Only Good TV | Positive, Uplifting Stories

Web Name: Only Good TV | Positive, Uplifting Stories






Teen Starts Candy Company That Is Good For Your Teeth! When Alina Morse was seven years old, she went to the bank with her dad and the teller offered her a lollipop. While she really wanted to accept, her parents always told her that candy was terrible for her teeth.So she asked her dad, "Why can't we make a lollipop that's actually good for your teeth?" In that moment the idea for Zollipops® was born! p After a little bit of research, Alina discovered something powerful. I found out that tooth decay is actually the biggest health epidemic facing kids in America today according to the US Surgeon General, she explained. There was no product on the market cleaning kid s teeth, helping them smile, and giving them lifelong strong tooth enamel. /p p Together, Alina and her dad set off to make delicious lollipop treats that were actually good for teeth. In 2014, the first Zollipops treat hit the shelves: a delicious, vegan, natural, sugar-free candy. Alina became known as the Lollipop Girl, a true pioneer of KidzBiz. /p p This business is truly a family effort. Alina s little sister, Lola Morse, actually came up with the name Zollipops. She tried to pronounce one of the teeth-friendly ingredients (Xylitol /zi-li-tol/) and it came out Zollipops . Alina was looking for a catchy name, and the rest is history! /p p Alina has been featured in Forbes, on multiple 30 under 30 lists, morning shows, talk shows, magazines, and was even brought to the White House by Michelle Obama so that Zollicandy could be part of the annual Easter Egg Roll. /p p Another charitable effort that sprung from her business is the Million Smiles Initiative, which commits 10% of the profits and One Million Zollipops to support oral health education in schools and qualified organizations. In fact, all sales of Zollipops®, Zolli® Drops, and Zaffi® Taffy at trusted retailers help support the Million Smile Initiative. /p p Watch and learn how this determined young woman and her supportive family have taken a kitchen table idea and grown it into a powerhouse that is improving kid s health around the world! /p p Learn more at: /p p See more amazing KidzBiz stories at: a href= target= _blank /a /p p Welcome to! - It s a Positivity Movement. /p p We at OnlyGood TV believe that positivity will change lives for the better. We strive to be the hopeful voice that recognizes people are good amp; out there doing good things for their communities and society at large. We tell the stories of the individuals and organizations that inspire and motivate us, and fuel the Positivity Movement. /p p Watch an exclusive collection of stories featuring PETS, FAMILY, WELLNESS, and COMMUNITY, including unique series and Live Specials that shine a spotlight on everyday people, making the world a better place. a href= rel= noopener noreferrer target= _blank #Zollipops /a a href= rel= noopener noreferrer target= _blank #OralHygiene /a a href= rel= noopener noreferrer target= _blank #Vegan /a a href= rel= noopener noreferrer target= _blank #OGTV /a a href= target= _blank /a /p p Visit us at: a href= amp;v=cfX2sjmmROY amp;event=video_description amp;redir_token=ruAmDhYpB8xFJKqylCBtXLrTXtR8MTU0Nzc1NjMwN0AxNTQ3NjY5OTA3 target= _self /a /p p Like us on the OGTV - Hooplaha Facebook Page: a href= amp;v=cfX2sjmmROY amp;event=video_description amp;redir_token=ruAmDhYpB8xFJKqylCBtXLrTXtR8MTU0Nzc1NjMwN0AxNTQ3NjY5OTA3 target= _blank /a /p p Follow us on Instagram: a href= amp;v=cfX2sjmmROY amp;event=video_description amp;redir_token=ruAmDhYpB8xFJKqylCBtXLrTXtR8MTU0Nzc1NjMwN0AxNTQ3NjY5OTA3 