Miramagia: free farming game full of magic

Web Name: Miramagia: free farming game full of magic

WebSite: http://www.miramagia.com





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Welcome to Miramagia – a fantasy farm game

Dive into a wonderful world full of magic in this free fantasy mmorpg. Learn powerful spells, grow colourful plants and raise your dragon!Miramagia is a free online fantasy browser game enjoyed by all age groups.Join our fantastic community and be part of our online fantasy game!News - 09.09.2022 15:57A new home for youCooperation with Magoia...moreAll NewsVillage of the month

Velho Castelo dos Justosin (BR)

Play online for free now!

Do you love farm games? Then come and play Miramagia as a Sorcerer, Mage, Druid or Shaman and create your own magical farm for free! A fascinating world awaits you here - a world full of fantastic plants and bizarre creatures. You get to know many nice people here too, whether in your village neighbourhood or in the town. Play with your family and friends for free and with their help, make your village the prettiest in Miramagia! Special spells enable you to give gifts to friendly neighbours, or play a little prank on them. Helpful fairies and a little dragon are always by your side!

The great Dragon RideOn tour with MiroMapApplyTerms of participation

Just as you often drop by the world of Miramagia, Miro the dragon also makes an appearance in our world occasionally! He visits our loyal players at home and travels with them to exciting places. He can't get enough of the mountains (volcanoes!), deserts, beaches, canyons, cities and idyllic villages, like the ones in his home world. Go and take a look at our map and see where he has already been by clicking on one of the pins there. Via the link, you can also see a big holiday snap of our dragon. Miro and the Miramagia Team wish you all the best on your travels!

By the way: Miro will maybe come and visit you soon, too. If you'd like to travel with Miro and take a really cool photo of him, you can find out how this little dragon may be with you soon by clicking on "Apply".

If you are going on an exciting holiday, we would love it if you took Miro with you and then sent us a photo of him on your travels.

Every month we'll send a dragon off and, in our team, we will choose the most interesting holiday destination for him (e.g. Tierra del Fuego, Hawaii, Komodo and Loch Ness are at the top of the list). He's already visited the dragon cliffs, but it was boring as he isn't yet 60.

Just send your application with the destination and your address to:

Applications will be accepted at any time!

By participating, you commit to sending us (using the above address) a photo of Miro in front of an interesting backdrop at the holiday destination. You can already see plenty of examples on the map.

We will then add suitable photos to the map.

Of course, you may keep the dragon afterwards. Give him a good home; dragons are very rare and have to be looked after!

1. Generala.By sending an application and a photo, the participant confirms and accepts the validity of these terms. b.Participation is voluntary and free of charge. c.The offer is restricted to participants who are resident in the Federal Republic of Germany, Austria or Switzerland. d.All those aged 14 or over at the time of sending their photo may participate. e.There is no legal recourse. 2.Period of the offer / deadline for sending photos

The offer is held continuously but may be ended by TRAVIAN GAMES at any time. Participation (sending the application) is possible at any time. Once a month, in the last calendar week of the month, an internal jury chooses their favourites among the entries received.

3.Course of eventsa.Each participant sends a short application in writing to the following address: gewinnspiel@miramagia.com. The participant must provide both their real name and their Miramagia nickname as well as their Miramagia gameworld.b.Each month, one plush dragon is given away to one of the entries received within that month. The decision rests on a Miramagia jury following the aforementioned criteria.c.Each winner commits to sending a holiday photo of their plush dragon to the following address:d.The photo must not show any content glorifying violence, nor pornographic, discriminatory, racist, morally condemnable, religious or other forbidden content. Moreover, no brands, copyright or other rights of third parties may be infringed upon in the photo.e.The image should be submitted in JPG, JPEG or PNG format.f.All suitable photos are published on the website www.miramagia.de. The Miramagia nickname and Miramagia gameworld of the corresponding participant are also disclosed. g.The poll is carried out by a jury comprising staff members of the Miramagia team at Travian Games GmbH and Bright Future GmbH. The criteria for the decision are the interesting holiday destination and the authenticity of the entry. In the event of a draw, a lottery decides.h.The winner of the month is notified by email and must provide his postal address for the dispatch of the prize.4.Prizes

Each month, one Miramagia plush dragon (worth approx. 30 Euros) can be won.


Das größte Miramagia Gewinnspiel aller Zeiten

Zum Jahresstart halten wir das größte Gewinnspiel in Miramagia aller Zeiten mit Preisen im Gesamtwert von über 1.000 EUR für euch bereit.

Der erste Preis lässt die Herzen aller Miramagia-Fans an die Decke hüpfen: Ein 1 Meter hoher Plüschdrache; weitere Preise sind 5x 2.500 Rubine (im Wert von je 100 EUR).

Für die Teilnahme benötigen wir von dir einen Songtext für ein potenzielles Miramagia-Lied. Lasst eurer Kreativität freien Lauf. Alle Spieler haben die gleiche Chance am Song mitzuwirken.

Schicke uns dazu eine E-Mail mit dem Text, deinen Avatarnamen sowie die Spielwelt mit dem Betreff „Miramagia-Lied“ an gewinnspiel@miramagia.com. Die Gewinner werden von der Miramagia-Jury ausgelost und benachrichtigt. Einsendeschluss ist der 08. Februar 2015. Alle Details zum Ablauf findest du in unseren Teilnahmebedingungen.

Teilnahmebedingungen lesen

Das Miramagia Team freut sich auf viele schöne Einsendungen!


Die Travian Games GmbH, Wilhelm-Wagenfeld-Str. 22, 80807 München, Deutschland (fortan: TRAVIAN GAMES) veranstaltet im Rahmen des Onlinegames Miramagia eine Gewinnaktion, bei der insgesamt ein circa 1 Meter hoher Plüsch-Drache und 5x 2500 Rubine zu gewinnen sind. Die Einzelheiten der Aktion richten sich nach den folgenden Bedingungen:

1. Allgemeines Mit Einsendung seines Songtextes bestätigt und akzeptiert der Teilnehmer die Geltung dieser Bedingungen.Die Teilnahme ist freiwillig und kostenlos.Die Teilnahme ist nur für Miramagia-Spieler mit Wohnsitz in Deutschland, Österreich oder der Schweiz möglich.Teilnahmeberechtigt sind alle Personen, die zum Zeitpunkt der Einsendung ihres Song-Textes das 16. Lebensjahr vollendet haben.Der Rechtsweg ist ausgeschlossen.2. AblaufJeder Teilnehmer hat die Aufgabe, einen Songtext für ein potentielles Miramagia-Lied zu schreiben und an gewinnspiel@miramagia.com zu senden. Dabei soll er sowohl seinen Klarnamen wie auch seinen Miramagia-Nickname und seine Miramagia-Spielwelt angeben.Der Song-Text darf keine gewalttätigen oder -verherrlichenden, pornografischen, diskriminierenden, rassistischen, moralisch verwerflichen, religiösen oder sonstige verbotene Inhalte haben. Durch den Song-Text dürfen außerdem keine Marken-, Urheber oder sonstige Rechte Dritter, insbesondere Persönlichkeitsrechte verletzt werden.Die eingesendeten Lied-Texte der sechs Gewinner können auf der Miramagia-Homepage sowie den Social Media-Kanälen von Miramagia veröffentlicht werden. Dabei werden auch der Miramagia-Nickname und die Miramagia-Spielwelt des entsprechenden Teilnehmers veröffentlicht.Eine Jury, bestehend aus mindestens drei Miramagia-Teammitgliedern, wird aus allen Einsendungen sechs (6) Texte auswählen und als Gewinner küren. Maßstab für die Bewertung sind Kreativität und Authentizität. Im Falle eines Unentschieden entscheidet das Los.Die Gewinner werden bis zum 15.02.2015 auf der Miramagia-Homepage und den Social Media-Kanälen von Miramagia mit ihrem Miramagia-Nicknamen und Miramagia-Spielwelt bekannt gegeben. Zusätzlich werden die Gewinner persönlich per E-Mail benachrichtigt und um die Mitteilung einer zustellungsfähigen Adresse gebeten, um den Gewinn zusenden zu können. 3. Einsendeschluss

Einsendeschluss ist der 08.02.2015.

