Online Master of Health Administration | MHA@GW

Web Name: Online Master of Health Administration | MHA@GW






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No. 12 on U.S. News and World Report s 2019 list of best graduate schools in health care management,1 the Milken Institute School of Public Health at the George Washington University is preparing the nation s future health care leaders to effectively manage health systems and organizations.Our online MHA program, MHA@GW, is designed for driven professionals looking to improve health care delivery, assume leadership positions in a range of health-related environments and oversee influential change in communities around the world.As an MHA@GW student, you ll have the opportunity to accelerate your career with these benefits:Learn from faculty teaching at GW s campus located in Washington, D.C. the center of health policy law, administration and regulation.Complete the program on a full-time or part-time basis, giving you the chance to graduate in as little as two years.Earn your degree from home while maintaining your current career.Experience in-person immersions that simulate leadership scenarios at prominent health organizations in D.C. and around the world.Graduate from an MHA program that is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Management Education (CAHME).Our online MHA program prepares health services professionals to pursue administrative and leadership positions in the ever-changing field of health care.50 creditsComplete in as little as two years4 in-person immersionsMHA@GW s academic content is designed to build expertise across the various skill sets necessary for effective health organization leadership. In-person immersion experiences, highly experienced faculty and a curriculum focused on real-world scenarios are the pillars of our MHA program.Admissions Counselors are ready to speak with you about the academic requirements and answer any questions you may have.Request InformationCurriculumThe MHA@GW curriculum is made up of eight 10-week learning modules. Students attend fourreal-world immersion experiencesheld on campus and at selected health care facilities. During the final organizational research project, which is divided into two parts and completed during modules six and seven, students choose to either evaluate an organization, develop a business plan or complete a literature review.The coursework that students complete in the MHA program is designed by expert faculty in D.C. the heart of health policy. The curriculum is designed to provide students with the necessary skills and knowledge to improve the function and efficiency of health care organizations.Each learning module focuses on different core skill sets required for optimal delivery of health care:Health Care Management and StrategyMedical Informatics and Decision ManagementHealth Care Financial ManagementCommunity and Public HealthHealth Economics and Quantitative MethodsQuality and Performance ImprovementLaw and PolicySystems Thinking and LearningImmersionsAs an MHA@GW student, you will participate in three immersions held on the George Washington University campus in Washington, D.C. the center of health care policy and regulation. In addition to Capitol Hill, you will attend one off-campus immersion at a reputable health organization located around the world.Past Global LocationsSan AntonioJerusalemNew York CityLondonSan DiegoDuring these immersion experiences, you will uncover your leadership style through simulated scenarios alongside other students and influential health care leaders. You will critically examine and assess the structure, function and operations of domestic or international health systems and learn from elite health care professionals who design them.During the fourth and final immersion experience, you will present your organizational research project a culmination of your academic studies and leadership portfolio. Your peers, alongside a panel of experienced health care leaders, will provide constructive feedback on your findings.Our Online Student ExperienceMHA@GW s online format lets you pursue leadership roles without putting your career on hold or drastically changing your lifestyle. The online campus acts as your virtual suite of academic and communication tools.Attend live, weekly classes of approximately 15 students that foster individual perspectives and discussions with classmates originating from diverse cultures and backgrounds.Access faculty-curated coursework at any time, giving you the freedom to complete interactive assignments at your own pace between live classes.Communicate face-to-face with faculty and fellow students, through breakout groups and one-on-one office hours, to discuss course content and collaborate on group projects.Live classes are hosted via HD streaming video, which broadcasts peers and faculty together in real time. Classroom layouts can be adapted for the specific needs of each course and feature engaging sharing tools like live chats, break-out rooms, polling and annotation.Gain Global Access to Hundreds of WorkspacesWhen you become an online MHA student, you ll receive a global membership that grants you access to WeWork s network of more than 450 workspaces in over 90 cities.Perfect for the traveling public health professional, each space is equipped with on-site amenities including Wi-Fi, printers, office supplies, kitchen space and coffee. Use these spaces to attend class, meet with classmates and connect with other professionals in the area, no matter where you are.Strengthen