target= _blank /a /p p Follow us on Twitter: a href= amp;v=cfX2sjmmROY amp;event=video_description amp;redir_token=ruAmDhYpB8xFJKqylCBtXLrTXtR8MTU0Nzc1NjMwN0AxNTQ3NjY5OTA3 target= _blank /a /p Keep reading... Show less This Hero Is Using Music To Help Heal His Community - Only Good Heroes (E21) In the OnlyGood TV original series, Only Good Heroes, you'll meet some remarkable individuals and organizations who are making a huge difference in communities across the country, sparking action that pulls people together to battle the impact from this pandemic. In this episode, host Lucia Nazzaro talks with Haitian born musician, Alegba Jahyile, who has been using his skills on guitar and drums to raise the spirits of New York City community. What started as a day in Prospect Park to escape from Covid isolation, get outside, and just play guitar, has turned into a regular gig with several musicians who have joined together for the last few months, drawn by their love of music, and continued to play regularly to the delight of their very appreciative neighbors. p Watch how their joy of performing has brought inspiration and hope to their community and established them as truly essential workers. Host Lucia Nazzaro is an Emmy nominated multi-media personality, writer and reporter who received her MSW in Clinical Social Work and is a licensed clinical therapist. Her latest project is WellSeekers ( a href= amp;event=video_description amp;redir_token=QUFFLUhqbnE0QzdkYWh1WFo2LXZrVFpHSHdGMTRLZzhCQXxBQ3Jtc0tsbi1pellQNjg3STJwamhIV3VrR2hyTXRLX0k4WU4xNjRaVFRMYlVCZjFMRVRUNHU1QW1MV2JoT1lmajI1QXpONHpBc1UzTUMyTG9xUmpXUVpmX2F5Q2wyeU9KdkMzZDNDYkRqYm42aEdqeGZZbHZ6bw%3D%3D amp; target= _blank; /a a socially good focused company offering content and tools to help promote a more happy and healthy relationship with the people, places and things in your life. /p p Follow Alegba and his friends on Facebook at: a href= amp;event=video_description amp;redir_token=QUFFLUhqa0M5VVVVQ0RRLVRLcDVLU09aekxER2pDRnk5Z3xBQ3Jtc0tuYzEwS1JHbWRNMDhCam5oMGgxdm5lTEFrdDhaejBqNGdmWUVVUDVxVGhnUFctUTc0QTB4OXc0NjQ2dGhyRGxSOXJsQmd6ZUJWSldpZkVXUkV1Qy1xQVhENk9lU29LWHdIelV4Z2FmNF9QOFJBdVBaOA%3D%3D amp; target= _blank /a /p p Learn more about Alegba s Dance Training for Kids at: a href= amp;event=video_description amp;redir_token=QUFFLUhqbkZ6ejVGU0JJb3hmaFdTUEkwVzE2Q2wzN2gxZ3xBQ3Jtc0tubUQ3SkhxeWpxM05VWVlReXVnazFCWFpaQmhIT0JKcnN6Sm9FS3ZmRkh0NE5xbmE1TDlWWS1BS0poSFU1czd2X3lYSDlPUUpfX0dLMHRDQ3EtSFo3THJUMnA1OXBERGNWUnZlU0FaZTFpbzEyUlZxVQ%3D%3D amp; target= _blank /a /p p To see more OnlyGood TV COMMUNITY videos, visit us at: a href= amp;event=video_description amp;redir_token=QUFFLUhqbk85clo3enNhZTFWemRXYjRjdGV0Ynh1N1hGd3xBQ3Jtc0tsZFRyUTFRYWZoWlhXdHdTSFlDZUN1eUo3eHRTU2xqYVVSVzc1VFNmNm9YVGN4SFhRYm43OTlhMWtsb0JzcGJuRXplZlNQeDFIM0dOT0NzaUZDOExHM0hWSGZfaE5pTlg5NG5MSWZmVDB2d3NsdWtwTQ%3D%3D amp; target= _blank /a /p p Produced by Dani Guitelman; Edited by Kellie Sieban /p p br /p p Welcome to! - It s a Positivity Movement. /p p We at OnlyGood TV believe that positivity will change lives for the better. We strive to be the hopeful voice that recognizes people are good amp; out there doing good things for their communities and society at large. We tell the stories of the individuals and organizations that inspire and motivate us, and fuel the Positivity Movement. /p p Watch an exclusive collection of stories featuring PETS, FAMILY, WELLNESS, and COMMUNITY, including unique series and Live Specials that shine a spotlight on everyday people, making the world a better place. a href= target= _blank #alegbaandfriends /a a href= target= _blank #bluesband /a a