Mental Meanderings

Web Name: Mental Meanderings






Mental Meanderings

The author lurks in every story, book, and article.

Monday, April 13, 2020 Who will it be?
The Democrats are getting desperate. They have made their first political blunder, a major one; they have indicated a newborn died of the coronavirus. The child did not die of coronavirus nor did they have testing that proved he died of coronavirus; he died of neglect and the depression that comes with taking care of a fractious newborn. The same thing happens every day and this was no exception -- except that the corpse of the child did test positive for coronavirus, likely because his parents were infected -- or one of the examiners was infected. The Democrats chose to use this death to proclaim that Trump is the reason for the death -- He was not!.

That is how far the Democrats would go to turn Congress and especially the balance of power to the democratic cause even with Obama having come down on the side of the American people, putting aside his personal animosity toward Trump to win the election for his party on the back burner. One ore reason why I dislike the Dems and why I also have my doubts about the coronavirus outbreak in the USA and how it got a rapid foothold so fast in an election year. The Dems are spinning the narrative to get rid of Trump -- because they do not like Trump and because their impeachment fiasco took a big dump on the proceedings with the Senate siding with Trump and putting him out of danger for another run at the election.

I am nonpartisan but have viewed the Democrats winning several seats in the House because of their moderation with Bernie stepping down from the race, likely because of his coronary issues and his recent heart attack putting him out of the race. Good move since he is not well and his health is the fulcrum on which his candidacy turns with Joe Biden in the driver's seat, the man who would do anything (and did) to win against Trump. Bernie counted his position and his inability to win with Trump and Biden in the race (even with so many strong women -- among them Fauxcahontas -- to ally himself with). Bernie has not lasted so long as an Independent because he had any illusions about winning and sign onto the Democrats' party as a last-ditch attempt to keep himself and his delusions of the presidency (or his vice-presidency) uppermost in mind. He is a team player and has thrown his agenda on the table in a bargain with the devil at last.

I once believed in Bernie's rhetoric until he signed on with Hillary and Hillary did to him what she had always done -- threw him under the bus and backed up over him a couple of times. I knew them that Bernie was a team player and would make any deal to keep himself and his agenda alive. I stopped believing in him at that point. Any person who would sell his principles (and himself) for a spot at the table was very evident at that point. Elizabeth Warren, after jumping sides and signing on to the Democrats' agenda, proved to be a turncoat at last -- just as Bernie proved himself to be.

The POTUS is a powerful position and Warren and Bernie would do anything to take their chance in the hot seat no matter what they had to do to get there.

I knew Joe Biden with his touchy-feely hands would not outlive his #MeToo past and would have to give it up to remain a Democrat, even if he had to sign on to Obama's ticket to land in the vice-presidential seat as he did with Obama being voted out and he running for the POTUS position at last -- as he was undoubtedly promised until Trump won the seat for the Republicans and has withstood everything the Democrats had to throw at him. It must be because he has a majority in the Senate and the Dems did not have a clear cut case against him, so Biden will have to weather the storm that is coming and he may yet slip the noose and win against Trump with his touchy-feely rock hanging about his neck. He is within touching distance of the POTUS seat; all he must do is beat Trump at the polls -- a thing that a powerful and unscrupulous woman like Hillary could not do. Biden is likely to go down in flames as Hillary did, but he will be hung by his touchy-feely rope around his neck, a feat that not even a charming Bill Clinton would do with the rapes and questions about his checkered past -- and current behavior -- not without Hillary's help -- and Biden doesn't have Hillary in his corner.

I held out hope that the women that piled onto the Democrats' bandwagon during the last election in the wake of the #MeToo movement were out to change things, but they had AOC on their team and she was no Hillary and was too loose-lipped with her demands and the slippery way she had with the truth coming out. The women have either grabbed too much power in the wake of the #MeToo losses or their stomachs outpaced their intelligence and Trump's power. I know their ambitions got too much of a hold on them just as I know from personal experience, having let my wants outpace my desires -- and my pocketbook -- in the end. Lesson learned, but not quickly enough for my health and my seat at the political table.

I know my faults and know how much I have lost and how little I have to gain with my current health problems as they are. I left this too late in the game and did not learn from the past (as I should have) before I mounted my campaign to run for president. I am and have always been an Independent (not like Bernie) and will remain an Independent to the end. I am not like Warren who turned her coat at the slightest provocation to side with the Democrats. I am a Republican at my heart, but will not turn my coat to win an election to become a Democrat. I will remain an Independent no matter what.

But then I am not running for election and have not faced Trump in the field and have to turn my coat to win an election as Bernie did and Warren did. I would have become a Democrat had I been younger and faced with this dilemma, but I know the consequences and I am not an easily thwarted Republican. I am an Independent and realize that I cannot be a Democrat since I know how the world works and will not change my spots -- for anything

That is all. Disperse.

No comments: Saturday, April 11, 2020 Didn't we have a vaccine a few years ago?I received an email this morning and checked on some Facebook issues that had to do with the COVID-19 issue. I can now see what is going on and who those who put out the news are trying to destabilize our government. We are not in control and neither are the Republicans or the Democrats.

This is yet another issue with the secret government destabilizing our system of government and put who they want to be in power and it isn't us and it has nothing to do with our elected officials.

I spent some time listening to the X-Files and putting all this together. We, the American people, should get a handle on this and take our country back from those who would wrest our control from us and put their own people in power. I had hoped to run for political office and put my own stamp on our democratic system, but that has gone by the wayside and the secret government is putting its own stamp on our democratic system of government. We are not in control.

Ever since China let the world know that Wu-Han had been invaded by the Coronavirus pandemic and it slipped thru their fingers, we have been at the mercy of the negative elements of our government. I'm not going to stand for it and neither should you.

The world will not go down without a fight. We will fight back against the negative elements in our government and take our country back.

We are not being decimated as we sit on lockdown in our homes by the CoronaVirus and we will no longer be held hostage. No, we will not suffer this assault on our government and our lives much longer. Our banks are closed and we cannot trust in the news that everything is under control -- not any longer.

Our economy, which was booming due to President Trump's policies, is now in the tank and we will have to reset our economy as the world battles this "pandemic" and the Democrats battle for their pre-eminence in the Congress. It is all about Trump and the people who followed Hillary down the wide path into Hell. I wish I had a sewing machine and had to deal with making face masks to cover my nose and mouth. I would not do it, but I have done nothing for the past two years and have had to deal with that.

I am not one of those who follow the news and blindly follow along as our Trump presidency goes down in flames. He is not my first choice for president of the USA but he is the one we have and that is up to the electorate that was swayed by the Clintons asking for him to step in. They thought -- or rather Hillary thought -- he would be easy to beat, but she was wrong. Obama thought his legacy would stand and Trump would fade into the pages of history, but that didn't happen either.

