Welcome to the Data Retention Petition Campaign - Drcampaign

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Welcome to the Data Retention Petition Campaign

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28-01-2007: DigiMaj: Two questions on the status of the data retention directive(http://www.digitalmajority.org/forum/t-37880/two-questions-on-the-status-of-the-data-retention-directive) 10-01-2007: 23C3: An update on dataretention in Europe(http://dewy.fem.tu-ilmenau.de/CCC/23C3/video/23C3-1609-en-data_retention_update.m4v) (Video MP4 186MB) 19-10-2006: Slashdot: FBI Head Wants Strong Data Retention Rules(http://it.slashdot.org/it/06/10/19/0156221.shtml) 14-09-2006: DRI brings legal action over mass surveillance(http://www.digitalrights.ie/2006/09/14/dri-brings-legal-action-over-mass-surveillance/) 29-07-2006: Digital Rights Ireland Challenge to Data Retention(http://www.digitalrights.ie/2006/07/29/dri-challenge-to-data-retention/) 05-04-2006: Written parliamentary question by MEP Alexander Alvaro (ALDE) to the Commission on Data Retention(http://www.europarl.europa.eu/omk/sipade3?PUBREF=-//EP//TEXT+WQ+E-2006-1446+0+DOC+XML+V0//EN&L=EN&LEVEL=2&NAV=S&LSTDOC=Y) 21-02-2006: Council adopts data retention directive 17-02-2006: Audio recordings of the Council public deliberations on Data Retention directive(http://media.ffii.org/DataRetentionCouncil060221) (from 61:00 to the end) 17-02-2006: Dataretention directive on the agenda of the Council of Minister of tue 21 february 09-02-2006: MEP Cederschiold asks the Commission about compliance with EHCR 30-12-2005: Chaos Computer Club presentations on Data Retention(http://22c3.fem.tu-ilmenau.de/index.php?action=ondemand) 15-12-2005: MEP Cederschiold asks the Commission when it intends to begin and complete the impact assessment of the Directive(http://tinyurl.com/a33a3). 14-12-2005: European Parliament adopts the directive on data retention 14-12-2005: Plenary vote in the European Parliament(http://www.europarl.eu.int/omk/sipade3?L=EN&PUBREF=&OBJID=105181&NAV=S&MODE=XML&LSTDOC=N&LEVEL=5&SAME_LEVEL=1) (only one reading!) on the "compromise amendments" adopted by EPP and PSE group leaders or the LIBE amendments in the European Parliament (see Criticism of Rapporteur Alvaro: "They ripped us off") live stream(http://epweb.streampower.be/webstream/setprofile.php) alternate live stream(http://europa.eu.int/comm/avservices/ebs/welcome_en.cfm)
13-12-2005: Data Retention Debate in the European Parliament in Strassbourg agenda(http://www.europarl.eu.int/omk/sipade3?PUBREF=-//EP//TEXT+AGENDA+20051213-LASTV+0+DOC+XML+V0//EN&LEVEL=3&NAV=X&L=EN) video recording(http://europa.eu.int/streamebs/cgi/ebs.pl?p=50448&s=81394&key=9211904D40E2B27A57DDF505CF3C69B45AF888E1) audio recording(http://media.ffii.org/DataRetentionPlenaryDebate20051213/)
09-12-2005: Press briefing on data retention and CIA detention(http://www.noticias.info/asp/aspComunicados.asp?nid=125999&src=0)
07-12-2005: Deadline for tabeling amendments. Amendments tabled(http://tinyurl.com/awlqs). 07-12-2005: Reuters report(http://tinyurl.com/cbc5d) and Amateur audio recording(http://media.ffii.org/DataRetentionGreenConf20051207/) (transcript(http://wiki.ffii.org/DataRetentionGreenConf051207En)) of public hearing on data retention(http://www.greens-efa.org/en/agenda/detail.php?id=1951) organised by the EP Greens.
06-12-2005: Colour print flyer presented to all 732 MEPs by Privacy International and EDRI
05-12-2005: ISOC Poland distributes technical analysis(http://honey.7thguard.net/essays/data_retention_avoiding.pdf) to all MEPs
24-11-2005: Results(http://www.edri.org/docs/364679XM.pdf) of the vote in the Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Committee(http://www.europarl.eu.int/committees/libe_home.htm)
23-11-2005: EDRI and XS4ALL present the 58.000 signatures of the petition Jean-Marie Cavada (r), chairman of the LIBE committee, receives the signatures from Sjoera Nas, EDRI. Alexander Alvaro (l), LIBE rapporteur, looks at the petition with Judith van Erve, XS4ALL. MEPs Kathalijne Buitenweg (l) and Charlotte Cederschiöld (r) show the petition signatures. Edith Mastenbroek (r) receives the signatures from Sjoera Nas, EDRI.


Campaign News

Personal signatures removed, personal data deleted Campaign closed: petition offered on 23 November EDRI falsely accused of sending spam to MEPs! 14-11-2005 EDRI distributes updated flyer to the European Parliament(http://www.edri.org/docs/europarl_flyer_data_retention_v2.pdf) 08-11-2005 EDRI distributes "Protecting Privacy in the Information Society" flyer to the EP(http://www.edri.org/docs/europarl_flyer_data_retention.pdf) Why this petition?, Summary petition results Extra URL: www.stopdataretention.com Press Links to this Campaign Link back show[edit]

