Islamic Remedies

Web Name: Islamic Remedies






An healthy and holistic plan of ultimate importance for daily life. About Islamic RemediesThe purpose of our Islamicremedies is to provide a highly selective, quality knowledge about overall health, medical, fitness and wellness resources. To employ a healthy and holistic plan for daily life is essential for all of us. We believe the simplest way to achieve this goal is toconnect the people to QUR'AN an 'owner's manual for the human being?, and Sunnah, the way of life of The Messenger of ALLAH (be upon him salah and salam). We took a holistic perspective and considered what was of ultimate importance. Information available on Islamicremedies is authentic and encourages an open exchange of ideas and opinions. The intended audience of the site is primarily Muslims but we attempt to make this a quality centric resource which can be found useful by even other than Muslims. We are passionate about health and we hope this website helpstopromote awareness of people about holisticwellness and allows people to seek peer-to-peer guidance through our informative articles. Islamicremedies is not a medical website, but is just a categorized collection of health articles, based on the authentic and time-tested information provided in Glorious Qur'an and Hadeeth, regarding natural healing gifts like Honey, Dates, Olive and Black Seeds etc. In case you need to get some Islamic health knowledge about a particular topic, you can either use the Contact Us on this site or you can send an email to [email protected]TEACHINGS OF QUR'AN ALLAH Subhanahu wa Ta?ala revealed in glorious Qur'an: "And WE send down in the Qur'an that which is a cure for the Muslims, and a mercy - and it increases only ruin for the unjust." [Surah Bani Israel 17:82] ALLAH Is The CURER It is very important to have the correct belief in ALLAH. HE is the ONE WHO cures us when we are sick. It is also from the Sunnah to seek and take the remedy. So we do not fall into two common errors. The first is not to take the remedy when we know it can help cure us by the will of ALLAH. The second is that we believe that only the remedy or medicine will cure us. Here, we would fall into a major sin because it is ALLAH WHO is the CURER and if HE wills we are cured and if HE wills we are not. We should believe that only ALLAH is the CURER otherwise we may fall into shirk (associating partners with ALLAH). Therefore, we seek and take the remedy and put out trust in ALLAH by asking HIM to cure us and believing that only HE is the CURER. The Messenger of ALLAH ( upon him be salah and salam) would say: "And cure us for YOU are the CURER, there is no cure but YOUR cure" [Bukhaaree and Muslim]. ALLAH cures HIS servants by either clear, apparent reasons such as medication or by other not so apparent reasons that even the human intellect cannot comprehend. ALLAH said: And When ALLAH wills that you are inflicted with harm there is no one to remove it but HIM. [Surah al-An?aam:17] It is Scientific and the basic Islamic teaching asserting that there is a cure for every illness (and it is up to us to find it). The Messenger of ALLAH (be upon him salah and salam) said: ?ALLAH did not send down any ailment sending sent down with it its cure.? [Bukharee] lslam is the religion of all times and places. It is a perfect system of temporal values. By practicing its laws Muslims all over the world not only attain spirituality but the pinnacle of all other glories and gain the wealth of health. There is a great inter-relationship between modern medicine and some of our Islamic teachings.Qur'an's knowledge is a comprehensive text and it involves all branches of science, religion, technology, agriculture, engineering and medicine. It is definitely a miracle of our sacred religion that it expands on all branches of human knowledge. This is known from the following quotation from Qur'an: "We have revealed to you the Scripture so that it might be a clear evidence for every thing." The guide-lines given in the Qur'an and Sunnah are concerned with not only the spiritual health but promotion of physical health of humans have been duly proved by years of modern medical science research all over the world. As we stated above, The Qur'an is an 'owner's manual for the human being'; whoever