Now we have this pandemic and the fears surrounding that issue and people, the Democrats who have welcomed this pendemic into our country and onto our shores, are panicking. Some are getting through to Trump who has acted presidentially and loaded his Republicans with the message that we are doomed -- WE ARE NOT DOOMED. We still have another round of votes to get through and Trump may or may not be re-elected. I look over the Democrats and do not see anyone I like well enough to cast my vote for. I need more time to look over the field; I am not a Republican, nor am I a Democrat, but I keep hoping that the usual slate of people running for office will not live down to the task. I almost wish Hillary would run again, but that is not in the cards -- nor should it be. I keep hoping for another person, much like Elizabeth Warren as she first looked to me when she was a Republican but then switched over to the Democrats as the slate was drawn up. No go; Warren signed on with Bernie, who has also dropped out of the race, along with the remains of the field, and we are left with Donald J. Trump for a second run or whatever else the Democrats can dig out of their failed attempt to impeach Trump. We may be up for Trump for a second term -- if we weather the "pandemic" without a huge loss in that regard.

I keep hoping for someone, preferably a woman with guts now that we have that behind us and he is in jail for the foreseeable future (preferably a long time). It's rather like the "pandemic" (a tempest in a teaspoon). Now that we are down to business I have better hopes for the future: the pandemic is lifted and proves to be a fake, Trump is re-elected, Hillary has died of the COVID-19, and our government has found the cojones and the intelligence to put up a real candidate, one that doesn't beat the Bernie drum and succumb to the Democrats' agenda ... I keep hoping for a strong woman with the wherewithal to put this country on a first name basis with intelligence and politics and pulls us up out of the muck and acts presidential. Even Obama surfaced long enough to side with Trump, putting his agenda behind him and pulls together for the sake of this country.

Whatever happens, and I hope Elizabeth Warren had put her animosities and her common sense into their respective boxes and done the right thing for this country and its people, I pray for the best.

That is all. Disperse.

No comments: Wednesday, April 08, 2020 We do not know as much as we think I have been looking at pictures of endangered species and wondering if there are ways that we, the people, are rushing to judgment and thinking that we have been stupid and missed looking for the animals and missing or looking in the wrong places to find the animals and not that they are extinct. I keep thinking that the animals are there but we aren't seeing them or have misidentified them as something else. I keep hearing animals are still existing but not where we are looking. Maybe I am naive; that is actually true -- me being naive -- but I have been naive and I continue to be naive. I do not have knowledge of everywhere and I do not see everything and am at the mercy of reports from places I have never seen and will never see.

I am naive. For all the places I have been to and lived, I have not seen it all or done it all. I am naive and I have little knowledge of the world, far less than I claim or that I have actually seen. I was born with a desire to do more, see more, be more than I planned when I was a child and that has not come about; I am sixty-five and it may be too late for me -- but I hope I still have time; I actually plan to live to be 150 and I'm little more than halfway there.

I am amazed by the diversity of the animals that are out here in the world and I am amazed by the way that animals continue to surprise and amaze me for they are as adaptable as we, the humans, are. Animals can live with us and do not turn into the horror stories we imagine.

The animals have not turned against us as horror stories imagine -- and we imagine for ourselves. Fear is our first and foremost feeling we feel and are horror-stricken by the fears we imagine. It is no wonder that we read and seek out when we turn to read and imagine what is ahead of us. Good thing there continues to be a readymade market for aspiring authors, botanists, paleo-whatever that wait for such things and provide places for them ready to provide readers for their wares.

I should know. I am a writer. I consider continuing to write for the chance to take my place among them.

In that I am naive; I hope for the chance to write a book and have people enjoy what I write, asking for more -- to which I will readily apply.

I am also willing to allow myself to fail, but I do not think I will fail because I will continue writing and sending my work out to be judged and hopefully accepted. I am not THAT delusional.

The more pictures I see and the more reports I read about scientists finding they were wrong about the animals being extinct. Scientists are always finding that the animals they think are extinct and actually misidentified. I am hopeful and wish for the best; the same belief that I count on when greeting the news that the earth is getting hotter and the seasons, especially the winters, shorter.

I have grown up and experienced more than my share of outcomes and have seen supposedly extinct animals come back -- like the buffalo. Buffalo -- or bison -- roam the prairies as they once did, but are limited by the actual fact that these buffalo are from a far smaller gene pool than once swelled the herds when the herds were made smaller by the fact that westerners and Indians drove thousands of them off cliffs in order to keep the remaining buffalo from finding out the tricks that hunters used to take them down.

It is rather like the remaining buffalo were not that smart -- or so they say. Animals are smarter than we give them credit for and far smarter than we as humans believe now that we examine and understand how smart they are. There is so much more to this fact than we are ready -- or actually understand -- to believe.

That is all. Disperse.

No comments: Sunday, April 05, 2020 Keep this planet alive and well I am sequestered like everyone else in the country. I have changed my ways too. I wash my hands every time to keep my bodily fluids from getting all over others and I keep my trash cleared away as well. I also keep washing my utensils, like the plastic containers and the plastic cups and such, cleaned as well. I am keeping myself clean (I usually do) and cleaning my apartment and my things, such as doing laundry, up to date. I must now keep myself clean and organized -- as everyone else does -- and I used essential oils, a practice I got into many years ago and one that I keep up to date.

I use Aura Cacia and other reputable essential oil retailers because I must keep myself clean and healthy. I will maintain my health as long as I can, keeping myself to myself as long as possible in order to keep from getting the coronavirus that has so many people changing their ways and keeping close to home. Good thing I do not have to get to work or wear a mask or search out the nearest portable lung for myself since I have not come down with the virus.

I think I was planning on getting (or at least keeping myself from getting a pandemic) like coronavirus or something similar for years. It's a good thing I changed my ways years ago and have kept myself from getting more than the flu or some other infection for years. Good thing I keep myself away from illness and have kept up the practices so that I am not going to end up sick or ill from some other preventable disease.

I'm not touting my personal health practices, like using nontoxic cleaners or toxic cleaning supplies,
but you might want to consider changes to your toxic cleaning supplies by checking things out at Grove Collaborative or something similar, something more earth-friendly and/or health conscience and sticking with it long after we have put the pandemic behind us -- or at least not hiding your symptoms and illness from others -- or misdiagnosing your illness and telling those around you that you are not at risk of infecting yourself and others and then infecting them. Keep the planet, this Earth, uppermost in mind and the inhabitants (like the wildlife) in your thoughts and in your heart. We do not want to be the next great extinction on the list, like the dinosaurs, and the many animals we have abused and continue to abuse during our lifetimes. We do not want to continue to abuse this planet or its inhabitants and tick them off the list as we will ourselves end up being -- extinct.

I'm not going to be ticked off the list nor will I be extinct this time around.

That is all. Disperse.No comments: Saturday, March 28, 2020 PoliticsAs I have surfed the web over the past few days, I have been faced with the news that the Coronavirus has the USA hard, much harder than we have been told. It started with Wuhan in
China and then spread throughout the world, landing here in the USA to be dealt with by virologists and the unprepared medical establishment -- and the unprepared government -- and the POTUS -- President Donald J. Trump.

I have been wrong about Trump, but not this time.

Trump is not the megalomaniac the Dems have painted him. That is all about politics. That is all about Republicans trying to get the edge over on Trump and not the truth. That is the same thing the Dems have been putting out since Trump won in 2016. the same thing that Hillary has been selling since she lost the election. The Dems have picked up the ball and run with it.

Trump is not the be-all and end-all of politics and he is an egotistical liar, but he is the POTUS we voted for and will have to take since hs is the rightfully elected President of the USA. He leaves much to be desired and he was a surprise since the election and Hillary lost. He is one of the many POTUS-'es we have had to deal with just as we dealt with President Obama -- who was far from stellar.

