Back in skinny jeans

Web Name: Back in skinny jeans






It s been ages y all! But, I m back to let you know some exciting news. You know that saying that it s better to be fashionably late than to not show up at all? Well, Back in Skinny Jeans, the book, based on our witty and fun blog here, will make its debut this month, July!And along with the book, there will be a corresponding mobile app called One Mile One Meal which will help you get back into those skinny jeans through tiny acts of healthiness.Exciting times, indeed!There will be some fun launch activities in the coming months. One in particular will happen in September with our friends at Love With Food. We are putting together a wonderful box of workout foods and snacks based on our 80/20 plant-based eating style. We got a cool mention on TechCrunch today with Love With Food!Stay tuned for more announcements! The blog may be retired but the spirit lives on in an iPhone app to help you stay focused on reaching your weight goals in a holistic and fun way!Go to: While I am finishing up on making Back in Skinny Jeans a book, you can carry Steph in your pocket when you find yourself in some of those tempting places like the food court at the mall. {sniff. inhale the gooiness} I always find I m easily enticed when I smell those sticky buns calling my name, so it would be cool to have something to remind me about choices.In the video, I give a quick overview of what I intended with the iPhone app to help my readers.Here are a couple screen shots from the Back in Skinny Jeans: 25 Inspiring Weight Loss Nudges app: The app is only 99cents! What a great deal.You can purchase the app at the iTunes store here: If you belong to the Apple iTunes affiliate program, you can sell the app on your blog and make some revenue too!Thank you again to all my readers! I hope you enjoy my new iPhone app. Please let me know what you think as I value your insights. Note: This was the very first picture I used in the blog header when Back in Skinny Jeans launched in November 2005.A while back, I was on one of those “let’s-meet-for-coffee-because-we-met-online-and-don’t-want-to-commit-to-anything-serious-like-potstickers-and-Kung Pao chicken” first dates. Here’s a snippet of our conversation: Him: “So, you’re a writer?” Me: “Well actually, I’m a blogger.” Him: “Really? Well that’s cool. I think it’s fascinating that people can make a living blogging. So what do you blog about?” Me: “I blog about healthy living, body image, weight loss…..stuff like that.” My date then stares into my face with wide open eyes for a moment giving me a kinda deer in headlights look. Immediately I assume he’s thinking, “Oh gawd, are you one of those salad picking chicks who will constantly ask me “Does this make me look fat?”…and then blog about it.” My first instinct… Me: “Oh,oh, no…. I really focus more on holistic mind, body, spirit. It’s more about overall healthiness than just losing weight and looking like a hot chick. Really, I eat all the time. I like food, maybe too much. I even food blog too but not in an obsessive calorie counting way…no really….I have a much better relationship with food than I did when I was younger which yeah did include some salad picking only days. But, all that is past stuff. You know…me and food are good…like gin tonic good.” {I feel like I’m a rambling Bridget Jones during one of her “speeches”} Him: “So, are you back in your skinny jeans?” I cringe when he asks me that question, but politely smile. Although it may have come out a bit tacky, I can’t really be mad at the guy because it is a valid question since that is the name of my blog. But, I feel uptight. ...The skinny jeans is like the modern day glass slipper ... I never saw the guy again. It was simply one of those pleasant nice to meet you coffee dates. But what stuck in my craw was, “Why was I explaining myself and feeling all awkward about my blog?” I can’t put my finger on it…yet. But I did figure it out, and the answer will affect the future of this blog.The blogger pocket bookI pondered that question for weeks. During that time, I was also seriously reevaluating my blogging career because I’ve made no secret of this, making money in the healthy living blog niche has been really tough and I’m still not standing on my own two feet. And frankly, I’m really kinda done living like a “who-knows-where-money-is-going-to-come-from” frugalista. I tried the 8-week Everyday Tweet blog experiment which turned out to be a blog fail because as much as I love Twitter and am doing very well on the platform, I don’t want to blog about Twitter all the time. The 8-week hiatus from blogging on Back in Skinny Jeans was terrific, and frankly towards the end, I woke up one morning very calm, and literally was like, “I’m done. I’m done blogging Back in Skinny Jeans.” Yes, that was very major, and even more so because I was still and peaceful.But then I thought, I just can t quit the blog. My online brand is built