wonders about the purpose of life and their own existence will find it to be a guide par excellence. It is the last Divine Book which was revealed, and for that reason, ALLAH, the Exalted, promised to protect it from any distortion until the Last Day.ALLAH says: Indeed, it is We who have sent down this Reminder [i.e., the Qur'an] and indeed, it is We who are its Guardian. (15:9) MODERATION IN FOOD Both Qur'an and Hadeeth have touched this topic, Qur'an tells us in Ayah 30 of Surah Al A?araaf: "O children of Adam, look to your adornment of every place of worship and eat and drink but not prodigal Lo! He loveth not the prodigals." Strengthening this order, The Messenger of ALLAH ( upon him be salah and salam) has strictly forbidden over eating in the following Hadeeth: "It is enough to eat few morsels of food to keep one's back straight." "If you must eat more, be sure that only one third of your stomach is filled with food, one third is left for water and the remaining one third for air." "A Muslim eats in one intestine (stomach) whereas a non believer eats in seven intestine." It has been proved beyond doubt that over eating is the root of many diseases and also responsible for premature senility. It produces obesity, predisposes to dangerous diseases like diabetes, Menitus, hypertension, coronary heart disease and paralysis. DIABETES MELLITUS This is due to insulin deficiency. Overeating gets the special cells of the pancreas (islets of Langerhans) over worked so it cannot meet the increased demand for insulin. Those cells may get tired, atrophy and causes deficiency of insulin. PARALYSIS, CORONARY HEART DISEASE PREMATURE SENILITY Their basic course is the narrowing of the coronary arteries. Paralysis is the natural result of blocking of an artery in the brain, should this happen in the heart Myocardial infarction results. Premature senility is installed when majority of the arteries in the body get narrowed. Slit in the form of cholesterol and triglycerides are deposited in the arteries. Over eating increases blood cholesterol levels. Pork and beef contain high cholesterol values while on the other hand birds have the least amount. Qur'an mentioned that birds? meat is one of the specialties of Paradise. Olive has been repeatedly mentioned in Qur'an, and statistics shows that heart attacks occur more in Northern Italy where they use butter and margarine for cooking than in Southern Italy where olive oil is generally used. Patients suffering from narrowing of the coronary artery usually develop the heart attack after a heavy meal. FORBIDDEN ARTICLES OF FOOD BloodIngested blood on reaching the intestine is acted upon by various bacteria normally present there resulting in poisonous products like ammonia which is toxic to the liver. Therefore, ALLAH Subhanahu wa Ta?ala has forbidden us to eat or drink blood and has prescribed such a method for slaughtering animals that most of their blood is shed.Pork There are two harmful worms harbored by pigs, one is "TAENIASOLIUM" which on ingestion passes to the brain and causes epilepsy. The other one is "TRICHINELLASPIRALIS" which passes to the muscles and brain causing muscular swelling and pain and also epilepsy. Pork has more fat and cholesterol than any other meat.Alcohol Numerous diseases have been attributed to alcohol like dyspeptic trouble, peptic ulceration, cancer stomach, pancreatitus, cirrhosis liver, vitamin deficiency and coronary heart disease. ABOLUTION A pre-requisite of prayers yet one of the most hygienic procedures as it usually keeps the exposed parts of our body clean and also the parts of entry like mouth and nose thus avoiding infection.SUNNAH CIRCUMCISION One of the criteria of Islam is that every Muslim should be circumcised. This is medically suggested nowadays as a toxic substance called Smegma may collect under the redundant skin causing cancer of the genitalia in both man and his wife, inflammation of the penis, phthisis, sticking of the redundant skin over the urethral opening leading to difficulty in urination. WASHING AFTER DEFECATION This beneficial habit saves us from Pilonidal sinus which is an abscess with hair inside occurring near anal opening. Pylonephritis: This is more in women due to the proximity of the urethral opening to the anus so toilet paper while being used may