4. Preise Es werden ein erster Platz und fünf zweite Plätze ausgewählt.Der Gewinner des ersten Platzes erhält einen circa 1 Meter hohen Plüschdrachen im Wert von 500€. Die fünf Gewinner der zweiten Plätze erhalten jeweils 2500 Rubine im Wert von jeweils 100€.Ist die Zustellung an die vom Gewinner mitgeteilte Adresse nicht möglich, ist TRAVIAN GAMES nicht verpflichtet, weitere Zustellungsversuche zu unternehmen.Eine Barauszahlung der Gewinne ist nicht möglich.5. Gewährleistung

TRAVIAN GAMES übernimmt für Sachpreise keine Gewährleistung. TRAVIAN GAMES tritt sämtliche Gewährleistungsrechte hinsichtlich eines Sachpreises an den jeweiligen Gewinner ab. Mit Annahme des Sachpreises nimmt der Gewinner die Abtretung an. Jeder Spieler, der einen Sachpreis gewinnt, wird demnach sämtliche Gewährleistungsrechte nicht gegenüber TRAVIAN GAMES geltend machen, sondern direkt gegenüber dem Verkäufer bzw. Hersteller.

6. Rechtsübertragung

Der Teilnehmer willigt mit Einsendung seines Beitrages (Songtext) in die Veröffentlichung des Beitrages, insbesondere im Rahmen der werblichen Nutzung für Miramagia und TRAVIAN GAMES ein. Er räumt TRAVIAN GAMES unwiderruflich ein zeitlich und räumlich uneingeschränktes exklusives Nutzungs- und Verwertungsrecht, inklusive dem Recht zur Unterlizenzierung, an den eingesendeten Inhalten ein.

Die Rechteeinräumung gilt über das Gewinnspielende hinaus.

TRAVIAN GAMES erhält insbesondere das Bearbeitungsrecht, das Verbreitungsrecht (körperliche Verwertungsrechte), das Vortrags-, Aufführungs- und Vorführungsrecht, das Recht der öffentlichen Zugänglichmachung (insbesondere im Internet), das Senderecht, das Recht zur Wiedergabe auf Bild- und Tonträgern und das Recht der Wiedergabe von Funksendungen (unkörperliche Verwertungsrechte)

Die Rechteeinräumung erfolgt auch für neue Nutzungsarten, die erst in der Zukunft bekannt werden.

TRAVIAN GAMES kann eingeräumte Rechte ganz oder teilweise auf Dritte übertragen sowie eingeräumte Nutzungsrechte mit sofortiger Wirkung für die Zukunft widerrufen, ohne dass es hierzu der Zustimmung des Teilnehmers bedarf.

Der Songtext darf durch TRAVIAN GAMES oder beauftragte Dritte zweckgebunden bearbeitet werden. Das gilt insbesondere für die Verbindung mit dem Spiel Miramagia. Es darf auch mit einem Filter bearbeitet werden, um ein einheitliches Äußeres der Kampagne zu gewährleisten. Schließlich ist das Recht übertragen, den Songtext auch zur Herstellung, Vervielfältigung und Verbreitung für werbliche Zwecke im Zusammenhang mit dem Spiel Miramagia und zur Bewerbung des Gewinnspiel in allen Medien und Formaten zu nutzen.

Jeder Teilnehmer versichert, dass der von ihm eingestellte Beitrag nicht gegen die Teilnahmebedingungen dieses Gewinnspiels und nicht gegen geltendes Recht verstoßen (insbesondere, aber nicht abschließend Urheber, Leistungsschutz-, Bild-, Persönlichkeits- und sonstige Rechte).

Jeder Teilnehmer erklärt, alle Rechte an seinen Beiträgen zu besitzen oder erworben zu haben, und die an der Herstellung des Beitrags ggf. weiteren Beteiligten angemessen vergütet zu haben. Ferner sichert der Teilnehmer TRAVIAN GAMES zu, dass er die Rechte am konkreten Beitrag an keinen Dritten übertragen hat bzw. nicht übertragen wird. Mit Einsendung des Beitrages versichert der Teilnehmer, dass die von ihm übersendeten Texte frei von Rechten Dritter sind (insbesondere etwa von Urheber- und Markenrechten an Text sowie von Persönlichkeitsrechten an genannten oder in sonstiger Form dargestellten Personen). Der Teilnehmer versichert zudem die Mangelfreiheit, insbesondere die technische Mangelfreiheit, der gelieferten Beiträge.

Bei Verstoß gegen vorbenannte Bestimmungen stellt der Teilnehmer TRAVIAN GAMES von etwaigen Ansprüchen, insbesondere von festgestellten oder behaupteten Ansprüchen Dritter, auf erstes Anfordern frei. Eingeschlossen sind etwaige im Falle eines Rechtsstreits entstehende Kosten und Aufwendungen. Schon bei begründetem Verdacht gegen einen Verstoß der abgegebenen Rechtegarantie ist TRAVIAN GAMES berechtigt, die eingestellten Beiträge herunterzunehmen/zu löschen.

TRAVIAN GAMES weist ausdrücklich darauf hin, dass die übersendeten Texte von den jeweils genannten Teilnehmern stammen und ausschließlich die persönliche Meinung des jeweiligen Teilnehmers wiedergeben. Auf den Inhalt der von einem Teilnehmer übersendete Texte hat TRAVIAN GAMES keinen Einfluss.

Es besteht kein Anspruch gegen TRAVIAN GAMES auf Veröffentlichung von Texten.

7. Datenschutz

Die Behandlung der überlassenen Daten erfolgt in Übereinstimmung mit den gesetzlichen Bestimmungen. Die Angabe personenbezogener Daten auf den Seiten von TRAVIAN GAMES erfolgt grundsätzlich auf freiwilliger Basis. Um an dem Gewinnspiel teilnehmen zu können, ist es unerlässlich, sich anzumelden und zu registrieren. Die Teilnehmer sind damit einverstanden, dass die Daten, insbesondere die Angaben, die bei der Anmeldung von TRAVIAN GAMES oder von beauftragten Dienstleistern erhoben werden, zur Abwicklung der Gewinnspielteilnahme gemäß den Bestimmungen des Bundesdatenschutzgesetzes verarbeitet und genutzt werden. Die Daten werden – ohne gesonderte Einwilligung des Teilnehmers – nicht unbefugt an Dritte weitergegeben oder für andere Zwecke verwendet.

Jeder Teilnehmer hat das Recht, jederzeit über die von TRAVIAN GAMES über ihn gespeicherten Daten Auskunft zu verlangen sowie Änderungen zu fordern und gegebenenfalls Daten löschen zu lassen. Der Veranstalter steht dem Teilnehmer hierzu unter E-Mail zur Verfügung. TRAVIAN GAMES weist ferner darauf hin, dass er ggf. gesetzlich verpflichtet sein kann, Daten aufzubewahren. Bis zur gesetzlichen Löschungsverpflichtung werden dann die Daten aber auf Wunsch des Teilnehmers gesperrt.

Im Übrigen gilt die Datenschutzerklärung der Internetseite: www.miramagia.de

Stand: 14.01.2015

Travian Games GmbH
Wilhelm-Wagenfeld-Straße 22
80807 München

Geschäftsführer: Siegfried Müller

Zurück zum Gewinnspiel

Fansite support

If you'd like to design and run your own fansite for Miramagia, we'd be very happy.