around Back in Skinny Jeans. What would I do? Asking one simple question can change everythingDuring my blog hiatus, I celebrated my birthday and it dawned on me, “How old do you have to be to stop obsessing about your body and your looks?” It’s a good question to ask. I have been obsessing about my body and looks ever since I was in Junior high school, and am now in my 40’s, and really, how much longer will I continue to obsess about my jeans size, wrinkles, flab, and crow’s feet? Do I want to be 45, 50 etc and still be fixated about being back in the skinny jeans? I ve been blogging about this topic for 3 years and 8 months, how much longer do I want to continue?At what age, do we women just stop focusing on the physical? If you read the women’s magazines and sites, the answer would be never because entire industries are built around our constant insecurities about our looks and our continuous desire to be youthful and thin. We are taught to believe that female social currency is based on our physical beauty. The true answer to when we stop focusing on the physical is this: It stops when YOU stop. That’s it. A Buddhist principle is that all suffering is in the mind. I pondered this concept: beauty suffering is grounded in the mind. If I eliminate or change what I think about and focus on, then it follows that I can end my suffering and struggle with my body. My body is not the root of my suffering, my mind is. And equally, my body is not the root of my happiness, my mind is. {Let that sink in a moment}It s all within, and it is all about YOUThere is nothing outside of you that will make you stop obsessing about your body and your looks. YOU have to decide that you will no longer make your body and beauty the focus of your life. YOU have to stop attaching your self esteem, your self-worth, and your self-love to something external to you. YOU must become conscious that you are chasing an illusion and not a reality.YOU must ask for help and take responsibility for your healing if you find yourself dealing with anything that is causing harm to your health, life, and those around you.The illusion is that being thin and beautiful (by society’s standards) will make your life perfect, happy, and fulfilled. The illusion is that once we can wear the skinny jeans again, we can be the person we always dreamed we could be, and have the glossy life we fantasize about. The skinny jeans is like the modern day glass slipper, as we also expect Prince Charming and the prettiness kingdom to appear along with the jeans. The attachment to that beauty illusion is what drives us to our darker sides to desperate and dangerous measures and to superficiality. We are sometimes even willing to put our lives at risk for this illusion. We buy into the illusion that things outside of us will bring us what we feel lacking on the inside. The reality is you already have everything you want on the inside. It’s always been there, and you will start to see it and appreciate it as soon as you just STOP putting all the emphasis on the external. This principle is not new, and honestly, for years, I thought it was crap. But after experiencing myself being thin and adored for it, being a millionaire, having some level of fame, and of having “perfect-like” boyfriends, I can tell you that you can have all that and still be amazingly miserable and unfulfilled. There is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to look and feel your best. Having a vibrant body is fabulous. Makeup, clothes, shoes, and shopping are very much fun parts of being a girl. I love all that stuff myself. But, those things in of themselves are simply that, things. They are just things, not who we are, and that is where the illusion tricks us. The gift to myself that made the differenceFor my birthday this year, my gift to myself was the decision and feeling, “I am whole.” And honestly, I think this is the best gift I have ever given myself. I ve gotten myself cars, clothes, shoes, and trips and as fabulous as all those gifts were, they still pale to the gift of feeling whole, and living like a whole person.Yes, I have damage, flaws, and imperfections, but I am whole. Yes, I still have a bit of a muffin top I’d like to drop and I don’t have a husband or sustainable income (yet), but I am still whole. I suffered an eating disorder and depression, I was raped by a boyfriend, I lost a million dollars, I failed even publicly in all kinds of business ventures, but I am still whole. Our permission settingsEleanor Roosevelt said, “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” Well, it’s the same thing for feeling whole. No one can make you feel lack without your agreement. No one can make you feel you’re not beautiful, talented, or worthy of love without your permission. So, the question I ask of you today which I asked of myself is, why do you continue to give things outside of yourself the authorization to make you feel anything other than whole? What