Full Marriage Equality

Web Name: Full Marriage Equality

WebSite: http://marriage-equality.blogspot.com





Full Marriage Equality

Advocating for the right of consenting adults to share and enjoy love, sex, residence, and marriage without limits on the gender, number, or relation of participants. Full marriage equality is a basic human right.

Home New to This Blog? Essential Reading Welcome Message An Introduction to This Blog About This Blog Why I Started This Blog A Happy Triad (Interview) Case Studies For Family re attracted is bad news, even abusive, may still feel drawn intensely to them. This is yet another reason why GSA needs to be decriminalized, brought out of the shadows, and dealt with seriously and respectfully.

See Myth: Sex Will Always Ruin These Relationships

See Myth: If Only They'd Known Ahead of Time, GSA Wouldn't Have Happened10 comments: Sunday, October 24, 2021 Consanguinamory and ReproductionOne of the most common reasons given to object to the right to consanguineous relationships is what I call the mutant baby argument. Even some people who support the right to consanguinamory and have even engaged in consanguineous sex themselves join with bigots in being strongly against close relatives having children together because of prejudiced backlash or the increased risk of birth defects.

In regards to the prejudiced backlash, the answer is not to let bigots have their way. It is for bigots to lose their power to bully, prosecute, and break up homes. Dont want children of consanguineous parents to have a hard time? Do not give them a hard time.

In regards to the increased risk of birth defects, scientific understanding is often lacking.

Most sexual encounters do not result in a birth. Many people who have relationships or marry never have genetic children together; some people in consanguinamorous relationships choose not to. So, we must recognize the differences between sex, marriage, parenting, and reproduction, and not ban the first three because of concerns about the last one.

But lets deal with that last one.

Most births to consanguineous parents do not produce children with significant birth defects or other genetic problems; while births to other parents do sometimes have birth defects. There are happy, healthy, bright, attractive people born to close relatives who are productive members of society. We all know some, whether we know it or not, and whether they know it or not. It is that common. (Sometimes, they were conceived by an abuser, but often, not by an abuser but by mutual lovers.) We dont prevent other people from marrying or deny them their reproductive rights based on increased odds of passing along a genetic problem or inherited disease. For example, it is entirely legal in the US and most other places for someone with Huntingtons Disease to date, have sex, marry, and have genetic children. How can such rights be denied to people who are genetically healthy, simply because they are close relatives?

It is true that in general, children born to consanguineous parents have an increased chance of genetic problems than those born to nonconsanguineous parents, but the odds are still minimal. (UPDATE: Please see this wonky elaboration written by a Friend of FME.) There are US states and there are countries where consanguinamory is not illegal or at least it isnt prosecuted. Sweden will legally marry half-siblings in some circumstances. A comparison of the rate of genetic problems in these places to places that criminalize and actively prosecute consanguinamory reveals no discernible increase in genetic problems in the places that embrace this relationship right.

If a natural talent or gift runs in the family, the children born to consanguineous parents will be more likely to inherit and manifest that beneficial result as well; a birth benefit. But there are increased odds of problem with births to older parents, too. Theres no stigma assigned to that, and it isnt illegal for older people to date, have sex, marry, and have genetic children together.

Anyone concerned about these things should have genetic testing and counseling. People who are not close relatives can pass along health problems, too.

The birth defects argument also implies that people with disabilities or some other birth defect are living lives so terrible that they should never have been born at all. Yet, there are many such people who are leading happy, fulfilling, productive lives.

But a current problem, in some (not all) cases, is that in giving birth, consanguineous parents will be outing themselves to someone who is prejudiced, and there will now be evidence of their (in some places) illegal love that can be used against them.

There are consanguinamorous parents happily raising their healthy children together. But some consanguinamorous relationships face very real threats. Again, the answer is to stop the persecution and prosecution. There is no good reason to deny consenting adults their equal protection of having their relationship and reproductive rights.

Consanguinamorous or not, anyone engaging in heterosexual intercourse should be aware of the possibility of pregnancy, the various forms of birth control and other options available, and the realities if pregnancy, birth, and raising children.

UPDATE: Jane has a great essay on these topics here.

With all of that in mind, lets look at this thread on a consensual incest discussion board. (The discussion is explicit, so if you have a problem with that, you are warned.)

carebear82 wrote

Read more 34 comments: Friday, October 22, 2021 Halloween Is Coming!Halloween is October 31 and it is celebrated widely and diversely here in the US.