href= target= _blank #prospectpark /a a href= target= _blank #OGTV /a /p p Visit us at: a href= amp;event=video_description amp;redir_token=QUFFLUhqbHBRZ3lXYnFpQ2VoUDJaV21BSkxWWVRDOVRRZ3xBQ3Jtc0treC1nZkdyRDNidzVnV0taMktfU0x0VVMzV01rQmNJS0w2dUpfRFU0RG9Da3hidXRwV0U1LUdhVWgyY1h2VzduWXFaeVJQNVBULXFuWXpvQ2R0VUNZYXJrZnZjU2JBVUsyMVpiRzc1SGc1MVVuTEVYZw%3D%3D amp; target= _self /a /p p Like us on the OnlyGood TV - Hooplaha Facebook Page: a href= amp;event=video_description amp;redir_token=QUFFLUhqbTRPcWRTOVR2ZTFhN0NlSzFZbVlzbjk3dkZNd3xBQ3Jtc0tranpRczNtNk40TlFYdVdqaU5TSVQ2RlBESkFPbGVTNlU1LU40czBxb1RjRGFzZEtLTmFlMjVnTFV3bmd2R1FxVW9TR0RHZDdVZTdURWkwWVV2ZGI0VGlXV0xqR0RidkJKODdPZjBfeURicmhRb1h3OA%3D%3D amp; target= _blank /a /p p Follow us on Instagram: a href= amp;event=video_description amp;redir_token=QUFFLUhqbW82VHMyVGVTS0tCRXZUb2hucmF4bGxLQnpiQXxBQ3Jtc0tsQTBET3UyN2JnLTBha1ZZNVhFWllsVU9FUGNWSEt2ZkZVQUl5VHVkRzZ4am1yYWFncHRaTlpJSzRybUIzMEZRTDZTOXJhdHV4bFhfclRRaFNhM2VjeVhHMVRuT1dNVnJfVFFNVXpMTjYwYXF0dWNwbw%3D%3D amp; target= _blank /a /p p Follow us on Twitter: a href= amp;event=video_description amp;redir_token=QUFFLUhqbjM5dVcxd05mWkhoNDhpU3NGMHdONUdyX25LQXxBQ3Jtc0trVW5lcUpjVmFkMTluLXVfQVdGVmFNTS1FMmdwNWhnUm1fYUF4Wi1URE9KOW5SdFhjemlJVU9nV01uTG13aHJJRE9uYVpxTDRxVEpiZzZzbWg3YlE5cFItRndQMkE0cU9kR3dBczJQeDY3ck01TTk4VQ%3D%3D amp; target= _blank /a /p Keep reading... Show less 16-Year-Old From Florida Wants To Run For President ** While this Election season has been anything but amicable, OGTV would like to share a story from a few years back that reminds us of the good that come from enthusiasm and an interest in politics. Please Get Out and Vote! **Elijah Manley is a 16-year-old high school student living in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. His whole life he was told he couldn't do things; his sights were set too high. That isn't stopping him from pursuing his dreams... like running for President of the United States in 2016. p "" data-track-share="Facebook" rel="noopener noreferrer" aria-label="Share on Facebook"> Peanut Butter Jelly - The Most Popular Lunch! Peanut Butter Jelly, one of those comfort foods that makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. It only has a few ingredients--peanut butter, jelly, and your favorite bread -- but the special memories it holds are endless! Everyone has their own signature recipe for a PB J! What's yours? p Directed by Matt amp; Julie Walker. /p p strong To see more OnlyGood COMMUNITY videos, visit us at: a href= amp;event=video_description amp;v=KnaPhOJQ8c8 amp; target= _blank /a /strong /p p strong br /strong /p p strong Welcome to! - It s a Positivity Movement. /strong /p p strong We at OnlyGood TV believe that positivity will change lives for the better. We strive to be the hopeful voice that recognizes people are good amp; out there doing good things for their communities and society at large. We tell the stories of the individuals and organizations that inspire and motivate us, and fuel the Positivity Movement. /strong /p p strong Watch an exclusive collection of stories featuring PETS, FAMILY, WELLNESS, and COMMUNITY, including unique series and Live Specials that shine a spotlight on everyday people, making the world a better place. a href= rel= noopener noreferrer target= _blank #pb /a amp;j a href= target= _blank #peanutbutterandjelly /a a href= rel= noopener noreferrer target= _blank #lunchfavorites /a a href= rel= noopener noreferrer target= _blank #OGTV /a /strong /p p strong Visit us at: a href= amp;event=video_description amp;v=KnaPhOJQ8c8 amp; rel= nofollow target= _self /a /strong /p p strong Like us on the OnlyGood TV - Hooplaha