In our fansite policy you'll find all the relevant important information.

Apart from that, we have collected some graphics for you in order to make the start as easy as possible for you. Our fansite package contains a number of graphics from various areas, e.g. characters, dragons, backgrounds, logos and of course many of the plants. These graphics can be used for decorating your own website in accordance with our fansite policy.

We hope you have fun with your new site and, if you have any questions or requests, we'd be glad to take a look at them in the forum!

Download fansite packageFansite guidelinesMagical adventures in botanical worlds

A magical realm full of fantastic plants and creatures awaits you: Miramagia combines an exciting magical world with the irresistible charm of a gardening simulation.

Magic is everywhere in Miramagia, whether you’re a sorcerer, mage, druid or shaman, and can even be found in your own magic garden! You will first learn how to grow herbs, mushrooms and magic shrubs step by step. Once you have cast your first few spells, you will receive a recently hatched baby dragon. If you raise it with tender loving care you will then have a mighty companion to compete with in thrilling dragon races against other players later on in the game.

But this is just the beginning: you will confront the first big challenges after just a few hours of gameplay. Not only must the garden be made to look beautiful. You must tend to rare flora and learn powerful spells as well. Everything can be done with magic in Miramagia, from a quick rain spell to changing of entire climatic zones. The entire game world of Miramagia consists of meticulously drawn and animated graphics.

You must also be loyal and committed to the village community, for example in helping to look after the village tree or in competing in friendly competitions against neighbouring villages. There are over 500 decorative items the player can use to adorn the village.

There are special occasions throughout the year such as St Valentine’s Day, Spring Festival, village dances, dragon and fairytale events, Halloween, Christmas and constant new opportunities to be active and creative. But this is only the start: more exciting adventures await you beyond the village boundaries.

Miramagia has been designed to provide game longevity and will ensure many years of gaming fun. This is thanks to a host of charming features. The player can build a magical laboratory, search for mushrooms, solve challenging alchemy puzzles and play amusing tricks on nasty competitors.

As with all browser games, players can interact with thousands of other players all over the world. The emphasis in Miramagia is harmonious coexistence. You can choose to act as a shrewd merchant or a dedicated plant breeder. A spirit of friendly competition is also a central element in the game, but all the players primarily work together to make their village beautiful and to see the world grow and flourish together.

The game is aimed at all players who love high-end casual games. The cross-genre setting, which combines roleplay and a gardening simulation, creates a special atmosphere and unique gaming experience. If you are looking for a relaxing game in a fantastic game world and appealing community, you will feel very much at home in Miramagia.

Game data37 Plants>130 Laboratory items>600 Items of clothingApprox. 100 hairstyles>500 Decorative objectsDifferent occasions every monthHelpFAQ - Answers

Here you can find answers to the game. You also have the possibility of contacting Support, should you not find an answer here.

Game Rules

Here you will find the current game rules.

Contact Game Support

Use your registered e-mail address to send a message to support@miramagia.com
Please mention your player name and the game world in your request.


In our Forum you will be able to chat with other players.

Let's Play - support

A 'Let's Play' is a digital video posted on YouTube or a similar platform, which shows a player playing a computer game. The players communicate their actions whilst playing.

The permission of the rights holder is required for such Let's Play videos, this is because copyrighted and trademarked content will be shown.

If you want to make a Let's Play video about Miramagia, you'll find everything you need to know here.

Guidelines for Let's Play videosWorld selectionCone Bush (online)Players: Active: 1120 - Online: 61World selectionCone Bush (online)Players: Active: 1120 - Online: 61Miramagia Companion

The Miramagia Companion is exclusive to Android and the app you have long been waiting for! With the Miramagia Companion, you won't have to miss out on playing Miramagia when you don't have access to a PC or Mac. You are now always able to use the following functions on-the-go with this application:

Sowing, harvesting, watering, vapourising and much more.spinning the Wheel of Fortune, visiting the Tent of Advanced Magic or the Magical Lottery Boothwatering the Village Treeworking as a Village Assistant

Exclusively in the app is the function to instantly collect all the mushrooms currently available in the village in one go. This saves a lot of time and ensures that you don't miss a single mushroom. What's more, an indicator keeps you constantly informed of how many mushrooms you can harvest today.

Of course, you can also purchase Rubies in the Companion app and buy new Plant Fairies for example, accelerate vapourisation or spin the Wheel of Fortune.

When you use Miramagia Companion for the first time, you'll also receive a little thank you in the form of 10 Rubies and an exclusive garden object.

Important: Companion was not designed to be a game in its own right, rather it serves simply as a support to the browser game Miramagia, which you can play for free at www.miramagia.com. Certain game functions, such as upgrading buildings, the village and city overview as well as the chat are not yet supported in the app. If you don't yet play Miramagia – a huge community of enthusiastic players looks forward to welcoming you!

Minimum requirements:

Operating system: Android 2.3.3 or higherdisplay resolution: 320 x 240 or higherTravian Games: we've got the right game for everyoneRail Nation

Build your railway empire in your browser! As the founder of a small railway company, you can turn a backwater town into a modern metropolis. Work together with other players, develop your rail network and become the most influential tycoon in six exciting eras. Play Rail Nation now!

To the Game
Travian: Legends

Travian: Legends is an award-winning, international strategy game set in ancient times. Start off as the chief of your little village, establish more of them, lead wars or trade with your neighbours peacefully. Fight your way to the top alongside your allies.

To the Game
goalunited PRO

goalunited PRO is a football manager simulation with unique gaming depth, ensuring long-lasting motivation like no other management game. Seamless realism is provided by the highly extensive and complex details of the matches.

To the Game
Travian: Kingdoms

Travian: Kingdoms is the new version of the award-winning, international strategy game set in ancient times. Become the king of your own empire or start out as the governor of your little village. Found additional settlements, wage war or trade peacefully with your neighbours. With the help of your allies you and your kingdom will fight your way to the top.

To the Game

As the leader of your own racing team, you're responsible for all aspects of your team. Research, development, drivers and strategy being just a few examples of what you will have to take care of in order to compete against players in worldwide live races. All of that right from the heart of the action: the pits!

To the Game

To the Game
All NewsA new home for you09.09.2022 15:57

Cooperation with Magoia...more

Farewell, Miramagia!31.08.2022 14:00

Closure of the game as of 30th November 2022...more

Deco time16.07.2022 20:52

why not share your decoration skills?...more

Magic Nights season18.06.2022 21:10

Susie is back with her maze!...more

Platinum Jubilee02.06.2022 17:43

yourmajesty ka ching code...more

world wanderers season14.05.2022 14:24

Fareeja is here!...more

welcoming Spring14.04.2022 13:08

14th to 26th April 2022...more

Egg Hunt Competition12.04.2022 19:17

check out the Egg hunt competition in the forum...more

A new home for you09.09.2022 15:57Dear Miramagicians,

Magoia is offering you a new home via a cooperation.
Register your account following this link, and you'll receive a huge welcome package:


You already registered an account there in the past few days? You want to know more about Magoia? In our forum, you'll find all the answers:

Dragon greetings!
All NewsFarewell, Miramagia!31.08.2022 14:00Dear Miramagicians,

You might already have come to know by one of our other information channels that the end of Miramagia is near.

It is with a heavy heart that we have to tell you that our game worlds will be closed by 30th November 2022.

You will find more information and details in the forum:

For the upcoming weeks, we hope you will have many amazing moments with your friends from Miramagia!

