The Recusant - The Recusant

Web Name: The Recusant - The Recusant






it is wrong ... to imagine that the currently fashionable and approved constitutes the work of permanent importance  Alan Bold (1970) seems to me as corrupt as consciousness of culture and absence of honesty can make it. A canting, lie-loving, fact-hating, scribbling, chattering, wealth-hunting, pleasure-hunting, celebrity-hunting mob  George Bernard Shaw  An Unsocial Socialist (1883) The want of poetical power is the impelling force in the case of most versifiers. They would fain be poets, and imagine that the best way is to try to write poetry and to publish what they write. They will never see their mistake. Equus asinus still believes that the possession of an organ of noise is sufficient, with a little practice, to enable him to sing like a nightingale.  John Davidson (1857 – 1909) Australia, Austria, Canada, England, France, Germany, Hungary, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Mexico, New Zealand, Poland, Puerto Rico, Russia, Scotland, Serbia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Syria, Tasmania, Tunisia, Ukraine, USA, Wales, Zimbabwe It is necessary for the socialist poet to have more impressive technical equipment than his apolitical contemporaries because his task is that much more important. Alan Bold ...AND YET SHE IS BRINGING HER SHAMBOLIC 'DEAL' BACK TO PARLIAMENT EVEN THOUGH IT WAS REJECTED BY THE LARGEST DEFEAT IN BRITISH POLITICAL HISTORY... THE UK HAS THE HIGHEST RATE OF FATALITIES FROM COVID IN EUROPE WITH OVER 60,000 CITIZENS HAVING LOST THEIR LIVES CARE HOMES WERE EFFECTIVELY LEFT TO FEND FOR THEMSELVES EVEN NOW 'TEST AND TRACE' ISN'T UP TO SCRATCH AND ON THE CONTINUING SHAMBLES OF BREXIT, JOHNSON HAS NOW BROKEN INTERNATIONAL LAW BY UNILATERALLY REWRITING PART OF THE WITHDRAWAL AGREEMENT HE HIMSELF BROKERED AND SPURIOUSLY SOLD TO THE ELECTORATE IN DECEMBER 2019 AS OVEN READY BY DOING SO, NOT ONLY HAS HE SHOWN HIS CONTEMPT FOR THE BRITISH ELECTORATE, HE HAS ALSO IRREVOCABLY TARNISHED THE UK'S INTERNATIONAL REPUTATION FOR STRAIGHT DEALING JUST HOW MUCH MORE INCOMPETENCE AND GROSS NEGLIGENCE DOES THIS COUNTRY HAVE TO PUT UP WITH FROM THIS CHARLATAN PRIME MINISTER AND HIS MALTHUSIAN PARTY...? VISITORS TO THIS WEBSITE PLEASE NOTE THE WEBSITE COMPANY MOONFRUIT WHO MANAGE THIS AND OTHER SITES ARE CURRENTLY MIGRATING TO A DIFFERENT CONTENT PROVIDER SO THIS WEBSITE WILL TEMPORARILY NOT BE PROPERLY OPERATIVE UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. THE RECUSANT SENDS ITS CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR MANY AMERICAN CONTRIBUTORS AND READERS ON THE DEMOCRAT VICTORY OF PRESIDENT-ELECT BIDEN, WHICH PROMISES A NEW DAWN OF HOPE AND COMPASSION NOT JUST FOR AMERICA BUT FOR THE WHOLE WORLD AFTER FOUR YEARS OF DARKNESS AND DIVISON UNDER THE MOST REPREHENSIBLE PRESIDENT IN AMERICAN HISTORY - NEVER AGAIN MUST A FASCIST LEAD THE FREE WORLD! GOOD LUCK TO JOE BIDEN IN STARTING TO MEND AMERICA...

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