do you gain by continuing to believe that you are not whole as you are in this moment? What would your life look like the second you start living like a person who knows they are whole? ...I believe that even a pair of jeans can help make the world a better place. ... I can tell you that ever since my birthday when I gave myself that gift of living like a whole person, the first thing I got was a sense of calm. Certain things that used to get under my skin or bugged me, just didn’t any more mainly because I realized what’s the point? Really. All I’m getting is more stress about things that I really have no control over. But what I can control are my perceptions and reactions, and I choose internal peace which again is something that we all have and no one can ever take away unless we let them. It s time to grow up Dyer styleI love Wayne Dyer’s explanation of growing up. He says something to the affect: Growing up is not about age, a number on a driver’s license. Growing up is about growing into your higher self.I love Dyer s perspective because it s about evolving. The reason I reacted to my date’s salad eating chick look about Back in Skinny Jeans was because my subconscious was saying, “Hey Steph! It’s time for us to grow up. We want to grow into our higher self, and that woman no longer has a need to focus on her body or the subject of physical beauty every day.” My higher self wants to do new things that will help me evolve as a person internally, and help me do more of my life purpose work which is to help people live more authentic lives. My higher self knows that even though our online brand was built around this blog, I am not this blog, and this blog has served us and others well. The spirit of this blog can live on and evolve, and the universe shows me ll see.Instead of being bikini-ready, I d like to get higher self-readyBefore the 8-week hiatus, I tried to focus on health and beauty subjects outside of the physical body, and be that voice of reason in a weight loss and youth obsessed media culture. However, doing research for those stories and keeping on top of trends still required me to keep reading all these magazines, sites, blogs and books that constantly perpetuate the beauty myth. Frankly, I just can’t stand to read it anymore…every day. I find that all that stuff really just leaves me feeling angry or somehow still pulls me back into the self bashing and feeling “not enough.” I no longer want to feed my soul and mind with beauty illusion every day of the year. But I’m no saint. I admit to enjoying celeb gossip and women’s magazines and sites, but for a profession I no longer want to write about the travesty of things like celebrity cellulite watching, the never ending treadmill of getting “bikini ready”, or how to look hot so you can have a hot sex life. That beauty myth stuff is what gets the big traffic and page views, and to make revenue with Back in Skinny Jeans, on a daily basis, I would have to keep writing about things I no longer want to have a conversation about. I decide the future of Back in Skinny JeansI would like to pass the torch onto others in the healthy living blog niche, and feel that the higher purpose of Back in Skinny Jeans was really to pave the way for others and to open the doors for those who’d like to use blogging as a means to really challenge and even shatter the beauty myth in the media and our culture. On that note, I want to retire Back in Skinny Jeans the blog while it is still on top. I will no longer be actively blogging here, but the site will still be alive as the platform for Back in Skinny Jeans the book which will make its debut one day…and soon hopefully. I’m working on it. When I can’t tell you exactly, but the book is coming, and it will be my final performance on the subject of weight loss. I can tell you that the book has interesting twists on the weight loss subject based on my 3-1/2 years of blogging and personal growth, and there will be stories in the book that I have never shared on the blog, to give readers some new content to look forward to. And even though Back in Skinny Jeans will no longer be an active blog, the voice of Stephanie Quilao is definitely not leaving the web. Oh no! Here are the details on where I will be on the web. There will be some new things too like me offering for a limited time one-on-one blogger coaching for those in the lifestyle categories who want to take their blog and personal brand to the next level.And now, I have something I’m thrilled about that will help transition Back in Skinny Jeans into her higher blog self. It s all good! I’m pleased to announce Jeans For Good which is a mission for people to let go of their un-used jeans like the skinny and fat jeans, and donate, sell, or auction those jeans for a cause or charity close to your heart. On our favorite theme of how small actions still produce results, I believe that even a pair of jeans can help make the world a better place. The first