings when he said perjury indictments need not specify the statements alleged to be lies. As a result of his misrepresentation of the law, the perjury charge against Clinton fails to contain any specific quotation of when and where Clinton lied under oath.

However, an Atlanta Law journal, familiar with Bob Barr's actual record, says that Congressman Bob Barr is a fraud and a fake.

The Chicago Tribune Reports what I have been saying on this web site all along: Prosecutors across the country have knowingly convicted innocent men and sent them to their deaths.

Dolphins have larger brains than humans, and some believe that they are smarter as well. In bankrupt Marineland, Florida, Dolphins continue to practice their tricks, even without trainers to train them, and without an audience to watch.

Walt Disney gets into the Dirty Movie Business: Breaking New Ground - Walt Disney has released "The Rescuers" with scenes of a naked woman.

Another woman says her child was kidnapped by Virginia.

Secret Transcripts of Conversations between Nixon, Mao, Brezhnev and Kissinger.

Another woman forced to give birth to a child because she is in jail.

THIS IS THE BIGGEST NEWS YET (if true): President Clinton's father is still alive and living in Hope, Arkansas! It has always been said that Clinton's father was killed in a car accident before Clinton was born.

Ken Starr has just indicted Julie Hiatt Steele for perjury. Starr claims that Steele lied when she testified that Kathleen Willey had asked her to lie.

Still supporting the Khmer Rouge Beautiful Cambodian dancers perform traditional Khmer dance.

Turkish girls commit suicide after being forced to submit to virginity tests. "They would commit suicide anyway. I don't think it's really important", Minister for Women Isilay Saygin said in a newspaper interview.

Continuing a 200-year-old controversy, "Defenders" of Thomas Jefferson continue to insist that he could not have fathered children by his slaves. Yesterday, the husband of a white descendant of Thomas Jefferson, challenged the DNA evidence, by saying that nine other Jeffersons could possibly have fathered the children.

Twice in just this week, an old story on my website has become a major story in the mass media. The latest is the story of Clinton's Black Baby, which has been on my website for the past year, and is just now appearing on the cover of Star Magazine, even though Star has nothing new to add. This story has since made the New York Post, various talk shows and may soon be on Hard Copy.

As a result, my web site has received more than 70,000 hits within 24 hours, every day. Because of this, you can expect this site to be shut down when the band width limit has been exceeded. It will say "500 Server Error. The hard transfer limit for this user has been reached".

As that happens, move between my five identical domain name sites:,,, and If all five domain names return this message, the solution is to look at the beginning of any hour, such as at 12:01 AM, 1:01, 2:01 or 3:01 etc. When a new hour starts, my quota is renewed.

Here is a photo of Trent Lott - An Ally of Saddam Hussein and of Tom Daschle, Senate Minority Leader.

An issue which could not be raised until the New Year arrived is whether the Congress had the authority to impeach President Clinton. A Yale law professor says that under the Twentieth Amendment the outgoing Lame Duck Congress lacked the legal authority to pass the impeachment proceedings to a subsequent term of the Senate. If he is correct, then Congress will have to re-vote the impeachment of Clinton, and in the new Congress, the votes are probably not there.

Millions of Women have done it - Here is another one of those timeless questions: Why Do Women Feel the Irrepressible Urge to Pose Nude on the Internet?

I sometimes forget that not everybody knows this. Here is the answer to the question Who is James Gilmore?

Readers of this web site are outraged that the world did not end,in 1998 as predicted. Never fear - for I have written a letter to the mathematician who made this claim, demanding an explanation. Many readers sold their house, children and other worldly possessions and gave the money to Jerry Falwell, who now refuses to give the money back. Here is the answer I just received: Why the world did not end in 1998??

It seems that I made the current issue of SF Weekly. Readers of this web site will already know something about: The Fortress on the Hill.

Surinder Singh: Who will rid me of this Beast?

Ayesha Jalal: Taking On Pakistan's Hero, Then Taking the Heat.

I received a bed-bug letter from the SEC. Here it is: Bedbug letter from the SEC.

Son Abducted 9 Years Ago, Mother Hangs On to Hope.

Answer to a question about Islam and Sex.

On the early morning of Tuesday, December 15, some thieves broke into my house with a crowbar and stole my computer. Fortunately, after one week, I was able to buy a new computer. However, all of my back e-mail has been lost. If you sent me a letter prior to that date which I have not answered, please send it again.

The January, 1999 rating list of the World Chess Council is now out. The official FIDE "World Champion" has fallen to 15 on the list. Here is the list in alphabetical order and in order of rating.

Virginia has published the first ever online Directory of Sex Offenders. Here is your chance to look up your old friends!

Express your opinion: Why do women want to lose weight?

Here are some mildly critical remarks I have made about Judge Michael Gamble of Amherst County, Virginia.

Here is the latest on Carolyn Starr vs. Chelsea Clinton.

Here is a Photo from the birthplace of Buddha.

The case brought by Passion Julinsey has been dismissed.

From the Hubble Space Telescope: New Photo of Old Stars shed more light on What is the Origin of the Universe?

Federal Judge declares Library's Internet Block on Pornography Unconstitutional.

For some unknown reason, the most popular page on my web site nowadays is my Background information on Ken Starr.

AP Reports - Thai College Shut Down After Rape.

I do not know much about radio personality Dr. Laura Schlessinger, but here is a candid photo of her.

Here is the Latest News about the Ishi Press case.

BIG NEWS: Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, President of the World Chess Federation, threatens to secede from Russia! - Yeltsin calls emergency session.

Congratulations, Paula Jones! who will now receive a $850,000 settlement from the President of the United States. Miss Jones successfully ballyhooed her reputation for giving Blow Jobs in parking lots for free. Here are Excerpts from the brief filed by Clinton lawyers concerning oral sex performed by Paula Jones in the parking lot..

The main concern of this web site is the kidnapping of my daughter, Shamema Honzagool Sloan, by Charles and Shelby Roberts on October 7, 1990. Because of corruption in the Virginia, the kidnappers have been allowed to keep the child they kidnapped for the past nine years. There have been developments which may shed light on this situation. In the election just completed, Virginia Voters approved a constitutional amendment making Charges against Virginia Judges no longer Confidential.

In a related development, A Custody Petition has been filed by the grandparents in the Virginia Switched Babies Case.

Good News for those of us who want to live forever! Scientists Re-Create Human Embryo Cells.

Crocodile Rock - One of my more popular web pages, even though I have never featured it, concerns the Crocodile Farm in Chonburi, Thailand.

More than 30,000 children are now participating in scholastic chess programs around the United States. But What happens when a parent or the coach of an 11-year-old girl cheats so as to get her into the world chess championship tournament?

Send me your photo by e-mail and I will make you famous! (A small donation of you-know-what would be appreciated, and it isn't money.) Ever since I started posting photos of beautiful young women on my web site, I have been bombarded with controversies. One of these concerns Miss Canada. Here is a photo of the real Miss Canada Leanne Baird, who is on her way to compete for the Miss World title.

The Cybersex Torture Case continues to be in the news. That case, now on appeal to the New York Supreme Court Appellate Division - First Department, concerned a former chess prodigy and Ph.D. candidate two weeks away from defending his doctoral dissertation in molecular biology, who was arrested, tried, convicted and sentenced to 15 years to life in prison by a New York judge who would not allow the jury to see e-mails exchanged between the complaining witness and the defendant which virtually proved his innocence.

Here is an article from Psychology Today about that wrongful conviction. Psychology Today - Cybersex; trail shows post-modern courtship as reflected in e-mail exchanges

We are so happy to see him go - Newt Gingrich, the arch-evil villain who convulsed America and tried to destroy our country simply for the advancement of his own personal ends, is about to leave.

One of the most enduring mysteries concerning the assassination of President Kennedy concerns the fact that they lost the president's brain. CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT: President Kennedy's brain was taken out and then lost and has never been found. Here is the latest news on that: The late,t batch of John F. Kennedy assassination documents raises new questions about an examination of the president's brain! While, Archive Photos Not of JFK's Brain, Says Assassinations Board Report.

If your condom breaks, don't worry. Just file a lawsuit! (This is known as a "Suit for Wrongful Life".)

I do not know why, but people keep sending me letters which they obviously want me to publish on my web site. Here is a letter from a woman about Sex in New York City.

Many arrested for possessing child pornography on their home computers have since killed themselves.

ELECTION NIGHT PREDICTION - Repeating what I said several weeks ago, based on the e-mail I have received, I predict that, in November elections, the Republicans will be swept from power. Every woman will vote for the Democrats this year, even though they may not approve of the Democratic Commie-loving big-spending liberal policies. Congressman Henry Hyde and the rest of his creepy cohorts will be swept into the dustbin of history and will never dare to run for public office again.

Thanks perhaps to Sam Sloan's home page, that monstrous criminal Senator Dan Coats will not be re-elected. Coats has been a strong ally of Saddam Hussein. His Republican seat will now fall to the Democrats.

In a decision helpful to Shelby Roberts, who kidnapped my daughter, Shamema, A judge has awarded joint custody to two lesbians!

Confirming the results of research published by Sam Sloan in 1992, DNA evidence has just proven that Thomas Jefferson was the father of at least one of the five children of Sally Hemings.

The results of this new research are being published in the next issue of the scientific journal "Nature".

Any impartial observer, upon examining the overwhelming evidence, would have realized that Thomas Jefferson made children with his slaves. The question is Why were so-called "Jefferson Scholars" the Last to Know? (The universities should be purged of such historians who just copy each other and never really study history.)

Just as President Clinton is pursued by right wing religious zealots, Britain has its left wing lunatic fringe attacking Former right wing Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet.

They used my name! The S.E.C. is prosecuting a company which used the Sloan name to send millions of e-mails touting stocks on the internet. I had nothing to do with this.

The sexual freedom movement of the late 1960s produced few children because women had been newly liberated by the pill, which had just become widely available. Because women were free from the possible consequences of child birth for the first time, wild and rampant sex orgies became fashionable.

One product of these sex orgies is a woman who was born in 1969. She believes that I may be her father. She has asked me for a paternity test. Is it possible that I am her father?.

Here is: Another Story of Titanic Survivors.

A minor development in the Honzagool case ,oncerns the conviction and sentence to 42 months in federal prison of Sheldon Walker, a New York Immigration attorney.

Reverse of the China Policy: Ohio Judge Keeps Japanese Woman in Jail to Prevent her from Having an Abortion. Finally, under international pressure, she is released from jail, but by then must have the baby anyway, because she is 23 weeks pregnant.

Here is a list of the Evil 268: The 268 men and women who voted to destroy our country just to advance their own political careers.

Grand Jury transcripts released by Congress show unexceptional efforts to help Monica Lewinsky find a low-paying entry level job, the kind of job that almost anybody can find on their own in New York City. Here are Excerpts From Testimony About Lewinsky and Her Search for a Job.

Here are three serious questions: Poll - What Should Americans do with the $70 billion surplus? Poll: Should the Constitution be Amended so that Clinton can run for President again? What would have happened had President Franklin D. Roosevelt faced a Ken Starr type inquiry? I frequently cite movies and books on this web site. For example, I just put up a page about the new movie Antz. Here is a directory of Movies on this web site and Books cited on this web site and where they can be obtained.

She wasn't worried about Hillary. She wasn't worried about Cristy, Elizabeth, Gennifer, Paula, Kathleen, Nancy, Debra, Marsha, Sally or Dolly, but Monica Lewinsky was worried about this woman. Who is she and why was Monica worried about her?

Here is a quiz based on photos I have collected which never quite made it onto my web site. What are these photos of?

International Celebrities call Ken Starr investigation "inquisitorial harassment by a fanatical prosecutor".

Chess Grandmaster Balinas Has Died.

The Challenger's match for the Woman's World Chess Championship has ended in scandal. Here is: Xie-Galliamova: From Beginning to End, by Sun Lianzhi and Chess in China - Awakening of a Dragon, by Ignatius Leong, International Arbiter.

Recent developments and the e-mail I have been receiving lately have led me to some surprising conclusions. Here is a little Presidential Preference Poll for Adults. (Warning: Graphic content - For Adults only).

Iranian Diplomats claim that the Fatwa against Rushdie has been dropped. But, it is not true. The fatwa has not been dropped.. Already, Jamaat-e-Islami Leaders in Pakistan say Death Sentence against Rushdie still Stands.

On,December 6, 1997, Monica Lewinsky went into a jealous rage when she found out that President Clinton was having a private meeting with Eleanor Mondale. Eleanor Mondale: What is Her Connection, if any, with the President?

My five domain names combined,,,,, and, now receive an average of between 50,000 and 60,000 hits every day! However, I have discovered that The largest number of hits on this web site comes from a criminal outlaw state which engages in international terrorism.

The Second Edition of My Famous Book - "The Slave Children of Thomas Jefferson" - has just come out: Order Now: The Slave Children of Thomas Jefferson.

Here is The Complete Text of President Clinton's Grand Jury Testimony. (I do not know why I am the only one who seems to be able to do this in a reasonable way.)

Here is someone who says: I went to high school with Ken Starr.