Do you have any special plans for Halloween? Have you done or will you do anything fun or interesting this year at a Halloween party or event? So many were cancelled last year, and many places still have some limitations.

Whatever you do, please be careful and stay safe!

Here in the states, the stores depend on Halloween to sell a lot of merchandise. In typical years, there are parties, costume contests, what amounts to theatre in front of (and inside, sometimes) the homes of people as they try to scare or entertain neighbors and strangers with things ranging from silly to sexy, spooky to gory. In some places, kids (and often parents) in costumes go from door to door collecting candy or other treats.

Many amusement parks, ranging from small to the largest, do special entertainment in the weeks leading up to Halloween, and this is a favorite time of the year for movie studios to release horror movies, and for broadcasters to show ones from years past.

For some, there are religious or spiritual aspects to the day, and it might be called by other names.

Some interesting things can happen when people are having fun at costume parties, or cuddled up together watching scary movies. Maybe you'll be home with family or other loved ones, watching something good or playing some fun games?

So, as always, feel free to comment or share your plans or stories, including from years past. You can comment anonymously below.No comments: Thursday, October 21, 2021 Coping With Being Outed as ConsanguinamorousIf you are consanguinamorous or have experience with consanguinamory, hopefully, youll never be outed against your will. Its a cruel thing to out someone unless theyre hypocritically using their power to persecute other consanguinamorous people. Fortunately, most people in consanguinamorous relationships are never outed to anyone hostile, at least not anyone with any power over them. Still, it happens to a few people.

In some places, consanguinamory is still criminalized. There are not yet any protections against discrimination (such as in employment or housing), and some people have an irrational hatred against consanguinamorists, to the point of being violent and even murderous against consangs.

So being outed against your will can be a very big deal.

Its best not to be outed against your consent in the first place, so see here and hereand here, and discuss with your consanguinamory partner(s) what youd do if you were outed. In some situations, you might want to Press the Red Button.

One of the significant problems with ignorance around consanguinamory is the false guilt by association in which loving relationships are equated with assault and child abuse. It is so irrational that if, for example, two middle-aged siblings are together, some bigots will accuse of them of abusing children. It is senseless, but it happens.

The bottom line in some cases, you might need to:

Deny/remain silent.

Remove your online/social media presence (other than burner accounts) or set everything to private. Dont allow tagging, location info, and block as much as needed.

Change your name.

Relocate to where people dont know you; let as few people know where youve gone as possible.

Lets consider what might happen.

Read more 1 comment: Wednesday, October 20, 2021 Spirit Day is October 21Thursday, October 21 is Spirit Day. Among varying activities, people wear purple in support of LGBTQ youth, against bullying.

Nobody should be bullied, harassed, or discriminated against because of their gender, sexuality, or relationship diversities or those of their family members or friends.

Are you observing Spirit Day? Leave a comment below telling us about it

How You Can Help

1 comment: International Pronouns Day 2021Wednesday, October 20, 2021 is International Pronouns Day.

International Pronouns Day seeks to make respecting, sharing, and educating about personal pronouns commonplace.
Referring to people by the pronouns they determine for themselves is basic to human dignity. Being referred to by the wrong pronouns particularly affects transgender and gender nonconforming people. Together, we can transform society to celebrate peoples multiple, intersecting identities.

It is also important to remember that if you're not ready to come out, or not ready to come out to specific people, and telling them your pronouns would out you, it is OK to wait until a later date.

Gender, Sexuality, and Relationship Diversities are something to embrace and support, not discourage or discriminate against.No comments: Sunday, October 17, 2021 New to This Blog or Looking to Find Out More?NOTE: With more people currently spending much more time at home with family, you should read this if youre in that situation.

We support the rights of an adult, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, race, or religion, to share love, sex, residence, and marriage (and any other union offered by law), and any of those things without the others, with any and all consenting adults, without fear of prosecution, bullying, or discrimination. These are basic human rights under a system of gender equality and it shouldn't matter who is disgusted by the relationships of other adults or who doesn't understand why the adults would want to be together. Inherent in these rights is the right to NOT be in a relationship, NOT to marry, and to divorce or leave a relationship.

If you're viewing the desktop/laptop version, you'll see that over there in the column on the right you can find ways to connect and to follow this blog, and at the top of the page are tabs with drop-downs of some important pages, entries, and links. If you're viewing a mobile version, many of the links are below.

