Reformation Theology Blog
The Many Benefits of eBooks
:eBooks are the only way for most people in developing countries to get access to sound theology and other good literature.You can find a lot of old books online in eBook format that can't be found in stores any more.Borrowing them from the library, or downloading them free on Monergism without ever having to leave your home is one of the greatest things ever. Rather than carry 50 pounds of books with you on vacation, you can bring a whole library of books on your kindle or smart phone.
Puritan Treasures

Puritan Paperbacks in the public domain already available on Monergism in eBook formats. 

Two Paperbacks are original works, and not in the public domain, those are "A Puritan Golden Treasury," and "All things made New" by John Flavel. Those cannot be made into eBooks. 

The Essence of the Gospel

by Robert Norman

On Trusting Christ

by John Colquhoun

Device Against the Learned and Wise

by Thomas Brooks

What does it mean to be “Reformed”?

by Brandon Solberg

Historically Reformed

– Affirm the great “sola’s” (Latin for “only”) of the Reformation.

Sola Gratia…Grace Alone
Sola Fide…Faith Alone
Solus Christus…Christ Alone
Sola Scriptura…Scripture Alone
Soli Deo Gloria…To the Glory of God Alone

To summarize, salvation by Grace Alone, through Faith Alone, in Christ Alone, according to the Scriptures Alone, to the Glory of God Alone.

What Are the Usual Sins which are Incident to Sharp and Tedious Afflictions?

by Thomas Manton

A Discourse on Christ our Passover

by Stephen Charnock

For Christ our passover is sacrificed for us,-- 1 Cor. V. 7.

Heaven on Earth: A Serious Discourse Concerning a Well-Grounded Assurance (eBook)
Thomas Brooksin ePub, .mobi .pdf formats

What are the top Puritan works that every Christian should read? Iain Murray answers "Beginners should start with Brooks, Thomas Watson, or John Flavel. ...

What Went Wrong with the YRR/New Calvinism Movement?

1. Not rooted in the historic reformed tradition

2. Eschews scholasticism entirely.

3. Myopic focus on "five points of Calvinism" to the detriment of covenant theology which undergirds the entirety of the canons of dordt.

4. Autonomous churches with a tendency not toward congregationalism but de facto episcopalianism with none of the safeguards of either system.

5. Church growth prioritized over church health.

6. Lack of conversation with classical Christian theism in favor of individual ingenuity of particular theologians.

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