Obama put one over on the electorate and he shoved a lot of democratic lies down America t throats. We, the people, will always have to deal with the politics that come with the presidency. Trump is better than the people know,\'and better than we, the people, have any right to expect. Trump is yet another bad choice that we will have to deal with, another choice to put behind us until we can vote in a female that is above politics, not swayed by the Democrats or the Republicans/ We will have to get our sights set on a female with the strength of character and above all the public chicanery and get down to business.

Who will you vote for -- or against, in November?

I'm still making up my mind.

That is all. Disperse.No comments: Thursday, March 19, 2020 The truth is what you believeI learned much from fairy tales like they do come true... if you want them to do so.

I was upset when I realized that Maleficent would be given a make-over. I could not resist the old view of the fairy tale with the evil Maleficent and the way Philip took up the Sword of Truth and the Shield of Valor and beat the evil Maleficent into the ground. I was operating on the idea that only the truth could survive. I have changed my mind. Truth is what we believe and that is what I saw when I visualized the truth that materialized on the screen this morning.

The truth is what I saw in Queen Ingrid's eyes as she saw her enemies fall before her -- that avid and greedy look in her eyes. I caught a vision of what it must have been like for Hillary during the last election when she failed to become President.

The Dark Fae, run to ground beneath the earth, their faces pained white and black in their mindless march to do their enemies what their enemies had done to them That is the price of enmity, the same price that we humans have always followed when exterminating the other.

We are hunkered in our homes, afraid of what Covid-19 is doing to the world. We may not live to hash this battle the way we have hashed the battles that have gone before -- the other battle for the earth -- immigration, the haves versus the have nots, and so on and so on and on and on and on. Will we never be free of this fight until the planet is decimated beneath our booted feet? Will we never be free of the need to see the otheras our opponent?

I saw in my mind's eye the same look of fear and greed and satisfaction, the same look that Hillary got when she has appeared on so many talk shows in the wake of 2016? Hillary will never stop apologizing or explaining or trying to vent her spleen because she lost the election? She did not get the chance when Obama beat her at the polls and she still did not get her due when President Trump slipped the noose and remained free after the House of Reps failed to bring him down? We may not get the chance to put an end to the ME, ME, ME that still sits in the White House after the Democrats failed to impeach President Trump. The issue is not what Trump is doing but what he is not doing and how he has not met the needs of the Democrats. He has not plunged the world into yet another world war with his ineptitude and his aggrandizement at the public's altar. Give it up. He is the currently elected President of the United States of America (POTUS). Let the people have their say once their spleens have been vented in the next election. next elections. Maybe then it will sink in that the people will finally have their say and the old wrongs -- against the Sioux nation, the brown nations, the blacks, the differences that have divided us and have always divided us, have been put into the past and we have moved on and grown up.

I see the truth in the way that I see the truthhas been finally put to rest. Truth is what we believe it to be. Once it was the truth about the blacks, then it was the truth about the indigenous people, and so on and on and on....!

We have grown up at last and can finally see what we have been doing to each other -- man's inhumanity to man

No one had to die (since it was make-believe).

Grow up. Get real. Put the past behind you.

That is all. Disperse.No comments: Thursday, January 30, 2020 Impeach Yourself First Pelosi isn't so sure any moreYou are not interested in impeachment, Dems, You are not doing the job you were hired to do. You have been smarting since Hillary failed to win. You are still smarting and you need to get over it already.

The impeachment is a farce. Trump has been doing his job. Do yours.

I was upset because Obama won and because he acted like a monarch. I got through 2 terms of his term in office. I sat quietly and did nothing while Obama shredded the Constitution. Obama is out and Trump is in. Get over it and STFU already. If you cannot impeach Trump legally you will declare yourself the winners anyway.

Get over it, Dems. If you cannot win the race honorably you will kick your feet and throw a tantrum the way you have from the beginning. Trump is not an ideal President, but neither was Obama an ideal president. The only thing he had going for himself was that he was black and was voted into the POTUS's office. Obama was not the ideal POTUS and he did many things wrong, but we had eight years of him in office and he continued to bow down to the sheiks and the Imams, shredding the Constitution while he was in office. We dealt with that and the Republicans, who had more than enough evidence to impeach Obama, but they decided not to put this country through the debacle even though they had sufficient evidence.

Obama was not a good president and neither is Trump. Trump is a showman, but so was Teddy Roosevelt, making everything he did all about him. He wrote his history as though he had actually done everything right though he dropped the ball on several issues. Teddy was a megalomaniac but he did a lot of things right, like creating five national parks and endowing the national park service. We dealt with it, as we have always dealt with whoever lands in the POTUS seat, just as we dealt with Obama, just as we will deal with Trump. How about the Dems get off this case and STFU?

Trump will pass as Obama passed. We will get through this as well as we did with Obama. The Dems are still pissed off. Get off it already. Schumer and Pelosi and all the Dems are out of line with this impeachment trial. You did not get what you wanted out of Mueller and now you want to go through with this farce of an impeachment. You've tried to stack the deck and you have failed. Get over it. Have your tantrum, kick your feet, and get out of Trump's way. You will succeed in putting him back in office because Biden cannot beat him. Biden is an also-ran just like Hillary, but you cannot see that for yourselves. Let this impeachment die and get out of the way or you will have Trump elected again.

Let Trump run again. He will run his campaign as he did the last time and we Americans will either elect him or not, but only if you Dems get out of the way first. You don't like having Trump as a president. Obama has shot his load and so have you, the Dems. Get out of the way. Do yourself a favor and see the writing on the wall. If you want to see more of Obama, run him again or let him die a natural death. Obama had his time and he failed to do more than add to his communist dreams, much like his putative father. Obama's father is not Barack Obama, Sr. but he is the illegitimate son of Malcolm X. He was born a year earlier than what is listed. Unlike his father, he is also a homosexual and he is married to Michelle; his children are not his own. They are the children of Michelle's obstetrician and her husband and Obama and Michelle are not their real parents. Get over it, Dems. It is about time the Democrats had a dose of the truth -- the real truth. It is about time the American people had a dose of the truth -- the REAL truth for a change.

You have shot your load over Trump and you lost. You should have left it at that instead of following through with the debacle of the impeachment trial.

I do not like Trump, but I have learned to face up to facts. Trump won. He is not a good president, but he is an adequate president. He is what we have. We have the president we deserve. ... That is the whole point of the elections. Give it up, Dems. It's over. Get over yourselves.

Schumer, Pelosi, Maxine Waters, and Hillary, among others, have to move on and face the facts. We have another election to get through, so let us get on with it and face the truth. The Palestinians rejected Trump's offer and the Saudi Arabians got exactly what they wanted with Khashoggi's dismemberment by playing Trump. That's what you get when you live in a monarchy. You got what you got and we got what we got -- Trump.

That is all. Disperse.No comments: Monday, January 27, 2020 ERRATAI have been wrong.

I was wrong about Obama. He was exactly what this country needed. He also should have been impeached - not because of what he said and did (there was plenty) - but because he snuck into power by playing on this country's need to wipe the slate clean.