Miro and the whole Miramagia Team

All NewsDeco time16.07.2022 20:52All NewsMagic Nights season18.06.2022 21:10Come explore!All NewsPlatinum Jubilee02.06.2022 17:43For the next few days only - a code to mark the Platinum Jubilee of Her Majesty Elizabeth II. OVoucher code valid from now to 5th JuneAll Newsworld wanderers season14.05.2022 14:24Come and solve Fareeja's seasonal puzzles! The World Wanderer season has started.All Newswelcoming Spring14.04.2022 13:08Come join us in hunting for eggs, and enjoying Spring here in MiramagiaAll NewsEgg Hunt Competition12.04.2022 19:17In the forum, Current Competitions, there is an egg hunt competition . . prizes to be won!All NewsGame overviewGeneral

The following overview shows you which game features are unlocked at which level on your magical farm.


The following table shows you the level from which different plants are available on your farm and which zone they're best suited to.


Here you'll find answers to questions relating to the transformation. Loads of tips and tricks will help you to enhance your magical powers even further.

Wonderful Starter Package

Our package for beginners which we've named "Dreamy Starter Package" for its extensive content is also beneficial to experienced players.

Weekly prize

Here you can find out all about the exclusive weekly prizes, e.g. how you can win them, when there are new prizes and how often you can win them.


The following table shows you the level from which different spells can be learnt and used in the game.


Hier findest du eine Übersicht aller Tastaturkommandos in Miramagia.

Overview - General

The following overview shows you which game features are unlocked at which level.

LevelEffect10Mana trader: new option available for trading Gold for Mana and vice versa (15,000 Gold for 1,500 Mana or 1,500 Mana for 15,000 Gold)12Alchemy quests become available (they also remain after a transformation for lower levels); previously you had to buy an alchemy set in the Sorcerer's Corner Shop.25Tent of Advanced Magic becomes available; can be used once per day.30Mana trader: new option available for trading Gold for Mana and vice versa (100,000 Gold for 8,000 Mana or 10,000 Mana for 80,000 Gold)50Magical Lottery Booth becomes available90Thanks to the flowers on the World Tree, you can see how much Miragic has already been collected for the transformation and the growth of the World Tree.100Transformation (see separate overview)

This also includes plants and spells (see the separate lists) and a whole host of decoration items which become available at various levels.

Additionally, once levels 11, 21, 31, etc. up until level 91 are reached, your house on the village map expands.

After the first transformation, once level 50 is reached, an additional daily free lottery ticket is unlocked for the Magical Lottery Booth.

return to selectionOverview - Plants

The following table shows you at which level different plants become available and which zones they're best suited to.

LevelPlantZone1CarrotShaded2RoseSunny4PumpkinCool6Wild GrapesCool8SnowdropsShaded10Cone BushShaded12Tubular MushroomsCool14Key BeetShaded15 + World Tree Level 2Winking RootSunny16TowerkrautCool18Fly AgaricShaded20Morning DewShaded25Crystal FernCool30Stinging NettleCool35Marble BushSunny40HorsetailSunny45Sorrel BallsSunny50Stone TruffleSunny55Spotted CucumberShaded60Tousled LettuceCool65Fanfare ReedCool67 + World Tree Level 2MirabelleSunny70Bell FlowerShaded75Cone ThistleSunny80SpudsCool85SnapdragonsSunny90LeaferShadedreturn to selectionOverview - Spell

The following table shows you from which level you can learn a spell.

LevelSpellEffectCost1Vaporise 1+250 XP500 Gold
40 Carrots3Hop-Along Bunny+200 XP950 Gold
65 Roses5Generous Present+250 XP400 Gold
35 Roses
35 Carrots7Downpour 1+250 XP200 Gold
50 Wild Grapes
50 Carrots10House Jester+1500 XP950 Gold
100 Cone Bushes
50 Snowdrops
120 Roses10Share Experience 1+150 XP
+5 Shared XP
20% Plant bonus200 Gold
80 Cone Bushes
50 Snowdrops
120 Roses14Downpour 2+500 XP800 Gold
50 Snowdrops
40 Wild Grapes
80 Pumpkins16Vaporise 2+500 XP2000 Gold
100 Cone Bushes
80 Roses
100 Pumpkins20Short Range Teleportation+100 XP5000 Gold
100 Snowdrops
80 Wild Grapes
200 Fly Agarics20Share Experience 2+300 XP
+10 Shared XP
+22% Plant bonus1100 Gold
200 Tubular Mushrooms
50 Morning Dews
50 Wild Grapes20Seal of returns 1+300 XP
+20% Bonus to XP, Mana, harvest yield400 Gold
170 Tubular Mushrooms
20 Morning Dews
20 Wild Grapes20Lease of life-Free - if Seal of Returns 1 is learnt20Remove seal-Free - if Seal of Returns 1 is learnt21Create Shaded Zone 1+150 XP3500 Gold
150 Roses
250 Tubular Mushrooms
120 Pumpkins22Downpour 3+750 XP1200 Gold
120 Cone Bushes
90 Fly Agarics
100 Pumpkins26Vaporise 3+750 XP5000 Gold
100 Snowdrops
90 Morning Dews
400 Fly Agarics30Share Experience 3+450 XP
+15 Shared XP
+24% Plant bonus1600 Gold
70 Stinging Nettles
250 Key Beets
80 Fly Agarics30Seal of returns 2+600 XP
+22% Bonus to XP, Mana, harvest yield3500 Gold
20 Stinging Nettles
190 Cone Bushes
38 Fly Agarics31Create Cool Zone 1+150 XP5000 Gold
120 Cone Bushes
200 Roses
100 Morning Dews34Downpour 4+1000 XP

1600 Gold
60 Morning Dews
150 Fly Agarics
40 Crystal Ferns

36Vaporise 4+1000 XP10000 Gold
150 Stinging Nettles
120 Morning Dews
150 Crystal Ferns40Share Experience 4+600 XP
+20 Shared XP
+26% Plant bonus2100 Gold
140 Horsetails
100 Morning Dews
300 Towerkraut40Seal of returns 3+900 XP
+24% Bonus to XP, Mana, harvest yield1100 Gold
15 Morning Dews
100 Pumpkins
200 Horsetails41Create Sunny Zone 1+150 XP7000 Gold
100 Stinging Nettles
120 Wild Grapes
150 Crystal Ferns44Downpour 5+1250 XP2000 Gold
50 Stinging Nettles
80 Marble Bushes
60 Morning Dews50Share Experience 5+750 XP
+25 Shared XP
+28% Plant bonus

2700 Gold
60 Stone Truffles
350 Tubular Mushrooms
170 Sorrel Balls

50Seal of returns 4+1200 XP
+26% Bonus to XP, Mana, harvest yield1900 Gold
20 Stone Truffles
40 Marble Bushes
150 Horsetails51Vaporise 5+1250 XP25000 Gold
150 Marble Bushes
200 Sorrel Balls
300 Horsetails54Downpour 6+1500 XP2600 Gold
90 Marble Bushes
80 Sorrel Balls
150 Horsetails57Create Shaded Zone 2+300 XP10000 Gold
100 Stinging Nettles
50 Stone Truffles
200 Crystal Ferns58Flying Sparks+100 XP10000 Gold
100 Sorrel Balls
300 Horsetails
300 Pumpkins60Share Experience 6+900 XP
+30 Shared XP
+30% Plant bonus3200 Gold
60 Tousled Lettuces
400 Towerkraut
80 Spotted Cucumbers60Seal of returns 5+1500 XP
+28% Bonus to XP, Mana, harvest yield3200 Gold
60 Tousled Lettuces
400 Towerkraut62Create Cool Zone 2+300 XP15000 Gold
250 Horsetails
50 Stone Truffles
120 Marble Bushes64Downpour 71750 XP3200 Gold
40 Stone Truffles
110 Sorrel Balls
200 Horsetails67Create Sunny Zone 2+300 XP20000 Gold
180 Morning Dews
300 Fly Agarics
450 Spotted Cucumbers70Share Experience 7+1050 XP
+35 Shared XP
+32% Plant bonus3700 Gold
450 Cone Bushes
30 Fanfare Reeds
180 Bell Flowers70Seal of returns 6+1800 XP
+30% Bonus to XP, Mana, harvest yield6050 Gold
30 Tousled Lettuces
50 Towerkraut
250 Spotted Cucumbers74Downpour 8+2000 XP3800 Gold
100 Fanfare Reeds
120 Tousled Lettuces
150 Bell Flowers80Share Experience 8