Among the incriminating items presented to Congress by that Super-Sleuth Ken Starr are a Love Letter from Monica Lewinsky to Bill Clinton and a 1995 Photo of Bill Clinton with Monica Lewinsky.

The representative of a criminal gang which engages in international terrorism has won Miss America 1999. Nicole Johnson won the Miss Virginia title as Miss Lynchburg, although she resides in Roanoke, 60 miles away.

The case of the kidnapping of my daughter is the subject of a scholarly law journal report. Here is The Baker Report.

In a great blow for civil libertarians, the United States Congress voted yesterday that all Americans, including families and children, will be allowed starting on Monday to have Free access to pornographic literature, at governmental expense.

In a harebrained decision which if not overturned will have a profound effect on thousands of families, a former Playboy Bunny has ruled that Foster Parents May Have Constitutional Rights.

Turkey Drops Bomb on New York City!

I have read the entire report by Independent Counsel Ken Starr (yes all 445 pages of it) and have concluded that the Entire Starr Report is bogus bullshit. Here is Starr's introduction and summary to his report.

Recent developments in connection with the American bombardment of the terrorist training camps of Osama bin Laden have made it easier to explain What Really Happened to Honzagool, the mother of my daughter, Shamema, 16 years ago and why Honzagool has not been heard from since.

According to my publisher, my famous book, "The Slave Children of Thomas Jefferson", is,being reprinted. Bill Clinton has nothing on Thomas Jefferson. Thomas Jefferson fathered two children by his slave-mistress while he was President. Place your order now for "The Slave Children of Thomas Jefferson"!

Yesterday, New York's Mayor Giuliani ordered New York City's Policemen to attack with batons and pepper-spray a peacefully and legally assembled crown in Harlem. We must Get Rid of Mayor Giuliani immediately, by any means possible before somebody is killed because of this lunatic.

List of People on Swissair Flight 111.

Congressman Dan Burton reveals that he did good deed.

What do these three women have in Common?

The Story of the King and the Book.

Curious coincidence? The new movie, "Saving Private Ryan", has a plot based on four brothers from Iowa who fought in World War II. It happens that my uncles were four brothers from Iowa who all served in the US military during World War II. Is it possible that the plot to "Saving Private Ryan" is based on my four uncles?

I am in Favor of This! Physicist Plans To Clone Himself . (I think this is a great idea. I intend to do this myself.)

Here is A Disease you Never Heard of, but would probably like to Know About.

By the way, I am Running for President of the United States.

First, Afghanistan said that the Iranian envoys are perfectly safe. A few days later, the Afghans said that the Iranians are "probably dead." As a result, Iran seems to be preparing to attack Afghanistan.

Ironically, this is the hostage crisis in reverse. This time, it is the Iranian diplomats who were taken hostage. See: Pakistan not involved in attack, says Afghan envoy and Taleban leader says Clinton should be stoned to death. In the United Nations: Iranian President Paints a Picture of Peace and Moderation.

America hit Afghan Tribal Territory, a no-man's land never completely controlled by either Afghanistan or Pakistan, with 25 cruise missiles, in retaliation for the bombing of two US Embassies two weeks ago in which 12 Americans and 300 Africans were killed.

What worries Pakistan is that her air defenses never detected the presumably overflying missiles ("presumably" because nobody knows exactly how the missiles reached Afghanistan). Osama bin Laden, the intended target, survived the Missile Attack because he postponed at the last minute a planned trip to the camp.

Few Afghans were killed. Most of the 28 killed were either Arabs or Pakistanis.

Meanwhile, Republican Senators Dan Coats and Arlen Specter have suggested that the true reason for the missile attacks was to deflect attention from the Monica Lewinsky scandal.

Here are articles about this: Attack on Afghan bases leaves 28 dead - Arabs, Pakistanis among vi,tims Iran's Search For Its Envoys: Hints of War With Afghans Pakistan not involved in attack, says Afghan envoy Taleban leader says Clinton should be stoned to death Osama Bin Ladin survived Missile Attack because he postponed at the last minute a planned trip to the Camp Pakistan orders evacuation of foreigners from Chitral Thousands Protest in Kandahar, Afghanistan Transcript of Osama Bin Ladin interview by Peter Arnett Saddam Hussein is a Happy Man Because of the Help from his Friend Ken Starr Senator Dan Coats - A Real Bastard - Let's Go Get This Guy Senator Arlen Specter - A Real Creep - Let's Get Rid of this Guy Benazir Bhutto defends US attack Osama bin Laden, another old friend of Ismail Sloan They get the news from my web site, but never give me credit: Two days ago, I posted on this web site proof that the gang rape photos from Indonesia are fake. Today, a story about this appeared in the Wall Street Journal. They cite all of my sources, and do not cite any source which I do not site. It is unlikely that they could have developed this proof independently. This is only the latest of many instances in which the major news media have taken stories which originated on my web site. Here is:


Previously posted here were supposedly photos taken of Chinese women being raped during the May 13-15 riots in Indonesia which brought down President Suharto on May 21. In reality, those photos were taken from a porn web site. See: Fake Photos Depicting Rape Victims in Riots in Indonesia.

Here is a photo of the Prom Mom: Melissa Drexler, who killed her newborn child and then danced at the prom.

On TV, Clinton admits to "inappropriate" relationship with Monica Lewinsky. Here is the complete transcript: President Bill Clinton speaks about Monica Lewinsky, transcript of August 17, 1998.

In 1990, my daughter was kidnapped. I have never been able to get her back. Here is the latest development in Shamema Kidnapping Case: Senator John Warner Joins Conspiracy to Kidnap Marjorie Sloan and Shamema Honzagool.

It was a hoax: Sorry, but Fidel Castro of Cuba does not have brain disease after all. Here is the original story: Wonderful News! Fidel Castro of Cuba has Brain Disease! How is that for something to warm your heart!

Just arrived, From Russia With Love: A Criminal Map of Russia, by Alexey Chelnokov.

Warning: Here is a graphic image and an Account by Rape Victim of riots in Indonesia. I am reluctant to post this but many readers asked for this ,lus it is well documented that this actually occurred. However, I deleted all references to Christianity due to the fact that my daughter was kidnapped by fanatical Christian fundamentalists. Here is The Rape Victim's Story, in original Indonesian.

Lawyers were forced to cut scenes from "Lolita" because of Vagueness in Obscenity laws.

Here is the Count Down on Babe Ruth's Home Run Record - Three Players Threaten to Break it in the Same Year.

Here is: The Story of Roxane, the Greatest Love Story in the History of the World.

What may prove to be a major change in the political fortunes of Ken Starr has occurred by the release of a decision by Judge Norma Holloway Johnson Friday that there has been a prima facie violation of Federal Grand Jury Secrecy Law. This raises the question: Who Will Go to Jail First - Ken Starr or President Clinton?

Here are the court documents and rulings pertaining to this: Judge Norma Holloway Johnson's Ruling on Starr's 'Prima Facie' Violations of Grand Jury Secrecy Rules Excerpts From Deposition Given by Clinton in January United States Court of Appeals Court Ruling on Leaks by Starr Grand Jury Secrecy Rules, Rule 6(e) of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure Kendall's June 16 Letter to Starr Starr's June 16 Letter to Steven Brill In a tragic development, the parents of one of the switched Virginia babies have died in a car crash, one day after the switching was discovered but before they could have known about it. This means that, under Virginia law, the mother of the other baby is now entitled to both babies, the baby whom she has mistakenly raised since birth and the baby for which she is the actual mother.

I am especially interested in this case because this case arises in Charlottesville, Virginia and the judge on this case, if it goes to court, will probably be a judge who has been involved in my own case. My own daughter was kidnapped from me in 1990 but these Virginia judges have allowed the criminals who kidnapped my daughter to keep her.

Genetic Test in Baby Case OK'd Virginia Law is Clear on Switched Baby Case Kevin Chittum and Tamara Whitney Rogers, who were killed in a car wreck on July 4, were parents of one of the switched Virginia babies. Presumed Parents in Baby Mixup Died in Crash Tests Show Virginia Babies Were Switched My Little Adventure in Senator John Warner's Office Letter to United States Senator John Warner Protesting Kidnapping of My Daughter Brief on Appeal to the Virginia Court of Appeals Christina Marie Williams, 13, has been missing for two months Monica Lewinsky Reaches Immunity Deal With Starr No Bimbo: Lewinsky is Really in Charge After All - Contrary to Popular Belief, She is Very Bright and Knows Exactly What She is Doing Memo of My Conversation with FBI Agent John P. Butler

Back to Chess - Here is: The Hall of Shame in US Chess, as delegates vote to table without discussion or debate a broadly supported proposal for One Member One Vote The Bad Guys - Photos of Those Who Voted Not To Allow Any Debate on OMOV The Good Guys - Those Who Voted to Allow Debate on OMOV Jerome Bibuld and South African Chess Who was the Worst President the United States Chess Federation has ever had? Winston was Worst USCF President, by Larry Parr On the Nature of FIDE Legitimacy, by Ricardo Calvo Here is: Todor Zhivkov of Bulgaria dies to Mixed Reviews.

I really don't want to go to Afghanistan again. I just want my four wives back. Here is Russians are Back in Afghanistan - This Time Helping the Good Guys.

Here is the infamous memo, upon which Ken Starr places his investigation of President Clinton: Talking Points for Tripp. Unfortunately for Starr, the evidence is clear. The President did not write this memo. Monica Lewinsky herself wrote it!

Here is a Police Mug Shot of Linda Tripp.

I have received hundreds of letters from all over the world from readers asking how to obtain Viagra. Here is my answer: How and Where to Obtain Viagra.

Here is an old magazine article from my past, when I was the President of the Sexual Freedom League. Sex on a Way Out Campus, Sexology Magazine, April, 1968. Here is What I Learned in Four Years at Berkeley: Warning: This Contains a Graphic Image.

However, my detractors should be informed that I am a noted authority on the Holy Bible! Here are Sam's Bible Stories (Note the neat hypertext links to the actual verses of the Bible): The Story of Tamar The Story of Ahab The Story of Lot The Story of Dinah The Story of Abraham The great debate in the World of Chess is whether to attend the World Chess Olympiad in Elista, Kalmykia, which is scheduled to start on September 25, 1998. In order to be able to host that Olympiad, Elista must expand the airport and build several hotels which will be needed to house the 1800 players, delegates, journalists and visitors expected to attend. Here is a report from the Christian Science Monitor on the state of readiness for that event: Christian Science Monitor: Chess-Loving President Fails To Ignite a Public Passion to Play.

Here is another article from the Christian Science Monitor: Christian Science Monitor: Risky Game in a Russian Republic.

Here are reflections upon The Yalta Conference of Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin. Here is Proof that Shakespeare did not write Shakespeare.

The World Top Chess Ranking lists are now available. Here is: Combined July 1, 1998 FIDE and WCC (PCA) World Chess Rating Lists FIDE Top 50 Women Rating List, July, 1998 FIDE Top 20 Juniors Rating List, July, 1998 FIDE Top 20 Girls Rating List, July, 1998 Ratings of All US Chess Players Rated by the World Chess Federation on the July 1, 1998 List The World Open Chess Championship has just concluded in Philadelphia. Here are the 1998 World Open Chess Championship Results.

Here is a: Love Letter from Don Schultz to Kirsan Ilyumzhinov.

Here is: Chess Journalist calls for a Boycott of the forthcoming World Chess Olympiad to be held in Kalmykia in September.

Here is a report from "The Economist" in London about the President of the World Chess Federation: Russia's regions. Naughty little tsars.

Finally! The answer to Freud's famous question: What do Women Really Want? (Answer: They want an unusual, crooked or oddly shaped penis, the kind that Paula Jones says that President Clinton has).

Fulfill Your Fantasy!

Here is someone who says: It is absolutely impossible to rape a woman!

The Monica Lewinsky Case is Dead!! While going to great lengths to say it is not so, a federal judge dealt a fatal blow to Ken Starr's investigation of the Monica Lewinsky matters. Unless Judge Robertson's decision is overturned, it would be illegal for Ken Starr to indict Lewinsky.

Here is why: Death Knell Sounds to Monica Lewinsky Prosecution. Here are Excerpts from Federal District Court ruling dismissing Webster L. Hubbell case.

Hot Photo of the Day: She's Desperately Dying to Get Laid. Nathalie Tauziat of France lies on Center Court at Wimbledon waiting for her reward.

The semi-annual World Chess Rating Lists have just been released by both FIDE and the WCC. I have combined both lists into one so it is possible to compare. This table enables comparison between the official FIDE Rating list and the WCC list (formerly known as the PCA list) developed by Ken Thompson. For example, Anatoly Karpov is ranked number 5 and is rated 2725 on the FIDE list but is ranked only number 8 and rated only 2687 on the WCC list.

Steve Doyle and Tim Redman are going to Elista to Meet Kirsan Ilyumzhinov.

CNN has retracted its report of June 7, 1998 that the U,ited States used lethal nerve gas during a mission to kill American defectors in Laos during the Vietnam War in 1970. Here is the text of the statement which CNN is broadcasting.

The above report was refuted almost as soon as it came out. Here is the refutation: Author of Parallel Investigation of Tailwind Refutes CNN Report.