Data Retention News

Verband der Anbieter von Telekommunikations- und Mehrwertdiensten e.V. asks MEPs not to bow down to Council demands (http://www.vatm.de/content/pressemitteilungen/inhalt/08-12-2005.html) (8.12.2005) German consumer protection agencies: There is no data protection in data retention(http://www.vzbv.de/start/index.php?page=themen&bereichs_id=1&themen_id=4&mit_id=646&task=mit) The recording industry calls for data retention for infringers (original document(http://www.ffii.se/erik/misc/CMBAletterITRE22Nov05.doc)) Association of German Newspaper publishers: data retention undermines protection of persons who leak infomation(http://www.pressrelations.de/new/standard/result_main.cfm?r=214438&aktion=jour_pm&quelle=1) German minister of the interior backs hardcore proposal (in German)(http://www.dradio.de/dkultur/sendungen/interview/444143/) (02.12.2005) ECJ introduces criminal sanctions on EU level(http://www.ffii.se/erik/misc/ECJ_JudgementOnCriminalLaw.DOC) (23.11.2005) Statewatch Observatory on data retention(http://www.statewatch.org/eu-data-retention.htm) EP committee votes for watered-down data storage(http://www.euractiv.com/Article?tcmuri=tcm:29-149617-16&type=News) Commission Proposal for Data Retention Released(http://www.statewatch.org/news/2005/sep/com-data-retention-prop.pdf) (PDF) European Parliament rejects Member States' proposal on data retention(http://www.europarl.eu.int/news/expert/infopress_page/019-669-270-9-39-902-20050921IPR00560-27-09-2005-2005--true/default_en.htm) Live traffic data counter in NL(http://www.xs4all.nl/bewaarplicht/) UK paper on data retention New date European Commission proposal German industry strongly rejects data retention Italy decrees data retention until 31 December 2007 Law enforcement wishlists DR proposal in Canada(http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/ArticleNews/TPStory/LAC/20050819/COTLER17/TPNational/Canada)[edit]

Top 10 Countries

58265 people signed the petition until 14.12.2005 23:0 GMT.

Netherlands21617Germany6975Finland5985Bulgaria3498Sweden2523Spain2410Austria1844France1557United Kingdom1547Italy1512

Full Report


Campaign Ideas

Visualisation Problem Call for support of political organisations Advertisement Contact your local consumers' organisation Carefully distribute copies of Orwell's 1984[edit]

Essential Policy Documents

Note from Presidency setting out four areas for decision of Council on its position(http://www.statewatch.org/news/2005/dec/eu-dat-ret-council-1-dec-05.pdf) (01.12.2005) Draft Council text of the Directive(http://www.statewatch.org/news/2005/dec/eu-coun-dat-ret-29-11-05-15101.pdf) (29.11.2005) Extensive list of Member State Reservations on the draft text(http://www.statewatch.org/news/2005/dec/eu-coun-dat-ret-29-11-05-15101-ADD1.pdf) (01.12.2005) Final LIBE report(http://www.edri.org/docs/364679XM.pdf) (28.11.2005) Voting List(http://www.euractiv.com/29/images/Voting_list_Data_%20Retention_tcm25-149694.pdf) (pdf): outcome of vote in LIBE Committee (24.11.2005) Alvaro Compromise Amendments(http://medlem.spray.se/flooodis/dataretention/ALVAROcompromiseamendments.doc)(doc) (17.11.2005) Overview: LIBE compromise report Alexander Alvaro + amendments, ITRE report Angelika Niebler + amendments(http://www.europarl.eu.int/meetdocs/2004_2009/organes/libe/libe_20051123_1500.htm) amendments to IMCO report(http://www2.europarl.eu.int/registre/commissions/imco/amendments/2005/364992/IMCO_AM(2005)364992_EN.pdf) (14.11.2005) IMCO report(http://www2.europarl.eu.int/registre/commissions/imco/projet_avis/2005/364929/IMCO_PA(2005)364929_EN.pdf) (8.11.2005) Working Paper Alexander Alvaro, rapporteur LIBE(http://www.europarl.eu.int/registre/commissions/libe/projet_rapport/2005/364679/LIBE_PR(2005)364679_EN.pdf) (19.10.2005) Last known version Council of JHA Ministers(http://www.statewatch.org/news/2005/oct/council-data-ret-draft-10-oct-05.pdf) (10.10.2005) Commission Proposal for Data Retention(http://www.edri.org/docs/EUcommissiondataretentionjuly2005.pdf) (July 2005) Original proposal Council of JHA Ministers(http://register.consilium.eu.int/pdf/en/04/st08/st08958.en04.pdf) (April 2004) Commission "EXTENDED IMPACT ASSESSMENT"(http://europa.eu.int/comm/justice_home/doc_centre/police/doc/sec_2005_1131_en.pdf) (21.9.2005)[edit]

Papers Against Data Retention

Recommendations by the International Chamber of Commerce(http://www.edri.org/docs/ICCstatement.pdf) (14.11.2005) Opinion Article 29 Working Party(http://www.edri.org/docs/Art29-WP113en-Data_Retention_Oct2005.pdf) (21.10.2005) Opinion European Data Protection Supervisor(http://www.edps.eu.int/legislation/Opinions_A/05-09-26_Opinion_data_retention_EN.pdf) (26.09.2005) EuroCOP turns against data retention: "vast effort - little effect"(http://www.eurocop-police.org/pressreleases/2005/05-06-02%20PRESS%20JHA%20Council_E.pdf) (July 2005) Research BITKOM (German Industry)(http://www.bitkom.org/files/documents/Studie_VDS_final_lang.pdf) (October 2004) Opinion European Digital Rights and Privacy International(http://www.privacyinternational.org/issues/terrorism/rpt/responsetoretention.html) (September 2004)[edit]


New languages


Catalan banners Translation of the petition into Catalan(http://www.softcatala.org/~jmas/bloc/pivot/entry.php?id=87)


Finnish banners Finnish flyer


German Terminology German Banners (quintessenz)(http://www.quintessenz.at/cgi-bin/index?id=000100003318) Flyer for Austria


Italian banner


6 reasons to oppose data retention 18-11-05 UK Labour (PSE) pro-data retention position(http://www.ael.be/pipermail/asbl-libre/2005-November/002118.html)


www.stopdebewaarplicht.nl Bits of Freedom dossier over de bewaarplicht Tien fabels over de bewaarplicht