We needed a black president. We should have had a black president. We had one now, so let's get on with it. Thank you, Obama, for being the first. Thank you, Republicans, for not impeaching him when he should have been impeached. Thank you, Republicans, for putting America first and not your egos. Thank you, Republicans, for not giving in to your own personal needs and this country's needs for putting America first.

Trump, dial back on the Tweets. You tweet too much. You are what you appeared to be and are. Let's get this over with now and shut the Dems down. This will leave a stain on our souls, this impeachment, so shut it down and let it go. We cannot blot out the past few weeks (this entire debacle) and we cannot get the time back, so let it go. Impeach Pelosi and Maxine Waters and your entire Dem mindset. I don't like Trump either, but I have allowed him to be president just as I allowed Obama to coast through his term. Let it go.


I was wrong about shutting out the Muslims. I should have let Muslims be Muslims and let it go. America will never be THE UNITED STATES OF ISLAM. I have accepted that reality long ago but kept it out of my posts. Oust the Shiites and the Sunnis and the ISIS and accept Sufi-ism. Your Allah is not the CREATOR and Muhammad was not his spokesman on this earth 1400 years ago. Let it go. The Universal Creator is what and who HE has always been. Muhammad has been duped and so have we if we follow Muhammad's hadiths Muhammad was a misshapened, twisted dwarf and we have followed him to the edge of the pit. Muhammad wants to kill the Jews because he was wrong. LET IT GO.

The same is true of Jesus and the Messiah and all other heads of religious belief. All man-made Gods are not GOD but pretenders to the throne. I understand the mistake and I admit it. I have let it go. I am an atheist, but I prefer to worship with the community and other people so I admit it. I see Jesus as he has always been -- the embodiment of the emperor Titus. I have accepted the fact and I have realized that Titus is not the Universal Creator but a way to keep the Jews under control. I say, let people have their delusions and get on with it. The gods that we have celebrated for over 2000 years is not the Universal Creator, but HE knows that and I know that and I have let it go, so you let it go, too.

The Universal Creator is the Universal Creator and he knows what is in my heart and my mind. That is enough for me. Let it be enough for you.

There are only two rules: Love one another and do good for those who need it.



That is all. Disperse.

I was wrong. I made mistakes. The Universal Creator realizes that.

No comments: Thursday, November 07, 2019 Rest in PeaceI had some really bad news today: Mustang Sally is dead. She died on Tuesday and I did not even know about it until today. I read it in the Obituaries.

Sally had COPD and had been in the hospital for a month before returning here to Messiah Manor. Sally was also on CPAP and had been for quite a while.

I am sad because I liked her so much before she went into the hospital and even sadder when she returned to Messiah Manor because she refused to recognize me or talk to me. I did not know what happened or why she would prefer to go inside rather than talk to me. I still do not know why or how it happened, but she is dead now and I cannot ask her. I did write her a letter and put it in her mailbox outside her door with her name on the front asking why. She got the letter but she never spoke to me again. I do hope she knew how much I missed her company and how much I cared for her and about her.

I do know her older brother, Ted, so maybe I should talk to him and ask him. I am sure he would tell me what he knows about it, but then again I do not want to put him on the spot, especially since his sister just died. Oh, well, I have had my say and I hope she was willing to forgive me for whatever she had decided about me.

No matter. She took her animosity to the grave with her and I will have to live with that knowledge. It is the one thing I never got the chance to sort all this out -- and now I will never be able to sort this out. It is yet another mystery that I will never get to the bottom of nor will I be able to make reparations on. C'est la vie.

I found out that Sally was a year younger than I am, something else I did not know. We hit it off the first time and (or so I thought) I liked her immediately. Sally is still listed in my phone as Mustang Sally just as she was Mustang Sally to me in person -- until recently when she returned from the hospital in Springfield and refused to speak to me except to tell me she would not speak to me and went into the building to keep me from speaking to her.

I do not like issues like this one and I will eventually have to go to Ted, her brother, and ask him to tell me why Sally refused to talk to me again and avoided my company even when I talked to her, saying hello and asking how she was doing. I really hate losing people which is why I contacted all my siblings and left messages on their phones. Even Dick gave in and spoke to me after telling me I would have to wait until she was ready to talk. I waited and eventually we talked.

I was happier than when the Mushroom called me and talked to me, telling me that he had gotten married and that I was not invited. Oh well. Life goes on. There will be bumps and potholes in the road and you get over them, hopefully not losing your gas tank or other parts of your vehicle. I lost a good friend and I do not know why or how and now there is a hole in my heart where Mustang Sally lived and that hole will close up and heal, but I will always miss my friend and will continue to think of her as Mustang Sally.

I miss Sally more than I missed losing my Mom and Dad, even more than missing my siblings. Some people get close to your heart and you miss them when they are gone. No doubt, Ted and his brothers will also miss Sally and they will grieve for her as I do. Maybe one of the neighbors here will take me with them when they go to the funeral on Saturday.

I was lost when Sally would not speak to me and I am even more lost now that she is gone. She was younger than I am, a year younger, but she will not get older and I will miss her more and more as time goes on.

Bless you, Sally. I remember you telling your brother, Ted, that you had to coax me into talking the first time and took you a long time to get to know me.

I remember what Bessie and Dick told me about getting to know my neighbors -- that I must take it slow and watch my tongue. I made friends along the way and have engaged in playing Bingo and sharing communal meals as I got to know my neighbors. Maybe I should have not been so free with my tongue -- at least where Sally was concerned -- and talked with her the way I talked with Mel and Kenny and the other guys around here.

I sat down and talked with Gerry on Tuesday when we took an art class and I helped him with his perspectives on his wolf for his children's book. I eventually took a pencil and redid his drawing, showing him what I meant by fixing his perspective and where the eyes should go. I also him to teach me blacksmithing -- and he agreed to do so. Gerry is a big robust blacksmith of a man with white hair and a white beard. I imagine Gerry as the blacksmith in the poems I read in my youth with his big, brawny arms, his large hands, and his twinkling eyes as we laughed and joked and talked about art and such. He even drove me home after the class so we could continue to chat.

"The smith a mighty man is he ..."

At least Gerry did not laugh at me when he agreed to teach me blacksmithing. His wife is also ablacksmith.

I also landed an interview with the manager of the Kroger store here in Urbana at noon on Monday. I'm looking forward to that interview because it might end up with me getting a job after over two years without a job. I hope so.

Looking forward, I see a job at Kroger, maybe stocking shelves, cashiering, or working at the deli counter. I will get a discount and have a real job -- very different from my previous jobs in medicine, but a real job. I can walk to work from here and it will take about 20 minutes, but I will be employed again. Or I could end up out at Gerry's learning the blacksmith trade, something that would suit me better where I could get thinner sooner as I swing the hammer repairing horseshoes and such and/or shoeing horses and mules, getting plenty of exercise and build my muscles wielding a hammer. I have so much to look forward to doing -- but there will remain the sadness and ache I feel knowing that Mustang Sally died this week and will never come again.

I miss Sally but I enjoy trading wit with Gerry and learning blacksmithing skills just as I enjoyed teaching Gerry about perspective and art and enjoying talking with yet another polymath. Yes, I am back in society again and getting used to living with other people. I expect I will enjoy life now that I am part of the community and making friends like Gerry and the others. Even Evelyn, a Long Island native who now lives in a nursing home nearby because she has metastasized bone cancer. She prefers to be called Marilyn as in Marilyn Monroe. She has moved out of Messiah Manor and I miss talking to her and going to the Senior Center with her. The senior center is where I met Gerry and where I asked about blacksmithing lessons while I traded my art skills for his blacksmithing skills.