Here is my: Complaint to the Grievance Committee of the Brooklyn Bar.

Here is my: Letter to the Bolivian Consulate about the Sarah Wilson case.

Here is a repeat of an old story which has affected my life about a Filipina who has been missing for the last nine years.

Why is it that with all the Miss Universe contestants plus dozens of other beautiful women featured on my web site, my daily log almost every day for the past one year shows that the most popular personality on my web site is Anna Kournikova. What has she got that the others don't have?

I believe that her popularity stems from the fact that she does something more than just look beautiful, plus, most importantly, Anna puts out!

Big news: Anna Kournikova finally wins a match! but she tried too hard to win and injured her thumb. As a result, Anna Kournikova withdraws from Wimbledon with thumb injury.

Consistently, for the past more than one year, the most popular personality on my web site has been tennis star Anna Kournikova. I have constantly had to divert web traffic because of too many viewers trying to look at her picture. The problem has been that whenever Anna plays somebody really good, she almost always looses. Anna usually makes it to about the quarterfinals, and that's it.

That ended yesterday when Anna Kournikova defeated Steffi Graf, the former woman's world number one player.

Here is my: Complaint to the Disciplinary Committee of the New York State Bar.

Here is a disturbing new account of Forced Abortions in Chinese Turkistan.

Just Decided: New York's Appellate Court Denies Lesbian Visitation Rights With Ex-Partner's Child.

When Florencio Campomanes was President of the World Chess Federation, he failed to realize that sometimes it is necessary to kill people to make sure they keep playing chess. His successor does not suffer from this deficiency. Here is the latest news: Suspects in Journalist's Murder Moved out of Kalmykia Third Suspect Arrested in Journalist's Murder Employee of Opposition Paper Attacked in Kalmykia Two Suspects Confess to Murdering Journalist, as Kalmyk Authorities Ban Rally in Journalist's Memory Kalmykian President Voices Higher Political Ambitions Two days ago, a cousin I never knew I had found me through this web site. As a result, I now have my first ever Photo of my grandfather,/A> who died long before I was born.

In the relations between men and women, it is not uncommon for the best of friends suddenly to become the worst of enemies. Still, what is happening to me now is something so severe and so totally without reason that I spend hours every day trying to understand why this is occurring. Why does Passion Julinsey attack me so viciously and with such vehemence when I did everything I possibly could to be nice to her and certainly never did anything adverse to her in any way?

Now, I have the answer to this puzzle. Here is Passion's Zodiac Chart, which tells everything about her in great detail. I did not know I had this until a few days ago. She inadvertently left it behind in the cache of my computer when she moved out of my home in January.

The noose is tightening around the neck of the World Chess Federation President. Two of his aids have just confessed to the murder last week of journalist Miss Larisa Yudina. Readers of this web site will not be surprised, as details have been posted here about how Kirsan Ilyumzhinov emerged after years in prison as a common criminal to become the president of his republic only a few months later, following which, by bribes, threats and intimidation, he became President of the World Chess Federation.

Even his mentor, Boris Yeltsin, may not be able to save him this time. Here is: Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, my dear friend, announces that he is a Candidate for Presidency of Russia.

The Czar of Russia and his daughter Anastasia have never been far out of the news for the past 80 years. Now, top officials of Russia are planning to stay away from his burial next month.

Just in Time! Internet Smut Law Declared Unconstitutional.

News just out which many of us will find disturbing is that: US FORCES USED NERVE GAS TO KILL OTHER AMERICANS DURING VIETNAM WAR.

The Petition by Ken Starr to the United States Supreme Court has been denied. This petition was obviously just a grand-stand ploy to embarrass the president, as it had no chance of being granted. Here is the Decision of the United States Supreme Court denying Starr's petition. Here is the Decision of the District Court compelling Secret Service agents to testify against the President they are sworn to protect.

I predict that ultimately Ken Starr will lose big in the United States Court of Appeals, where the case now rests. The narrow issue before that court concerns Starr's efforts to compel three Secret Service agents to testify concerning the private sex life of the President. Obviously, those Secret Service agents cannot testify. The US Court of Appeals, even in handling an appeal of limited scope, has broad jurisdiction to decide the entire case, and I believe that it will and should decide to end Starr's grand jury investigation altogether.

Go-Go News: America Defeats China in World Amateur Go Championship.

I had been trying to keep it a secret, but unfortunately this got out: Washington Post reports that Sam Sloan has an IQ of 200! (This was published in 1992, but I just found out about it yesterday.)

Monica Lewinsky Throws Ginsburg's Ass Out.

Lawrence of Arabia and Chitral

A Typical Japanese Girl

David H. Figurski, Professor of Microbiology, writes that conviction and sentencing of Oliver Jovanovic has adverse consequences for future of the entire human race.

Oliver Jovanovic was sentenced yesterday to 15 years to life in prison. Now that Jovanovic is safely in prison, Sam Sloan confesses that he personally did the acts for which Jovanovic was sentenced to 15 years.

Because of the explosion by Pakistan of five nuclear devices, maps of the area are now easier to obtain. Here are Maps showing how to get to the house of Honzagool. In case you ever need to return my kidnapped daughter, Shamema, to her mother, Honzagool, you are going to need these maps, because Honzagool lives in one of the most remote regions of the world.

Here is: Proof that Ken Starr is Gay.

Here is: Clarence Thomas - First Nazi Ever to Serve on the United States Supreme Court.

TOP NEWS: Pakistan set off Five Nuclear Blasts this Yesterday .

Here is: Passion has the charges reinstated after they were dismissed. Here is: Complaining Letter to Judge Kay. Here is the: Reply from Judge Kay. Here is: Passion Brings Charges.

Passion is very aggressively pushing this case. The case was in court on May 20 and was adjourned again. I have done everything I can possibly think of to resolve this problem. Here are two more letters I wrote about this: Letter dated March 5, 1998 and Letter dated March 26, 1998.

WARNING: I have just discovered a fake "Ishi Press" web site. There is no indication of who is running it. No names of people are provided. They do not have any of the books which they claim to be selling or, if they do, they are pirated editions. These people have a history of stealing money which was sent to them in the past. I wish to advise everyone to be careful in dealing with these people. They do not pay their debts.

When a great and famous man dies, everybody forgets about his wives. Therefore, here are: The Wives of Frank Sinatra.

While I am at it, here are The Husbands of Elizabeth Taylor.

At Least They Died Happy: Only Six Men Died from Viagra Thus Far.

Here are Major Court Decisions Pertaining to Pornography on the Internet.

One of the survivors of the Titanic was named Mary Sloan. Mary Sloan was a stewardess from Ireland who was one of the first to know that the ship was sinking. She went around waking up passengers. She pulled life jackets out from the cargo bins and helped passengers board the lifeboats. ,t the very end, when suddenly the danger was realized and there was a crush of people trying to get on, Mary Sloan was literally pushed onto the lifeboat. All sources agree that Mary Sloan was the last person to board a lifeboat, before the Titanic sank.

Here is: A Letter which Mary Sloan wrote to her sister Maggie about the Titanic sinking. This letter seems to be one of the primary sources for information about the Titanic disaster.

Here is the story of Mary Sloan, who survived the Titanic, and of Peter Sloan, who went down with the ship. (I have a daughter named Mary Sloan and a son named Peter Sloan.)

Here is what I really do for a living: Evict Your Tenant - Throw his Ass on the Street!

I have been exchanging letters with Dolly Kyle Browning, President Clinton's acknowledged high school girlfriend. (I wonder what Billy thinks of this). Here is: Sam Sloan's Correspondence with Dolly Kyle Browning.

I have been receiving letters from members of the 35,000 Feet High Club, of which President Clinton is an honorary member (if not an actual member). Here are Letters from Members of the 35,000 Feet High Club. Last week, my club was the subject of a feature article in the Wall Street Journal, for June 10, 1998, page 1, left hand column, entitled "Plane Misbehavior: In the Skies Today, A Weird New Worry: Sexual Misconduct".

Here are: Two Women Fighting Court Battle to Decide Who is the Real Beauty Contest Winner. This also includes a review of previous scandals involving beauty contest winners, including 1974 Miss Universe winner Amparo Mu?oz of Spain, who became a Porn Star.

UPDATE ON PREVIOUS STORY: On May 7th, I posted an article about Nebraska Republican Jon Christensen, who was campaigning for election as governor on the ground that he was about to get married to a virgin.

At the time I posted that, Christensen was way ahead in the polls and it was a foregone conclusion that he was going to win. However, the election was held last Tuesday, and Christensen was overwhelmingly defeated and only got 28% of the vote. This also means that he will no longer be in the US Congress when his current term expires in January.

I like to think that my web posting contributed in some small way to his defeat because, in my view, any man who is not even willing to eat his own wife's pussy should not be in any position of governmental authority.

I also predict that his bride-to-be now dumps him too. He will no longer be in Congress and what woman in her right mind would marry a man who publicly proclaims that he is adamantly opposed to oral sex!

THE NATION in Bangkok, Thailand has just reprinted an article from archives about me and my daughter, Shamema. This article explains, in part, how Charles and Shelby Roberts were able to kidnap my daughter, as they did one month after the article was published, and get away with it. They claimed that they had legally adopted my daughter and she was theirs by right. This was a lie. They had not adopted my daughter and still to this day, nine years later, have not adopted my daughter. However, once they got their hands on my eight-year-old daughter and disappeared, there was no way for me to get her back.

Here is: The Bangkok Nation article dated September 12, 1990.

In addition to claiming that they had adopted my daughter, Charles and Shelby Roberts falsified other facts as well. They claimed that they were 36 and 32 years old and that Charles Roberts was an engineer. In reality, they were 56 and 52 years old and Charles Roberts was an unskilled laborer running a grinder machine in a factory. These falsifications were obviously made to project an image of themselves as persons qualified and capable of caring for a young child.

Eli Eshoh, who has made numerous contributions to this web site, especially on the subject of 666, informs us that The Name of Vice-President Al Gore signifies 666!

TOP NEWS STORY: Pakistan plans to reunite promptly with India (but not on the terms that India has in mind.)

Miss Trinidad has won the Miss Universe contest, followed by Miss Venezuela and Miss Puerto Rico. My own favorite lost.

Based on the hit counts I received on my web sites, the most popular partisan contestants were Miss Russia, Miss Turkey, Miss Hungary, Miss Sweden, Miss Czech Republic and Miss Bolivia, in that order. This was surprising because none of them were on my list of favorites. (This, however, may reflect how popular they are in their own countries. For example, Miss Hungary is the national high jumping champion. (Please, no jokes about that.))

It is good that they allowed Miss Puerto Rico to compete because, based on the e-mail I received, violence might have resulted if she had been excluded. This has become a great issue of national pride for Puerto Ricans. I was bombarded with e-mail from Puerto Rico about this.

I have posted photos of all 80 contestants in the Miss Universe Contest in all three of my domain names. In order to see the photo of Miss Sweden for example, go to or to or to

As the Miss Universe contest takes place in Hawaii, a controversy swirls around Miss Puerto Rico: Joyce Giraud who posed nearly naked in commercial underwear ads last year. Donald Trump, who now personally owns the Miss Universe competition, has made it clear that he wants beautiful women in the Miss Universe contest this year, and is not especially interested in their college board scores, their abilities on various musical instruments, or their stated commitment towards working with crippled children after they win Miss Universe.

There are many other beautiful women in the contest this year, including Miss Japan: Nana Okumura, Miss Thailand: Chalida Thaochalee and Miss Belgium: Sandrine Corman. This is a welcome relief from previous years, in which so many "beauty pageant" con,estants were just slightly above average in appearance but had a flawless reputation.

Here are My Personal Picks for the Miss Universe Contest. Please send me E-mail and tell me which one you think is the most beautiful.

On Mummy's Day, here is news about President Clinton's Unknown Father.

Here is Janice Kim, America's Only Female Professional Go Player.

Here are: Brains and Beauty: Shimizu Ichio, apparently both the strongest and the most beautiful female Japanese chess player.

Here is: Kerry Wood: Pitched the Best Game in Baseball History, and at the earliest age.

Here is A Mountain Gorilla in Melbourne Zoo who was put to Death Because he was Too Old.

I hate to resurrect a dead issue: But Why Can't We Get the Photos of Princess Diana We Want?

Here is a story about Jane Fonda and Mikhail Gorbachov.

Alice Faye Dies: Beautiful Movie Star of the 1930s.

I know this is going to put me over my hard transfer limit, but I just cannot resist putting up these photos. Here is Yukari Umezawa, the most beautiful Japanese woman ever to become a professional go player.

I have just posted the promised photos of Go-Go girls in Japan. Here is a clipping about the Shogisex scandal in Japan. Here are some Whores in Japan. Here are Still Even More Whores in Japan.

Soon to come: I am expecting to receive in the mail a packet of photos of luscious go-go girls from Japan in the next day or so. I am told that this will be something truly exceptional. Please check back in a day or two.

Here is Miss Pattaya - 1998. For those of you who know what kind of place Pattaya is, please do not think any evil thoughts about this young lady. I am sure she is very nice inside.