Facebook Page: a href= amp;event=video_description amp;v=KnaPhOJQ8c8 amp; rel= noopener noreferrer target= _blank /a /strong /p p strong Follow us on Instagram: a href= amp;event=video_description amp;v=KnaPhOJQ8c8 amp; rel= noopener noreferrer target= _blank /a /strong /p p strong /strong /p p strong Follow us on Twitter: a href= amp;event=video_description amp;v=KnaPhOJQ8c8 amp; rel= noopener noreferrer target= _blank /a /strong /p Keep reading... Show less Life as a Gondolier - The Most Romantic Job You Could Ever Have When you hear the word "romance," what comes to mind? Roses, chocolates, ... Venetian love songs? These all represent romance and loving one another. At La Gondola Providence in Providence, Rhode Island, romance is closer than you'd think! As a full-time gondolier, Matt "Marcello" Haynes takes us through the historic city of Providence to talk about what he loves most about being on the water! p Rowing is like my therapy, Matt explains. The trip is like an opportunity to escape from the world. /p p Watch how Matt is giving people a chance to forget their reality and live out a dream! br /p p Learn more at: a href= amp;event=video_description amp;v=Ywwff_ltp_A amp; target= _blank /a /p p To see more OnlyGood COMMUNITY videos, visit us at: a href= amp;event=video_description amp;v=Ywwff_ltp_A amp; target= _blank /a /p p br /p p Welcome to! - It s a Positivity Movement. /p p We at OnlyGood TV believe that positivity will change lives for the better. We strive to be the hopeful voice that recognizes people are good amp; out there doing good things for their communities and society at large. We tell the stories of the individuals and organizations that inspire and motivate us, and fuel the Positivity Movement. /p p Watch an exclusive collection of stories featuring PETS, FAMILY, WELLNESS, and COMMUNITY, including unique series and Live Specials that shine a spotlight on everyday people, making the world a better place. a href= rel= noopener noreferrer target= _blank #gondolaride /a a href= rel= noopener noreferrer target= _blank #romance /a a href= rel= noopener noreferrer target= _blank #escapereality /a a href= rel= noopener noreferrer target= _blank #OGTV /a /p p Visit us at: a href= amp;event=video_description amp;v=Ywwff_ltp_A amp; rel= nofollow target= _self /a /p p Like us on the OnlyGood TV - Hooplaha Facebook Page: a href= amp;event=video_description amp;v=Ywwff_ltp_A amp; rel= noopener noreferrer target= _blank /a /p p Follow us on Instagram: a href= amp;event=video_description amp;v=Ywwff_ltp_A amp; rel= noopener noreferrer target= _blank /a /p p Follow us on Twitter: a href= amp;event=video_description amp;v=Ywwff_ltp_A amp; rel= noopener noreferrer target= _blank /a /p Keep reading... Show less This Blind Man Uses His Storytelling To Connect and Inspire "My vision impairment is part of what made me who I am," noted Michael Lang. So who is Michael? He defines himself as a storyteller. He's also an author, a musician, and an outdoor enthusiast who was once the lead counselor at a summer camp for boys. All of those roles intersected one fateful night at the camp where Michael worked when he was 17. As the counselor tried desperately to get his group of 13-year-olds to go to sleep, he offered to tell them an epic bedtime story if they would get in their bunks. To his surprise and chagrin, they obliged. p Michael told his campers a Native American folk tale, which led to a second story, then a third, and by morning, he found himself designated as the camp storyteller. /p p Unfortunately, Michael was not destined to be a leader of young campers for very long. The talented