bring germs like E. coli to the urethra. PREVENTION OF INFECTION Infection may be transmitted through dirty hands or dirty food. It is essential to wash our hands before and after meals. Our blessed Prophet (upon him be salah and salam) told us: "It is a blessing to wash your hands before and after meals" (Abu Daud Tirmizi) He has also advised us not to clean our hands with a towel before meals as they may convey infection from one person to the other particularly viral diseases like infective hepatitis or bacterial infection like Typhoid, Dysenteries and Cholera. Our Prophet (upon him be salah and salam) said "Whosoever gets up from slumber should not dip his hand in any utensil unless he washes them three times, who knows what things he has been touching during sleep." (Bukharee, Muslim, Abu Dawood, Nisai) ARTICLES OF BEVERAGES These articles should be handled with great care. If the food is in open utensil they should be covered to avoid contamination. Stressing this, our Prophet (upon him be salah and salam) said "Cover up the utensils and tie the mouth of the water skins." (Bukharee, Muslim) He said, "Why did you not cover the utensil carrying the milk even if-it was with a piece of wood." DENTAL HYGIENE Particular stress has been laid by our Prophet (upon him be salah and salam) on this as it is very important in the prevention of disease. He attached great importance to "Miswaak" a twig of a tree used for brushing teeth. "If I had not thought this to be an unbearable hardship for my followers I would have prescribed the use of Miswaak before every prayer." (Bukharee, Muslim) According to modern dentistry the best method of using a Miswaak or a tooth brush is up and down the length of the teeth and this exactly the way our Prophet (upon him be salah and salam) used his Miswaak. KHILLALA The blessed Prophet (upon him be salah and salam) said "Whosoever eats should pick bits and pieces from in between his teeth." It is beneficial act so that those do not rot and produce disease. HEAT STROKE Covering the head and neck as our Prophet (upon him be salah and salam) used to do, mitigate the danger of hyperpyrexia which is due to imbalance of the heat control centre situated in the hind brain, which may lead to death. TREATMENT OF FEVERDeath occurs if the temperature of the body exceeds 106 degrees irrespective of the cause. Medically speaking the first line of treatment is to lower the temperature by cold water, ice sponging or even immersing the patient in cold water. On this Prophet (upon him be salah and salam) said: "The fever is related to the Hell. Application of cold water keeps it away." (Ibne Maja) CONSTIPATION The blessed Prophet (upon him be salah and salam) advised that while defaecating keep pressure on the left foot (Tibrani). In squatting position this maneuvers will cause pressure on the descending colon. Medically this helps evacuation of feaces from the descending colon thus relieving constipation, particularly when muscles of the abdomen are weak. DISEASES OF DIGESTION Several Hadeeth pertaining to this were said: "It is unbecoming to eat in the Bazar (Market)." "Whosoever eats earth aid his death." (Tibrani) " Use curry with food even if it is in the form of water.? (Tibrani). "Vinegear is a very good curry." "The best curry is common salt." Salt depletion through perspiration during summer is increased thus it is obligatory to use common salt during this period. Our Prophet (upon him be salah and salam) liked pumpkin (one of the vegetables) as it is easily digested and less likely to produce flatulence. Our Prophet (upon him be salah and salam) said. "It is not right to eat your food quickly, besides this one should eat from what lies nearest to one" (Bukharee, Muslim) EPIDEMIC PREVENTION Hygiene is very important. Cleanliness prevent infection entering the citadel of human body and this guards us against ill health and epidemics- ALLAH Subhanahu wa Ta?ala ordered our Prophet (upon him be salah and salam) in Sura Al-Muddaththir: "O, Prophet keep your apparel clean and meticulously avoid filth and rubbish." Our Prophet (upon him be salah and salam) said, "ALLAH Almighty is himself pure and likes purity, ALLAH himself is clean and likes cleanliness." (Tirmizi) "ALLAH Almighty dislikes dust, dirt and disheveled hair." "Avoid