It is not only me who posts pictures of good looking girls just to get people to read my stuff. The New York Times does it too! Here are: Cheesecake Photos from The New York Times.

For example, The New York Times published this photo of Suchada Kitcharoen of Thailand, even though it said nothing about her in the newspaper.

The really big, serious news is that A Cure for Cancer has been Discovered. However, it is not ready yet. Not only have the tests on humans not even been started, but they have not yet grown enough of the drug (they grow it in big vats) to test it.

But don't worry. It will be ready in only ten years, and you cancer patients can take it then!

In case you are wondering how I get all this news with photographs from all over the world, here is a page I created of: Links to 156 Newspapers in 50 Countries of Asia. Many if not most of these newspapers could not be found through search engines (at least not until I put the links on my web site).

Here are my latest travails: The Japbroads came, and the, they left! Little do they know the power of the Internet!

Top News Story: My Girlfriend Failed the Bar Exam Again. (She had me arrested so that she would have more time to study for the Bar, she said. She also stopped doing her daily pushups.)

Here at Ishi Press, we pay close attention to the copyright laws, because that nefarious criminal Hartland Snyder claims the rights to all our books, without paying us a dime. Here is an important US Court of Appeals decision, just out but not yet published, which says that Disney violated the copyright to Stravinsky's "The Rite of Spring".

Every so often, somebody sends me an obviously fake letter from my wife (or at least one of my wives). Today, I received another one, unless: Could it be? Is this Really a Letter from Honzagool? (Honzagool is the mother of my daughter who was kidnapped by the Jerry Falwell Group).

Hayashiba Naoko has fled Japan and is now holed up in New York. She is the new Monica Lewinsky of Japan.

Read about the Monica Lewinsky of Japan. Here are: The Girls of Shogi.

Here is what you all have been waiting for. The letters the jury was not allowed to see: Letters from Jamie Rzucek to Oliver Jovanovic.

LAST WEEK'S FRONT PAGE: THE NEW YORK POST: Cybersex Chess Torture "conviction in the courtroom of Judge William Wetzel is the worst miscarriage of justice since they abolished lynching."

Here is an editorial published about this case in the Wall Street Journal for Monday, April 20, 1998: Don't Shield Juries from the Truth in Sex Cases.

Here are links: David H. Figurski, Professor of Microbiology, writes that conviction and sentencing of Oliver Jovanovic has adverse consequences for the future of the entire human race 'Cybersex' Appeal Raises Shield Law, Consent Issues Defendant in Internet Torture Case Gets 15 Years Sam Sloan confesses that he personally did the acts for which Jovanovic was sentenced to 15 years Man Convicted of Abusing Woman He Met Via Internet Doctors Rebut Accuser in Internet Torture Trial New York Rape Shield Law Justice for Oliver Jovanovic? Conversation between Marinza Bruinem and Linda Fairstein Meet Jamie Rzucek a/k/a "Madame X" Profile of Judge William Wetzel Linda Fairstein, Prosecutor of Oliver Jovanovic and author of "Likely to Die" Twinkle, Twinkle Little Stars The Boston Globe: Defense Charges Perjury in Cybersex Tourure Trial Former Chess Prod,gy Convicted in Cyber-Sex Torture Trial

It is not only Bill Clinton who has this problem: Japanese chess champion admits on TV to affair with female chess champion. Japan public calls for resignation of his title.

Is this Really News? - Monica Lewinsky went shopping on April 28.

Linda Fairstein is the Manhattan Public Prosecutor who recently obtained the conviction of Oliver Jovanovic. This conviction will undoubtedly help sales of Fairstein's new book, "Likely to Die".

Under New York's Rape Shield Law, it is illegal to reveal any information about a rape victim.

That is the reason why former chess prodigy Oliver Jovanovic was convicted without any information being revealed to the jury about the identity of his victim.

Therefore, do not under any circumstances reveal the name of Jamie Rzucek to anybody!

There is nothing wrong with this web site, except that too many people are trying to look at it. The problem which has arisen is that the Mummy who sunk the Titanic has been desperately trying to get ahold of some Viagra so that she can have her first orgasm in 3,048 years. (According to the British Museum, The Egyptian Princess of Amen-Ra died in 1050 B.C.)

By popular request, here is: Index of the Music on this web site.

I thought that it must be a hoax when I first heard about this, but now I have discovered that it is really true. Here is: Why the Titanic Really Sank!

Here is: The Curse of the Egyptian Princess of Amen-Ra.

Here is a story from the Washington Post about the Titanic Mummy's Curse: Research Ship May Have to Halt Effort to Locate the Titanic.

Here is: More about the Curse of the Mummy on the Titanic and still Even more about the Curse of the Mummy on the Titanic.

Parents in Japan are relieved to learn that Only 2.3% of Junior High School Girls in Japan have engaged in acts of prostitution. Media hype had put the actual number as much higher. Survey shows Sixty percent said they feel uncomfortable about dating older men for money.

Although the next article does not make me happy, it gives me comfort in one respect: The kidnappers of my daughter, Shamema, will never be able to sleep easy for the remainder of their lives, because there is no statute of limitations for kidnapping and because they are not parents or even relatives of my daughter. Secret Life Comes to Light in Arrest in '79 Kidnapping Case.

Every now and then, my website makes it into the mainstream news media. Last week, this website got into the BBC World News and also the Spanish speaking world n,ws because of my article about how Angel Francisco Breard of Paraguay was murdered by Governor James Gilmore of Virginia.

Several Readers have asked for this, so here is a List of external links to my web site.

Here is Proof that Pol Pot is really dead. Here are photos of Mrs. Pot and Baby Pot and of the Pot Pyre.

Angel Francisco Breard will be executed by Virginia today, within a few hours after this is posted, in violation of international law. UPDATE: As predicted, Breard was executed, but after a two hour delay. Americans abroad can now expect retaliation: Paraguayan national executed after appeals fail.

Should Virginia Governor James Gilmore be extradited to stand trial in Paraguay? (International kidnappings have previously been declared legal by the US Supreme Court, as long as the US does it!) If so, should Paraguay bother to notify the US government? (Gilmore, as Virginia Attorney General, was involved in the kidnapping of my daughter, Shamema.)

People often say that it is impossible that Virginia state officials committed crimes by kidnapping my daughter, because then they would be sued. What they don't understand is that Virginia is the only state among the 50 states which has not waived its own sovereign immunity. Now, Virginia is about to execute a Paraguayan, in violation of international law.

Here is Why Officials of the "Commonwealth of Virginia" can robb, steal, kidnap and kill with impunity, and often do so.

Here is a story about people who have been killed by corrupt Virginia State officials, and their families have no recourse: Virginia Psychiatric System Investigated. In it, an official of the "Commonwealth" which kidnapped my daughter from Abu Dhabi says: "We don't want the feds continuing to come into Virginia and tell us how to run our facilities''.

In case you think you have heard of me before, you probably have. Two of the richest and most famous men in America were named Sam Sloan. I believe that they are my blood relatives. Here are Rich and Famous persons named Sam Sloan.

Killer Reveals Murder in Internet Discussion Group.

In an interview in a secret location, Elizabeth Ward Gracen reveals that Having sex with President Clinton "was not a great success".

According to Melbourne's Herald Sun of 1 April, a Chess Player claims he lost the State championship because his opponent's breasts got in the way.

Last month, readers of this web site learned that Hikaru Nakamura had made history by becoming the youngest US chess master ever at age 10. However, readers of The New York Times are only learning this today. Here is: Hikaru Nakamura makes The New York Times.

Another conspiracy theory: Famous Fixed Games of Chess - Keres vs. Botvinnik - World Championship 1948.

Yesterday's favorite topic: George Michael: He's as Queer as a Three Dollar Bill and H. Ross Perot: Why Does He Hate Queers So Much?

They need to get religion. Here are some religions they can join: Prince Karim Aga Khan: How he became the Aga Khan and The Dalai Lama - Spiritual Leader of the Tibetan people.

We don't have anything from that super-sleuth Ken Starr today, because yesterday he only interviewed boys. The good thing about Clinton is that we know that he ain't queer. We aren't sure about Ken Starr yet. Ken Starr: Seeks Nice Lady with Experience Giving Blowjobs.

We thought that we were going to have to find something else to read about, but now we have: Harolyn Cardozo and Janis Kearney. It is amazing the power this computer gives me. I write the definitive obituary of a person I never even heard of before yesterday, and I have received more than 300 hits already. She Stood by Her Men - Tammy Wynette Dies.

EXCLUSIVE NEWS UPDATE: The boy who ran away with Sara Wilson and brought her from Virginia to Brooklyn was arrested and held in the Brooklyn House of Detention for two days. The police took Sara Wilson to the Covenant House in Manhattan, but she escaped and ran away from there.

Let's all hope that Sara successfully makes a run for it, because Judge Janow is trying to have her brought by force back to Amherst County, Virginia so he can molest her some more.

I am interested in the Sara Wilson case because she is in the same predicament as my kidnapped daughter. Like my daughter, Sara Wilson had no involvement with Amherst County, Virginia until she was kidnapped in 1990 and taken there by non-relatives. Prior to being kidnapped, Sara lived in the San Francisco Bay Area.

The current whereabouts of Sara Wilson are unknown. Anybody who sees Sarah Wilson should just keep quiet about it!

Sensational News: Viagra: The new Wonder Drug for Women: But only men are allowed to have it!

Here is: Why the Three American Nuns were Killed in El Salvador in 1980.

Now, the time has come to put the real criminals in jail: Paula Jones, John Whitehead, Donovan Campbell, Jerry Falwell and the kidnappers of my daughter, Shamema Sloan are all Wanted for Kidnapping.

Major News: The Jones vs. Clinton case has been dismissed.

Two days ago, I predicted that the Jones vs. Clinton lawsuit was about to be dismissed. I wrote, "There seems to be enough here ... to end the Jones case." See: Juanita Broaddrick: Raped by Clinton in 1978, according to Phillip Yoakum and Jones' lawyer.

However, I believe that still the other shoe should drop. Donovan Campbell and John Whitehead should be found in contempt of court and sentenced to at least some time in jail for violating the rights of Juanita Broaddrick by revealing her identity as "Jane Doe #5".

Here is the Full Text of the Decision Dismissing Jones vs. Clinton,case.

I have been so good at predicting tomorrow's news lately, that I am starting to believe that the major news media might be reading my web site and occasionally getting ideas from me.

I always like to show photos of beautiful young girls, and here is the best yet: Laura Ross, America's Number One Rated Chess Player (for her age).

I finally got around to scanning some photos: Here is: Rasputin: The Real Man and the Cartoon Character and Judith Campbell Exner: Long standing mistress of JFK.

Elizabeth Ward Gracen Finally Admits It: Yes, I did. I had sex with the President. "He's a very charming, handsome man".

Join the 35,000 Feet High Club Today! No dues to pay, but open only to those who qualify. Yes, I want to Join the 35,000 Feet High Club!

Juanita Broaddrick: Raped by Clinton in 1978, according to Phillip Yoakum and Jones' lawyer. UPDATE: Here is: Affidavit of Juanita Broaddrick denying non-consensual sex with President Clinton.

Here are the court papers which allege that Broaddrick "[name withheld]" was raped by Clinton in 1978: Full text of response by Paula Jones in Jones vs. Clinton case.

Here is the text of a published article (which I did not write) about Clinton's Black Baby, including photographs of the mother and her child: Clinton's negro whoremongering brought him son that he hides.

By the way, I do not endorse this. I also do not believe it. I am just providing information and leaving it for the reader to decide. Here is news about Clinton's Black Baby.

Here are photos of Gennifer Flowers: Now the Best Thing ever to happen to President Clinton.

Eleanor Stacy Parker says Jordan helped land her White House job.

They were competing for the President's affections! Now it is coming out: Cristy Zercher and Debra Schiff were competing with each other for future President Clinton on a 1992 campaign flight, while Hillary slept nearby!

When will they ever end? Still even more women testify about giving blow jobs to the President.

This is It! You won't believe this. The President gave this up for the motley crew of dopey broads he has now. Here she is: Dolly Kyle Browning: How I Got Laid by The President.

Betsy McCaughey Ross: If elected, She's Ready to Give a Blow Job to the President.

Here is: Monica Lewinsky looks at Larry King's Dick while More Women Testify about Presidential Blowjobs. Also, Monica S. Lewinsky has a new Hair Style.

Here is: Hikaru Nakamura leads New York Open under-2200 section and Hikaru Nakamura becomes chess master at 10 years, 2 months.

Lewinsky finally admits it: "I did it for the President". I finally scanned some photos of women who became famous by catching, or being caught with, a famous US politician. Here are photos of Elizabeth Ray, Fanne Fox, Paula Parkinson, Donna Rice, Megan Marshak, Jessica Hahn, Fawn Hall and Judith Exner.

Here is some: Soft-Core Pornography (You guys are going to like this.)

The poor guy can't get a girl! Here are All the President's Women. The latest rumors concern Kathleen Willey, White House Contributor and Debra Schiff, White House Receptionist, plus Elizabeth Ward Gracen, a former Miss America, plus Sherrie Densuk, model and convicted shoplifter.