Spanish banner ¿Cómo te afecta la retención de datos? (Spanish) Carta a los eurodiputados para rechazar la directiva


Romanian banners


Ko terorizem prav pride (clanek) - article in Slovenian language Full text in Slovenian Slovenian banners Slovenian flyer


Translation of the site's text in Greek Draft of a greek proclamation against data retention


Basque banners


Retencja danych - zbiór aktualnych doniesień na Prawo.VaGla.pl(http://prawo.vagla.pl/retencja_danych)[edit]


(7 December 2005: 87)

ALCEI/Italian Electronic Frontiers, Italy(http://www.alcei.org/) All-Things-Open Projektgruppe, Germany(http://www.all-things-open.org/) anonymouse e.V., Germany(http://anonymouse.org/) APTI, Romania(http://www.apti.ro/) ARGE DATEN - Gesellschaft für Datenschutz, Austria(http://www.freenet.at/) Association Electronique Libre ASBL, Belgium(http://www.ael.be/) Association Européenne pour la Défense des Droits des l'Homme, Europe(http://www.aedh.net/) Association Souriez-vous-êtes-filmées!, France(http://www.souriez.info/) ATTAC-Nederland(http://www.attac.nl/) Australian Privacy Foundation, Australia(http://www.privacy.org.au/) Big Brother Awards, Germany(http://www.bigbrotherawards.de/) Big Brother Awards, Switzerland(http://www.bigbrotherawards.ch/) Big Brother Awards, France(http://www.bigbrotherawards.eu.org/2004/orga.php) BIT Internet B.V., Netherlands(http://www.bit.nl/) Bits of Freedom, Netherlands(http://www.bof.nl/) Geen ID - Goed Idee, Bond van Identificatieplichtweigeraars(http://www.geen-id.nl/) BytePark, Netherlands(http://www.bytepark.nl/) Bürgerrechte & Polizei/CILIP, Germany(http://www.cilip.de/) Caiway, Netherlands(http://www.caiway.nl/) Chaos Computer Club, Germany(http://www.ccc.de/) Chancen, Germany(http://www.beepworld.de/members74/chanceninfo/strukturen.htm,) Corporate Hackers, France(http://www.corporatehackers.com/) Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility(http://www.cpsr.org/) la coordination antividéosurveillance d'Ile de France CPSR-ES, Spain(http://www.spain.cpsr.org/) Der Große Bruder, Germany(http://www.dergrossebruder.org/) Deutsche Vereinigung für Datenschutz, Germany(http://www.datenschutzverein.de/) De Digitale Stad (DDS), Netherlands(http://www.dds.nl/) Digital Forbruger Danmark(http://digitalforbruger.dk/) Digital Rights, Denmark(http://www.digitalrights.dk/) Electronic Frontier Foundation, USA(http://www.eff.org/) Electronic Frontier Finland ry, Finland(http://www.effi.org/) EPIC, USA(http://www.epic.org/) FFII, Europe(http://www.ffii.org/) FIfF, Germany(http://www.fiff.de/) FoeBuD e.V., Germany(http://www.foebud.org/) French Data Network (FDN), France(http://www.fdn.fr/) Friends of the Earth, Finland(http://www.maanystavat.fi) GlobeNet, France(http://www.globenet.org/) Groen Links fractie in het Europees Parlement, Netherlands/EU(http://www.groenlinks.nl/europa/) GreenNet, UK(http://www.gn.apc.org/) hcc, Netherlands(http://www.hcc.nl/) Humanistische Union e.V., Germany(http://www.humanistische-union.de/) Hyper.nl online gaming, Netherlands(http://www.hyper.nl.tt/) Initiative zur Wahrung der Rechte der Nutzer digitaler Systeme und Medien, inwa, Germany(http://www.not-hd-ready.de/) Internet Society Nederland, Netherlands(http://www.isoc.nl/) IP Justice, International(http://www.ipjustice.org/) IRIS, France(http://www.iris.sgdg.org/) IS Interned Services, Netherlands(http://www.is.nl/) kanalB, Germany(http://www.kanalB.org/) Komitee für Grundrechte und Demokratie, Germany(http://www.grundrechtekomitee.de/) LAAG e.V. Abt. Kommunikation Frankfurt, Germany(http://www.frankfurt.org/) Leipziger Kamera, Germany(http://www.leipzigerkamera.twoday.net/) Luna.nl, Netherlands(http://www.luna.nl/) Metro Olografix Association, Italy(http://www.olografix.org/) Open Rights Group, UK(http://www.openrights.org.uk/) monochrom, Austria(http://www.monochrom.at/) Netwatcher, Austria(http://www.netwatcher.at/) Netzwerk Neue Medien, Germany(http://www.nnm-ev.de/) p2pinfo Magyarország, Hungary(http://hu.p2pinfo.net/) P2Pnet(http://p2pnet.net/) PCTevree Computer and Internet Services, Netherlands(http://www.pctevree.nl/) PEACE-consument NL(http://www.peaceconsument.nl/) PN.NL Internet Services, Netherlands(http://www.pn.nl/) Privacy International, UK(http://www.privacyinternational.org/) proserver1.at, Austria(http://www.proserver1.at/) prq Inet, Sweden(http://www.prq.se) Quintessenz, Austria(http://www.quintessenz.org/) Ribeco Group, Spain(http://www.ribeco.com/) SIUG, Switzerland(http://www.siug.ch/) Softcatalà(http://www.softcatala.org) SP, Netherlands(http://www.sp.nl/) (previously also involved in http://www.nederlandgeenafluisterstaat.nl/) Statewatch, UK(http://www.statewatch.org/) Stichting Nederland Kennisland, Netherlands(http://www.kennisland.nl/) Stichting Vredesburo Eindhoven, Netherlands(http://www.vredesburo.nl/) Stop1984, Germany(http://www.stop1984.org/) //syndikat - Die Online-Gewerkschaft, Switzerland(http://syndikat.ch/) / journal The Multiracial Activist, United States(http://www.multiracial.com) TRD-WEBDESIGN, Netherlands(http://www.trd-webdesign.nl/) trifinite.org, Austria(http://trifinite.org/) VIBE!AT, Austria(http://www.vibe.at/) Vrijschrift.org Foundation(http://plone.vrijschrift.org/) Waag Society, Netherlands(http://www.waag.org/) Winston Smith Project, Italy(http://www.winstonsmith.info/pws/index-e.html) xCAT-Industries, Netherlands(http://www.xcat-industries.nl/) XminY Solidariteitsfonds (XminusY Solidarityfund)(http://www.xminy.nl/) Young Democrats (linked to the party D66), Netherlands(http://www.jongedemocraten.nl/index.php?id=12) Internet Society Poland(http://www.isoc.org.pl/) The Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights, Poland(http://www.hfhrpol.waw.pl/)