I still miss Mustang Sally.

Rest in peace, Sally. I will see you on the other side. Maybe then we can talk again. I certainly hope so.

That is all. Disperse.

No comments: Monday, November 04, 2019 Power your house with dirt
Acouple of days ago I proposed an alternative to solar and wind energy; I said use human (man) power.

Just today, I read about a man who was being hounded by his neighbors because he was powering his house with a device he uses that employs wires stuck in the dirt. Mr. Joseph Wilkerson isn't the first to cut his energy bills by this method; he learned it from someone else in his community who shared the secret with him for saving his daughter from drowning when she broke through an icy lake and plunged in. It was a good thing Wilkerson heard her and was able to pull her to safety. Actually, it was his dog that heard her and led Wilkerson to where she fell through. He pulled her out. Where is a St. Bernard when you need one?

Wilkerson had already crossed paths with Mr. Harris who wasn't upset about the electric company because his friend who lived high up in the mountains already had his earth-powered generator in place and had shared the secret with Mr. Harris who eventually gave the secret to Wilkerson who put over $25,000 into researching the device and wants to make some of his money back now that he no longer has to pay exorbitant rates to the electric company.

I have no dog in this race and I did not buy Wilkerson's plans or put any money into this earth-powered generator, but I will still tell you about it. You can choose to contribute to Wilkerson's plans and pay his fees, but I prefer to give the information to you so you can choose which way to go for yourself.

I have done some surfing on the web and have come up with the news that MIT has teams of scientists who are researching and putting their energy into bacteria-based electricity that is available to anyone who has two wires to stick into the ground or at least a septic tank generating a whole lot of bacteria underground. MIT engineers have come up with a plan to increase the electrical output of their device and a way to boost the bacterial output of the ground and the electricity that goes into the ground every time the lightning strikes the ground.

You can save money on your electric bills and even sell your electricity back to the electric company when you have the device installed and are making enough electricity to power your home and sell back to the electric company -- or get a check in the mail or a credit on your bill when the electric company realizes that THEY owe you money instead of the other way around.

MIT engineers are also working on way to turn their bacteria-generated electricity into batteries and power the neighborhood, city, or state where you live, but it's not there yet.

I propose there are many people out there with the brains and ingenuity to figure a way to generate electricity sooner than the MIT engineers -- or not. Either way, it is your choice. Do or do not do, as Yoda famously said to Luke Skywalker.

I am a tattletale; ask my siblings. You will not have to ask; mention my name and they will tell YOU that I am a tattletale and tell all their secrets to the world. I'm a writer after all.

The link to the previous post can be found on this website or you can click on the link here. I am all about helping people. I am a tattletale after all. I have given you the information you need and you can decide whether to share my information or pay Mr. Wilkerson for his plans. Your choice.

That is all. Disperse.

No comments: Sunday, November 03, 2019 Secrets are not secrets any more I wonder how much information is toomuch information?

I've been watching Finding Your Rootson PBS and I wonder. I probably wonder because my siblings are always after me for telling their secrets -- or outing other family members (like I did with my dad). They are upset because they did not know or suspected or maybe because they do notwant to know.

How long can you keep a secret? As long as one other person knows -- not long.

Carly Simon's grandmother told her she would never know -- probably because her grandmother did not know. Mr. Gates found out that Carly Simon and her family were considered black; they already knew they were from Cuba. Maybe that is the secret that her grandmother kept from her; that she was black. According to the DNA test, Carly and her family were more black than they (or she) thought. DNA will tell the truth when people want to keep their history secret -- or at least out of the hands of the family that write about it (as in my case).

In my case, I already knew I had some black relatives. I'd heard the story that once upon a time a slave ran away from his master and the Cherokee adopted him. The Cherokee people (or nation) were always adopting others, including runaway slaves. I'll bet there was no Emancipation Proclamation freeing the runaway slaves adopted by the Cherokee; the runaway slave was already free -- he had run away and been adopted by the Cherokee people. No Emancipation Proclamation needed to free him; he was already free.

My great grandmother was born Cherokee and is on the Cherokee rolls, so I am quarter Cherokee anyway. My youngest sister did a DNA test and found out that she is descended from an
African. It shows up in the DNA.

I remember Mom taunting Dad with her sharp tongue. There was a painting or portrait of a black man in an attic in someone's (a relative's home) and she had seen it. Could it have been of the runaway slave adopted into the Cherokee nation? I never saw the portrait, but I already knew about the tale of the runaway slave who had been adopted by the Cherokee. No surprise to me. Evidently, it was a surprise to my sister when it showed up on the DNA test.

A lot of things my siblings find so difficult to understand is why and how I can open myself up by writing about my life and the experiences I've had over the years. BB is so afraid that people will talk about her, so me talking (or rather writing) about her (and the family)is a faux pas too far.
So why bother getting your DNA since everything about your history is in your blood.

Or rather their blood.

It could be why BB does not want to get her CNA tested and find out for sure. The things I know about this family and about them is a scratch on the surface compared to giving up blood or sitting into a test tubeto find out your DNA.

I wonder how Mom, especially considering she was a racist, and had racists in her family, dealt with that news? Since she married Dad and had decided he was going to marry her when she was eleven years old and met him for the first time, being prejudiced would prove a sticking point but not much of a sticking point since she married him anyway. The strange thing is that Dad was also prejudiced -- something I didn't know until he flipped out when JC, my brother's only son, wanted to take Ebony, a black girl, to the high school prom. I never realized that Dad was prejudiced until that time. I always thought Dad was a good man, an honest man, but never considered him prejudiced. It was a secret he kept to himself -- much like the fact that he was also a homosexual. I knew about that because I discovered that tidbit of information in the middle of the night when I was up watching La Cage aux Folles(the French version on HBO) and Dad was up to watch the movie. I had heard the stories about Dad's extracurricular activities and had discounted them until that night. I forgot about all that because I had put it out of my mind, pooh-poohed the tales, and went on with my life. It was not the ah-ha moment I had when I discovered that Rock Hudson was gay. I took the news as a shock to my soul. Less shocking was that Jim Nabors and several other father figures (Dick Sergent, Robert Reed, and so on -- including these actors). Who surprised you? I will bet it wasn't Paul Lynde or Liberace. I knew about Tab Hunter the same way I finally found out about Rock Hudson (no, it wasn't because I guessed but because I read it in the tabloids.)

I think Rock Hudson had to come out because he contracted AIDS/HIV. Hudson was also linked with Jim Nabors which was also tabloid fodder, but Nabors died in Honolulu and was married to Stan Cadwallader, with whom he had been living for over 30 years (38 years to be exact). Turns out both actors kept away from each other (Hudson Nabors) in order to keep from being outed. They were just friends.

In the end, that is all. Disperse.

No comments: Saturday, November 02, 2019 Not solar, not wind power, human powerI usually watch strange (to other people) programs on TV. I've been watching programs on Saturday morning that have changed my mind about the future and none of it is about solar power or wind power, but human power. In fact, the heat from our bodies can power batteries and charge our phones. It is all about human ingenuity and how humans have always changed the world -- by their own innovation and our own vision.

