Gurteen Knowledge Café

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Welcome to the Gurteen Knowledge Café website. My name is David Gurteen, and I am a professional speaker and conversational facilitator.

I work with people in organizations to help them have more productive conversations to learn from each other, make better sense of the world and thus improve decision making and innovation. But more than anything else to help build community.

I have worked in the fields of knowledge management, organizational learning, and conversational leadership for over 20 years.

This site is a personal showcase and promotional vehicle for my Knowledge Cafés and my work on Conversational Leadership.

I give keynote talks, design and facilitate Knowledge Cafés, and run workshops where I teach people how to design and run Knowledge Cafés for themselves and to take a more conversational approach to their work.

David Gurteen
Fleet, England

If you would like to get a feel for what I talk about and my style, take a look at this video. It was taken at a knowledge sharing workshop I ran for the Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA) in Dubai in October 2013.

After a short talk by me about the power of conversation and an overview of the Knowledge Cafe process, the trigger question for the conversation was “What can we each do individually to encourage more knowledge sharing in our organization?”

The KHDA is responsible for the growth, direction and quality of private education and learning in Dubai. They are a regulatory authority in the Government of Dubai which supports the improvement of schools, universities, training institutes and other human resource sectors.

This is a short video shot at APM Project Management Conference in May 2016 where I gave a talk on Conversational Leadership.