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About Drcampaign Disclaimers Acacia Cliffs Lodge TaupoAccolades Boutique Hotel RotoruaAdmiralty Lodge WhitiangaAotea Motor Lodge WhanganuiBellrock Lodge RussellBolton Hotel WellingtonBoulcott Suites WellingtonCascades Lakefront MotelCity Lodge Accommodation AucklandCity Suites TaurangaCordis, Auckland By Langham Hospitality Group HotelFable Auckland, MgalleryGreenmantle Estate Hotel ParaparaumuHaka Lodge AucklandHarvest Lodge Havelock NorthHelena Bay LodgeHilton Auckland HotelHilton Lake Taupo HotelHotel Debrett AucklandHyatt Regency Auckland HotelIntercontinental Wellington HotelLake Taupo Holiday ResortLodge Bordeaux WhangareiMaster Lodge NapierMchardy Lodge NapierMediterranean Resort TaurangaMoana Lodge PlimmertonMollies Hotel AucklandMovenpick Hotel AucklandMovenpick Hotel WellingtonNaumi Auckland Airport HotelNice Hotel New PlymouthOhope Beach ResortOhtel Wellington HotelPark Hyatt Auckland HotelPark View Motor Lodge HamiltonPebble Beach Motor Inn NapierPeppers ParehuaPonsonby 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BritomartAdmirals View Lodge PaihiaAiredale Boutique Suites AucklandAirport Harbour View Motel AucklandAirport Motel WellingtonAirport Motor Lodge WellingtonAlbany Oak Motel AucklandAlbany Rosedale Motel AucklandAlbatross Motel NapierAlpin Motel & Conference Centre RotoruaAlpine Lake MotelAlton Lodge Motel WhakataneAmbassador Motor Inn TaurangaAmber Court Motel New PlymouthAmethyst Court Motor Lodge PoriruaAmici Motel HastingsAmity Court Motel StratfordAmora Hotel WellingtonAnchor Lodge ResortAnchorage Motel PaihiaAnchorage Motor Lodge NapierAnglesea Motel And Conference Centre HamiltonApex On Fenton Motel RotoruaApollo Hotel RotoruaApollo Lodge Motel WellingtonAquarius Motor Inn Mount MaunganuiArawa Park HotelArena Lodge Palmerston NorthArgent Motor Lodge HamiltonArista Of Rotorua MotelAristotles North Shore Motel AucklandArt Deco Masonic Hotel NapierAshbrook Motel TaupoAshleigh Court Motel RotoruaAshwood Manor Motor Lodge HamiltonAspen Court MotelAspen Manor Motel HamiltonAstelia Apartment Hotel WellingtonAstra Motor Lodge HamiltonAsure Alfresco Motor Lodge GisborneAsure Ascot Motor Inn TaupoAsure Chelmswood Motel TaupoAsure Colonial Lodge Motel NapierAsure Kapiti Court Motel ParaparaumuAsure Prince Motor Lodge TaupoAt The Rocks Motor Lodge NapierAtrium On Ulster Motel HamiltonAuckland Airport LodgeAuckland City Hotel - Hobson StAuckland Harbour SuitesAuckland Newmarket MotelAuckland Waterfront Serviced Apartments On Prince'S WharfAura Accommodation RotoruaAuto Lodge Motel HamiltonAuto Lodge Motor Inn New PlymouthAvalon Resort KerikeriAvani Metropolis Auckland ResidencesAvenue Heights Motel WhangareiAvenue Motel Palmerston NorthAverill Court Motel PaihiaAywon Motel RotoruaB&B@The Redwoods RotoruaBaden Lodge RotoruaBallina Motel NapierBallinor Motor Inn HamiltonBarclay Motel HamiltonBarclay Suites AucklandBarringtons Motor Lodge WhakataneBase Auckland HostelBassingers Motor Lodge LevinBay Cabinz Motel PaihiaBay Palm Motel Mount MaunganuiBaycrest Thermal LodgeBaywater Lakeview Motel TaupoBe My Guest Bed & Breakfast New PlymouthBeach Front Motel NapierBeach Street Motel Apartments New PlymouthBeachfront Resort WhitiangaBeachside Resort WhitiangaBeechtree Motel TaupoBeetham Park Motel HamiltonBella Vista Motel HamiltonBella Vista Motel NapierBella Vista Motel New PlymouthBella Vista Motel Palmerston NorthBella Vista Motel RotoruaBella Vista Motel TaupoBella Vista Motel WellingtonBella Vista Motel WhangareiBentleys Motor Inn Palmerston NorthBest Western Braeside Rotorua & Conference Centre MotelBest Western Ellerslie International Hotel AucklandBest Western Newmarket Inn & Suites AucklandBest Western Wellington MotelBethells Beach CottagesBianco Off Queen Apartments AucklandBirchwood Spa Motel RotoruaBk'S Rotorua Motor LodgeBlake Court Motel WhangamataBlue Pacific ApartmentsBluewater Hotel NapierBoulevard Waters Motor Lodge TaupoBounty Motel PaihiaBraemar Motor Lodge Palmerston NorthBreakers Motel WhangamataBreakwater Motel PaihiaBrenton Lodge WhangamataBrooklyn Motor Lodge HamiltonBrougham Heights Motel New PlymouthBrylin Motel RotoruaBuffalo Lodge CoromandelBy The Bay Beachfront Apartments MangonuiCaboose Lodge TaupoCamelot Motor Lodge Palmerston NorthCamelot On Ulster Motel HamiltonCampus Summer Stays - Auckland University