Anagramme Expert: anagram online. Find all anagrams of words, names or sentences.

Web Name: Anagramme Expert: anagram online. Find all anagrams of words, names or sentences.






A word does not appear in an anagram search ? If this word is in the dictionary, you can suggest it by using the form below. The suggested word then goes through a validation process before appearing on Anagram-Expert. Feel free to submit your proposals and contribute for the website content ! Anagramme Expert is a generator of anagrams and letter combinations. Based on dictionary words, it is able to find all exact anagrams of letters, words or sentences. Furthermore Anagram Expert searches in the dictionary all partial anagrams and offers to find the sub-anagrams of the letters unused. The use of anagrams dates back to ancient greek civilization with legends that are already referring to it. Entertainment appreciated by men of letters, anagram passes through the centuries, and this game of transposing letters of a word or a phrase becomes a literary art. Appear at that time anagrams quotes, which can take a whole new meaning once the letters are reversed. Anagrams are also used with proper names to generate pseudonyms composed with same letters. Among the more famous François Rabelais (Alcofribas Nasier), Pascal Obispo (Pablo Picasso), Boris Vian (Brisavion), etc... Art of anagrams is still present through many games which use permutations of letters. Scrabble, crossword puzzles, the game of numbers and letters, pyramigrammes and other word games, the list is long, and anagrams are not ready to go !

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Anagramme Expert: anagram online. Find all anagrams of words, names or sentences.

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