You are welcomed and affirmed here regardless of your gender, sexuality, or relationship diversities, and whether you are looking for more information, are in the closet or out about your gender, sexual orientation, or relationship, or want to be an ally. Are you here because of polyamory or polygamy? Perhaps you're here because this blog covers Genetic Sexual Attraction or consanguinamory (consensual incest) or because you think or know your partner has been involved? Do you need help? Whether you're a family member or friend who is looking for more information, or a journalist, or are someone who is looking to help the cause, we hope you are helped by what is here.

There's an About This Blog page, and you can read about the triad who originally inspired this blog.

There's a Glossary so that you can become familiar with terms frequently used here.

We explain why we need solidarity in supporting full marriage equality and we debunk all the arguments that you'll ever hear made against equality, so if you're against equal rights, please carefully read through that page.

On the Case Studies page we feature interviews with people who have been denied their rights, so you can "meet" people who are, or have been, in consensual loving relationships who have are harmed by the lack of equality under the law.

This blog is a labor of love. There's no advertising and we don't accept monetary contributions. Want to help? Spread the word. If you are a lawyer, attorney, or someone who works with a legal group or law firm, we'd like to hear from you if you are supportive. Also, this blog DOES accept content submissions (Keith can be contacted at... fullmarriageequality at protonmail dot com), but makes no offer, implicit nor explicit, of compensation nor guarantees that it will be used. If you want to tell your story, that would be very helpful to others!

Tell us what you think by commenting or by contacting us.
Join our Facebook group "I Support Full Marriage Equality."

Keith wants to be friends with all who support full marriage equality and relationship rights for all adults. Be Facebook friends with Keith.

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If you don't want to connect, still feel free to send Keith a note at fullmarriageequality at protonmail dot com

Myths about Genetic Sexual Attraction
Ten Myths About Sibling Consanguinamory
Bad Reasons to Deny Love
Ten Reasons Why Consensual Incest is Wrong (Sarcastic)

7 comments: Saturday, October 16, 2021 The Consanguinamorous and Allies Have a Place to TalkIf you're consanguinamorous or have ever been in a consanguinamorous relationship or have had sex with a close relative or want to, are experiencing Genetic Attraction or Genetic Sexual Attraction, you're a friend or family member of someone who is, or you're an ally in general, there is a good forum for you called Kindred Spirits. It's free, so come check it out, sign up with a username, and follow the instructions. The forum is based in France, which has no laws against consenting adults being consanguinamorous, but the forum is in English.

Kindred Spirits is a place to discuss both your struggles and the positive things about consanguinamory. There are multiple sections so, whether your having trouble or you're in bliss, you are welcome to participate. Connecting with others helps you and helps those others.

Please note:
Kindred Spirits is for people considering consanguinamory or who have been involved in consanguinamory, or experiencing Genetic Attraction or Genetic Sexual Attraction, and allies, and supportive or curious friends and family.It is NOT for anyone under the age of 18.The forum is porn-free. There are plenty of other places to find porn with consanguinamory themes, so don't bother trying to find it at KS. The forum is not for incest fetishists or anyone else looking for fap material. Again, there are plenty of other places for that. The forum is not a place for haters to express their bigotry, prejudice, and ignorance. You're doing that in many other places.The forum is not for any adult who engages in, or wants to advocate, abusing minors or abusing anyone. 3 comments: Friday, October 15, 2021 This is How You Contact KeithThere are multiple ways to contact Keith, the person behind this blog.

1) Email is great! It is the best way. Keith's address is fullmarriageequality at protonmail dot com. It also works to contact Keith at fullmarriageequality at yahoo dot com.

2) On the Wire messaging app: fullmarriageequality

3) On Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/fullmarriageequality

4) Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/FullMEquality - You can send Direct Messages.

5) There is a sister Tumblr to this blog. You can submit an "ask," including anonymously. You can also send a private message if you are signed in to a Tumblr account. If you submit an ask anonymously, you can't get a private response unless you provide an email address or a Facebook or Twitter or Wire or Tumblr account at which you can be reached. Say you want a private response if you don't want it published.

6) Comment here on this blog! You can comment after this entry (below) or any other entry, and you can do so anonymously if you'd like. Again, if you submit a comment anonymously, you can't get a private response unless you provide an email address or a Facebook or Twitter or Wire or Tumblr account at which you can be reached. Say you want a private response if you don't want your comment published. Comments have to be approved to be published, so you can write stuff you want Keith to see but you don't want published.