I might as well try to get some personal benefit from this web site. Perhaps some beautiful girl will confuse me with Leonardo DiCaprio: Listen Girls! If You Want to Meet Leonardo DiCaprio, you gotta see me first!

Here is: Genetic Reason for Lesbianism and Homosexuality Revealed in Study.

Here is: DNA Evidence Proves that Dr. Sam Sheppard Did not Kill His Wife

Gratuitous Photo of the Day: Rape Victim Forms the National Coalition Against Violent Athletes. Here is a Photo of Four Rape Victims.

Here is a: Photo Opportunity for Hillary.

Here is a man who says: I Killed Mahatma Gandhi and I am Glad I Did!

Here is: Playboy Bunny makes deal with Michael Milken.

Did this woman give a blow job to the President? She certainly looks like one of Bill's Concubines.

Here is: Princess Diana told the driver to go faster, Trevor Rees-Jones, her bodyguard, says.

Here is a: Photo of the Bones of Czar Nicholas II of Russia.

Here is India's New Hot Sex Number.

Here is an e-mail I received: Will somebody please help out this poor fellow?

WARNING: The FBI is investigating this web site
On February 24, 1998, at approximately 12:03 PM, two agents of the FBI and one United States Marshal came knocking at my door. I invited them in. It eventually became apparent that they were acting on complaints from Virginia that I had revealed through my e-mail letters to Virginia and my postings on the World Wide Web that the FBI was involved in the conspiracy to kidnap my daughter, Shamema ,onzagool Sloan, and in the cover-up of the conspiracy that the kidnapping had taken place.

The two agents of the FBI asked me about statements that I had made on my web site, which they had obviously studied in detail. They asked questions about my former girlfriend (who moved out of my home last month and who is in no way involved in this).

I was not going to say anything to anyone about this, but I found out the next morning that after they left my house, they visited my former employer and spoke to several people about me.

Therefore, I beg of you, if the FBI comes asking about me, don't tell 'em nothing.

Please, I beg of you, do not reveal that I have told you that FBI agent John P. Butler was personally involved in the conspiracy to kidnap my daughter and that Morgan Scott, former United States Attorney, was also involved in this conspiracy. Do not reveal, please, the fact that I have repeatedly called for the arrest and criminal prosecution of John P. Butler, Morgan Scott, Consular Officer Stephen R. Pattison, judges Lawrence Janow, Michael Gamble, and James Turk and Lynchburg Commonwealth Attorney Bill Petty, all of whom were directly involved and personally assisted Charles and Shelby Roberts in their kidnapping of my daughter, which took place on October 7, 1990.

If my postings on the web should happen to disappear soon, you will know what happened to me.

She's a Really Cool Girl: Tara Lipinski Wins Olympic Gold Medal.

Sam Sloan's Secret Report: The Secret Report on the CIA Bay of Pigs' Invasion.

Here is: The actual CIA official report. (I need a volunteer to type the second half.)

The Strongest Chess Tournament in History has now begun. Here are: My Reports on Linares 1998.

For a photo of Najibullah, President of Afghanistan, hanging, see: Najibullah Hangs in Kabul.

I know that this is going to break my band width limit, but sometimes I just cannot resist putting these things up: Here is Lesbian Sex: Two Hot Cold Numbers Prepare to Get It On!

Here is: The US Government's Threatening Letter to Bobby Fischer: Why people are trying to blow up federal office buildings and to spread deadly toxins.

Here is: The Outrageous Letter which made Bobby Fischer an International Fugitive from Justice. I believe that the author of this letter, R. Richard Newcomb, should be criminally prosecuted for making these threats which are utterly without basis in law.

Here is commentary on a question which has been posted about Where is Bobby Fischer?

Here is: Scandalous Photo of Sharon Stone Naked from the Neck Up.

There have altogether been more than one hundred responses and comments on my article "Anastasia: The Movie and the Real Princess". Here are two pages of them: Letters which have been sent in response to my article and Opinions which have been expressed in response to my article. (Not everybody entirely agrees with me, by the way.)

Everybody is searching for a Fugitive Runaway Child. Due to having been molested and exploited for the last nine years by that monstrous criminal, Judge Janow, this child wisely made a run for it. Her name ,has just been placed on the National Registry for Missing and Exploited Children. What happens to her depends on who finds her first!

I am constantly asked why I keep posting photos of good looking women on my web site, when that diminishes the importance of other matters discussed on my web site, such as my daughter being kidnapped for example.

The answer is simply that if I do not post these photos of good looking girls, nobody will look at my web site!

Now I bring you another photo of a beautiful woman: The "other woman" in Bill Clinton's life: Susan McDougal, the woman who has sat in prison for more than one year just to protect her president.

I Got to Admit, Monica Lewinsky looks mighty good today. Monica is shedding those unwanted pounds. Paying attention to her appearance. Making herself look as good as possible.

Next, I will let you in on why I can't get my girlfriend to lose weight like that!

EXTRA! EXTRA! Read All About it: Blond Bimbos Blast Bill.

Here is a story I was hoping would be about me (but it was not). It fits my case exactly. My daughter, Shamema Honzagool, aged 8, was kidnapped from my home in 1990. I have never been able to get her back, which is the reason why I bring you this web site: Father Wins Custody of an 8-Year-Old Girl Kidnapped in 1990.

In recounting old news stories similar to the Monica Lewinsky case, the press has often invoked the name of then 27-year-old Megan Marshak, whom, they say, was at the side of former Vice-President Nelson Rockefeller when he died on January 26, 1979.

That is a damn lie. Here is: Where was Megan Marshak when Vice-President Nelson Rockefeller Died?

Here is a letter I wrote last week about a Stock Market Swindle.

Disastrous news: In a late night deal, just before his term was to expire at midnight, Judge Lawrence Janow's term of office was extended. Did the Virginia State Legislatures know that by this last minute compromise, they have subjected my entire family to another six years of torture and persecution by this evil monster?

For reasons unrelated to my efforts to stop Lawrence Janow, the man who had my then 8-year-old daughter kidnapped in Abu Dhabi and had my mother's bank accounts frozen, from being re-elected as a judge, his re-appointment had been delayed. Effective midnight Saturday night, Judge Janow was not to be a judge, because his term was to expire February 1, 1998.

This means that, as of midnight, it would have been perfectly legal to kill him without facing capital murder charges.

Here is what the Richmond Times Dispatch said about this: GOP gets say on judges: Democrats see power play; some decisions wait.

Here is what the Lynchburg News Advance said about this: Partisan politics slows down Assembly action on judges.

Judge Lawrence Janow was up for re-election Friday, January 30, 1998, in the Virginia General Assembly. Please help me stop this monstrous criminal from being re-elected as a judge.

Read about Bill and Hillary's Platonic Relationship: The Platonic Relationship of America's First Couple.

Clinton to Divorce Hillary and Marry Monica: Lewinsky to Become Nation's First Lady.

One of the strongest chess tournaments ever has just concluded at Wijk aan Zee, The Netherlands. The winners are Kramnik and Anand. Here is: My Final Report. Here is: My Report on the Last Round of Play.

"FIDE World Champion" Anatoly Karpov finally won a game (he beat up a little girl) and finished with an even score. Here are the Results through the final round, February 1, 1998. In Round 6, Anand was Defeated by a 21-year-old Girl. "World Champion" Karpov, in next-to-last place, appears to have blundered. However, he was lost anyway against Topalov in Round 9.

Beauty Queen of the Teenybopper Chess Grandmaster World Tour is Antoaneta Stefanova of Bulgaria, the World's Number One Girl.

The fighting has lulled in Kandy, Sri Lanka, as only eleven people were killed there Tuesday. A collection of photos of Girls of Kandy is already on this web site. (These girls are not blown up).

If you think that I had a great looking girlfriend, just take a look at Bill Clinton's. Here is President Clinton Hugs One of his Girlfriends and Not Good Enough For Bill, The Presidential Wanna-Be Concubine.

Jerry Falwell accuses President Clinton of peddling drugs and of being involved in the murder of Vincent Foster, the former White House deputy counsel. But what about the fact that Jerry Falwell was involved in the kidnapping of my daughter, Shamema, and is right now holding my daughter a prisoner in his "Liberty Christian Academy"? Here is news: Falwell Meets with Prime Minister of Israel and Offers to Mobilize Churches to Oppose Palestinian Rights.

I have seven children, including three from Kandy, Sri Lanka. Here are Photos of My 7 Kids.

I was working on number eight, but my girlfriend left me two months ago. Since this isn't working, I will try the opposite approach. If you don't come back, I will put the good photos on the Internet. (The good pictures are already posted here. You just can't find them.)

If you read this entire home page, you will receive a special reward near the bottom.

Here is an e-mail I received about: Dorchen Leidholdt and Other Kidnappers of Children. Here is another e-mail I received about: Dorchen Leidholdt and Kidnappers of Children.

Somebody is having a good time composing these fake e-mails I keep receiving. Here is another one: Letter from the Indus River?? This came after I had received an obviously fake e-mail letter, supposedly from Honzagool. The return e-mail address turned out to be non-existent. Can anybody can tell me how to find out who is actually sending these letters? Click for the Fake letter from Honzagool.

Here is yet another fake letter. This one is A Marriage Proposal. To explain what this is all about, here is my actual Letter to Raja Abdul Rashid.

While you are viewing this web page, you should be hearing "Arab Dance" by Peter Tchaikovsky. If you cannot hear it, try getting speakers on your computer or downloading music software. All of my most popular web pages now have music.

I have just learned how to put music on a web page. In recognition of another one of my ex-wives (who is a concert pianist), here are two pieces by Beethoven, as played and performed by Anda Baumanis. (You will need a speaker on your computer to hear them).

Here is my report about: Woman's World Chess Championship Competition Tainted by Favoritism by FIDE.

Bad Guys in the Federal Judiciary: Judges Who Belong in Jail.

Just Received: Here is: Their Side of the Story.

The most common question which I am asked is: How is it possible that your daughter, age 8, was kidnapped, and there is nothing you can do to get her back?

The answer, in a nutshell, is that there are four judges in Virginia who themselves are criminals. These four judges are federal judges James Turk and Jackson Kiser, Circuit Judge Michael Gamble and J D Judge Lawrence Janow. These four judges have been involved in the kidnapping of numerous little girls, not only mine. The parents of none of these girls have ever been able to get their daughters back or ever to see them again. Here is more about this: Judge Jackson Kiser: A Judge Who Belongs in Jail.

Here is a New York Times report about the appellate court decision directing Judge Kiser to obey the federal law (as if ordering a rank incorrigible criminal to obey the law will do any good): Court to Let Rape Lawsuit Go Forward.

I speak about 15 languages (sometimes brokenly). Here is my: English-Kalasha-Khowar-Nuristani-Hindi-Urdu-Pashtu Word List.Here is my: Hindi-Urdu-Pashtu-English Word List. Here is my article about: Dardic Languages Spoken in Chitral. Here is: A Phonemic Writing System for Khowar. Here is: A Phonemic Sound Chart for Khowar.

In Wall Street, we have an old saying: "If you're so smart, why ain't you rich." Here is: The SEC is After Me!

Anastasia is unquestionably the greatest movie of its kind ever made. But, what ever happened to the real Princess Anastasia? Here is: My Personal Reason for Interest in the Anastasia Story.

Regarding my recurring nightmares about Afghanistan, here is: UN finds Evidence of Atrocities.

Here is news about Nomura, Daiwa and Nikko Securities to close down soon, sources say, along with Pay-Back time for long ,tanding but illegal Japanese practices?

It seems that the most popular pages on this web site are those about sex in Japan. Therefore, I am bringing you More about sex in Japan: Schoolgirls say prostitution is OK.

The British au pair, Louise Woodward, 19, was convicted of second degree murder in the death of 8-month-old Matthew Eappen. Here is: Judge Zobel's Decision in the Nanny Case.

My new telephone number is (718) 385-7650. I am now working as a taxi driver. Here is a question: Did Drew Barrymore and Kate Moss Really Ride in My Taxi? Here is the beginning of my essay on Driving in New York City. Here is a question I received about Alexander the Great.

In a shocking development, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government has completely banned sex with teenage girls for money. The ban went into effect on December 16, 1997. For more information about this, see: Tokyo Bans "compensated dating". Here is the full text of the Japan Times article announcing the new law: New Metro law bans adult sex with minors. For a published warning against violating this law, see: Mr. Fukuyama and his three virgin daughters.

Here are two more newspaper articles about Child Prostitution in Japan: A Plain School Uniform as the Latest Aphrodisiac and Schoolgirls as Sex Toys.

Old joke of the day: What is the difference between a good girl and a nice girl? Here is how today's teenagers cope with this vexing question: Teen-Agers Alter Sexual Practices, Thinking Risks Will Be Avoided. Here is a related Joke which appeared in The New York Times.

On October 12, 1997, the Greyhound Bus Company stole my Compaq Pentium 90 computer. As a result, I have not been able to update my web site regularly. See Greyhound Bus stole my computer. If they do not give it back soon, I will blast it all over the Internet. I really will!