A girl in Canada, I believe she was adopted, created a flashlight that uses the heat of your hand to power the flashlight and her innovation may soon be patented and available to you. Guess what? That kind of human innovation use can work with a human body's heat to power things -- although I don't think that would work to power an airplane or an automobile, but that time is also coming. Sooner than we believe since we are focused on solar power and wind power instead of human power.

How about using geothermal energy for heating our homes? Why not use geothermal energy to power airplanes and automobiles? All we need is another innovative person to figure it out and patent it to make it possible to be sold to the public. It's all about us. The only thing we need is human innovation and human power.

I was watching a program about human innovation. In this case, it is the Stradivarius violin made by Antoniius Stradivari Those violins were made by a master craftsman over 300 years ago, but the tone the violins make is all about Stradivari's artistry. It is all about human innovation.

I would say the same thing about the girl who crossed the Atlantic by boat: Greta Thunberg. Yes, it is about one person's determination and it is not about solar power or wind power. No matter how badly she tanked when she went off script, she is determined to power our world by solar and wind power, but she is another cog in the wheel and not the innovator like the girl in Canada or Stradivari.

Ann Makosinski from Victoria, British Columbia (Canada) is only 15years old and she played with wires and computer parts and created her own toys as a 2-year-old. She won a science fair prize for her flashlight that is powered by the heat of a person's hand. No batteries at all. No solar power. No wind power. The heat of your hand is the power that makes the flashlight work. All human innovation.

I am sure there are violins that play as well as the Stradivarius violins, but the violins have not been found yet that produce that mellifluous sound. We all think newer and more mechanical is better, but all we really need is another Stradivari to create another mellifluous sounding violin.

It is all about human innovation. While we are all caught up in solar power and wind power we
should step aside and let another innovative human to show us the way.

That is all. Disperse.

No comments: Thursday, October 31, 2019 Screwed!As I wend my way through the process of obtaining Medicaid, I have found that money you do not get is still counted against you. The money is paid to the government or to providers, but that money is still counted against YOUR income and counted AS income. Those few dollars often can knock you out of the system though the amounts to do not come to you nor are you allowed to spend that amount. Basically, you are screwed even before you begin.

How do I know? I spoke with a state representative and she knew more than I did and do about my own finances.

Case in point, I get only $1114 a month from SSI. The details of my pittance allow me to receive a whole $16 a month for food stamps (SNAP) and that is only because I got a raise this month of $1. My food stamp benefits totaled $15 a month out of the $119.50 allotted to senior citizens like me, but according to the State of Ohio, all I get is $15 a month, or rather $16 a month with the hefty $1 raise in my benefits. Hooray me!?

According to their files and the facts on my income, I get $1458 a month from SSI (social security income). There is an added $358.30 taken out of my SSI, leaving me with the $1114 a month that I actually get from SSI. The $358.30 goes to pay the part B of my SSI, money that is not given to me. The money is listed as going to Part B of my social security, the funds that have been collected from me since I began working over 50 years ago. That is money that I paid into social security and that money that I paid in goes to pay for Part B benefits and does not come to me, but it is still money the state of Ohio considers as money that is mine in the accounting of my income, money I actually receive, but not part of the $1114 I receive in the money that is deposited to my bank account, money I do not befit from and money that is counted as part of my income. Who knows whether or not that $358.30 is actually sent to me; it goes to the doctors that treat me -- of which I have yet to benefit from or have in my hands. Yet it is still monies that the state of Ohio counts as my income and that counts against me when the state of Ohio tallies up my funds.

Is there any wonder people cheat on their taxes if this is the way their income is totaled up?

The state of Ohio, in fact, every state in the Union does business in the same way and the people who
get it in the neck are the people applying for assistance, like Medicaid, food stamps, and benefits for the dependents or the person who is ill and suffering, hoping for their share of the socialism pie that was promised to them when they go to file for their benefits.

Benefits? It looks to me like they are doing what they always do -- screwing the very people who need their assistance. It is no wonder there are Welfare cheats. It is looking more and more that the people who cheat are the people trying to get around the state representatives, caseworkers, who are supposed to help the needy and the destitute, and the poor, ailing, and/or senior citizens who are doing their best to find ways around the black and white numbers that are used to decide who is and who is not eligible for assistance. These caseworkers are drones totaling up the numbers, drones who do not have the empathy beyond what is written down. There is no way for the poor people who go to them for assistance have any chance to get what they were promised and what they expect . . . unless they cheat the system in order for the system to treat whoever applies like living, breathing people who are actually in dire straits.

No wonder there are so many people cheating the system. If only I could figure out what I need to do to get past their bottom line mentality to the people who would actually help if they did not have to follow their bottom-line mentality.

I am not trying to cheat the system, but I am caught in that limbo between what the numbers say and what is actually the truth. I am caught between a rock and a hard place and will end up with the short end of the stick they are beating me with. Remember, all I receive is $15 a month for food, or rather $16 as of October 1, 2019 now that I have been given a whole dollar more for food. Good thing I can save up a couple of months of the pittance they throw me in order to buy sufficient food to get by on. At least that works in my favor since I am doing my best to lose weight. I've lost over 200 pounds in the past 2-1/2 years. At least less food for me means I will continue to lose weight. I would prefer to make up a real grocery list instead of skimping on the list, eking out the food I do have each month since I cannot rely on the food stamp allowance ($16 a month) and I also cannot rely on the Meals on Wheels I get once a day. At least I qualify for that -- as long as I respond when they show up at the door. My phone does not connect to the board in the entryway because my phone is not the type that is able to be hooked up to the board. I didn't know that when I bought the phone. I should have read the small print and asked questions of the service that sold the phone to me. I chose a phone I could afford, an android phone, but then I should have gotten the full price phone (costing hundreds of dollars, but then again I am on a limited SSI income and cannot afford a full-price phone.)

I have what I have and I keep an eye on the television that shows me who arrives in the entryway downstairs so I can either call them to come up the stairs or go down in the elevator and meet them at the door before they go away. Luckily, the man across the hall from me also gets his meals from MOW (Meals on Wheels) and they often call him because he has a phone that hooks up the entryway board and he can buzz them through the downstairs door.

My sisters keep telling me I should have thought about this and planned for it years ago. I did not know the future and did not know that the job I did for decades would not pan out nor would I end up here back in my home state destitute, on SSI, and broke. I signed up for retirement, but have not yet reached the age of retirement, though I am still out of a job after over 30 years of transcribing doctors' reports, radiation reports, surgeries, etc.

Maybe I should have planned better. I thought I had planned better, but it is anyone's guess whether or not all the money I paid out in 401K plans will pay off for me -- or if I will be still out of luck and out of funds. I am stuck -- and stuck good. If only I had been able to count on what I paid into, I might not be where I am now.

I studied. I learned. I worked. I am still stuck and have no idea of the 401Ks will be added to my limited income. More than likely, I will be still out of luck and, like the people in Kentucky who paid into their retirement pension funds and found out the state of Kentucky used their funds to pay for the roads and the other plans that did not get voted in when those issues went on the ballot; their retirement plans were short-circuited by being used to pay for the roads and the levies the mayors, state senators, and state representatives allocated to pay for the people who paid into those retirement plans when those people voted against the levies, roads, etc. The people who paid into their retirement funds found out that their retirement was not going to happen because Kentucky took their money and paid for what the people would not and did not vote for. It is rather like getting your tail caught in the door when it shuts behind them, catching their tails (and their retirements) in the door. It hurts and it hurts in the end.

