Candid | Noons

Web Name: Candid | Noons






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AboutNoonsSustainabilityContact 0
Cacao bites crafted forAfterDelightCacao bites crafted forAfterDelightWe gave chocolate
a makeover

We stripped away added sugars, emulsifiers, and other weird ingredients. Instead we use the whole cacao pod—seed and fruit—to let chocolate’s inner-beauty shine.

Instead of adding refined sugars and junk ingredients, we let cacao speak for itself (it has so much to say!).

We don’t waste the cacao fruit pulp. We stir it back into the mix for all its glorious magnesium, vitamins, and antioxidants.

We add a few simple organic fruits and superfoods, and that’s it.

Cacao & Almond Arm candy Ingredients: Cacao, Organic Almond, Cacao Butter, Organic Coconut Sugar, Cacao Pulp, Sea Salt Buy Cacao & Coffee Your favorite snack's favorite snack Ingredients: Cacao, Organic Quinoa, Cacao Butter, Organic Coconut Sugar, Cacao Pulp, Coffee, Sea Salt Buy Cacao & Quinoa Crispies Voted Miss Congeniality Ingredients:Cacao, Organic Quinoa, Cocoa Butter, Organic Coconut Sugar, Cacao Pulp, Sea Salt Buy Golden Berry Turmeric & Mango Feels like all the antioxidants Ingredients: Cacao, Cocoa Butter, Organic Mango, Organic Coconut Sugar, Organic Golden Berry, Cacao Pulp, Organic Quinoa, Organic Turmeric, Sea Salt Buy Banana & Nibs Highly snackable Ingredients: Cacao, Cocoa Butter, Organic Banana, Organic Coconut Sugar, Cacao Pulp, Organic Quinoa, Cacao Nibs, Sea Salt Buy Sourcing & SustainabilityPro-EnvironmentWe work with farmers who practice regenerative agroforestry. They use a wide range of crops andtrees to create a diversified forest garden that helps regenerate soil, improve ecosystems, andsequester carbon.Pro- SmallholderWe source our cacao from small, independent family farms in Latin America and pay premium prices foraward-winning Trinitario cacao. We source the rest of our ingredients from smallholder, independentfarmers whenever possible. That includes our pineapple, banana, golden berries, and mango. Webelieve that sustainable food systems and community are symbiotic.Goodbye PlasticNot only is our box the perfect snacking size, it’s recyclable. Even better, the inner-bag iscompostable. We are committed to using sustainable packaging. Help end single-use abuse! Join Us

We're always looking to meet cool people interested in making a better food system for all! Contact:

It’s Afternoon Somewhere Privacy Policy © Candid Holdings LLC

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