This web site has become extremely popular lately. Before my computer was stolen by Greyhound Bus, I was getting ten thousand hits per day! According to my calculations, more people have read my home page than have read Plato's Republic in all of human history.

The Dow Jones Industrial average has gone down a bit lately, but, never fear, it will go up again. How to make easy money quickly? Here is Sam Sloan's Stock Market Forecast.

I want to take advantage of this windfall opportunity by trying to get some crooked lawyers arrested, who so desperately need to go to jail. Here is my Complaint to the Manhattan District Attorney demanding the arrest and criminal prosecution of Dorchen Leidholdt and Sister Theresa Courtney.

I know what almost all of you really want. I have it. I will get to that in due course, but first here is something about me:

My name is M. Ismail Sloan. I am also known as Samuel Howard Sloan, Ismail Sloan and Sam Sloan. You may call me anything you like. Here is How I Became the Presiden, of Ishi Press.

Here is a controversy - the kind we all like to hear about - regarding Anna Kournikova, a beautiful tennis star from Russia. See: "The Lobbing Lolita" - Anna Kournikova.

Here is another controversy. This one is about sex in Japan. (They don't have sex in Japan): Sexual Discrimination in Japanese Go. Here is an article about Pornography in Japan. Here is More about Pornography in Japan.

The main reason for this web page is not to make money but to publicize the fact that my daughter, Shamema, was kidnapped in 1990 and, due to corruption in the FBI and the Department of Justice, I have never been able to get the kidnappers prosecuted or even to have this matter investigated in the US, even though the identity of the kidnappers is known and there is an INTERPOL watch for their arrest.

Neither I nor the mother of my daughter have ever been able to get our child back. The whereabouts of the child and the kidnappers is known to be in the area of Lynchburg, Virginia, but the corrupt local authorities in Virginia, some of whom actually provided assistance to the kidnappers, refuse to do anything about it. The name of our kidnapped child is Shamema Honzagool. She will now be 16 years old. Charles and Shelby Roberts, who are still holding my daughter, are Wanted for Kidnapping.

Here is some of the evidence proving that Charles and Shelby Roberts really did kidnap Shamema Honzagool: Here is the note left behind by Shamema when she was kidnapped: The Note. Here is airline ticket purchased by Charles and Shelby Roberts: The Airline Ticket. Here is flight reservation made by Charles and Shelby Roberts: The Flight Reservation. Here is the Pakistan Passport of Honzagool, the mother of Shamema: Honzagool's Passport. Here is Honzagool's Green Card. Here is the Wanted Card for Honzagool's cousin, Aziz-ur-Rehman. Here is Page one of the death threat from BMUMO and the full text. Here is Page two of the BMUMO letter and information about it, including the name of the man who wrote it. Jay Roberts, son of Charles and Shelby Roberts, is now asking for donations of $4,800 to Help Him Spread the Gospel.

Here is a petition for a writ of certiorari regarding my kidnapped daughter which I filed in the United States Supreme Court: Petition for a Writ of Certiorari, Case No. 97-5913, filed August 12, 1997. Certiorari was denied by the United States Supreme Court on October 20, 1997. Here is the decision of the Virginia Supreme Court from which I am appealing: Dismissal of Appeal.

Here is some other news:

CIA Director William J. Casey was a bad guy. We did not get along, but at least I got to write his published obituary. Here is my Obituary of William J. Casey. Casey's right hand man, side-kick, flunky, and chief bot,le washer was Stanley Sporkin. For an example of the work of Super Spy Stanley Sporkin, see: Stanley Sporkin Gets His Man. Sporkin could not get a real job after his chief, Casey, died, so they made him a United States District Judge, where he sits today!

DI DIES: Here is the question: Who Killed Princess Diana?

In response to this posting, I have been bombarded with letters from persons who state that I am completely wrong and that nobody killed Diana because Diana is still alive and faked her own death.

PRINCESS DIANA IS ALIVE! Diana has been spotted in Japan. Here is news about: Princess Diana Seen Alive!. Here is news about: Keiko, the Killer Whale.

There is also a growing movement to have Diana canonized by the Church of England as a saint, so that St. Diana will assume her rightful place alongside St. Joan of Arc and the other female saints.

Here is a related question: Who Killed Mother Teresa?

Ever since the crash, I have been bombarded with requests for photos of Di dead. However, I am a man of high moral principle. I refuse to publish such photos. By the way, I don't have such photos. It would cost me a lot of money to get them. I'm broke right now. Anyway, here is what I have: Di Dies and Di Dead.

I may not know who killed Princess Diana, but I do know who killed JonBenet Ramsey. The world has been shocked by the sensational murder of a beautiful six-year-old girl. On a back stairway in the house where her body was found, her mother found a ransom note. As can be plainly seen, this "ransom note" was obviously fake. Moreover, based upon this note, just about any reasonably intelligent person can figure out who the actual killer must be. I do not need to say more. Here is the JonBenet Ramsey ransom note.

Now at last it can be told. Here is the story of how I escaped from jail in Afghanistan. My Escape from Jail in Afghanistan.

Here is my article about History of the Uyghurs and of Greater Turkestan.

Here is the story of a man who has spent 20 years in prison in Virginia for a crime he did not commit, when the identity of the actual killer has always been known: The Story of Donnie Don Beverley. Here is an explanation of why he is still in jail: Chief Justice Harry L. Carrico - Defender of the White Race.

Marv Albert take note! Here are more cases of: Prisoners Wrongfully Incarcerated in Virginia.


PARENT'S ALERT: I never thought that complaints about child pornography were to be taken seriously, until I saw on the Internet pornography which targets children as viewers. Here is disturbing information about: The Prurient Problem of Pre-Pubescent Pornography.

I have written and posted numerous articles about chess. As my main home page has become too large and unwieldy, I have transferred them all to: Sam Sloan's Chess Page.

For adventures of Sam Sloan, see: The Story of Afiyat, a beautiful Kalash girl The Story of Hafdis Einarsdottir, an Icelandic girl The Story of Atsuko, a Japanese girl The Story of Hajigul, a Uyghur girl The Story of Jinda Yaichampli, a Thai girl The Tragic Story of Philippine Linda

One of the great men of our time, Justice William Brennan, has died. Justice Brennan had good things to say about Sam Sloan. Here is my obituary of him. Justice Brennan dies.

Warning!! This web site is dangerous. This is according to no less an authority than Dorchen Leidholdt of Sanctuary for Families, Inc. She wrote on June 20, 1997, in a letter to the court: "Dear Judge Ross, ... I have extremely strong evidence that Mr. Sloan is dangerous (as demonstrated by the writings he has posted on his website on the Internet at )." For the full text of the letter to the judge, see: Letter from Sanctuary for Families, Inc..

Dorchen Leidholdt had me put in jail on June 11, 1997 and again on July 3, 1997, for no reason at all. This web page, which was frequently consulted by both sides, may have helped get me out. Finally, the cases against me were dropped on August 19, 1997 and August 26, 1997. Hundreds of men have been put in jail by Dorchen Leidholdt. They did not have a web page to tell their sides of the story and are still inside, many serving long years in prison, who are no doubt just as innocent as I was.

Here is my motion to the New York Appellate Term to stay the order of protection: Motion to Appellate Term. Here is my motion to the New York Appellate Division for Custody of the three subject children: Motion to Appellate Division.

Here is the next development: Sanctuary for Families Quits the Case!!. (They did not really quit. Their letter was another lie.)

Who, you ask, is Dorchen Leidholdt? Obviously, you have not spent much time reading Hustler Magazine. Otherwise, you would know that the June, 1985 issue of Hustler made her "Asshole of the Month". Dorchen sued Larry Flynt for this, but lost. See Dorchen Leidholdt vs. Larry Flynt Publications, 860 F.2d 960 (9th Cir. 1988). For more about this, see: Who is Dorchen Leidholdt??.

Dorchen Leidholdt has twice had me put in jail. I am damn lucky to have gotten out both times. I owe the greatest debt of gratitude to Kweku Vanderpuye of the New York Legal Aid Society for the magnificent job he did of twice getting me out of jail in the face of the opposition a politically powerful group like Sanctuary for Families, Inc. For more about this, see Complaint to the District Attorney about Dorchen Leidholdt.

HELP is desperately needed for a lawsuit brought against me: New York Family Court Child Custody Proceeding and Temporary Order of Protection.

Here is the answer I filed: All about Sanctuary for Families and Sister Theresa Courtney. Here is my motion to vacate the ex-party temporary order of custody: Motion to Vacate the Ex-Party Temporary Order of Custody.

Time to get religion: Here is Why I Became a Muslim.

For proof that the earth is less than 10,000 years old, see: Creationism vs. Evolution and Introducing the author (my former jailer), Dr. David W. Cash.

The main reason I maintain this web site is to try to recover my kidnapped daughter, Shamema Honzagool Sloan, who was kidnapped nearly nine years ago by Charles and Shelby Roberts. Here are my latest petitions to recover my kidnapped daughter: Petition to the Virginia Supreme Court and Petition to Virginia Court of Appeals for re-re-hearing. These petitions were denied: Dismissal of Appeal.

Here are the denials of my previous petitions: Denial of Motion for Transcripts, Denial of Petition for Rehearing, Denial of Petition for Rehearing En Banc.

Here is information that you cannot afford to be without (I did not write this): The Beast of Revelation 13:18 is Identified.

I am creating a very large database of chess games. Your reward for sending me your chess games is that your immortality is assured. You will be needing this, as I have Proof that the World will End in 1998.

Here is how Jesus came to Japan How Jesus Reached Japan.

I was born on September 7, 1944 in Richmond, Virginia. I have been to 76 countries of the world.

On October 7, 1990, my daughter, Shamema Honzagool Sloan, was kidnapped from my home in Fujairah, United Arab Emirates, by agents of Charles and Shelby Roberts, Christian Fundamentalists, and taken to Lynchburg, Virginia. I have never been able to get my daughter back.

Less than two weeks after Charles and Shelby Roberts had my 8-year-old daughter kidnapped and brought to America, they filed a petition for the custody of the child. Here is that petition: Petition for Custody of Shamema Honzagool Sloan.

The mother of my daughter is named Honzagool. She lives in her native Pakistan. Honzagool had nothing to do with this kidnapping, has no connection with Charles and Shelby Roberts and has not even seen her daughter since she was nine months old. Here is: The Story of Poor, Little Honzagool.

One month before that, on September 3, 1990, the same group, which included my brother, Creighton Wesley Sloan, kidnapped my mother, Dr. Helen Marjorie Sloan, in Bangkok, Thailand. Stephen R. Pattison, a United States Consular Officer stationed in Bangkok, assisted in this kidnapping of my mother. An attempt was also made to kidnap my daughter at that time, which was unsuccessful. For four years prior to that, my brother had kept all of the bank accounts of his own mother frozen. This set up The Kidnapping of Dr. Helen Marjorie Sloan.

Here is some background concerning this kidnapping. Please note everything carefully, especially the dates. In April, 1984, while my mother was,still a practicing medical doctor working in the geriatrics ward of Western State Hospital in Staunton, Virginia, she went to visit my brother in North Carolina. He took her to Duke University Medical Center in what, as later became apparent, was the first step in efforts to seize control of her assets. Here is a report from Duke Report of Dr. Peter Becker.

Please note from the reports that all of the information that my mother was suffering from some sort of dementia came from Creighton Sloan, his wife, his uncle, Cassel Jacobson and his uncle's wife, the very people who were trying to get her money. On every test, my mother got a perfect score, hardly a result for an Alzheimer's patient. The reports explain this anomaly as the result of her "baseline superior intelligence." The same was true of the last time she was ever brought to Duke. Here is the Final Report: Report of Dr. Gregg Warshaw.

My brother tried to have my mother locked up at that time. My mother escaped and, in the only thing she could do to stop him from harassing her, she fled the United States altogether. Creighton then applied ex-party to a judge of the Lynchburg Circuit Court for a freeze on her assets. Please note the dates carefully. On December 3-4, 1986, Creighton's lawyer, Killis T. Howard, arranged a hearing and a conference with a judge, even though the case had not even been filed yet and no judge had been assigned!! See: Letter to Judge Miller. The lawsuit itself was not filed until December 11, one week later! See: Letter to Juanita Shields. More than that, the suit did not even name Dr. Marjorie Sloan as a defendant. See: Creighton Sloan v. Sovran Bank. Nevertheless, Judge Miler immediately granted an ex-party order freezing the bank accounts of Dr. Sloan, without Dr. Sloan ever being served with process or even notified of the pending litigation. See: Ex-Party Order of Judge Richard S. Miller.

To this day, more than eleven years later, Dr. Sloan has never been served with process and Judge Miller has never given her a hearing on this matter. There have been no further proceedings. The bank account, which contains around $300,000, is still frozen.

Judge Miller and the parties to the case apparently believed that with her bank accounts frozen, Dr. Sloan would return to the United States and contest the matter. However, she refused to do so, realizing that it was the intention of her youngest son to lock her up and never to let her out again. Here is a letter from my mother to the judge protesting this freeze on her bank accounts: Re: Freeze on All Assets of Dr. Marjorie Sloan. Here is a letter from an attorney about this: Letter from Chadbourne, Parke Afridi.