+1200 XP
+50 Shared XP
+34% Plant bonus

4200 Gold
100 Stinging Nettles
500 Tubular Mushrooms
40 Spuds80Seal of returns 7+2100 XP
+32% Bonus to XP, Mana, harvest yield10850 Gold
24 Stinging Nettles
175 Sorrel Balls
11 Spuds82Create Shaded Zone 3+450 XP20000 Gold
100 Stone Truffles
200 Tousled Lettuces
150 Cone Thistles84Downpour 94250 XP4400 Gold
30 Spuds
500 Towerkraut
120 Cone Thistles85Seal of returns 8+2400 XP
+34% Bonus to XP, Mana, harvest yield19450 Gold
9 Snapdragons
160 Tousled Lettuces
40 Bell Flowers87Create Cool Zone 3+450 XP

25000 Gold
100 Stone Truffles
150 Snapdragons
250 Bell Flowers

90Share Experience 9+1350 XP
+60 Shared XP
+36% Plant bonus4800 Gold
80 Stone Truffles
550 Key Beets
60 Snapdragons90Seal of returns 9+2700 XP
+36% Bonus to XP, Mana, harvest yield35000 Gold
25 Stinging Nettles
10 Sorrel Balls
140 Bell Flowers92Create Sunny Zone 3+450 XP30000 Gold
100 Leafers
100 Spuds
250 Tousled Lettuces94Downpour 102500 XP5000 Gold
60 Leafers
50 Spuds
100 Snapdragons95Seal of returns 10+3000 XP
+38% Bonus to XP, Mana, harvest yield35000 Gold
35 Stone Truffles
15 Leafers
160 Cone Thistles98Share Experience 10+1500 XP
+75 Shared XP
+38% Plant bonus5200 Gold
70 Leafers
600 Towerkraut
60 Spotted Cucumbersreturn to selectionOverview - Wonderful Starter Package

Our package for beginners which we've named "Dreamy Starter Package" for its extensive content is also beneficial to experienced players.

Together, this content provides you with a little boost when growing plants and make the game so much easier.

What exactly does that mean?

These are the advantages of the Dreamy Starter Package:

Clears your field of level 1 obstructions.This automatic vapourisation saves time and resources; you need all the room you can get on your field for more plants, particularly at the lower levels.
(read more under "Info about clearing obstructions")7 Plant Fairies accelerate plant growth for 5 days.Thanks to faster growth, you can harvest much more over the same period of time.The current level of your existing buildings is instantly raised by 1, if possible.Saves time and resources - and much more at a high character level.
(read more under "Info about upgrading buildings")The useful "Busy Little Helpers" spell for growing plants is unlocked for 7 days.Cultivates the whole field with just one click.In combination with the Club Account, the powerful spell "Overall, boosted Downpour" is unlocked.You receive the animated garden item "A heart for plants".A magnificent and sweet animated heart for the garden; not everyone has this.Info about clearing obstructions

As soon as a package has been redeemed, all level 1 obstructions are cleared.

Any level 1 vapourisations currently taking place are finished instantly. Obstructions of level 2 or higher are not affected and must still be cleared.

The time and Mana costs for clearing the next field square are calculated from the number of field squares already cleared. Squares cleared by the package are also included here, although the package allows you to save a lot of time and Mana. The next vapourisation following the package works in the same manner as if the level 1 squares were unlocked by the conventional way.

The level 1 field squares have to be vapourised anew after a transformation.

Field squaresCosts and durationalready vapourisedto be vapourisedManaSeconds01,80900 -Dragon bonus12,1602.700 -Dragon bonus23,3268.100 -Dragon bonus34,55417.100 -Dragon bonus910,2.892146.700 -Dragon bonus1213,4.561260.100 -Dragon bonus1314,5.181305.100 -Dragon bonus1415,5.832353.700 -Dragon bonus1920,9.513650.700 -Dragon bonus2425,13.8531.037.700 -Dragon bonus2930,18.7941.514.700 -Dragon bonus3435,24.2952.081.700 -Dragon bonus3940,30.3222.738.700 -Dragon bonus4445,36.8493.485.700 -Dragon bonus4950,43.8534.322.700 -Dragon bonus5455,51.3155.249.700 -Dragon bonus5960,59.2186.266.700 -Dragon bonus6263,64.1666.920.100 -Dragon bonusEverything cleared Info about upgrading buildings

In order to be able to use the advantage, you should make sure every building site has a building, even if you simply start a construction order.

If the maximum level of a building has already been reached, this advantage will have no effect. You can find information about the current/maximum upgrade level in the corresponding building window.

If a building is still being constructed and is not yet finished, the level will be immediately increased by one and the progress percent will be carried over to the next level at a ratio of 1:1. That means, if a building has a progress of 50% for level 10 before the package, it will have a progress of 50% for level 11 after the package. In this case, you can also save even more as level 11 would cost more time and resources.

However, if the building would reach its maximum level once upgraded, the upgrade is simply completed instantly.

Available once?

This dreamy offer can only be redeemed once now. However, it becomes available again after each transformation

Where can I find the package?

You can find it in the "Spend Rubies" window. This can be accessed best by simply clicking on the "+" symbol in the menu at the top.

If the package is available to you, if will appear at the top of the list. If you have already bought it and haven't transformed in the meantime, it will be moved to the bottom of the list; this allows you to see the advantages even afterwards.

Finally, we hope you have fun with the Dreamy Starter Package in Miramagia!

return to selectionOverview - TransformationWhat is the transformation?

Once you've reached level 100 in the game you can transform; that means, ascend to a higher magical echelon. But the decision is yours. You'll then receive the following message in the game:

The High Council of Mages has confirmed that you are powerful enough to carry out the magical transformation and in doing so, strengthen the World Tree with this mighty ritual. Use Teleportation to travel to the World Tree at the centre of the world, and use the Fountain of Eternal Youth in order to perform the ritual of magical transformation.

All your possessions that you have earned upon reaching level 100 will be turned into Miragic when performing the ritual to strengthen the World Tree.


Once enough magically-gifted people have performed the magical transformation ritual, the World Tree will level up and create new content in the world; content which is not available in any other world that has not reached the same World Tree level. By looking at the rune stones at the foot of the World Tree, you can see how much it has already been strengthened by Miragic. The more glowing runes there are, the closer the World Tree is to reaching the next level.

The mouse-over on the tree shows you when the tree will grow again.

Important: as you transform further and become more powerful with the advantages this brings, the time between each transformation will shorten as the game goes on.

You can find all the information about the transformation in the answers to the following questions.

Why should I transform?