HallCapital Gateway Motor Inn WellingtonCapital View Motor Inn WellingtonCapri On Fenton Motel RotoruaCaptain Cook Motor Lodge GisborneCarnmore Hotel Takapuna AucklandCarrington EstateCastaways Resort WaiukuCedar Court Motel NapierChampers Motor Lodge GisborneChantillys Motor Lodge TaupoChateau Tongariro Hotel Mount RuapehuCheviot Park Motor Lodge WhangareiCity Garden Lodge AucklandCity Lights Boutique Lodge RotoruaCity Of Sails Motel AucklandCitylife Auckland HotelCitylife Wellington HotelClaremont Studios And ApartmentsClarion Suites AmbassadorClearwater Motor Lodge TaupoCoastal Motor Lodge ThamesColonial House Motel KerikeriColonial Lodge Motel TaupoComfort Hotel Flames WhangareiCook'S Lookout Motel PaihiaCopthorne Hotel & Resort Bay Of Islands PaihiaCopthorne Hotel Auckland CityCopthorne Hotel Palmerston NorthCopthorne Hotel RotoruaCopthorne Hotel Wellington, Oriental BayCornwall Park Motor Inn AucklandCoromandel CottagesCoromandel Court MotelCotswold Cottage Bed And Breakfast ThamesCottage Mews Motel TaupoCreel Lodge TurangiCrowne Plaza Auckland, An Ihg HotelCumberland Court Motel HastingsDannemora Motor Inn AucklandDeco City Motor Lodge NapierDestiny On Fitzherbert Motel Palmerston NorthDevonwood Motel RotoruaDistinction Coachman Hotel, Palmerston NorthDistinction Hamilton Hotel & Conference CentreDistinction Hotel RotoruaDistinction Palmerston North Hotel & Conference CentreDistinction Wellington, Century City HotelDolphin Motel PaihiaDoubletree By Hilton Wellington HotelDoubtless Bay Villas Cable Bay Drovers Motor Inn Palmerston NorthDuke Of Marlborough Hotel RussellDukes Midway Lodge AucklandDupont MotelsDurham Court Motor InnEden Park Bed And Breakfast Inn AucklandEdgewater Lodge WellingtonEdgewater Motor Lodge NapierEdgewater Palms Apartments PaihiaEmerald Hotel GisborneEmerald Inn On Takapuna Beach AucklandEmerald Spa Motor Inn RotoruaEmotel TaupoEsplanade Apartments WhitiangaExecutive Motel TaupoFairley Motor Lodge NapierFairmont Motor Lodge HastingsFenton Court Motel RotoruaFern MotelFinns PaekakarikiFitzherbert Castle Motel Palmerston NorthFort Street Accommodation AucklandFountain City Motor Inn HamiltonFour Points By Sheraton Auckland HotelGateway Motor Inn Mount MaunganuiGeneva Motor Lodge RotoruaGolden Glow Motel RotoruaGrafton Cottage & Chalets ThamesGrand Mercure Puka Park Resort PauanuiGrand Millennium Auckland HotelGrange MotelGreenlane Manor Motel AucklandGreenlane Motel AucklandGreenlane Suites AucklandHahei Beach ResortHaka Lodge TaupoHamurana Lodge RotoruaHarbour City Motor Inn TaurangaHarbour View Motel CoromandelHarbour View Seaside Accommodation NapierHaruru Falls RetreatHavelock North Motor LodgeHawera Central Motor LodgeHeartland Hotel Auckland AirportHeritage Auckland, A Heritage HotelHillside HotelHoliday Inn Auckland Airport, An Ihg HotelHoliday Inn Rotorua, An Ihg HotelHotel On Devonport TaurangaHotel Waterloo & Backpackers WellingtonHygate Motor Lodge HamiltonJames Cook Hotel Grand Chancellor WellingtonJet Park Hotel Auckland AirportJet Park Hotel RotoruaJudges Pool Motel TurangiKapiti Gateway Motel WaikanaeKaraka Tree Motel TaupoKauri Park Motel KerikeriKennedy Park Resort NapierKerikeri Court MotelKerikeri Homestead Motel And ApartmentsKerikeri Park MotelKerry Lodge NapierKingsgate Hotel The Avenue WanganuiKnights Inn AucklandKoura Lodge RotoruaLake Rotorua HotelLake Taupo Motor InnLandmark Manor Motel New PlymouthLe Chalet Suisse Motel TaupoLisa Rose Motel NapierLivingston Motel WhakataneLockwood Manor Motel New PlymouthLupton Lodge WhangareiM Social Auckland HotelMalfroy Motor Lodge Rotorua - Accommodation And Mineral PoolMalones Spa Motel RotoruaMangonui Waterfront Apartments Boutique HotelManukau Motor Lodge AucklandMargrain Vineyard Villas MartinboroughMarine Reserved Apartments WhangamataMarineland Beachfront AccommodationMarksman Motor Inn WellingtonMasterton Motor LodgeMatamata Central MotelMillennium Hotel & Resort Manuels TaupoMillennium Hotel New Plymouth, WaterfrontMillennium Hotel RotoruaMotel De La Mer NapierMount Richmond Hotel AucklandNaumi Studio Wellington HotelNesuto Celestion Apartment Hotel AucklandNesuto Stadium Hotel AucklandNew Castle Motor Lodge RotoruaNgongotaha Lakeside Lodge RotoruaNovotel Auckland AirportNovotel Auckland EllerslieNovotel New Plymouth TaranakiNovotel Rotorua LakesideNovotel Tainui HamiltonNovotel WellingtonOak Estate Motor