storyteller was born with a degenerative retinal condition called Retinitis Pigmentosa, and by the time that Michael graduated from college several years after his storytelling debut, he was legally blind. Barred by his decreased vision from outdoor activities like hiking and being a camp counselor, Michael decided to pursue a different passion: storytelling. /p p The initial talent that Michael displayed that night at camp was just the beginning. Today, he is a professional storyteller, who brings his imagination and amazing style of narration to gatherings of both children and adults. /p p I find that I m very conscious about the sounds that I m using, Michael says, because he relies on his voice rather than eye contact or other sight-based communication while he shares his tales. His innovative style also led him to write a children s book, titled The Wizards and the Fairies, which has blank spaces for kids to fill in their own illustrations. /p p In so many ways, Michael turned his challenging condition into a method for inspiring others to overcome adversity, follow their passions, and unleash their imaginations. /p p For more information or to contact Michael, visit a href= target= _blank /a . img src= /p p To see more OnlyGood TV WELLNESS videos, visit us at: a href= amp;v=JEe7awDppUE amp; amp;redir_token=QUFFLUhqa2JoU1RJdmpaTThMeS1NZkFkdjBTQlo4dktHUXxBQ3Jtc0tuSXRQZy11V1I2OG1XUlFJSS1ORVFBU1IzcktUSlhkQnFtLVBmZXBLVU1hZ0xfTGJJU25qczFaR1h2bEMzSG1BbndocklZLWViMkpvaEJmd2hHczhpcGZHLW42NE5UN184ZWJYYWk0UUE3ckV1Nmlxaw%3D%3D target= _blank /a /p p This OnlyGood TV original video was produced by Lucia Nazzaro, shot by Heather Holloway, and edited by Matt Binetti. /p p br /p p Welcome to! - It s a Positivity Movement. /p p We at OnlyGood TV believe that positivity will change lives for the better. We strive to be the hopeful voice that recognizes people are good amp; out there doing good things for their communities and society at large. We tell the stories of the individuals and organizations that inspire and motivate us, and fuel the Positivity Movement. /p p Watch an exclusive collection of stories featuring PETS, FAMILY, WELLNESS, and COMMUNITY, including unique series and Live Specials that shine a spotlight on everyday people, making the world a better place. a href= target= _blank /a #Wellness a href= rel= noopener noreferrer target= _blank #Disability /a a href= rel= noopener noreferrer target= _blank #OGTV /a a href= rel= noopener noreferrer target= _blank #Anxiety /a /p p Visit us at: a href= amp;v=JEe7awDppUE amp; amp;redir_token=QUFFLUhqbGl1TVdiNzZhQWtWX3pSTUo5UW9IU2FNYjgzZ3xBQ3Jtc0tuV3hvRGpyLV9sQmJ6LWlsNk1KRU5teXhreHFiVzBxaHNobHdETzdId2U5OTc3d094RTJIaUVQdXhLc3ZnWUtYZHd3c1l2TkJyQThBQnNKTDVyT2dSVmxCNllCTTRIV1RPM1JtVFhwb0RFcGRGYXhTTQ%3D%3D rel= nofollow target= _self /a /p p Like us on the OnlyGood TV - Hooplaha Facebook Page: a href= amp;v=JEe7awDppUE amp; amp;redir_token=QUFFLUhqbW1YVnN0WlJKLVBQNnFhYjVzTzFfUkZpX09BUXxBQ3Jtc0ttMkVxMzdSWlhPQ0JpNlR1VF9kYXk5TGpjbUg2UFdnWEk2N1padEFxeTNIX1RVRWZQVEItUWdIV0dwcnU5S1J3Yi1hZ1k2Mk1jSktmSEtEUWt2RWR0Zld6UGczSy12LXpoNklEczEtOVp0WmhfaGdGQQ%3D%3D rel= noopener noreferrer target= _blank /a /p p Follow us on Instagram: a href= amp;v=JEe7awDppUE amp; amp;redir_token=QUFFLUhqbmlCYS1iR1VUajJPekRCRmRyOFdUMHFtUkZBQXxBQ3Jtc0trWU55RVZnaURXdUhYUFNCV05UMnF4N1VxTExLT2FtSlNWNmdGYmpLT21UbFd2Z2dOWGlXRDdvRnFOcGw4blJFODlNUjVlMmJOWUJ5OFE3OVVtVE93T2hhMXVueVJFbHFaUmNDWTIwNDJKMHN0SWJ5QQ%3D%3D rel= noopener noreferrer target= _blank /a /p p Follow us on Twitter: a href= amp;v=JEe7awDppUE