9 comments: Thursday, October 14, 2021 Pennsylvania Must Bring Laws in Line With the ConstitutionAccording to a paywalled story found here, a man charged for "incest" for having consensual (to be redundant) sex with another adult is challenging the Constitutionality of Pennsylvania's unjust, outrageous, and, yes, unconstitutional laws denying basic human and civil rights. Of course we wish this man well in fighting for civil rights and bringing the laws in line with the Constitution. Pennsylvania should be ashamed of having such terrible laws in place.

I found this related article from msn.com back on what was Independence Day, which is supposed to be a celebration of life, liberty, and happiness. Those are what are being denied to the consanguinamorous.

A brother and sister in their 30s in Beaver County are being charged with incest after a relationship between the two was revealed.

Who was the victim of this "crime?"

According to the Beaver County Times, the two, half-siblings, both of Freedom, are being charged after police were told of the sexual relationship, which included the two having a child together.

Emphases mine.


We know that child is healthy, as most children born to these relationships are.. Otherwise, the article would have mentioned the child's health.
While police were investigating a reported physical assault at the home the two share, the woman told police the two had a child together.

Self-incrimination. DON'T MAKE THAT MISTAKE!

Police were also told that other family members knew of the relationship and the child.

Isn't it normal for family to know these things? Family should be supportive.
The Beaver County Times reports that the woman in the relationship had posted bail, while the man remains in jail on incest charges as well as simple assault and harassment charges.

If he has committed real crimes, try him on those. Sex with another adult shouldn't be crime. Families should not be broken up over it. Children should not lose their parents over it.
Being half-siblings (they share a biological father), this could be a reunion GSA case. Whether it is or not shouldn't matter to the law. Sex should not be a crime. These are consenting adults. The Conway Borough Police Department should only concern itself with crimes in which there are victims.

Pennsylvania and every other US state must drop unjust laws that prevent consenting adults from sharing love, sex, residence, kink, partnership, and marriage how they mutually agree. There is no good reason to arrest, prosecute, and incarcerate people for being consanguinamorous.4 comments: Tuesday, October 12, 2021 Living Consanguinamorously - Dating Outside the Family
Is it cheating to keep or start being with my relative while dating people outside the family?
Cheating, which is not to be confused with ethical nonmonogamy, is violating existing agreements with one or more lovers while letting them believe the agreement continues to be in effect and unaltered. So if you have an ongoing sexual relationship with a close relative or family member you will keep, or you are pursuing one, you should not indicate to potential new lovers outside the family that youll be sexually exclusive with them.
While many people find consanguinamorous relationships to be the best, or are consang in orientation, others are polyamorous (especially as an orientation) and either dont find other consanguineous lovers or have a need for someone who happens to be outside of the family. They might even want a unrelated lover as practical matter, whether due to discrimination against consanguinamory or not. Please do not make someone an unwitting beard, however; its generally a bad idea to deceive someone entering into a committed relationship with you because you arent or cant be out about your orientation, relationships, or sex life.
There is not necessarily a need to tell potential new lovers youre involved in or pursuing consanguinamory. In most cases, outing yourself would be a bad idea, especially since consanguinamory is still illegal in many places. However, in many more places, ethical nonmonogamy has mostly been decriminalized or wasnt criminalized in the first place, depending on where you are, so it is far less of a problem to be out as an ethical nonmonogamist.

Do It This Way
Read more 2 comments: Monday, October 11, 2021 Females Who Mate With Their Brothers and FathersFruit flies... we're talking about fruit flies. Below is the news I found on my own, but first is this take on it by Alex B. Berezow at realclearscience.com, provided by a kind friend of FME. Don't be shy about calling my attention to anything relevant to this blog.

The article says "inbreeding" isn't all bad, despite popular notions...
If acted upon by natural selection, bad mutations can be wiped out more easily, thus speeding the rate of evolution. And for some reason, third- and fourth-cousins that marry each other in Iceland have more children.
But what about the fruit flies?
When given a choice between a brother or a non-brother, females preferred mating with their brother. But, males did not prefer their sister. They simply tolerated mating with their sister, picking them roughly half the time. Similarly, females showed no preference when choosing between their father or a non-father, picking their dad about 50% of the time. Males wooed their moms, but no successful mating occurred.
The authors conclude that inbreeding occurs in fruit flies because it may increase their inclusive fitness.
The article's author makes bigoted comments to make it clear he is disgusted, or at least wants us to think he's disgusted.