Your Professional Network with LinkedIn Premium CareerAs a student in MHA@GW, you receive access to LinkedIn Premium Career to help you showcase your new skills and gain exclusive insights that other applicants may not have. Your membership includes the following tools and resources:The ability to send InMail messages directly to job posters and recruitersInsight into who s viewed your profile in the last 90 daysApplicant Insights to see how you compare to othersAccess to in-demand skills through LinkedIn LearningInstant access to salary insights and career dataInteractive interview preparation to practice for job interviewsResume review by an expert coachThe Milken Institute School of Public Health at the George Washington University seeks students who are dedicated to academic excellence and professional development. MHA@GW is a rigorous online program that maintains the same academic standards as the on-campus program.Those interested should have two years of full-time health sector experience or three years of full-time experience in any other industry.MHA@GW offers four program start dates each year, typically in January, April, July and October. Admissions Counselors are available to help you complete your application in time for your desired start date.Because applications are reviewed as they are received, you are encouraged to submit your completed application as soon as possible. Admissions decisions are made on a rolling basis.Benefits for applicants who submit by the priority deadline:Become eligible to have the $75 application fee waived. Reach out to an Admissions Counselor prior to submitting your application to receive the waiver.Receive your admissions decisions early.Have priority when registering for classes.Connect with GW faculty and resources sooner.RequirementsMHA@GW candidates should be strong academic scholars who have made the decision to elevate their career and skill set in the health care field.To be considered for the online MHA program, you must:Hold a bachelor s degree from a regionally accredited U.S. institution of higher learning or an international institution that is accredited by the country s ministry of education or comparable governmental agency.Have at least two years of full-time health sector experience or three years of full-time experience in any industry. Students with less than two years of experience must pass an online examination prior to enrolling in Module One.Be currently employed in the health sector.View a full list of application requirements.Milken Institute SPH is Ranked No. 12 in the country on U.S. News World Report s 2019 list of best health care management schools.The Milken Institute School of Public Health at the George Washington University is committed to excellence in scholarship and advancing the health of our local, national and global communities.Our mission is to provide the best public health educational experience for the next generation of thought leaders, practitioners, policymakers and scientists who will transform public health worldwide.The faculty who lead the Milken Institute School of Public Health are highly qualified experts who not only teach and mentor, but are also heavily involved in the latest national public health forums. Faculty members include experienced practitioners who are passionate about developing the next generation of health care and health services leaders.As an MHA@GW student, you ll have the opportunity to connect with faculty through one-on-one sessions, classroom discussions and office hours. The tools, resources and accessibility of the online format enable you to develop lasting relationships as you pursue leadership in health administration.Admissions Counselors are ready to answer any questions you may have.Request InformationA Master of Health Administration (MHA) degree focuses on developing leaders with the skills and knowledge needed to manage health-related programs and organizations. As an MHA student, you will complete courses that build proficiency in business administration, ethics, human relations, law and financial management.Benefits and Career Paths in Health AdministrationA master s in health administration enables health care professionals to gain the skills they need to elevate their current clinical or administrative leadership position.Medical and health services administrators can expect to find more opportunity in the field over the coming years. There is a 20 percent projected growth in available jobs between 2016 and 2026, with a median annual wage of $98,3502.Earning an MHA prepares you to pursue a number of career paths in directorial and managerial positions, such as:Elevate your career with MHA@GW s expert faculty, real-world curriculum and online classroom. 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The online MHA program provides health care and health services professionals the opportunity to earn an MHA degree from anywhere in the world through the use of web-based technology. MHA@GW courses are taught by the same world-class faculty members who teach GW s on-campus degree programs. 2020 Milken Institute School of Public Health The George Washington University 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

TAGS:of Master Online 

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The online MHA program, MHA@GW, is designed for driven professionals looking to improve health care delivery, assume leadership positions and oversee influential change in communities around the world.

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