amp; amp;redir_token=QUFFLUhqbVQ3bXJWV0hJSEcyTlBRbDgxSkI3cHFXVkJLd3xBQ3Jtc0ttQUg0RTUzQlRER2Y1R3FJdjFDT2JUYlN1SXhIcGZuZUhyNV9JR0VPLUVETTJudUF5QVdCbDFoUy1YaXpYeF9veUFGNC00MEVQVTB5TkJreTVnTUwzeENLWTlMd1BiaHVrcHliVXVJWjNFSE5LV2hCQQ%3D%3D rel= noopener noreferrer target= _blank /a /p Keep reading... Show less Spooky Pooches Compete in Halloween Costume Contest! Everyone could use a few more smiles in their daily lives…and watching a funny video will often do the Trick... or Treat! OnlyGood TV celebrates Halloween with videos that highlight all the costumes, candies, and things that go bump in the night that makes this holiday fun for kids of all ages.To celebrate Halloween, Urban Pooch canine life center held a "spooktacular" Halloween Costume Contest for their furry friends in Chicago! Dogs dressed in costume to compete for prizes and enjoyed an afternoon of Halloween fun. p See how creative ideas explode in color and fabric as teams of owners and pooches strut down the runway! /p p Happy Halloween! /p p Learn more at: a href= rel= noopener noreferrer target= _blank /a /p p To see more OnlyGood PETS videos, visit us at: a href= target= _blank /a /p p br /p p Welcome to! - It s a Positivity Movement. /p p We at OnlyGood TV believe that positivity will change lives for the better. We strive to be the hopeful voice that recognizes people are good amp; out there doing good things for their communities and society at large. We tell the stories of the individuals and organizations that inspire and motivate us, and fuel the Positivity Movement. /p p Watch an exclusive collection of stories featuring PETS, FAMILY, WELLNESS, and COMMUNITY, including unique series and Live Specials that shine a spotlight on everyday people, making the world a better place. a href= target= _blank #halloween #spookypooches #puppycostumes #OGTV /a /p p Visit us at: a href= amp;v=cfX2sjmmROY amp;event=video_description amp;redir_token=ruAmDhYpB8xFJKqylCBtXLrTXtR8MTU0Nzc1NjMwN0AxNTQ3NjY5OTA3 target= _self /a /p p Like us on the OGTV - Hooplaha Facebook Page: a href= amp;v=cfX2sjmmROY amp;event=video_description amp;redir_token=ruAmDhYpB8xFJKqylCBtXLrTXtR8MTU0Nzc1NjMwN0AxNTQ3NjY5OTA3 target= _blank /a /p p Follow us on Instagram: a href= amp;v=cfX2sjmmROY amp;event=video_description amp;redir_token=ruAmDhYpB8xFJKqylCBtXLrTXtR8MTU0Nzc1NjMwN0AxNTQ3NjY5OTA3 target= _blank /a /p p Follow us on Twitter: a href= amp;v=cfX2sjmmROY amp;event=video_description amp;redir_token=ruAmDhYpB8xFJKqylCBtXLrTXtR8MTU0Nzc1NjMwN0AxNTQ3NjY5OTA3 target= _blank /a br /p Keep reading... Show less Jack-O-Lantern Spectacular Lights Up A Zoo! If you've been looking for inspiration to go all in on your passions, this video might do it! John Reckner's passion is for what he calls "illuminated artwork." The best method he found for creating such art was lightly carving the exterior skin of pumpkins, so that a candle inside the pumpkin would provide back-lighting for the designs. The end result is enchanting! p John s commitment to creating the artwork he loves is impressive: during the 30 years he was employed by the postal service, he would spend his one month off every year creating beautiful Jack O Lanterns to showcase his illuminated designs. /p p Ultimately, and luckily for us, he turned his passion into a full-on event: a href= target= _blank The Jack O Lantern Spectacular /a at the Roger Williams Park Zoo! And he has done an amazing job: more than a half million visitors have visited the event over the last 5 years, and the Library of Congress selected The Jack-o-Lantern Spectacular as a national local legacy. You can visit from October to November! /p p Along with his team, Passion For Pumpkins, John takes great care to provide a wonderful experience