There's a whole host of advantages which come with transformations; the list grows a little longer with every update. In particular, some important extras exclusively for players that have transformed will be introduced in the upcoming updates. Here is the current list of reasons to perform a transformation:

The Magic Circle produces 5% more Mana after the first transformation, 10% more after the second and 15% after the third, etc.Magical crystals grow on the edge of your field. Thanks to a transformation bonus, they accelerate plant growth by 0.5% after every transformation.After each transformation, one more field square becomes available for "Share Experience" (as of the update on the 4th June 2013).You have the chance to change your class and gender for free.Additional building levels are unlocked for the following buildings after the first transformation:Store House (max. level 110 instead of 100)Laboratory (max. level 28 instead of 25)Magic Circle (max. level 55 instead of 50)Dragon's Lair (max. level 9 instead of 8)The dragon can now grow from level 26 to level 27.Once you have reached level 50 after the first transformation, you'll receive a free lottery ticket every day at the Magical Lottery Booth.You receive a purple cloak. This changes with every transformation, enabling other players to see your progress. The cloak is optional and can be removed or put back on at any time.A special transformation cloak can be bought in the Sorcerer's Corner Shop after the first transformation.You get one of eight statues. This depends which class and gender you performed the transformation in.Once you have performed a certain number of transformations, you'll receive an achievement, e.g. straight after the first transformation.After a transformation, you have the option to obtain further achievements, which can only be completed after a transformation (these require that you now upgrade your buildings as fast as possible for example).You secure yourself a place in the Hall of Fame at the World Tree.You receive a new rank; this depends on the existing transformations as well as medals in the rankings.

The ranks individually:0Magic beginner13Magus singularis1Magic student14Archmagus minor2Magic Apprentice15Archmagus humilis3Magic adept16Archmagus major4Magus minor17Archmagus magnus5Magus humilis18Archmagus insignis6Magus major19Archmagus nobilis7Magus magnus20Archmagus supreme8Magus insignis21Archmagus excelsus9Magus nobilis22Archmagus magnificus10Magus supreme23Archmagus singularis11Magus excelsus24Archmagus majestaticus12Magus magnificus25Miragicus nobilis

More advantages follow - it's always worthwhile to transform as early as you can.

What do I lose after a transformation?All buildings disappear (except for your house, which resets to level 1; all buildings will remain at level 1 after Update 5, expected in July 2013).All the plants in the Store House disappear (except for 2 Carrots to start you off).All dragon feed is lost.Gold is reset to 1,000.Mana is reset to 300.Experience points are reset to 0; this affects your individual rank as well as the rank for your village.All spells from the Mage Academy are reset (excluding spells you have won).Field squares that you already vapourised are reset; only the usual nine starting squares and the fields squares behind the magic barrier remain vapourised after the transformation. The latter can be used immediately, providing Expand Field is unlocked.All of the articles you've placed on the market are deleted and do not contribute to the Miragic.The dragon now only has level 1.The old Questies disappear and are replaced by five new Questies with plant orders you can realistically fulfil.What can I do to save as much as possible?Certain decoration items are very valuable and can be sold in the Sorcerer's Corner Shop for 15% of the original price (buy first and sell after the transformation).As much Gold as possible should be invested in one or more lucrative big orders before performing a transformation; however these can only be completed after the transformation. This would help the other inhabitants of the village, too. In this way, you also profit from the transformations of other village inhabitants.By trading in a cunning manner, you can store plants with other players. However this does not come without its risks; other players often look out for these kinds of offers on the market.Wait until all of your plants have been sold on the market.Sell your laboratory items.Sell your dragon feed.Before performing the transformation, you should definitely use the shaded or cool zone (see plant overview).Extend the zone on your field with the Mana you have, before you perform the Transformation. The zone is, however, reset to level 1 with Update 4 (June 2013), but rises again later when learning the higher spell levels.

You can find more useful tips and tricks in the forum.

What do I keep?RubiesAll Plus features (Plus and Club Account, Premium Questies, Plant Fairies, Expand Field etc.)Alchemy quests can be completed by transformed players as early as level 1All laboratory items that have been won up until now, as well as all garden items and gifts (you should try to win as many laboratory items as possible before transforming)Zone spells already cast (however they are rest to level 1)Spells you have won, no matter where they are fromThe spell for watering the Village Tree (available as a regularity bonus)PhialsMushrooms collectedAll spells created from mushrooms (the exception is dragon feed)Lottery tickets (but they can only be used again from level 50)All achievements (these can even require a transformation)Progress for the regularity bonusProgress with the DjinniRank as village elderHow is the Miragic calculated?The Miragic is calculated from the upgrade levels of the buildings, the level of the dragon, the number of own transformations as well as the total Gold, Mana, plants and laboratory items that you possess once reaching level 100.From level 90, you can see the current amount of points at the World Tree, this is 'frozen' once you reach level 100.What do all the players get?New game content such as plants and garden items for example.The World Tree is growing and distant mysterious islands draw closer; who knows what importance these will have in the future...?What exactly is changing with Update 4 in June 2013?For each transformation, you get one more field square when using "Share Experience".Field squares included in the Expand Field are now vapourised from the very beginning, not only after a transformation.An active field zone resets to level 1 after a transformation. Previously, each week had an individual level. After which, the field zone will always correspond to the current spell level learnt (also for the time currently available)What exactly is changing with Update 5 (expected July 2013)?Transformed players will have significantly more options in a larger new feature.The buildings no longer disappear after a transformation, instead they reset to level 1.Why do we have the transformation at all?

Our aim was to create a mechanism in Miramagia which would prevent players from becoming more and more powerful. Thanks to the transformation, even experienced Miramagians get into situations where they need help from their village inhabitants.

Moreover, it's much more interesting to rapidly progress to the higher levels as a different class or by making use of new options, compared to simply reaching level 120 within the same time instead. This wouldn't unlock any more content either. We still have some work ahead of us for the future, particularly in allocating each class with special skills and different attributions. This is all being planned.

Furthermore, the transformation avoids the situation where a village remains forever unbeatable, even if in practice it is difficult to beat a village with seven top-level players who don't transform. Play with the long-term goal in mind; patience is key!

return to selectionWeekly prize

You can win the weekly prize at the Wheel of Fortune, at the top of the village. This is possible right from character level 1.

A new form of prize

The weekly prize is a new way to win a prize, taking equal place alongside all the other prizes and giving the magical Wheel of Fortune a golden hourglass.

Each spin of the wheel could, with a little luck, lead to you winning a weekly prize.

Available for a limited time

It's no coincidence that an hourglass marks the weekly prize. In contrast to running prizes that are available continuously at the Wheel of Fortune, the weekly prize can only be won for a short period of time. You have exactly one week to get this prize; it's announced on Monday at the Wheel of Fortune and Sunday is then the final chance to win it.

New every week

As soon as the current weekly prize expires on Sunday, it is replaced on the Monday by the next prize. It's therefore worthwhile to check often and use all the free spins for the prize too.

Incidentally, every weekly prize is unique and can not be won again later. However, it's possible to obtain a game advantage by other means, e.g. "Share Experience" can also be enhanced using transformations. In these cases, the weekly prize adds to the effect. Decoration items, seating groups, hair styles etc. can not be bought afterwards in the game. The weekly prize is really the only chance.

A unique prize

Every weekly prize is unique. If you win it, you won't be able to win it again another time. The Wheel of Fortune will then visibly mark the weekly prize as "already received". Of course, you can continue to win all the other "running prizes".

On the next Monday, you'll then be able to spin for the weekly prize again, when the prize is announced at the Wheel of Fortune.

Current weekly prizeShare ExperienceEver-lasting

Although the same weekly prize cannot be won repeatedly, once you have won it, you can keep it forever. Regardless of whether it's a seating group, a spell enhancement, a hair style or something else.

Varied prizes

The weekly prize offers you a wide range of unusual prizes. Exotic seating groups, animated decoration items, impressive spell enhancements, mighty crystal sets and much more await you.

As not everyone will have get these prizes, you'll have a real treasure in your hands.

The Wheel of Fortune always shows you the prize and its effect before spinning; that way you won't miss out on the crucial details:

Current weekly prizeShare ExperienceCurrent weekly prizeMagic Pond (7 seats)

Moreover, you can be quickly and fully informed via your mailbox; just look out for the golden hourglass symbol:


The High Council of Mages
New weekly prize is here!

This message is sent to your mailbox every Monday.