Source:Loyau A, Cornuau JH, Clobert J, Danchin É (2012). "Incestuous Sisters: Mate Preference for Brothers over Unrelated Males in Drosophila melanogaster." PLoS ONE 7(12): e51293. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0051293
I am compelled to point out that consaguinamory and consanguineous sex or marriage do not necessarily mean inbreeding, and most children born to close relatives are healthy. And, as I often mention, what happens with other species, especially ones as different as fruit flies, doesn't necessarily apply to humans. But it is fun to have information like this handy when someone tries to tell you that consanguinamory is unnatural. Funny thing, is, none of these people who say this go a single day of their lives without unnatural things.

Here's the journal piece I had already found on this...
We investigated male and female mate preferences with respect to relatedness in the fruit fly D. melanogaster. Experiments offered the choice between a first order relative (full-sibling or parent) and an unrelated individual with the same age and mating history. We found that females significantly preferred mating with their brothers, thus supporting inbreeding preference. Moreover, females did not avoid mating with their fathers, and males did not avoid mating with their sisters, thus supporting inbreeding tolerance. Our experiments therefore add empirical evidence for inbreeding preference, which strengthens the prediction that inbreeding tolerance and preference can evolve under specific circumstances through the positive effects on inclusive fitness.
The information is extensive, complete with many references. It is good reading for those of you who enjoy scientific journals.
6 comments: Older PostsHomeSubscribe to:Posts (Atom)Full Marriage Equality
About This BlogI argue for marriage equality. By that I mean that society and all local, state, federal, and international laws, institutions, and programs should recognize any marriage registered by any persons without restrictions on the basis of race, color, creed, ancestry, national origin, sex, gender, sexual orientation, or religion.

The global definition of marriage should be as follows: "The uniting of consenting individuals in a witnessed ceremony."

We believe everyone has the right to share love, sex, residence, and marriage with any and all consenting adult(s) of their choice, regardless of birth or sexual orientation.

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Dating Outside the Fa...Females Who Mate With Their Brothers and FathersComing Out DayMyth: Sex Will Always Ruin GSA Relationships Becau...Falsely Invoking Science to Justify BigotryTwins Share a SpouseNew Zealand Still Prosecuting Consenting AdultsThe Intersection of Polyamory and Consanguinamory September(14) August(17) July(16) June(19) May(16) April(18) March(21) February(14) January(13) 2020(149) December(18) November(19) October(17) September(14) August(15) July(7) June(12) May(9) April(17) March(8) February(6) January(7) 2019(107) December(10) November(7) October(7) September(14) August(3) July(6) June(8) May(11) April(11) March(10) February(7) January(13) 2018(108) December(12) November(6) October(7) September(9) August(12) July(5) June(10) May(6) April(11) March(11) February(9) January(10) 2017(118) December(8) November(12) October(9) September(7) August(4) July(13) June(10) May(10) April(14) March(11) February(9) January(11) 2016(148) December(10) November(12) October(11) September(12) August(16) July(12) June(15) May(9) April(11) March(17) February(14) January(9) 2015(144) December(13) November(14) October(12) September(10) August(8) July(11) June(13) May(7) April(13) March(9) February(15) January(19) 2014(180) December(11) November(15) October(17) September(11) August(12) July(14) June(8) May(19) April(12) March(22) February(16) January(23) 2013(275) December(19) November(16) October(22) September(20) August(11) July(19) June(31) May(27) April(25) March(31) February(32) January(22) 2012(410) December(24) November(19) October(28) September(30) August(29) July(28) June(50) May(39) April(44) March(40) February(38) January(41) 2011(661) December(47) November(41) October(53) September(35) August(44) July(54) June(68) May(53) April(58) March(82) February(53) January(73) 2010(331) December(58) November(48) October(39) September(42) August(40) July(33) June(20) May(21) April(9) March(11) February(6) January(4)
The Fine PrintThe focus of this blog is consenting adults. This blog does not advocate anyone engage in activity that is currently illegal in their jurisdiction; it does advocate changing or repealing any law that prevents the freedom of association, love, and full marriage equality for adults. This blog condemns rape, sexual assault, and child molestation, and frowns in the general direction of cheating. This blog exists mainly to evaluate information and direct others to information about current events; it does not provide medical, therapeutic, legal, financial, or cooking advice. This blog links to other sites for informational purposes; it does not necessarily support everything at those links.

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