Finally, four years later, my mother became ill and had to check into the Bangkok General Hospital. Creighton hired a Thai lawyer named Boonchoo Yensabai to kidnap her and have her brought to America. See: Letter from Boonchoo Yensabai.

This letter was fraudulent. No order of any court had appointed Creighton W. Sloan as the guardian of Helen Marjorie Sloan. The only order in existence was the ex-party order which froze all of her assets. Nevertheless, Boonchoo Yensabai, through the payment of bribes to the Thai police and other officials, was able to kidnap Dr. Helen Marjorie Sloan. To this day, seven years later, Dr. Sloan is still locked up and has never been gr,nted a hearing by any court, either in Thailand or in America.

I have written innumerable letters to the FBI and other authorities complaining about these kidnappings. I have been arrested eleven times in efforts to stop me from getting my kidnapped daughter back. In 1992, I was extradited from California and tried and sentenced to five years in prison in Virginia on charges which I can prove were completely false. They were trying to give me 15 years. Here is the decision of the Virginia Court of Appeals which granted in part and denied in part my petition for appeal: Order of the Virginia Court of Appeals.

I got out of prison after only 21 months, much to the consternation of the people who kidnapped my daughter. They keep trying to have me arrested again.

Here is my first letter to the FBI: Letter to the FBI about the kidnappings of Dr. Marjorie Sloan and Shamema Honzagool Sloan. Here is my second letter to the FBI: Letter to the FBI Agent John Terry. Here is one of my other letters to the FBI: Letter to the FBI Agent John P. Butler. Here is the only reply I have ever received either verbally or in writing to my letters to the FBI and to the US Department of Justice about these kidnappings (Note that in July, 1991, nine months after Charles and Shelby Roberts had kidnapped my daughter, Judge Lawrence Janow of the Amherst County Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court had "awarded" them custody of the child which they had kidnapped): 1994 Response of US Department of Justice regarding 1990 complaints of kidnappings of Dr. Marjorie Sloan and Shamema Honzagool Sloan.

For approximately the 15 or 16th time, I recently lost an appeal to the Virginia appellate courts pertaining to the fact that my then 8-year-old daughter was criminally kidnapped from me in 1990 and my efforts to get my daughter back. The people who kidnapped my daughter are some of the most monstrous and vicious people imaginable, namely Charles and Shelby Roberts, who are in no way related to my daughter, and Judges Lawrence Janow and Michael Gamble. In a civilized country, their criminal acts would merit them the death penalty, but this is America. Charles Roberts, in fact, has an INTERPOL warrant outstanding for his arrest for kidnapping my daughter, but he is being protected from prosecution by the corrupt Virginia judges. Here is a photo of the cousins of Shamema. However, she has never met any of them, because she has been kidnapped: Family of Shamema in Chitral, Pakistan.

Here are motions I have filed in this case: Motion for Transcripts to the Amherst County Circuit Court and Motion for Transcripts to the Virginia Court of Appeals.

Here is my latest petition to the Virginia Court of Appeals, filed on November 28, 1996: Petition for Rehearing to Virginia Court of Appeals.

Here is the order of the Virginia Court of Appeals dismissing my appeal: Decision of Virginia Court of Appeals.

Here is my complaint to the Virginia State Bar against attorney Frank G. Davidson III: Complaint to Virginia State Bar. For the answer I received to this complaint, see:Answer from the Virginia State Bar.

Here is the opening brief I filed in this appeal (no response was filed ,y the opposing side): Opening Brief to Virginia Court of Appeals.

Here is motion for counsel I filed in this appeal: Motion for Counsel.

Here is my motion that the entire record be transmitted in this appeal (which the lower courts refused to do): Motion for the Complete Record.

Here is my letter to Judge Trabue about my inability to obtain a transcript Third letter to Judge Trabue.

Here is my complaint against attorney Lisa L. Schenkel: Complaint about Lisa L. Schenkel.

Here is a letter I wrote shortly before my daughter was kidnapped: 1990 Letter to US Vice-Consul in Dubai.

I have written innumerable letters about this kidnapping. Here is my letter to President Clinton complaining about this: Letter to President Clinton. Here is the only reply I received, which came from Ms. Terry H. Ihnat: Letter from Terry H. Ihnat.

Here is my letter to the Chief Justice of the Virginia Supreme Court: Letter to Chief Justice Harry L. Carrico.

Here is the New York Supreme Court order awarding me custody of my daughter: Order of Judge Backal. Here is my appeal to the Virginia Court of Appeals: Appeal to the Virginia Court of Appeals. Here is my Petition for a Rehearing to the Virginia Court of Appeals (which was granted): Petition to the Virginia Court of Appeals. Here is my petition to the Virginia Supreme Court: Petition to the Virginia Supreme Court. Here is my 1991 petition to the US Supreme Court Petition for Certiorari, 1991. Here is my 1996 petition to the US Supreme Court: Sloan vs. Virginia, No. 95-8909.

Here is my complaint to the Organization of American States regarding the International kidnapping of my daughter: OAS. Here is my 1992 complaint to the Virginia Attorney General and request for the appointment of a special prosecutor. (I was arrested in San Francisco on an extradition warrant from Virginia on the day after the date of this letter): Letter to Mary Sue Terry. Here is my federal lawsuit against the kidnappers of my daughter: Sloan vs. Stephen R. Pattison.

Here is my Mandamus petition against Judges Gamble and Janow. Here is my petition for a rehearing on the summary dismissal of the mandamus petition against Judges Gamble and Janow: Mandamus Rehearing Petition. Here is my letter to New York Judge Phyllis Gangel-Jacob: Letter to Judge Gangel-Jacob. Here is my appeal to the Supreme Court Appellate Division of the State of New York: Appeal to the New York Supreme Court. Here is my letter to Judge Kenneth E. Trabue: Letter to Judge Trabue.

For more about this litigation, see: More Legal Documents, I Just Got Out of Jail and Letter to Raja Abdul Rashid.

For reasons which I simply cannot understand, not everybody loves me. Here are some threats which I received.

I was present during the 1972 Fischer - Spassky chess match in Reykjavik, Iceland. Afterwards I got involved with some Icelandic girls. Their names were Gulla, Gurra, Gunna, Guffa, Tutta, Inga, Karo, Loa, Hrefna, Helga, Sibba, Solla and Beggo. For more about them, see: My Wild Icelandic Girls. Here is How to Tell an Icelandic Girl. For the Story of Hafdis Einarsdottir, see: Hafdis Einarsdottir.

I have seven children. The names of my children, in order, are Peter , Mary , Shamema , Michael , Jessica, George and Anusha. Here is a picture I recently took when I got four of my children together: My 4 Kids.

When he was 13, my son Peter handed in an essay he had written to his English teacher for a grade. This caused an uproar at his school and nearly got him suspended. The way I obtained a copy is that I fished it out of a garbage bag outside of the school, in a practice known as "dumpster-diving". Here is that essay: Just Another Day in the Life of Sherman Kornwold.

I am the author of four published books. The names of my books are: Khowar English Dictionary, Chinese Chess for Beginners, How to Take Over an American Public Company, and The Slave Children of Thomas Jefferson. Here is a review of my book, "How to Take Over an American Public Company", which was published in the Japan Times in Tokyo Book Review. To order books, see: Books. See also Barbara Chase-Riboud, World Class Bullshitter.

One of my major accomplishments in life is that I once argued orally an appeal before the United States Supreme Court and won 9-0. I know of no other non-lawyer who has ever done that. Here is the opinion in full of the United States Supreme Court: SEC vs. Samuel H. Sloan, 436 US 103 (1978). Here is another source for the same opinion: SEC v. Sloan.

However, I also sued President Richard Nixon and lost badly. That decision is published in the law books as: Sloan vs. Nixon, 60 FRD 228 (1973).

In high school, I was a winner in the Virginia Science Talent Search and scored 800 on my Math College Boards. I majored in math at the University of California at Berkeley. In 1966-1967, I was the President of the Sexual Freedom League. I have since given up free sex, however. To learn more about my student club, see: My Halcyon Student Days. Here are two of my most devoted followers: Mara Suviks and Deana Pino.

In 1968, I spent several months writing a manuscript containing a history of the preceding two years. Then, I put it aside and have never looked at it since. I need to deeply thank Anda Baumanis and Linda Duavis, each of whom completely typed my manuscript. Often I am asked whether it will ever be published. I do not know the answer. It is too long, about 1.2 megabytes. Does anybody really want to read this? Is it worth the price? Does this manuscript really deserve to see the light of publication. Here are some brief excerpts. Please express your opinion as to what should be done with this: The Party of November 19, 1966, The Party of November 26, 1966, Lisa Lindvall, Sexual Freedom Organizer, How we got Mara into Playboy Magazine and Mario Savio and the Free Speech Movement. See also Orgy Host Ordered to Quit House. I want to take this opportunity to thank those who have given so much to my ongoing efforts to upgrade the gene pool.

In June, 1978, while traveling as a simple tourist, I was arrested in Afghanistan as a spy, was held in prison for three months, and was nearly executed. I escaped successfully, but was re-arrested. I was in a total of seven jails, including the notorious Demazang and Puli Charqi killing jails. Here are photos I was able to take of the inside of one of the jails in Afghanistan, The Central Jail in Kabul and Leaving the Central Jail. Here is one of my fellow prisoners, who later made it to America, Syed Durali Shah. For the history of the War in Afghanistan see: History of the War in Afghanistan. For Nadir Shah, see: Nadir Shah. Here is the how I escaped from jail in Afghanistan. My Escape from Jail in Afghanistan.

Here is a fragment of a movie script I have written, which includes a section about a Namaita style show in Shinjuku. (The entire screenplay is 120 pages long): Hard Times in Tokyo, Japan. By popular demand, here is more of the script, but I still have not typed the exciting final conclusion. More Hard Times.Here is a letter about it to Mario Junior Letter to Mario Junior. Here is some background into this movie script: The Namaita show.

For the Rules of Japanese chess or Shogi, see: Basic Rules of Shogi. For the Rules of Chinese Chess or Xiangqi, see: Basics of Chinese chess. For the Rules of Thai chess or Makrook Thai, see: Rules of Thai chess. For How to Play Minesweeper, see: Minesweeper for Beginners. The most popular new game on the Internet is called FreeCell. Here is How to Play , FreeCell.

For my letter to the judge regarding the Bambi case, see: Diana Manetti. For the True Story of the 1001 Arabian Nights see: The Story of Sheherazade. For how the HIV Virus really works, see Latest Scientific Developments. For about Sperm Donations, see: About Sperm Donations. Read the Tragic Story of Linda M. Duavis who was victimized by Fortunato D. Oblena, Philippines Ambassador to the United Arab Emirates. For the Life of Manfred Wimmer, see: The Late, Great Manfred Wimmer.

I swear that I did not write the next article. I could not have done so. As a favor, somebody asked me to post this to a newsgroup. In terms of generating hate mail and other valid indicators, this one set all records. It was copied and recopied, posted and reposted to all the Japanese, Korean, Chinese, and other Asian newsgroups, eliciting hundreds of responses in each group, until it finally burned out several months later. Today, one year later, this is the most popular page on this web site. I get more readers here and more mail from this than anywhere else. See: All Unmarried Japanese Girls are Virgins. However, this claim has been refuted, because here is one Japanese girl who is not a virgin (but perhaps she is married): She may look like a virgin, but she is a hooker. I know it. Here are the details about her: Karensha.

For the Khowar Language, the Language of Chitral, Pakistan see: Khowar, the Language of Chitral and Khowar English Dictionary and List of 500 Words. For a Pashtu Language radio broadcast see: BBC Broadcast Regarding the Situation in Chitral. For the History of Chitral, see: My wife's family in Damik.

The situation of my marriage in Pakistan has caused controversy there. My wife was stolen away from me by Aziz-ur-Rehman, taken to Rawalpindi, a place where she had never been before, secretly divorced from me ex-party and married the same day to a man she did not know, who was the lawyer who obtained the divorce, all this time leaving me with our child, Shamema, which the mother had effectively abandoned at the age of only nine months. For the reasons why this "divorce decree" is legally invalid, see: Reasons Why the Decree of the Rawalpindi Family Court divorcing Honzagool from me is legally void and that Honzagool is still my wife. For the "divorce decree" itself, see: Ex-Party Order of Rawalpindi Family Court in Pakistan. See also: Letter to the Extra-Assistant Commissioner of Chitral, Pakistan, who was later found murdered and Letter from the EAC of Chitral. For a newspaper article attacking that judge, see Urdu Daily Jasarat article attacking the EAC of Chitral. For a more complete version of the same article, see: Urdu Daily Jasarat article. For my letter to ,he brother of Aziz-ur-Rehman, see: Letter to Amin-ur-Rehman.

More than 100 articles have appeared about this in the newspapers of Pakistan. The Pakistan press refused to publish my side of the story and continues to refuse to do so to this day. For a typical example of one of those articles, see: Daily Nawa-i-Waqt for 6 October 1983. For my reply to a person named Zaman who challenged me on this, see: Reply to Zaman. For the answer of Zaman, see: Zaman Strikes Back!.