mission of Jeans For Good is I am auctioning a pair of my skinny jeans on eBay. 50% of the proceeds are going to Make-A-Wish, a place I spent a year doing volunteer work during my 2-year “mid-life retirement” back in 2002-2004. The other 50% is going to web hosting and maintenance fees for the Jeans For Good site. At the Jeans For Good site, I have included web buttons and badges for those of you who want to start letting go of your un-used jeans, and to encourage others to do the same. I like to call it the, “get in my pants for a good cause” campaign. As you can see, I can even add zesty humor to do-gooding :-)Jeans For Good was inspired from the notion that one way I could help people live more authentic lives was to help them let go of the skinny jeans illusion but do it in a way that is also helping to move people into their higher self, and feel good while doing it. And this is a mission that everyone can do and lead on their own. This isn’t about me, it’s about a higher good for all. I’m just getting the ball rolling. At the same time, as you let go of those skinny jeans you can get yourself some new jeans that fit you in the present. Get jeans that make you feel and look hot as you are today, in this moment, not like in the past or someday, but in the now! Thank YOU!Thank you everyone for your readership, your kindness, love, and support through all the 3 years and 8 months here at Back in Skinny Jeans. I have cherished every moment here, and this blog has helped me grow as a person and into the kind of woman I want to be more of. I hope that the blog has helped do the same for you! And as BISJ parting words, remember, you are whole :-)xoxo, StephanieI leave you with a song that sums it all up, I Can See Clearly Now by Jimmy Cliff here with footage from the move Cool Runnings about the Jamaican bobsled team at the winter Olympics. I love this story because it s more proof to never let the illusion of, It s not possible or People will laugh at me stop you from going for your dreams and passions. On June 16, I officially retired this blog Back in Skinny Jeans. Here s the story behind that decision. The site will stay alive as a platform for Back in Skinny Jeans the book which will come out sometime in the near future...TBD.Back in Skinny Jeans may no longer be active, but the voice of yours truly will continue to live online. Oh yeah folks, you re not getting rid of me that easily :-) Here s where you can find me online to continue to receive splendid content to help you live more authentically.Noshtopia is my food blog about eating healthier in a hectic life. I m going to be focusing most of my time on Noshtopia to beef it up to more than just a blog. Oh yeah, it will be delicious! The first thing we re doing is going on a road trip across 5 states starting tomorrow 6/17. Woo-hoo, road trip! The challenge: How to eat healthy on the road with the added bonus of working with food allergies. Hello no dairy or eggs.The Everyday Blogger is my blog about the behind the scenes of life as a lifestyle blogger. I m changing the focus a little bit to include more of my personal days in out as one who makes a living online whilst trying to navigate through this thing called life. I ll also only be posting like twice a week kinda thing here.Also, this summer, I am going to be offering special one-on-one blogger coaching for those who blog in the lifestyle categories and want to take their blogs and personal brand to the next level. I m also going to be offering trainings for individuals, companies, or groups on Social Media 101 for those who speak Oprah not Geek. More details on that to follow.On Twitter, @skinnyjeans and @noshtopia. I m very active on Twitter, and have a pretty big following (about 44k +) there you can get some great tweets about healthy living and personal growth.Jeans For Good is our cause to get people to let go of their un-used jeans (like ahem the skinny jeans:) and sell, donate, or auction those jeans for a cause or charity close to their heart. I ll be keeping that place alive as I do guest posts and events. Best of Back in Skinny Jeans: Originally posted September 9, 2008-----------------------------------Better Than Nothin is the concept that doing something even if it is minuscule is better than doing zero. One thing that can help you achieve long term success is the concept of creating micro goals, tiny tasks that are easy and effortless yet still contribute to achieving your bigger goals.For example, in the list above, we ve all set goals that look like the typical column, and what ends up happening for many of us is that we are gung ho for the first week or so, and then we start to slack off the list. Can anyone say New Year s resolutions?It s not that we don t have good intentions or desire, it s just that over time the changes start to feel too much or too restrictive etc, and really sometimes they truly can be like if you try and go completely gluten free when you