Good luck!

return to selectionTastaturkommandosDie folgende Tabelle beinhaltet alle Tastaturkommandos von Miramagia. Daneben kannst du die Tastatur natürlich noch zum Eingeben von Namen und Zahlen verwenden.KommandoBedeutungESCSchließt Popups, bricht das Platzieren von Deko ab, setzt Zoom zurückBild runterZeigt/versteckt im Wechsel eigene VorgartendekorationBild hochZeigt/versteckt im Wechsel fremde Vorgartendekoration+Reinzoomen (z.B. im Dorf)-Rauszoomen (z.B. im Dorf)LeertasteDreht beim Platzieren Vorgartendekoration und EinrichtungSTRG gedrückt haltenMehrere gleiche Vorgartenobjekte hintereinander platzierenreturn to selectionWorld selectionCone Bush (online)Players: Active: 1120 - Online: 61Game Rules

The game rules are an extension of the general terms and conditions. In the event of a ban, or simply for checking what is and isn't allowed, the general terms and conditions should be read. Particularly here 8.

Avoiding the game rules will be considered a violation and will be treated as such. All game rules also apply to players who are intending on deleting their account, or those who already have their account in the deletion phase.

1 Account1.1. Every player is only allowed to possess and play one account per game world.1.2. The account holder is the person whose E-mail address is registered to the account. Support has the right to request the E-mail address as verification.1.3. It is a violation of the rules to share passwords and will be punished as such. Exception: multiplayer accounts. These are only permitted if the players of the account don't possess or play any other account in the same game world. Accounts that are played from the same PC are not allowed to have the same password.1.4. It is against the rules to attempt to gain access to another account unrightfully. Any login that is not carried out by the account holder will be seen as unrightful. Violations could lead to expulsion from the game. The Team will never ask you for your password!1.5. It is forbidden to buy or sell plants, items, Gold, Mana or Rubies to other players for money. It is also forbidden to offer players Rubies or money in return for fulfilling an action in the game or a task. As well as the direct sale of an account or the invested time within, it is not allowed to indirectly pass on (or give) an account via auction or another monetary means of transaction.1.6. An account must only be played for its own success and is not allowed to exist for the exclusive benefit of another account. Accounts that are exclusively used to sell another account plants, items, Gold, Mana or Rubies cheaply ('pushing') are forbidden.1.7 Inactive Miramagia accounts are absolutely not deleted. 2 Netiquette2.1. Insults, vilification or other questionable comments about other players, in any form or in any place in the game, will not be tolerated and will be punished.2.2. The writing in chat, IGMs (in-game messages) and player profiles in any language other than English is not permitted.2.3. We do not allow any links in the Chat, Profile or Forum that contain offensive or pornographic content, or content of an extreme right-wing nature. We also do not allow links to other browser games, or links that are given purely for advertising purposes, or links that lead to other so-called 'don't click' sites.2.4. Blackmail is forbidden.2.5. Adverts of any kind, spam and chain mail are not allowed.2.6. The publishing of IGMs, E-mails or chat logs in the game or the forum without the permission of both parties (or all persons involved) is not permitted.2.7. It is forbidden to force a player to delete, give or share their account, or to demand them to share their password or violate a rule.2.8. The exploitation of bugs in the game is forbidden and will be punished. The same applies to the use of scripts, bots or other similar programmes. The game must only be played with conventional browsers, rather than browsers modified for Miramagia. Graphic packs are exempt from this.2.9. The imitation of official institutions in Miramagia, or the use of unethical or politically incorrect names is forbidden and will be punished with immediate deletion. 3 AdministrationThe Support team and administrators have the right to decide the punishment for rule violations. Compensation will never be paid for the disadvantages incurred in the duration of a ban, this includes lost harvests, lost competitions or other losses. The player has no claim to the recompense or replacement of the lost time of Premium functions (Plus Account, Club Account, Busy Little Helpers, Premium Questies, Expand Field) during a ban. There will be no special treatment for paying players of Miramagia regarding the game rules, neither in the duration of a ban, nor in deciding the punishment.3.2. The Support for the specific part of the game world is the only port of call with regards to rule violations. Players can send their argument, explaining their circumstances, to Support by IGM or using the Help contact form. Players can contact admin@miramagia.com should they have good reason to question the decision of Support.3.3. The Miramagia Team reserves the right to change the game rules at any time.3.4. If a single article in the game rules becomes invalid, only the validity of the single article is effected, rather than the whole set of rules. Invalid articles will be changed by the administrators as soon as possible.Wallpaper

Here you'll find wallpaper to spruce up your desktop.

Each wallpaper is available in the sizes 800x600, 1024x768, 1280x980, 1600x1200 and 1920x1200.

Wallpaper no. 1


Wallpaper no. 2

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Lies Dir folgende Hinweise und Tipps über den Umgang mit anderen Mitspielern aufmerksam durch, damit Du weißt wie Du Dich schützen kannst. Informiere Dich über die Sicherheitsfunktionen und Beschwerdemöglichkeiten im Spiel.

Welche Regeln gibt es im Spiel und im Chat? Wo und bei wem kann ich mich beschweren? Wie kann ich andere Spieler ignorieren?

Schütze Deine persönlichen Daten & Dein Profil

Gib in Deinem Profil nur die notwendigen Daten an. Verwende bei Deiner Email-Adresse und Deinem Nickname nicht Dein Alter, Namen oder Wohnort. Wähle ein sicheres Passwort und verrate es niemandem.

Du kennst Deinen Chat Partner nicht persönlich? Gib niemals Deine persönlichen Daten im Chat an, also Deinen echten Namen, Deine Adresse, Telefonnummer, Namen Deiner Schule. Schicke auch keine privaten Fotos an Fremde oder teile Deine Profile bei Skype, MSN, Facebook und Co.

Nehme Einstellungen vor, die Dich vor Fremden schützen. Mache Deine Angaben über Heimatstadt, Land und Geburtstag nicht öffentlich.

Sicher chatten

Achte beim Chatten darauf mit wem Du schreibst. Schreibe nicht über Persönliches im Chat, IGMs oder Chatbubbles. Mache so wenig Angaben wie möglich über Dich selbst. Wenn Dich jemand nach persönlichen Sachen fragt, antworte am besten nicht. Sei freundlich und fair im Chat und verwende keine spöttischen Kommentare, keine Schimpfwörter oder Mobbing. Klicke nicht auf Links, die Dir von Fremden geschickt werden, es könnten gefährliche Seiten oder Viren sein.

Nur echte Freunde zählen

Nehme keine Freundschaftsanfragen von Fremden an, damit sie Deine persönlichen Einstellungen nicht sehen können.

Sei misstrauisch gegenüber Ansprachen von Fremden. Du weißt nicht wer am anderen Ende sitzt. Klicke nicht auf Links, die von Fremden geschickt werden.

Treffe Dich nicht allein mit Fremden, die Du nur aus dem Internet kennst. Nimm Deine Eltern mit und treffe Dich nur auf öffentlichen Plätzen.

Lasse Dir nichts gefallen

Wenn andere mobben mache nicht mit, sondern melde sie beim Support. Lasse Dich nicht von Freunden oder Fremden beeinflussen und mache nichts, was Du nicht willst. Nur weil andere es machen, heißt es nicht, dass Du es auch tun musst.

Wenn Du selbst gemobbt wirst setze Dich zur Wehr und melde die Spieler beim Support.

Wird ein Gespräch mit einem Fremden seltsam oder bekommst Du seltsame Nachrichten, brich die Unterhaltung ab und ignorier den Spieler. Du kannst auch einem Moderator Bescheid geben und dich beschweren.

Beachte die Spielregeln

Damit Spielen und Chatten Spaß macht, halte Dich bitte an die Regeln. Nimm Rücksicht auf andere und beleidige niemanden. Auch andere können sich beschweren und Du kannst Dich strafbar machen.