So much for good government. It is rather like having some corporate raider buying up the liquidity of a retirement plan and leaving the people who counted on the retirement when the people were ready to retire. At least someone -- a fat cat corporate raider -- will get the benefit of their hard work, but it will not be the people who paid into the retirement fund in the first place.

If the state used the retirement funds to keep the roads safe and the levies paid up, at least we can rest assured that someone -- like the sate or some fat cat corporate raider -- would be able to live well on their hard work, their sweat, and their blood and tears.

It is just like finding out that you have been sold down the river and there is no paddle in sight. If
their retirement funds are gone at least the hard-working people will be able to get the best care their hard-working doctors can provide for them -- as long as socialism can take money from the rich to spread among the poor -- or better yet, cancer will get them in the end. When they die, at least their family will grieve for them and miss them. As long as they are dead, their toil is over and their beneficiaries will benefit -- if there is anything left.

That is all. Disperse.No comments: Wednesday, October 30, 2019 For the people -- so they sayI often watch the Medici on Netflix and I was watching it tonight. I was struck by how the Pazzi, another banking family in Florence, were plotting against Lorenzo and Giuliano one Sunday. The Pazzi were going to overthrow Lorenzo and the rest of the Medici family and return the rule of these tyrantsback to the people. The Pazzi were plotting against the Medici and had decided to use that particular Sunday when the Medici were celebrating the Catholic mass. They were planning and plotting to murder the Medici brothers: Giuliano and Lorenzo, men the Pazzi considered tyrants during the celebration of the mass when both brothers were going to be present at the mass.
I was horrified that these tyrants, according to the Pazzis, were going to be murdered in cold blood in full view of the people the Pazzi were intent on protecting from these tyrants in order to return the rule of Florence to the people.

And so the Pazzi killed Giuliano and told the people they had killed both brothers in order to overthrow these tyrants and return the rule of the republic of Florence to the people.

Like me, the people were horrified, especially when Lorenzo walked down the street to where Jacopo Pazzi stood in front of the Palazzo Vecchio as they spoke to the people. Lorenzo's throat was obviously slashed but he was still alive and still walking toward where Jacopo Pazzi stood in front of the priory, claiming to have taken over as gonfalonier to return the rule back to the people locked out of the priory by the men Lorenzo had had the foresight to post at the priory, the same priory where Jacopo Pazzi was still locked out of as he spoke to the people.

The people Jacopo had just savedwere picking up stones to throw at Jacopo as Lorenzo stood calmly bleeding as Jacopo Pazzi searched for a quick exit away from the people he had just saved from the tyrants before the people could stone him.

Some of the people told Pazzi that when Lorenzo and the Medici had been in power before the Pazzi were murdering and overthrowing the tyrants, stonemasons worked, the people had jobs and food, and the Medici made sure the people were safe and fed well. So much for protecting the people Pazzi was murdering the Medici brothers and saving the people from those tyrants, the Medici. Maybe that is why the story goes that a Pazzi was hung from that selfsame balcony where another Pazzi brother, one who had become a priest, a priest who not only sanctioned the bloody murder of the Medici brothers during mass in the Duomo that Sunday, frightening the people and setting them to picking up stones to pelt Jacopo Pazzi as he slunk away from the Palazzo Vecchio before the people stoned him for saving them and turning the rule of Florence back over to the people. Funny how it all turned out.

I am reminded of the Democrats in Washington, D. C. who have begun impeachment proceedings and impeachment hearings against President Donald J. Trump. The Democrats, much like the Pazzi claiming the Medici had to be removed because they were tyrants, are claiming the need to remove President Trump from office because he has gotten too big for his britches. Sound familiar?

Nancy Pelosi, speaker of the House of Representatives, is acting, she says, to protect the people of the United States of America. Sound familiar? She sounds, as do the rest of the Democrats, much like Jacopo Pazzi planning and executing (badly I might add) the murder of Giuliano and Lorenzo de Medici that bloody Sunday during mass in the Duomo. With the media on the side of the Democrats, we will not get to see the truth of what the Democrats are doing to pull down President Trump and give the Republic back to the people.

I have heard that Nancy Pelosi is much like Jacopo Pazzi as the people pick up stones to hurl against Pazzi as she ducks and covers her backside since she is also on the hot seat and scampering for a safe place to hide away from the stones the people are picking up to stone Jacopo Pazzi as he scampers away from the priory to find a safe place to hide before the people show what they feel about Pazzi pulling down the Medici, the tyrants, in order to hand the republic of Florence back to the people, as the Democrats are planning to do if they impeach President Trump.

How many people in the United States of America will stand up like the stonemason and the other people did when Pazzi showed the people how he had removed the tyrants, the Medici, from the rule of Florence in order to give the rule of Florence back to the people? How many people will stand up and say they still have jobs because Trump made good on his promise to give the people back their jobs? How many people will remind the Democrats that Trump's efforts have kept their jobs and made sure they are fed well and their livelihoods are safe?

Trump is a loose cannon and he tweets too much, but Trump has also gone to North Korea, the first sitting president who has gone to North Korea and spoken to Kim Jong-un. Kim Jong-un is still launching missiles, but those missiles are not targeting the USA and the talks continue. Trump has called out China and will raise tariffs, forcing China to face the rest of the world and stop stealing plans and technology from the rest of the world. Maybe that is why Hong Kong, that separate but equal Chinese city where the people have a say about what goes on in their country. China is scrambling to get Taiwan to take the deal Hong Kong was promised (separate but equal) while the people of Hong Kong chafe against the communist rule and where the communist troops are ready to remind them that communism is the government of ALL China in their separate but equal plan. Taiwan has been independent since Mao Tse Tung became the leader of all China and, though Mao is dead, mainland China is still communist and Hong Kong, with its separate but equal status, the same status that Taiwan rejects as Taiwan remains separate but democratic and not communist or under the thumb of the current Chairman of mainland China as the communist thugs do their best to strong-arm free and democratic Taiwan back into the communist fold just as Hong Kong with its separate but equal status struggles to remain separate and free and democratic.

Such is the way of force. Will Hong Kong remain free and democratic or will Hong Kong end up like the young people that demonstrated at Tiananmen Square and ended up dead? Will that also be Taiwan's fate in the end?

The Medici remained in power as the Pazzis slunk to their hidey holes. Will Pelosi remain in power as Speaker of the House or will she end up fighting for her political life before she, like Jacopo Pazzi, end up hanging from the balcony strung up by her intestines?

Only time will tell. Trump is an ass and he does tweet too much, but Trump has also done his best to
make America Great. The Democrats have been after him since just after the election. They were still upset because Trump won and the electoral college showed how well he had won against Hillary. The Democrats have been hungering for Trump's blood since he took office. The impeachment, much like Jacopo Pazzi's plot against the Medici, is just another bloody Sunday mass murder that failed.