used to eat gluten products 3 times a day, every day of the week. That kind of dramatic change triggers the Inner Resistance Monster.When you create micro goals, mentally your brain starts thinking things like, This is a piece of cake. This won t take me long at all. I can easily do this between meetings. When it feels easy, you re more likely to do them, and even thought they are tiny tasks, the effort will add up over time, and again, it s better than nothin!Besides weight loss, you can use micro goals for things like job hunting, de-cluttering, financial planning, or networking. Best of Back in Skinny Jeans: Originally posted March 16, 2007----------------------------------- Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished bypeople who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all. ~ Dale CarnegieAt the beginning of every success story is a story about a really crappy, depressing, and seemingly bottomless pit experience. Seriously. Think about it. You can t have a really good tear jerking success story unless someone has started from some chasm of despair and then brought themselves out of it and are now rich, happy, and thriving.So, if you re having a rotten, seemingly foreboding, dejecting time in your life right now, it could be the beginning of your success story. Think about that for a moment. Don t you feel better already? When I have crappy days, days when I feel like giving up, days when I just want to close the door and hide under the covers, I keep telling myself that my success story is in progress. I remind myself that my dream is becoming a reality, perhaps not in the way or time table I d like, but it is happening. As an example, in the movie, The Pursuit of Happyness, based on the real life story of Chris Gardner played by Will Smith who was home-less, money-less, wife-less, and had a young son to take care of. How daunting is that situation? In the scene where Chris and his son spend the night in a public bathroom is an example of those times when life appears to be without hope, joy, or answers. That scene was gut wrenching. But by the end of the movie, Chris kept his promise to his son that his child would know his dad, and they would have a better life. Chris is now a multi-millionaire, and his son grew up to be a man with a father in his life.I like to hear rags to riches stories because it inspires me toremember that no matter what my situation is in life, I can make abetter life for myself. There are people who are coming from placesmuch worse than me, and they have been able to create a life ofprosperity and joy. I admire and respect those people.Adversity builds character, wisdom, and humility. Yeah, it really sucks at the time it s happening to you, but in the end, if you learn the lessons and choose to grow from the experience, it does make you a stronger and better person. Keep looking up! Best of Back in Skinny Jeans: Originally posted April 18, 2007----------------------------------- Best of Back in Skinny Jeans: Originally posted April 24, 2008----------------------------------- To make your workout seem like it s going faster, count down versus count up. For example, when doing lat pull downs, instead of starting your reps from 1 and counting up to 10, start the count from 10 and go to 0. When doing a 20 minute run on the treadmill count down from 20 minutes til you get to 0. You re done! Counting down psychologically makes your body feel like it s going down hill which is much easier to do than going uphill, like counting up. Time just feels like it goes faster when counting down versus counting up. This tip works best for workouts that involve time or reps like on the treadmill, elliptical, or during weight training. How many of us keep our eyes glued on the timer wondering when the workout will be over? Yes, raise your hand! Doesn t time seem longer when you stare at the clock?One trick I do on the treadmill to keep me from constantly staring at the timer is to look up from the screen, and not let myself look at the screen again until I finish a count down from 100 to 0. I may even do a few sets of 100 countdowns to pass the time. Amazingly, a minute that seemed like forever, feels like it went by in a flash. Best of Back in Skinny Jeans: Originally posted October 30, 2007-----------------------------------The beginnings of weight loss programs are always filled with enthusiasm, commitment, and diligence because you are intoxicated with the idea of getting back into your skinny jeans lickety split.The problem is never the beginning of your weight loss journey, it s the middle where all the hard, sweaty, calorie-counting work takes place. Somewhere in the middle, resistance starts, and the rationalizing begins. You start to rationalize yourself out of doing your workouts or sticking to your diet plan. In most cases, it always starts small like: I ll do 3 workouts instead of 5 this week and just double up on the time. (But, you don t) I m too