three things which are cursed. To urinate at the source of water, in the shade, in the pathways." (ibne Maja) "No one should pass water in standing water." (Bukharee, Muslim, Abu Dawood) "If any one of you yawns, cover your mouth with hand." (Muslim, Abu Dawood) One should avoid coughing, sneezing, yawning or laughing with fully open mouth near other persons as the breathed out bacteria may spread in the atmosphere and be conveyed to other persons. STREET AND ROADS Town planning is based on broad and airy roads so that there is no obstruction to the flow of traffic and to avoid congestion which helps of communicable diseases. Our blessed Prophet (upon him be salah and salam) fourteen hundred years ago said "keep the breadth of the streets seven arms length. WET CUPPING (HIJAMAH) Ibis was mentioned in the authenticated Hadeeth as an effective treatment of several disease. Research work is being carried out in China and other parts of the world to use Wet Cupping as a method of treatment. There are other aspects of medicine which have been dealt with in Islam for example: 1. Quacks should not treat patients. 2. Treatment and prevention of disease have been recommended and practiced by our blessed Prophet (upon him be salah and salam). 3. When you visit a patient do not stay long. There are many priceless gems of knowledge in the Qur'an and Hadeeth from which man can benefit immensely. These are but brief facts of medicine which have been mentioned before in Qur'an and Hadeeth and there is a lot more to be discovered and studied. The ruling of reading the Glorious Qur'an with Tajweed Muhammad bin Al-Jazaree the great Qur'an and Hadeeth scholar of the 9th Century (Hijri) says in his rules of Tajweed: ?And applying Tajweed is an issue of absolute necessity, whoever doesn?t apply Tajweed to the Qur'an, then a sinner is he.? He regarded it as an obligation and he regarded leaving it as a sin. And the majority of scholars agree that applying the Tajweed rules of Qur'an are an individual obligation (Fard ?Ayn) upon every Muslim who has memorized part of or all of the Qur'an. That is because the Qur'an was revealed with the Tajweed rules applied to it and The Messenger of ALLAH (be upon him salah and salam) recited it back to Hazrat Jibreel (A. S.) in that way and the Companions of The Messenger of ALLAH (be upon him salah and salam) read it in that way, so it is an established Sunnah. And of the proofs that the scholars bring to show the obligation of Tajweed is that ALLAH says in the Qur'an, the meaning of which is: ?And recite the Qur'an (aloud) in a (slow and melodious) style (tarteela)? (Surah Muzzammil, Aayah 4).Hazrat Ali ibn Abi Talib (R. A.) said in the explanation of this aayah: ?at-Tarteel is Tajweed of the letters and knowing where to stop (correctly).? And of the proofs also is that ALLAH says in the Qur'an, the meaning of which is: ?Those who We have given the Book to, give it its right in recitation ( recite it as it should be recited).? ( Surah al-Baqarah, aayah 121) And of the rights of reciting correctly is reciting it the way it was revealed. There are various ahadeeth also showing us the importance of Tajweed. Hazrat Umm Salmah (R. A.) was asked about the recitation of The Messenger of ALLAH (be upon him salah and salam) and she described it as a recitation ?clearly-distinguished letter by letter?.Hazrat Sa?eed bin Mansoor relates in his Sunan that a man was reciting the Qur?an to Hazrat Abdullah bin Mas?ood (R. A.) and he recited ?Innamas sadaqaatu lil fuqara-i wal masaakeen?, so Hazrat Ibn Mas?ood said: ?This was not how The Messenger of ALLAH (be upon him salah and salam) recited it to me!? So the man asked, ?How did he read it to you oh Aba Abdir-Rahman?? So he said?Lil Fuqaraaaa-i wal masaakeen?, he elongated the word Fuqaraa and the knowledge of the different lengths of elongation (mudood) is also from the rules of Tajweed. There are many other sources in Islam to live a healthy life. Salah (prayer) is one and most important of them. you can read it Miswaak page.

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Islamic Remedies is to provide a highly selective, quality knowledge about overall health, medical, fitness and wellness resources in the light of Qur'an & Sunnah.

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