Lodge GreytownOasis Beach Resort TaupoOcean Beach Motor Lodge GisborneOceans Resort WhitiangaOceanside Motel WhitiangaOff Broadway Motel AucklandOkoroire Hot Springs HotelOmahu Motor Lodge HastingsOnetangi Beach ApartmentsOrchard Motel KerikeriPacific Coast Lodge And Backpackers Mount MaunganuiPacific Harbour Villas TairuaPacific Motor Inn Mount MaunganuiPaihia Beach Resort & Spa HotelPalm City Motor Inn NapierParaparaumu MotelParklane Motor Lodge AucklandParkside Hotel & Apartments AucklandPauanui Pines Motor LodgePearl Of The Bay Motel PaihiaPeppertree Lodge PaihiaPinot Villas MartinboroughPioneer Waterfront Apartments PaihiaPlymouth International Hotel New PlymouthPoenamo Hotel AucklandPorters Boutique Hotel Havelock NorthPortmans Motor Lodge HastingsPortside Hotel GisbornePowderhorn Chateau Hotel OhakunePrince'S Gate Hotel RotoruaProximity Apartments Manukau / Auckland AirportQ Hotel WellingtonQt Wellington HotelQuality Hotel Lincoln Green AucklandQuality Inn NapierQuality Suites Alexander Inn AucklandQuest Auckland AparthotelQuest Carlaw Park Serviced Apartments AucklandQuest Hamilton Serviced ApartmentsQuest Napier Serviced ApartmentsQuest On Beaumont Aparthotel AucklandQuest On Johnston Aparthotel WellingtonQuest On Queen Serviced Apartments AucklandQuest Parnell Aparthotel AucklandQuest Rotorua Central AparthotelQuest Taupo AparthotelQuest Wellington Serviced ApartmentsRamada Resort By Wyndham Rotorua MaramaRamada Suites By Wyndham Albany AucklandRamada Suites By Wyndham Auckland - Federal StreetRamada Suites By Wyndham Nautilus OrewaRaumati Sands Resort ParaparaumuRed Rock Thermal Motel RotoruaRedwood Lodge Bed And Breakfast OtorohangaRegent Of Rotorua Boutique HotelRock Solid Backpackers Hostel RotoruaRose City Motel Palmerston NorthRoselands Motel TaurangaRotorua Coachman Spa MotelRotorua MotelRotorua Thermal Holiday ParkRotovegas Motel RotoruaRoyal Park Lodge AucklandRydges Auckland HotelRydges Formosa Golf Resort AucklandRydges Wellington HotelSails On The Lake Motel TaupoScenic Hotel Bay Of Islands PaihiaScenic Hotel Te Pania NapierSea Spray Suites - Heritage Collection PaihiaSequoia Motel RotoruaShadzz Motel Palmerston NorthShoreline Motel NapierShortland Court Motel ThamesSkycity Hotel AucklandSnells Beach MotelSouth Park Motel MastertonSouth Street West Motel FeildingSport Of Kings Motel RotoruaStadium Motel HamiltonStone Store Lodge KerikeriSudima Auckland Airport HotelSudima Hotel Lake RotoruaSummit Motor Lodge TaurangaSuncourt Hotel & Conference Centre TaupoSunseeker Cottages - PaihiaTakapuna Motor Lodge AucklandTe Mata Lodge TapuTe Tiriti Motel PaihiaTeal Motor Lodge GisborneThe Anchorage Apartments Mount MaunganuiThe Anchorage Resort - Heritage Collection TaupoThe Backyard Inn RotoruaThe Church Accommodation HaheiThe Cove Motel TaupoThe Crown Hotel NapierThe Dawson Motel New PlymouthThe Devon Hotel A Heritage HotelThe Esplanade Hotel AucklandThe Georgian Lodge KerikeriThe Grand Treasure Hotel RotoruaThe Great Ponsonby ArthotelThe Martinborough HotelThe Northerner Hotel KaitaiaThe Oyster Inn OneroaThe Pacific Apartments Mount MaunganuiThe Parnell Hotel & Conference Centre AucklandThe Peaks Motor Inn OhakuneThe Quadrant Hotel & Suites AucklandThe Reef Resort - Heritage Collection TaupoThe River Lodge OhakuneThe Sebel Auckland Viaduct Harbour HotelThe Sebel Quay West Auckland AparthotelThe Spencer HotelThe State Hotel New PlymouthThe Strand Motel New PlymouthThe Surrey Hotel AucklandThe Tauranga On The Waterfront MotelThe Village Resort TaupoThornton Lodge Motel WaipukurauTotara Lodge TrenthamTravelodge Hotel WellingtonTrinity Wharf Tauranga HotelTuakau HotelTudor Court Motor Lodge AucklandTudor Lodge Motel HaweraTuscany Villas Heritage Boutique CollectionTuscany Villas WhakataneU Residence Hotel WellingtonUni Motel HamiltonUnion Victoria Motel RotoruaValdez Motor Lodge HastingsVerandahs Parkside LodgeVictoria Court Motor Lodge WellingtonVictoria Lodge RotoruaVilla Heights New PlymouthVillage Motel Havelock NorthVr Auckland City AparthotelVr Hamilton HotelVr Queen Street Hotel & Suites AucklandVr Rotorua Lake ResortVr Takapuna Aparthotel AucklandWai Ora Lakeside Spa Resort RotoruaWaiheke Island Resort OstendWaikanae Beach Top 10 Holiday Park GisborneWaipu Cove ResortWaipuna Hotel & Conference Centre AucklandWairakei Resort TaupoWaitomo Caves Guest LodgeWaitomo Top 10 Holiday Park Waitomo