Verboten ist:

zu Gewalt gegen Bevölkerungsgruppen und Einzelpersonen aufzurufenverbotene Kennzeichen zu nutzen (z.B. nationalsozialistische Symbole)Veröffentlichung oder Versenden von pornografischen, gewalt- und Nationalsozialismus verherrlichenden Filmen, Bildern und Textenandere sexuell zu belästigen oder einen sexuellen Missbrauch vorzubereitenandere bloßzustellen, zu beleidigen, zu belästigen oder falsche Behauptungen aufzustellen.

Mögliche Sanktionen:

Entfernen der InhalteAusschluss aus dem SpielStrafanzeige bei schweren Verstößen (Behörden wird IP Adresse zur Verfügung gestellt)Melde Verstöße gegen die Regeln und verdächtige Spieler

Den Support erreichst Du über s1.miramagia.de/game.php?support=1

Teile dem Support folgendes mit:

Datum und UhrzeitName des SpielersSpielweltBeschreibung des VorfallsSicherheitshinweise für Eltern

Informieren Sie sich über den Spielinhalt von Miramagia und über die Schutzmaßnahmen im Spiel

Wie sensibilisiere ich mein Kind für Gefahren im Chat und im Spiel?

Lesen Sie die Aufklärung für Eltern und Kinder und das zusätzliche Material um sich zu informieren und besprechen Sie die Tipps und Regeln mit Ihrem Kind.

Welche Regeln gibt es und wie kann sich mein Kind schützen?

Die Regeln finden Sie auf der Informationsseite für Kinder

Welche Möglichkeiten gibt es Verstöße zu melden?

Link zur Seite mit den Schutzmaßnahmen.

Wie kann ich den Support kontaktieren?

Den Support erreichen Sie über s1.miramagia.de/game.php?support=1

Begleiten Sie Ihre Kinder

Besprechen Sie mit Ihren Kindern die möglichen "Gefahren" im Spiel und wie sie darauf reagieren können. Vermitteln Sie Sicherheitsregeln für Ihre Kinder. Zeigen Sie Ihnen die Schutzmechanismen und sensibilisieren Sie sie auffälliges Verhalten bei Ihnen zu melden oder direkt im Spiel.

Machen Sie sich mit den Schutzmaßnahmen vertraut

Checken Sie das Angebot und die Schutzmaßnahmen, um sie Ihren Kindern zu vermitteln.

Machen Sie sich mit AGBs und Datenschutz vertraut

Lesen Sie unsere AGBs und Datenschutz Dokumente und besprechen Sie den Inhalt mit Ihrem Kind. Sie finden die Dokumente hier:

Terms & ConditionsPrivacy PolicyBeschränken Sie die Online-Kommunikation

Treffen Sie Vereinbarungen mit Ihren Kindern wie lange sie wo und mit wem chatten / spielen dürfen.

Treffen Sie Sicherheitsvorkehrungen für den Internetzugang

In Miramagia haben Sie die Möglichkeit einen Familienschutz zu aktivieren, um den öffentlichen Chat, die Chat Bubbles und private Nachrichten auszuschalten. So schützen Sie Ihre Kinder vor ungewünschter Kontaktaufnahme Fremder. Installieren Sie auch Zusatzsoftware, wie AdBlocker, um Ihre Kinder vor unerwünschter Werbung zu schützen.

Besprechen Sie Probleme

Kinder nehmen Anfeindungen und Belästigungen meist persönlich und trauen sich nicht über diese zu sprechen. Nehmen Sie den Kindern die Angst und zeigen Sie sich als verständnisvoller Ansprechpartner. Machen Sie den Kindern keine Schuldvorwürfe und arbeiten Sie gemeinsam an einer Lösung, z.b. der Kontaktaufnahme mit dem Support oder Community Management.

Melden Sie Auffälligkeiten und Verstöße

Sichern Sie Beweise (durch Screenshots) und melden Sie Verstöße zeitnah, da wir die Protokolle nur begrenzte Zeit vorhalten dürfen.

Notieren Sie sich bei auffälligem Verhalten:

Datum und UhrzeitName des SpielersSpielweltBeschreibung des VorfallsSchutzmaßnahmen im SpielProfil und Persönliche Daten

Im Profil können Sie einstellen, welche Daten öffentlich in Ihrem Profil eingestellt werden. Öffentliche Daten sind für alle anderen Spieler einsehbar, nicht-öffentliche Daten sind für niemanden einsehbar.


Im Chat können Spieler mit anderen Spielern aus dem Dorf, dem Tal oder der ganzen Spielwelt chatten. Es sind auch private Unterhaltungen zwischen zwei Spielern möglich. Bei anstößigem Verhalten haben Sie die Möglichkeit andere Spieler beim Support zu melden.

Klicken Sie auf den Namen des Spielers im ChatWählen Sie "Spieler melden" um den Spieler beim Support zu meldenWählen Sie "Spieler ignorieren" um von diesem Spieler nicht mehr kontaktiert werden zu könnenChat Bubbles

Chat Bubbles sind Sprechblasen meines Avatars. Entdecken Sie Verstöße in Chat Bubbles machen Sie einen Screenshot und schicken Sie diesen an den Support. Den beleidigenden Spieler können Sie ignorieren, in dem Sie auf den Avatar klicken und "Spieler ignorieren" im Menü auswählen.


In der Freundesliste finden Sie alle befreundeten Spieler. Bitte beachten Sie und sensibilisieren Sie ihr Kind, wen Sie als Freund einladen. Über einen Klick auf den Namen eines Spieler können Sie diesen aus der Freundesliste entfernen.

Spieler, die Sie im Spiel ignoriert haben finden Sie auf der Schwarzen Liste wieder. Mit einem Klick auf den Spieler können Sie diesen wieder von der Liste entfernen.

Beide Listen finden Sie unter dem Punkt Verwaltung (Screenshot) und Interaktionslisten (Screenshot).


Um Ihre Kinder zu schützen, können Sie

den öffentlichen Chat komplett ausschaltenprivate Unterhaltungen ausschaltenSprechblasen ausschalten

Die Funktion finden Sie im Profil bei den Einstellungen und die Sicherung ist mit E-Mail und Passwort gesichert.

Informationen zu Funktionen im Spiel und Neuigkeiten

In unseren Foren und Answers können Sie sich über Spielinhalte, sowie Neuerungen informieren. In den Foren können Sie auch zum Community Manager Kontakt aufnehmen.

Wo kann ich mich zum Thema weiter informieren?

Es gibt verschiedene Organisationen, die Sie bei der Aufklärung Ihres Kindes mit Gefahren im Internet unterstützen können:

fragFINN e.V.

Der Verein engagiert sich auch zukünftig für einen positiven Jugendmedienschutz sowie die Stärkung der Medienkompetenz von Kindern.


jugendschutz.net wurde 1997 von den Jugendministern aller Bundesländer gegründet, um jugendschutzrelevante Angebote im Internet (so genannte Telemedien) zu überprüfen und auf die Einhaltung von Jugendschutzbestimmungen zu drängen.

Chatten ohne Risiko (pdf)Chatten ohne Risiko Poster (pdf)www.chatten-ohne-risiko.net/erwachsene/service/links/


EU Kampagne für Sicherheit im Netz.

Power Child e.V.

Verein zur Prävention von sexuellem Missbrauch an Kindern und Jugendlichen

Nummer gegen Kummer

Nummer gegen Kummer e. V. ist die Dachorganisation des größten, kostenfreien, telefonischen Beratungsangebotes für Kinder, Jugendliche und Eltern in Deutschland.


BKE Jugendberatung


Initiative Deutschland sicher im Netz

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