For a photo of Honzagool being prepared for marriage to me, see: Preparations for Marriage.For two other photos of Honzagool, see: Honzagool. For a photo of the family of Honzagool, see: Family of Honzagool in Chitral, Pakistan. For a photo of me and of our daughter Shamema, see: Shamema.

I am of Irish, Scotch and Swedish descent. For information about my Swedish ancestors, see: My Ancestors from Kisa, ?sterg?tland, Sweden. For information about my Scottish ancestors, see: My Ancestors from Scotland. I know much less about my Irish ancestry. For what I know about that, see: The Sloan Irish name.

Right now, things are not going well for Ishi Press, and are going even worse for the customers of Ishi Press. For my latest motion in the Ishi Press case, see: Motion for Summary Judgment. To learn something about that, see: Disclaimer from Kiseido, Opposition to Motion for Protective Order and About Ishi Press. For the controversy regarding Professor Elwyn Berlekamp, see: The Berlekamp Controversy, Judgment against Hartland Snyder and Biography of Professor Elwyn R. Berlekamp.

We sell books (you knew we were getting to this): To Order Books.

For photos see: Wanted for Kidnapping My Seven Children Four of My Children Together My AOL Home Page Benazir Bhutto, former Prime Minister of Pakistan Three Polgar Sisters at the World Chess Olympiad in Greece Ignatius Leong with Grandmaster Torre of the Philippines Linda Duavis with Shamema and Shanti Linda Duavis with Michael and Jessica in 1989 Linda Duavis at a chess tournament Three Polgars plus a penguin in Argentina Three Polgar Sisters plus Shamema Danny Rohde and Jessica Sloan Judit Polgar looking at newborn Jessica Sloan Sofia Polgar plays Shamema Honzagool Sloan Zsuzsa Polgar talks turkey with Garry Kasparov Victor Korchnoi, Jeffrey Kastner and Sam Sloan William Lombardy plays Nicholas Rossolimo in 1956 Norman T. Whitaker in 1956 Grandmaster Anand of India in 1989 Prajaup Nimityongskul, Chess Organizer in Thailand Honzagool in February, 1981 Family of Honzagool in Chitral, Pakistan My daughter's family in Damik, Chitral, Pakistan Afiyat, a beautiful Kalash girl in Chitral, Pakistan My Daughter, Shamema, in the Forbidden City in Beijing Wong Xu Yun in the Forbidden City, Beijing Mara Suviks A known purveyor of Go in Tokyo A Game of Go at the Nihon Kiin in Tokyo Ipanema Beach in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil The Crocodile Farm in Thailand A Buddhist Temple in Thailand The Acropolis in Athens, Greece Letter to the Press by my daughter, Shamema, aged 5 Shamema Honzagool Sloan in Abu Dhabi Ismail Sloan with his children, Anusha, George and Michael Ismail and three of his children Ismail and three boisterous children Geeta Rankoth, with Dayawathie, George, Anusha and Michael Dayawathie Rankoth and her sons, Michael and George Sloan Rankoth Pedigedera Dayawathie Geeta Rankoth Ukkuamma Rankoth, grandmother of Geeta Rankoth Leaving the Central Jail in Kabul, Afghanistan Inside the Central Jail in Kabul, Afghanistan Ismail and the Mullahs in Meshad, Iran My first wife waiting for the bus in Peshawar, Pakistan Sahib Delan, my first wife in Chitral, Pakistan Two more photos of Sahib Delan Salah-ud-Din, the brother of Sahib Delan in Chitral My Driver in Chitral, Pakistan Honzagool being prepared for marriage in Chitral, Pakistan Syed Durali Shah Naqwi from Girishk, Afghanistan Shamema Honzagool Sloan Anusha Rankoth Sloan Sara Wilson, a kidnapped child Two Kalash girls in Bumboret, Chitral, Pakistan Rustam, a Kalash man from Birir, in Abu Dhabi My nefarious brother, Creighton Wesley Sloan My mother and her niece and nephew My nefarious brother, Creighton Wesley Sloan, and his family Shanti, Jessica and Ismail Ismail Sloan holds Jessica and Michael Sloan Ismail Sloan holding Geeta Rankoth Hajigul, a girl in Kashgar, Xinjiang Autonomous Region, China The Traditional Uyghur Dance in Turpan, China A typical Uighur girl in Kashgar, China A famous tomb in Kashgar, China Tomb of the famous princess inside the Tomb of Apak Hoja Tomb of the famous prince inside the Tomb of Apak Hoja Numerous graves inside the Tomb of Apak Hoja Ismail Sloan standing next to a tomb outside the Tomb of Apak Hoja Ablimet Baqi near the Tomb in Kashgar, China The Id Gah Mosque in Kashgar, China Inga Brandsdottir in Iceland Solveig, Sam and Inga in Lynchburg, Virginia Loa and Inga in Reykjavik, Iceland Loa, Sam and Karo in Reykjavik, Iceland Gurra and Beggo, Icelandic Girls Solveig, an Icelandic telephone operator Jerry Bannon at an Icelandic Party, 1973 Iranganie and Shanti in Abu Dhabi Ilandari Dewa Iranganie of Elipitiya, Sri Lanka Ranjani, a domestic servant from Central Sri Lanka Dhammika Abeysinghe, a girl in Maiyahawa, Kandy, Sri Lanka Neetah and her mother in Watapuluwa, K,ndy, Sri Lanka Oprah Perez, a girl in Sudumpula, Kandy, Sri Lanka Intended Passport Photo of Oprah Perez Elephant on the Street in Sri Lanka A Snake Charmer in Colombo, Sri Lanka Shamema Sloan and Dr. Marjorie Sloan in Sri Lanka, 1987 My father, Leroy B. Sloan My father, Leroy B. Sloan, in younger days My mother, Dr. Helen Marjorie Sloan, in 1988 My mother, Dr. Marjorie Jacobson, in 1937 Jeanette Jacobson and Cassel Jacobson My grandmother, Mary Graham Jacobson My grandmother, uncles and aunt My great grandmother, Carrie Cassel Jacobson My grandmother, Mary Graham, in 1882 or 1883 My great-great grandfather William Graham My great-great grandfather Jacob Axel Johansson in 1873 My great great grandfather, Samuel Thomson My great grandmother Elizabeth Thomson and her two sisters in 1864 My great-grandmother Elizabeth Grace Thomson in 1867 My great grandparents golden wedding anniversary News Clipping of Bobby Fischer and Sam Sloan in the Washington Post, 1956 News Clipping of Sam Sloan winning at chess in 1956 News Clipping of Lisa Lane and Sam Sloan in 1959 News Clipping of Sam Sloan, Student Striker, in 1966 News Clipping of my mother, Dr. Marjorie Sloan, in 1966 My mother with Daa in Bangkok, Thailand Birthday Party for Dr. Helen Marjorie Sloan at age 80, March 17, 1990 Shamema Sloan with her father Ismail Sloan on the Great Wall of China, 1988 My family plus Xie on the Great Wall of China Another view of my daughter and Xie Si Ming on the Great Wall of China Arabic language article about the kidnapping of my daughter, Shamema Second Al Khaleej Arabic language article about my daughter's kidnapping Third Al Khaleej article about my daughter's kidnapping Inflammatory news article in Pakistan attacking me "Orgy Host Ordered , to Quit House" Jessica Vithanage Sloan Jessica chasing a goat in Fujairah, United Arab Emirates Home Page for Jessica Vithanage Sloan My children, Mary and Peter Sloan Peter Julius Sloan Mary Rachel Sloan Anda Baumanis of Riga, Latvia Anda Baumanis in better days Pal Benko, Anda Baumanis, Peter Sloan and Ruth Cardoso Charles Roberts Shelby Roberts Hu Long Hua, World's Greatest Player of Chinese Chess Ismail Sloan being awarded the title of "First Foreigner of Chinese Chess", in Beijing, China Henry Fok awarding prize to Xie Si Ming Xie Si Ming, grandmaster of Chinese chess Xie Si Ming, Chinese chess grandmaster Girls playing Chinese chess in Beijing Free Pic of Girls Ready to Play Chinese chess Jennie Frenklakh, Girl Chess Master Qin KanYing, Chinese grandmaster of chess Laura Markarian, Armenian Girl's Chess Champion Nara Manukian in Yerevan, Armenia Gabriel Schwartzman, chess grandmaster Fortunato D. Oblena, Rogelio Barcenilla and Florencio Campomanes Deana Pino, an old girlfriend in Berkeley An American Girl I met in Vienna, Austria Beautiful Cambodian dancers perform traditional Khmer dance A View of Seoul, Korea, plus girl A woman I met in Seoul, Korea Lin Ok, a girl in Seoul, Korea Another look at Lin Ok, a girl in Seoul, Korea Another girl I met in Seoul, Korea Girl in front of the Queen's Corner Bar in Bangkok Queen Elizabeth II of England Girl I met on Patpong Road in Bangkok Another girl I met on Patpong Road in Bangkok Yet another girl I met in Patpong Daa, a girl from Sakon Nakhon, Thailand L,m, a girl from Sakon Nakhon, Thailand Moy and Ay, girls in Bangna, Thailand, near Bangkok Advertisement for a prostitute in Japan Minu Das, a prostitute in Calcutta, India Prostitute with three customers in Kandahar, Afghanistan A young Burmese prostitute Another photo of the same Burmese prostitute Prostitutes waiting for customers in Macao Prostitutes waiting for customers in Northern Thailand Even more prostitutes waiting for customers in Northern Thailand Prostitute looking for customers in England A virgin offered for sale in Maesai, Northern Thailand A girl whose virginity had just been sold in Maesai, Northern Thailand A young girl outside a whorehouse in Maesai, Northern Thailand A girl in a whore house in Maesai, Northern Thailand A girl in Warsaw, Poland A girl in Bucharest, Romania Two bar girls in Port-de-Paix, Haiti Girl in Port-au-Prince, Haiti Girl in a Shanty Town in Port-au-Prince, Haiti President and Hillary Clinton tour the former prison cell of Nelson Mandela Boris Yeltsin Dances at a Rock Concert in Russia President Clinton contemplates an Elephant in Africa Tammy Wynette - She Stood By Her Men! The Face on Mars "Death of a Princess", the photo all you perverts really want to see. I put it way down here near the end, so that you would have to read my entire home page to find what you are really looking for. Ismail Sloan and his Wives and Children Linette Cinelli turns down $1.75 million in her claim that she was sexually harassed by Smith Barney The Dalai Lama - Spiritual Leader of the Tibetan people Plans for Pol Pot, who murdered millions in Cambodia, to retire in US Mira Sorvino: I have no idea who she is Vanessa Williams, Miss America 1984 Assorted Photographs of Monica S. Lewinsky Linda Fairstein, head of Manhattan's Sex Crime Unit Martin Luther King with Jesse Jackson Jane Fonda President Eduard A. Shevardnadze of Georgia Martin Scorsese receives award from the Dalai Lama for his film "Kundun" Albright meets the Mongolians Jane Lauder, granddaughter of Est?e Lauder Kirk Kerkorian - Big Time Operator Federal District Court Judge Norma Holloway Johnson, oversees Prosecutor Ken Starr Baseball Pitcher Kerry Wood Rudy Vallee and Alice Faye Martina Hingis Al Gore Marv Albert Miss Universe 1998 Contestants Sam Sloan standing in Red Square in front of the Kremlin in 1977 A Child Marriage in India Dr. J. Craig Venter plans to map all human DNA Candace Bushnell, a sex columnist and screewriter Se Ri Pak, a 20-year-old professional woman golfer from South Korea Patricia Fili-Krushel, New President of the ABC Television Network Police Mug Shot of Linda Tripp Michelle Smith de Bruin banned from swimming competition for four years Todor Zhivkov Dies John Delaney, Professor of Oceanography, sits next to a sulfide chimney Senator Joseph Lieberman, a Man who is Without Sin Gennady Zyuganov, Dirty Commie Rat Congressman Dan Burton Three Women from a Caste of Untouchables in Meerut, India morn their murdered father and husband Turkey Drops Bomb on New York City Laura Linney, Star of "The Truman Show" Miss Virginia Nicole Johnson Miss Virginia Crowned Miss America Wanted for Kidnapping

Here is your reward,but please don't tell anybody.

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Mailing address: 461 Peachstone Terrace, San Rafael CA 94903-1327
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Mafia Moll: The Story of the Mistress of John F. Kennedy
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* Publisher: Ishi Press International
* 574 Pages
* ISBN: 0923891900 Featured Item.

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Elista Diaries
* Author: Anatoly Karpov and Ron Henley
* Publisher: Ishi Press International
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Pal Benko's endgame Laboratory
* Author: Pal Benko
* Publisher: Ishi Press International
* 226 Pages
* ISBN: 0923891889

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The Slave Children of Thomas Jefferson
Product Details* ISBN 1881373029
* Author: Sam Sloan
* Publisher: Ishi Press International
* Pages: 400

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Chinese Chess for Beginners
Product Details* ISBN 0923891110
* Author: Sam Sloan
* Publisher: Ishi Press International
* Pages: 192

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Contemporary Dance Festival Performance October 8, 2005

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