CavesWaldorf St MartinsWallaceville Motor Lodge Upper HuttWaterfront Apartments WhitiangaWaves Motel OrewaWellesley Boutique Hotel WellingtonWest Plaza Hotel WellingtonWillis Village WellingtonWrights By The Sea Motel ParaparaumuWylie Court Motor Lodge RotoruaYha Auckland City HostelYmca Hostel Auckland18Th Avenue Thermal Motel Tauranga747 Motel Wellington806 Motor Lodge HastingsAarangi Tui Motel PaihiaAaron Court Motor Inn HamiltonAbella Court MotelAcacia Lodge Motel MangonuiAccolade Lodge Motel RotoruaAce High Motor Inn NapierAce Motor Lodge RotoruaAdelaide Motel WellingtonAirport Gateway Hotel AucklandAirport Gold Star Motel AucklandAirport Manor Inn AucklandAirport Pacific Inn AucklandAirport Palms Hotel AucklandAirport Travel Air Motor Inn AucklandAlbany Executive Motor Inn AucklandAlbert Number 6 Motel WhitiangaAlfresco Bed And Breakfast WhakataneAlma Motel Wanganui WhanganuiAloha Seaview Resort Motel PaihiaAlpers Lodge & Conference Centre AucklandAlpha Motor Inn Palmerston NorthAmbassador Motel Palmerston NorthAmbassador Thermal Motel RotoruaAnglers Paradise Motel TurangiAotearoa Lodge WhitiangaApple Motor Inn HastingsAquarius Motor Inn HamiltonAscot Epsom Motel AucklandAscotia Off Queen Hotel AucklandAspect ApartmentsAtura Wellington HotelAuckland Airport Kiwi HotelAuckland Airport Kiwi MotelAuckland Airport MotelAuckland Rose Park HotelAustria Motel PaihiaAvalon Motel ThamesAvondale Motor Inn AucklandAztec Motel Palmerston NorthBaileys At The Beach Motel WhitiangaBamboo Lodge NapierBarcelona Motel TaupoBarrington Motel TaupoBavaria Bed & Breakfast AucklandBavaria Motel HamiltonBay Beauty Motel NapierBay Plaza Hotel WellingtonBay Sands Seafront Studios PaihiaBayview Motel PaihiaBeach Motel And CabinsBeachcomber Motel GisborneBeachfront Wellington Bed And BreakfastBel Aire Motel RotoruaBlue Haven Motel Mount MaunganuiBlue Water MotelBlue Wave Motel Mount MaunganuiBoundary Court Motor Inn HamiltonBraemar Motor Inn New PlymouthBreakwater Apartments NapierBreckenridge Lodge NapierBrentwood Hotel WellingtonBroadway Lodge Motel StratfordBroadway Motor Inn Palmerston NorthBucklands Beach Waterfront Motel AucklandBurgundy Rose Motel WhangareiCambrian Lodge Motel CambridgeCamellia Court Family Motel TaupoCarramar Motor Inn Palmerston NorthCentral City Accommodation Palmerston NorthCentral Court Motel WhangareiCherry Grove Motel Havelock NorthCity Close Motel NapierCity Cottages WellingtonClassic Motel HamiltonClaudelands Motel HamiltonClive Motel NapierCobblestone Court Motel TaurangaColonial City Motel HamiltonColumbia Apartments AucklandCoronation Court Motel New PlymouthCourtenay Village WellingtonCourtney Motel TaupoCrestwood Bed And BreakfastCypress Court Motel WhangareiDevonport Motel AucklandDilworth Motel AucklandDiscovery Lodge National ParkDiscovery Settlers Hotel WhangareiDrury Motor LodgeDunrovin Motel TaupoEast Pier Hotel NapierEastland Motor Lodge GisborneEcono Lodge City Central AucklandEcono Lodge Cleveland RotoruaEcono Lodge NapierEcono Lodge Wanganui WhanganuiEdelweiss Motel PaihiaEmpire Apartments AucklandEmpire Hotel FeatherstonEpsom Motel AucklandEpsom Motor Inn AucklandFairy Springs Motel RotoruaFalls Motel & Waterfront Campground PaihiaFat Camel Backpackers - AucklandFernleaf Motel RotoruaFlamingo Motel New PlymouthFour Canoes Hotel RotoruaGarden Court Motel TaurangaGardena Court Motel HamiltonGateway International Motel RotoruaGilmer Apartment Hotel WellingtonGloucester House Motel HastingsGlow Worm Motel Waitomo CavesGrafton Oaks Hotel AucklandGrand Chancellor CityGrand Hotel Wanganui WhanganuiGrosvenor MotelGwendoline Court Motor LodgeHahei Bed And BreakfastHalf Moon Bay Motel AucklandHalswell Lodge WellingtonHarbour City Motor Inn WellingtonHobson Motor Inn AucklandHotel Armitage And Conference CentreHowick Motor Lodge AucklandIbis Auckland Ellerslie HotelIbis Budget Auckland Airport HotelIbis Budget Auckland Central AparthotelIbis Hamilton Tainui HotelIbis Rotorua HotelIbis Wellington HotelKaitaia Motor LodgeKerikeri Farm HostelKingsgate Hotel Autolodge PaihiaKiwipaka WaitomoKowhai & Colonial Motel RotoruaLake Lodge Motel RotoruaLake Point Motel HamiltonLakefront Lodge TaupoLakeland Resort TaupoLakes Lodge B&B Rotorua (Adults Only)Lantana Lodge AucklandLeamington Spa Motel CambridgeLighthouse Lodge NapierMangonui MotelMarina Motor Lodge PoriruaMarlin Court Motel PaihiaMasonic Hotel WaitaraMatakana MotelMercure Wellington Abel Tasman HotelMiddlemore Motel AucklandMidway Motel RotoruaMill Lodge HamiltonMission Belle Motel Mount MaunganuiMon Logis Hotel NapierMotel 80 AucklandMotel RussellMotel Sierra WhangareiMotel Six HamiltonMotel Six WhangareiMountain View Motel TaupoMt Albert Motor Inn AucklandNewlands Court Motel WellingtonNo. 