There was no quid pro quo and the Democrats have wasted the past three years going after Trump, but their witch hunt has failed yet again. Trump is a jackass (as I have always seen). Trump has made blunders, but Trump has delivered nearly everything he promised during his campaign and the Democrats are still frothing at the mouth over Trump's win against Hillary. Trump is not a politician, but he is the President of the United Status (POTUS) and he has done nothing to warrant impeachment, but it looks like Pelosi has overstepped her boundaries.

This impeachment will not go down like the impeachment against Nixon and Trump will not resign, though Pelosi may have to resign since she has stepped so far out of bounds. Bernie is back on the stump and Elizabeth Warren, once a Republican, is running as a Democrat.

Where will this Sunday massacre end up? Will Pelosi lose her seat? Will Pelosi be impeached?
Or will Trump, like Lorenzo, stand in the street while the people pick up stones to hurl at the Democrats (or Pazzis) and back Trump for another term in office? We shall see?

In the end, it is up to the people, the same people for whom the Democrats are continuing this impeachment nonsense. Actually, I think this whole impeachment is all about the Democrats' ego and not about the people. The Pazzis planned their massacre of the Medici for the people. Are the Democrats planning their impeachment investigation for the peopleare they putting this whole impeachment process show on for their egos.

That is all. Disperse.No comments: Wednesday, October 23, 2019 Impeachment or Gotcha?Published previously
Rush Limbaugh predicted that Trump would be impeached after the midterm elections when more Democrats got into office. He was off by a few months and Trump's first term is nearly up. I do not think the Democrats counted on Mike Pence as Vice President or that Pence would pardon Trump or do what the photo to the left says.
I read this morning that Trump claims that Abraham Lincoln was vilified in the papers and Honest Abe got worse reviews and media that Trump has gotten. Trump is right.

We think that Obama is gone, but Obama is still there in the background plotting and feverishly stirring his cauldron. Obama is not gone -- yet.

Obama is still in the destroy Trump seat, though Obama should have been impeached for so many unconstitutional acts: Fast and Furious, the Iran deal when Obama okayed a big payoff that was loaded in Europe and shipped to Iran, Benghazi, and so many other infringements of his oath of office. It was Obama who got the IRS to interfere with its sworn duty to remain neutral and targeted Republican people (American people), denying American people justice while denying their legal status: major breach of the presidential oath of office. Impeachable.

Trump was also correct when he said that Republicans did not want to begin impeachment proceedings because of what it would do to our country.

Yes, Abraham Lincoln did things that the country (mostly the southern people) did not like and Lincoln suffered in the polls and in the media. Lincoln was re-elected for a second term and then assassinated shortly after taking office at the theater. Lincoln knew that he would be assassinated before he ran for the second term. Lincoln had a dream that he would not finish his second term and his wife told him what the dream meant. She was right. Abe was right. Even Trump is right.

If Trump does win a second term as president he may end up as Lincoln did -- assassinated. Democrats are not opposed to the assassination. Democrats are going forward with the impeachment because they have the bit in their teeth and they will not be denied -- nor will Obama be denied.

Many people predicted that Obama would be assassinated, but the Russians would not allow that to
happen and Obama was certain the Democrats would not stand for it. Even Maxine Waters would mourn his passing. Russia would certainly have mourned Obama's passing because they worked so hard to put him in office and keep him there.

Do you think Putin would shed a tear if Obama had been assassinated?

Not so. You do not know the Russians very well. Russians are inherently dark and usually morbid.

Do you believe that Russians are not involved in putting Obama into office? You do not know communism very well.

You also do not know the power of Putin or the American Communist Party, which went underground and continued to work behind the scenes -- until Joe McCarthy did his best to rout them out. You really should consider reading more widely and a lot more history while you are at it. Why do you think conspiracy theorists are so rampant in our culture? Probably because they know more than the average person does.

USA and Russia have been involved in coups in South America (and here) for decades. Their sleight of hand works because the audience (you and me) are busily looking everywhere but at the magician (USA Russia) and are amazed and confounded when the trick is done. The trick has been on us all along and you are still looking everywhere but at the magician (or politician -- Obama). That is how it is done. You have been fooled before (Benghazi, Fast Furious, IRS, Trump, etc.).

You will be fooled again if you allow this Democrat side-show to continue.


That is all. Disperse.

No comments: Saturday, October 19, 2019 Integrity matters
I actually care about the environment and about ecology, but I was reminded recently by BB that being poor as I am I need to protect myself and that I can afford to not put my health or the environment first.

The thing is that BB is wrong and I can afford to care about the environment especially and being poor does not give me carte blanchewhere the environment, ecology, and my health are concerned. Just because I am poor and have to live on a small fixed income does not give me an outwhere my responsibilities lie. That is where we all as humans continue to fail where our planet and our responsibility to humanity and people begin and end.

I think being poor is how we got into this situation in the first place. It is the reverse of tomorrowor let someone else do it; they can afford it.

With that kind of thinking, nothing would ever be done and Mother Theresa would never have gone to Calcutta to take care of the poor and minister to the poor of Calcutta. Well, Mother Theresa is dead and has been declared a saint so she is out of this world and out of the problems we face every day.

I did take my cousin's advice and put my poor talents on Indeed to get a job. I had my first face-to-face interview yesterday, the first in over two years, and may well have a job where I first started out at McDonald's down the street. I can walk there in about 15 minutes and so can work whenever they need me to work since I live nearby. My interviewer asked if I had reliable transportation. I responded by telling her my feet worked and I lived nearby ... within sight of their store. That is pretty reliable -- my shoedebakers -- my feet.

She asked my strengths and weaknesses (always a difficult question for me) and I responded, "Jumping in without knowing my limitations." It is true, although I could have responded that I tend to get caught up in whatever I'm doing and do not keep a check on the time, which is also true. I often tend to be late because I have everything planned out in my head while the time slips away. I also tend to imagine I can do anything and then find out I cannot follow through, which is the problem with my bike. I will have to adjust the seat again to make certain I can take the best advantage of the height so my knees do not lock up on me. I get around quite well with walking as long as I take my quad cane with me to keep from falling and ending up a traffic statistic. I walk facing traffic, but with my bike I need to ride with the traffic and obey the traffic laws. Walking is the opposite of biking, something I need to remember. I appreciate and love the bicycle a local bike shop owner gifted me, but that was before I figured out I still did not have the bicycle in perfect running condition. The handlebars still sink with the least amount of pressure which the bike shop said would not happen unless I leaned on the handlebars when I was standing up riding -- NOT TRUE. They still lean with the least amount of pressure and are not safe for me when I do get the handlebars fixed permanently, which I must do. There is always something. When everything is finally fixed to my satisfaction.

I had envisioned myself biking to the Senior Center, going to job interviews, to the library, and tomorrowor all theother excuses to put off my responsibility; it is about me and about what I can do now, today, and without funds. I will find a way to make my imagination coincide with my reality.
shopping; none of which has come true. I'm still concerned about the eco-friendly bicycle versus the gasoline-powered vehicles that come and pick me up to go to the Senior Center, the library, the store, and to appointments. Yes, BB, I am poor and do not have access to my own gasoline-powered vehicle, but I still care about the fuel powering those vehicles at any rate. Yes, I am poor, but I still care about my carbon footprint and the impact on the environment. I am poor, but I still care about the environment and still believe that a bicycle-powered composting service in this community is still workable and one I can still participate in. For me, it is not about

That is all. Disperse.

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