Aggro Gator: View and comment on images submitted by users. Image 433182

Web Name: Aggro Gator: View and comment on images submitted by users. Image 433182







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433063 Amy Housewine: I recall the dark days when you could only get Merely Adequate Soakers.

432880 Amy Housewine: Call me Guns, Mr Factory is my father's name.

432880 Amy Housewine: "Guns Factory" is such an American name, though. "Hi, I'm Guns Factory and I'm running for Congress in the 7th district."

433202 Amy Housewine: Would the person who drew this be considered a Pick Up Artist?

432880 uniblob: @amandahugnkiss Yea I know, but it's funny to think of it as an 'chicken and the egg' experiment

433037 AdamBomb286: Oh then you're going to want to do NASCAR

433042 AdamBomb286: Zither? I hardly know her!

433046 AdamBomb286: I thought they were flavor packets

433056 AdamBomb286: The Car Wars ended in 1994 with the signing of the Honda Accord

433063 AdamBomb286: Those of us who lived through the Super Soaker arms race still remember how close humanity was to the brink

433193 AdamBomb286: The Offsus

433199 AdamBomb286: Is this some sort of Squid Game?

433200 AdamBomb286: Monday Night RAW cereal

433205 AdamBomb286: You should hear the crap they said about the Native Americans

433065 AdamBomb286: I don't miss the service industry

433122 AdamBomb286: Same

433147 AdamBomb286: Took me a minute, I thought it was a cake

433175 AdamBomb286: What runs while standing still?

433176 AdamBomb286: Relax babe, you're too tensile

433181 Amy Housewine: Shoulda turned left at Albuquerque.

These users have commented the most in the past 24 hours:

1. addend
2. Not A Bot
3. Scoo
4. UltraBeverly
5. Felicitron
6. Dave the Triffids
7. savvoy
8. Amy Housewine
9. Throwbot
10. tib gubb

The top ten most commented-on images today:

432880 Amy Housewine: Call me Guns, Mr Factory is my father's name.

433012 UltraBeverly: I have to assume space smurfs taste like blue raspberry due to a genetic-engineering-cross-branding agreement.

432806 Amy Housewine: @addend Can't talk, Delicatessin'

418421 jackthesmack: This would be nice. All I can say is thank god for christmas, those hugs were my first physical contact with another living thing in months.

433052 WannaBee: I was a wimp before Anchor Arms. Now I'm a jerk, and everybody loves me!

432975 Amy Housewine: With some effort, you can sing this to the tune of "You don't make friends with salad".

432962 addend: (Peels out.)

432840 Fiveninety: @UltraBeverly yeah but every baby boomer i've ever known had one of those super-expensive $150-200 inkjet printers that "prints better than film quality photos!" and then over the life of the printer, they print like maybe 20 photos with it. also, low-end inkjets may be cheap, but once you buy about 4 cartridges for them you've spent more than you would've on a laser printer and a half gallon of toner

432971 addend: And those incredibly fast hands!

432793 funny in the wall: Thats a whole nother thing. Have you ever had chicken fried chicken? @LurkedMoar

The highest-scored images of the past 48 hours:

fishing uploaded 432994 (926 points)
twenty4 uploaded 433083 (833 points)
boozer uploaded 432985 (797 points)
Annoying Vegan uploaded 432937 (763 points)
discodisco uploaded 432851 (740 points)
alex uploaded 432746 (728 points)
Scoo uploaded 432766 (728 points)
booger uploaded 432773 (680 points)
Vivian uploaded 432805 (675 points)
catsanddogs uploaded 433053 (666 points)
Scoo uploaded 432806 (658 points)
doggggggie uploaded 433046 (656 points)
Jason Steak uploaded 432874 (656 points)
BoiledEggs uploaded 432741 (653 points)
The Turks uploaded 432935 (640 points)

These users have uploaded images which have received the most "rad" points in the past week:

1. stroopwafel: 4933 points
2. Annoying Vegan : 3848 points
3. Scoo: 3721 points
4. flommmm: 2593 points
5. E. HONDA: 2235 points
6. fistful of wasps: 2117 points
7. twenty4: 1610 points
8. Vivian: 1540 points
9. Ignatius: 1515 points
10. Frum Temps: 1477 points
11. WTF: 1310 points
12. morakdais: 1251 points
13. jadensmith: 1204 points
14. l0dan: 1176 points
15. Sprinkles: 1075 points
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Total number of images: 433182

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Image 433182 is unbelievably bad (score -4) and has been hidden.

It was uploaded by Oh Don Piano. Boo, Oh Don Piano.
Amy Housewine: Shoulda turned left at Albuquerque.
AdaMan: Bonjour!
bug: Psst. Hey kids. You wanna come to an underground horse rave?
Scoo: SOON
Image 433181 10-16-21 Uploaded by JollyWell
fistful of wasps: Single stall, gender neutral. My kinda john
Knice: I need this on a shirt. Not a T-shirt; something classier, like a quarter-zip.
Image 433180 10-15-21 Uploaded by togboat
carlin: "Get up! Get get get down! The Fairy Godmother is a joke in yo' town!"
Bumbo Lungys: bstl, the struggle is real.
savvoy: Of all the companies to try and save. At least it wasn't Comcast.
Image 433179 10-15-21 Uploaded by daver
savvoy: Don't threaten me with a good time
Image 433178 10-15-21 Uploaded by mission2mars
Prostata: yeah fuck 'em
UltraBeverly: Oh, reverse the pics and you got me. Ain't no time for your chick-fil-a ass granny!
flommmm: King Asshole
Image 433177 10-15-21 Uploaded by camellia
AdamBomb286: Relax babe, you're too tensile
Scoo: Tensile, strong sex implies the existence of... oh, never mind
Dave the Triffids: "I have five penises, my condoms fit like a glove!"
Image 433176 10-15-21 Uploaded by beyardo
AdamBomb286: What runs while standing still?
Minnesotan: the burj thighlifah
Image 433175 10-15-21 Uploaded by Rembo Rompus
Knice: well, it doesn't have the universal NO symbol around it so it might be ok...
tess: Get back here, betch.
RimLickinGood: still has a sole..
Butcherboy: The one thats having trouble hanging on really sells it
Image 433174 10-15-21 Uploaded by Annoying Vegan
happier: Honk Honk! We're all waiting for you to come out of the whack shack.
Disgusted Druid: This Alien remake is gonna be awesome
Scoo: Xenohorse
Peach Toddler: Waterbears were just the larval stage.
SomeCanadian: Talking flying dinosaur is wearing a diaper
Image 433173 10-15-21 Uploaded by tacticaljayPage 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ... 43318 pages total

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