tired to go workout. I have all this work to do, so I have to stay at work longer. I hear they are bringing in Chinese for dinner. I d rather eat Kung Pao than pow-wow in kick boxing class. (But, work always comes first)The bottom line is that if you want to get back in those skinny jeans and shed that muffin top, you have to do the work, consistently and committedly. The only difference between those who reach their goal and those who don t is consistent commitment to success. You have to make your goal a priority and stick to it. Yes, you ll have bad days, and slip up days because you re human, but in the long run, if you want to get into that slinky hot black dress, you have to stop with the rationalizing out of your weight loss commitments. Each rationale, although seemingly small, adds up over time to the point where you end up staying at square one. You can reach your goal if you focus on your success and do the work. Best of Back in Skinny Jeans: Originally posted April 24, 2008-----------------------------------Over at Comrade GoGo, I was writing a comment in reference to the notion that no one wants problem people aka people who are not perfect or acceptable some how because they have been damaged, flawed, or wrecked in some way. For years, I didn t date because deep down I thought what guy is going to want let alone love some girl who s been raped, been dealing with bulimia for years, been on anti-depressants, has stretch marks from being overweight, and constantly has a muffin top that just won t go away. Sounds completely absurd on the screen, but this is what lived in my head for years and kept me single. I chose to be single over being intimate with another human because the fear of rejection and judgment was debilitating. The Upside to PainBut somehow I got over it because I had a greater fear of dying a spinster alone in a cold apartment with no love anywhere just because I was afraid to give love a chance. If I ended up being that spinster alone on my death bed I wanted it to be because of choice or because I gave it my best shot and it just wasn t in the cards, not because I was eh-scared to even take a chance in the first place.It never occurred to me that all that tragedy in my life also made me a more empathetic, compassionate, and an evolved human being. This blog exists today because of those experiences. Behind every enlightened wise human is also a life of tragedy, trauma, and loss. You cannot grow without pain.The Leather Jacket MetaphorBut put simply, some guy told me this metaphor years ago about flaws. He said that people love old leather jackets because over time the jacket becomes more interesting and full of character after years of the leather being beaten up, abused, and weathered. The jacket feels more real and soft over time. Who wants a brand new, shiny, stiff, leather jacket? The imperfections is what makes the distressed version more desirable. Same thing with jeans and that favorite t-shirt. That metaphor stuck in my head for years, and has helped get over feeling like my flaws are bad things. Around the same time, I learned how scars make better tattoos. The flaws are what make me interesting, and when I really started to embrace that I got to experience my first great love. He loved ALL of me.Written by Maria de los Angeles of Sex and The Beach-----------------------------------Everyone has “relationships” with food and sex. How you eat reflects agreater part of who you are and how you make love, which begs volumes ofquestions. Do you rush through a meal or do you savor each bite? Doyou surrender completely into joy and abundance, be it a delicious meal or alover’s caress? Do you accept nurturing? Or do you present yourselfas an antagonist in your own drama? Every morsel of food that goes into your mouth and each person you kiss areall a glimpse of the relationship you have with yourself.More questions to ponder: “If I don’t absolutely love my saggingbreasts, how can I expect my lover to love them unconditionally? If Idon’t simply adore a yummy meal, how can I expect it to be nutritious?” Being “absent-minded” but “fully present” in the heart is a good thing whenit comes to food and sex. You become accountable, giving and being present withyourself, what you eat and of course, how you express yourself sexually.The chocolate meditation is a great exercise in surrender and enjoyment … sorelax and enjoy!Let the chocolate linger in yourhands for a minute or so, before you gently place it on your tongue. Your mouth is a sacred point of nutrition and theplace from where you express yourself. It’s a communion and a source ofgreat pleasure. Once inside your mouth, let the chocolate melt and become part ofyou. Take about ten minutes and then ponder: “Am I enjoying allaspects of my life, even the difficult moments, in similar fashion? Am Ieating with such grace? Am I having sex with such focus andconcentration?”

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