for his visitors. After each Halloween season, he reads from the visitors log book to come up with new ideas for the following year s show. We try to touch people, he says about the event. /p p Putting on a show like The Jack O Lantern Spectacular is no simple feat—it includes more than 5,000 carved pumpkins, which weigh an average of 100 pounds each and take several hours to decorate—but when you re totally committed to your passions, even the most demanding jobs can be a joy to complete. img src= /p p Come visit one moonlit night and take a stroll through the flickering lights of our pumpkin patch….if you dare! /p p Happy Halloween! /p p Learn more at: a href= amp;event=video_description amp;v=mRFeXKsCIJM amp;redir_token=QUFFLUhqa2NTNEVITUd6Mkl0dklLbjl4Mmx3SGJzelFId3xBQ3Jtc0tuMmtack5COFFJTGRocTA0QkZSbW9hM1E5VUlPamZOdVl2NGdYV3NnWEt0R25uZmVwVktrUG5LSjU1cmNBQjVKTkVpc3QyNTliRkF6TEI1T2tJUjd3RXBudDA3aWdvVHRmVkVwY0RsQUEweDh6eG04UQ%3D%3D target= _blank /a /p p To see more OnlyGood COMMUNITY videos, visit us at: a href= amp;event=video_description amp;v=mRFeXKsCIJM amp;redir_token=QUFFLUhqa09HRzVPbkhDdFkwMldOZ0ZpWWJ6cHJZUnBUd3xBQ3Jtc0trSXBIZUJIbGkwVlRqcldjaDVGWEk4U1dIRm5NSUNTN09MWjROLTV2d2lBaUlIVDhhRkppN2RPWEQwSlNSSkl0YW9sQ201cGktOXNKbHB2d3k5SXlnVmdHeXBoSXJ4WFg3UG1uTEt0Zy0yNFRGUUpNMA%3D%3D target= _blank /a /p p br /p p Welcome to! - It s a Positivity Movement. br /p p We at OnlyGood TV believe that positivity will change lives for the better. We strive to be the hopeful voice that recognizes people are good amp; out there doing good things for their communities and society at large. We tell the stories of the individuals and organizations that inspire and motivate us, and fuel the Positivity Movement. /p p Watch an exclusive collection of stories featuring PETS, FAMILY, WELLNESS, and COMMUNITY, including unique series and Live Specials that shine a spotlight on everyday people, making the world a better place. a href= target= _blank #halloween /a a href= rel= noopener noreferrer target= _blank #pumpkincarving /a a href= rel= noopener noreferrer target= _blank #passionforpumpkins /a a href= rel= noopener noreferrer target= _blank #OGTV /a /p p Visit us at: a href= amp;event=video_description amp;v=mRFeXKsCIJM amp;redir_token=QUFFLUhqbjl1MmRBc3BrWTJxR3BubF9mVlpERVpCN0VnUXxBQ3Jtc0tsTk4wZF9BR2xJNWZUQzN0M3pJaXUxOWVpUWRxNWNWZnZSR3NJamZ4LVh2ZjBqLVBQMUVwQkVCOC05eUxlRl93by01RE40MWs3VjYyUGd6cU1oWVJOSll3VTN3OV8wb0ZDWU81NEh6SF96Rm4zQ2o4cw%3D%3D rel= nofollow target= _self /a /p p Like us on the Only Good TV- Hooplaha Facebook Page: a href= amp;event=video_description amp;v=mRFeXKsCIJM amp;redir_token=QUFFLUhqbmV4M3UtNkc3OGdTSVA5VXZLUl9yU0NnUWUzUXxBQ3Jtc0ttVlRjZ0Y2YmNMbE9QdnBTNGFJeXdyLWhvdUFRcGtJYmdfTXVpTDN2VV9UckdGb0ZhWlZ3N0FDYWJyeURoMnZnUWNVWXNkVWVDUUc2N3hqU2Z4WGFPMmFjNmhDMGQ2NGVvMnlZMVFXV1NqalplZ1QyQQ%3D%3D rel= noopener noreferrer target= _blank /a /p p Follow us on Instagram: a href= amp;event=video_description amp;v=mRFeXKsCIJM amp;redir_token=QUFFLUhqbTVoQnk1V1hjYjVBYl8yQUxfRm8wZzAzQVRqd3xBQ3Jtc0traTZ4SWlRN2h1aW51MnlZWHBtZlhRbHdlUFZXSzBtM3BfSmdGTlo3SE5IU2xVdzVxRnZ5NXctMHRCRkY5NnNHY0hEc1gtWktNZnJ6ZkthRkdlVEphdHJpdjg2TVRvX0kydXM2NS1hZ0s5TjU0Tkd3cw%3D%3D rel= noopener noreferrer target= _blank /a /p p Follow us on Twitter: a href= amp;event=video_description amp;v=mRFeXKsCIJM amp;redir_token=QUFFLUhqbDVCRHFsWHlLWnc1d09zUGFLT3pHMjVQcG5jQXxBQ3Jtc0ttYXQtZ2pMZUx6cUhvSmNWZW5yVTBPLW5jQlBDbmozZGwxOXRMSnVCYVM4b2FaTnFFYmFJZmViMDBMZ3dETnNabFFUYXpLRURpQ0VsWVRZSkl1YnB3N2VibnpQMnMxamI5QmN2a094QlFvT1JyMXg5NA%3D%3D rel= noopener noreferrer target= _blank /a /p Keep reading... 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