9 Hotel AucklandOakwood Manor Motor Lodge AucklandOhakune Court MotelOpononi HotelOpononi Lighthouse MotelOtaki MotelOtorohanga & Waitomo MotelsOtorohanga Country LodgeOutrigger Motel PaihiaPacific Rendezvous ResortPaihia Pacific Resort HotelPania Lodge Motel NapierPark Ave Residence AucklandParkside Lodge NapierParnell City Lodge AucklandParnell Pines Hotel AucklandPeninsula Motel WhitiangaPhoenix Resort TaupoPineland Motor Lodge RotoruaPipinui Motel WhangamataPohutu Lodge Motel RotoruaPresident Hotel AucklandPrinceton Apartments AucklandPure Motel & Guest HouseQuality Hotel Oceans TutukakaQuality Inn AngusQuality Inn Collegiate WhanganuiQueen Street Backpackers Hostel AucklandRaglan Sunset Motel And Conference VenueRainbow Motel TurangiRamada By Wyndham, Hamilton City CenterRayland Epsom Motel AucklandRayland Motel AucklandRelax A Lodge KerikeriRiverside Motel WhanganuiRiverview Motel WhanganuiRob Roy Motel RotoruaRolleston Motel ThamesRotorua Hideaway LodgeRuapehu Views Motel OhakuneSafari Motel TaihapeSails Motor Inn HamiltonSan Marino Motor Lodge Coopers BeachSanta Maria Motel RotoruaSeaport Village RussellSettlers Motel TurangiShepherds Arms Hotel WellingtonSiesta Motel AucklandSilveroaks GeyserlandSilveroaks Resort Heritage RotoruaSix On Union Motel RotoruaSkotel Alpine Resort Tongariro National ParkSpa Hotel TaupoSportsmans Lodge TurangiSugarloaf Lodge MatakanaSun Valley Motel WellsfordSundowner Spanish Lady Motel NapierSurf City Lodge GisborneSylvia Park Motel AucklandTairua Shores MotelTanoa Paihia HotelTe Aroha Holiday Park And Hot PoolsTe Henui Lodge New PlymouthTetra Serviced Apartments By Nesuto AucklandThe Cambridge Hotel WellingtonThe Cobb Hotel Palmerston NorthThe Dwellington HostelThe Highwayman Motel MastertonThe Lake Motel TaupoThe Park Hotel Ruapehu National ParkThe Salty Dog Inn Snells BeachThe Shakespeare Hotel AucklandThe Villas Palmerston NorthTiki Lodge TaupoTourist Court Motel WhakataneTower Road Motel MatamataTravellers Inn Motel GisborneTrinity Hotel WellingtonTudor Motor Lodge HamiltonTudor Park Motel GisborneTui Oaks Motel TaupoTurangi Bridge MotelTussock Grove Boutique Hotel OhakuneU Boutique Hotel WellingtonU Studios MastertonUenuku Lodge AucklandVentura Inn & Suites HamiltonVictoria Hotel Suites HamiltonWaiheke Island Motel OstendWaihi MotelWaikanae Beach Motel GisborneWaiuku MotelWillis Wellington HotelAaron Court Motel WhangareiAdelphi Motel TaupoAlbion Hotel AucklandAscot Lodge Motel HamiltonColonial Cottage Motel MastertonHaka Lodge Bay Of Islands PaihiaHaka Lodge Ponsonby AucklandKiwi International Hotel AucklandLodge In The City WellingtonManhattan Lodge Motel HamiltonMt Eden Motel AucklandNewton Lodge AucklandOssies Motels And Chalets OhakunePacific Harbour Lodge WhangaroaPapakura Pioneer Motor Lodge And MotelPukenui Lodge MotelRaglan Backpackers HostelRichmond Guest House WellingtonSunset Lodge Motel AucklandThe Marion Hostel WellingtonTongariro River Motel TurangiWaitomo Caves HotelWhakatane HotelArcadia Lodge RussellBoulcott Lodge WellingtonBridgehouse Lodge WarkworthCambridge CottageClive Colonial CottagesDelamore Lodge Waiheke IslandDriftwood Beachfront Accommodation, Cable Bay, Owhetu Cable Bay Earthsong Lodge TryphenaFlagstaff Lodge & Day Spa RussellFunky Green Voyager Backpackers Hostel RotoruaHowards Mountain Lodge National ParkHuka Lodge TaupoLake Karapiro Lodge TirauLake Taupo LodgeMangawhai Chalets VillaMount Eden VillaNicara Lakeside Lodge RotoruaOaklands Lodge AucklandOrmlie Lodge NapierPagoda Lodge KerikeriSolitaire Lodge RotoruaStation Lodge OhakuneSunseeker Lodge WhangaroaTairoa Lodge OhakuneTatahi Lodge Beach Resort HaheiTe Arai LodgeTe Awa LodgeThe Kinloch ManorThe Lodge At Kauri Cliffs Matauri BayThe Point Villas TaupoThe Sanctuary At Bay Of Islands Villa OpuaTongariro Lodge TurangiTurangi Leisure LodgeTurangi Trout LodgeWaiheke Island Guesthouse OstendWaihi Beach LodgeWarkworth LodgeWhakaipo Lodge TaupoWharekauhau Country Estate Villa Wairarapa

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